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Physical Education FITNESS

Physical Education is "education through Fitness is defined as a condition in which an

physical". It aims to develop students’ individual has enough energy to avoid fatigue
physical competence and knowledge of and enjoy life.
movement and safety, and their ability to use
these to perform in a wide range of activities Look back and reflect on your everyday
associated with the development of an active activities.
and healthy lifestyle. It also develops
students’ confidence and generic skills, Do you have lots of energy or do you get tired
especially those of collaboration, easily?
communication, creativity, critical thinking
and aesthetic appreciation. Together with the
nurturing of positive values and attitudes in Physical Fitness Components
PE, provide a good foundation for students’
lifelong and life-wide learning. HEALTH-RELATED FITNESS

Physical Fitness  Body Composition

Physical Fitness, is the body’s ability to  Cardiovascular Endurance
function effectively and efficiently without  Flexibility
undue fatigue in work, leisure activities, to  Muscular Strength
meet emergency situations and to resist  Muscular Endurance
diseases from sedentary lifestyle. There are
three important aspects that an individual SKILL-RELATED FITNESS
should be able to meet in order to be
considered physically fit.  Balance
 Coordination
These include:  Reaction Time
 Speed
1. Ability to perform one’s daily tasks  Agility
without undue fatigue.  Power
 Listening/participating to class
 Contributing to the workload in the Health-Related Fitness (HRF)
house It is the ability to become and stay
physically healthy.
2. Enjoying leisure through some Components:
recreational activities. Leisure is the  Body Composition
amount of time after all the daily routine  Cardiovascular Endurance
activities, like sports, academic games  Muscular Strength and Endurance
and other productive hobbies.  Flexibility
 Dancing, playing games or sports
 Listening to music. Body Composition
 Refers to proportion of lean body mass
3. Meeting Emergencies. Emergencies are to fat body mass.
unforeseen events where one has to use
his energy and time to meet unexpected
 Accidents
 Calamities (landslides, earthquakes,
fire, floods etc.)
Cardiovascular Endurance Coordination
 The ability of the heart and lungs and  Is the ability to use the senses with the
blood vessels to deliver oxygen to body parts to perform motor tasks
working muscles and tissues as well as smoothly and accurately.
the ability to those muscles and tissues
to utilize the oxygen. Reaction time
 Is the amount of time to respond to a
Muscular strength stimulus.
 Refers to the maximum amount of force
a muscles can exert against an opposing
BMI= Weight (kg) ÷ (Height (cm)
Muscular Endurance = 55 KG÷ (1.63)
 Refers to the ability of the muscles to do = 55 KG ÷ 2.657
repeated work over an extended period =20.70
of time without fatigue.
Classification of weight:
 Is the ability to move a body part Underweight = 18.5 and below
through a full range of motion (ROM) at Normal or Healthy weight=18.5-24.9
a joint. Overweight=25.0-29.9
Obese =30 and above
SKILL-Related Fitness (SRF)
Enhances or focus on the
performance in athletics sort events.
 Agility 2nd Semester
 Coordination
 Balance Human Movements
 Reaction time
 Power Human can move from one place to another
 Speed through coordinated movements and
postures. The movement produced by the
human body due to the constraction of
Agility muscles and bending of the of bone joints is
 Is the ability to move in different called human movement. Human movements
directions quickly using a combination, are controlled by the nervous system. Hence,
speed, strength and endurance. the human movement incorporates the use
of muscles, ligaments joints, and bones.
 Is the maintenance of equilibrium while Kinesiology is the field that deals with the
stationary or while moving. study of human movements.


 Is the ability of the muscles to transfer
energy and release maximum force at a PULL
fast rate. Pulling motion which consists of pulling a
weight toward your body or your body
Speed toward your hands
 Is the ability to perform a movement in
one direction in shortest period of time. PUSHING
Pushing is the opposite of the pull. The upper
body muscles push things in various B. Locomotor Movements - moving from
directions. one place to another:
1. Walk - transfer of weight from one foot to
SQUAT the other

Considered to be the most complex 2. Run - moving at a faster speed than

movement the human body is capable of. walking, never having both
Squat targets the glutes, core, quadriceps feet on the ground at the same time
and to a slight degree, the hamstring muscles 3. Jump - springing on one foot or both feet
but landing on two feet
4. Slide – gliding of foot on the floor.
A long, linear stride, lowering your back knee 5. Hop - springing on one foot and landing on
to just above the ground, with a completely the same foot
upright torso. 6. Leap - springing on one foot and landing on
the other foot
HINGE 7. Gallop - one foot is leading and the other
It can be performed body weight or in dozens foot follows
of the other variations including the dead lift.
Bend to extend movements work on your 8. Skip - combination of step and hop at a
glutes, hamstring, and lower back. faster pace
combination of any of the locomotor
ROTATION movements
This is your ability to rotate that involves
twisting at the core. The core (specifically the What are the different
oblique) is the main contributor to this set of Body Types?

GAIT Before engaging in a series of exercise, you

This is the technique of walking. This includes must first identify what type of Body you
walking, jogging, running, or sprinting. have in order to choose activities best fitted
to your body capacities and training
Components of Body Movements
Everyone has a unique combination of
A. Axial or Non-locomotor Movements – physical, mental, and emotional qualities. To
done in a fixed base: maintain a good physical and mental state, it
is appropriate to say than an adequate
1. Adduction - movements toward the center knowledge of yourself is important.
of the body.
2. Abduction - movements away from the
center of the body.
3. Circumduction -movements in a circular
4. Flexion - movements at the joints of the
body which is to bend.
5. Extension - movements at the joints of the
which is to extend. ECTOMORPH PERSON
6. Vibration -movements like shaking and
This type of Body is characterized with  A warm-up helps your body prepare
slender bodies, short trunks, and long arms itself for exercise and reduces the chance
and legs. His feet are long and narrow with of injury. The warm-up should be a
narrow chest, long slender neck and very combination of rhythmic exercise which
little amount of fat. begins to raise the heart rate and raise
muscle temperature, and static
Muscles are weak and thin, with weak
stretching through a full range of motion.
tendons and joints that are cause of poor
 Literally means warm the body with light
posture, lack of body power and strength.
exercise and movement.
Ectomorph are thin, long/tall and lean.
Have muscles mass nut weak Types of Warm-up
Slender waists  Passive warm up when one elevates
Narrow hips and shoulder body temperature through the use of
Model heat packs or hot waters.
 General warm up involves light
movements of major muscle group
ENDOMORPH PERSON  Specific warm up mimics actual moves
It is characterized by excess body fat of the sport or activity that will be
distribution, lack of bony angularity and engaged in very light levels of intensity
floppy muscles.
The arms, trunks and legs look rounded and Stretching
fatty, with a rounded face, double chin and is a form of physical exercise in which a
short neck. Their hips, abdomen, thighs, specific muscle or tendon (or muscle group)
buttocks and upper arms are full of fatty pads is deliberately flexed or stretched in order to
while the chest of an endomorph man tends improve the muscle's felt elasticity and
to be like the breast of woman. achieve comfortable muscle tone. The result
Having a heavy rounded body is a feeling of increased muscle control,
Have a lots of body fat flexibility and range of motion.
Less of muscles mass
Gain weight easily Cool Down Exercise
 A cool down a routine done after the
 Static stretches are more appropriate to
It is characterized by a solid, muscular the cool down as they help muscles to
physique, strong, with large chest, slender relax, realign muscle fibres and re-
waist long tort with short but powerful legs establish their normal range of
and arms. movement. These stretches should be
Moderate in height and very strong and held for approximately 10 seconds.
carrying weights, mesomorph persons are
good in events that require strength, agility,
power and endurance. When you want to advance your work life,
movement matters. When you want to
Mesomorphs are typically strong and solid,
influence others, movement matters. Why
not overweight or underweight.
study movement?
Leaner, with more muscles
Toned arms and less body fats Because understanding movement unlocks
Fast metabolism your potential and capacities as a human
Can easily gain and maintain muscles mass being.

Warm -up Exercise Studying human movement can provide

insights into physiological, neural and
psychological adaptations to exercise, into
the role regular physical activity plays in
chronic disease prevention and management,
and into how the brain controls and
coordinates everyday movements.

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