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Media Ekonomi dan Manajemen, Volume 37 Issue 1, January 2022, 35-54



Abdul Halik
Faculty of Business and Economics, University of 17 August 1945 Surabaya
Email: halik@untag-sby.ac.id (corresponding author)

Mulyanto Nugroho
Faculty of Business and Economics, University of 17 August 1945 Surabaya
Email: nugroho@untag-sby.ac.id
Received: Juni 2021; Accepted: October 2021; Available online: January 2022

The phenomenon of the covid 19 pandemics has changed consumer behavior, especially
Generation Z who are proficient with social media, but there needs to be a trigger to want to
shop at the marketplace. The purpose of this research is to find out empirically about the role
of online shopping as mediation, the effect of content marketing, and price discounts on
loyalty. consumers, as well as testing consumer delight as a moderator. This study uses a
population of students who have shopped online at least 3 times using a sample of 100. Using
the incidental sampling technique, you are ready to fill out the google form link. The results
of this study found that online shopping has a positive effect on consumer loyalty, but online
shopping needs encouragement from content marketing and price discounts that make
consumers interested. The finding from moderation is that consumer pleasure weakens the
effect of content marketing on online shopping, although not significantly. Meanwhile,
consumer delight strengthens the effect of price discounts on online shopping, although it is
not significant. Based on this research, it is proven that discounted prices are more attractive
to consumers because they can perform efficiently during this pandemic.
Keywords: content marketing; price discount; consumer delight; consumer loyalty.
Fenomena terjadinya pandemi covid 19 membuat perilaku konsumen berubah, terlebih
generasi Z yang mahir dengan medsos, namun perlu adanya pemicu agar mau belanja di
marketplace.Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui kejelasan secara empiris tentang peran
belanja online sebagai mediasi, pengaruh content marketing dan potongan harga pada
loyalitas konsumen, serta menguji kesenangan konsumen sebagai pemoderasi. Penelitian ini
dengan populasi mahasiswa/i pernah belanja online minimal 3 kali pakai sampel 100.
Menggunakan teknik sampling incidental, siap saja mengisi link google form. Hasil penelitian
ini menemukan bahwa belanja online pengaruh positif pada loyalitas konsumen, namun
belanja online perlu dorongan dari content marketing dan potongan harga yang membuat
konsumen tertarik. Temuan dari moderasi yakni bahwa kesenangan konsumen memperlemah
pengaruh content marketing pada belanja online, miskipun tidak signifikan. Sedangkan
kesenangan konsumen menguatkan pengaruh potongan harga terhadap belanja online,
walaupun tidak signifikan. Berdasarkan penelitian ini terbukti bahwa potongan harga lebih
tertarik bagi konsumen, karena dapat melakukan efisiensi saat adanya pendemi ini.
Kata kunci: Content marketing; potongan harga; kesenangan; loyalitas.
How to Cite: Halik, A., & Nugroho, M. (2022). The Role of Consumer Pleasure Moderating the Effect of Content Marketing
and Price Discount on Online Shopping Decision and Loyalty of Generation Z. Media Ekonomi dan Manajemen, 37(1), 35-
54. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.24856/mem.v37i1.2259.

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Media Ekonomi dan Manajemen, Volume 37 Issue 1, January 2022, 35-54

INTRODUCTION Content marketing receives a lot of

customer attention, as well as the goal of
The internet is growing rapidly in improving company performance. In
Indonesia which is supported by the determining a product, prospective
development of a demographic bonus customers are more likely to consume it
every year from the younger generation. and learn about it. After studying then
The average productive age, the internet, leading to a change in human thinking,
and technology are part of the joints of life which leads to movement, the type of
that cannot be separated and affect movement that is large will increase sales
attitudes, mentality, and ethics because even in the absence of demand.
their way of thinking only uses various The year 2019 ended with a disaster
information on the internet. According to with the coronavirus. Coronavirus disease
APJII data, the number of internet users in 2019 is a new kind of disease. SARS-CoV-
Indonesia in early 2021 was 202.6 million, 2 is called a coronavirus and causes a
or 73.7% of Indonesia's population of compromised respiratory system, with
274.9 million. The number of internet mild symptoms such as flu, lung infection,
users in Indonesia is the 4th largest in the or pneumonia. The Covid-19 pandemic has
world after America, India, and China. had a huge impact on the world economy.
According to Wikipedia Indonesia The virus originated from China, precisely
(2020) that Generation Z is the generation in the province of Wuhan, quickly spread
born between 1998 and 2010 and some throughout the world, including Indonesia.
think that from 1996-2012 early, there are As a result of this pandemic, all economic
still different opinions on when Generation activities will be disrupted, of course, it
Z appeared, but the majority of opinions will have a huge impact on economic
say Generation Z was born in 1998-2010 growth in Indonesia. Until now covid 19 is
(Age 10). -22 years). Generation Z still endemic and mutated into the Indian
(Zoomer) is a transitional generation from delta virus, almost a syndicate of life has a
generation Y, namely the descendants of serious impact on health, education, and
generation X and including parents from the economy. People's purchasing power is
generation Y. The Internet is widely used declining, businesses are stagnant and
by people aged 15 to 19 years. many entrepreneurs have gone out of
Hidvégi and Kelemen-Erdős (2016) business.
regarding Generation Z in Hungary found In the COVID-19 pandemic situa-
that 99.34% use the internet every day and tion, which limits the movement of online
82.1% source purchasing information from trading transactions, it is an alternative and
the internet and 30.4% are very happy to even the main choice today. Many e-
shop via the internet. Social media affects commerce performs digital payment
Generation Z in terms of looking for services, this situation needs to be
brands and buying with efforts to see exploited because it is not clear. To
advertisements in online promotional provide promotions for users to encourage
media. For this reason, online media can local products as well as the Indonesian
increase Generation Z's interest in brands economy to turn around. Gojek presents a
and purchases. promotion from Foodiskon with a 25%
Kotler and Keller (2018) say that discount for all restaurants and a 50
consumer engagement is consistent, often thousand discount at all well-known
marketers create content that indirectly restaurants on GoFood. Now Gojek is
contributes to its brand equity or increases collaborating or merging with Tokopedia
its sales, but is valuable to consumers. to become GoTo. GoPay promotions
Content Marketing that is good and provide shopping promotion vouchers for
contains interesting information tends to be local products such as midnight sales,
more likely to be in demand by consumers.

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Media Ekonomi dan Manajemen, Volume 37 Issue 1, January 2022, 35-54

Youtube Launch Promo, and 47 thousand nials 63.8%, dissertations by older

discount promotions for paying using a millennials 62%, younger gen X 60.2%.
visa card when using GoBluebird, GoRide, This means that the majority of Millennials
and GoCar. and Younger Gen X buy products online
Eight marketplaces with the best this year.
discount offers, attract consumers to shop Wanting to run a successful business
online through e-commerce so that sales and satisfy consumers and customer
turnover will increase. The marketplace in delight is to make consumers satisfied with
question is (1) Lazada provides a 90% the products and services provided so that
discount for various products on its they continue to make purchases over and
platform. Lazada has been distributing over again. Customer delight is a condition
discount vouchers until now. (2) Jakmall for doing business in a way that satisfies
lowers product prices to date 95% during consumers more than consumer
the national online shopping day, for expectations. Pleasure can be achieved not
online electronic products, fashion beauty, only by making quality products but
food beverages, home furnishings, optimal service, thereby creating an
automotive discounts are given. (3) emotional bond between consumers and
Elevenia provides discounts of up to 90%, the products issued in a particular brand.
even provides daily discounts and provides Building a consumer-oriented strategy,
free shipping vouchers that can be used 10 namely consumer delight, even providing
times. (4) World Price reduces the price of services that surprise consumers because
foreign products by up to 90% and they were not previously predicted.
provides an additional 12 percent discount Because of satisfaction, the services
voucher that can only be used once. (5) provided to consumers will share the
Blibli provides attractive promotions and experience with their closest friends, social
will conduct auctions starting from 12 media, and others. This consumer delight
thousand and advertising banners has also become a kind of word-of-mouth
displaying Mini Cooper cars. (6) Periplus marketing field which is usually more
provides discounts of up to 90% for effective from a strategy than other
various books and discounts do not apply methods. The basis of consumer satis-
at physical stores. (7) Bukalapak provides faction is due to the intervention of
70% discount on electronic products, 80% emotional relationships and not just giving
fashion products for mobile phones 70%. discounts or low product prices and
(8) Shopee doesn't want to lose by giving complete content marketing.
80% discount. Shopee adds discounts with In addition to launching word-of-
cashback and free shipping. mouth marketing and consumer delight
According to Katadata reports (2018) benefits for businesses, namely streng-
the behavior of Indonesian e-commerce thening brand loyalty, increasing revenue,
customers, with result that the trust of creating a good image (on social media,
people who shop online is getting higher in word of mouth), differentiating our
using digital payment methods. Increased business from competitors, and ensuring
transactions during the covid 19 pandemics consumers will be loyal to buy products
because of the safest and most effective from the effort. However, the connection
way. According to the same report in the with good and easy-to-understand content
last year, most Indonesians have bought marketing and the many price discounts
online. The percentage of the population offered by online stores, makes consumers
who buys online is 57.6%, meaning that 6 happy, even though the COVID-19
out of 10 Indonesians have bought online. pandemic has not disappeared from Indo-
The majority of the online shopping nesia.
generation comes from younger millen-

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Media Ekonomi dan Manajemen, Volume 37 Issue 1, January 2022, 35-54

Consumers are satisfied because buying decisions. Generation Z needs to be

there are many influencing factors treated to interesting content marketing to
including adequate and easy-to-digest see offers in online stores, so transactions
content marketing to find out about a will occur. The results of the research by
product or service. The coronavirus has Dewi, Indri Kartika Dewi, and
ravaged the business world and human Kusumawati, Andriani (2018), that price
health, so the company is trying to discounts have a positive and significant
maintain the continuity of its business so impact on online business purchases. The
that it doesn't get destroyed. With the findings are in line with Yosepha, Sri
emergence of the role of online stores that Yanthy, et al (2021), price discounts have
collaborate with many entrepreneurs to sell a positive and significant impact on
their products, an interesting phenomenon blibli.com purchases. While the results are
occurs, namely, all marketplaces provide not the same by Rosmaniar, Aulia, et al
discounted prices, can pay on the spot, and (2020), that the discount has a positive and
free shipping. The existence of the insignificant impact on buying online.
COVID-19 pandemic makes people afraid Giving a relatively large discount will
to buy directly, so all human needs shop result in a significant increase in sales
online to avoid the transmission of Covid volume but the discount only has an effect,
19, which makes people afraid, anxious, it does not have an impact on sales.
and infected with the virus. Research on loyalty by Idris (2017), online
Discount concentration data for buying experience has a positive and
human needs that give discounts in the top significant effect on customer loyalty. The
5 include toys 22.81%, clothing & findings are in line with Theresia, MD, and
accessories 21.67%, equipment 9.50%, Wardana, Made (2019), online shopping
computers & cellphones 7.64%, and has a positive and significant impact on
jewelry 7.49%. All the necessities of consumer loyalty. For the moderating role
human life issue discounts during the covid by Cokorda, Istri Agung, and Sudiksa, Ida
19 pandemics, to maintain financial cash Bagus (2018), customer delight moderates
flow by reducing profits while maximizing the relationship between online business
profits. The price strategy is important needs and online purchase intentions. The
because people's purchasing power is low, findings by Hidayani (2019), that customer
so giving discounts on each item so that delight moderates the price discount on
sales can still be achieved, even though the consumers' purchase intentions with
target is difficult to realize. positive and significant results. The role of
Based on the background of the moderation in research to the level of
formulation of the problem is whether online purchase intention shows positive
content marketing and price discounts and significant results. For this research up
affect online shopping decisions and the to the decision stage, the results are
role of consumer pleasure and consumer positive and insignificant at the price
loyalty?. Research conducted by discount, while the results for content
Weerasinghe, KPW. D. R. (2018), about marketing are negative. The research gap
content marketing and its results have a is the results of different findings which
positive and significant impact on online include content marketing, price discounts,
shopping decisions. The findings that are and the results of the use of moderation
in line with the same results were revealed which according to the researchers are the
by Jassim A. Al-Gasawneh and Khalid M. novelties of this research.
Omar (2020). However, the findings are The purpose of this study is to prove
not the same as the results by Sudarsono empirically the effect of content marketing,
et.al (2020) that content marketing has a price discounts on online shopping
positive and insignificant impact on online decisions, consumer delight, and consumer

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Media Ekonomi dan Manajemen, Volume 37 Issue 1, January 2022, 35-54

loyalty. With the hope that the results can era where marketers must be able to create
provide useful information in the relevant content, useful and attractive to
application of content marketing and consumers in the form of text, video,
discounted prices to improve online photos, audio, and others through the
shopping behavior and consumer delight company's website or social media
so that consumer loyalty is getting better platforms without carrying out direct sales
and for the community, especially so that companies can attract the attention
generation Z, they can still meet the needs of many consumers and encourage
of life even when the covid-19 pandemic consumer behavior that benefits the
occurs in Indonesia. company. The development of modern
marketing has changed to the digital era
LITERATURE REVIEW and marketers must be able to adapt to
According to Kotler and Keller existing strategies, to face and keep brands
(2018), consumer loyalty is a situation competitive in the competition.
where consumers consistently spend their Content marketing captures more
entire budget to buy products and services attention potential consumers consume far
from the same seller. If the performance more. Consumers learn a content will lead
does not match expectations, the consumer to a change of mind, then a movement that
is not satisfied. A performance meets will generate sales. To do content
expectations, if it can satisfy consumers. If marketing organizations must be careful.
performance exceeds expectations, Karr (2016) says that companies that spend
consumers are very satisfied and happy. a lot of time compiling and promoting
Meanwhile, Tjiptono, Fandy (2014) repeat content, so that prospects for customers,
purchases and regularly have felt the often underestimate the cost of content to
benefits of products and services that have produce.
been received by a company, usually will Previous empirical studies
have the intention of repurchasing. The Weeringhe (2018), the result is that content
characteristics of consumer loyalty are a marketing has a positive and significant
reliable measure of predicting the growth influence on online shopping decisions.
of sales and consumer loyalty based on The results of research by Al-Gasawneh
consistent buying behavior. If consumer and Omar (2020), show that content
satisfaction with a product makes them
marketing has a positive and significant
tend to continue to buy,
influence on online shopping intentions.
Pulizzi's opinion (2013) states that
content marketing is a business and While Said et. al (2020) content marketing
marketing process for creating and has a positive and insignificant influence
distributing valuable content to attract, on online buying decisions. The results of
acquire, engage people with clear and the study show that there is a direct
understandable targets to encourage influence of content marketing on online
profitable customer behavior. Meanwhile, purchasing decisions (Rahman, 2019).
Gunelius, Susan (2011) said that content Bunpis and Haron (2014), added that
marketing is a process of promotion and content marketing has a direct and
business as well as brands through text, significant influence on the purchase of
video, or audio content of more value for herbal cosmetics online and has a strong
businesses both online and offline.
relationship. Hypothesis 1 is formulated as
According to Pulizzi, Joe, and Handley,
Ann (2013), content marketing is
something created or shared by individuals H.1: Content marketing influences online
or organizations to tell customer stories shopping decisions.
like a conversation. Digital marketing is an

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Based on the theory of online esteem needs, including online business

shopping decisions, the opinion of needs and consumer purchase intentions.
Andrade (2000) states that online Azizi's previous research, Muhammad
purchasing is a process of selecting a Haddid et.al (2020), stated that hedonic
combination of knowledge to evaluate two pleasure had a positive and insignificant
possible alternative behaviors from the effect on impulse buying. Hypothesis 3 is
character of website quality, personal formulated as follows:
service, and attitudes when shopping
online. Meanwhile, according to H.3: Consumer delight moderates the
Hardiawan (2013), before deciding to effect of content marketing on online
purchase online, there are many aspects to shopping decisions.
consider such as trust, quality of
information, and convenience. The opinion Based on the theory from Belch &
of Kotler and Keller (2018) that price Belch (2012) that the promotion of
discount is to offer consumers savings discounted prices has an impact on profits,
from the normal price of the product, listed can trigger consumers to buy in large
on the packaging or label of the product. quantities, anticipate competitor promo-
Meanwhile, according to Sutisna (2018), tions, encourage trade in larger quantities.
the price discount is a reduction in product While Kotler and Keller (2018), companies
prices from the normal price for a certain usually do not give discounts for all
period. The results are Yosepha, Sri products. Discounts are given according to
Yanthy, et al (2018), show that discounted the time or type of product purchase. Sales
prices have a positive and significant during Eid for clothing are discounted after
influence on blibli.com purchasing the Eid period and discounts are given to
decisions. The results of research by Dewi, buying products in large quantities. The
Indri Kartika Dewi, and Kusumawati, results of previous research by Hidayani
Andriani (2018), results of price discounts (2019) show that customer delight is
have a positive and significant influence on proven to moderate the effect of price
online business purchasing decisions. discounts on consumers' purchase inten-
Research by Rosmaniar, Aulia et al (2020), tions with positive and significant results.
with the result that discounts have a The results to research by Susanti, Febsri,
positive but not significant effect on and Aziz, Nazaruddin (2017), shopping
purchasing decisions.Hypothesis 2 with the pleasure has a positive and significant
following formulation: effect on the variation of changes that
occur in the online shopping intention
H.2: Price discount affects online shopping variable. For hypothesis 4 is formulated as
decisions. follows:
Consumer delight is the consumer's
emotional response to the consumer's H.4: Consumer delight moderates the
expression of service. According to Kotler effect of a price discount on online
and Armstrong (2014) say when it comes shopping decisions.
to customer satisfaction make that
customer delight. The pleasure of the The opinion of Lam et al., (2004)
company if it is successful if the needs, that consumer loyalty can be shown in the
desires, and expectations of consumers are behavior of customers who defend and
met and even feel very satisfied (Kotler; recommend service providers to others is
(2007). The results of previous research by an indication of customer loyalty. While
Cokorda, Istri Agung and Sudiksa, Ida the opinion of Yang and Peterson (2004)
Bagus (2018), show that customer delight says that customer loyalty is generated by
is moderating the relationship between offering high value and benefits from

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Media Ekonomi dan Manajemen, Volume 37 Issue 1, January 2022, 35-54

products or services. Consumer loyalty is & Idris (2017), regarding customer

customer loyalty to the company, product, experience, will have a significant effect
or brand (Rangkuti, Freddy; 2002). While on customer loyalty. The results of
Sutisna (2018) that loyalty is an attitude research by Theresia, MD, and Wardana,
that likes a brand that is presented when Made (2019)), the online shopping
making a purchase consistently on a brand experience is positive and significant on
forever. Wiardi, AH et.al (2020) said that consumer loyalty. Hypothesis 5 with the
customer behavior in coming back is an following formulation.
important indicator of the concept of
loyalty as an aspect that triggers people's H.5: Online shopping decisions influence
behavior. The results of previous research consumer loyalty.
by Ling et.al (2010).stated that online
purchasing experience has a positive and In theory, exogenous variables
significant influence on online purchase consist of content marketing and price
intention. Research by Endang discounts and moderating variables of
Tjahjaningsih (2013) that promotion consumer delight and endogenous
(including content marketing) has a variables are online shopping decisions,
positive and significant impact on consumer satisfaction with the following
customer loyalty. The results by Mahandra conceptual framework (Figure 1).



Shopping Online Consumer
Decision Loyalty



Price Discount

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

RESEARCH METHODS in the metropolitan city of Surabaya and
The design is made as a framework the satellite cities of Sidoarjo and Gresik.
in detailing the relationship between Using sample criteria for this
variables in this study to outline each research are (1) college students and
procedure, from hypothesis to data college students aged 18-22 years. (2)
analysis. The research design also provides Have made online purchases at least 3
instructions to researchers on how to times online shopping. Incidental sampling
interpret and write research reports of the is a technique used in determining the
entire research process. The population is a sample, based on chance, and anyone who
generalization consisting of objects or coincidentally fills out the available google
subjects that have certain qualities and form can be a sample and suitable as a data
characteristics in the determination of source. Sugiyono's opinion (2019) states
researchers to study and then draw that the sample is part of the total and has
conclusions (Sugiyono, 2019). The the characteristics of the population.
population is all students who are studying Suggestions about sample size are said to

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Media Ekonomi dan Manajemen, Volume 37 Issue 1, January 2022, 35-54

be feasible for research of 30 to 500 Validity And Reliability Test

(Sugiyono, 2019). According to Ferdinand Stating a valid indicator, if it has a
(2014), the sample size of less than 500 loading factor value of 0.5 and above
and greater than 30 is generally sufficient (Wiyono, 2011). In theory confirmation
for research. Researchers set a sample of research is a standard value in determining
100 respondents. whether or not an indicator is valid. A
The operational definition of exo- valid indicator to measure the construct
genous variables, according to Karr formed. In the results of model algorithm
(2016), content marketing is measured by 1, it can be seen that invalid indicators
three indicators (1) reader cognition (2) must be eliminated to obtain adequate
sharing motivation (3) decision making. model results according to research rules
Otherwise, Sutisna explains (2018) price with the result that X.2.2 and Y.2.3 are
discount is measured by indicators (1) invalid, then they must be deleted.
amount of discount (2) type of discounted
product (3) frequency of discount (4) price Model After Removing the Indicator.
competition. Kwong and Yau (2002) After deleting invalid indicators, the
explains consumer delight with indicators results are as in the following Figure 2.
(1) Justice (2) esteem (3) finishing touch. The results of the Algorithm 2 model show
While the endogenous variable, namely that the results of all indicators are
online shopping decisions is measured by declared valid because the numbers are
indicators (a) amount of time shopping (b) greater than those required in the PLS.
payment system (3) interested in posting More in the following Table 1. The results
messages. According to Tjiptono (2014) from the Table 1 show that the loading
consumer loyalty is measured by (a) repeat factor value gives the value above the
purchases (b) product consumption habits recommended value, namely 0.5 (Wiyono,
(c) the product is still selected (d) sure the 2011), that the indicators used in this study
best product (e) recommends (Tjiptono, are valid or have met the requirements of
2014). convergent validity.
The data analysis method is using
Structural Equation Modeling PLS version Outer Loadings After Elimination
3.0 SmartPLS program application. PLS After eliminating the indicators that
can estimate the model path using latent do not meet the requirements, the second
constructs with multiple indicators. PLS is Algorithm Model test is then carried out to
a factor of indeterminacy with a powerful see whether all indicators have met the
analytical method because there is no requirements or not, it can be seen in Table
mandatory data assumption with a certain 1 that all indicators have exceeded the
scale measurement. The total sample is standard outer loading value limit, which is
small and eliminates the assumptions of > 0.5. It means that all indicators used are
OLS regression, for example, the data must valid so that further analysis can be carried
be normally distributed in a multivariate out so that this research has meaning and
manner and there is no problem of can be used as a basis for making decisions
multicollinearities between exogenous according to the results obtained.
variables. Using PLS for theory confir-
mation. The PLS program aims to help Discriminant validity
researchers make predictions. Defining a Based on the value of the relation-
formal model of latent variables is a linear ship between cross-loading and mandatory
aggregate of various indicators used. latent, it is greater than the correlation on
other latent variables. The Smart PLS test
results show that the content marketing
variables with accompanying indicators all

42 p-ISSN: 0854-1442 (Print) e-ISSN: 2503-4464 (Online)

Media Ekonomi dan Manajemen, Volume 37 Issue 1, January 2022, 35-54

have a greater value than the price Average variance extracted

discount, consumer delight, online Terms Test the validity of the next
shopping decision, and consumer loyalty by looking at the AVE value. Table 2 gives
variables. While the price discount variable the AVE value above the value > 0.5
with only 3 indicators left and all of them (Ghozali, 2018), all variables in the
have a greater value than the variables of research model. The results of the AVE
content marketing, consumer delight, test for all latent variables have a value >
online shopping decision, and consumer 0.5. It can be concluded that all latent
loyalty. The consumer delight variable variables and indicators are declared valid.
with the indicators owned, then all have a
greater value than the content marketing, Composite reliability
price discount, online shopping decision, Composite reliability is the part used
and consumer loyalty variables. Variable to test the reliability value of several
shopping online decision with indicators indicators on the variable. Variables can be
owned, then all have a greater value than declared to meet composite reliability if
the variables of content marketing, price the value is > 0.7. The composite
discount, consumer delight, and consumer reliability value of each variable is used in
loyalty. The consumer loyalty variable this study. From the test results for Table
from the elimination results means that 3, it can be seen that the composite
there are only four indicators left and all of reliability value of all variables is > 0.7.
them have a greater value than the The results of each variable have met
variables of content marketing, price composite reliability, so it is concluded
discount, consumer delight, and online that all variables are said to be adequate to
shopping decision. measure the measured latent variables/
constructs so that they can be used for
further analysis.

Figure 2. Output Line Fit Coefficient/Model Algorithm 2

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Table 1. Test Result of Factor Loading After Deleting Items X.2.2 and Y.2.3
Research Variable
Indicator Content Price Consumer Online Consumer
Marketing Discount Delight Shopping Loyalty
X.1.1 0.852
X.1.2 0.879
X.1.3 0.900
X.2.1 0.583
X.2.3 0.881
X.2.4 0.866
Z.1 0.886
Z.2 0.807
Z.3 0.870
Y.1.1 0.933
Y.1.2 0.851
Y.1.3 0.927
Y.2.1 0.933
Y.2.2 0.943
Y.2.4 0.821
Y.2.5 0.860

Table 2. Average Variance Extracted (AVE) Before and After Deletion of X.2.2 and Y.2.3.
Variable AVE before deletion AVE after deletion
Content Marketing 0.769 0.767
Price Discount 0.579 0.622
Consumer Delight 0.731 0.731
Online Shopping 0.818 0.818
Consumer Loyalty 0.641 0.793

Table 3. Composite Reliability Before and After Deletion of X.2.2 and Y.2.3.
Variable Composite Reliability Composite Reliability
before deletion after deletion
Content Marketing 0.909 0.909
Price Discount 0.835 0.827
Consumer Delight 0.890 0.890
Online Shopping 0.931 0.931
Consumer Loyalty 0.887 0.939

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION grooming, clothing, and accessories. For

Respondent Profile ages 18 and 19 to 72% and the remaining
All respondents used in this study 28% over the age of 20 years, because the
were 100 respondents and students who researched Generation Z is still in college
knew to buy online at least 3 times as status. Using the dominant internet for 10
shown in the following Table 4. Based on hours and above means that students often
Table 4, according to gender, respondents use it to see the marketplace displaying
are dominated by 66% of women and only goods in online stores that are needed and
34% of men. This means that most women what percentage of the discount is offered.
shop online because they need more Even though they have used the internet

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for a long time, consumers sometimes shop confidence level means that df = 0.05 in
for up to 66%, meaning that it depends on determining the significant limit, and when
their needs and available goods. While the using T-table = 1.69 it is the limit for
platform targeted by Shopee is 73% determining significance.
according to the gender of the shopper. The Table 6, which is related to
Figure 3, can test the following effect and
Hypothesis Test test the following hypotheses. To test the
The model that will be estimated to effect of content marketing on online
meet the outer model requirements is then shopping, it shows the original sample
tested for the Inner Model. The next step is value of 0.534. Meanwhile, in testing the
the value of the R-Square construct, to find hypothesis that the t-statistic is 3.992 and
out the function of the endogenous latent the results of the hypothesis test show that
variable which indicates that the model is T-statistic > T-table and a significance
good or weak, see the following table. level of 5%, then this hypothesis can be
R-Square or coefficient of deter- accepted and that the content marketing
mination is used to measure the goodness variable has a positive and significant
of fit of the regression equation which effect on online shopping or content
gives the proportion of total variation for marketing. have a significant and
the dependent variable and then explains significant influence on online shopping
the independent variable. The value of R2 decisions in a positive direction.
is between 0 – 1, and the fit of the model is Testing the effect of a price discount
stated to be better if R2 is getting closer to on online shopping decisions shows the
1. R2 means that exogenous variables original sample value of 0.205.
affect endogenous variables as follows. Meanwhile, in testing the hypothesis that
The value of 0.779 consumer loyalty the t-statistic is 2,023 and the results of the
variable (Y2) means that the content hypothesis test show that T-statistics > T-
marketing variable (X1), price discount table and a significance level of 5%, then
(X2), consumer delight (Z), and online this hypothesis is accepted and the price
shopping decision (Y1) can explain the discount variable has a positive and
consumer satisfaction variable of 77.9%. significant effect on online shopping or
That the magnitude of the influence of all price discount has an effect and significant
variables on the Y2 variable is only 77.9%, on online shopping decisions as well as a
while the remaining 22.1% is influenced positive direction.
by other factors that are not included in Consumer delight moderates the
this study. influence of content marketing on online
The value is 0.837 for the online shopping decisions with an original sample
shopping decision variable (Y1) which value of -0.029. Meanwhile, in testing the
means that the content marketing variable hypothesis that the t-statistic is 0.488 and
(X1), price discount (X2), consumer the results of the hypothesis test show that
delight (Z) are able to explain the online the T-statistic < T-table and a significance
shopping decision variable by 83.7%. This level of 5%, this hypothesis is rejected and
means that how much influence the X the consumer delight variable has a
variable has on the Z variable is only negative and insignificant effect on online
83.7%, while the remaining 16.3% is shopping or consumer pleasure. and
influenced by other aspects that are not insignificant influence on online shopping
examined (Table 5). decisions has a negative direction.
Based on the results of Bootstrap- Consumer delight moderates the
ping, we can see the magnitude of the effect of price discounts on online
influence and significance between the shopping decisions with an original sample
variables used in this study. Using a 95% value of 0.004. Meanwhile, in testing the

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hypothesis that the t-statistic is 0.055 and Meanwhile, in testing the hypothesis that
the results of the hypothesis test show that the t-statistic is 25,084 and the results of
the T-statistic < T-table and a significance the hypothesis test show that T-statistic >
level of 5%, this hypothesis is rejected and T-table and a significance level of 5%,
the consumer delight variable has a then this hypothesis can be accepted and
positive and insignificant effect on online the online shopping decision variable has a
shopping or that consumer pleasure has a positive and significant influence on the
significant and insignificant effect on consumer loyalty variable or decision
online shopping in a positive direction. online shopping has a significant and
Testing the effect of online shopping significant effect on consumer loyalty in a
decisions on consumer loyalty shows the positive direction.
original sample value of 0.883.

Table 4. Profile of Respondents

Description Amount %
Gender :
 Men 33 33
 Woman 67 67
Total 100 100
Age :
 <17 Years 0 0
 18 years 38 38
 19 years old 34 34
 20 years 13 13
 21 years 9 9
 22 years old 6 6
Total 100 100
Internet access :
 Under 6 hours 16 16
 6 – 10 hours 40 40
 Over 10 hours 44 44
Total 100 100
Shopping frequency:
 Sometimes 66 66
 Often 27 27
 Very often 7 7
Total 100 100
Shopping platforms:
 Lazada 11 11
 Shopee 73 73
 Tokopedia 8 8
 Instagram 3 3
 More… 5 5
Total 100 100

46 p-ISSN: 0854-1442 (Print) e-ISSN: 2503-4464 (Online)

Media Ekonomi dan Manajemen, Volume 37 Issue 1, January 2022, 35-54

Table 5. R-Square Value

Endogenous Variables R-Square
Shopping Online Desicion 0.837
Consumer Loyalty 0.779

Figure 3. Bootstrapping Output

Table 6. Results of Hypothesis Testing

Original Sample Standard T-Statistics P-
Effect Sample Mean Deviation (|O/Stdev|) Values Description
(O) (M) (Stdev)
Content 0.534 0.506 0.134 3.992 0.000 Significant
Marketing Online
Price Discount 0.205 0.210 0.102 2,023 0.044 Significant
Online Shopping
Content Marketing -0.029 -0.018 0.060 0.488 0.626 Not
* Consumer Delight significant
 Online Shopping
Price Discount* 0.004 0.005 0.068 0.055 0.956 Not
Consumer significant
Delight Online
Online Shopping 0.883 0.884 0.015 25,084 0.000 Significant
Consumer Loyalty

Discussion between content marketing on online

Based on the results of bootstrapping shopping decisions show a positive
that exogenous variables affect endo- influence value because the regression
genous variables and intervening variables coefficient value is positive and the results
as well as moderating variables after of hypothesis testing using the T-test, the
testing hypotheses 1 to 5, then discussing results T-count > T-table, then the content
the test results with previous researchers marketing has a significant effect, while
who became a reference for researchers to the probability test with the criteria of 5%,
improve the accuracy of the results of this then the calculated results greater than.
study. The results of testing the influence The interpretation is that the content

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marketing variable is proven to have a having the same direction is positive but
significant and significant influence on still has a different meaning.
online shopping decisions or content The results of the test of the effect of
marketing has a significant and positive price discounts on online shopping
influence on online shopping decisions. decisions show a positive influence value
For this reason, consumers see content because the regression coefficient value is
marketing formed from reader cognition, positive and the results of hypothesis
namely the process of seeing, paying testing using the T-test that the results of
attention, and remembering, and absorbing T-count > T-table, then the price discount
reading from various content presented in has a significant effect, while the
social media, especially through probability test with the criteria of 5%,
WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, then the probability results count smaller.
YouTube, and others. Meanwhile, sharing It can be explained that the price discount
motivation is sharing experiences so that variable has proven to affect online
consumers do not experience negative shopping decisions or price discounts have
events or get positive information, a significant influence on online shopping
encouraging other consumers not to make decisions in a positive direction. Indicates
the wrong buying decision. Consumers in that the discounted price of the number of
making decisions need accurate data from discounts offered is up to 90% by
available content marketing so that in marketplaces operating in Indonesia,
deciding online shopping they can be meaning that tactics to attract consumers,
careful and precise so that the goods even if real discounts don't arrive because
received are as expected. Improving of free shipping and cashback, etc., are still
content marketing through reader included in the 90% count. For the types of
cognition, sharing motivation, and decision products that are discounted, almost all,
making, entrepreneurs must always update but mostly toys, clothing, accessories, and
data and messages to be conveyed to target equipment, etc., are due to human needs
consumers such as Generation Z. Always and desires to be fulfilled. The frequency
make changes to the appearance of the of discounts carried out by e-commerce is
content so that consumers are interested, so that there is a limit on the time of the
consumers try to find out what online discount to only 5 hours, but at certain
stores have to offer. Weeringhe, KPW. DR times it reappears, there are discounts or
(2018), the results show that content promos that apply regularly, but the
marketing has a positive and significant amount always changes according to
impact on online shopping. Research from products that have a lot of demand, the
Al-Gasawneh and Omar (2020), that discount amount can decrease. Price
content marketing has a positive and competition in the world will determine the
significant influence on online shopping success of a business, if it can set an
intentions. The results of research from efficient price for entrepreneurs and
Taufiqur Rahman, (2019) that there is a consumers, then the company will develop
direct influence of content marketing on even when the covid 19 pandemics has not
online buying decisions. Meanwhile, ended and is very disturbing for the
Bunpis and Haron, (2014), adding that business world. The causes of changes in
content marketing has a direct and online shopping behavior due to the
significant influence on the purchase of discounts offered include the number of
herbal cosmetics online and has a strong discounts, types of discounted products,
relationship. Not supporting this research, the frequency of discounts, and price
namely from Said, et. al (2020) content competition to attract consumers,
marketing has a positive and insignificant especially Generation Z. Supporting this
effect on online buying decisions. But research conducted by Yosepha, Sri

48 p-ISSN: 0854-1442 (Print) e-ISSN: 2503-4464 (Online)

Media Ekonomi dan Manajemen, Volume 37 Issue 1, January 2022, 35-54

Yanthy, et al (2018), price discounts have influence of content marketing on online

a positive and significant on the decision to shopping is that Generation Z consumers
buy blibli.com. The results of research are still not fully convinced because in
from Dewi, Indri Kartika Dewi, and Indonesia some consumers do not believe
Kusumawati, Andriani (2018), the results in content marketing shown in the media.
show that price discounts have a positive Business people have not specially treated
and significant impact on online business consumers because there are still bad
purchasing decisions. The result is there services by unscrupulous persons, but
are changes in online shopping behavior online, consumers feel that service is not
due to the discounts offered include the optimal, so it has a weak effect on online
number of discounts, types of discounted shopping For this reason, the ability of
products, the frequency of discounts, and online stores to collaborate with other
price competition to attract consumers, parties to improve service excellence in the
especially Generation Z. The result is process of delivering products or services.
there are changes in online shopping Supporting research results from Azizi,
behavior due to the discounts offered Muhammad Haddid et.al (2020), states that
include the number of discounts, types of hedonic pleasure has a positive and
discounted products, the frequency of insignificant effect on impulse buying, but
discounts, and price competition to attract the direction of the results is not the same
consumers, especially Generation Z. Thus, but not significantly the same. This does
Rosmaniar, Aulia, et al (2020), stated that not support research results from Putri,
discounts have a positive but not Cokorda Istri Agung and Sudiksa, Ida
significant effect on online buying deci- Bagus (2018), show that customer delight
sions. is a moderating the relationship between
The results of the consumer delight esteem needs, including online business
test moderate the effect of content needs and consumer purchase intentions.
marketing on online shopping, with a There is no previous research that is the
negative regression coefficient value, the same but almost the same so that it can
effect is negative and the results of the help researchers to analyze. Due to the
hypothesis test are that the results of T- COVID-19 outbreak, many consumers
count < T-table, then consumer delight has enjoy content marketing, which is an
no significant effect on online shopping, attractive offer through social media
while the probability test with the criteria content, so researchers want to prove
of 5%, then the result of the count through research on Generation Z that the
probability is smaller. It can be interpreted results are debilitating.
that consumer delight is proven to affect The results of the consumer delight
online shopping or that pleasure has an test moderate the effect of price discounts
insignificant and insignificant effect on on online shopping, with a positive
online shopping in a negative direction. regression coefficient value, with a
Consumer delight weakens the influence of positive influence, and the results of
content marketing on online shopping but hypothesis testing that the results of T-
it is not real, that consumers are still quite count < T-table, then consumer delight has
helped by content marketing in making no significant effect on online shopping,
online shopping decisions in various while the probability test with the criteria
marketplaces that open online stores in of 5% the result of the count probability is
Indonesia. Consumers can get complete smaller. The explanation is that consumer
and correct information about products and delight is proven to affect online shopping
services, so consumers feel they are being or that pleasure has an insignificant and
treated fairly and do not feel cheated. The insignificant effect on online shopping in a
assumption that pleasure weakens the positive direction. Consumer delight

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strengthens the effect of discounted prices The results of testing the influence
on online shopping but is not very strong. between online shopping decisions on
For consumers, there are very happy and consumer loyalty show a positive influence
satisfied price discounts offered by value because the regression coefficient
marketplace players, namely online stores value is positive and the results of
in Indonesia. Consumers feel that the hypothesis testing using the T-test, the
discount given does not seem reasonable, results T-count > T-table, the online
because up to 95% discount is considered shopping decision factor has a significant
unrealistic in the business world. effect, while the probability test with the
Consumer delight at various discounts criteria of 5%, then the result of the
offered by online businesses has not given calculation probability is greater. From the
complete pleasure and satisfaction, but results of the PLS output, it can be
consumers are happy and satisfied because explained that the online shopping decision
it is difficult to find discounts in variable has succeeded in proving the
cyberspace and now open mobile phones influence on the consumer loyalty variable
that appear are advertisements that offer or that the online shopping decision has a
discounts, cashback, and free shipping. significant and positive influence on
The government supports and facilitates customer loyalty. The explanation of
and encourages MSMEs to sell their consumer loyalty must be built with the
products online so that economic growth in process of consumer efforts occurring
Indonesia can grow positively and people's repeated purchases based on the good and
purchasing power increases. This correct information and realistic pricing
coronavirus outbreak can be anticipated by such as discounts. Strive to provide goods
MSMEs so that they can develop an online that are usually needed by consumers in
sales become a mainstay so that businesses adequate quantities and product choices.
do not go out of business. Supporting Provide a variety of products so that
research results from Hidayani (2019) consumers continue to choose how to shop
shows that customer delight is proven to online by offering easy services. Making
moderate the effect of price discounts on consumers believe that the products sold in
consumer purchase intentions with positive online stores are the best that provide
and significant results. As a result, Susanti, pleasure and satisfaction for consumers,
Febsri, and Nazaruddin Aziz, (2017), especially Generation Z, which is more
shopping pleasure has a positive and influenced by discounts, cashback, and on-
significant effect on the variation of site payments. With correct and valid
changes that occur in the online shopping information, offering discounts and
intention variable. There is no previous excellent service, easy payment methods,
research that is the same but almost the consumers will recommend to friends,
same so that it can help researchers to family, and other consumers who have the
analyze. The COVID-19 pandemic has same needs. Support research from Ling,
changed consumers to have fun and be et.al (2010) stated that online buying
satisfied because there are fantastic experience positively and significantly
discounts that don't even make sense, but influences online purchase intention. From
consumers welcome them with pleasure Endang Tjahjaningsih (2013) that
and want to shop online, especially clothes, promotion (including content marketing)
toys, and equipment, etc. Based on the has a positive and significant influence on
analysis of hypotheses 3 and 4, the consumer loyalty. The results of Mahendra
researcher would like to convey that the & Idris (2017), regarding customer
two hypotheses are the novelty of this experience, will have a significant effect
study. on customer loyalty. The results of
research from Theresia, MD, and Wardana,

50 p-ISSN: 0854-1442 (Print) e-ISSN: 2503-4464 (Online)

Media Ekonomi dan Manajemen, Volume 37 Issue 1, January 2022, 35-54

Made (2019), the online shopping content must be improved according to

experience has a positive and significant current conditions so that consumers
influence on consumer loyalty. continue to visit the online store. The
pleasure of consumers when there is covid
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDA- 19 and online shop actors must still be
TION maintained because it is the best choice
This study aims to obtain empirical right now to avoid contracting the deadly
clarity about the influence of online coronavirus. The weakness of this research
shopping as a mediation on consumer is that it cannot be carried out in
loyalty. The result is the effect of online generations X and Y and during the Covid-
shopping on consumer loyalty as expected, 19 endemic because consumers prefer to
where an increase in online shopping will buy directly. The recommendation is that
increase consumer loyalty. The role of online business actors always provide
consumer pleasure as moderating the effect quality products and services to be liked by
of negative content marketing and positive consumers and are needed today so that
price discount, but not significant on consumers do not hesitate to shop online to
online shopping. fulfill all their needs. All marketplaces
The results of the content marketing should provide realistic discounts so that
and price discount variables have a consumers are not apathetic to online
positive and significant effect on online businesses. For further researchers, to
shopping decisions. Proving that review especially the moderating variable,
exogenous variables have an effect and are namely consumer delight on the same
significant, meaning that an increase in variable because the results of this study
exogenous variables will increase online are positive but not significant and
shopping and have an impact on consumer negative but not significant or use other
loyalty. While the consumer service variables that have conformity with the
variable is positively influenced by the object under study.
online shopping decision variable. It shows
that consumer loyalty variables are not REFERENCES
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