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First of all, our group would like to send our sincere thanks to Mrs. Tran Thi Hong
Lien for giving us great care, help, and guidance in the process of studying and
learning about the subject of Entrepreneurship in Marketing.

These are extremely valuable suggestions not only in the process of studying and
writing this essay but also as a stepping stone for us in the future. Perhaps knowledge
is limitless, but each person's own knowledge acquisition always has certain
limitations, so in the process of completing the essay, shortcomings are inevitable. Our
group is looking forward to receiving comments from you to improve our essay. We
wish you good health and success in life especially in your teaching career.

Sincerely thank you!


I. PROJECT OVERVIEW...........................................................................................4
II. OBJECTIVE............................................................................................................ 5
III. KEY TO SUCCESS............................................................................................... 6
IV. BUSINESS IDEA.................................................................................................... 7
V. SERVICE.................................................................................................................. 8
1. Main Feature......................................................................................................... 8
2. Service Pricing...................................................................................................... 8
VI. SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS................................................................................. 9
VII. MARKET ANALYSIS........................................................................................11
1. Driving Factors....................................................................................................12
2. Restraining Factors..............................................................................................13
3. Growth Opportunity............................................................................................ 14
4. Recent Development........................................................................................... 15
5. Competitive Analysis.......................................................................................... 16
VIII. MARKETING AND GO-TO-MARKET STRATEGIES..............................17
1. Marketing Strategies........................................................................................... 17
2. Go-to-Market Strategy........................................................................................ 18
3. Future Plans.........................................................................................................19
4. Financial Planning...............................................................................................19
IX. BUSINESS MODEL............................................................................................ 21
X. RISK PREDICTION............................................................................................. 22
XI. LEGAL MATTERS............................................................................................. 23
1. Regarding enterprises..........................................................................................23
2. Regarding technical conditions........................................................................... 25
XII. INVESTMENT INCENTIVES..........................................................................27
XIII. CONCLUSION..................................................................................................28

Mackerel Agency where we craft compelling personal brands that leave a lasting
impression. Established in 2023, we've been on a mission to transform individuals into
standout brands, helping them navigate the ever-evolving landscape of personal
branding with finesse and creativity. We recognize the importance of authenticity and
innovation in a world that values individuality, and our mission is to assist Generation
Z in shaping their personal narratives and making a meaningful impact.

Generation Z who is our target audience expresses the passion for the chance to grow.
This generation has grown up with instant worldwide connectedness, thanks to
smartphones, tablets, wearable gadgets, social media platforms, and so on. As a result,
technology, including Internet access, is an even more important element of their life.
Besides, individuals of Generation Z are content creators. They get materials through
social media and quick internet connectivity. Generation Z perceives online 'personal
branding' as an essential means for gaining an advantage in employment marketplaces
(the study from the University of East Anglia in collaboration with the University of
Greenwich). Generation Z prefers an authentic personal brand characterized by a
dynamic, interactive, and evolving style. This approach embraces the idea that
personal brands don't have to project an image of perfection; instead, individuals are
open to sharing their imperfections and vulnerabilities.

From there, we developed and formulated the notion of delivering personal branding
services exclusively for Generation Z, with the goal of assisting young people in
differentiating themselves and seizing additional growth chances.

According to the stated concept, Mackerel Agency seeks to provide Generation Z the
ability to shine and express themselves via personal branding. This allows individuals
to stand out, acquire more possibilities at work, and build a stepping stone for their

1. Enhanced Online Presence: Enhance Mackerel Agency's online presence

through creative outreach strategies on key social media platforms. This
includes building an active online community and sharing valuable content
about personal branding trends.

2. Strategic Partners: Build strategic partnerships with influential businesses,

organizations, and individuals in the field of personal branding. The goal is to
create strategic partnership opportunities to expand impact and bring unique
value to customers.

3. Expanding Customer List: Strengthen marketing strategy to expand the

customer list, aiming for diversity and representing customers in many different
fields. Acquire at least 35 packages in the first quarter, 47 packages in the
second quarter, 62 packages in the third quarter, and 82 packages in the fourth

4. Effective Customer Care: Aim to build an excellent customer care program to

retain and develop long-term relationships with current customers. This
includes providing dedicated customer service and implementing effective
customer retention strategies.

5. Create a Dynamic Community: Develop an online platform or

community-based on dynamism and creativity, attracting young people with
passion in the field of personal branding. Create a space for them to share
ideas, and comments and seek opportunities for collaboration.

6. Support Personal Growth: Aim to create a community that is not only a place
to share knowledge but also a place to support personal growth. Provide
encouragement, and create opportunities for cooperation and support so that
each member can develop comprehensively both personally and professionally.

In today's competitive work world, Mackerel Agency examines trends and seeks to
understand the demands of Generation Z. Furthermore, keeps up to date and offer
chances and networking in the community for young people to produce long-term
- Create a detailed plan for your personal branding journey
- Customize clear roadmaps and plans suitable for each individual
- Building branding images that both meet user needs and ensure professionalism
- Operate and implement plans on a variety of social networking platforms
(Facebook, Instagram, TikTok...)
- Manage and execute strategies across many social networking sites (Facebook,
Instagram, TikTok, etc.).
- Support resources, equipment, and quality assurance for each stage of the plan -
Monitor public reactions and input, then modify and enhance to increase
- Providing clients with prospects for growth and long-term sustainable value

Mackerel Agency is a group of students with entrepreneurial aspirations studying at

the University of Economics and Law (National University, Ho Chi Minh City). The
group's members are all majoring in Marketing, so they easily grasp trends,
understand the pain points of Generation Z customers, are familiar with social
networking platforms, create connections in the community, and wish to help young
people develop themselves. Therefore, existing resources have contributed to building
expertise in operations, saving costs, and promoting our strengths. By generating
value for each individual who establishes personal branding, Mackerel Agency
intends to gain influence among young people and achieve assured success.

We expect to break even in September in the first year. Total capital is 500,000,000
VND and calls for investment of 20% shares with a value of 100,000,000 VND. (The
income value associated with the expected number of customers is mentioned above
in the Goals section.)

The business idea came from the group members realizing that the current job market
is very competitive and gradually saturated, especially during the economic crisis in
recent years. Among the ways to build a profile to apply for a job, our team recognizes
that building a personal brand is one of the great strengths that help young people
express themselves and stand out in the eyes of employers in the workplace and the
community in general. Personal branding does not stop there; it also assists people in
being more confident in communication and social interaction. From there, creating a
solid stepping stone for development and receiving many opportunities in the future.
With the desire to solve the obstacles in finding a job for our group members, we
created this service to help ourselves and young people out there who are facing the
same situation. Our team will build each detailed plan including each stage, each
activity, and each posted content meticulously and professionally. Customers will be
able to customize the plan according to their purposes and needs.

Our team will advise each customer on brand strategy, identity design and creation,
online and offline brand maintenance, and crisis management strategies when
difficulties arise. Customers can improve their skills, rectify their deficiencies, and
draw the attention of influential individuals in their profession. Customer service will
be primarily concerned with answering queries and fulfilling requests. All will present
answers for Generation Z people to break through their personal barriers and succeed
on their job development route with Mackerel Agency.

Personal branding services will assist those in Generation Z in positioning themselves.
Customers who leave information or actively contact us will receive assistance and
consultation on their questions, and they can book directly through the website and
pick the service package that best fits them.

1. Main Feature
Mackerel Agency's personal branding services include:
+ Researching the field and market situation that customers are looking to target
(Basic Package)
+ Brand building strategy consulting (Basic Package)
+ Creating detailed plans for each stage, specific activity and KPI (Basic
+ Soft skills classes are available to practice and improve knowledge (Basic
+ Support for designing and producing images, materials, and media content
(Premium Package)
+ Providing services on multiple social media platforms (Premium Package)
+ Join the expanding networking community (Premium Package)
+ Monitor results, interactions and adjust plans/ directions to catch up trends and
suits situations (VIP Package)
+ Introduce Mentors in specific field to directly connect and exchange
information with customers (VIP Package)

2. Service Pricing

60 mins 90 mins 120 mins

Consultant 800.000 VND 1.000.000 VND 1.500.000 VND

3 months 6 months 9 months

Basic Package 10.000.000 VND 20.000.000 VND 40.000.000 VND

Premium Package 18.000.000 VND 38.000.000 VND 58.000.000 VND

VIP Package 25.000.000 VND 45.000.000 VND 65.000.000 VND

Unit: VND
This is a reference price list only, prices may change after project completion and plan


According to statistics from the Center for Training Support and Manpower Supply
(Ministry of Education and Training), every year more than 400,000 bachelors
graduate. However, the unemployment figure is nearly 20%. This number is quite
high, compared to the general unemployment rate of young people aged 20 - 24 in the
country in 2019, which was 6.1%. Many studies have shown that many different
factors affect student's ability to find jobs after graduation. Through a survey of a
group of Van Lang University students conducted on 820 people, the 3 main reasons
why graduates are unemployed come from a university degree without excellent
grades (25.1%); No experience/ Lack of soft skills (58%); The job application is not
impressive (49%).

In employment matters, those who build a good personal brand will attract the
attention of employers, thereby increasing their chances of being hired. Career-Builder
- The world's leading company in human resource solutions has shown that 60% of
employers consider personal profiles on social networks to hire candidates. Recruiters
today tend to find candidate information through different information channels such
as social media sites instead of just viewing information through traditional job
applications. Furthermore, 90% of job seekers in VietnamWorks' survey said they
more or less realized the importance of building a personal brand. However, only 20%

of them think they have a personal brand and 10% have an effective personal branding

Realizing that potential customers are very interested in building a personal brand, but
very few of them have a clear direction for building their personal brand, we
interviewed several customers (~50 people) to find and understand pain points more
deeply. These are the main reasons that make Gen Z hesitate to build a personal brand:

​ - Social Pressure: Gen Z often faces social pressure and constant comparison
on social media. This can make them apprehensive about self-expression,
fearing negative judgments.
​ - Privacy Concerns: There might be concerns within Gen Z about oversharing
personal information on social media due to fears of harassment, privacy
violations, or misuse of personal information.
​ - Self-Uncertainty: Some in Gen Z might feel uncertain about themselves,
their desires, and their personal values, making it challenging to define and
build a clear - personal brand.
​ - Understanding of Personal Branding: Gen Z might not have a clear
understanding of what personal branding means and how to build a strong one.
Guidance and support could boost their confidence in shaping their image and
​ - Changing and Diverse Interests: Gen Z's interests and viewpoints are
diverse and rapidly changing. This diversity can make it difficult for them to
establish a consistent and coherent personal brand over time.


According to Market Research, Personal Development Market size is expected to be

worth around USD 65.4 Bn by 2032 from USD 40.7 Bn in 2022, growing at a CAGR
of 5% during the forecast period from 2023 to 2032.

The personal development market, an indispensable component of the path to

self-actualization, invigorates individuals by bringing them closer to their latent
greatness. Its inherent virtues endow adherents with an enhanced propensity for
emotional intelligence, the virtuosity of eloquent communication, a fortified bastion of
self-confidence, the acumen for effective stress management, and the wisdom to
generate more prudent decisions.

As the personal development market expands, it has attracted significant investments

from a wide range of industries, including the technological forefront, the educational
establishment, and the sanctity of holistic well-being. Educational institutions,
ever-adapting to the zeitgeist, have deftly incorporated personal development courses
into their meticulously constructed curricula, thereby providing young minds with the
tools to engineer their self-actualization.

1. Driving Factors

Increasing Demand for Personal Development Stimulates Market Expansion

As more and more people recognize the importance of self-improvement, the personal
development market has experienced a tremendous influx in recent years. Increasing
awareness of the importance of personal development and its role in achieving
personal and professional success is one of the most important factors influencing this

Advances in Technology are Fostering a Boom in Accessible Self-Improvement.

The industry's accelerated technological development is a further factor. The advent of

digital technology has made online courses and coaching more accessible and
affordable than ever before. This has made it possible for people from all walks of life
to access learning programs that are tailored to their specific requirements and

Customized Coaching Drives a Surge in Personal Development.

In addition, there is a growing demand for individualized learning and coaching, with
people seeking out professionals who can provide personalized guidance to help them
achieve their objectives. As part of their personal development journey, people are
actively seeking out self-help and motivational content.

Wellness Wave Strengthens the Personal Development Sector

Altering consumer perceptions toward health and well-being has also contributed to
the growth of the personal development market. People are beginning to perceive the
connection between personal growth and physical health, which has increased interest
in mindfulness, meditation, and other wellness practices.

2. Restraining Factors

Overcoming Market Challenges

We understand that launching a new business or expanding an existing one can be a

challenging endeavor. In a congested and competitive marketplace, numerous factors
can hinder our ability to succeed.

Carving Unique Niche

In all industries, competition is inevitable. However, when the Personal Development

Market is oversaturated with similar products or services, it can be challenging to
stand out from the competition. The key to business success in a congested market is
to carve out a unique niche.

Success in Targeted Marketing Efforts

Concentrate on what differentiates our product or service from others on the market.
Focus on customer service, affordability, and quality. Consider offering a level of
customization that our competitors do not, to provide our customers with a more
unique experience.

Building Brand Recognition

Any business's ability to develop brand awareness and market visibility is crucial to its
success. Sadly, numerous businesses struggle with this aspect of their operations. The
key to success is developing a targeted marketing strategy that addresses the particular
pain points of our target audience.

3. Growth Opportunity

Booming Personal Development Market

The Personal Development Market is a swiftly expanding industry with enormous

growth potential. It consists of individuals who are always seeking to enhance their
lives, both personally and professionally. This market is driven by the growing need
for self-improvement and the consistent demand for personal development goods and
services. Opportunities in the Personal Development Market are extensive, and the
market has enormous growth potential in the coming years.

The Evolution of Online Coaching

Personal development is now more accessible than ever thanks to the internet.
Individuals can learn from the convenience of their own residences by taking online
coaching courses. As more individuals turn to the Internet for their educational
requirements, the market for online coaching courses continues to expand. Online
coaching courses are convenient, reasonably priced, and provide valuable insights for
personal development.

Expertise of Collaboration

Collaboration with industry experts is an excellent way to grow our personal

development business. They can share with our audience their valuable perspectives,
knowledge, and experience. Partnering with speakers who have established
themselves as industry thought leaders will help your personal development business
grow by providing credibility, increased reach, and valuable content for our target

Individualized Training Courses

In the industry of personal development, customized one-on-one training programs are

a valuable asset. We can provide a personalized experience that addresses the unique
challenges and objectives of your clients by adapting your services to their specific

requirements. Customized training programs are an excellent way to distinguish your
business from rivals while providing a valuable service to your clients.

4. Recent Development
- In 2023, Technology and Personal Growth Integration The integration of
technology into personal development practices began in 2023 as technology
continued to advance.
- In 2022, The Rise of Personalized Learning and Coaching In the field of
personal development, personalized learning, and coaching gained more
prominence in 2022.
- In 2021, Mental Health and Wellness Will Be Highlighted The recognition and
emphasis on mental health and wellness increased in 2021.
- In 2020, Remote Learning and Online Courses will be prevalent. The 2020
COVID-19 pandemic prompted a significant transition toward remote learning
and online classes.
- In 2019, Mindfulness and Meditation App Growth In recent years,
mindfulness and meditation practices for personal development have gained in

5. Competitive Analysis

Our direct competitors in the market are analyzed below:

Competitor Description Offerings Target Strengths Weaknesses


Sao Kim Marketing Comprehensive Enterprise, famous, Pricing

Branding agency in branding individual, professional
quite high
consulting solutions from primarily agency -
and brand strategic enterprise cooperated
design consulting, with many
identity system big brands
design to brand

BC Agency Media and Effective Enterprise, Good price Not many

advertising marketing individual,
choices of
company solutions to reach primarily
potential enterprise service
customers with
the highest
conversion rate

Advertising multimedia Providing Enterprise, Have a Limited

Vietnam marketing comprehensive individual, website
Network agency advertising startup8 system:
network:, provided
right people, right,... for
place, right time, customers to
right message list profile

Mackerel’s competitive analysis highlights the strengths and weaknesses of key

competitor, providing valuable insight for positioning and differentiating our service
in the market.

1. Marketing Strategies

Mackerel mainly concentrates on digital marketing strategies. Base on the above

consumer web influence map, we propose the following specific strategies:

- Content Marketing
+ Collaborate with universities to organize webinars and workshops on the theme
of "Personal Branding," introducing service packages to our target audience -
university students interested in this offering.
+ Create valuable and informative blog content such as strategies for rapid
promotion, identifying what makes you stand-out,... on the Mackerel’s website
to attract and educate the target audience.

- Social Media Marketing

+ Concentrate efforts on Facebook, TikTok, and LinkedIn to reach our target
audience. Mackerel owned a Facebook fanpage called “Mackerel Agency”.
+ Actively engage with and post contents in community groups with a high
concentration of our target audience, such as "GenZ Muốn Đi Làm" (GenZ

Wants to Work), and on websites and fanpages of media sponsors such as Ybox
and VietnamWorks.
+ Implement paid social media advertising campaigns on Facebook to raise mass
awareness for broad customer files, aiming for a significant increase in new

- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Implement SEO strategies to complement content marketing and social media
marketing efforts, boosting online visibility and organic traffic.

- Influencer Marketing
Initiate partnerships with online nano and micro-influencers due to their cost-effective
engagement rates. Mackerel intends to collaborate with Ms. Xuan Quynh, a TikToker
with 30 thousand followers, and Mr. Hai Dang Nguyen, a YouTuber with inspiring
stories in career development. Both have successful careers through leveraging
personal branding, aligning with Mackerel values and targeting specific audiences
interested in this field.

2. Go-to-Market Strategy
- Stage 1: Mackerel initiates a private experiential service for a select group of
customers reached through our network. This allows us to gather feedback and
make tailored adjustments.

- Stage 2: Mackerel introduces the service to the market without running

advertising campaigns. We target a small number of customers organically
reached through marketing channels such as webinars and social media
fanpages. Feedback collected during this phase guides further refinements to
align with customer preferences.

- Stage 3: Mackerel runs paid social media advertising campaigns on Facebook

to generate widespread awareness among a diverse customer base. The goal is

to significantly boost new customer acquisition, leveraging insights gained
from earlier stages to enhance effectiveness.

3. Future Plans
Mackerel envisions a dynamic and innovative future, marked by strategic
diversification and continuous innovation in the realm of Personal Branding Services.
Our key focus areas include:
- Technology Integration
Implementing technologies to enhance customers’ experience including
developing a user-friendly mobile application for personalized branding on the
go, using chatbots to solve some frequently asked questions from customers
and integrating advanced analytics to track and optimize personal brand
- Diversification of Services
Launching additional services in different fields such as career coaching, public
speaking training, communications for effective working,... to further empower
our customers with a full course of career development.

4. Financial Planning
+ The economic situation will get better in 2024.
+ The competition rate in the job market stays steady as 2023 or slightly
+ Financial planning is based on balancing minimum sales volume against
maximum costs.

Pro Forma Statements for 2024:


Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec


Branding $10.000 $11.000 $12.100 $13.310 $14.641 $16.105 $17.716 $19.487 $21.436 $23.579 $25.937 $28.531

$5.000 $5.500 $6.050 $6.655 $7.321 $8.053 $8.858 $9.744 $10.718 $11.790 $12.969 $14.266

Total Revenue $15.000 $16.500 $18.150 $19.965 $21.962 $24.158 $26.573 $29.231 $32.154 $35.369 $38.906 $42.797


Number of
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

Salaries and
$8.000 $8.000 $8.000 $8.000 $8.000 $8.000 $8.000 $8.000 $8.000 $8.000 $8.000 $8.000

Marketing and
$4.000 $4.000 $4.000 $4.000 $4.000 $4.000 $4.000 $4.000 $4.000 $4.000 $4.000 $4.000

Office Rent $1.000 $1.000 $1.000 $1.000 $1.000 $1.000 $1.000 $1.000 $1.000 $1.000 $1.000 $1.000

$500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

$500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

Utilities and
$1.000 $1.000 $1.000 $1.000 $1.000 $1.000 $1.000 $1.000 $1.000 $1.000 $1.000 $1.000

Other Expense $1.000 $1.000 $1.000 $1.000 $1.000 $1.000 $1.000 $1.000 $1.000 $1.000 $1.000 $1.000

Total Expenses $16.000 $16.000 $16.000 $16.000 $16.000 $16.000 $16.000 $16.000 $16.000 $16.000 $16.000 $16.000

Tax (20%) $3.000 $3.300 $3.630 $3.993 $4.392 $4.832 $5.315 $5.846 $6.431 $7.074 $7.781 $8.559

Net profit -$4.000 -$2.800 -$1.480 -$28 $1.569 $3.326 $5.259 $7.385 $9.723 $12.295 $15.125 $18.237


The table above illustrates Mackerel's business model. The marketing sector takes
center stage during the go-to-market phase to raise awareness among customers in the
market and attract potential customers. Salaries and Marketing costs are the main
expenses of Mackerel, and customer usage of the service is the main source of income
for Mackerel. The Professional Development expenses are grouped under staff costs,
while expenses related to utilities and maintenance, along with other miscellaneous
expenses, are grouped under operating costs. The profits generated will be reinvested
to expand the business scale, acquire and upgrade equipment, cover employee
benefits, and so on.


Many risks can occur during project operation, our team divided them into 3 types:

Potential Risks
Risk Category Mitigation Strategies
and Impact
Slow user adoption Conduct extensive user training sessions and
due to competition or provide robust support. Regularly assess user
Adoption Risk
learning curve. feedback for feature enhancement.
Assess the competitive landscape on a regular
Competetive Aggressive moves by
basis and adjust marketing and feature tactics
Technical risks Pressure competitors.
as needed.
Customer Over time, services Consistently enhance services to satisfy client
Preferences may become outdated requests by increasing people knowledge,
Continuously compared to changing scheduling training sessions, and developing
Change market demands. talent.
Implement competitive pay packages as well
Talent Difficulties in
as continual professional development. Create
Acquisition and attracting and retaining
a welcoming and inclusive workplace
Retention Risk skilled personnel.
Management risks Establish strategic partnerships for funding,
reassess the budget, identify priorities, and
Insufficient funding for
Financial Risk implement cost-cutting measures. Implement
growth and operations.
cost control measures and periodic financial
Regulatory Changes in personal Stay up to date on regulatory changes and
Compliance data protection and use swiftly update platform functionality to
Risk of internet services. maintain compliance.
Reduction in agency
Economic During economic uncertainty, diversify target
Commercial risks budgets affecting
Downturn sectors and provide cost-effective strategies.
Conduct thorough market research before
Expansion Difficulties in entering
expansion. Build local partnerships to navigate
Challenges new market.
regulatory and cultural nuances.


Based on:

- Decree No. 47/2021/NĐ-CP providing guidance on the 2020 Enterprise Law.

- Decree No. 01/2021/NĐ-CP regarding Business Registration.

- Enterprise Law 2020, numbered 59/2020/QH14.

- Commercial Law 2005, numbered 36/2005/QH11.

- Decree No. 13/2023/NĐ-CP on personal data protection.

- Decree No. 72/2013/NĐ-CP dated July 15, 2013, of the Government on the
management, provision, and use of internet services and information on the

From Government Laws and Decrees, the team has summarized and identified several
legal issues as follows:

1. Regarding enterprises

Referring to Article 1, Section 18 of Decree No. 01/2021/NĐ-CP and Section 2,

Article 41 of the 2020 Enterprise Law, there are provisions regarding the enterprise's
name: In cases where the enterprise bears a foreign name, the foreign name of the
enterprise shall be printed or written in smaller font size compared to the Vietnamese
name of the enterprise at its headquarters, branches, representative offices, business
locations, or on transaction documents, records, and publications issued by the

According to Article 42 of the 2020 Enterprise Law, regulations regarding the

enterprise's head office stipulate that: The enterprise's head office, located within the
territory of Vietnam, constitutes the contact address of the enterprise and is
determined based on administrative geographical units. It includes a telephone
number, fax number, and email address (if available).

Based on Article 75 of the 2005 Commercial Law, the rights to provide and use
services by traders are exercised as follows:

Except for cases where the law or international agreements of the Socialist Republic
of Vietnam, as a member, stipulate otherwise, traders have the following rights to
provide services:

- Providing services to residents in Vietnam for use within the territory of


- Providing services to non-residents in Vietnam for use within the territory of


- Providing services to residents in Vietnam for use outside the territory of


- Providing services to non-residents in Vietnam for use outside the territory of


Based on Articles 10, 11, and 12 in Section 2, Chapter 1 of the Commercial Law No.
36/2005/QH11: Basic principles in commercial activities.

- Principle of equality before the law for traders in commercial activities: Traders
of all economic sectors are equal before the law in commercial activities.
- Principle of freedom and voluntary agreement in commercial activities.

(i) Parties have the right to freely negotiate, not contrary to legal provisions,
local customs, and social ethics to establish the rights and obligations of the parties in
commercial activities. The state respects and protects these rights.

(ii) In commercial activities, all parties participate voluntarily, and no party is

allowed to impose, coerce, threaten, or obstruct another.

- Principle of applying customary practices in commercial activities established

between parties: Unless otherwise agreed, parties are presumed to apply
customary practices in commercial activities established between them that
they know or should know, provided these practices do not violate legal

2. Regarding technical conditions

Based on Article 3, Chapter 1 of Decree No. 13/2023/NĐ-CP on personal data

protection: Principles of personal data protection.

1. Personal data is processed in accordance with legal regulations.

2. Data subjects are informed about activities related to the processing of their
personal data, unless otherwise stipulated by law.

3. Personal data is only processed for the purposes defined by the Data Controller,
Data Processor, Data Controller and Processor, Third-party data registration,
declaration regarding personal data processing.

4. Collected personal data must be appropriate and limited in scope and purpose
of processing. Personal data must not be bought or sold in any form, except as
otherwise provided by law.

5. Personal data is updated and supplemented as appropriate for processing


6. Personal data is subject to protection and security measures during processing,

including protection against violations of personal data protection regulations
and prevention of loss, destruction, or damage due to incidents, using technical

7. Personal data is stored for a duration appropriate to the purpose of data

processing, except as otherwise provided by law.

8. The Data Controller, Data Controller and Processor are responsible for
complying with the principles of data processing outlined from Sections 1 to 7
of this Article and proving their compliance with these data processing

Based on Articles 10, 19, and 26 of Decree No. 72/2013/NĐ-CP dated July 15, 2013
of the Government on the management, provision, and use of internet services and
information on the internet, the rights and obligations of social media users are as

1. Users are entitled to use social media services except for those services
prohibited by law.
2. Users have the right to privacy regarding personal information in accordance
with the law.
3. Users must comply with regulations governing the management, provision, and
use of social media services.
4. Users are responsible for the content they store, provide, or transmit on social
media platforms and disseminate information through direct links they
5. Users are allowed to use internet services except those prohibited by law.
6. Users must adhere to the operational hours of public internet access points.
7. Users are prohibited from commercializing internet services through any means.
8. Users must comply with regulations ensuring information security, information
safety, and related provisions.

Additionally, users must comply with the rights and obligations specified in Article
16, Clause 1 of the Telecommunications Law as follows:

1. The freedom to select a telecommunications enterprise or an authorized

telecommunications service agency to contract telecommunications services.
2. The right to request necessary information related to using telecommunications
services from telecommunications enterprises or authorized
telecommunications service agencies.
3. Using telecommunications services according to quality standards and
agreed-upon charges.
4. The right to refuse the use of telecommunications services, wholly or partially,
according to the contractual agreement.
5. Ensuring the privacy of personal information as per legal regulations.

6. The right to file complaints about service charges and quality, receiving
reimbursement for charges, and compensation for direct damages caused by
errors of telecommunications enterprises or authorized telecommunications
service agencies.
7. Making full and timely payments for telecommunications service charges.
8. Compensation for direct damages caused by their errors to telecommunications
enterprises or authorized telecommunications service agencies.
9. Accepting legal responsibility for transmitted, disseminated, or stored content
on telecommunications networks.
10. Prohibited use of telecommunications infrastructure for telecommunications
service businesses.


The total necessary investment capital to kickstart the business is 500,000,000 VND
which is committed capital from the owner. The anticipated amount to be raised from
investment is 100,000,000 VND. The primarily invested amount will be allocated to
cover operational costs, sustain business operations, and provide staff training for the
initial year.

External investors contributing capital will be directly involved in the financial

advisory process for the project. Therefore, an investor with experience and
knowledge in the financial sector would be advantageous for the successful outcome
of the project. Investors are also bound to the project for a minimum of two years,
beneficial for both the startup enterprise and the investors.

Upon successful project completion and profit generation, the Mackerel Agency
commits to provide 20% of shares among investors based on the total capital
contributed to the project as per the initial agreement. Furthermore, investors have the
right to request quarterly financial reports and financial plans to ensure transparency
and clarity of the project, as well as to ensure that the business follows the initially
agreed-upon direction.


The Personal Branding market in Vietnam is rapidly growing, driven by the swift
expansion of businesses and individuals seeking to establish strong and impressive
images. However, it remains a market where service quality has yet to reach its peak.

This is why Mackerel Agency isn’t just a regular service provider; we’re here to
change how people perceive Personal Branding. Instead of offering “fixed style”
approaches for customers to follow, Mackerel delves deeper into understanding the
core values of our customers: we don’t impose a fixed style, but rather craft unique
personal strategies that reflect their individuality.

With an experienced, knowledgeable team and a particularly creative vision, we

constantly innovate and push the boundaries of Personal Branding. Looking ahead,
Mackerel Agency aspires to develop a diverse ecosystem of services in the field of
Branding Marketing to meet varied customer needs.

We believe that success in today's competitive world requires more than just an
eye-catching image; it demands a profound message and genuine emotion. And that’s
why Mackerel Agency is the reliable companion to turn that into reality.

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