SDL Task Pakaging

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Task 1:

a) The balls fit better in the cubic container which hold 8 balls. This method fills more of the container's
volume, leaving less wasted space compared to the cylindrical container with 4 balls.

b) To calculate the cost of producing packs for 200 balls using both methods, we need to consider the
surface area of the containers. Let's assign the diameter of the tennis balls as r.

For the cylindrical container:



TSA = 2 π r2 + 2 π rh

= 2 π r x 8r + 2 π r2

= 16 π r2 + 2 π r2

= 18 π r2 m2

Cost of plastic for 1 cylinder = 5 x 18 π r2

Number of cylinder required for 200 balls=200/4

= 50

Cost of 50 cylinder = 50 x 5 x 18 π r2

For the cubic container:


TSA = 6l 2


= 96r2

Cost of sheet for 1 cube = 5 x 96r2

No. of cube = = 25 cubes
Cost of sheet = 25 x (5 x 96r2)

c) Advantages and disadvantages for each packing method:

Method one (Cylindrical - 4 balls):


Better protection for individual balls due to less surface contact.

Easier to stack and store due to the cylindrical shape.


Lower packing efficiency - more wasted space inside the container.

Higher material and manufacturing cost due to the larger number of containers.
Method two (Cubic - 8 balls):


Higher packing efficiency - less wasted space inside the container.

Reduced material and manufacturing cost due to fewer containers.


Balls have more surface contact, which might affect their quality over time.

May be less visually appealing or harder to stack due to the cubic shape.

d) Suggesting a third packing method:

A third packing method could involve using a dodecahedron-shaped container that holds 12 balls. This
shape strikes a balance between packing efficiency and ease of stacking. Justification for this method:


Better packing efficiency than Method one (cylindrical).

Easier to stack than Method two (cubic) due to its regular shape.

Reduced material and manufacturing cost compared to Method one due to fewer containers.


Some surface contact with balls, which may affect ball quality over time.

The shape may not be as visually familiar as the traditional cylindrical or cubic containers.

This dodecahedron method combines the advantages of both existing methods, offering improved
packing efficiency and cost-effectiveness while maintaining stackability.
Task 2:

Minor segment

Obtuse central angle

Major sector

a) *Labeled above
Weight of wedge θ
Weight of disc 360

0.488 θ
b) 0.8 = 360

θ= x 360

= 219.6
≈ 220

c) Cos(70) = r/0.79
r = 0.79 x cos(70)
r = 0.27 cm
h = 0.79 – r
= 0.79 – 0.27
h = 0.52 cm


e) Area of sector = 140/360 x π x (0.79)2

= 0.76 cm2
Area of triangle = ½ x 0.79 x 0.79 x sin(140)
= 0.45 cm2
Area of segment = Area of sector – Area of triangle
= 0.76 – 0.45
= 0.31 cm2

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