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x ' ™ gy Basic Satistic And Rrobobilfty- [Rina Mam | 19/4/24] frimarty- and Secon day die) Guactita He, guatitative Imperctanee of Statistic Scope ot stots Limitation oh sects of cha tollect> el assirhyi ny freserstatio n com parte, intercpnactating” Gredinal, Interval 4 Seon A a measurement Nominal measures soe SSF FSHFSSSSSESSERVSESETEEE SS Levels ot meer Nominal measures: Hespital data * Malaria. = 6 Typhoid <4 Brana Gy ae shudent serdes Services ¢ Very qood= 4, qood = 2 Frlerval + 70-Go * (0 | %-9%: 20 (Bleed presgorta| Scoring“ + Seorting data on Youre own: a { Crive example] . Fuqueney’ Pistribstion tthe following: dato ropresertts the number Sat emails meres by an ong in diferent des abo (oe » . ie (8, hs 2%, 34}, gy 40, (8, a, aa i io, 45, ts, ‘ Hh (2 39, 4 a, a) i lavth a3, i, on wasdig ; 120m, 2%, 44,44, 4s, of 928,94, 19, 96 [Arg Il, ae iF PL 1214, it i QReprusent the above obsereraction by a freq, © Find number af days th which emails @ find perceontage af days whieh email i Class Titenval lo-15 he 90 20-26 26-30 30-3A ; . »® there ara 32 das which got 2 x5 mone than ‘hat emails Follow ing ano the numbere werching- ho ait. Nnoopi hal: vt yw We yee Ns he Number of nonces: 12, 18, Is 22, 20,16, 05, 19, 12,20, 16, (5 %, mh; > & : a ie oa. ytd it peli " at eae =0-547% of dos received emails re “udeae® 8 > Ro f 4 y 4 ¢ ay) ’ > > 2 > ° ik 2 Fea Ss . : st the date in attequenceny tables. ; » (Bier Reprasen e dato in o oe . inal © © ih hw rani hospitals there ana more then \2 nurses 4 ° > ® Answert : eee EO Re ee Ul lr Ow an V8 el has morte, 4h “art 1B hespitels © wy tests 6 Highest = 2000) py) 10): 10 gilt. 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DVD DELLE LEE EL EEE LE LOY [—CUPL ELAS SRR RRR RR EM RAR + Grouped bare charts \ comp. lustere ‘ee ude Shades of lipstick «The sles 4 Vb using bare charct- : 2 gg f.' 6 yer) bine ore % a: Ye, B Cmshruchon of fugueney, dicheibotio Py 2 Types [Dicenote deta. 6 tanh nvo0s ey 614 Math: The following dacta. ch 4o he numbere of de of were abeont From ‘nl e* ding’ the inquirdy | 1 19 18 ‘19 lo el 20 2 2 ta ve OF ng 48o" a oe were! Novel! obsertiatian = BO Lowest / Xi = » Highest /% = as Range, R = 33-be Lee No.of class feral = [+ 3: sip a width - Pange. 4 ~—Neefelas ¢ —% Al sigh ok ba sizes = > - a a - a iS 2h 23 29 30 3i 32 32 32 * Ansthere Stungels ae the 33 Bk 3A 3% oh Sx i Sh 38 36 38 42 Ad Ay 43 43 49 36 39 «44 36 46 4 The ages of 50 worcheres ane give a A Suitable tequen dist oer Ah 4b 46 46 46 4n Bo bl (continvows) disheibution. (Ans) je: 2" 3, 5a; N= not. of obserevackion n in an ordened antay Conshwect a with class width of appro priate os oops 42 33 3g 42 4b 14 Question a Data Sucted BAT arter(ar Sortt mae XC! ate = ho E Pe st; Xi = 26) ek ie iP 2 Range RE papa n 299 . No of inferwal = ite) Ci oe ws vid aegga = fee rimons act a Goereetion. factors, CF = SFIS TTT TTT TTT TEP dd DDO VLYUDYEYVYYDEOYD? © © ~*~ The het be Chuman Wo dy related) ete Ayre, , deta TH WIT VAT] a ue Bde seoitginh ubmokes Sits « date Ora, continues he ~ hoa Deaton Fate Camolabive FO 0 : "49-8 BB Bt.b- GBH Relative. frog Bet 6 the ith class aL PE of ith class tp 3 a briously = a xtoe = ca 1a BH fusentction of cate qoriea|/ Data: = Bar. Dat, Staskec Qualitive J ay Dos fio oa Th frssertection of Guentitive, Decta t= tt ne [Fick pan] ister, Fug ge > Con Soil ae > Ty Re chal Diagram : The table below ‘eas He i fps in aff ent sectors of BD as reported in BD Pretidin, a daly pene in its i Recent issoe- Draw a plo chart ty tepresent the “deta : J, Answert: see he the quan tity | gh Bo “expan n 2018, gaia he dos bY 4 Conntuies by extegories ! oa Re -choret 4/2/24 Th a shdy of sooredes of alte pollution emissions, 61 7% g nitrogen oxides wero ctcibuted te ‘heansporctation, 24% Werw attributes +2 sationaray-tuel Combustion sourceas, BY, wend adhdbuted to’ industrial processes, and 7% were ecttribeted -jo other miseellaneos soymets . Dhshtucte the result > Y - eS et a ee leat Ys e- cho inthe. ent \e ps | iP sour this shady with o pie-chact Answer! eee [Seunee | erweamtago. | Angte in degnec |) Frionspocl Gly. 219-6° 220 nS noe | [ober | te ee [x i \f anata Chol Te AeLampan ting He fable. provides deta on the number. ct JAB. on [abel s being planeed on 16~ conte, Jans ¢ grape. jelly by type. P deducts. Display +the decto- by parteto chaict , t hot t Types ad deka] Frequenoy | Ei Comin lactve Lateom, Firkin nwo] 3h si oh Sas * theory Questions: © Define shetstieal ‘date. How ance they: collected 7 whiaeane, What ane. the Various types a date. available for shctistical analysis you ane. Nimiliiec with 2° ‘ p Z faneto chorct see _ ‘ \od hat ‘ 2 6 : ve fp 7 of Commu - 5 Yo Yo lective taucy as a = is ie spel boul eae * Crooked ising Fei winked Smud ged o Aw ; [Yelped + maduer dees] 7 a a a ~ ~ « = = earns + @ Compare s& Conplrast various level! at measurtments with “illostactive examples an business related deta - @ How do iggou present the shatistital data. when the data ane ‘ 5 > Gi) Cabegorical 38 cll) Numerical 2 ; @Owhat are. the diagrams that would be, SuHable low represent . = hee data. genenate Trough nominal 36 ordinal level of measo Vow would yoo prasent numeri date graphically 9 , i Discrete dete didtetbution “ble making | ‘ ‘ tontinvouS * hequensy i iad 4 Ai a i #& Diagrams tor y Whee. belt at goat tective. wie | halt 2 SS } n/2] 24 gf Continooos Data! Histogram, Frequency polygon s Oqive- feeserrte-tion tunve cont household | feome $B expendi — sueved~ Histogram + Th a re among 80 urban familtes tn Dhalta city revealed the following ‘Aad paid bee the Aniniles as pervearttage of hese Meme; on house eunt ie Mo A led an’ at : Va pole, di ize os a on ae — at a PE EVPVVVVVTEE DE ba bebe db Ed dE LE EERE LEE EEDEY Ogive Conve (Commu lative Freq venory polygon) ‘ ? More than type if Mone, than +Y¥pe. Fellowing dota display the longevity of 90 blogs bulbs,.Use datant Constroct an ogive tor both mere than B less than Hype. 4/2/24 aa No Neon ten vite iu) mP eet rae, in ae 245-298 99% -3-48 Less than iy Stem % leof’ Wo (bing dete at ] —-- a Ff, 18, 93. Ob, seo 93, 40.4 33,40, 41, 4B» 16, 6H 42, Fe, 32,93 ; “The openating- pufit rotios (PR) of DBL fr 2 consecutive Yeor At om) = 200) 40'2090 were reported to be a5 follows ih the aanval reperct a of the bank under nefercence | o a Sh, 94,14, YH Yt, 5S, F664 ,46, 22 a 66 6b, HBL FY, bINSS, 29, 19, BY, F2. 3 Use Stem 4 loaf plot 4p displog- the data . e @ Answer ° ° e Shem ° ar ° > 2 : ) » , 4 d B » . G 4 g hack § ober thas! 10) 32 25a cae” 7% TUS e ds 53 bY, BH, 6H, 66 12 th, 46,24 piteant stem & tenf 06 [4h Shgte. value] yr The book vlees ee shaica in. milion Fahy as ad annual tepots of premier. Banks toe 16 Conseevittve. 12, (4, 926 9)1% 1B) 19, 11 187 aE y ; (61 163, 163, 166, 168 5 168, 169, 169, FONT Fox [Fs IFS, 13, (94) (465, 1FF > LOANES . (Stam 48! leaf Answer : ewer : <] 076, 3)5.4) ww 4,9 62,999} 0,0, 1,33 | 5 9 Rite tiem ta taPn%e. 9.0.0. 5.2 2 be Rb OE bb bb. Application : Back to Backs 6p a Se a A 43 6% 2 tele f - An 10) i We, (3, 14] 161% 9. 9 4 Bes Pers cre pba range j= Valve ee D4 Ca ‘ h oe ai Valvo of & eee a 4 lil 5 % | 92 | d | pe ps ogu 6 F WW 12 4 6 19 26 3/3/24 Te Following represert the distuibuten ¢f moblile phone set sold fram a. distributor jn diff ener days: iia. “ Mean In ' GT af Sab | fe ca] co-4 40-20] 86-90 be qreeped se\d a distribu iF of dex| b Ip 26 [ lo |h | Answer se os see Pe Pe MPV VV SSPesVesVsEsssossvesssseve”™ 1: P ’ e ends re 0089 , =e athd , a 24m £lid- 0-0832) pees e-ome’y foperty 4: Anithmetie mean is drpendeat on Se j * TY oki dtodbeth uy Be pat, ortithnacic. mean wi the, Flange tester: We a4) of measurement: R= ahd 6 ea 1d {isa We a quoclifotive. vitoables Aa hing on BBM Frequencies being fi, facto fe. det d’ be & hew variables when dtyda,++. di such that . ( Mi=d Miiplying bath side of GD. Dye ——— + poll Stine a Se ral hztiai rere ee Now, Siwde both sides by nn (sf), We get, { si 3 arh , shai a= Wiel SEND : Clearly, the acthmetic mean doesn't Tematn tree tram « Bh af gine with Seale of measurement which are resp- the orf ectively- , » 2 a a a 2 2 a a > a > , , ; , Reapercty 2: @ he mean dertiiction for arithmetic. man i$ zero meapenty 7’ wae (i) The algebric sum of the devine af he valves %), 25 vn eam thei ancthmehe- moan % 1S Zen. ELD ee Peel Puve : Z(Ki-) =O LHS < (m-%) + (no- az) tye ¢ 4 Se ee oe : 7 LE TSR DAI a ROL) adi) aa eu & Ms ee eel u | yeu gaia 28 paar 6 a 43 7 =) Ex 2%n aru -n%™ (rlalea> Missed) | nX a aD) W nr— 0 RAS “ 6+y ¥- ie The ee wage ! workers bi : Hq,M 436, he= 8, haa e R= 721, Ro=-F, My = aa.g mn = net ny ng! 264945 =) feel / - 2 2 D a 2 2 - 5+ NT + haat p 2 2 > , > S es ag Weighted Mean: A . ‘ i Neighted Mean + he weighted mean 1s an ave a quortites + which Me cllach a. serviasiat weidhts in ot ordere tv make proper allowanco. ¢ ¢ Telative. importance. The weighted orithmelic mean su cha SE oF observations a, ‘ : Teor : ic ee ao MQ, Ky cotth respective wei gitts OW Tuy. = Wing Zo} [Kisiz4 Fake eles] (A . he accompanying table shows the divided yield 38 mark tapitobizehl of tompan' 4rtoups reaisterad with the DSE dosing 1995-96. of the avercall devident eld fou she com Pang arps: 3, Ka quis i) i = wnt > Weighted Hean - re (1 6-96X 218) + (FOB: G9 XID) + (923-4 2X3 A(GHH2 ¥25.9) + COYl- 43 X 1-66) AbH6-69 + H.99+4+923. 99434. 4O4 6449 A989: 900d THON te) _Latamechic Kean: Mt Kyo». 1 Mn be $a set of obserevation $ in a Stottstreat tnveshigehion Then GM of thet obserevacions tg Metied y GM = (hy Mey 4 <4 my oie, lage GiM= = loge tt ma. --An) ort, !oq2 6M = (oq Teng st re. + leqam) ary | ‘ om, log GN = ~a ee So) GM = bitihigt Pace Ne hon > grouped distribution - pe 5 Fon Gireuped dist. 3) Xi—> i Rehis % ot . at BI 1 Seti (loi : 3 Gia, =, Artie ti pe 2002, Gy = dr ae Seb ma % 4 abit = bitteg (0-443) i ae : , A > ow yf ? Commadities ti Y ——————t 4 Rice 2 2 whect > Milk r yu a 5 yale a Wo a 2 me ‘ a 2 Gs a B1B| she pica tulostive ct industri products ot 200.2 compared “I i d 9 ane Shows bobw along with the Imp: af comm-@be weight. of the puee lative 2 a > a (99 geo. mean sft oll commode tes + Food items] 28 50 Midietnes 300740 Comeliees J. 11229 6 iy E2929 ae Fs aes Ss Ore rer YP VT Vevee

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