CH 8 SST The New Political Formation

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The Crisis of the Empire and the Later Mughals
● At the end of the 7th century, Emperor Aurangzeb went through a difficult period when he
waged a protracted war in the Deccan and exhausted his wealth and military power. The power
of the government is collapsi”g. The nobles took control over their regions, and the revenue of
the capital declined.
● The pressure to increase taxes caused resistance from farmers and zamindari.
● Some leaders try to gain power.
● These circumstances enabled local nobles, chiefs, and rebels to acquire great power.
● The invasion of Afghan rulers also increased the economic status of the Mughals.
● Competition between various nobles, namely the Iranis and the Taranis, further accentuates the
empire’s decline.
1. Hyderabad
● NizamulMulk Asaf Jah, the founder of Hyderabad, was an influential member of the court of
the Mughal Emperor Farouk Sial.
● He was assigned to manage Awad and then was set to take over Deccan.

2. Awadh
● Awadh Burhanul Mulk Sa’adat Khan was the leader of Awadh in 1722.
● Due to Bangladeshi trade and rich alluvial soil, Awadh is a prosperous area.
● Burhanul Mulk attempted to reduce the Mughal influence on Awad by changing his imperial
Q-1 Write the answer
(a) Aurangzeb fought a protracted war in the ____________________.
(b) Umara and jagirdars constituted powerful sections of the Mughal _______________.
(c ) Asaf Jah founded the Hyderabad state in _____________________.
(d)The founder of the Awadh state was ______________________.
Q-2 State whether true or false.
(a) Nadir Shah invaded Bengal.
(b) Sawai Raja Jai Singh was the ruler of Indore.
©Guru Gobind Singh was the tenth Guru of the Sikhs.
(d)Poona became the capital of the Marathas in the eighteenth century.
Q-3 Match the following
(a) Subadar 1. provincial governor
(b) Faujdar 2. a Mughal military commander
(c) Jamadar 3. a revenue farmer
(d) Misl 4. a band of Sikh warriors
(e) Chauth 5. tax levied by the Marathas
(f) Kunbis 6. Marathas peasant warriors
(g) Umara 7.a high noble

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