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IoT-ML Integration for

Tomato Shelf Life


Presented by Supervised by
Arfin Naim (E193005) & DR. MOHAMMED SAIFUDDIN
Assistant Professor, Depertment
Raisul Islam (R193011)
Tomatoes, scientifically known as Solanum lycopersicum, are a popular and versatile fruit that is widely consumed all over the world. Despite
being considered vegetables in culinary contexts, botanically, they belong to the fruit category since they develop from the ovary of a flower
and contain seeds. Tomatoes are a member of the nightshade family, Solanaceae, which also includes other well-known plants such as potatoes,
peppers, and eggplants. Originating from South America, particularly the Andes region, tomatoes were cultivated by the Aztecs and Incas long
before they were introduced to the rest of the world. After Spanish explorers brought tomatoes back to Europe in the 16th century, their
popularity spread rapidly, and they became an essential ingredient in various cuisines. According to the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics,
tomato production in Bangladesh was around 4.4 million metric tons in 2020, making it the fourth most produced vegetable in the country after
potato, onion, and brinjal. And the amount of its production is increasing day by day.
Tomatoes come in a wide range of colors, shapes, and sizes. There are also other parameters such as, weight ,pH , hardness, temperature and
humidity which indicates the quality of tomato . When tomatoes begin to ripen, they release ethylene gas , which is also an important factor
for tomato shelf life maintaining because it effects the other unripen tomato.
By creating a comprehensive shelf life profile for tomatoes through meticulous data collection and analysis of various environmental
conditions, post-harvest handling practices, and storage parameters, we empower growers, suppliers, and retailers to optimize storage
conditions, reduce wastage, and deliver top-quality tomatoes to consumers.
The implications of this work extend beyond the tomato industry, serving as a blueprint for enhancing the efficiency and shelf life of other
perishable produce in diverse supply chains. Through promoting sustainable agriculture and resource utilization, this research contributes to a
brighter and more resilient future for global food systems.
Problem Statement
• Significant losses due to spoilage caused by uncontrollable factors.

• Lacking of real time data collection.

• Lacking of real time data analysis.

Developing tomato Shelf Life Monitoring System capable
1 of collecting real-time data

Analyze correlation among physical , machine learning and

2 internet of things data.
Literature Review:
1 Khandaker, Mohammad & Hossain, A.B.M. Sharif & Sani, Winardi & Saifuddin, Mohammed & Alenazi, Mohammad.
(2009). Effect of harvesting and storage conditions on the post harvest quality of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum
Mill) cv. Roma VF. Australian Journal of Crop Science Southern Cross Journals©2009. 3. 113-121.
The mentioned paper evaluated the post-harvest quality of tomato fruits at different maturity stages and
storage conditions. It monitored factors such as decay, sugar content, weight loss, pH, and acidity. However, it lacked
real-time monitoring, comprehensive data analysis, and IoT integration.
2 Popa, A.; Hnatiuc, M.; Paun, M.; Geman, O.; Hemanth, D.J.; Dorcea, D.; Son, L.H.; Ghita, S. An Intelligent IoT-Based
Food Quality Monitoring Approach Using Low-Cost Sensors. Symmetry 2019, 11, 374.
The paper investigates the use of intelligent sensor networks for monitoring vacuum packed foods, specifically
focusing on onion slices. Low-cost gas sensors are employed to detect emissions from the onions, indicating changes in
respiration rate and moisture content during vacuum processing. The study demonstrates the potential of vacuum
drying to extend the shelf life of onions compared to conventional drying methods. However, the paper lacks
comprehensive data analysis, real-life scenario validation, and consideration of human factors.
Literature Review:
The paper proposes a Smart IoT Food Quality Monitoring System to analyze ambient conditions affecting
stored food items. It utilizes IoT sensors to monitor temperature, humidity, alcohol content, and light parameters that
impact nutritional values. The system offers remote monitoring through an IoT platform, enabling users to control
environmental factors. However, lacking aspects include comprehensive sensor integration, data analytics with ML,
user interface details, real-life validation, and specific environmental control measures.
Dataflow diagram:

Design Model
Hardware Implementation Machine learning model devlopment
Input sample
Shape detection Colour detection
Physical observation Sensor observation

Day Read Identify Weight Connect to

counting Hardness colour thingspeak

Read Read Read Read Read

temperature humidity gas colour weight

Display data
on thingspeak

Data collection
Interpreting data

Final report


Paper publish


Phase 2: Phase 4: Phase 6:

Hardware implantation and machine
Connect the sensors to Collect all data from ML
learning model development according
thingspeak platform model , physical observation
to the design
and sensor

1 2 3 4 5 6 5

Phase 1: Phase 3: Phase 5: Phase 7:

Design the model Sample placement Sensors will collect data and Data Analysis
send it to the thingspeak
Expected outcomes:

Shelf Life Precision Monitoring Industry Recommendations:

The research will provide a comprehensive IoT sensors can continuously monitor The thesis is expected to provide valuable
understanding of tomato shelf life at crucial factors like temperature, humidity, recommendations for growers, suppliers,
different stages and gas levels in real-time to make precise and retailers to optimize their practices and
predictions and reduce spoilage. enhance the efficiency of the tomato supply
The implementation of IoT in our Smart Food Quality Monitoring System
presents a groundbreaking solution to address the challenges faced in the
tomato supply chain. By leveraging real-time data collection, analysis, and
machine learning algorithms, the system offers valuable insights into
temperature, humidity, gas emissions, and light parameters, enabling
proactive decision-making to prevent spoilage and food decay.
Gantt Chart:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Topic Selection
Changed topic
Literature review
Sensor Selection
Individual sensor testing
Design and implementation
Data collection
Interpreting data
Result Analysis
Report Writing
Revision & Submit

Khandaker, Mohammad & Hossain, A.B.M. Sharif & Sani, Winardi & Saifuddin, Mohammed. (2008). Effect of Stages of Maturity and
Ripening Conditions on the Physical Characteristics of Tomato. American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 4.
Khandaker, Mohammad & Hossain, A.B.M. Sharif & Sani, Winardi & Saifuddin, Mohammed & Alenazi, Mohammad. (2009). Effect of
harvesting and storage conditions on the post harvest quality of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) cv. Roma VF. Australian Journal of
Crop Science Southern Cross Journals©2009. 3. 113-121.
Bellamkonda, Venkata & CH.AJAY, & BAI, G.LAKSHMI & K.DIWAKAR, & REDDY, M.ANJI. (2021). Smart Food Monitoring System.
Food Engineering.
Popa, A.; Hnatiuc, M.; Paun, M.; Geman, O.; Hemanth, D.J.; Dorcea, D.; Son, L.H.; Ghita, S. An Intelligent IoT-Based Food Quality
Monitoring Approach Using Low-Cost Sensors. Symmetry 2019, 11, 374.

Ziv, C.; Fallik, E.Postharvest Storage Techniques and Quality Evaluation of Fruits and Vegetables for Reducing Food Loss.Agronomy 2021,
Isaac Kojo Arah, Gerald K. Ahorbo, Etornam Kosi Anku, Ernest Kodzo Kumah, Harrison Amaglo, "Postharvest Handling Practices and
Treatment Methods for Tomato Handlers in Developing Countries: A Mini Review", Advances in Agriculture, vol. 2016, Article ID 6436945, 8
pages, 2016.

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