Bali Property Consultant Fee

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The fees for a Bali property consultant to work with a landlord or investor on a business property

can vary depending on several factors. Here are some general guidelines:

1. Retainer or Consulting Fees:

- Bali property consultants may charge a monthly or annual retainer fee to provide ongoing
advisory services and market insights.
- The retainer fee can range from IDR 5 million to IDR 25 million per month, depending on the
scope of services and the consultant’s level of expertise.

2. Transaction-based Fees:
- For specific property transactions, such as property acquisitions, sales, or leasing, consultants
typically charge a percentage-based fee.
- The transaction fee can range from 1% to 5% of the total property value or rental amount,
depending on the complexity of the transaction and the consultant’s involvement.

3. Project-based Fees:
- For specialized services like feasibility studies, market analysis, or development planning,
consultants may charge a fixed project-based fee.
- The project-based fee can range from IDR 10 million to IDR 100 million or more, depending
on the scope and duration of the project.

4. Success or Performance-based Fees:

- Some consultants may offer a success or performance-based fee structure, where a portion of
the compensation is tied to the successful completion or performance of the property project.
- The success-based fee can range from 5% to 20% of the realized gains or returns generated
from the property investment.

It’s important to note that the exact fees charged by a Bali property consultant may vary
depending on the following factors:
- The consultant’s level of experience and reputation in the Bali market
- The complexity and scope of the property project
- The level of involvement and services required from the consultant
- The size and value of the property transaction
- Negotiations between the landlord/investor and the consultant

It’s advisable to obtain quotes from multiple Bali property consultants and negotiate the terms to
ensure a fair and transparent fee structure that aligns with the project’s needs and the consultant’s

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