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is the selection of several alternative actions that exist

Decision-making to achieve one or more goals that have been


aimed at to selection of alternative

planning stage
programs and their priorities

make many routine decisions in order

stages of decision making operational stage to control the business in accordance
with the plans

monitoring, examining, and evaluating

supervision stage
the results of the implementation

AND PROCESSES Identify the problem identify problems that exist within an organization

collect and analyze data that can help

Data collection and analysis
solve existing problems.

Making policy alternatives think about ways to solve problem

Estimates that lead to trends from data

Estimate in the sense of Projection that have been collected and arranged
Arief Hidayat

Forecast in the sense of prediction Estimates made using causal analysis

Decision Making Process

Intuition here is subjective, meaning that it

Estimates based on the power of intuition
depends on a person's ability to process feelings.

The selection of an alternative that is considered

the most appropriate to solve a particular
Selection of one of the best alternatives
problem is carried out on the basis of careful
consideration or recommendations.

Execution of decisions accept positive or negative impacts

measure the impact of the decision

Monitoring and evaluating implementation results
that has been made

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