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De La Salle University

School of Economics
Term 2, AY 2022 - 2023
Dr. Angelo A. Unite
Assignment 8: Behavior of Short-Run and Long-Run Cost Curves

1. This assignment is a group effort (minimum of 1 student and maximum of 2 students per group), and thus, there
should only be one set of solutions per group. You are not allowed to consult with nor be consulted by other students
currently enrolled in this course. A FINAL GRADE OF 0.0 WILL BE GIVEN TO THE STUDENTS WHOSE
2. For each main problem (indicated by a Roman numeral), answer the sub-questions (indicated by an Arabic numeral)
in their order of appearance. Start answering each main problem (indicated by a roman numeral) in a new sheet. For
each main problem, be sure to indicate the number of the sub- question you are answering. Read the questions
carefully and answer only what is required. Do not make any assumptions other than those given in the problems.
3. Be sure to show the theoretical justification or basis for your answers to each question in this exam. You should start
each answer with a brief discussion of the basis for your answer. The basis is usually an economic concept, a
mathematical definition, or a set of conditions that provides the framework for your answer. Do not just turn in
computations! No explanation and basis, no credit.
4. Simplify all final answers. For final answers that involve numerical values, round off to the nearest 4 decimal places.
5. For questions that require you to determine the sign of derivatives or mathematical functions, be sure to show the
basis for the sign.
6. Your answers should be word processed (MSWord or Google Docs) on A4-size document with 1-inch (2.54 cm)
margins all around. You can generate equations using MathType in Google Docs or MS Word’s build-in Equation
Editor. Graphs can be generated using Mathematica, MSWord, or MSExcel.
Submissions with handwritten or scanned answers (in part or in full) will not be given any credit. Answers involving
equations that were not generated using MS Equation Editor or MathType will not be given any credit.
8. Type, sign and date the Pledge of Academic Honesty Pledge below and make it the cover page of your report.

Pledge of Academic Honesty

This is to certify that we did not consult with anyone, including copying the answered assignments of students who
took this course in previous trimesters, in arriving at our answers to this assignment in MIC1ECO. In addition, we
are certifying that we did not allow ourselves to be consulted by other students who are currently enrolled in this
course during their solving the same assignment. We are aware that a final grade of 0.0 will be given to the students
whose reports are confirmed to be copies (full or partial) of each other and students who violated this pledge.

Signature over printed name and date – Group Member 1

Signature over printed name and date – Group Member 2

9. Save your Word document in pdf format. The pdf file should be uploaded in AnimoSpace. Make sure that the
equations in the pdf file are in good order. Be sure that your group members signatures are on the pledge of academic
honesty. No signature/s, no credit.
10. The AnimoSpace facility for uploading of the pdf copy of your word-processed answers closes at 8:00 am of the last
day of submission specified in this syllabus (Schedule of Assignments). Submissions made outside the AnimoSpace
Assignment facility will not be accepted nor given any credit.
11. Any correction on the mark for this assignment must be brought up with my teaching assistant during the week when
the marked version of this assignment is returned to the students. After this one-week period, any correction on the
mark shall no longer be considered.
12. Any student may be asked to present and discuss his/her group’s solutions in class. The schedule of oral presentation
of answers to the assignments is given in the Learning Plan.

I. A firm’s short-run total cost function is given by 𝑺𝑪(𝒒) = 𝟏𝟎𝒒𝟐 + 𝟒𝟎𝒒 + 𝟗, 𝟎𝟎𝟎 where q is the firm’s
output level.
1. Find the equations of the firm’s short run (a) marginal cost, (b) average variable cost, (c) average
fixed cost, and (d) average cost.
2. What happens to this firm’s short run marginal cost as it produces more output? Use calculus and
words to answer these questions.
3. What happens to this firm’s average variable cost as it produces more output? Use calculus and
words to answer these questions.
4. What happens to this firm’s short run average cost as it produces more output? Use calculus and
words to answer these questions.
5. What happens to this firm’s average fixed cost as it produces more output? Use calculus and
words to answer this question.
6. Show that when this firm’s average variable cost is at a minimum, short run marginal cost equals
average variable cost.
7. Show that when this firm’s average cost is at a minimum, short run marginal cost equals short run
average cost.
8. Show that for this firm, short run marginal cost is always greater than average variable cost for
all positive output levels.


II. A firm’s long-run total cost function is 𝑪(𝒒) = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟏𝒒𝟑 − 𝒒𝟐 + 𝟒𝟎𝒒 where q is the firm’s output level.
1. What are the equations of the firm’s long-run average cost curve and long-run marginal cost
2. Over what range of output does the firm experience economies of scale? Use the long-run average
cost function, calculus, and the necessary concept to answer this question.
3. For which values of output does this firm experience diseconomies of scale? Use the long-run
average cost function, calculus, and the necessary concept to answer this question.
4. How much should this firm produce so that it reaches the firm’s minimum efficient scale? Show
and briefly explain how you arrived at your answer.
5. Show that at the minimum efficient scale, the firm’s long-run average cost curve crosses the long-
run marginal cost curve.
6. What happens to this firm’s long run marginal cost as it produces more output? Use calculus and
words to answer these questions.

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