Case Study: DNS Implementation at A Large Enterprise

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Case Study: DNS Implementation at a Large Enterprise

The Domain Name System (DNS) is the phonebook of the internet. It translates domain names,
such as, into IP addresses, which are the
numerical addresses that computers use to communicate with each other. DNS is essential for
the internet to function, and it is one of the most important services that internet service
providers (ISPs) and other organizations provide.
A large enterprise was experiencing a number of problems with its DNS infrastructure. The
existing DNS servers were overloaded and slow, and the enterprise was experiencing frequent
DNS outages. This was causing significant disruptions to business operations and productivity.
The enterprise decided to implement a new DNS infrastructure that would be able to handle
the high volume of DNS traffic and provide a high level of availability. The enterprise also
wanted to implement a DNS solution that could be easily managed and scaled.

The implementation of a new cloud-based DNS infrastructure was a success for the enterprise
because it addressed all the challenges that the enterprise was facing. The new DNS solution
can handle the high volume of DNS traffic, provide a high level of availability, and be easily
managed and scaled.
The new DNS solution has also provided several benefits to the enterprise, including
Improved DNS performance and reliability: The new DNS solution has significantly improved the
performance and reliability of the enterprise's DNS infrastructure. This has resulted in a
reduction in DNS outages and improved performance for end users.
Reduced DNS outages: The new DNS solution is highly available and has a global network of
DNS servers. This means that DNS queries will always be resolved, even if one or more servers
are unavailable.
Easy manageability and scalability: The new DNS solution is easy to manage and scale. The
enterprise has been able to add new domain names and DNS records to the solution quickly
and easily.
The following are some of the key findings of the case study:
Cloud-based DNS solutions offer a number of advantages over traditional on-premises DNS
solutions, including scalability, reliability, and manageability.
A carefully designed and planned implementation of a new DNS infrastructure is essential for
It is important to work with a qualified DNS provider to implement and manage a complex DNS

The challenges that the enterprise faced in implementing a new DNS infrastructure were
Complexity: The enterprise had a large and complex DNS environment with over 10 million
domain names. This meant that the new DNS solution needed to be able to handle a large
number of DNS records and queries.
Scale: The enterprise needed to implement a DNS solution that could handle a high volume of
DNS traffic, over 100 million DNS queries per day. This meant that the new DNS solution needed
to be highly scalable.
Availability: The enterprise needed to implement a DNS solution that would be highly available
and reliable. This meant that the new DNS solution needed to be able to withstand outages and
other disruptions.
Manageability: The enterprise needed to implement a DNS solution that could be easily
managed and scaled. This meant that the new DNS solution needed to be user-friendly and easy
to administer.
In addition to these general challenges, the enterprise also faced a number of specific
challenges related to its existing DNS infrastructure. For example, the existing DNS servers were
overloaded and slow, and the enterprise was experiencing frequent DNS outages. The
enterprise also needed to migrate its DNS records to the new DNS solution without disrupting
business operations.

The enterprise chose to implement a cloud-based DNS solution to address the challenges it
faced. Cloud-based DNS solutions offer a number of advantages over traditional on-premises
DNS solutions, including:
Scalability: Cloud-based DNS solutions can be easily scaled up or down to meet the needs of the
enterprise. This is because cloud-based DNS providers typically have a global network of DNS
servers that can be used to handle DNS traffic.
Reliability: Cloud-based DNS solutions are typically highly reliable and have a high uptime. This
is because cloud-based DNS providers typically have redundant DNS servers and other
infrastructure in place to ensure that DNS traffic is always resolved.
Manageability: Cloud-based DNS solutions are typically easy to manage and use. This is because
cloud-based DNS providers typically have user-friendly web-based interfaces and other tools
that make it easy to manage DNS records and traffic.
The enterprise implemented a cloud-based DNS solution that was specifically designed for large
enterprises. The solution included a number of features that were important to the enterprise,
such as:
High availability: The solution used a global network of DNS servers to ensure that DNS queries
were always resolved, even if one or more servers were unavailable.
Load balancing: The solution distributed DNS traffic across multiple servers to improve
performance and reliability.
Geolocation: The solution routed DNS traffic to the closest DNS server to improve performance.
Traffic management: The solution allowed the enterprise to manage and control DNS traffic,
such as blocking malicious DNS requests.
The enterprise worked with a cloud-based DNS provider to implement the new DNS
infrastructure. The provider helped the enterprise to design and implement a DNS solution that
met its specific needs.
The enterprise migrated its DNS records to the new cloud-based DNS solution over a period of
several weeks. During the migration, the enterprise used a dual DNS setup to ensure that DNS
queries were always resolved.
Once the migration was complete, the enterprise switched to the new cloud-based DNS
solution. The transition was smooth and there was no disruption to business operations.
Overall, the enterprise's solution to the challenges it faced was to implement a cloud-based DNS
solution that was specifically designed for large enterprises.
The enterprise worked with a cloud-based DNS provider to implement the new DNS
infrastructure. The provider helped the enterprise to design and implement a DNS solution that
met its specific needs.
The enterprise migrated its DNS records to the new cloud-based DNS solution over a period of
several weeks. During the migration, the enterprise used a dual DNS setup to ensure that DNS
queries were always resolved.
Once the migration was complete, the enterprise switched to the new cloud-based DNS
solution. The transition was smooth and there was no disruption to business operations.
Since implementing the new cloud-based DNS infrastructure, the enterprise has seen a
significant improvement in its DNS performance and reliability. The enterprise has also
experienced a reduction in DNS outages.
In addition, the enterprise has found the new DNS solution to be easy to manage and scale. The
enterprise has been able to add new domain names and DNS records to the solution quickly
and easily.
The implementation of a new cloud-based DNS infrastructure was a success for the enterprise.
The new DNS solution has improved DNS performance and reliability, and it has reduced DNS
outages. The new DNS solution is also easy to manage and scale.
Other enterprises that are considering implementing a new DNS infrastructure should consider
the following recommendations:
•Carefully evaluate the needs of the enterprise. Consider the volume of DNS traffic, the level of
availability required, and the manageability and scalability requirements.
•Choose a DNS solution that meets the specific needs of the enterprise. There are a number of
different DNS solutions available, both cloud-based and on-premises.
•Work with a qualified DNS provider to implement the new DNS infrastructure. A qualified DNS
provider can help to design and implement a DNS solution that meets the specific needs of the
enterprise and can also help with the migration to the new DNS solution.

The implementation of a new cloud-based DNS infrastructure was a success for the enterprise.
The new DNS solution has improved DNS performance and reliability, and it has reduced DNS
outages. The new DNS solution is also easy to manage and scale.
The enterprise's success in implementing a new DNS infrastructure can be attributed to a
number of factors, including:
Careful planning and design: The enterprise worked with a cloud-based DNS provider to design
and implement a DNS solution that met its specific needs. This included carefully considering
the enterprise's requirements for scalability, reliability, manageability, and security.
Phased migration: The enterprise migrated its DNS records to the new cloud-based DNS solution
over a period of several weeks. This allowed the enterprise to minimize disruption to business
operations and to identify and resolve any issues early on.
Use of a dual DNS setup: During the migration, the enterprise used a dual DNS setup to ensure
that DNS queries were always resolved. This provided the enterprise with a safety net in case of
any problems with the new DNS solution.
Support from a cloud-based DNS provider: The enterprise worked with a cloud-based DNS
provider that provided support throughout the design, implementation, and migration process.
This support was essential in helping the enterprise to successfully implement the new DNS
The enterprise's success in implementing a new DNS infrastructure demonstrates the benefits
of cloud-based DNS solutions for large enterprises. Cloud-based DNS solutions can provide large
enterprises with the scalability, reliability, manageability, and security that they need to support
their business operations.

Cloud-Based DNS for Large Enterprises: A Guide to Choosing and Implementing the Right
Solution (white paper), by Cisco
DNS: The Foundation of the Internet (article), by Cloudflare
Best Practices for Implementing DNS in the Enterprise (article), by DNS Made Easy
DNS Performance and Reliability: A Case Study of a Large Enterprise (case study), by Infoblox
The Benefits of Cloud-Based DNS for Large Enterprises (blog post), by Verisign

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