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 PREHISTORIC ERA AND HARAPPA 4. Where is the archaeological site Inamgaon
1. ‘Jorwe culture’ was a Chalcolithic archaeological (a) Karnataka (b) Uttar Pradesh
site located in the present day Indian state of (c) Gujarat (d) Maharashtra
______. S.S.C. Online MTS (T-1) 09.08.2019 (Shift-III)
(a) Maharashtra (b) Assam Ans. (d)
(c) Gujarat (d) Bihar
Inamgaon is a post-Harappan agrarian village and
S.S.C. Online Graduate Level (T-1) 11.06.2019 (Shift-I)
archaeological site located in Maharashtra, western
Ans. (a)
India. Situated along the right bank of the Ghod river,
Jorwe Culture was a Chalcolithic archaeological site it is considered the ‘regional centre’ of the Bhima
located in the present day Indian state of Maharashtra. Valley.
The Jorwe culture was a Chalcolithic archaeological 5. In which period were stone tools first found?
culture that existed in large areas of what is now (a) Neolithic (b) Palaeolithic Age
Maharashtra in Western India and also extended to (c) Microlithic Age (d) Mesolithic Age
north into the Malwa region of Madhya Pradesh. S.S.C. Online MTS (T-I) 16.09.2017 (Shift-I)
2. What is the first age in the prehistoric period Ans. (b)
called? Based on the variation of tools, the Palaeolithic age is
(a) Neolithic age (b) Metal age divided into three periods- 1. Early Paleolithic - Code
(c) Copper age (d) Paleolithic age tools (Handkuthar, Khandak, Vidarini), 2. Middle
S.S.C. Online Constable GD 01.03.2019 (Shift-II) Palaeolithic - Plaque tools and 3. Upper Palaeolithic
Ans. (d) - Takshini and scraper tools. Therefore, it is clear that
The earliest and longest period of the Stone Age is the question has been asked in relation to stone tools,
called the Paleolithic Age. This is derived from the which first appeared in the Paleolithic period. Staff
Selection Commission, in its previous answer-sheet,
Greek word Palaios, meaning “long ago” or “old,”
had considered the answer to this question as the
and lithos, meaning “stone”. Put together, Paleolithic
Neolithic period. However, in the revised answer-
Age means Old Stone Age. It is roughly taken to
sheet, the answer to this question is considered to be
have existed 2.5 million years ago from 10,000 BC. the Palaeolithic period, which is true.
Remains of Palaeolithic culture such as specialized
tools like hand-axe, cleaver and scraper etc., have been 6. Which of the following is called the early period
of history?
found at Sohan river valley and Narmada river valley.
(a) Paleolithic (b) Mesolithic
3. Traces of ostriches were found in India during (c) Microlithic (d) Neolithic
the Palaeolithic period. Large quantities of S.S.C. Online MTS (T-I) 20.09.2017 (Shift-I)
ostrich egg shells were found at _____. Ans. (a)
(a) Patna (b) Inamgaon
(c) Patne (d) Chirand Palaeolithic age is known as the earliest period in
S.S.C. JE Mechanical Exam 22.03.2021 (Shift-I) history. It means old stone age when the first use of
Ans. (c) stone tools began.
Mesolithic age was the middle stone age, which ended
Large quantities of ostrich egg shells found at Patne, with the introduction of agriculture.
Maharashtra provide evidence of Ostrich in India Neolithic age was the new stone age when social
during the Palaeolithic period. Designs carrying development occurred.
pictures of ostrich were engraved on some pieces, Chalcolithic age was the copper age when early copper
while beads were also made from their eggs shells. metals appeared.

S.S.C. (5) General Studies

7. Which of the following places presents the oldest Indus Valley Civilization is the earliest civilization
evidence of Neolithic Era? of India which is well known for its urban or city
(a) Chirand (b) Mehrgarh
planning. The city was normally divided into two parts
(c) Burghome (d) Daimabad
with streets running from North to South and East to
S.S.C. Online CHSL (T-I) 08.03.2018 (Shift-II)
West. There was a proper system of drainage and the
Ans. (b)
houses were built in a uniform pattern.
Mehrgarh provides the earliest evidence of the 12. Match the following:
Neolithic Era and it is located in Pakistan. A. Mohenjodaro 1. Statue of a priest
It is seen as a precursor to the Indus valley civilization. B. Harappa 2. Port
Remains of Human figurines, Pottery, Burials, and C. Kalibangan 3. Plough marks
metals have been found here. D. Lothal 4. The Great Bath
8. The archaeological site of Atranjikhera is located A B C D
in ______. (a) 4 1 3 2
(a) Himachal Pradesh (b) Uttar Pradesh (b) 3 2 4 1
(c) Maharashtra (d) Uttarakhand (c) 2 3 1 4
S.S.C. Online CGL (T-I) 18.08.2021 (Shift-II) (d) 1 4 2 3
Ans. (b) S.S.C. Online Graduate Level (T-I) 2.09.2016 (Shift-II)
The archaeological site of Atranjikhera is located in Ans. (a)
Etah, Uttar Pradesh. It is a prehistoric and historic Evidence of the great bath of the Indus civilization was
excavated archaeological site on the bank of the Kali found at Mohenjodaro. Its length from north to south
Nadi, a tributary of Ganga. was 54.86 m and the width 33 m from east to west.
9. ‘Piklihal’ and ‘Utnur’ are important ______ The length of the bathing pool built in the middle was
sites. 11.8 m, width 7.01 m and the depth 2.43 m. A statue
(a) Monolithic (b) Paleolithic of a priest was found during Harappan excavations.
(c) Neolithic (d) Megalithic Lothal is the only site of the Indus Valley Civilization
S.S.C. Online CHSL (T-I) 16.10.2020 (Shift-III) where evidence of a port or port was found, which is
Ans. (c) located just east of the city. Evidence of ploughing
field was found at ‘Kalibanga’, situated on the bank
‘Piklihal’ and ‘Utnoor’ are important Neolithic sites. of the Ghaggar river in the Hanumangarh district of
Piklihal is located in Karnataka and Utnoor in Andhra Rajasthan. The people here knew how to grow two
Pradesh. crops simultaneously in the same field.
10. Which one of the following is not a Neolithic 13. Where is the Great Bath located?
cultural site? (a) At Sotkakoh (b) At Mohenjo-daro
(a) Koldihawa (b) Mehargarh (c) At Lothal (d) At Kalibang
(c) Burzahom (d) Kuntasi S.S.C. Online MTS (T-I) 20.09.2017 (Shift-III)
S.S.C. Online Constable GD 13.02.2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (b)
Ans. (d)
See the explanation of the above question.
The Kuntasi archaeological site belongs to the Indus
Valley Civilization, and was known to be a port. This 14. Which one of the following places of Indus Valley
site is located in the state of Gujarat, India. The other Civilization was situated on the banks of river
three sites belong to the neolithic age. Indus?
(a) Lothal (b) Mohenjodaro
11. Which of the following civilization is famous for
(c) Kalibang (d) Harappa
its city/town planning?
S.S.C. Online Stenographer 13.09.2017 (Shift-II)
(a) Indus Valley Civilization
Ans. (b)
(b) Mesopotamian Civilization
(c) Persian Civilization Mohenjo-Daro, also spelt as Mohenjodaro or
(d) Egyptian Civilization Moenjodaro, is a collection of Mounds and ruins
S.S.C. Online C.P.O.S.I. (T-I) 1.07.2017 (Shift-II) on the right bank of the Indus River, northern Sindh
Ans. (a) province, southern Pakistan. It lies on the flat alluvial

S.S.C. (6) General Studies

plain of the Indus, about 50 miles (80 km) southwest (c) Punjab (d) Gujarat
of Sukkur. The site contains the remnants of one of S.S.C. Online Constable GD 22.02.2019 (Shift-I)
two main centres of the ancient Indus civilization (c. Ans. (d)
2500-1700 BCE). The other one is Harappa, some See the explanation of the above question.
400 miles (640 km) to the northwest in Pakistan’s
Punjab province. 20. Where were the terracotta models of the plough
excavated in Harappan civilisation?
15. Which is the biggest building at Mohenjodaro? (a) Lothal (b) Amrinal
(a) Great Bath (b) Great Granary (c) Kashmir (d) Banawali
(c) Assembly Hall (d) Rectangular Building S.S.C. Online C.H.S.L. (T-I) 09.08.2021 (Shift-II)
S.S.C. Online Graduate Level (T-I) 4.09.2016 (Shift-II) Ans. (d)
Ans. (b)
Terracotta models of the plough were excavated in
A granary was found, which was the largest building Banawali, Harappan civilization. Banawali is situated
at Mohenjo-Daro. This granary was divided into in Hissar district, Haryana.
27 rooms of varying size and shape. It was a brick
21. Lothal city is situated on the banks of a tributary
structure that was built on a massive brick foundation
over 45 meters north to south and 45 meters east to west. of which among the following rivers in India?
The “great bath” was the earliest public water tank (a) Narmada (b) Ganga
in the ancient civilization. (c) Yamuna (d) Sabarmati
S.S.C. Online MTS (T-I) 21.09.2017 (Shift-II)
16. Mohenjodaro is situated on the bank of which Ans. (d)
(a) Saraswati (b) Ravi Lothal was a port city in Gujarat, located on the banks
(c) Ghaggar (d) Indus of the Bhogava River, a tributary of the Sabarmati
S.S.C. Online MTS (T-1) 6.08.2019 (Shift-II) River. It had the earliest known dock in the world,
Ans. (d) used mainly for trade purposes in the Indus Valley
Civilization. Lothal is situated in modern Ahmedabad
Mohenjo-Daro is located on the right (west) bank in modern Gujarat.
of the lower Indus river in Larkana District, Sindh,
Pakistan. It lies on a Pleistocene ridge in the flood 22. Which of the following was a port city of the
plain of the Indus, around 28 kilometres (17 mi) from Indus Valley Civilization?
the town of Lankana. (a) Kalibangan (b) Dholavira
(c) Lothal (d) Rakhigarhi
17. Which of the following was the port city of S.S.C. Online Graduate Level (T-1) 11.06.2019 (Shift-III)
Harappan civilization? Ans. (c)
(a) Harappa (b) Lothal
(c) Rupar (d) Banawali See the explanation of the above question.
S.S.C. Online Stenographer 14.09.2017 (Shift-II) 23. _______ is considered as the oldest discovered
Ans. (b) Indus Valley Civilization site.
(a) Bhirrana (b) Mohenjodaro
Lothal was a port city in Gujarat, located on the banks
of the Bhogava river, a tributary of the Sabarmati river. (c) Rakhigari (d) Allahadino
S.S.C. Online MTS (T-1) 20.08.2019 (Shift-II)
18. Which ancient city of Indus-Valley Civilization Ans. (a)
was famous for its dock yard?
(a) Dholavira (b) Lothal Bhirrana is considered the earliest discovered Indus
(c) Chanhudaro (d) Mohenjo-daro Valley Civilization site. It is the earliest, according
S.S.C. Online MTS (T-I) 4.10.2017 (Shift-I) to the C-14 radio-dating done by the Archaeological
Ans. (b) Survey of India. It is situated in the Fatehabad district
and is known to have existed between to 757-6200 BC.
See the explanation of the above question. Rakhigarhi, situated close to Bhirrama, Harappan site,
19. The ancient city of ‘Lothal’, now famous as a is the largest site in the world.
major archaeological site, is located in which 24. Which of the following Harappan sites is in
state of India? Haryana?
(a) Rajasthan (b) Maharashtra (a) Kalibangan (b) Lothal

S.S.C. (7) General Studies

(c) Rakhigarhi (d) Dholavira 29. Which of the following harappan sites is located
S.S.C. Online CGL (T-1) 12.04.2022 (Shift-I) in India?
Ans. (c) (a) Mohenjodaro (b) Ganweriwala
Rakhigarhi is an archaeological site located in the (c) Shortughai (d) Daimabad
Haryana state of India, and it is considered to be one S.S.C. JE Civil Exam 23.03.2021 (Shift-II)
of the largest and most important sites of the ancient Ans. (d)
Indus Valley Civilization (also known as the Harap-
pan Civilization). Daimabad is a deserted village and an archaeological
site on the left bank of the Pravara River, a tributary
25. In Indus Valley Civilization, Kalibangan is of the Godavari River in Shrirampurtaluka in
famous for which of the following?
Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra in India. This site
(a) Rock cut architecture
(b) Sea port was discovered by B. P. Bopardikar in 1958.
(c) Cotton cultivation 30. The local name of Mohenjodaro was—
(d) Pottery (a) Mound of desert (b) Mound of river
S.S.C. Online C.P.O.S.I. (T-I) 2.07.2017 (Shift-I)
Ans. (d) (c) Mound of the Dead (d) Mound of Life
S.S.C. Online C.P.O.S.I. (T-I) 5.07.2017 (Shift-II)
Kalibangan is a famous site of the Indus Valley Ans. (c)
Civilization in Rajasthan. It is famous for pottery
and black bangles. Incription sculptures, earthenware The local name of Mohenjodaro was Mound of Dead.
pottery, coins and seals have been found there during Mohenjo-Daro is a collection of mounds and ruins
excavation. on the Indus River’s right bank in northern Sindh
26. Which among the following is a mature-phase province, Pakistan.
Harappan site situated in the state of Rajasthan? 31. Who among the following begun his excavations
(a) Nageshwar (b) Manda
at Dholavira in 1990?
(c) Kalibangan (d) Chanhudaro
S.S.C. Online CPO S.I. (T-1) 23.11.2020 (Shift-I) (a) R.S. Bisht (b) R.D. Banerji
Ans. (c) (c) M.S. Vats (d) S.R. Rao
S.S.C. Online C.H.S.L. (T-I) 12.08.2021 (Shift-II)
Kalibangan, an ancient Indus valley civilization site, Ans. (a)
is in northern Rajasthan state, northwestern India.
The site contains pre-Harappan and Harappan re- The site’s excavation between 1990 and 2005 under
mains, and the transition between the two cultures the supervision of archaeologist Ravindra Singh Bisht
can be seen therein. uncovered the ancient city, which was a commercial
27. Which metal did the Harappans get from the and manufacturing hub for about 1,500 years before
present day Rajasthan? its decline and eventual ruin in 1500 BC.
(a) Iron (b) Aluminium 32. Which of the following were NOT a part of a
(c) Copper (d) Calcium citadel in Harrapan architecture?
S.S.C. Online MTS (T-I) 27.10.2021 (Shift-II)
(a) Storehouses for grains
Ans. (c)
(b) Great Bath for important people
The people of the Harappan civilization got copper (c) Fire altars for religious ceremonies
from the area of the present Rajasthan. Tools, weapons (d) Residential buildings for masses
and sculptures made of copper have been found S.S.C. Online CPO SI (T-1) 10.11.2022 (Shift-II)
among the remains of the excavation at Kalibanga, a
Ans. (d)
Harappan site located in Rajasthan.
28. Which among the following is a Harappan city? The citadel in Harrapan architecture was a raised plat-
(a) Dholavira (b) Hampi form or mound on which important buildings were
(c) Kosala (d) Lumbini constructed. It usually included public buildings such
S.S.C. Online MTS (T-I) 20.10.2021 (Shift-III) as granaries, a great bath or pool, and fire altars for
Ans. (a) religious ceremonies. However, there is no evidence
The ancient city of Dholavira, the southern to suggest that residential buildings for the masses
centre of the Harappan Civilization, is situated were located within the citadel. Instead, residential
on the arid island of Khadir in the Gujarat. areas were likely located outside of the citadel.

S.S.C. (8) General Studies

33. At which of the following sites was the first 37. In which country is the Shortugui (Indus Valley
astronomical observatory of the Harappan Civilization) located?
Civilization found? (a) India (b) Pakistan
(a) Kalibangan, Rajasthan (c) Afganistan (d) Tiber
(b) Dholavira, Gujarat S.S.C. Online C.P.O.S.I. (T-I) 5.07.2017 (Shift-II)
(c) Gola Dhoro, Gujarat Ans. (c)
(d) Lothal, Gujarat
S.S.C. JE Mechanical Exam 23.03.2021 (Shift-I) See the explanation of the above question.
Ans. (b) 38. Which of the following Harappan sites is located
The first astronomical observatory related to the in Afghanistan?
Harappan civilization was found at Dholavira in the (a) Balakot (b) Kalibangan
Kutch district of Gujarat. It was discovered in 1967- (c) Nageswar (d) Shortughai
68 by J.P Joshi. Scientist’s identified two circular S.S.C. Online MTS (T-I) 12.10.2021 (Shift-III)
structures used for observational astronomy during the Ans. (d)
Harappan Civilisation. Dholavira is the larger of the Shortugai and Mundigak are the only Indus Valley
two most remarkable excavations of the Indus Valley Civilization sites in Afghanistan.
Civilization or Harappan culture.
39. The people of the Indus valley civilisation wor-
34. The famous 'dancing-girl' statue of the Harap- shipped _______.
pan Civilization was made using _____ material. (a) Vishnu (b) Pashupati
(a) Gold (b) Bronze (c) Indra (d) Brahma
(c) Stone (d) Terracotta S.S.C. Online Graduate Level (T-I) 31.08.2016 (Shift-I)
S.S.C. JE Civil Exam 30.10.2020 (Shift-I) Ans. (b)
Ans. (b)
The people of Harappa seemed to have worshipped
The ‘Dancing Girl’ is a sculpture made of bronze. It the Mother Goddess and Shiva Pashupati. The Mother
belongs to the Indus Valley Civilization and dates back Goddess was also known as Shakti; perhaps, they
to circa 2500 BCE. It is 10.5 cm in height, 5 cm in believed her to be the source of all creation. They also
width and 2.5 cm in depth. Presently, it is on display worshipped the male god, Shiva Pashupati. He was
in the Indus Valley Civilization gallery in the National the lord of the animals. Shiva was also worshipped in
Museum, New Delhi. the form of Linga and Yoni.
35. The statue of ‘Dancing Girl’ of Indus Valley 40. Epigraphy is the study of which of the following?
Civilization was _________ sculpted. (a) Coins (b) Inscriptions
(a) Brass (b) Bronze (c) Temples (d) Bird
(c) Copper (d) Iron
S.S.C. Online Graduate Level (T-I) 28.08.2016 (Shift-III)
S.S.C. Online Constable GD 19.02.2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (b)
Ans. (b)
Epigraphy is the study of inscriptions or epigraphs
See the explanation of the above question.
as writing. It is the science of identifying graphemes
36. From the following sites of Harappan Civiliza- and deciphering their meaning, classifying their uses
tion, which one is NOT located in Pakistan? according to dates and cultural contexts, and drawing
(a) Shortughai (b) Kot Diji conclusions about the writing and the writers. A person
(c) Balakot (d) Chanhudaro using the methods of epigraphy is called an epigrapher
S.S.C. Online MTS (T-I) 12.10.2021 (Shift-I) or epigraphist.
Ans. (a)
41. Preservation of historical articles is done in
Shortugai (Shortughai), in the Darqad District of science of ________.
northern Afghanistan, was a trading colony of the (a) Iconography (b) Numismatics
Indus Valley Civilization (or Harappan Civilization) (c) Museology (d) Epigraphy
established around 2000 BC on the Oxus river (Amu S.S.C. Online Graduate Level (T-I) 4.09.2016 (Shift-III)
Darya) near the lapis lazuli mines. Ans. (c)

S.S.C. (9) General Studies

Preservation of historical articles is done in the science 46. Which among the following metals was not
of Museology. It is the study of science according found in Harappan civilization?
to which the artefacts are kept in the museum with (a) Gold (b) Copper
their importance to the society. This activity involves (c) silver (d) Iron
curating, education and even public programming. It S.S.C. Online C.P.O.S.I. (T-I) 7.07.2017 (Shift-I)
helps in the engagement of activities. Ans. (d)
42. In the context of early Indian history, the term Iron was not known to the Harappan people. Since
'NBPW' refers to a: the civilization existed during the Bronze Age, it had
(a) Dating technique made many metallurgical advances in copper and
(b) Pottery type bronze but not in Iron.
(c) Settlement pattern
(d) Neolithic tool-making technique 47. Which of the following civilizations is considered
S.S.C. JE Electrical Exam 28.10.2020 (Shift-I) to be one of the oldest civilizations in the world?
Ans. (b) (a) Mesopotamian Civilization
(b) Egyptian Civilization
‘NBPW’ refers to a pottery type. The Northern Black
(c) Harappan Civilization
Polished Ware (NBPW) is a pottery type of Ancient
India, dating to the millennia Before Common Era (d) Chinese Civilization
(BCE). NBPW was known for its lustrous black finish C.P.O. S.I. 11.06.2016 (Shift-I)
and the varieties of organic forms it was made into. It Ans. (a)
was a glossy, shining type of pottery. Mesopotamia is the earliest civilization in the world.
43. Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka is located in the It is located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
foothills of _________. Today, Mesopotamia occupies modern Iraq.
(a) Western Ghats (b) Aravali Range
48. Which old Persian word was used in the sixth-
(c) Vindhya Range (d) Eastern Ghats
fifth centuries BCE to refer to the region east
S.S.C. Online CHSL (T-I) 30.01.2017 (Shift-II)
Ans. (c) of Sindhu?
(a) Aryavarta (b) Hodu
The Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka are located in the (c) Tianzhu (d) Hindu
foothills of the Vindhyan Mountains on the southern S.S.C. JE Mechanical Exam 22.03.2021 (Shift-II)
edge of the central Indian plateau. Within massive
Ans. (d)
sandstone outcrops, above the comparatively dense
forest, are five clusters of natural rock shelters, The term “Hindu” was derived from an Old Persian
displaying paintings that appear to date to the word, used in the sixth and fifth centuries BCE, to
Mesolithic Period right through to the historical period. refer to the region east of the river Sindhu (Indus).
44. In which state is the ‘Bhimbetka Cave’ located? The Arabs continued the Persian usage and called
(a) Telangana (b) Karnataka this region “al-Hind” and its people “Hindi”.Later
(c) Odisha (d) Madhya Pradesh the Turks referred to the people east of the Indus as
S.S.C. Online Stenographer 13.09.2017 (Shift-I) “Hindu”, their land as “Hindustan”, and their language
Ans. (d) as “Hindavi”.

See the explanation of the above question. 49. In which of the following Indian states,
Harappan cities have NOT been found?
45. In which among the following sites of Harappan
(a) Uttarakhand (b) Gujarat
civilization was jadeite stone found?
(a) Mahagara (b) Mehrgarh (c) Rajasthan (d) Haryana
(c) Hallur (d) Daojali Hading S.S.C. Online CGL (T-1) 01.12.2022 (Shift-I)
S.S.C. Online CGL (T-1) 03.12.2022 (Shift-III) Ans. (a)
Ans. (d)
From the given options,Harappan cities have not
Jadeite stone was found in Daojali Hading. Daojali been found in Uttarakhand. The cities of Indus Val-
Hading is a neolithic site in Dima Hasao District of ley Civilization were found in the Punjab and Sind in
Assam, India on a low hillock about 1000 feet above Pakistan, and in Gujarat, Rajasthan, Haryana and the
sea level, dated to about 2,700 years before present. Punjab in India.

S.S.C. (10) General Studies

50. Who was the first Director-General of Archae- They are Vedic literature and the Iranian scripture
ological Survey of India?
(a) Alexander Cunningham
Bal Gangadhar Tilak put forward the Arctic region
(b) Mortimer Wheeler
theory in which he propounded that the Arctic region
(c) John Marshall
was the original home of Aryans. His view was that
(d) Lord Curzon
S.S.C. Online CGL (T-I) 20.08.2021 (Shift-III)
the description of the natural phenomenon in Rigveda
Ans. (a) tallies with that of the region of the North-Pole.

The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) is a 3. Which of the following rivers was known as
Government of India organization responsible Purushni in the Vedic period?
for archaeological research, conservation and (a) Sutlej (b) Chenab
preservation of cultural monuments in the country. (c) Beas (d) Ravi
It was founded during British Raj in 1861 by Sir S.S.C. Online Graduate Level (T-1) 9.03.2020 (Shift-II)
Alexander Cunningham, who also became its first Ans. (d)
The Ravi River was known as Purushni in the Vedic
 VEDIC CIVILIZATION period. The River Ravi is a transboundary river that
1. With reference to the Vedangas, which of the connects northwest India and East Pakistan.
following terms denotes ‘Ritual’? This is one of the six rivers of the Punjab Indus basin
(a) Chhanda (b) Vyakarana (Punjab means “five rivers”).
(c) Shiksha (d) Kalpa 4. The veda which deals with the rituals is known
S.S.C. Online Graduate Level (T-1) 7.03.2020 (Shift-I) as ________.
Ans. (d) (a) Rigveda (b) Yajurveda
(c) Samaveda (d) Atharvaveda
Kalpa is called the arms of the Veda Purusha. It is for
S.S.C. Online Graduate Level (T-I) 3.09.2016 (Shift-III)
the proper application of the Vedic texts. The texts are
Ans. (b)
clear, short and practical for ceremonies.
Vyakarana—It was used for the formation of the “Yajus” means “sacrificial formula”, and Yajurveda
word. It also discusses the root and suffix of a word is a book of sacrificial prayers. It contains the rituals
to study its meaning. of the Yajnas. It is estimated to have been composed
Nirukta—It gave the meaning to the usage of words. between 1,400 and 1000 BC.
Chandas—It was designed for the purpose of securing Yajur Veda is a step-by-step guide about the right way
the proper reading and reciting of Vedic texts. of performing religion. The Yajurveda is the Veda
Jyotisha—It conveyed the knowledge of the heavenly of prose mantras. An ancient Vedic Sanskrit text is
bodies. It also gave some rules for calculating and a compilation of rituals offering formulas that were
fixing time for sacrifices. chanted by a priest at the time of ritual.
2. Who among the following scholars is associated 5. The Rigveda includes more than a thousand of
with the Tibet-home theory of the Aryans? hymes, what is called them?
(a) MacDonell (a) Mandala (b) Sukta
(b) Max Muller (c) Smriti (d) Shruti
(c) Dayananda Saraswati S.S.C. JE Civil Exam 23.03.2021 (Shift-II)
(d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak Ans. (b)
S.S.C. Online Graduate Level (T-1) 7.03.2020 (Shift-III)
Ans. (c) The Rigveda includes more than a thousand hymns,
called sukta or “well said”. These hymns are in
Swami Dayanand Saraswati wrote in Satyarth Prakash praise of various gods and goddesses. Three gods
gave the Tibet home theory that Tibet was the original are significant: Agni, the god of fire; Indra, a warrior
home of the Aryans. god; and Soma, a plant from which a special drink
Max Muller, in central Asian theory, propounded that was prepared.
central Asia was the original home of the Aryans. His 6. Rigveda is divided into how many ‘mandalas’
opinion was that the information regarding the early or books?
Aryans could be gathered from two main sources. (a) 10 (b) 12

S.S.C. (11) General Studies

(c) 5 (d) 7 The most ancient documents like Vedas, Upanishads,
S.S.C. Online Constable GD 22.02.2019 (Shift-II) Puranas, and Dharmasutras are written in the Sanskrit
Ans. (a) language.
The Rigveda is divided into 10 mandalas (books). 10. ‘Purusha Sukta’ is a hymn from which Veda?
The first and tenth Mandalas are the shortest and the (a) Yajurveda (b) Samaveda
longest respectively. (c) Atharvaveda (d) Rigveda
The Gayatri mantra in Rig Veda is taken from S.S.C. Online C.H.S.L. (T-I) 5.08.2021 (Shift-II)
Mandala 3. Ans. (d)
Mandala 9 is completely devoted to Soma.
The 10th mandala contains the Purusha Sukta, which ‘Purusha Sukta’ is a hymn of Rigveda. In the 10th
explains the 4 Varnas that were born from the Mouth, Mandala of the Rigveda, Purusha Sukta is concerned
arms, thighs, and feet of the Brahma or Purusha. with marriage ceremonies.
Nasadlya Sukta, which talks about the origin of the 11. Which of the following Vedas dealt with music?
Universe, is in the 10th Mandala. (a) Atharva Veda (b) Rig Veda
7. Which three Vedas are jointly called “Vedatrayi”? (c) Yajur Veda (d) Sama Veda
(a) Rig Veda, Yajurveda, Atharva Veda S.S.C. Online MTS (T-I) 12.10.2021 (Shift-II)
(b) Rig Veda, Samaveda, Atharva Veda Ans. (d)
(c) Rigveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda The Samaveda deals with music. It is a collection
(d) Yajurveda, Samaveda, Atharva Veda of verses. The Samaveda is mainly drawn from the
S.S.C. Online Stenographer 13.09.2017 (Shift-II) Rig veda.
Ans. (c)
12. Which of the following is the oldest of the Vedas?
The three Vedas are jointly called vedatrayi are Rig (a) Yajurveda (b) Samaveda
veda, Samaveda and Yajurveda. (c) Rigveda (d) Atharvaveda
There are four Vedas in total; Rig Veda, Sama Veda, S.S.C. Online MTS (T-I) 18.10.2021 (Shift-I)
Yajur Veda, and Atharva Veda. Atharva Veda is the Ans. (c)
latest of all the four Vedas and did not exist when
Vedatrayi was introduced. Hence, Atharva Veda is There are four Vedas: the Rig Veda, the Sama Veda,
not a part of Vedatrayi. the Yajur Veda and the Atharva Veda. From these
the Rig Veda is the earliest and was composed about
8. Which of the following text is referred as 3500 years ago.
13. The Upanishads are the ________ .
(a) Vedangas (b) Aranyakas
(c) Upanishads (d) Brahmanas (a) Great Epics
S.S.C. Online MTS (T-1) 6.08.2019 (Shift-II)
(b) Story Books
Ans. (c) (c) Source of Hindu Philosophy
(d) Law Books
The Upanishads, along with Brahamsutra and S.S.C. Online Graduate Level (T-I) 31.08.2016 (Shift-I)
Bhagavad Gita, are referred to as Vedanta or Ans. (c)
The Upanishads are known to be the last Source of the The Upanishads are a collection of texts of religious
Shrutis in Hinduism associated with Vedas. and philosophical nature, written in India probably
Upanishads are considered to be the important sources between 800 BCE and 500 BCE, during a time when
of Indian philosophy and, it deals with the knowledge Indian society started to question the traditional Vedic
of Brahma, Jiva and Jagat. religious order.

9. The Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas and Dharma- 14. The main collections of Vedic hymns are called
sutras are all written in which language? ______.
(a) Hindi (b) Prakrit (a) Pad (b) Sutra
(c) Pali (d) Sanskrit (c) Mukh (d) Sanhita
S.S.C. Online MTS (T-I) 9.10.2017 (Shift-I) S.S.C. Online Graduate Level (T-I) 18.08.2021 (Shift-I)
Ans. (d) Ans. (d)

S.S.C. (12) General Studies

The earliest known texts of India are the Vedas. The 18. Which Varna was at the first place among the
language of the Vedas is Vedic Sanskrit. There are four known varnas?
four Vedas: Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva. These (a) Brahmin (b) Kshatriya
were initially memorised and passed orally by the (c) Vaishya (d) Shudra
Brahmins. The Vedic hymns are collected in one main S.S.C. Online MTS (T-I) 5.10.2017 (Shift-III)
text called Samhitas, which consists of the explanation Ans. (a)
for the social and religious importance of the rituals. Varna is a Sanskrit term which refers to caste or order
15. The details of coronation ceremony are narrated in society.
in which of the following? In Hinduism, there are 4 varnas- Brahmins, Kshatriyas,
Vaishyas, and Shudras.
(a) Kenopanishad (b) Vishnu Puran
Brahmins are the highest of the four varnas. They
(c) Aitareya Brahmana (d) AtharvVeda include priests, scholars and teachers of Vedic texts.
S.S.C. Online Stenographer 14.09.2017 (Shift-II)
Ans. (c) 19. In the Rig vedas there is a hymn in the form of
a dialogue between Sage Vishvamitra and two
The Rigveda is a collection of ancient Indian Vedic rivers that were worshiped as goddesses. Which
hymns. Aitareya Brahmana is a branch or part of the are these rivers?
Rigveda ascribed to Mahidasa Aitareya. It is divided (a) Ganga and Yamuna
into 8 Panchikas, and the last two panchikas explain
(b) Alakananda and Bhagirathi
the coronation ceremony.
(c) Ravi and Chenab
16. In which year were 30 Rigveda manuscripts (d) Beas and Sutlej
dating from 1800 to 1500 BC included in the S.S.C. Online CGL (T-1) 13.04.2022 (Shift-I)
UNESCO’s Memory of the World Register? Ans. (d)
(a) 2008 (b) 2005
In the Rigveda there is a hymn in the form of a di-
(c) 2009 (d) 2007
alogue between the sage Vishvamitra and the rivers
S.S.C. Online MTS (T-I) 22.10.2021 (Shift-I)
Beas and Sutlej, which are considered deities. Some
Ans. (d)
Rig Vedic chants take the form of dialogues. This is
The 30 manuscripts of Rigveda preserved at the part of one such hymn, a dialogue between a sage
Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Pune, were named Vishvamitra and the two rivers, Beas and Sut-
added to UNESCO’s Memory of the World Register lej, who are worshiped as gods.
in 2007.
20. Which of the following was NOT a type of sac-
17. In ancient India people were divided into how rifice performed by kings in ancient India to
many varnas? establish their position?
(a) 2 (b) 6 (a) Rajasuya (b) Vajapeya
(c) 4 (d) 5 (c) Muvendavelan (d) Ashvamedha
S.S.C. Online MTS (T-I) 10.10.2017 (Shift-I) S.S.C. Online Graduate Level (T-1) 9.03.2020 (Shift-III)
Ans. (c) Ans. (c)
In ‘Dharma-shastra’, the varna system divides the Muvendavelan was NOT a type of sacrifice performed
society into four varnas (Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya by kings in ancient India to seek legitimacy. Instead,
and Shudra). Muvendavelan was a famous military officer of the
Brahmins are varna of Hinduism specializing as Chola Empire, known for his generous donation to
priests, teachers (acharyas) and custodians of sacred the numerous temples where he had been deployed
learning across generations. by the king.
‘Kshatriya’ is the second highest varna among the
four varnas and traditionally belonged to the military 21. The Vedic Civilisation in India flourished along
or ruling class. the river__________.
The Vaishya varna comprises people who were (a) Tapi (b) Godavari
engaged in agriculture, trade and commerce. (c) Narmada (d) Saraswati
The Shudra varna comprises people employed in a S.S.C. Online Graduate Level (T-1) 4.03.2020 (Shift-I)
service considered to be menial, such as slaves. Ans. (d)

S.S.C. (13) General Studies

The Vedic civilization is the earliest in the history of Siddhi is not one of these objectives. According to
ancient India. It is named after the Vedas, the early Vedic philosophy, human life has a definite purpose.
literature of the Hindu people. The Vedic Civilization Whilst the final Goal of life is “Moksha”, there are
flourished along the river Saraswati, in a region that three other (intermediate)goals of life.
now consists of the modern Indian states of Haryana These together are called four objectives or pursuits
and Punjab. The Vedic age is the period considered of life.
to be between 1500 BC to 500 BC.
These objectives are—
22. Choose the correct group of important Gods of • Dharma-Righteousness
the early Vedic period. • Artha Acquisition of wealth by proper means and
(a) Varuna, Vishnu, Shiva. its correct use
(b) Seshanaga, Chandra, Yama. • Kama - Fulfillment of noble desires
(c) Brahma, Prajapati, Garuda. • Moksha-Liberation or the final Goal
(d) Agni, Indra, Soma.
S.S.C. Online Constable GD 14.02.2019 (Shift-III) 25. According to the Puranas, Lord Vishnu took
Ans. (d) the shape of ______ in order to rescue the earth,
which had sunk into water.
Agni, Indra, and Soma are the correct group of
(a) an elephant (b) a boar
important gods of the Vedic period among the options.
(c) a tiger (d) a lion
The meaning of Sanskrit word Agni is fire. Agni is the
S.S.C. Online CGL (T-I) 16.08.2021 (Shift-I)
second most important god in the Vedic mythology of
ancient India.200 Rigvedic hymns are devoted to Agni. Ans. (b)
Indra is the king of the gods in Vedic Hindu According to the Puranas, Lord Vishnu assumed the
mythology. Indra was considered to be the rain god. form of a boar to save the earth, which had drowned in
Indra is sometimes referred to as “the thousand-eyed.” water. Varaha is the third of 10 incarnations (avatars)
Soma was a plant producing potent drink, an offering of the Hindu god Vishnu.
at the Vedic sacrifices. The personified deity Soma
was the “king of plants.” 26. In the Rig vedic period, Aranyani is the goddess
of ?
23. Which of the following cities was given by the
(a) Earth (b) Forest
Pandavas to Guru Dronacharya as Guru Dak-
(c) Forest (d) Dawn
S.S.C. Online MTS (T-1) 20.08.2019 (Shift-III)
(a) Rawalpindi (b) Nainital
Ans. (c)
(c) Hastinapur (d) Gurgaon
C.P.O. S.I. 11.06.2016 (Shift-I) Aranyani is the goddess of forest in the Rig Vedic period.
Ans. (d) • Indra was considered the rain god.
• Savitri was the god of light
According to mythology, the Pandavas donated
Gurugram, located in Haryana, to their guru • Aditi was the Goddess of Eternity
Dronacharya as a Gurudakshina. Hence it was 27. The fifth incarnation of Vishnu is known as :
known as Gurugram, but over time, its name got (a) Varaha (b) Vamana
distorted to Gurgaon. In April 2016, the BJP-ruled (c) Narasimha (d) Krishna
Haryana government changed the name of Gurgaon S.S.C. Online CHSL (T-I) 16.10.2020 (Shift-III)
to Gurugram.
Ans. (b)
24. The Vedic view of an individual and his relation
The fifth incarnation of Vishnu is known as Vamana.
to society is determined by four objectives of
According to Hindu Mythology, there are ten
life. Which of the following is NOT one of these
complete incarnations of the Lord Vishnu and
(a) Moksha (b) Siddhi countless numbers of incomplete incarnations. The
(c) Artha (d) Dharma list included Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Narasimha,
S.S.C. Online CGL (T-I) 17.08.2021 (Shift-I) Vamana, Parashurama, Rama, Krishna or Balarama,
Ans. (b) Buddha or Krishna; and Kalki.

S.S.C. (14) General Studies

 BUDDHISM AND JAINISM (c) Rishabhdev (d) Ajeetnath
1. With which religion is Kaivalya associated? S.S.C. Online Stenographer 13.09.2017 (Shift-II)
(a) Buddhism (b) Jainism Ans. (c)
(c) Hinduism (d) Sikhism
See the explanation of the above question.
S.S.C. Online Graduate Level (T-I) 7.09.2016 (Shift-I)
Ans. (b) 5. Lord Mahavira was born in present-day state
Kaivalya is related to Jainism. According to Jainism, of :
Mahavira became an ascetic and left his home at 30. (a) Punjab (b) Gujarat
He kept on wandering for 12 years and is said to have (c) Bihar (d) Maharashtra
attained Kaivalya at the age of 42; through Kaivalya, S.S.C. JE Electrical Exam 10.12.2020 (Shift-II)
he conquered misery and happiness. Because of his Ans. (c)
conquest, he is known as the Jina or the conqueror.
Lord Mahavira was born in the present-day state of
2. According to the Jain Philosophy, the term
Bihar. Lord Mahavira was the 24th Tirthankara of
‘Jina’ means ________.
(a) lord (b) the conqueror
Lord Mahaveera was born in 599 BC near Vaishali in
(c) free from fetters (d) worthy
Kundagrama (Bihar).
S.S.C. Online Graduate Level (T-1) 7.03.2020 (Shift-III)
He was born a Prince Vardhamana to King Siddhartha
Ans. (b)
and Queen Trishala of the Ikshvaku Dynasty.
Jina- One who, according to Jainism, has conquered Mahavira belonged to Jnantrik Dynasty. He got en-
temporal and material existence through self-disci- lightened under a Sal Tree.
pline and attained a transcendent and external state He got kaivalya (death) on the bank of the Rijupalika
of bliss and is revered as a Tirthankara. River.
The universal principles of Jainism are—
• Ahimsa (non-injury) 6. Mahavira, who was known in Pali literature as
• Satyam (truthfulness) Nighantha Nataputta, founded a religion called
• Asteya (non-stealing) ______.
• Brahmacharya (celibacy) (a) Sikhism (b) Bahai
• Aparigraha (non-covetousness).
(c) Zoroastrianism (d) Jainism
3. In which Indian Religion, there are 24 Tirthan- S.S.C. Online CGL (T-I) 17.08.2021 (Shift-III)
karas? Ans. (d)
(a) Jainism (b) Buddhism
(c) Hinduism (d) Sikhism Mahavira, who was known in Pali literature as
S.S.C. Online CHSL (T-I) 7.02.2017 (Shift-I) Nigantha Nataputta, founded a religion called Jainism.
Ans. (a) Mahavir Swami was the 24th Tirthankar. He is
considered as the real founder of Jainism.
In Jainism, a Tirthankara is a saviour and spiritual
teacher of the dharma. There are 24 Tirthankaras in 7. Where did Lord Mahavira attain salvation?
Jainism. (a) Pawapuri (b) Shravanabelagola
Rishabha was the first Tirthankara of Jainism. He was (c) Sonagiri (d) Mount Abu
also known as Adinatha and AdishJina. S.S.C. Online M.T.S. (T-I) 13.10.2021 (Shift-II)
Arishtanemi was the twenty-second Tirthankara in
Ans. (a)
Parshvanath was the twenty-third Tirthankaras of According to Jain texts, Mahavira’s nirvana (death)
Jainism. occurred in the town of Pawapuri in present-day Bihar.
Mahavir Jain was the twenty-fourth Tirthankaras of His life as a spiritual light and the night of his nirvana
Jainism. is commemorated by Jains as Diwali at the same time
Ajitanath was the second Tirthankara of Jainism. that Hindus celebrate it.
4. Who is considered as the first Tirthankara of 8. A collective term used by the Jains for their
Jainism? sacred books is—
(a) Parswanath (b) Mahavir Swami (a) Prabandhas (b) Agamas

S.S.C. (15) General Studies

(c) Nibandhas (d) Charits 12. Chalukya temples (Jain temples) at Dilwara are
S.S.C. Online Graduate Level (T-I) 10.09.2016 (Shift-I) situated in—
Ans. (b) (a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Uttar Pradesh
(c) Rajasthan (d) Haryana
The sacred books of the Jains are collectively called S.S.C. Online Graduate Level (T-I) 29.08.2016 (Shift-I)
Agama. Comprising fifty separate works which Ans. (c)
differ in small matters, the texts are written mainly in
ArdhaMagadhiPrakrit and Sauraseni. The canon also Located near Mount Abu in Rajasthan, Dilwara
includes 14 ‘Purva’ or ‘earlier’ works attributed in temples comprise five Jain temples that are known
part to Mahavira and several anga sections composed for their religious and architectural elegance. Built
by Mahavira’s disciples, besides various other books between 11th and 13th centuries AD, these temples
on rules. are one of the finest examples of temples during the
reign of the Chalukya dynasty. Dilwara Temples are
9. In 326 BC the war between Sikandar and King
situated near Mount Abu.
Porus was fought on the banks of which river?
(a) Sutlej (b) Chambal 13. In which of the following places, the Dilwara
(c) Yamuna (d) Jhelum temples of Jainism located?
S.S.C. Online Constable GD 3.03.2019 (Shift-II) (a) Indore (b) Bhubaneswar
Ans. (d) (c) Mount Abu (d) Jaipur
S.S.C. Online CHSL (T-I) 18.03.2020 (Shift-III)
The Battle of the Hydaspes was fought between Ans. (c)
Alexander the Great and King Porus in 326 BC. It
took place on the banks of the Jhelum River (known See the explanation of the above question.
to the ancient Greeks as Hydaspes) in the Punjab 14. In ancient times during the Buddhist period,
region of the Indian subcontinent (modern-day Punjab, who were the rulers of Kapilvastu?
Pakistan). (a) Shakya (b) Lichchavi
10. What is the compilation of teachings of Lord (c) Gupta (d) Maurya
Mahavir called? S.S.C. Online Constable GD 1.03.2019 (Shift-III)
(a) Shruti sutra (b) Pibi sutra Ans. (a)
(c) Agam sutra (d) Avesta sutra
In ancient times the rulers of Kapilvastu during the
S.S.C. Online Constable GD 2.03.2019 (Shift-I)
Buddhist period were Shakyas. Mahatma Buddha,
Ans. (c)
the founder of Buddhism, was born in 563 BC in
Lord Mahavir’s preaching was orally compiled the Shakya Kshatriya clan in the Lumbini village of
into many texts (scriptures) by his disciples. These Kapilvastu, located in the Terai of Nepal. It was a
scriptures are known as Jain Agam or Agam Sutras. Vaishakh Purnima, day when he was born.
The Agam Sutras teach great reverence for all forms 15. What was the real name of Gautam Buddha?
of life, strict codes of vegetarianism, asceticism, (a) Siddhartha (b) Mahendra
compassion, nonviolence, and renunciation of (c) Shree Dutt (d) Vishal Dutt
war. Ang-agam is known as the oldest religious S.S.C. Online CHSL (T-I) 6.03.2018 (Shift-II)
scriptures and the backbone of Jain Literature. Ans. (a)
11. The famous Dilwara temples of Mount Abu are
Gautam Buddha was a sage and an ascetic who
a sacred pilgrimage place for the—
founded Buddhism. His original name was Siddhartha.
(a) Buddhists (b) Jains
He taught and lived mainly in the eastern part of
(c) Sikhs (d) Parsis
ancient India between the 6th and 4th centuries BCE.
S.S.C. Online Graduate Level (T-I) 1.09.2016 (Shift-I)
Ans. (b) 16. Buddha was born in _________.
(a) Vaishali (b) Lumbini
The temples of Dilwara are a sacred shrine of the Jains. (c) Kapilavastu (d) Patliputra
Dilwara Jain Temples are one of the finest Jain S.S.C. Online CHSL (T-I) 22.03.2018 (Shift-I)
temples known for their extraordinary architecture
Ans. (b)
and marvellous marble stone carvings.
These temples were built by Vimal Shah between the Lumbini is the birthplace of Lord Buddha. It is a place
11th and 13th centuries AD. near Kapilavastu in Nepal.

S.S.C. (16) General Studies

17. The place of Gautama Buddha’s birth was a Mahayana is a sect of Buddhism which refers to ‘The
grove known as ______.
Great Vehicle’. During the fourth Buddhist council
(a) Mawphlang (b) Lumbini
held at Kashmir (in 72 AD) under king Kanishka,
(c) Kavus (d) Mangar Bani
Buddhism split into two sects, namely—
S.S.C. Online Graduate Level (T-I) 16.08.2021 (Shift-II)
Mahayana : The greater vehicle
Ans. (b)
Hinayana : The lesser vehicle.
The place of Gautama Buddha’s birth was a grove
22. At which place did Gautam Buddha passed
known as Lumbini.
18. Which of the following sites is associated to the (a) Bodh Gaya (b) Kushinagar
birth of Gautama Buddha?
(c) Lumbini (d) Sarnath
(a) Lumbini (b) Bodh Gaya
(c) Kushinagar (d) Sarnath S.S.C. Online MTS (T-I) 13.10.2017 (Shift-II)
S.S.C. Online MTS (T-1) 8.08.2019 (Shift-I) Ans. (b)
Ans. (a)
Kushinagar is a town in Uttar Pradesh where Gautam
See the explanation of the above question. Buddha passed away.
19. _______ foster mother Mahapajapati Gotami It is an important Buddhist pilgrimage site, where
was the first woman to be ordained as a bhik- Buddhists believe Gautama Buddha attained
khuni. Parinirvana after his death.
(a) Arjuna (b) Bindusara 23. Ramabhar Stupa, which marks the site where
(c) Buddha (d) Ashoka
Lord Buddha was cremated, is situated in which
S.S.C. Online C.H.S.L. (T-I) 05.08.2021 (Shift-I)
Ans. (c) state of India?
(a) Himachal Pradesh (b) Bihar
Buddha’s foster mother, Mahapajapati Gotami, was
(c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Uttar Pradesh
the first woman to have been ordained as a bhikkhuni.
Mahapajapati Gotami was the foster mother, step S.S.C. Online MTS (T-1) 07.07.2022 (Shift-III)
mother, and maternal aunt (mother’s sister) of Ans. (d)
Ramabhar Stupa, which marks the site where Lord
In the Buddhist tradition, she was the first woman
Buddha was cremated, is situated in the state of Ut-
to have sought ordination for women, which she did
tar Pradesh, India. It is located in the town of Kush-
from Gautama Buddha directly, and she became the
inagar, which is an important Buddhist pilgrimage
first bhikkhuni (Buddhist nun).
site as it is believed to be the place where Lord Bud-
20. Where did Gautam Buddha finally attained dha attained Parinirvana (final liberation from the cy-
enlightenment? cle of birth and death). The Ramabhar Stupa is also
(a) Sarnath (b) Bodh Gaya known as the Mukutbandhan Chaitya and is one of
(c) Varanasi (d) Lumbini the major attractions for Buddhist pilgrims visiting
S.S.C. Online MTS (T-I) 3.10.2017 (Shift-II) Kushinagar.
Ans. (b)
24. At which of the following places did Lord Bud-
Gautam Buddha attained enlightenment and became dha attain enlightenment?
a Buddha in the Mahabodhi Temple at Bodh Gaya (a) Sarnath (b) Rajgir
while meditating under a Bodhi tree. (c) Bodh Gaya (d) Vaishali
Gautama Buddha first taught the Dharma in Sarnath S.S.C. Online CGL (T-I) 20.08.2021 (Shift-III)
and is said to have been born at Lumbini. This place Ans. (c)
is now a well-known pilgrimage site.
See the explanation of above question number 20.
21. ‘Mahayana’ is related to?
(a) Jainism (b) Sikhism 25. At which of the following places did Lord Bud-
(c) Buddhism (d) None of the above dha give his first sermon on the Four Noble
S.S.C. Online MTS (T-I) 10.10.2017 (Shift-II) Truths?
Ans. (c) (a) Sarnath (b) Rajgir

S.S.C. (17) General Studies

(c) Lumbini (d) Bodh Gaya The first Buddhist Council was held soon after
S.S.C. Online Graduate Level (T-I) 20.08.2021 (Shift-I) the death of the Buddha, the majority of scholars
Ans. (a) attributing it to around 400 BCE. It was held
Gautama Buddha gave his first sermon at Sarnath. under patron age of king Ajatashatru with the
Gautama Buddha gave his first sermon to the five monk Mahakasyapa presiding, at Sattapanni caves
monks called the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta. In Rajgriha (now Rajgir). Its objective was to preserve
his first sermon, the Buddha said, “I teach one thing the Buddha’s teachings (suttas) and the monastic
and one thing only: suffering and the end of suffering,” discipline or rules (Vinaya).
which is the ultimate goal of Buddhism.
30. The language in which Buddha preached?
26. Where did Gautama Buddha taught for the first
(a) Hindi (b) Urdu
(c) Pali (d) Hebrew
(a) Bodh Gaya (b) Lumbini S.S.C. Online CHSL (T-I) 15.01.2017 (Shift-III)
(c) Sarnath (d) Kushinagar Ans. (c)
S.S.C. Online MTS (T-I) 5.10.2017 (Shift-II)
Buddha preached his messages in Pali, the ver-
Ans. (c) nacular spoken in north India. The language of the
See the explanstion of the above question. ancient Buddhist scriptures was Pali. Tripitaka is
the collection of the teachings of the Buddha in the
27. The first Buddhist Council was held at ______ . Pali language. It consists of three sections of the
(a) Kashmir (b) Rajgriha Buddha’s Teachings: Vinaya Pitaka, Sutta Pitaka and
(c) Pataliputra (d) Vaishali Abhidhamma Pitaka.
S.S.C. Online Graduate Level (T-I) 30.08.2016 (Shift-II)
31. ‘Ashta Mahasthana’ refers to the eight significant
Ans. (b)
places associated with the life of the Buddha.
The First Council was held by king Ajatshatru with Which among the following is NOT one of those?
the monk Mahaksyapa Upali at Rajagriha. (a) Lumbini (b) Raigad
The Second Council was held by king Kalashoka with (c) Sarnath (d) Bodh Gaya
Sabakami at Vaishali. S.S.C. Online CPO S.I. (T-1) 23.11.2020 (Shift-I)
Ans. (b)
The Third Council was held by Ashoka with monk
Moggaliputta Tissa at Pataliputra. Ashta Mahasthana associated with the life of the
The Fourth Council was held by king Kanishka Buddha are Lumbini, Bodh Gaya, Sarnath, Kushi-
with the monks Ashvaghosha and Vasumitra at nagar, Shravasti, Sankissa, Rajgriha and Vaishali.
Kundalavana in Kashmir. 32. Chaityas and Viharas were constructed for the
28. The First Buddhist Council is said to have been monks of which religion?
patronised by: (a) Judaism (b) Christianity
(a) Chandragupta Maurya (c) Buddhism (d) Hinduism
S.S.C. Online MTS (T-1) 19.08.2019 (Shift-II)
(b) Ashoka
Ans. (c)
(c) Ajatashatru
(d) Porus Buddhist architecture can be seen in the form of
S.S.C. Online M.T.S. (T-I) 13.10.2021 (Shift-II) Stupas, Chaityas, and Viharas.
Ans. (c) Chaityas were constructed as shrines of Buddhism.
Viharas were built for the purpose of lodging Buddhist
See the explanation of the above question.
monks. They are dwelling for monks.
29. Which Buddhist Council was held soon after the The stupa is a ceremonial burial mound used for the
death of Gautam Buddha? veneration of Buddhist saints.
(a) Fourth (b) Third Christians believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God.
(c) Second (d) First Judaism is one of the oldest monotheistic religions.
S.S.C. Online CHSL (T-I) 7.02.2017 (Shift-III) Judaism believes in the oneness of God and rejects the
Ans. (d) Christian concept of God in human form.

S.S.C. (18) General Studies

33. What is the most important work of Hinayana 38. Gautam Buddha's teaching are found mainly
School? in:
(a) Panchatantra (b) Mahavastu (a) Vinaya Pitaka (b) Abhidhamma Pitaka
(c) Ashtadhyayi (d) Zend Avesta (c) Tisarana (d) Sutta Pitaka
S.S.C. Online MTS (T-I) 10.10.2017 (Shift-I) S.S.C. JE Civil Exam 23.03.2021 (Shift-I)
Ans. (b) Ans. (d)
‘Mahavastu’ is a Buddhist text written in Sanskrit, The teachings of Gautam Buddha are mainly compiled
which details the life of Buddha. It is an important in the ‘Sutta Pitaka’. The rules of order for Buddhists
text of Hinayana.
are mentioned in the Vinaya Pitaka and the law of
34. Tripitakas are sacred books of _______. Buddhist philosophy is mentioned in the Abhidhamma
(a) Sikhism (b) Jews Pitaka. Vinaya Pitaka, Sutta Pitaka and Abhidhamma
(c) Buddhism (d) Muslims Pitaka are also called Tripitaka.
S.S.C. Online CHSL (T-I) 24.01.2017 (Shift-I)
S.S.C. Online Graduate Level (T-I) 6.09.2016 (Shift-I) 39. Which of the following is one of the sacred books
Ans. (c) of Buddhism?
(a) Tripitaka (b) Kalpa Sutra
Tripitaka is the holy book of Buddhism. After the (c) Torah (d) The Avesta
death of Buddha, his teachings were compiled and S.S.C. Online CHSL (T-I) 19.03.2020 (Shift-II)
divided into three parts; these are called ‘Tripitaka’. Ans. (a)
35. The earliest Buddhist texts were written in: The holy book of Buddhism is Tripitaka. After the
(a) Pali (b) Apabhramsha death of Buddha, his teachings were compiled and
(c) Sanskrit (d) Prakrit divided into three parts. These are called Tripitaka.
S.S.C. Online MTS (T-I) 22.10.2021 (Shift-II) These three are the Vinaya Pitaka (the rules of
Ans. (a) association and teachings of conduct), the Sutta Pitaka
(religious principles) and the Abhidhamma Pitaka
The ancient Buddhist scriptures were written in Pali
(philosophical principles).
language. Buddhist literature mainly consists of a
collection of teachings of Lord Buddha, the founder 40. The religious text, Tripitaka, is related to which
of Buddhism. religion?
36. The rules made for the ______ were written (a) Judaism (b) Buddhism
down in a book called ‘Vinaya Pitaka’. (c) Islam (d) Jainism
(a) Vaishnavites (b) Lingayats S.S.C. Online MTS (T-1) 13.08.2019 (Shift-I)
(c) Buddhist sangha (d) Shakta cult Ans. (b)
S.S.C. Online CGL (T-I) 18.08.2021 (Shift-II)
See the explanation of the above question.
Ans. (c)
41. The ‘Pali Canon’ written in the 5thcenturyBC is
The rules for the Buddhist sangha were compiled
the original text of which ‘religion’?
in a book called the Vinaya pitaka, while the Sutta
(a) Zoroastrianism (b) Jainism
Pitaka (religious principles) and Abhidhamma Pitaka
(c) Buddhism (d) Taoism
(philosophical principles) are important in Buddhist
S.S.C. Online Constable GD 2.03.2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (c)
37. Which of the following Buddhist sites is located
in Uttar Pradesh? The ‘Pali Canon’ written in the 5th century BC is the
(a) Amaravati (b) Sanchi original text of Buddhism. It is the standard collection
(c) Karle (d) Sarnath of scriptures in the Theravada Buddhist tradition.
S.S.C. Online CGL (T-I) 13.08.2021 (Shift-III)
42. Nalanda was the ancient educational institution
Ans. (d)
of which religion?
Sarnath Buddhist site is located in Uttar Pradesh. (a) Christian (b) Jain
Buddha gave his first sermon to five Brahmin (c) Buddhist (d) Islam
monks at Sarnath. This first sermon is called S.S.C. Online Constable GD 19.02.2019 (Shift-I)
‘Dharmachakrapravartan’. Ans. (c)

S.S.C. (19) General Studies

Nalanda was the ancient educational institution of 5. The first ruler of Magadha from the Haryanka
Buddhism. Nalanda is currently located in the state of dynasty was _______.
Bihar. There exist the remains of the oldest Nalanda (a) Prasenajit (b) Bimbisara
University of Nalanda in India, where students from (c) Ajatshatru (d) Ashoka
distant countries came to study. S.S.C. Online Graduate Level (T-1) 3.03.2020 (Shift-III)
Ans. (b)
 STATUS OF INDIA AFTER 6TH CEN- The first ruler of Magadha from the Haryanka dynasty
was Bimbisara (544-492 BC). Another name of
1. How many powerful Mahajanapadas existed in
Bimbisara was Shrenik. He conquered the kingdom
ancient India?
of Anga and annexed it to his empire and appointed
(a) 14 (b) 12
his son Ajatashatru as its vice-king.
(c) 18 (d) 16
S.S.C. Online MTS (T-1) 6.08.2019 (Shift-I) 6. Bimbisara was the king of which dynasty?
Ans. (d) (a) Haryanka (b) Maurya
(c) Shunga (d) Nanda
In 6th century BC, in ancient India, there were 16 S.S.C. Online CHSL (T-I) 23.01.2017 (Shift-II)
Mahajanapadas. These 16 Mahajanapadas were Ans. (a)
mentioned in the Buddhist text ‘Anguttarnikaya’ and
See the explanation of the above question.
the Jain text ‘Bhagwatisutra’.
7. Ajatashatru was the son of—
2. How many great powers (Mahajanpadas) exist-
(a) Brahmadatta (b) Bindusara
ed in the 7th and early 6th centuries BC, during
(c) Bimbisara (d) Chetaka
the life time of Lord Gautam Buddha?
S.S.C. Online CHSL (T-I) 1.02.2017 (Shift-I)
(a) 11 (b) 17
Ans. (c)
(c) 16 (d) 13
S.S.C. Online Graduate Level (T-1) 4.06.2019 (Shift-II) After Bimbisara, his son Ajatashatru (about 492
Ans. (c) -460 BC) became the ruler of Magadha. He was as
imperialist as his father. During this time, Kosala was
See the explanation of the above question. engaged in conflict with Magadha. During the reign
3. Which of the following was the capital of of Ajatashatru, the first Buddhist council was held at
Mahajanapada Gandhara in 6th century BC? Saptaparni in Rajagriha.
(a) Mathura (b) Varanasi 8. Ajatashatru, a ruler of the Haryanka Dynasty,
(c) Taxila (d) Hastinapur was the son of _____.
S.S.C. Online MTS (T-1) 11.07.2022 (Shift-I) (a) Anurudha (b) Udayin
Ans. (c) (c) Bimbisara (d) Naga-Dasak
S.S.C. Online Graduate Level (T-1) 3.03.2020 (Shift-II)
Gandhara Mahajanapada did not have a fixed capi-
Ans. (c)
tal in the 6th century BC, but its political center was
probably Taxila, which was a major city and an im- See the explanation of the above question.
portant center of learning during that period. Taxila is 9. Who founded the Maurya Empire by defeating
located in present-day Pakistan, near the border with Dhananand?
Afghanistan. (a) Bindusara (b) Chandragupta
4. Which of the following is NOT one of the mo- (c) Kunal (d) Ashoka
narchical states that existed in the 7th and early S.S.C. Online Constable GD 3.03.2019 (Shift-I)
6th centuries BC in India? Ans. (b)
(a) Vaishali (b) Magadha Chandragupta established the Maurya empire by
(c) Avanti (d) Kosala defeating Dhan Nanda . He was the first historical
S.S.C. Online Graduate Level (T-1) 4.06.2019 (Shift-II) emperor.
Ans. (a)
10. _________ was the capital of Magadha before
Vaishali was not a monarchy in the seventh and early the 4th century BCE.
sixth centuries BC. It was a republic. (a) Varanasi (b) Rajagraha

S.S.C. (20) General Studies

(c) Mathura (d) Pataliputra The last ruler of the Nanda dynasty was Dhanananda,
S.S.C. Online Graduate Level (T-1) 4.03.2020 (Shift-I)
a contemporary of Sikandar. He has been called by
Ans. (b) the Greek writers ‘Agrames’.
Rajagriha (present-day Rajgir) was the capital of
Magadha before the 4th century BC; later, Pataliputra  MAURYAN PERIOD.
(present-day Patna) became the capital of Magadha. 1. Chandragupta Maurya was born in _______.
(a) 340 BC (b) 563 BC
Bimbisara, considered to be the real founder of the
(c) 189 BC (d) 99 BC
Magadha Empire, made Rajgir his capital.
S.S.C. Online CHSL (T-I) 22.01.2017 (Shift-II)
11. In the 4th century BCE, the capital of Magadha Ans. (a)
was shifted to ________.
(a) Mathura (b) Pataliputra Chandragupta Maurya was born in 340 BC. He was
(c) Varanasi (d) Panipat the founder of the Maurya dynasty. He lived from
S.S.C. Online Graduate Level (T-1) 4.03.2020 (Shift-I)
322 BC to 298 BC and ruled till Pataliputra was the
Ans. (b) capital of the Maurya Empire.
2. Chandragupta led a revolt against the ______
See the explanation of the above question.
and overthrew them.
12. Which was the first empire in ancient India to (a) Kushanas (b) Shishunagas
use elephants in its war on a large scale? (c) Nandas (d) Haryankas
(a) Magadha (b) Chola S.S.C. Online Graduate Level (T-I) 18.08.2021 (Shift-I)
(c) Shunga (d) Kushan Ans. (c)
S.S.C. Online C.H.S.L. (T-I) 5.08.2021 (Shift-II) Chandragupta Maurya, with the help of his mentor
Ans. (a) and guide Chanakya, defeated the last Nanda ruler
Magadha was the kingdom of ancient India, where Dhananand and established the Maurya dynasty.
elephants were used extensively during war. Indian Pataliputra (modern Patna) was the capital of
elephants were considered invincible in battle. Chandragupta.
13. Alexander the Great was born in _______. 3. Who among the following kings founded the
(a) 356 BC (b) 189 BC Maurya empire in ancient India?
(c) 189 AD (d) 356 AD (a) Chandragupta (b) Dasaratha
S.S.C. Online CHSL (T-I) 18.01.2017 (Shift-II) (c) Bindusara (d) Ashoka
Ans. (a) S.S.C. Online C.H.S.L. (T-I) 19.04.2021 (Shift-III)
Ans. (a)
Alexander the Great was born in 356 BC. He was
See the explanation of the above question.
born in Macedonia. He died in 323 BC in Babylon.
Alexander was a disciple of Aristotle. 4. Who, with the help of Kautilya, overthrew
Dhanananda, the last Nanda ruler, in 322 BC?
14. Alexander defeated ………….. in the battle of (a) Ashoka (b) Chandragupta Maurya
Hydaspes? (c) Akbar (d) Kalashoka
(a) Porus (b) Chandragupta Maurya S.S.C. Online MTS (T-1) 07.07.2022 (Shift-III)
(c) Herakles (d) Eudemus Ans. (b)
S.S.C. Online CHSL (T-I) 11.01.2017 (Shift-I)
Ans. (a) Chandragupta Maurya, with the help of his mentor
and advisor Chanakya (also known as Kautilya),
The Battle of Hydaspes or Jhelum took place between overthrew Dhanananda, the last Nanda ruler, in 322
Alexander and the Indian ruler Porus. Porus was BC. Chandragupta went on to establish the Mauryan
defeated in this war. Empire in ancient India.
15. Who among the following was the last ruler of 5. Chandragupta (322–298 BC) was the ruler of
the Nanda dynasty? which dynasty?
(a) Dhanananda (b) Panduka (a) Maurya (b) Mewar
(c) Govishanaka (d) Kaivarta (c) Mughal (d) Peshwas
S.S.C. Online Graduate Level (T-1) 3.03.2020 (Shift-II) S.S.C. Online CHSL (T-I) 25.01.2017 (Shift-III)
Ans. (a) Ans. (a)

S.S.C. (21) General Studies

Chandragupta (322-298 BC) belonged to the Maurya (c) Loktak (d) Sudarshana
S.S.C. Online Graduate Level (T-1) 4.03.2020 (Shift-I)
dynasty. Chandragupta Maurya is counted among
the great rulers of India. He was the first historical Ans. (d)
emperor of India, who established his rule over Sudarshan Lake in Gujarat is an artificial reservoir
Greater India and extent of whose empire was larger which was built during the rule of the Mauryas. This
than that of the British Empire. He was the first to lake was constructed by Pushya Gupta, the provincial
unite India politically. ruler of Chandragupta Maurya. Ashoka’s governor
Tushapa later built a canal to supply water from it.
6. In the Seleucid Maurya war, Seleucus fought
At the time of Rudradaman, when the dam of the
against which of the following Mauryan rulers?
lake damaged due to heavy rains, its provincial ruler
(a) Ashok
Suvisakh got it repaired.
(b) Dasharath
(c) Chandragupta maurya 10. Whose son was Bindusara?
(d) Samprati (a) Ashoka (b) Akbar
S.S.C. Online CGL (T-1) 20.04.2022 (Shift-III) (c) Chandragupta (d) Shivaji
Ans. (c) S.S.C. Online CHSL (T-I) 27.01.2017 (Shift-III)
Ans. (c)
In the terrible Seleucid–Mauryan war on the north-
west borders of India; mainly the Indus River Val- Bindusara (298-273 BC) was the second Mauryan
ley in the year 305-303 BC. Seleucus and his Greek emperor of India. He was the son of Chandragupta
army could not withstand the destructive attack on Maurya and the father of Ashoka.
them by the brave Indian fighters of the Mauryan 11. Who was the son of Bindusara?
Empire. The army of Chandragupta Maurya defeated (a) Ashok (b) Chandragupta
the Greek invaders. (c) Bimbsar (d) Ajatsatru
7. Chandragupta Maurya was an ardent follower S.S.C. Online MTS (T-I) 18.09.2017 (Shift-I)
of ________. Ans. (a)
(a) Sikhism (b) Jainism Ashoka was a great emperor of the Maurya dynasty.
(c) Buddhism (d) Jewism He was the son of Bindusara.
S.S.C. Online CHSL (T-I) 8.02.2017 (Shift-III)
12. Ashoka The Great (273–232 B.C.) was the ruler
Ans. (b)
of which dynasty?
Chandragupta Maurya was the founder of the Maurya (a) Mewar (b) Mughal
dynasty. He was a follower of Jainism. According (c) Maurya (d) Peshwas
to Jain texts, Chandragupta Maurya left the throne S.S.C. Online CHSL (T-I) 30.01.2017 (Shift-II)
in favour of his son towards the end of his life and Ans. (c)
went to Shravanabelagola (Mysore) with the Jain
Ashoka the Great (273-232 BC) was the ruler of
monk Bhadrabahu. In 298 BC, At Shravanabelagola
the Maurya dynasty. He was the son of Bindusara.
(Mysore), he gave up his life by fasting according to Ashoka, 273 BC, became king; and 4 years later,
the Jain method. It is called ‘Sallekhna’ in Jainism. in 269 BC, he was coronated. Ashoka’s famous at
8. Where did Chandragupta Maurya spent his last was the embrace of Buddhist ‘Dhamma’ and its
(a) Kashi (b) Patliputra 13. Ashoka was a king of which dynasty?
(c) Ujjain (d) Shravanbelgola (a) Pradyota (b) Haryanka
C.P.O. S.I. 5.06.2016 (Shift-II) (c) Maurya (d) Nanda
Ans. (d) S.S.C. Online CHSL (T-I) 15.01.2017 (Shift-III)
Ans. (c)
See the explanation of the above question.
See the explanation of the above question.
9. The ________ lake in Gujarat was an artificial
reservoir built during the rule of the Mauryas. 14. Ashoka was an emperor of the _______ Dynasty.
(a) Pushkar (b) Lonar (a) Mughal (b) Chola

S.S.C. (22) General Studies

(c) Maurya (d) Gupta Sir James Prinsep was the first scholar to understand
S.S.C. Online CHSL (T-I) 17.01.2017 (Shift-I)
the inscription of Ashoka.
Ans. (c)
19. Which of the following rulers engraved his
See the explanation of the above question.
messages on stone surfaces for his subjects and
15. Who was the most famous ruler of the Maurya officials?
dynasty? (a) Chandragupta Maurya
(a) Chandragupta Maurya
(b) Bindusara
(b) Bindusara
(c) Ashoka
(c) Ashoka
(d) Chandragupta-I (d) Chandragupta-I
S.S.C. Online MTS (T-I) 20.09.2017 (Shift-II) S.S.C. Online C.H.S.L. (T-I) 19.04.2021 (Shift-I)
Ans. (c) Ans. (c)

Ashoka was the most famous ruler of the Maurya Ashoka was the most famous ruler of the Maurya
dynasty. The whole of India, except Assam and the far dynasty. He tried to convey the message to the subjects
south, was brought under Ashoka’s empire. Keeping and officials through inscriptions and records. Most of
in mind the wide diversily of his subjects, Ashoka the inscriptions of Ashoka are in the Prakrit language
Preached a ‘Dhamma’, which could be easily followed and Brahmi script.
by all. Tolerance, generosity and compassion were its
three dimensions. 20. What was the name of King Ashoka’s daughter
whom he appointed to carry out the duties of a
16. A type of court called ‘Kantakasodhana’ was
Buddhist missionary?
prevalent in the ______ Empire.
(a) Charumati (b) Padmavati
(a) Rashtrakuta (b) Kushana
(c) Chola (d) Mauryan (c) Sanghamitra (d) Asandhimitra
S.S.C. Online Graduate Level (T-I) 20.08.2021 (Shift-I) S.S.C. Online MTS (T-I) 22.10.2021 (Shift-III)
Ans. (d) Ans. (c)
The court called ‘Kantakashodhan’ was prevalent in The daughter of King Ashoka was Sanghamitra,
the Maurya Empire. The Kantakashodhana was the who was assigned the responsibility of performing
criminal court and the Dharmasthya civil court. The the duties of Buddhist machinery. Sanghamitra was
‘pradeshta’ was the judge of the criminal court. sent by Ashoka and his son Mahendra to propagate
17. Who among the following published a set of Buddhism in Sri Lanka (also known as Sinhaldweep
Ashokan inscriptions in the year 1877? and Tamraparni).
(a) Colin Mackenzie
21. Who among the following first deciphered the
(b) D.C. Sircar
Brahmi script in 1837?
(c) Alexander Cunningham
(d) M.S. Vats (a) James Prinsep
S.S.C. Online CGL (T-I) 20.08.2021 (Shift-II) (b) Alexander Cunningham
Ans. (c) (c) John Marshall
(d) Dayaram Sahni
In 1877, Alexander Cunningham published a set of
Ashokan inscriptions. The first success in deciphering S.S.C. Online M.T.S. (T-I) 26.10.2021 (Shift-II)
Ashoka’s inscriptions achieved in 1837 AD by James Ans. (a)
Prinsep. James Prinsep deciphered the Brahmi script in 1837
18. Who among the following was the first scholar AD. He first uttered the Brahmi script with letters
to decipher the Ashokan edicts? engraved on stone plates (inscriptions).
(a) V. Gordon Childe
22. Which script was used in Ashoka’s inscriptions?
(b) Alexander Cunningham
(c) James Prinsep (a) Brahmi (b) Devanagiri
(d) James Taylor (c) Gurmukhi (d) Sanskrit
S.S.C. Online CGL (T-I) 23.08.2021 (Shift-II) S.S.C. Online Graduate Level (T-I) 2.09.2016 (Shift-III)
Ans. (c) Ans. (a)

S.S.C. (23) General Studies

Most of the inscriptions of Ashoka were written in 26. Which of the following rulers did NOT belong
the Prakrit language and Brahmi script; only two to the Mauryan Dynasty?
inscriptions - Shahbazgarhi and Mansehra script (a) Ashoka (b) Chandragupta
were in Kharoshthi rather than Brahmi. A fractal (c) Bindusara (d) Bimbisara
inscription written in Aramaic script are from Taxila, S.S.C. Online M.T.S. (T-I) 14.10.2021 (Shift-I)
bilingual Greek and Syrian language inscription Ans. (d)
written in Greek and Aramaic scripts from a place
called Sharekuna and Ashoka’s inscription written in The real founder of Magadha empire was Bimbisara
Aramaic script from a place called Langhama have (544-492 BC). He belonged to the Haryanka dynasty.
been found. The rest of rulers belonged to the Maurya dynasty.

23. Ashokan Minor Rock Edicts are found in 27. The capital of the Mauryan Kingdom was locat-
different parts of India. Which of the following is ed at ________.
NOT a find spot of Ashokan Minor Rock Edicts (a) Pataliputra (b) Vaishali
in Karnataka? (c) Lumbini (d) Gaya
(a) Brahmagiri (b) Gavimath S.S.C. Online Graduate Level (T-I) 4.09.2016 (Shift-III)
(c) Rupnath (d) Maski Ans. (a)
S.S.C. Online CGL (T-1) 21.04.2022 (Shift-I)
Chandragupta Maurya founded Maurya Empire after
Ans. (c)
defeating the last Nanda ruler Dhanananda with the
The Rupnath inscription is situated near the Kaimur help of his Guru Chanakya. Pataliputra (modern
hills in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, while the Mas- Patna) was the capital of Chandragupta (Mauryan
ki inscription can be found in the Raichur district of Empire), of which the Greek ambassador Megasthenes
Karnataka. The Gavimath inscription is located in has given a detailed account.
the Koppal district of Karnataka, and the Brahmagiri
inscription is situated in Chitradurga district, also in 28. Which was the capital of Maurya Empire ?
Karnataka. These inscriptions are known as the Mi- (a) Indraprastha (b) Vaishali
nor Rock Edicts of Ashoka, and they are the earliest (c) Kushinagar (d) Patliputra
part of Ashoka's edicts, predating his Major Rock S.S.C. Online Constable GD 15.02.2019 (Shift-II)
Edicts. They represent the first known edicts in the Ans. (d)
Indian language of Emperor Ashoka, written in the
Brahmi script. The Kandahar Bilingual Rock Inscrip- See the explanation of the above question.
tion, which is written in Greek and Aramaic, is the 29. Kalinga War was fought in the year _______.
first known inscription of Ashoka. (a) 1604 BC (b) 261 BC
24. Which dynasty came and ruled the Magadha (c) 731 AD (d) 1113 AD
kingdom immediately after the Maurya dynasty? S.S.C. Online CHSL (T-I) 20.01.2017 (Shift-I)
(a) Satavahana (b) Sunga Ans. (b)
(c) Nand (d) Kanva
C.P.O. S.I. 5.06.2016 (Shift-II) The first significant event of Ashoka’s reign was the
Ans. (b) Kalinga War and Ashoka’s victory in the war. The
thirteenth inscription of Ashoka mentions the context
The last Mauryan emperor Brihadratha was killed of this war. This happened 8 years after Ashoka sat on
by Pushyamitra Sunga in 184 BC who founded the throne, i.e. happened in 261 BC. In this inscription,
Sunga dynasty. he has expressed grief and remorse over the suffering
25. Who was the last ruler of Maurya dynasty? caused by the Kalinga war.
(a) Kunal (b) Brihadratha 30. Emperor Ashoka embraced Buddhism after the:
(c) Susim (d) Sampriti
(a) Battle of Buxar (b) Kalinga War
S.S.C. Online Stenographer 13.09.2017 (Shift-I)
(c) Battle of Haldighati (d) Battle of Tarain
Ans. (b)
S.S.C. Online M.T.S. (T-I) 13.10.2021 (Shift-III)
See the explanation of the above question. Ans. (b)

S.S.C. (24) General Studies

Ashoka adopted Buddhism after observing the 35. Which of the following statements is correct?
I. Most of Ashoka’s inscriptions were written
brutality of the Kalinga War. The Kalinga war was
in Brahmi script.
the most famous war fought between the Mauryan
II. Many of Chanakya’s ideas were written
Emperor Ashoka the Great and the State of Kalinga.
down in a book called the Arthashastra
31. Kautilya was the Prime Minister of : (a) Only II (b) Only I
(a) Chandragupta Vikramaditya (c) Neither I nor II (d) Both I and II
S.S.C. Online MTS (T-1) 08.07.2022 (Shift-II)
(b) Ashok
Ans. (d)
(c) Chandragupta Maurya
(d) King Kanak Statement I is correct. Most of Ashoka's inscrip-
S.S.C. Online CHSL (T-I) 15.03.2018 (Shift-II) taion's were written in the Brahmi script, which was
Ans. (c) used for writing in many languages in ancient India.
Ashoka's inscriptions were written on rocks and pil-
Kautilya was the prime minister of Chandragupta lars, and they conveyed his policies, teachings, and
Maurya. Kautilya made an important contribution moral values.
to the rise of Chandragupta Maurya. He is noted Statement II is also correct. Chanakya was a scholar
in history as ‘Vishnugupta’ and ‘Chanakya’. When and advisor to the Mauryan emperor Chandragupta,
Chandragupta Maurya became the emperor of India, and he is credited with writing the Arthashastra, an
Kautilya rose to the position of Prime Minister, ancient Indian treatise on statecraft, economic poli-
General Secretary and Chief Purohit. He composed cy, and military strategy. The Arthashastra is a com-
a famous treatise on state craft called ‘Arthashastra’. prehensive text that covers a wide range of topics,
including governance, diplomacy, law, taxation, and
32. The important book written by Kautilya is—.
(a) Arthashastra
36. The oldest rock cut architecture is found in
(b) Indica
(c) Arya Manju Sri Mula Kapa
(a) Rajasthan (b) Bihar
(d) Rajatarangini (c) Karnataka (d) Mizoram
S.S.C. Online Graduate Level (T-I) 6.09.2016 (Shift-II) S.S.C. Online CHSL (T-I) 7.02.2017 (Shift-I)
Ans. (a) Ans. (b)
There are total 15 tribunals (parts), 180 episodes During the time of Ashoka and his grandson
(subsections) and 6000 verses in Arthashastra. It was Dasharatha, cave houses were built for the followers of
composed by Kautilya. the Ajivak sect by cutting the Barabar and Nagarjuni
hills in Bihar. These are the oldest specimens of rock-
33. Chanakya was known as ______.
cut architecture. In the time of Ashoka, the cave named
(a) Rajasekhara (b) Tejasvi
‘Sudama’s cave’ and ‘Karna Chaupad’ were famous
(c) Kautilya (d) Vatsyayana in the Barabar hill cave.
S.S.C. Online CHSL (T-I) 15.01.2017 (Shift-I)
37. In which state The Jaugada Rock Edict of Asoka
Ans. (c)
is located?
Chanakya was the prime minister and chief priest (a) Gujarat (b) Andhra Pradesh
of Chandragupta Maurya. He wrote a treatise called (c) Odisha (d) Uttarakhand
Arthashastra. Chanakya is also known in history by S.S.C. Online Graduate Level (T-1) 7.03.2020 (Shift-III)
the names Kautilya and Vishnugupta. Ans. (c)

34. The Arthashastra was written by—. The Jaugada Rock Edict of Ashoka is located near
(a) Chanakya (b) Kalidasa the cities of Berhampur and Purushottampur in the
Ganjam district of Odisha, India.
(c) Harsha Vardhana (d) Vatsyayana
S.S.C. Online CHSL (T-I) 7.01.2017 (Shift-I) 38. The Mauryan pillar head found at Sarnath is
Ans. (a) known as………..
(a) Bull Pillar Head
The Arthashastra was written by Chanakya. (b) Elephant Pillar Head

S.S.C. (25) General Studies

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