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AE International – Europe

Atmospheric Environment 38 (2004) 4437–4446

The role of atmospheric dispersion in the seasonal variation

of PM1 and PM2.5 concentration and composition in the
urban area of Milan (Italy)
R. Vecchia,b,*, G. Marcazzana,b, G. Vallia,b, M. Ceriania, C. Antoniazzia
Istituto di Fisica Generale Applicata, University of Milan, Via Celoria 16, 20133 Milan, Italy
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Section of Milan, Via Celoria 16, 20133 Milan, Italy
Received 13 February 2004; received in revised form 6 May 2004; accepted 26 May 2004


The seasonal variation of PM1 and PM2.5 mass concentration and composition has been investigated in the great
urban area of Milan. PM samplings were carried out 3 times a week during the year 2002. Mass and elemental
concentrations were measured in all samples and in a limited number of filters also the elemental and organic carbon
contribution (EC and OC) was determined.
In the urban area of Milan, PM2.5 comprises about 60% and 70% of the PM1 mass in summer and in winter,
respectively. Among the measured PM components carbon compounds and sulphates are by far the major contributors and
a significant contribution likely due to nitrates (not measured) should also be considered. PM1 and PM2.5 concentration
and composition show a strong seasonal behaviour, which was studied in relation to atmospheric dispersion conditions.
Our approach is based on the use of Radon concentration as a natural tracer of differences in the average mixing
layer height during the year. The application of a suitable ‘‘Radon index’’ allows the normalisation of PM mass and
elemental data to account for the seasonal effect due to differences in atmospheric dispersion conditions.
r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: PM1; PM2.5; Elemental composition; Radon

1. Introduction In the last 10 years concern on particulate matter

(PM) concentration values in urban areas led to a
Fine aerosol particles (e.g. PM2.5 and PM1) have number of European studies on PM10 (Hoek et al.,
been found to play a key role in global climate change, 1997; Art"ıñano et al., 2001) that is currently the
in pollution problems and in health hazard. They affect European standard (EU Directive 99/62) for air quality
the natural energy balance of the Earth mainly by assessment. A few years ago, the European Community
reflecting/absorbing solar radiation and influencing the encouraged all Member States to gather preliminary
reflective and absorbing properties of clouds. The study data on PM2.5, so that many research groups began a
of the large-scale influence of aerosols on climate needs characterisation of this PM fraction (Borbély-Kiss et al.,
a deep knowledge of smaller particles and of their 1999; Querol et al., 2001; Marcazzan et al., 2001; Hoek
variations in size, chemical composition, distribution in et al., 2002). Epidemiological studies and research on the
time and space and residence times (IPCC, 2001). mutagenic effects of airborne particulate matter point at
the adverse health effects of fine particles (Dockery et al.,
1993; Schwartz et al., 1996; Samet et al., 2000;
*Corresponding author. Fax: +39-02-503-17496. Katsouyanni et al., 2001) as they are able to reach deep
E-mail address: (R. Vecchi). lung regions and are vehicles of toxic substances.

1352-2310/$ - see front matter r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
4438 R. Vecchi et al. / Atmospheric Environment 38 (2004) 4437–4446

Moreover, several authors detected mutagenic com- The urban area covers 181 km2 and has 1,307,000
pounds almost exclusively located on particles with inhabitants; the territorial extension of the Milan
aerodynamic diameter lower than 2 mm (van Houdt, province is 1980 km2 (652 km2 of urban areas and
1990; Pagano et al., 1996). 102 km2 of industrial settlements) and the population
As a consequence of the growing interest of the rises up to 3,737,000 inhabitants. The number of
scientific community in PM finer fractions and of the passenger cars circulating daily in the province is
lack on PM1 data in Europe, in 2001 we started a 2,231,280 (0.62 vehicles/inhabitant); in addition, 4000
temporal extended study on PM1 to obtain statistically buses and a very high number of heavy duty vehicles for
significant data on this PM fraction. Indeed, previous goods transport must be also taken into account (Galileo
research carried out in the Milan area (Marcazzan et al., Ambiente, 2002).
2001) revealed a strong seasonal variation of PM10 and The urban area of Milan is characterised by many
PM2.5 concentrations with the highest values during residential and commercial premises and a very high
winter months (especially December, January and volume of vehicular traffic. Moreover, many industries
February). Wintertime PM10 levels often exceeded the including chemical and metallurgical factories, incinera-
EU limit value established for health protection not only tors, refineries and power plants are located in its outskirts.
in Milan but also at many other urban areas in the Po In Milan, a large conversion to methane as fuel for
valley (Marcazzan et al., 2002). In Milan, daily gravi- domestic heating is in progress. According to the estimate
metric measurements performed by one of the monitor- of atmospheric emissions (for criteria pollutants, year
ing stations belonging to the regional air pollution 2000) from different sources in the municipality of Milan
network registered 66 mg m 3 for PM10 and 43 mg m 3 (Galileo Ambiente, 2002) the main sources contributing to
for PM2.5 as average concentrations during the year primary PM10 are traffic (72%), domestic heating (21%)
2002. Moreover, 177 exceedences of the EU PM10 limit and incinerators (5%). NOx emissions in the city are due
value of 50 mg m 3 were observed (ARPA, 2002). These to traffic (66%), domestic heating (23%), industry (8%)
data stress the importance of a deeper knowledge of PM and incinerators (3%). SO2 is mainly emitted by the
composition, of emission sources (number and type) and domestic heating source (86%) and by traffic (10%).
of the role of atmospheric dispersion conditions in the However, the SO2 emission in the municipality of Milan is
Milan area as well as in the whole Po valley. about 3% of that registered at a regional scale, which
During our monitoring campaign co-located measure- likely contributes to background aerosol formation.
ments of PM1 and PM2.5 (and once a week additional Anthropogenic VOC emissions in the urban area are
PM10 samplings) were performed to relate PM1 to other mainly due to solvent use and traffic (about 50% and
PM fractions and to insert these new data in a wider 41%, respectively). NH3 is emitted at a regional scale by
research context. agricultural and breeding activities (about 97%).
The aim of the research was twofold:
* to assess concentration levels, main components, 2.2. Climate
mass closure, major sources and seasonal variability
of PM1 and PM2.5; In the Po valley the climate is typically continental
* to study the role of average atmospheric dispersion although mitigated by the influence of the Adriatic sea and
conditions on PM concentration and composition in by the shielding of the Alps. The atmospheric circulation is
the two seasons and to single out the importance of often stagnant over the Po valley especially during
seasonal variations in source emissions and in wintertime, when frequent thermal inversions at low
secondary aerosol formation mechanisms. To inves- altitude, low mixing layer heights and prolonged foggy
tigate on this point we performed measurements of or hazy periods occur. In Milan the wind speed is generally
the 222Rn concentration in outdoor air and obtained low, the average wind speed was 1.5 m s 1 during winter
an index to account for seasonal variations of the and 1.8 m s 1 during summer 2002. A high rainfall rate (in
atmospheric dispersion conditions. excess of 400 mm compared with the average of 1000 mm
observed during the last decade) was also registered in the
monitored area during the year 2002, especially in
2. Area of investigation February, May and November (ARPA, 2002).

2.1. Site
3. Material and methods
Milan is in Northern Italy and it is located in centre of
the Po valley, which is the most industrialised and 3.1. Aerosol sampling and mass determination
populated part of the country. It is the second Italian city
(after Rome) for population and its geographical The sampling site is located in the campus of our
position makes it the greatest trade junction in Italy. University, which is approximately 2 km far from the
R. Vecchi et al. / Atmospheric Environment 38 (2004) 4437–4446 4439

city centre. It is placed in residential and commercial were estimated to be about 10–15%. Details on the
area and the average traffic volume can be considered XRF system set-up can be found elsewhere (Marcazzan
typical for the whole urban area. The sampling platform et al., 2001, 2004).
is placed on the roof of our Institute (at a height of In a limited number of samples, elemental carbon
about 10 m a.g.l.) and it can be considered quite (EC) and organic carbon (OC) were measured by the
representative of the average air pollution in the Sunset Laboratory Inc., USA, using a thermo-optical
investigated area as it is not a kerbside station. This transmission method described in Birch and Cary
location allows comparisons with PM data obtained (1996).
during previous campaigns and the monitoring of PM
temporal trends in Milan (Marcazzan et al., 2001, 2003). 3.3. The radon measurement: an indicator of atmospheric
The co-located PM1 and PM2.5 samplings were dispersion
carried out in the year 2002 during the summer period
(Jun–Sept) and the winter semester (Jan–March and The Radon hourly concentration is routinely and
Oct–Dec). PM1 and PM2.5 were sampled for 24 h at continuously measured at ground level (6 m asl) in
fixed days (Tuesday–Thursday–Sunday), 107 PM1 and Milan by our group. Radon activity concentration
105 PM2.5 samples were collected. CEN-equivalent outdoor is detected with hourly resolution through the
samplers (according to the European norm EN12341, collection of its short-lived decay products attached to
CEN=Comité Européen de Normalisation) were aerosol particles and the spectroscopic evaluation of
equipped with PM2.5 and PM1 inlets. Before and after their alpha activity (estimated detection limit=
the samplings the PTFE filters were exposed for 24–48 h 0.2 Bq m 3). Details on the experimental methodology
on open but dust-protected sieve-trays in an air- to measure 222Rn concentration are reported in Sesana
conditioned weighing room (T=2272 C and et al. (2003).
R.H.=4375%). The gravimetric determination of the The seasonal variation observed in PM concentrations
mass was carried out using an analytical microbalance with high values during winter has been also registered
(precision 1 mg), which is installed and operates in the for a number of gaseous pollutants (e.g. SO2, NOx, CO,
weighing room. Calibration procedures check the BTX,...) and for the atmospheric concentration of
microbalance performance. According to our weighing Radon and its progeny. Long-term Radon measure-
laboratory protocol both before and after sampling, ments (Kataoka et al., 1998; Perrino et al., 2001; Sesana
each filter is weighed at least twice to obtain one mass et al., 2003) show that the temporal variation of its
measurement result. The two readings have to agree concentration can give immediate information on the
within 5 mg to be accepted; if the second measurement is evolution of the stability conditions in the boundary
more than 5 mg apart from the first, a new pair of layer. The stability conditions of the lower atmospheric
weighing is immediately done until they are within layers, on a local scale, are very important as influence
the75 mg goal. pollutants concentration on different time scales (emis-
Meteorological parameters (temperature, pressure, sion rates, chemical transformations and deposition
relative humidity, solar radiation, rainfall, wind speed processes must also be taken into account). The dilution
and direction) were available from the meteorological of pollutants in the mixing layer must be ascribed to
station located at our Institute. thermal and dynamic turbulence, whilst the horizontal
transport of pollutants is due to the wind field. In the
3.2. Analytical techniques Milan area and in the whole Po valley, ventilation is
scarce (despite sporadic advection episodes, typically
Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis was Föhn events extensively described in Gandino et al.,
performed on all aerosol samples determining major, 1990) and vertical dispersion plays the main role.
minor and trace elements. Routinely Al, Si, S, Cl, K, Ca, Radon can be considered a good natural tracer of
Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Br, Pb vertical dispersion as it does not undergo chemical
concentrations were measured. The minimum detection transformations in the air and it has a half-life of 3.8
limit (mdl) was in the range 1–10 ng m 3 for different days that is long enough to measure the atmospheric
elements. Micromatter standard reference samples phenomena of interest here. It also has an approxi-
(Micromatters, US) were used for the quantitative mately constant rate of exhalation from the ground over
calibration of the system. A check of the calibration was large, homogeneous areas and over time.
periodically performed analysing the NIST standard Long-term measurements performed in Milan by our
SRM2783 (Air Particulate on Filter Media). group exhibit two typical patterns related to an hourly
The data acquisition, storage and reduction was and a monthly time-scale. In the first case, Radon
supervised by a programme on a personal computer, concentrations are frequently characterised by a mini-
the analysis of X-ray spectra was performed using the mum in late afternoon and a maximum in the early
Axil code (Van Espen et al., 1977). Experimental errors morning. In Fig. 1, as examples, the daily mean Radon
4440 R. Vecchi et al. / Atmospheric Environment 38 (2004) 4437–4446

Radon mean daily pattern

222 Rn concentration (Bq/m3)




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Fig. 2. 222Rn monthly average concentration and monthly
Fig. 1. 222Rn typical daily concentration pattern (in Bq m 3), minimum average concentration (in Bq m 3), year 2002, Milan.
January and July 2002, Milan.

concentrations are reported for January and July 2002. The winter/summer ratio between average Radon
This pattern is observed on sunny days with clear sky minimum concentrations during the years 2000–2002
(both during day and night) and low ventilation rate. appears to be steadily assessed at 2.0–2.1. The PM
The nocturnal accumulation of Radon is due to the low measurement campaign here described does not cover
mixing layer caused by a ground-based temperature homogeneously the whole year 2002 so that the ratio R
inversion of radiative origin. The variation of Radon has been calculated only for the sampling days (R=1.8
concentration observed between the minimum in the for PM1 samples and 1.7 for PM2.5 samples). This ratio
afternoon and the maximum in the following day is a has been calculated using a Radon average minimum
good indicator of the nocturnal mixing layer depth. value of 4.5 Bq m 3 for both PM1 and PM2.5 samplings
When the sun rises in the morning and heats the during the summer period and of 8.1 Bq m 3 for PM1
ground the inversion is destroyed so that the re-mixing and 7.8 Bq m 3 for PM2.5 data-series during the winter
of Radon takes place in layers of increasing heights semester.
causing a decrease of its concentration levels. The In the following, we will use the ratio R as a
minimum concentration is registered during the after- ‘‘normalisation’’ factor which removes the seasonal
noon when the mixing layer reaches its maximum depth. effect due to differences in atmospheric dispersion
The variation between maximum and minimum Radon conditions from PM mass and element concentrations.
concentration in the same day is an index of the This approach allows the evaluation of differences in
maximum height of the mixing layer. the contribution from emission sources for aerosol of
The other Radon typical pattern refers to a seasonal primary origin and reveals variations in the strength of
behaviour (with higher concentrations in winter than in production mechanisms for PM of secondary origin in
summer) observed on monthly Radon concentration. the two seasons.
Fig. 2, displays monthly averages of daily Radon
concentrations and monthly averages of daily minima
measured in the year 2002. Higher Radon minimum
concentrations registered during wintertime reflect the 4. Results and discussion
lowering of the upper limit of the mixing layer height
whereas lower Radon minima observed during summer- 4.1. Mass concentration
time indicate an increase of the upper limit of the mixing
layer depth. PM1 and PM2.5 daily values show variations mainly
In this paper the ratio R between wintertime and related to differences in the atmospheric dispersion
summertime average minimum Radon concentrations conditions. Large seasonal differences can be also
has been taken as an index of seasonal differences in observed in the data-base with PM1 and PM2.5 highest
mean dispersion conditions of the atmosphere. It gives concentrations during winter. The average concentra-
information on the average ratio between the maxima tion is 16.478.3 mg m 3 for PM1 and 27.2714.1 mg m 3
heights of the mixing layer in the two seasons because for PM2.5 during the summer period (June–July–
the minimum Radon concentration is registered when September) and it is 41.0718.4 mg m 3 for PM1 and
the mixing layer is well developed and the atmospheric 58.6729.5 mg m 3 for PM2.5 during the winter semester
dilution is at its maximum. The minimum Radon (Jan–March and Oct–Dec). On average, 30% and 40%
concentrations have been chosen as PM is not produced of the PM2.5 mass is in the PM(2.5–1)—‘‘intermodal’’—
by sources with constant emission but its dominant fraction (obtained by subtraction using PM2.5 and PM1
primary sources (typically traffic and anthropogenic co-located measurements) during the winter semester
activities) are active mainly during daytime hours. and the summer period, respectively.
R. Vecchi et al. / Atmospheric Environment 38 (2004) 4437–4446 4441

It is interesting to note that during the month of tions ( 35% in summer and 10% in winter) during the
August (not included in the summer period average, week-ends comes out. On the contrary, the reduction in
given above), PM1 concentration is 10.373.9 mg m 3 PM1 concentration levels is almost negligible ( 1.5%)
and PM2.5 is 18.776.5 mg m 3. These concentrations during wintertime and it is 14% during summertime;
are likely to be considered the ‘‘background urban’’ these lower percentages are probably due to PM1 longer
levels for the area of Milan. Indeed, during August there residence times in the atmosphere.
is a huge decrease of traffic and industrial activities (see The influence of local meteorological conditions on
also differences in the elemental concentrations pre- fine particulate matter concentrations has been also
sented in Table 1) owing to summertime holidays, which studied focusing on windy and rainy days. A slight effect
are, in Italy, traditionally spent in this month. The ( 10%) due to rainfall can be observed on both
assessment of urban background particulate matter level fractions while a more significant decrease of PM1 and
can be a useful information in provision of setting EU PM2.5 levels (20–35%) appears during days with wind
limit values for PM2.5. velocity higher than 2 m s 1. Similar meteorological
In the urban area of Milan, PM1 constitutes about influences were also observed in PM10 and PM2.5
60% and 70% of the PM2.5 mass in summer and in concentrations registered at the same location during a
winter, respectively. Estimates of the PM1/PM10 and previous study (Marcazzan et al., 2003).
PM2.5/PM10 ratios were also carried out on a limited The normalisation of PM mass using the ‘‘Radon
number of samples as PM10 was monitored once a week index’’ has been carried out to account for the seasonal
(on Thursday) during the campaign. PM1 is a significant effect due to differences in dispersion conditions. The
part of PM10 (35% in summer and 53% in winter) and PM1 normalised mass concentration (see also Fig. 4) is
PM2.5/PM10 ratio is 0.77 during the winter semester about 40% higher in winter than in summer (in PM2.5
and 0.63 during the summer period. The PM2.5/PM10 mass this percentage is 30%). This result evidences the
average ratios are in agreement with those registered in a presence of additional sources during the cold season
previous campaign performed at the same location for (e.g. domestic heating) and the influence of low
the whole year 2001 (Marcazzan et al., 2003). temperatures typical of the cold season. Low tempera-
Separating the PM data-base into week-days and tures favour the aerosol particle phase in respect of the
week-ends a detectable decrease in PM2.5 concentra- gaseous one in the formation of secondary aerosol and

Table 1
PM1 and PM2.5 average values of the elemental concentrations (ng m 3) shown separately for the winter semester (Oct–Mar), for the
summer months (Jun–Jul–Sep) and for August

PM1 (ng m 3) PM2.5 (ng m 3)

Winter 2002 Summer 2002 August 2002 Winter 2002 Summer 2002 August 2002

n.samples 56 38 11 53 33 16
Mass 41000718400 1640078300 1030073900 58600729500 27200714100 1870076500
Al 1678 (54) 1475 (9) 1772 (2) 53729 (53) 49727 (30) 47720 (14)
Si 42720 (56) 30712 (37) 2779 (11) 116790 (53) 116764 (33) 92742 (16)
S 12977516 (56) 14457721 (38) 9577424 (11) 19427972 (53) 187671022 (33) 17077778 (16)
Cl 2897199 (56) 37715 (6) omdl 4087312 (53) 28721 (10) omdl
K 2577115 (56) 81748 (38) 63738 (11) 3427180 (53) 124757 (33) 119757 (16)
Ca 24710 (39) 1777 (38) 1174 (11) 69754 (50) 65728 (33) 48714 (16)
Ti 773 (42) 471 (9) 371 (5) 1477 (53) 875 (31) 672 (16)
V 572 (54) 472 (18) 371 (6) 774 (47) 572 (25) 372 (13)
Cr 271 (36) 171 (25) 171 (5) 573 (44) 372 (30) 271 (13)
Mn 976 (56) 472 (38) 371 (11) 18712 (52) 875 (33) 572 (16)
Fe 89739 (56) 42723 (38) 2477 (11) 3097205 (53) 186787 (33) 120738 (16)
Ni 774 (56) 271 (37) 171 (9) 975 (53) 271 (33) 271 (16)
Cu 774 (56) 373 (38) 271 (11) 18711 (53) 1076 (33) 672 (16)
Zn 66734 (56) 32720 (38) 1677 (11) 135798 (53) 66741 (33) 25713 (16)
As 271 (49) 171 (24) 171 (3) 372 (45) 271 (24) 171 (7)
Se 271 (42) 171 (30) 171 (5) 371 (37) 271 (27) 171 (13)
Br 975 (56) 372 (38) 271 (11) 1377 (53) 472 (33) 472 (16)
Pb 35720 (56) 15712 (38) 875 (11) 55735 (53) 22713 (33) 1377 (16)

In parenthesis the number of samples above the minimum detection level (mdl) is given.
4442 R. Vecchi et al. / Atmospheric Environment 38 (2004) 4437–4446

the stability of particulate NH4NO3 in the atmosphere

(Strader et al., 1999; Putaud et al., 2004).

4.2. PM elemental characterisation and composition

PM1 and PM2.5 elemental average concentrations (in

ng m 3) are given in Table 1 separately for the winter
semester (Oct–Mar), for the summer period (Jun–Jul–
Sep) and for August.
The sum of all elements detected by ED-XRF explains
only a little part of the mass of fine particulate matter
(about 10% in summer and 5% in winter for both
Fig. 3. partitioning of element concentration between PM(2.5–
fractions), suggesting that the greatest contribution
1) and PM1 during summertime (S) and wintertime (W) in
should be ascribed to light elements as H, C, N, O not Milan, year 2002.
determined. In both fractions the most abundant
element is Sulphur whose average values are about
1400 ng m 3 in PM1 and 1900 ng m 3 in PM2.5,
independently of the season. All the other elements
have concentrations much lower than S both in PM1
and PM2.5 (from a few hundreds of ng m 3 down to a
few ng m 3) and, as a common feature, show a seasonal
effect characterised by wintertime values much higher
than summertime ones.
Comparing the elemental concentration data regis-
tered in August with those measured in the summer
period, a general decrease during August can be noted
with a strong reduction of some elements such as Fe, Zn Fig. 4. PM1 and PM2.5 element concentrations normalised
and Pb (tracers both of industrial processes and traffic) using the ‘‘Radon index’’, the winter/summer ratio is
which halve their concentration levels. As already represented.
observed for mass concentrations, August is quite an
untypical month for the Milan urban area and the mass
and elemental concentrations detected during this
period can be considered representative of ‘‘urban PM2.5. This result can be explained considering the
background’’ as anthropogenic activities are at their strong photochemical activity registered during sum-
minimum. mertime in Italy that enhances the conversion of SO2 to
Fig. 3 displays the partitioning of elemental concen- sulphates. As pointed out in previous research (Mar-
trations between the intermodal, PM(2.5–1), and the cazzan et al., 2001, 2003; Putaud et al., 2002) in the Po
sub-micronic, PM1, fractions of PM2.5 during the two valley a large contribution to S levels is given by
seasons. Some elements (i.e. S, K, V, Ni, Br, Pb) with a sulphates, and in particular by ammonium sulphate,
dominant anthropogenic origin are found preferably in mostly originated over a regional scale. On the contrary,
the sub-micronic fraction of PM2.5 and do not exhibit Potassium normalised concentrations appear to be 50%
any appreciable seasonal effect. Al, Si, Ca and Ti (PM2.5) and 70% (PM1) higher during the winter
measured in the intermodal fraction account for about semester; this effect is likely due to emissions from
60–70% of their concentration in PM2.5 indicating a domestic heating (which comprehend also wood com-
contribution from soil dust as evidenced also by Kegler bustion) (Currie et al., 1994; Chow, 1995; Kim et al.,
et al. (2001). In the intermodal fraction an increase of 2003). Bromine concentration has a winter/summer ratio
about 10% during the summer is detectable for Al, Si, (normalised to Radon index) which is 1.5 owing to the
K, and Fe. In the sub-micron sized particles an Br volatilisation (Harrison and Sturges, 1983) during
uncertainty about the origin of Al, Si and Ca arises, as summertime. The high value of the winter/summer ratio
they can be due to soil dust or cement dust as well as to found for Ni and Pb suggests a seasonal difference in
impurities in automotive exhaust emissions. emission from sources not yet identified. Al, Si and Ca—
To account for the atmospheric dispersion conditions elements typical of the mineral dust—show higher
the elemental concentrations were normalised using the normalised concentrations in both fractions during the
Radon index (Fig. 4). The summertime Sulphur normal- summer months as re-suspension can be favoured by
ised concentration appears to be higher than the drier soils. The winter/summer ratio of normalised
wintertime one by a factor two in both PM1 and concentration calculated for the remaining elements is
R. Vecchi et al. / Atmospheric Environment 38 (2004) 4437–4446 4443

about 1 with a 10–20% variability, indicating that most good agreement with those reported by Putaud et al.
of the seasonal effect affecting the elemental concentra- (2002) for the submicron aerosol measured during the
tions reported in Table 1 has an explanation in PIPAPO field campaign. The OC/EC ratio calculated on
differences in atmospheric dispersion conditions. the few samples is between 5 and 6 during wintertime
For the purpose of mass closure an estimation of and much lower (2.6–3) during the summer period.
some PM components (sulphates, mineral dust, and Literature data (Chow et al., 1993; Turpin and
heavy metal oxides) has been carried out using the Huntzincker, 1995; Strader et al., 1999) show that OC/
elemental concentrations detected on all available EC ratios higher than 2–2.5 are indicators for secondary
samples. Sulphur has been considered mainly in the organic aerosol formation; therefore, our OC/EC
form of ammonium sulphate. Mineral dust is given by preliminary values indicate that, on average, secondary
the sum of Al, Si, K, Ca, Ti and Fe oxides (15% of the organic aerosol production is significant in Milan.
total is generally added to account for Na and Mg The second contributor to PM2.5 and PM1 mass is
oxides, not detected) (Eldred et al., 1987). The heavy ammonium sulphate, which accounts for 28–36% in
metals component has been computed by the sum of Fe, summer and for about 13% in winter. The mineral dust
Cu, Zn and Pb oxides. Further details on the methodol- component explains a small part of the mass (0.5–2%)
ogy used to evaluate these contributions can be found in and shows higher percentages during the summer period
Marcazzan et al. (2001). Results are summarised in as already evidenced for soil-related elements’ concen-
Table 2 where the percentage contribution of these trations. Also the contribution of heavy metal oxides to
components to the PM mass is given. In order to reach a the mass is almost negligible (about 0.5–1.5%) in both
complete mass closure, a few specific PM1 and PM2.5 fractions but metal concentrations are significant in
samplings (two weeks during both seasons) to determine relation to their potential toxicity (Gilmour et al., 1996;
the elemental and organic carbon concentration were Apostoli, 1999). The unaccounted mass fraction (called
also performed. The obtained percentages of elemental ‘‘Others’’) is thought to result from nitrates and minor
and organic carbon were inserted in Table 2 with the components (i.e. aerosol-bound water) and shows higher
other PM components (calculated on the whole data set) percentages during the cold season (32.6% in PM2.5 and
assuming that, although determined on a few samples, 36.8% in PM1). These percentages are in line with
they could be considered quite representative. The nitrate data obtained in the Po valley (Schaap et al.,
organic carbon (OC) concentrations were converted 2002; Putaud et al., 2002), which indicate Northern Italy
into organic compounds (OC) concentrations using a as one of the European areas with very high nitrate
mean molecular-to-carbon ratio of 1.6, as proposed by levels during winter. Because of the semi-volatile nature
the recent literature for urban areas (Salma et al., 2004; of nitrates during the summer their contribution
Turpin and Lim, 2001). strongly diminishes (down to 17–22%).
The major contributor to PM mass is organic matter, Wintertime/summertime concentrations normalised
the OC percentages range between 37.3% and 46.8% in to Radon index are represented in Fig. 5 for the
PM2.5 and between 37.3% and 43.3% in PM1 during evaluated components. The TC (=EC+OC) repre-
summer and winter, respectively. The EC contribution sents the Carbon compounds contribution made of EC
to the PM2.5 mass is 8.8% during the summer period and organic compounds (OC). The winter/summer
and 4.8% during the winter semester. EC percentages of ratio of TC normalised component is 1.5 indicating a
7.9% and 5.7%, in summer and winter, respectively, are higher contribution of carbon compounds during the
found in PM1. These preliminary EC and OC data are in winter season. It is likely due to the lower temperatures

Table 2
Wintertime and summertime PM1 and PM2.5 mass (in mg m 3) and the percentage contribution of some PM components (ammonium
sulphate, mineral dust, heavy metal oxides, OC and EC)

PM1 PM2.5

Summer 2002 Winter 2002 Summer 2002 Wintertime 2002

Mass (mg m ) 16.4 41.0 27.2 58.6
Ammonium sulphate (%) 36.4 13.0 28.4 13.7
Mineral dust (%) 0.7 0.5 2.1 1.0
Heavy metal oxides (%) 0.6 0.7 1.3 1.1
OC (%) 37.3 43.3 37.3 46.8
EC (%) 7.9 5.7 8.8 4.8
Others (%) 17.1 36.8 22.1 32.6

The undetected mass has been named ‘‘Others’’ (likely due to nitrates and minor components such as water).
4444 R. Vecchi et al. / Atmospheric Environment 38 (2004) 4437–4446

This approach evidences seasonal differences in the

emission strength of some sources (such as wind-blown
mineral dust) and singles out the presence of sources
active only during one season (i.e. domestic heating).
It also highlights the role of some physico-chemical
processes of secondary aerosol production (i.e. the
increase of secondary sulphates during the summer
when the photochemical activity is highest and the
prevailing aerosol particle phase in secondary organic
compounds during winter).
The observed seasonal behaviour of PM mass
Fig. 5. PM components (TC=OC+EC, ammonium sul- concentration has mainly to be ascribed to differences
phate, mineral dust, heavy metal oxides) normalised using the in the average atmospheric dispersion registered between
‘‘Radon index’’; the winter/summer ratio is represented. the winter semester and the summer period (it explains
72% and 80% of the PM1 and PM2.5 mass difference in
the two seasons). The seasonal effect is also due to the
presence of an additional emission source (i.e. domestic
which favour the aerosol particle phase of organic heating) active during the cold season; this source
compounds and to the low mixing layer heights which contributes to primary particulate matter as well as to
allow the accumulation of gaseous precursors and the secondary aerosol production because of its large
acceleration of secondary organic aerosol formation emission of gaseous precursors.
(Strader et al., 1999). As already found for the normal- The high concentration of sulphates, secondary
ised sulphur concentration, the ammonium sulphate organic compounds and, likely, nitrates indicate that
component normalised to the Radon index evidences a in Milan and in the surrounding area a large contribu-
strong increase (approximately a factor 2) during the tion to PM2.5 and PM1 mass is due to secondary
summer period pointing at the importance of atmo- aerosol production. This is favoured by large emissions
spheric photochemical transformations. Also mineral of gaseous precursors in the municipality (as well as in
dust increases (more in PM2.5 than in PM1) during the Lombardy region) and by low mixing layer heights
summertime because of the soil dryness as already noted observed during the winter in the Po valley which
for soil-related elements. The smallest winter/summer allow the accumulation of secondary aerosol precursor
variation in normalised components is observed for concentrations.
heavy metal oxides indicating that their anthropogenic
sources (mainly traffic and industrial activities) do not
vary so much with the season. Acknowledgements

The authors thank the Italian Ministry of Education,

5. Conclusions University and Research for the financial support of
this work in the frame of a wider research project
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