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Structure 1.3.2 and 1.3.

The line emission spectrum of hydrogen
The Bohr model of hydrogen

electron shell

Evidence for energy levels in atoms
Thermal or electrical energy causes an electron of an atom to be
promoted from a lower energy level (ground state) to a higher energy
level (excited state).
Electron in the excited state is unstable and will fall back to a lower
energy level.
Light of a particular wavelength / frequency would be emitted which is
equal to the energy difference between the higher and lower energy level.
Evidence for energy levels in atoms

energy n=4


The Bohr’s model
1. Electrons exist in discrete, quantized energy levels.
If only transitions between two discrete If the electrons in an atom could have
energy levels are possible, only radiation of any energy, all transitions would be
certain energy (equal to the energy difference possible. This would result in a
between the two energy levels) and thus continuous spectrum.
radiation of specific frequency would be
emitted. This would result in a line spectrum.
The Bohr’s model
2. Energy levels get converged at high energy / frequency.

The energy levels are not spaced evenly. At the convergence limit, the lines
merge to form a continuum.
Electron transitions in a hydrogen atom
Level to which Higher energy
Series Area of spectrum
electron falls back level, n
Lyman 1 n = 2, 3, 4… Ultraviolet region
Balmer 2 n = 3, 4, 5… Visible region
Paschen 3 n = 4, 5, 6… Infrared region
Emission spectrum of hydrogen
Concept check
Which is the absorption spectrum of hydrogen atom?

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