Act 8

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Read the following news headings:

Pay attention to the way it is written and the reason for it, discuss why news headings are
presented this way.

2. Rewrite the headings to full sentences using the correct tense of passive voice. Add articles,
prepositions and any other necessary word.

 A kid has been found on street a winning lottery.

 A man were invited to famous soccer team after seen playing on street.
 A woman was given a role in movie after meeting celebrity crush.

3. Choose one of the headings in exercise 1. Write a 500 – 700 word news report, that is,
expand your ideas from exercise 3. Your news report should include passive voice and
modals of deduction.

4. Identify the passive voice in AT LEAST 5 sentences from your news report in exercise
Write the passive voice in bold and write the tense in which they are.
 Example: “A winning lottery ticket was found on the street by a kid. – Simple past.

 winning lottery ticket was found on the street by a child.

 a man instead of taking it off has been told him to run to redeem it.
 the kid has been made on street a technique.
 a organization to train young people and care for orphans has been create as he did.
 A young kid has been redeem the prize and got the money.

A young man tells us how as a child he managed to find a lottery ticket and win, and it was something
curious how he found it, mostly because it was something that anyone could have done. winning lottery
ticket was found on the street by a child, the boy named Naruto Uzumaki was on the street and the poor
man had lost his parents but he wanted to become a person who would help others and take away the
hate of the world, He was walking down the street and met an old man who told him to look for things in
an alley, the boy did it and while he was looking for a ticket that said something about a lottery, he went
with a man instead of taking it off has been told him to run to redeem it, It can be said that the young
Naruto had people who took care of him and trained him to become the best warrior, so he went with
them and told them and one of his teachers, Jiraiya, went to redeem it with his little student, But they
didn't count that Naruto was a child who already knew martial arts and could easily beat the thieves with
some techniques that I call the Rasengan or the fox punch, the kid has been made on street a technique,
and so they came to the exchange pot and congratulated the child and made him news in his time but
now the child who is a more grown up young man tells us more about how he got there and what he did
after the money exchange. A young kid has been redeem the prize and got the money but his teacher did
not let him spend it and recommended that he keep the money and go training and when the time came
to spend it, then he listened to him and continued training until he became the strongest warrior of all,
which made many want to challenge him and others had respect for him, he used the money, a
organization to train young people and care for orphans has been create as he did. This is how the Naruto
Uzumaki himself mentions us and in fact he is already in the process of generating and will continue to
invest his money in future projects.

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