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Cap Tan Dat

Flutter Developer

📞 0961414817 ✉ 🔗 

 Ho Chi Minh City,Ward 7,Binh Thanh District


Get more expertise in mobile programming by obtaining practical experience in an official work environment.
Learn from your elders in the organization, especially, if you want to advance your career and gain a better understanding of how to work in
a professional setting.
Learn time management techniques, how to work efficiently, and how to create an organized work schedule to guarantee independence and
excellent performance in your daily work.
Finally, in addition to being officially hired as an employee, I hope to have the opportunity to support development and help the business
succeed and grow in the future.


Ho Chi Minh City Open University 2020 - 2024

Major: Information Technology

Extracurricular Involvement: • Mobile device programing club


The Healthy House - Intern Mobile 6/2023 - 12/2023

I gained a clear understanding of the fundamentals and how to use Flutter to create an application for the company that can function
in the real world during my internship and practical work period.
I completed it and now I distinctly understand the components of Flutter:
• UI (UI widget and widget settings) and the ability to create quite complicated screens.
• Navigation & Router (I have been exposed to using go_router in the flutter package to manage navigation between application
• State Management: Regarding the state management of widgets, I have approached and done quite a lot about BLoC pattern parts
and integrating the Cubit package to flexibly use Bloc while working on widgets.
• Network: Used Rest API to work with the database to obtain data into the application.
• Git: Understand the basic concepts of using Git at work, including branching and merging, resolving conflicts, and correctly
commenting. (using the Fork app and GitLab).

Complete Google's mobile programming training courses 2022 - 2023

• Basic knowledge of how to create Android apps using Compose
• Basics of Kotlin on Android
• Jetpack Compose for Android Developers (Intermediate)
• Structure of a Modern Android App (Intermediate)
• Coroutine Kotlin (Intermediate)
Google dev profile:
Programming and Teamwork Skills -

During my time studying and cultivating in the university environment, I have formed the thinking and working style of a
programmer, with work that requires perseverance, concentration and the ability to work with others partner.
Along with that is the ability to exchange and speak in front of crowds with your own products, without being afraid of difficulties
and challenges.
Successfully complete industry foundation subjects such as: Data Structures & Algorithms, Object-Oriented Programming, Mobile
Programming, Software Testing,...


( Mar 10, 2024 - May 19, 2024 )

Language Dart

Framework Flutter

An online application for ordering movie tickets that is created with flutter along with the API
General project
libraries, and has a firebase database and user interface. Application design using MVC design.

Here are some features of this ticket booking app: Finding the user's location (calculating how
long it takes to get to the ticketing location), Find the cinemas' movie schedule in a frequently
Description project updated database, choose and reserve tickets depending on after choosing a seat, sort the
movie selection by genre, as well as processing payments via the MoMo payment gateway

• Database: Cloud Firestore, Firebase authentication

• Architecture: MVC (using Get package to manage states as well as update data according to
Project structure the controller)
• Framework: Flutter
• Main libraries: geolocator, geocoding, go_router, get


Learning English App

( Aug 20, 2023 - Sep 21, 2023 )

Language Kotlin

Building an application that allows learners to use their registered accounts to study courses
Description project
by topic.

Your team size 2

I am in charge of developing the area for personal information, managing login registration for
Your responsibility in project the system, putting the online chat system into place using, and integrating
ChatGPT's API to enable communication with AI bots.

• Database: Firestore, Firebase storage, Firebase authentication

• Architecture: MVVM (Built based on Google App standard architecture)
Project structure
• UI framework: Jetpack Compose
• Support: (Chat API), Sapling AI (Grammar check), chatGPT



Programming languages Java, Kotlin, and Dart are the most popular uses.
Other Firebase , SQL Server, MySQL, SQLite and Jetpack Compose (Android)

Tools Git, Github, GitLab, VSCode, Postman

Communication Can read, understand, and communicate in basic English ©

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