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Part 1.

Site Description :

Region : Bihar , India

Annual Average Solar Constant : 3.8 Kwh/m2/day

Map Link :


Bulding Type : Residential , 2 Floors

Area : 2000 sqft

Appliances on Load
Appliance No of Appliance
Bulbs 10
Fan 4
AC 3
Fridge 1
Cooler 4
Rice Cooker 1
Washing Machine 1
Geyser 2
TV 2
Part 2. Calculating electrical load and reducing the load through efficiency improvements (9 points)

Appliance No of Appliance PowerConsumption (W) No of Hours Used/day No of day used/Year daily electrical usage(KWh) Annual electrical usage(KWh)
CFL Bulbs 10 40 8 350 3.2 1120
Fan 4 75 12 200 3.6 720
AC 3 1200 2 50 7.2 360
Fridge 1 750 18 250 13.5 3375
Cooler 4 300 3 50 3.6 180
Rice Cooker 1 600 0.8 365 0.48 175.2
Machine 1 500 2 120 1.3 156
Geyser 2 1300 0.5 250 1.95 487.5
CRT TV 2 120 4 300 0.96 288

Daily Electrical usage (KWh) = 35.79

Annual Electrical usage ( KWh) = 6861.7

Improvements :

i)Replacing CFL bulbs with LED Bulbs

ii)Replaced low efficient Fridge with More power saving Fridge unit.
iii)Replaced CRT Tv with Power saving LED unit.

After Efficiency improvements

No of PowerConsumption No of Hours No of days daily electrical Annual electrical
Appliance Appliance (W) Used/day used/day usage(KWh) usage(KWh)
LED Bulbs 10 12 8 350 0.96 336
Fan 4 75 12 200 3.6 720
AC 3 1200 1.5 50 5.4 270
Fridge(More Energy
saving) 1 600 18 250 10.8 2700
Cooler 4 300 3 50 3.6 45

Rice Cooker 1 600 0.8 365 0.48 175.2

Washing Machine 1 500 2 120 1 120

Geyser 2 1300 0.5 250 1.3 325
LED TV 2 50 4 300 0.4 120

Daily Electrical Usage (KWh) = 27.54

Annual Electric Charge (KWh) = 4811.2

Part 3. Sizing a Solar system to meet the building's annual electrical needs

Energy Demand
PV system Size = ( ) / Efficiency
Annual Full Solar Hours

With 25 % Loss

4811.2 KWh
PV System Size = ( ) / 0.75
1387 h/y

= 4.625 KW

Pannel specification

• Mono PERC Cells type Panel.

• Capacity - 445W, 24V

• Voltage: Voltage at Max Power (Vmax) – 40.9V, Open Circuit Voltage (Voc) – 48.9V

• Current: Current at Max Power (imax) – 10.7A, Short Circuit Current (isc) – 11.32A

• 25 years performance warranty.

• BIS certified as per IS/IEC standards which is mandatory for all solar panels.

• Advanced EVA (ethyl vinyl acetate) encapsulation to give better protection to modules

• High strength light-weight aluminium frame design for high torsion resistance against winds and snow loads

• Excellent Low light performance in low visibility in clouds, evening, and morning.

Link : Solar Panel 445W / 24V Mono PERC | Luminous India

According to the Site :

𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝑷𝒂𝒏𝒆𝒍 𝒔𝒚𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒎 𝑺𝒊𝒛𝒆
No of Modules Required =
𝑶𝒏𝒆 𝒑𝒂𝒏𝒆𝒍 𝒔𝒊𝒛𝒆

= (4.625*1000)/445
= 11

In series Wiring :
Voltage Output ( at Max voltage Output) = 11 * 40.9
= 449.9 Volts
Current Output (at Max Current Output) = 10.7 A
Power Output (at max configuration ) = 4813 Watts

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