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Report Title:

Rotary Vane Experiment (An Application of Convection Heat Transfer)

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Heat transfer takes places in three modes such as conduction, convection and radiation. The
former two require medium for heat transfer but the later one does not require. This succinct
report provides information about rotating vane experiment i.e. application of implementation of
convection heat transfer. First of all project methodology is described step by step explained for
fabrication process and in last testing is performed. The total cost of this prototype project ranges
about 9 to 10 USD dollars. However the cost based on the dimension of the prototype. It is
concluded that as the air get warmer around the candles it exerts a fore on the vanes which
results in rotating of the vane continuously.

Table of Contents
Report Title: .................................................................................................................................... 1

Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... 2

Project scope ................................................................................................................................... 5

Conduction heat transfer ............................................................................................................. 6

Convection .................................................................................................................................. 6

Key points about heat transfer .................................................................................................... 8

Radiation ..................................................................................................................................... 9

Design Methodology....................................................................................................................... 9

Design steps .............................................................................................................................. 13

Project Plan ................................................................................................................................... 14

Proposed budget ............................................................................................................................ 15

Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 15

References ..................................................................................................................................... 15

Table of Figures

Figure 1 Proposed prototype project ............................................................................................... 5

Figure 2 Showing modes of heat transfer[1]................................................................................... 6
Figure 3 Conduction heat transfer [2] ............................................................................................. 6
Figure 4 Convection heat transfer equation .................................................................................... 7
Figure 5 Phenomena of free and forced convection [3] .................................................................. 7
Figure 6 A radiation heat transfer[4] .............................................................................................. 9
Figure 7 Proposed project methodology ....................................................................................... 10
Figure 8 Card Board...................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 9 A paper cupClick or tap here to enter text. ..................................................................... 11
Figure 10 A led pencil................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 11 A set of A4 paper .......................................................................................................... 12
Figure 12 A scissor for cutting cardboard..................................................................................... 12
Figure 13 A ruler for measurement ............................................................................................... 13
Figure 14 A matchbox for candle lit ............................................................................................. 13
Figure 15 Project Gantt Chart ....................................................................................................... 14

Project scope
The current project is related to application of convection heat transfer & its application. This
methodology may be used to scientific fairs, exhibits, etc. Additionally, lab engineers may utilize
this model in their science lab or classroom to show students how convection currents affect the
air. The main theoretical reason about the testing is that when the air around the lit candles
becomes hotter and lighter, which forces the cold air to rise and sink as the candles burn. The
vane rotates as a result of this action. As a result, it shows that convection currents are flowing
upward. The figure shows the prototype of the proposed project as shown below,

Figure 1 Proposed prototype project


Heat transfer must happen whenever there is a temperature differential inside or between
mediums. The energy that is in transition is heat, and a body can never contain it. Heat Transfer
deals with;

 Determination of the rates (per unit time) of thermal energy transfer.

 Mechanism of heat transfer

Heat can be transferred in following three modes,

 Conduction
 Convection
 Radiation

Figure 2 Showing modes of heat transfer[1]

Conduction heat transfer

It is the outcome of interactions between particles, when energy is transferred from the more
energetic particles of a substance to the nearby, less energetic ones. The following figure shows
phenomena of conduction heat transfer,

Figure 3 Conduction heat transfer [2]

It is the method of transferring energy that combines the forces of conduction and fluid motion to
move energy from a solid surface to a nearby moving liquid or gas. The amount of heat
transmission by convection increases with fluid velocity [3].

Figure 4 Convection heat transfer equation

As it is well known that in a solid surface phenomena of conduction heat transfer takes please,
also in this mode of transfer there is no presence of bulk of fluid motion. Heat transmission
between the fluid and the solid surface is improved by bulk motion of the fluid, but calculating
heat transfer rates becomes more difficult as a result. If a fluid is pushed to flow across the
surface by an outside force, such the wind, a pump, or a fan, it is referred to as forced

Figure 5 Phenomena of free and forced convection [3]

On the other hand, when buoyancy forces resulting from temperature variations in the fluid
generate density changes, convection is referred to as natural (or free) convection. The dynamic
and complex mechanism of convection heat transfer controls the flow of thermal energy in
fluids. A thorough grasp of convection is crucial for both simulating Earth's climate and
designing common appliances. Scientists and engineers are still looking for novel ways to
harness and maximize convection for a variety of uses, from improving industrial processes to
solving global energy and environmental concerns.

Key points about heat transfer

 Fluid velocity and convection heat transfer are intimately correlated. Heat transmission is
improved when the fluid's speed is increased, whether by gravity or by the use of pumps
or fans. This is especially crucial for systems that use forced convection.
 It is possible to influence convective heat transmission by managing the surface
roughness of heat transfer surfaces. In some circumstances, a precisely planned rough
surface can improve heat transmission and encourage better fluid mixing.
 Turbulent flow, as opposed to laminar flow, promotes convective heat transfer more
effectively. To accomplish this, methods such as adding turbulence promoters or creating
geometries that create turbulence can be used.
 Modifying the fluid's characteristics, such as boosting its thermal conductivity or specific
heat, can improve convective heat transfer. This may include using a different working
fluid or adding chemicals to increase its heat-carrying ability.
 Convection may be greatly influenced by the design of the item or surface being heated,
as well as its positioning within the fluid flow. Shapes that are streamlined and properly
oriented relative to the fluid flow can reduce resistance and improve effective heat
 Forced convection is the active movement of fluid via the use of external equipment such
as pumps or fans. When compared to using only natural convection, this can significantly
boost convective heat transfer rates. HVAC systems and industrial heat exchangers are
popular uses for forced convection.
 Phase change heat transfer has the potential to be more efficient than convective heat
transfer alone in some situations, such as boiling or condensation. The total rate of heat
transmission may be greatly increased by utilizing phase change processes.

 It is crucial to keep the fluid surrounding the heated surface at the proper temperature
difference. Convective heat transmission may be maximized by keeping an eye on and
modifying these temperature gradients. When putting these techniques into practice, it's
important to balance cost, practicality, and efficiency while also giving considerable
thought to the particular application.

In contrast to conduction and convection, radiation transfers heat without the use of a medium. It
is essential to the energy balance of many systems, from the cosmos to daily life, and includes
the transmission of electromagnetic waves, usually in the form of infrared radiation.

Figure 6 A radiation heat transfer[4]

Design Methodology
In this project we have implemented the following project methodology to meet the requirements
of the projects First of all a problem based on heat transfer is identified such as rotary vane
conviction heat experiment. A methodical and structured approach to organizing, planning, and
carrying out a project is known as project design methodology. Design parameter does not
require any special mathematical calculations because it’s just a simple prototype. Analytical
design includes hypothetical parameters such as diameter of rotary vane which is 15 cm chosen.

Design Analytical
Problem Parameters Design

Fabrication Testing Submission

Figure 7 Proposed project methodology

The materials required for its construction are mentioned below,

 1×Card-board

Card board is used for making surrounding boundary around the candle, for this first of all it is
marked in into different parts and then it’s folded,

Figure 8 Card Board

 5×Candles

The main thing of this project is candles which held helps to rise the temperature of the air,
making it warm due to which air rises above and rotates the fan / vanes. The hotter the air the
more is the speed of the rotating fan because it the flame of candles creates turbulent motion and
it well known that due to turbulent heat transfer increases, the same is applied here

 1×Paper cup & 50-100 grams of rice

The purpose of this cup is nothing else to hold the pencil, above it rotating fan / vanes are places.
The cup is filled with rice which may 50 or 100 grams depending on the size of the available
cup. However while using the cup make sure that there is no hole inside it because rice’s will fell
down causing the pencil to imbalance.

Figure 9 A paper cupClick or tap here to enter text.

 1×Led pencil

Figure 10 A led pencil

 1×Simple A4 paper

This is also main part of this project, A4 paper is used for making rotating fan / vanes. In order to
make the vanes, it is properly divided into six equal number of parts i.e. 60 degree then using the
available scissor or cutter it cut down.

Figure 11 A set of A4 paper

 1×Scissor

The scissor is just used for cutting the paper, however the same can be done with available

Figure 12 A scissor for cutting cardboard

 1×Ruler

Ruler is used for dividing the A4 page into six equal number of parts. The length of ruler should
be at least 150cm because the circle which we have to draw to make the vanes is of 15cm.

Figure 13 A ruler for measurement

 1× Matches

The match box is used in order to lit the candle, while using this it is necessary to make sure that
no explosive material or volatile is being placed around prototype.

Figure 14 A matchbox for candle lit

Design steps
i. Take a board, draw a 10cm vertical line on the cardboard, and then draw a 40cm
horizontal line from the starting point. After this again draw a 10cm vertical line. Now
draw 20cm horizontal and then again 10cm vertical line as shown below in schematic,



ii. Now take a simple A4 paper draw a circle of 15cm, divide the circle into 6 equal number
of parts i.e. 60 degree, and again draw a circle of about 2cm at the center.
iii. Take a scissor, cut the circle into six equal parts i.e. the lines which we have drawn
previously, after cutting this it will look like a impeller vanes
iv. Fold the blades in a concave shape and balance, by putting it on the led pencil.
v. Take the led pencil, put it into the cup filled with rice till its neck
vi. Now take at least five or six number of candles and lit it on the board around the cup into
equally spaced
vii. By suing match stick lit sthe candles, however by doing this make sure that no explosive
material or volatile is around this project prototype
viii. Now cover the litter candles with the card board which we have cut previously
ix. We can observe that fan / vanes should start to rotate the physics behind it is convection
x. As the candles gets warmer and warmer the air around it rises above, as the air rises
above it exerts a force on the fan / vanes which tends to make it rotate. If you balance the
vanes it will starts to rotate continuously

Project Plan
The proposed project is divided into the following main sub parts in order to proceed the smooth
process of submission.

Year 2023
Week-1 Week-2 Week-3 Week-4
Final testing
Figure 15 Project Gantt Chart

Proposed budget
This project is economical in terms of fabrication and also fulfills the requirement of application
of convection heat transfer. The major parts of the project and its cost is tabulated below

Items Quantity Units Cost ($)

Card Board 1 No 1.24
A4 paper 1 No 0.018
Candle 5 No 1.27
Led pencil 1 No 0.036
Scissor 1 No 0.96
Ruler 1 No 0.28
Match 1 No 0.18
Misc 05
Total cost (in $) ~9

This report is about the prototype project an application of convection heat transfer. First of all
we have described the important steps of the fabrication process and then testing is performed to
check the implementation of laws of the heat transfer. The total cost of the project is about 9 to
10 USD dollars based on the given porotype apparatus. It is clear as the density of air decreases
then it exerts a forces on paper vanes which tends to produce the phenomena of convection heat

[1] Modes of Heat Transfer - Chemical Engineering World. (n.d.). Retrieved December 4,
2023, from

[2] Modes of Heat Transfer - The Engineering Concepts. (n.d.). Retrieved December 4, 2023,

[3] What Is Heat Transfer? Conduction, Convection, Radiation and FAQs. (n.d.). Retrieved
December 4, 2023, from

[4] Radiation - Types, Ionizing and Non-Ionizing Radiation, Nuclear Radiation, Radiation
Pressure, FAQs. (n.d.). Retrieved December 4, 2023, from

[5] Juvale Corrugated Cardboard Sheets - 24-Pack Flat Cardboard Sheets, Cardboard Inserts
for Packing, Mailing, Crafts - Kraft Brown, 12 x 12 Inches : Home & Kitchen. (n.d.).
Retrieved December 4, 2023, from

[6] Wanna Party Magic Relighting Birthday Candles (Multicolour) : Home &
Kitchen. (n.d.). Retrieved December 4, 2023, from

[7] 3M Scotch Scissors | 6" Multipurpose | Comfort Grip Handle and Stainless Steel Blades |
Paper, Photos, Crafts : Office Products. (n.d.). Retrieved December 4, 2023, from


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