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Brand Guidelines

“Making the most of your SAP data through

clever technology to optimise business
decisions and productivity.”
Table of

The Brand The Visuals

Our Philosophy 4 Colour Palette 12
Brand Statement 5 The Logo 13
The Vision 6 Logo Variations 16
Our Values 7 Logo Minimum Space 17
Brand Prism 8 Logo Minimum Size 18
Our Audience 9 Changes to Logo 19
Our Values, Personality & Tone 10 The Icon 20
Typography 21
Our Philosophy
At Spark Analytics we believe that people fundamentally
want to be empowered to do a better job and given
the data, tools and training they will creatively solve
challenges and improve performance.

Which is why we work with people and businesses who

primarily want cost effective solutions to bring their vision
into reality.

Our role is to empower people and organisations to bring

their vision to reality by providing the data and tools they
need to create meaningful information and powerful
business insight.

So that our clients can deliver better service to their

customers and build better, more impactful solutions and
Brand Statement
To simplify the process of implementing data warehouses, reporting and
analytics solutions for SAP through the application of modern technology
and simple, proven tools and techniques that deliver results.
Our Vision
To help organisations get the most value from SAP by providing business
intelligence solutions to deliver key business insights resulting in significant
cost reduction, performance improvement, productivity and greater profits.
We take pride in what we do and aim to deliver
innovative solutions that exceed customers’

We love solving challenging problems that require
practical thinking, problem solving, innovation and
engineering to create reliable solutions.

We never walk away from a challenge and always
endeavor to deliver a great solution that customers are
happy with.

We enjoy what we do and get a kick out of hearing
stories from our customers that our solutions have

Our Values
made a positive difference to their job or business.

It is in our nature to find simple solutions that will meet
expectations and work reliably and efficiently within
project timeframes and budgets.
Physique Personality
Business focused, Reliable,
Professional, Futuristic,
we understand their problems,
knowledgeable, practical,
experienced, honest.

Relationship Culture
Trusting, result-based, both Efficiency, Engineers at heart,
parties feel valued. Solutions-focused, Innovative.

Reflection Self-Image
Successful, well-known, striving for
In long-term partnership together, confident
competitive advantage.
in getting a positive outcome, delivering cost-
effective and practical solutions.

The Brand Prism

Our Audience
Corporate, business professionals in management
roles or board positions, direct executives.
Our Values,
Personality & Tone

Trustworthy Business Intelligence Reliable

Innovative Modern Empowerment Availability
Timely Enables Key Differentiator Recognition
Performance Simple Methodology Modern
Opportunities Accessible Compliments Helping
Insight Solution Optimise Professional Modern
Innovative Leading Edge Technology Simple
Assured Trusted Excited Intelligent Secure
Certified Expert Experienced Professional
The Visuals
Colour Palette
These colours are applied to the logo, communication pieces, collateral and throughout the brand. It is essential that
these colours are used accurately and consistently when reproducing brand related content in colour.
The Logo
Logo Variations
The logo should only appear on colours with enough contrast to maintain its integrity and clarity.
The Mono colours can also be used for maximum contrast.
Please allow a minimum clear space on all
sides of the logo, equal to the ‘x’ height of
the logotype (shown here by the Letter ‘S’).

When correctly observed, clear space

protects the logo from being crowded by
other elements such as text or images.
Under no circumstances should the
logo be reproduced to a size smaller
than 35mm wide.
Changes to Logo
The logo presents Spark Analytics to the world and represents all the core values & principles the brand believes in.
It has been designed to be used confidently at all sizes and should be reproduced with no changes to the type, texture or colour.

Do Not...

Change the colours of the logo Alter the shape of the logo Skewed Angles

Use on no contrast backgrounds Change the font

The Icon
The Web icon is to be used for the brand
when there is very minimal space. i.e. in the
web browser tab.

Headings Body Copy

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
(.,?$&@*) 0123456789 (.,?$&@*) 0123456789

Poppins - Bold Open Sans

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