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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : XII (Dua Belas) Nama : ……………………………………….


1. Receptionist : Family restaurant, can I help you?

Braga : Yes Please,.........for next Saturday evening.
Receptionist : I’m afraid we can’t. We’re fully booked this month.
A. I really need your help
B. I want to book a ticket
C. I need to reserve a room
D. I’d like to reserve two tables
E. I’d like to cancel my reservation

2. Guest : Would you do me a favour,

please? Manager : Yes, sir.............
Guest : I ordered lunch an hour ago, but I haven’t got it yet.
A. I’ll call room service.
B. Would you like to have lunch?
C. What seems to be the problem?
D. How do you like your food, sir?
E. What would you like to order, sir?

3. Nadita : What should I write in the first paragraph of an application letter?

Rina : Talk about why you are writing the job you’re applying,
A. talk about the reasons why you are the right person for the job
B. tell your employer your plan if you get the job
C. tell the employer about your personalities
D. tell the employer your qualifications
E. how you know about the vacancy

4. Linda : Do you have any plans this holiday?

Carla.............There Will be a family outing sponsored by my dad’s company.
A. I have gone by plane.
B. I wIll stay in a cottage.
C. My family are at home.
D. I am going to go to Bandung.
E. I have a barbeque party in my house.

5. Vera : The air conditioning in my room is broken. What should I

do? Danny : You electncian to fix it.
A. called
B. calls
C. call
D. calling
E. has called

6. Complete the following dialogue

Siska: Have you finished your report?
Linda: Not yet, I'm still working on it. I have to check some data on the computer and then
copy those documents.
Siska: That's a lot of things to do.
Linda: I know.
Siska: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Linda: Thank you, you're so helpful.
A. Would you like some coffee?
B. Would you like me to copy this documents?
C. What can I do for you?
D. You can handle it.
E. Can I help you

7. X : Where did you buy your new book last

night? Y : ……………..
A. I sold it in Gramedia.
B. I borrowed it from my friend.
C. I bought it in Fajar Agung.
D. I took it in Ramayana.
E. I buy it in Bookstore

8. Carmen and I.............the lunch yet. So, we are very hungry now.
A. haven’t eat
B. haven’t eating
C. have eaten
D. haven’t eaten
E. have ate

9. They have known each other since ……….

A. two days
B. tommorow
C. 2003
D. three years
E. two days ago

10. He.............not come to my party yesterday.

A. has
B. does
C. having
D. did
E. do

11. What...................Let’s go to the party.

A. are you waiting for ?
B. you are waiting for ?
C. will you waiting for ?
D. do you waiting for ?
E. does you waiting for

12. Rendy : Hello,.................the music down, please? It’s one o’clock and I’m trying
to sleep.
Alex : Oh, sorry. Is that better?
Rendy : Yes, Thanks . Perhaps I can get some sleep now. Good
night. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is ……
A. Can you throw
B. Can you destroy
C. Can you turn
D. Don't make
E. I really hate

13. Ms. Diah : Good afternoon. May I help you?

Chandra : My name is Chandra and I have an appointment with dr. Tika at 4
p.m. Ms. Diah : Wait a minute
A. she is treating a patient at the moment
B. she was off duty today
C. I am still on the way
D. He is out of town
E. He is not well

14. Nadita : What should I write in the first paragraph of an application letter?
Rina : Talk about why you are writing the job you’re applying, and
A. talk about the reasons why you are the right person for the job
B. tell your employer your plan if you get the job
C. tell the employer about your personalities
D. tell the employer your qualifications
E. how you know about the vacancy

15. I think..............come at the meeting tomorrow.

A. I will
B. I will to
C. I will be going to
D. I will to going to
E. I will going

Text for number 16 - 17

July 22, 2016

Personal Director
PT Citra
Anggara Batam

Dear Sir / Madam:

I read the Kabari Post dated March 19, which stated that your company needs a finance
manager. I graduated from a reputable university in Jakarta and was awarded a bachelor's degree
by the Economics Faculty. I believe that my educational background is suitable for the position.
I am hard-working and will always be responsible for my job. Since l graduated from university,
I have had many work experiences, from general staff to finance manager. Recently, I have
worked for three years as a finance manager in a construction company in Jakarta. However, I
have to move here due to my marriage.
I have enclosed my curriculum vitae and l would welcome an interview with you. l'm ready to be
interviewed anytime. Thank you for your consideration.

Your sincerely,
Salma Nada

16 .How did Salma know about the job vacancy?

A. By browsing the Internet.
B. Someone told her about it.
C. By reading a magazine.
D. By reading a newspaper
E. By visiting a job fair

17. Why does Salma move to Batam?

A. She intends to have more experiences.
B. She follows her husband.
C. She follows her parents.
D. She intends to have a higher position.
E. She intends to work in a big company.

Text for number 18 – 20

Jon Snow
HR Manager of Eagle
Airways 795 Burke Rd.
New Castle

Dear Mr. Snow,

I am writing this application for the senior customer service agent position as advertised on
the official website of Eagle Airways. As required, I am attaching my resume and copy of
highest educational certificate.
The vacancy announced on the website is very exciting, and I am sure four years experience
in customer service with X airways will be of advantage. The strengths that l have for filling
this position are:
1. I have successfully served customers on domestic and international flights,
2. I speak English fluently,
3. I maintain and develop my expertise,
4. l provide exceptional contributions to customer service for all customers.
Possessing a diploma in communications at Queen's University, I have excellent skills in
dealing with people from different backgrounds. I also have experience in using new technology
Please refer to my resume for further information on my abilities. I can be contracted anytime
via e-mail at Lawson or my cell phone, +61 87638 927492.

Evan Lawson
18. Where is the vacancy advertised?
A. Newspaper is the vacancy advertised
B. Magazine
C. Website
D. Twitter
E. News

19. Where did the applicant graduate?

A. Oxford
B. Queen's
C. Stanford
D. Cambridge
E. Massachusetts

20. What company did the applicant work for before?

A. Lufthansa
B. X Airways
C. Qatar Airways
D. Etihad Airways
E. Qantas Airways


Date : 21 July 2015 From: F. Amished, CateringService

To: D’Sire, Anywhere BakerySubject : Birthday cakes for next month

Dear sir,
We’ve got a lot of order for large birthday cakes last month. We will need 120 cakes by the 7th of August.
Please find attached our order, which being so much larger than usual, we’ve sent you fax to give you as much
advance notice as possible.
If you need any further information, or want to arrange for special delivery methods, please give me a call
F.Amished Sales Manager
Anywhere Catering Services


1. What does the memo talk about ?……………………………………………………….

2. What does the writer need next month ?…………………………………………………….
3. Why does the receiver need to call the writer ?……………………………………………..
4. Why does the writer send the text ?……………………………………………………........
5. Who is the recipient and sender of the fax ?…………………………………………………


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