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AQA GCSE Design and Technology 8552


Illustrated revision and practice:

• Over 400 marks of examination style questions
• Answers provided for all questions within the book


• Illustrated topics to improve memory and recall
• Specification references for each topic
• Examination tips and techniques

Experience + science + beautiful design = better results

Absolute clarity is the aim with a new generation of revision
Illustrated revision and practice

AQA GCSE Design and Technology 8552

guide for the 2020s. This guide has been expertly compiled and
edited by successful former teachers of Design and Technology,

highly experienced examiners and a good measure of scientific
research into what makes revision most effective.

Design and
PG Online have a record of significantly raising and
sustaining examination results at GCSE in schools using their
award-winning teaching resources. This book aims to make an

even greater difference.

Past examination questions are essential to good preparation,

improving understanding and confidence. This guide has

combined revision with tips and more practice questions than
you could shake a stick at. All the essential ingredients for
getting a grade you can be really proud of.

Each specification topic has been referenced and distilled

into the key points to make in an examination for top marks.
Questions on all topics assessing knowledge, application
and analysis are all specifically and carefully devised
throughout this book.
ClearRevise ™

Design and Technology 8552
Illustrated revision and practice

Published by
PG Online Limited
The Old Coach House
35 Main Road
United Kingdom
Absolute clarity! That’s the aim.
This is everything you need to ace your exam and beam with pride. Each topic is laid out in a beautifully
illustrated format that is clear, approachable and as concise and simple as possible.
Each section of the specification is clearly indicated to help you cross-reference your revision. The
checklist on the contents pages will help you keep track of what you have already worked through and
what’s left before the big day.
We have included worked exam-style questions with answers for almost every topic. This helps you
understand where marks are awarded and to see the theory at work for yourself in an examination
situation. There is also a set of exam-style questions at the end of each section for you to practise
writing answers for. You can check your answers against those given at the end of the book.

Based on the degree to which you are able to truly understand a new topic, we recommend that you
work in stages. Start by reading a short explanation of something, then try and recall what you’ve just
read. This has limited effect if you stop there but it aids the next stage. Question everything. Write down
your own summary and then complete and mark a related exam-style question. Cover up the answers if
necessary, but learn from them once you’ve seen them. Lastly, teach someone else. Explain the topic in
a way that they can understand. Have a go at the different practice questions – they offer an insight into
how and where marks are awarded.

Design and artwork: Jessica Webb / PG Online Ltd

First edition 2020

A catalogue entry for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN: 978-1-910523-24-7
Copyright © L Sheppard 2020
All rights reserved

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in ®

any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Paper from
responsible sources
Printed on FSC certified paper by Bell and Bain Ltd, Glasgow, UK FSC® C007785

ii ClearRevise
Illustrations and words
Research has shown that revising with words and pictures doubles the quality of
responses by students.1 This is known as ‘dual-coding’ because it provides two ways of
fetching the information from our brain. The improvement in responses is particularly
apparent in students when asked to apply their knowledge to different problems.
Recall, application and judgement are all specifically and carefully assessed in public
examination questions.

Retrieval of information
Retrieval practice encourages students to come up with answers to questions.2 The
closer the question is to one you might see in a real examination, the better. Also, the
closer the environment in which a student revises is to the ‘examination environment’,
the better. Students who had a test 2–7 days away did 30% better using retrieval practice
than students who simply read, or repeatedly reread material. Students who were
expected to teach the content to someone else after their revision period did better still.3
What was found to be most interesting in other studies is that students using retrieval
methods and testing for revision were also more resilient to the introduction of stress.4

Ebbinghaus’ forgetting curve and spaced learning

Ebbinghaus’ 140-year-old study examined the rate in which we forget things over time.
The findings still hold power. However, the act of forgetting things and relearning them
is what cements things into the brain.5 Spacing out revision is more effective than
cramming – we know that, but students should also know that the space between
revisiting material should vary depending on how far away the examination is. A cyclical
approach is required. An examination 12 months away necessitates revisiting covered
material about once a month. A test in 30 days should have topics revisited every 3 days
– intervals of roughly a tenth of the time available.6

Students: the more tests and past questions you do, in an environment as close to
examination conditions as possible, the better you are likely to perform on the day. If you
prefer to listen to music while you revise, tunes without lyrics will be far less detrimental
to your memory and retention. Silence is most effective.5 If you choose to study with
friends, choose carefully – effort is contagious.7

1. Mayer, R. E., & Anderson, R. B. (1991). Animations need narrations: An experimental test of dual-coding hypothesis. Journal of
Education Psychology, (83)4, 484-490.
2. Roediger III, H. L., & Karpicke, J.D. (2006). Test-enhanced learning: Taking memory tests improves long-term retention.
Psychological Science, 17(3), 249-255.
3. Nestojko, J., Bui, D., Kornell, N. & Bjork, E. (2014). Expecting to teach enhances learning and organisation of knowledge in free
recall of text passages. Memory and Cognition, 42(7), 1038-1048.
4. Smith, A. M., Floerke, V. A., & Thomas, A. K. (2016) Retrieval practice protects memory against acute stress. Science, 354(6315),
5. Perham, N., & Currie, H. (2014). Does listening to preferred music improve comprehension performance? Applied Cognitive
Psychology, 28(2), 279-284.
6. Cepeda, N. J., Vul, E., Rohrer, D., Wixted, J. T. & Pashler, H. (2008). Spacing effects in learning a temporal ridgeline of optimal
retention. Psychological Science, 19(11), 1095-1102.
7. Busch, B. & Watson, E. (2019), The Science of Learning, 1st ed. Routledge.

AQA GCSE Design and Technology 8552 iii

Section A Core technical principles
3.1.1 New and emerging technologies

Specification Point
3.1.1 New and emerging technologies......................................................................................................................2 
3.1.1 Industry............................................................................................................................................................................3 
3.1.1 Enterprise........................................................................................................................................................................4 
3.1.1 Sustainability.................................................................................................................................................................5 
3.1.1 Environment.................................................................................................................................................................6 
3.1.1 People...............................................................................................................................................................................7 
3.1.1 Culture..............................................................................................................................................................................8 
3.1.1 Society..............................................................................................................................................................................8 
3.1.1 Production techniques and systems................................................................................................................9 
3.1.1 Computer aided design and manufacture................................................................................................. 10 
3.1.1 How the evaluation of new and emerging technologies informs design decisions............11 
Examination practice 1 .....................................................................................................12 

3.1.2 Energy Generation and storage

3.1.2 Energy generation and fossil fuels..................................................................................................................13 
3.1.2 Nuclear power...........................................................................................................................................................14 
3.1.2 Renewable energy...................................................................................................................................................14 
3.1.2 Energy storage...........................................................................................................................................................16 

3.1.3 Development in new materials

3.1.3 Modern materials.....................................................................................................................................................17 
3.1.3 Smart materials..........................................................................................................................................................18 
3.1.3 Composite materials...............................................................................................................................................19 
3.1.3 Technical textiles.....................................................................................................................................................20 

3.1.4 Systems approach to designing

3.1.4 Systems approach to designing....................................................................................................................... 22 

3.1.5 Mechanical devices

3.1.5 Mechanical devices................................................................................................................................................ 24 
3.1.5 Linkages........................................................................................................................................................................ 25 
3.1.5 Gears.............................................................................................................................................................................. 26 
3.1.5 Pulleys and belts...................................................................................................................................................... 27 
Examination practice 2 .....................................................................................................28 

iv ClearRevise
3.1.6 Materials and their working properties

3.1.6 Physical and working properties..................................................................................................................... 30 
3.1.6 Papers and boards....................................................................................................................................................31 
3.1.6 Natural timbers......................................................................................................................................................... 32 
3.1.6 Manufactured timbers........................................................................................................................................... 33 
3.1.6 Metals............................................................................................................................................................................. 34 
3.1.6 Alloys.............................................................................................................................................................................. 35 
3.1.6 Thermoforming polymers.................................................................................................................................. 36 
3.1.6 Thermosetting polymers......................................................................................................................................37 
3.1.6 Textiles........................................................................................................................................................................... 38 
3.1.6 Woven and non-woven textiles....................................................................................................................... 39 
Examination practice 3.................................................................................................... 40 

Section B Specialist technical principles

3.2.1 Selection of materials or components

3.2.1 Selection of materials or components.........................................................................................................42 

3.2.2 Forces and stresses

3.2.2 Forces and stresses.................................................................................................................................................44 
3.2.2 Enhancing materials.............................................................................................................................................. 45 

3.2.3 Ecological and social footprint

3.2.3 Ecological and social footprint......................................................................................................................... 46 
3.2.3 The Six Rs..................................................................................................................................................................... 47 
3.2.3 Safe working conditions...................................................................................................................................... 47 
3.2.3 Social issues in the design and manufacture of products................................................................. 48 
Examination practice 4.................................................................................................... 49 

Papers and boards

3.2.4 Sources and origins................................................................................................................................................50 
3.2.5 Properties..................................................................................................................................................................... 52 
3.2.6 Stock forms, types and sizes.............................................................................................................................. 53 
3.2.6 Standard components.......................................................................................................................................... 54 
3.2.9 Commercial processes, surface treatments and finishes................................................................... 56 
3.2.8 Shaping and forming............................................................................................................................................. 59 
3.2.8 Scoring, creasing and folding............................................................................................................................60 
3.2.8 Quality control...........................................................................................................................................................61 

AQA GCSE Design and Technology 8552 v


3.2.4 Sources and origins................................................................................................................................................ 62 
3.2.5 Properties..................................................................................................................................................................... 63 
3.2.6 Stock forms, types and sizes.............................................................................................................................. 64 
3.2.9 Surface treatments and finishes...................................................................................................................... 67 


3.2.4 Sources and origins................................................................................................................................................ 68 
3.2.5 Properties..................................................................................................................................................................... 69 
3.2.6 Stock forms, types and sizes.............................................................................................................................. 70 
3.2.8 Specialist techniques and processes............................................................................................................. 72 
3.2.9 Surface treatments and finishes.......................................................................................................................74 


3.2.4 Sources and origins................................................................................................................................................ 75 
3.2.5 Properties..................................................................................................................................................................... 76 
3.2.6 Stock forms, types and sizes...............................................................................................................................77 
3.2.9 Specialist techniques and processes............................................................................................................. 79 
3.2.9,11 Surface treatments and finishes......................................................................................................................82 
3.2.5,8 Tools, processes, shaping and forming of timbers, metals and polymers.................83 


3.2.4 Sources and origins................................................................................................................................................ 87 
3.2.5 Using and working with materials.................................................................................................................. 89 
3.2.6 Modification of textile properties....................................................................................................................90 
3.2.9 How to shape and form textiles.......................................................................................................................91 
3.2.9 Sewing........................................................................................................................................................................... 92 
3.2.9 Pleating, gathering and quilting....................................................................................................................... 93 
3.2.9 Stock forms, types and sizes.............................................................................................................................. 94 
3.2.9 Commercial dyeing processes......................................................................................................................... 95 
3.2.9 Printing.......................................................................................................................................................................... 96 
3.2.9 Surface treatments.................................................................................................................................................. 97 

Electronics and mechanical systems

3.2.5 Using and working with materials.................................................................................................................. 99 
3.2.6 Shaping and forming...........................................................................................................................................100 
3.2.9 Stock forms, types and sizes............................................................................................................................102 
3.2.9 Commercial processes.......................................................................................................................................103 
3.2.9 Surface treatments................................................................................................................................................104 

vi ClearRevise
3.2.7 Scales of production

3.2.7 Scales of production............................................................................................................................................104 

3.2.8 Specialist techniques and processes

3.2.8 Specialist techniques and processes...........................................................................................................106 
Examination practice 5...................................................................................................107 

Section C Designing and making principles

Designing principles

3.3.1 Investigation, primary and secondary data............................................................................................. 110 
3.3.2 Ergonomics............................................................................................................................................................... 112 
3.3.2 Designing and manufacturing........................................................................................................................ 114 
3.3.2 Environmental, social and economic challenges................................................................................. 116 
3.3.3 The work of others................................................................................................................................................117 
3.3.3 The work of other design companies........................................................................................................ 119 
3.3.4 Design strategies....................................................................................................................................................120 
3.3.5 Communication of design ideas...................................................................................................................122 
3.3.6 Prototype development.....................................................................................................................................126 
Examination practice 6...................................................................................................127 

Designing principles

3.3.7 Selection of materials and components...................................................................................................128 
3.3.8 Quality control and tolerance.........................................................................................................................129 
3.3.9 Templates, patterns and jigs............................................................................................................................ 131 
3.3.10 Marking out methods..........................................................................................................................................132 
3.3.10 Material management......................................................................................................................................... 133 
3.3.11 Specialist tools and equipment......................................................................................................................134 
3.3.11 Specialist techniques and processes...........................................................................................................136 
Examination practice 7...................................................................................................137 

Examination practice answers...........................................................................................................................................138

Band descriptions and levels of response for extended response questions...........................................145
Index .........................................................................................................................................................................................144
Examination tips............................................................................................................................ 150

AQA GCSE Design and Technology 8552 vii

Green mark allocations[1] on answers to in-text questions through this guide help to indicate
where marks are gained within the answers. A bracketed ’1‘ e.g. [1] = one valid point worthy of
a mark. There are often alternative responses with many more points to make than there are
marks available so you have more opportunity to max out your answers than you may think.

The questions in the ClearRevise textbook are the sole responsibility of the authors and have
neither been provided nor approved by the examination board.
Every effort has been made to trace and acknowledge ownership of copyright. The publishers will be
happy to make any future amendments with copyright owners that it has not been possible to contact.
The author and publisher would like to thank the following companies and individuals who granted
permission for the use of their images in this textbook.

Fairtrade Logo © The Fairtrade Foundation Gap store © Testing /

Stacked paperback books © Imfoto / Primark store © Stanislav Samoylik /
Underground map © ChrisDorney / Under Armour store © BT Image /
Reichstag dome © Kapi Ng / Zara store © Testing /
Mini Cooper car © JazzBoo / Polymorph © Mindsets Online
McQueen catwalk © / Tamper proof sticker © StickerYou Inc
Marigold print © / Maun ruler © Maun Industries Ltd
Mary Quant stamp © Neftali / Coco Chanel © Getty Images
St Cataldo cemetery © AJ165 / Sottsass © Getty Images
Rietveld chair © Picture Partners / Templier © Getty Images
Rennie Mackintosh dressing table © Derek Harris Photography / Alessi © Alessi S.p.a Dyson Supersonic TM © Dyson Ltd
Orange juicer © CKP1001 / Engineers Blue © ICS Industrial
Westwood catwalk © Taniavolobueva / FSC logo © Forest Stewardship Council
Apple Watch © Alexey Boldin /

viii ClearRevise
3.1 Core technical principles

At least 15% of the exam will assess maths and at least 10%
will assess science.

All dimensions are in millimetres.

The marks for questions are shown in brackets.
The maximum mark for this paper is 100.
The qualification is subject to the assessment of one NEA
project and one examination.
There are 20 marks for Section A, 30 marks for Section B and
50 marks for Section C.


Technology impacts our lives in many ways and is being developed to improve
how we live and work.
Design technologists have always looked to the world of science in order to utilise new discoveries
in the design and manufacture of materials or products. In harnessing these new discoveries,
technology continues to develop and meet ongoing human needs.
Technology utilises many skills including communication, design, innovation, modelling and
manufacturing. It also combines knowledge, problem solving and organised, structured methods
to produce finished items. Designers and manufacturers use a combination of skilled people, tools,
robots and machines for efficient and effective output of their product or service.
Consumers are continually looking for new and improved products, which means manufacturers
are developing more and more items to satisfy demand. It is critical to understand the impact
design and technology has on the world.
The collection of raw materials and converting them into usable products can use vast amounts of
energy, which is having a negative impact on the planet. Designers are continually exploring new
methods of working with technology to manufacture products more sustainably. These continuous
improvements lead to greater efficiencies, improved functionality, which in turn reduces energy
output and negative effects on the environment.

2 ClearRevise

Designers utilise technology to continually improve the efficiency and quality
in manufacturing products and materials.

Automation and the use of robotics

Automation enables repetitive tasks to
be performed by mechanised assembly • Increased efficiency and speed of production
lines rather than by a human. It has been a • Accurate and consistent output
significant development in the manufacturing • Reduced labour costs and can work 24/7
process and helps meet increased demand • Ability to work in a variety of environments
for products. Software automation performs
computer-based tasks, industrial automation
performs physical tasks. Disadvantages

Robots can be controlled to automatically • R

 eplaces workforce leading to some
job losses
perform a series of complex movements.
They can be used to substitute humans in • No human input/decision making
environments that are hazardous, exposed • Up-skilled workforce to maintain robots
to high temperatures or where there are • Expensive to set up
harmful vapours. They are commonly used on
assembly lines in the manufacture of vehicles, Delivery depot
in packing plants, laboratories and in aerospace. Raw materials/

Buildings and the place of work

At the point of conception, companies carefully consider

the layout of their buildings. The workflow should be
Production line
logically thought through and designed in a way to
Raw materials
ensure each stage of design, manufacture and delivery of processed,
a product to market is as efficient as possible. components
assembled to
make product
Describe two factors that make
the production of circuit boards
suitable for automated assembly
line manufacture. [4]
Identical circuit boards and
products are passed through
the production line[1] making
it easy to program robots to
perform repetitive operations[1].
Precision is required and must Packaging and
be maintained[1] robots are distribution
able to work consistently and Product wrapped
and boxed
indefinitely[1]. then shipped to

AQA GCSE Design and Technology 8552 3


Culture is an amalgamation of the ideas, beliefs, customs and social behaviours
of a society or group of people. It often manifests itself through ritual, art and
fashion. It is important for designers to be aware of the society around them
and to try to understand the different cultures that exist within it.

Fashion and trends Discuss how clothing designs, fabric colour and
materials may sell well in one country but not
Fashion and trends come and go. The design
in another.  [3]
market is influenced by the ‘latest thing’. It is
quite natural for consumers to want to buy Faiths and beliefs restrict the styles of clothing
into a certain lifestyle. Blog sites, social media that some people wear.[1] A popular style of
and the Internet enable new fashion and top or shorts exposing the shoulders or knees
products to be showcased or endorsed. They is considered too revealing in some areas of
can receive a very rapid customer response. the world.[1] Green is considered a positive,
environmentally friendly colour in the West, and
is the traditional colour of Islam. In Indonesia,
green has traditionally been forbidden.[1] White
Faiths and beliefs symbolises purity and cleanliness in Western
A designer must be responsible for considering cultures. However, in China and Korea, white
the wider implications of a new product within represents death and bad luck.[1] Silks may sell
different faiths and communities and in meeting very well in Asian cultures, as part of national
the needs of different groups of society. dress styles, but less so in the West.[1]

A charitable organisation inspects and
awards new car parks with a rating for

SOCIETY their accessibility and facilities.

Describe how car park design can
incorporate features to improve
accessibility for all users including the
Design for differently abled and elderly
disabled and the elderly. [3]
Products are often designed for the average Clear and visible signage to identify
user. Inclusive design is important for any new entrances, exits, walkways.[1] The height
product to ensure the environment or design of payment machines, lift buttons,
can be used by as many people as possible, exit panels[1] are considered so that
regardless of gender, disability or age. All users wheelchair users can reach easily[1].
should be able to use the design safely, easily and Lifts as well as stairs to assist those
with dignity. who find stairs difficult.[1] Handrails and
balustrades on stairwells.[1] Automatic
Designers will consider these factors when
opening doors with sensors.[1] Wide
working on a new product, improving access
parking bays for disabled vehicular
to buildings, or looking at how people access
access and those with push chairs[1].
different types of transport. Modern materials
Well lit walkways.[1] Induction loop
have enabled products to be lighter, tougher and
systems and assistive listening in
more adaptable to help with weaker grip, and
payment, information and lift spaces.[1]
reduced mobility.

8 ClearRevise

A nuclear power plant produces energy through
Wind energy and fossil fuel energy
a process called fission - the splitting of uranium are both used to create power.
atoms in a nuclear reactor. Explain the similarities and
The process harnesses a nuclear reaction which takes place differences between their methods
inside a reactor. This releases a large amount of energy as heat. of power generation. [3]
The heat is used to generate steam which drives turbines to Fossil fuels are burnt to heat
produce electricity. water.[1] The resulting steam
turns turbines[1], which turn
Nuclear power is clean and efficient. Nuclear energy runs
generators[1]. Wind directly
continuously generating large scale power and supplies about
turns a turbine which turns
12% of the world’s electricity. However, the waste material
generators.[1] Generators supply
is radioactive and dangerous to life. The waste fuel requires
electricity to the National Grid.
specialist handling, decommissioning and lots of storage space.


Wind, wave, tidal, hydroelectric, geothermal, biomass and solar energy are renewable.
These are natural sources of energy that are non-finite and can be quickly replenished.

Wind power
Wind turbines convert
kinetic energy from the  ind energy is now very cost effective to produce. It is a clean
source of energy and is sustainable and renewable.
wind into electricity. The
energy of the wind turns
the propeller-like blades on Disadvantages
the rotor. This is connected  ind energy can be unpredictable and wind farms affect the visual
to a generator which appearance of the landscape. The distance from remote wind
creates the electricity. sites and connection costs to the national grid may be significant.

Tidal power
Tidal power converts energy from tides into power.
The movement of water turns underwater turbines, A constant, predictable, renewable
which drive the generators that convert the energy energy source which is clean.
into electricity. Tidal barrage systems utilise the
difference between low and high tides. Tidal stream
power utilises fast flowing currents around coasts Disadvantages
and islands. Expensive to set up and maintain.

14 ClearRevise



Pulleys can help to lift a load providing a mechanical advantage. In machines, pulleys transmit rotary
motion and force from the input or drive shaft to the output or driven shaft. For the movement to be
transferred it’s important the belt does not slip or stretch. Pulleys are not ideal for transmitting high
torque due to their tendency to slip. Belts are often made of reinforced rubber or high strength materials
such as Kevlar®.

Fixed pulley Block and tackle pulley

A fixed pulley uses a wheel with a groove in it and a A block and tackle pulley uses two or more pulleys,
rope that sits in the groove. It allows you to change one fixed and one moveable, to help reduce the
the direction of the force needed, which makes amount of effort needed to lift a load. It provides a
lifting easier, but the weight will feel the same. mechanical advantage making a load easier to lift.




Load Load

Look at the block and tackle pulley in diagram B above.

(a) Calculate the distance the rope will need to be pulled in order to raise the load by 1m. [1]
(b) Calculate the effort is required to raise a 120kg load. [1]
[1] [1]
(a) 1m height x 2 pulleys = 2m rope distance. (b) 120kg / 2 pulleys = 60kg effort.

A drive belt (loop of flexible rubber)
connects two or more pulleys
together. The belt transfers power
from the pulley to the receiving
system. In the instance of a car, a
belt transfers engine power to the
alternator to recharge the battery.

AQA GCSE Design and Technology 8552 27


1. Explain the difference between renewable and non-renewable energy sources. [2]

2. Energy production fell in the UK from 2,619 TWh in 2004 to 1,465 TWh in 2016.
(a) Calculate the percentage reduction in the amount of energy produced in the UK between
2004 and 2016. [2]
(b) 21% of the UK’s energy is supplied from nuclear sources.
(i) Explain how energy is generated from nucelar power. [2]
(ii) Give one similarity and one difference in the process of energy generation between
using fossil fuels and nuclear fuels to generate power. [2]
(iii) Explain why some people are against using nuclear energy. [2]

3. Explain two disadvantages of using biomass as an energy source. [4]

4. The photograph below shows a tidal barrage used to generate electricity.

Explain two disadvantages of using a tidal barrage to generate electricity. [4]

5. Give three benefits of using rechargeable batteries rather than traditional alkaline batteries. [3]

6. A metals foam uses 25% of the mass of the base metal for its comparative size.
(a) Calculate the mass of metal foam that is required to replace a solid 5.6 kg block of metal.  [2]
(b) Explain one reason why metal foams might be used to make aircraft parts. [2]

7. Give two ways in which nanomaterials have been used in the textiles industry.  [2]

8. Explain what is meant by the term ‘smart materials’.  [2]

9. Which one of the following is a composite material? [1]

(a) Titanium
(b) Glassfibre Reinforced Plastic (GRP)
(c) Polyester
(d) Graphene

28 ClearRevise

Hardwood is from a deciduous tree, usually a broad-leafed variety that drops its leaves in the winter.

Ash Beech

Properties: Flexible, tough and shock resistant, Properties: Fine finish, tough and durable. Beige
laminates well. Pale brown. with pink hue.
Uses: Sports equipment and tool handles. Uses: Children’s toys and models, furniture, veneers.

Mahogany Balsa

Properties: Easily worked, durable and finishes well. Properties: Very soft and spongy, good strength to
Reddish brown. weight ratio. Pale cream/white.
Uses: High end furniture and joinery, veneers. Uses: Prototyping and modelling.

Oak 1. Give two differences between hardwood

and softwood.  [2]
Properties: Tough, hard and durable, high quality Hardwood comes from deciduous trees.[1]
finish possible. Light brown. Softwood comes from coniferous trees.[1]
Uses: Flooring, furniture, railway sleepers, veneers. Deciduous trees are usually slower growing
which makes the wood denser.[1]

Softwood is from a coniferous tree, one that usually bears needles and has cones.

Pine Larch

Properties: Lightweight, easy to work, can split and be Properties: Durable,

resinous near knots. Pale yellowish brown. tough, good water
resistance, good surface
Uses: Interior construction, furniture.
finish. Pale reddish brown.
Uses: Exterior cladding,
Spruce decking, flooring,
machined mouldings,
Properties: Easy to work, high stiffness to weight ratio. furniture and joinery.
Creamy white. railway sleepers and
Uses: Construction, furniture and musical instruments.

32 ClearRevise
3.1.6 METALS

Alloys are a mixture of at least one pure metal and another element.
The alloying process combines the metals and other elements to improve working properties or
aesthetics. Alloys are harder than pure metals as they contain atoms of different sizes. These distort the
arrangement of the atoms making it hard for the layers of atoms to slide over each other, creating a
harder, stronger metal.

High speed steel Stainless steel Brass

Composition may include: Composition: Composition:
• Chromium Molybdenum • Low carbon 0.03–0.08% • Copper: 65%
• Tungsten Vanadium • Chromium 10.5–26% • Zinc: 35%
• Cobalt Carbon

Properties Properties Properties

Can withstand high Hard, ductile. Rust resistant. Malleable and easily cast.
temperatures when Chromium layer protects Good corrosion resistance.
machining at high speed. steel from corrosion.
Uses Uses Musical instruments,
Cutting tools such as drill bits, Cutlery, kitchen and plumbing fitments and
mill cutters, taps and dies. medical equipment. ornate artefacts.

Explain one advantage of alloys over pure metals. [2]

An alloy can take on the properties of each of its component metals making it more suitable for
specific tasks.[1] Alloys are generally harder than pure metals[1] since they are made of different sized
molecules which makes the layers more difficult to slide over each other[1]. An alloy often has better
corrosion resistance than a pure metal[1] and can be more easily manipulated into different forms[1].


At least 15% of the exam will assess maths and at least 10%
will assess science.

All dimensions are in millimetres.

The marks for questions are shown in brackets.
The maximum mark for this paper is 100.
There are 20 marks for Section A, 30 marks for Section B and
50 marks for Section C.

Specification areas 3.2.1 to 3.2.9 are covered in this Section.

Some content has been covered in other sections where it
relates more closely to the materials or techniques covered


Materials and objects

All materials, structures and products must

withstand stress as certain forces are applied to Bending
them when in use. The ability to withstand Bending is both tension and compression
stress is what allows them to perform their forces; tension on one side with
functions successfully. compression on the other.

Force Force
Compression occurs when a pushing force is Compression

applied to either end of a material

Force Force Fulcrum

Torsion forces occur when a material
Explain one force acting on a pair of pliers is twisted.
when gripping a nail head. [2]
The handles will be subject to a bending
force.[1] The outer edge of the handles will
be under tension[1], whilst the insides will be
under slight compression[1]. There will be a
shear force acting on the pivot or fulcrum as
the pliers are squeezed around the nail head.[1]

Tension occurs when a pulling force is applied to either end of a material.
Force Force

Shear force acts on an object in a direction perpendicular to its length
Force Force


Force Force The force will deform the object

potentially shearing at the weakest point

44 ClearRevise


Product miles

This is the number of miles a product travels from all stages of manufacture through to its final retail
destination. For example, a bicycle may be made up of frame components from China, gearing and
mechanisms from the USA, tyres from Germany, and an English handmade saddle.
The finished product is then distributed to a wholesaler or shop anywhere in the world. Once sold, it
travels once again to the consumer. At the end of its useful life the bicycle should be recycled. The
recycled components may travel again to an appropriate recycling plant.
By adding up the mileage for each section of the product’s journey, the total product mileage can
be calculated. Using a carbon footprint calculator, the total CO2 emissions can be calculated. This
calculation is part of the life cycle assessment. Further detail on the LCA is covered in section 3.1.1.

Carbon emissions Mining

In manufacturing goods, we consume energy Mining extracts minerals, metals and coal from
which emits greenhouse gases. In order to the earth. The environment is adversely affected
reduce carbon emissions our production and by soil erosion, air and water pollution and a loss
consumption of energy needs to be reduced. of biodiversity. Mining creates open pits in the
Becoming more energy efficient, using low or landscape, piles of waste and a potential risk of
no-carbon fuels and using new technologies sinkholes. Mining companies are expected to return
such as carbon capture and storage all help. the land back to its original state after extraction.

Social factors Deforestation

Designers have a social responsibility to consider Deforestation is the permanent removal of trees
what impact their products may have on the to use the land for alternative means, such as
environment. Factors for consideration include: agriculture. This results in a loss of wild habitat.
Trees remove CO2 from the atmosphere so when
• Using materials from sustainable sources. large areas are cut down, this contributes to an
• Sourcing materials that have a positive impact on increase in CO2 levels. Timber sourced from a
farmers and workers. sustainably managed forest means new trees are
• Reducing the use of unethically sourced replanted to replenish supply.
materials that harm the environment.
• Using recycled products.
Farming and agriculture rears animals and
crops for food production. Although essential
for sustaining human life, some farming
practises have an impact on the environment.
Pesticides and fertilisers, used to improve
yield, can result in pollutants in water run-off
from the soil, harming habitats and wildlife.

46 ClearRevise
3.2.8, 3.2.9 PAPERS AND BOARDS


Different finishes can be applied to papers and boards to enhance appearance
and improve function.


Printing is used on both papers and boards to improve visual appearance.

Screen printing
This is an effective technique for creating bold and striking
prints for posters and artwork, and for printing on fabrics,
particularly t-shirt design.
• A
 frame is covered with a tight, fine mesh – this is
the screen.
• T
 he chosen design or text is set into the mesh with a
layer of light-reactive emulsion which hardens under
bright light, producing the desired stencil.
• P
 rinting ink is poured over the screen and pressed
through the fine mesh to create a printed design on the
paper or fabric below.
• T
 he stencil can be used multiple times so is efficient for
producing batches of identical designs.

‘Flexo’ printing accommodates a
wide variety of materials that don’t Impression
have to be flat. Examples include
plastics, cellophane, metallic film and
plastics. These can be used in flexible
packaging, gift wrap, textiles, carrier
bags and wallpaper.
It is a high-speed process made
for large print orders. It uses rolls
of substrate to print high quantities Plate cylinder Substrate
without interruption. Flexography uses
the 4-colour process CMYK.

56 ClearRevise
Gravure Embossing
Gravure printing produces excellent Paper embossing creates a raised design on the
print quality, particularly fine detail and paper surface, whereas debossing creates a recessed
is used for very high print volumes pattern.
such as postage stamps, catalogues,
Paper or card is placed between two dies, one raised
greetings cards and high-volume print
and one recessed. The dies fit each other so when
the paper is pressed between them, a permanent
Gravure acid-etches an image on the impression is made.
surface of the metal printing surface.
Embossing is used to add a high-quality finish to
The etched areas are known as cells.
luxury card and paper products. It is also used for
The cells hold the ink that is transferred
Braille labelling on medicines for the visually impaired.
to the printable surface.

Offset lithography
Also called offset printing, this is
an indirect printing process. The
Ink rollers inked image is transferred from
Water rollers Plate cylinder the printing surface to a rubber
blanket and then onto a flat
Blanket (offset) printing surface, such as paper or
cylinder board. Ink rollers transfer the ink
on to the image areas and water
rollers apply a water based-based
film to the non-image areas.
The CMYK colour model is used
Paper in colour printing. This refers to
the four ink plates used: cyan,
magenta, yellow and key, which
is black. The print process is
repeated for each colour.
This colour process is used
Impression cylinder for high volume print runs
such as books, magazines and

AQA GCSE Design and Technology 8552 57

3.2.6 METALS


Stock form is the form in which a product can be bought and stored ready
for use. Designers need to aware of stock sizes in order to manufacture
economically and reduce waste.

Nut Head
Standard components Thread

Nuts and bolts are used to join two or

more parts together. A bolted joint can
be disassembled and reassembled so are
important in manufacture. Bolt heads are Thread length Grip length
usually hexagonal for tightening with a
Nominal length
spanner or socket set.

Hex Nyloc® Jam Wing Dome Acorn Flange Tee Square

Nuts:  Usually a hexagonal profile. Used on bolts and machine

screws to fasten parts together.

Bolt:  Combined with a nut to assemble components together.

Washer:  Thin disc of metal to distribute the load on a nut and bolt
fastening. Prevents damage to the surface being fixed.

Standard dimensions
Dimensions are given in mm.
Standard dimensions for sheet and flat bar are given as length × width × thickness.
Box sections and shaped profiles – profile shape plus the length.
Rod – diameter × length. Tube – diameter × length plus the thickness of the wall or the gauge.

Angle Sheet Bar Strip

70 ClearRevise


Man-made polymers are referred to as plastics. Plastics are derived from
coal, gas, cellulose and commonly crude oil. Crude oil needs to be processed
before use.

Refining crude oil

The process of fractional Cool (25°C)
distillation separates Refinery gases Small molecules:
Bottled gases
crude oil into useful Low boiling point
Very volatile
hydrocarbon products. Petrol Flow easily
Fuel for cars Ignite easily
The different components
that are separated out are Naptha
known as fractions. The manufacture
fractions include petrol, Kerosene
kerosene, diesel and Aircraft fuel
Diesel Fuel for cars,
Before the fractions can buses and lorries
be used, they need to Fuel oil Fuel for ships or
be broken down by the Heated
crude oil power stations
process of cracking.
Large molecules:
Cracking breaks large High boiling point
Less volatile
hydrocarbons into Residue Bitumen for Do not flow easily
Do not ignite easily
individual hydrocarbons roads and roofs
Hot (350°C)
called monomers.


The individual monomers are joined

to form a longer polymer chain. ’Poly‘
means ’many‘. For example, a long chain
of ethylene forms polyethylene which is
used to make carrier bags, toys
and bottles.

Explain why crude oil is a finite resource. [2]

Crude oil is naturally occurring and
unrefined[1], formed from the deposits of
plants and animals that lived millions of
years ago.[1] It cannot be naturally replaced
at the rate at which man consumes it[1],
making it a limited resource.

AQA GCSE Design and Technology 8552 75



Sawing and cutting

1 2 3 4
Before cutting Material being Drag the saw backwards At the end of
or shaping, cut should be to create a nick which the cut, support
mark out the securely clamped marks the starting point the end piece to
cutting lines. or held in a clearly. Use the full length ensure a clean cut.
Measure from a vice to prevent of the cutting blade. Avoid Rough edges can
datum point. movement. pressing too hard. be removed.

Wasting is a process of removing unrequired material by cutting sections off or out of a larger piece.
Saws have a blade with a hard, toothed edge. They are used for cutting materials such as timber,
plastics and metals to size.

Rip / cross-cut saw Tenon saw

Uses: F
 or cutting wood Uses: Cutting shallow lines
along or across into small pieces of
the grain. wood. Wood joints.
For: Timber. For: Timber.

Coping saw

Uses: For cutting curved lines

through a thin material.
For: Timber, plastic and
thin metal.

Hacksaw / junior hacksaw

Uses: Fine toothed for cutting

hard materials such as
metal and plastic pipes.
For: Metal and plastic.

AQA GCSE Design and Technology 8552 83



Flame retardants
Fabrics can be chemically treated to
make them more resistant to fire. Fabrics
used for upholstery are tested to strict
guidelines to ensure they are safe for use
in the home or in public spaces. Items
sold with a ‘fire resistant’ label indicate
they meet British Standards.

Items protected include:

Children’s nightwear Clothing is treated for their safety, to protect young skin.
Theatre drapes / curtains Treated to meet strict safety guidelines in public spaces.
Racing drivers' clothing Treated to protect the driver in the event of an accident.
Protective workwear Protection from burns for those who work with hot metal e.g. welders.
Furnishings Sofas, curtains and chairs are all treated to reduce the spread of fire.

Laminated fabrics
Lamination fuses two or more layers
of fabric together with heat, adhesives
and pressure.
Common uses include: Outdoor
clothing and rainwear, outdoor cushions
and seating, restaurant seating, car
covers, wall coverings and baby bibs.

Protects Provides a barrier against dirt, grease, liquids and bacteria.

Preserves Prevents staining, fading and tearing.
Easy to maintain Provides an easy wipe surface.
Durability Increases durability and weather resistance. Reduces wear and tear.
Aesthetics Can improve the surface of textiles, such as blinds and curtains.

Give two ways in which lamination can change or improve the properties of fabrics.  [2]
[1] [1] [1]
Lamination can provide additional surface protection , waterproofing insulation .

90 ClearRevise

Soldering robots are used in industry. The process is fully automated and
programmed to produce precise and repeatable results.

Pick and place assembly

Commercially manufactured PCBs use surface-mount
technology. Components are mounted directly onto the
surface of the PCB. Pick and place machines are robotic
machines which are used to place the components,
many of which are extremely small and difficult
to place manually. This system of component
placement is very quick and completed with a high
level of precision.
Manufacturers will set up quality control systems
to check at regular stages throughout production
that the boards have been correctly assembled
and meet quality guidelines.

Flow soldering

A solder paste, made from powdered solder

and flux, is used to temporarily attach electrical
components to their contact pads. The board is
then heated making the paste melt which then
flows, creating a solder joint. This method of flow
soldering is used to attach surface mount components
to a circuit board. Heating is done carefully with either
an infra-red lamp, placing the board in a reflow oven or by
warming individual components with a hot air pencil.

Give two benefits of pick and place technology over hand assembled boards [2]
[1] [1] [1]
Pick and place machines are precise , quick and able to work with tiny components .

AQA GCSE Design and Technology 8552 103


At least 15% of the exam will assess maths and at least 10%
will assess science.

All dimensions are in millimetres.

The marks for questions are shown in brackets.
The maximum mark for this paper is 100.
There are 20 marks for Section A, 30 marks for Section B and
50 marks for Section C.

Specification areas 3.3.1 to 3.3.11 are covered in this Section.

Some content has been covered in other sections where it
relates more closely to the materials or techniques covered.

Ergonomics is the process of designing products and workplaces to fit the
people who use them. It improves the human interaction with a product,
environment or workspace, and minimises the risk of injury.

Many people sit for long periods of time at a

If the height of the computer, chair and desk
are not correctly aligned to the user, it can
cause pain and repetitive strain injury.
Designers will consider the measurements
of humans and products to ensure they
function well together.

Anthropometric data

Anthropometric data is the study of the human body,

its measurement and proportions.
Data will be collected from a large sample of people
of a variety of sizes to gather detailed body
Weight measurements are also taken to understand the
stress or load a component may need to withstand.

Explain one way in which ergonomics can aid carrying a product. [2]
The design of ergonomic handles will make carrying a product more comfortable. A form-fitting
design will help evenly distribute the load through the fingers.[1] The inclusion of hand holds in boxes
or in large bulky items will make lifting easier and safer.[1]
Holdalls, rucksacks and baby carriers can be designed to fit the body with adjustable straps and
belts[1] to spread the load more evenly and reduce strain[1].

112 ClearRevise


Environmental, social and economic challenges influence design.
Responsible designers and manufacturers are continually looking at how to
reduce their use of limited resources and use new technologies to meet with
consumer demand.

Fair trade
Fair trade aims to offer improved terms of trade to local producers and workers. By buying fair
trade goods, it helps to support local communities, who can afford to develop and improve their
methods of production. See page 4 for more detail.
Many farmers cannot compete with highly subsidised producers and will be offered poor rates for
their products. Fair trade organisations give farmers an alternative route to market and ensure a
higher and stable income.
Textile designers can source fair trade cotton which is often grown in an ethical and environmentally
friendly way. This helps countless workers who work in the cotton farms in developing countries.

Explain the impact of Deforestation

deforestation on the
greenhouse effect. [3] Deforestation is the permanent removal of trees and clearing the
land for agricultural use and grazing. The timber may be used for
Trees absorb carbon
fuel, construction or manufacturing. There are many effects of
dioxide[1], offsetting
deforestation including contributing to global warming.
the greenhouse
gases produced by Designers can rethink the way they source and use materials.
humans[1]. The act of The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC) certifies materials which
deforestation produces are sourced from sustainably managed forests. This means the
additional greenhouse forest will use selective logging and replanting to create a cycle of
gas emissions.[1] The productivity that doesn’t harm the forest environment.
removal of trees takes
away the vegetation Increased use of recycled paper and timber materials avoids more
crucial to absorbing trees being felled.
carbon dioxide.[1] Changes in energy sources and methods of manufacturing can
also help manufacturers reduce their carbon footprint and impact
on global warming.

116 ClearRevise


Researching designers and products provides a greater understanding of the
materials and processes they used. It can also help inspire new ideas.

Harry Beck Marcel Breuer Coco Chanel

1902–1974 1902–1981 1883–1971

Harry Beck was a technical Modernist designer and French designer, founder of
draftsman who visually architect, known for two of the Chanel brand. Known for
simplified the layout of the the most iconic chairs of introducing a more casual
London Underground by the 20th century, the tubular feminine line of clothing,
producing a clear and simple steel Wassily Chair and the breaking away from corsets
map layout of the tube cantilevered Cesca Chair, and long skirts.
system. He transformed the which he designed at the
way people navigate around Bauhaus.
London’s underground Alexander McQueen
network and his design 1969–2010
has influenced many other Sir Alec Issigonis
underground maps around 1906–1988
the world.

Norman Foster
Designer of the Morris
Minor and of the ground- British Fashion designer
breaking Mini, which used renowned for his
unconventional design unconventional designs and
features including a stunning catwalk shows
transverse engine with front combining sharp tailoring
wheel drive. with theatrical design.

Award winning British William Morris

architect known for his William Morris was a
striking architecture and
1834–1896 significant contributor
high-tech vision. His practice to the British Arts and
‘Foster + Partners’ are known Crafts Movement,
for the Millennium Bridge, Morris is renowned for his
Great Court at the British block printed fabrics and
Museum, City Hall, 30 St wallpapers. His designs
Mary Axe (the Gherkin) in were influenced by nature
London, Reichstag in Berlin with beautiful patterns of
and a host of other buildings intertwined flowers, leaves
around the world. and birds.

AQA GCSE Design and Technology 8552 117

Working drawings
Working drawings contain dimensional and graphical information that can be
used to work to or assemble a component. A working drawing, referred to as an
orthographic drawing, has three main views: a plan view, front and side view.

Orthographic drawing conventions

The common format of a working drawing is a third
Construction lines
angle orthographic projection, drawn accurately and to
scale to give a manufacturer a clear overview of a design. Centre lines
Dimensions will be shown in mm. Dimension lines
A symbol to indicate it’s a third angle orthographic
Hidden details
projection will be shown.

Scale and dimensions Scale 1mm : 2mm

A drawing of an object will have
its real sizes enlarged or reduced
by a certain amount or specified
scale. Scale must be clearly
shown on the drawing. End
The scale shown on the drawing
will represent the drawn length : Plan Front End
elevation elevation
actual length.
First angle Third angle
projection projection
Scale is represented as a ratio for
example: 52 20

1cm to 1m = 1 cm : 1 m Dimensions should show the actual dimensions of an

= 1 cm : 100 cm object, not the dimensions of a drawing. Measurements are
= 1:100 shown in millimetres (mm).

CAD modelling Prototypes are often constructed based on prior models.

Describe how modelling can be used by designers to help
Computer aided design develop prototypes.  [4]
replaces manual drawing
Prototyping enables a 3D impression to be created to improve
with an automated process.
visualisation.[1] It can reduce development time[1] and can avoid
It is used by designers,
excessive use of materials[1]. Early testing using computer-based
architects and engineers
modelling such as CAD or circuit design can be used.[1] Physical
to produce technical and
models using card, a toile or breadboards can be created
precision drawings. It can
using materials that are significantly cheaper than the actual
produce two-dimensional
finished material.[1] Moving components and mechanisms can
or three-dimensional
be tested.[1] Electronic models can be shared and worked on
diagrams which can then be
collaboratively by several parties who may not be in the same
rotated so that a design can
room or country.[1]
be viewed from any angle.

AQA GCSE Design and Technology 8552 125


1. Material availability is a key factor when choosing materials for a product.
(a) Give two other factors designers need to consider when selecting materials. [2]
(b) Discuss the impact that the availability of materials may have on a project. [6]

2. A manufacturer produces bike frames that should measure 560 mm to a tolerance of +/- 1.5 mm.
(a) State what is meant by the term ‘tolerance’ with respect to quality control. [1]
(b) Calculate the maximum and minimum height of the bike frame that would be acceptable. [2]

3. Specialist marking out tools are used when marking out a material.
(a) Name one specialist marking out tool you have used. [1]
(b) Explain how you have used the tool in part (a) with precision and accuracy. [2]

4. State what is meant by the term ‘template’ and explain one reason for using a template when
marking out identical items. [3]

5. Give the name of two pieces of PPE that can be used to ensure your personal safety in a
school workshop. [2]

6. Give two pieces of information that you should find out before using any new piece of
equipment or machine. [2]

7. Templates, jigs and patterns can be used to ensure repetitive accuracy.

Describe how manufacturers can use these tools to ensure batches of products are
reproduced accurately. [3]

8. A stationery manufacturer is creating envelopes for greetings cards.

Explain one example where tolerance may be applied. [2]

9. Discuss how material allowances and pattern or grain matching affect the costs of raw materials. [4]

10. Choose one product from the selection below.

Paper Wooden Metal Plastic dog Textile

cup lampstand tongs chew gauntlet

For your chosen product suggest one appropriate surface treatment or finish that could be
applied to this product. [1]

AQA GCSE Design and Technology 8552 137

Practice 1
1. Robots can work in hazardous environments / high temperatures / dangerous conditions, which means humans will not be
exposed to these environments reducing the risk of harm / danger / personal injury.
Factories / assembly lines can operate autonomously 24/7, which means that fewer staff are required / redundancies
might have to be made / smaller workforce needed / change in job roles / reskilling / unease amongst staff. [2]
2. Reduces the distance / time / effort used to handle / move materials from section to section through production lines.
Reduce the amount of time / distance that staff move from one section / area to another. [2]
3. Reponses may include, but are not limited to fruit / coffee / chocolate / cotton / wine. [2]
4. Internet / email / Twitter / Instagram / Facebook / YouTube. [2]
5. Oil. [1]
6. A resource in infinite supply (or in such significant abundance that we are unlikely ever to run out). [1]
7. Answers include: Rising sea levels, more frequent / more extreme weather, rising air and sea temperatures, melting of
the polar ice caps. [2]
8. Waste materials can be reused to make smaller / alternative parts, which means that they buy fewer new materials. Waste
materials can be sold as scrap, which means the company can recover some of the material cost. Waste can be burnt to
produce heat, which means they spend less money on gas / oil to heat the building / water. [2]
9. Technology push is defined as the use / application of new scientific discoveries, which is applied to products despite their
being no consumer awareness / demand driving forward innovation. Market pull is defined as products being created /
designed to meet a demand; in response to consumer needs / market forces. [4]
10. 14 / (5 + 2) = 2, 2 × 5 = £10 million. [2]
11. 3D models can be generated from 2D CAD files. Drawings can be animated / fed into simulation / testing programmes.
Drawings are more easily edited / revised / amended / sent electronically. Colours / textures are quickly / easily applied.
CAD can be linked directly to CAM / 3D printers. [3]
12. Products are made to order, which reduces the number of products that are held in stock / money tied up.
Products are not held in stock, which means they do not go out of date / fashion. Materials and components are only
bought when required / needed, which reduces the need to hold lots of materials in stock / costing money to hold /
warehouse space to hold materials. [2]
13. Old products / versions / fashions / trends become out of date / slow down with lack of software upgrade / support, which
means there is a need to replace / buy new models / textiles / products which keeps profits / turnover going. Technology
continues to advance / develop / improve capability, which means older products become relatively slow / no upgrades
released / consumers need to upgrade / buy new versions. [2]
14. Use of specialist tools required; specialist knowledge required; outsourcing repairs can be labour intensive which is
expensive; spare parts can be expensive and may need to be shipped from abroad; electrical components may be
complex, or integrated into the product; materials are commonly bonded using permanent bonds rather than screws. [2]

138 ClearRevise
Questions that require extended writing use mark bands. The whole answer will be marked together to
determine which mark band it fits into and which mark should be awarded within the mark band.

Mark Band 3 • Technical terms have been used precisely.

• The answer is logical and shows an extensive understanding of
Design and Technology concepts and principles.
• The answer is almost always detailed and accurate.
• All parts of the answer are consistent with each other.
High Level 5–6 marks • Knowledge and ideas are applied to the context in the question
• Where examples are used, they help to illustrate.
• Arguments and points are developed throughout the answer
with a range of different perspectives. Different sides of a
discussion are considered against each other.

Mark Band 2 • Technical terms used in the question have been understood.
• The answer shows an understanding of D&T related concepts.
• Arguments and points are developed in the answer, but
sometimes useful examples or related knowledge to the context
Mid Level 3–4 marks have not been included.
•  ome structure has been given to the answer with at least one
line of reasoning.
• Sound knowledge has been effectively shown.

Mark Band 1 • The answer shows that technical terms used in the question
have not been understood.
• Key concepts have not been understood and have not been
related to the question context.
• The answer is only loosely related to the question and some
inaccuracies are present.
Low Level 1–2 marks
• The answer only considers a narrow viewpoint or one angle
• The answer is unstructured.
• Examples used are mostly irrelevant to the question or have no
evidence to support them.

• No answer has been given or the answer given is not worth any
0 marks

The above descriptors have been written in simple language to give an indication of the expectations of
each mark band. See the AQA website at for the official mark schemes used.

AQA GCSE Design and Technology 8552 145

Symbols beliefs 8 chinagraph pencil 132
2D drawings 10 bell crank 25 chipboard 33, 62
2D sketching 123 belts 27 circuit diagram 123
3D models 10 bending circular cam 25
3D printing 79 force 44, 45 closed loop system 23
3D sketching 123 metals 73 CMYK colour model 57
6 Rs 47 polymers 80 coal 13
binder clip 55 coated metals 17
bindings 54 Coco Chanel 117
A biomass energy 15 cogs 26
A4 paper 53 bleed proof paper 31 collaboration 120
abrading blended fibres 38 comb binding 54
timbers, metals, polymers 85 block and tackle pulley 27 commercial processes
absorbency 30 block fitting 65 papers and boards 56
accurate working 129 block printing 97 communication 122
acrylic (PMMA) 36, 82, 89 blow moulding 81 components 102
aesthetics 42 bolls 87 composite materials 19
Aldo Rossi 118 bonded fabric 39 compression 44
Alec Issigonis 117 bradawl 85 computer aided design 10, 125
Alessi 119 brass 35 computer aided manufacture
Alexander McQueen 117 Braun 119 10, 106
alkaline batteries 16 brazing 72 conductive fabrics 21
allowances 133 breadboard 121 coniferous trees 32
alloys 35 Breuer, Marcel 117 continuous improvement 6
aluminium 34 buildings 3 continuous production 105
annealing 69 built-in obsolescence 11 cooking utensils 69
annotations 124 buzzer 23 cooperative 4
anodising 99 copper 34
anthropometric data 112 C copy paper 53
Apple 119 corrosion 74
aramid fibres 20 CAD 10
calendering 50 corrugated card 31, 53
ash 32 cost of materials 42
atmospheric pollution 48 CAM 10
cam lock fitting 65 cotton 38, 87, 89
automation 3 counters 23
autonomous vehicles 98 cams 25
carbon emissions 46 countersink bit 85
availability of materials 42 cracking 75
carbon fibre reinforced plastic 19
carbon footprint 48 craft knife 59
B carding 87 creasing tools 59, 60
baking parchment 52 cartridge paper 31, 53 cross dowel fitting 65
balsa 32 casting crowd funding 4
band saw metals 73 cultural factors 42
textiles 91 resin 81 culture 8
timbers, metals, polymers 86 cast iron 34, 69 current 102
batch production 104 centre punch 85, 132 cutting
batteries 16 Chanel, Coco 117 PCBs 101
bauxite 68 Charles Rennie Mackintosh 118 textiles 91
Beck, Harry 117 charts 113 timbers, metals, polymers 83
beech 32, 63 cutting wheel 59, 91

146 ClearRevise
D elastane 88 flats 123
data sources 110 elastane (Lycra) 38 flexible manufacturing system
datum 106 elasticity 30 (FMS) 9
deciduous trees 32 electrical conductivity 30 flexography 56
deforestation 46, 116 electrolysis 68 of polymers 82
density 30 electronics and mechanical flowcharts 23
depth stop 129 systems 100 flow soldering 103
design and manufacturing 114 embossing flux 100
design brief 114 paper 57 flyers 52
design decisions 11 textiles 97 foam
designers 117 end of life 5 metal 17
design fixation 120 energy generation 13 plastic 77
design for disassembly 11 enhancing materials 45 foam core board 31
design for maintenance 11 enterprise 4 focus groups 110
design specification 114 environment 6, 11, 116 foil-lined board 31
design strategies 120 environmental factors 43 folding 45, 61
destructive testing 121 epoxy resin (ER) 37 followers 25
die cutting 60 ergonomics 112 force 24
differently abled 8 etching forces 44
digital printing laser 130 fossil fuels 6, 13
papers and boards 58 PCBs 101 Foster, Norman 117
textiles 97 e-textiles 21 fracking 13
dimensional accuracy 130 ethical factors 43 fractional distillation 75
distillation Ettore Sottsass 118 fraying 92
fractional 75 evaluation 111, 121 freehand sketching 122
of metals 68 exploded diagrams 124 fulcrum 24
differently abled, design for 8 exploitation of workers 47 functionality 42
distribution 3, 5 extraction 5 fusibility 30
domestic appliances 99 extrusion 80
dowel 65 G
drape forming F galvanising 74
polymers 79 fabric 94 Gap 119
drilling fabric interfacing 45 gathering 93
PCBs 101 Fairtrade 4, 116 gear ratio 26
timbers, metals and polymers faiths and beliefs 8 gears 26
85 fashion 8 gear train 26
drive belt 27 fasteners 55 generators 13
drive gear 26 felted fabric 39 Gerrit Rietveld 118
dual-coding iii ferrous metals 34 glass reinforced plastic (GRP) 19
dual in-line package (DIL) 102 finishes global warming 6
ductility 30 metals 74 glulam 66
duplex board 31 papers and boards 58 go/no-go 129
dyeing 95 polymers 82 Gore-Tex 20
Dyson 119 timbers 67 grams per square metre 31, 53
finite resources 5 graphene 17
E fire resistant fabrics 21 gravure 57
Ebbinghaus iii first order lever 24 grid paper 31
eccentric cam 25 fission 14 GSM 31, 53
ecological footprint 46 fixed pulley 27 gummed envelope 55
efficient working 7 flame retardants 90
flat pack furniture 63

AQA GCSE Design and Technology 8552 147

H L material management 133
hand tools 69, 135 labour 3, 47 mathematical modelling 124
hardening 69 lamination 45 McQueen, Alexander 117
hardness 30 textiles 90 measurements 106
hardwood 32, 62 timber 66 mechanical advantage (MA) 24
Harry Beck 117 lamp 23 mechanical devices 24
Health and Safety at Work Act larch 32, 63 mechanism 25
(1974) 47 laser cutter 91, 130 medium density fibreboard
heart shaped cam 25 layout paper 31 (MDF) 33, 62
high carbon steel 34 leaflets 52 melamine formaldehyde 37
high density polyethylene lean manufacturing 9 metal foam 17
(HDPE) 36 levels of response guidance 145 metals 34, 68
high impact polystyrene (HIPS) levers 24 microcontroller 22, 102
36 life cycle assessment (LCA) microfibres 21
high speed steel 35 5, 10, 51 micron 31, 53
hinges light dependent resistor (LDR) mild steel 34
polymers 78 22 milling 73
timbers 66 light emitting diode (LED) 23 mining 46
hydroelectric power (HEP) 15 linear motion 24 mixed fibres 38
hydro-graphic printing 82 linen 87, 89 modelling 121
linkages 25 CAD 125
mathematical 124
I liquation 68
modifying plastics 76
idler gear 26 liquid crystal display (LCD) 17
lithography 57 monomer 75
inclusive design 8 Morris, William 117
injection moulding 80 of polymers 82
Louis Comfort Tiffany 118 motion 24
ink jet card 31 motor vehicles 98
input devices 22 low carbon steel 34
lubricants 104 moulding polymers 80
instruction manuals 134 mouldings, timber 65
integrated circuits (IC) 102 Lycra 38, 88
movement 24
intellectual property 4
interfacing 45 M
interviews 110 machine screws 71
investigation 110 machine tools 135 nanomaterials 17
isometric projection 122 timbers, metals, polymers 86 nanometre 17
Issigonis, Alec 117 Mackintosh, Charles Rennie 118 natural fibres 38, 87
iterative design 120 magnitude 24 natural gas 13
mahogany 32 natural timbers 32
nesting 133
J malleability 30
non-destructive testing 121
jigs 106, 131 man-made fibres 88
manufactured timbers 33 non-ferrous metals 34
job roles 7 non-finite resources 5, 7, 14
just-in-time (JIT) 9 manufacturing methods 9
manufacturing specification 115 non-woven textiles 39
Marcel Breuer 117 Norman Foster 117
K mark allocations viii nuclear power 14
Kevlar 20 market pull 7 nuts and bolts 70
kinetic energy 15, 16, 21 market research 110, 114 Nylon 38, 88
kinetic pumped storage systems market testing 121
16 marking out 132
knitted fabric 39 Mary Quant 118
knock down fittings 65 mass production 105

148 ClearRevise
O plasticisers 76 Q
plastics 36
oak 32, 63 qualitative data 113
pleating 93
oceanic pollution 48 quality control 129
ply 53
offset lithography 57 papers and boards 61
plywood 33, 62
oil 13, 67, 75, 105 Quant, Mary 118
pollution 6
one-off production 104 quantitative data 113
atmospheric 48
one-point perspective 122 quantum tunnelling composite
oceanic 48
open loop system 23 (QTC) 18
polyamide 88
orthographic projection 125 quenching 69
polyamide (Nylon) 38
oscillating motion 24 questionnaires 110
polycotton 38
output devices 23 quilting 93
polyester 38, 88
outputs 23
polyester resin (PR) 37
overlocker 92
polyethylene terephthalate (PET)
36 Raymond Templier 118
P polymerisation 75 rechargeable batteries 16
packaging for food 52 polymers 36, 75 reciprocating motion 24
paper 31 molecular structure 37 recycle 47
clip 55 Polymorph 18 recycling
making process 50 polypropylene (PP) 36 papers and boards 51
patterns 106 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) 36 reduce 47
shears 59 powder coating 74 reference points 106
sizes 53 pressing 73 refining
towel 52 pressure sensor 22 crude oil 75
trimmer 59 Primark 119 metals 68
papers and boards 31 primary data 110 refuse 47
patterns 106, 131 Printed Circuit Board (PCB) registration marks 61
pear cam 25 manufacture 101 reinforcing 45
peel and seal envelope 55 printing Rietveld, Gerrit 118
people 7 papers and boards 56 renewable energy 13, 14
percentile graphs 113 textiles 96 repair 47
perfect binding 54 processes 23 repetitive strain injury 112
perforating tools 59 product analysis 111 resin casting 81
peripheral interface controller production 5 resist dyeing 95
(PIC) 102 aids 106 resistor 22
personal protective equipment systems 9 resistors 102
(PPE) 134 techniques 9 rethink 47
perspective drawing 122 product miles 46 retrieval practice iii
phenol formaldehyde (PF) 37 properties reuse 47
Philippe Starck 118 metals 69 risk assessment 134
photochromic materials 19 papers and boards 52 rivets 71
photo etching 130 polymers 76 robots 3
photovoltaic cells 15 timbers 63 rolls 53
physical properties 30 protective clothing 20 Rossi, Aldo 118
pick and place assembly 103 prototype 104, 126 rotary motion 24
pine 32 prototype development 126 rotary paper trimmer 59
piping 93 prototyping 120 rotary systems 25
plain weave 39 pulleys 27 rough sawn 64
planed all round (PAR) 64 pulp 50 rule 59
planned obselescence 11 push pull linkage 25
plastic dip coating 74

AQA GCSE Design and Technology 8552 149

S soldering 72, 100 T
flow 103
saddle stitch binding 54 tamper-proof sticker 55
solid white board 31
safety data sheets 134 tanalisation 67
Sottsass, Ettore 118
safe working conditions 47 technical textiles 20
sources and origins
sanding technology 2
metals 68
timbers, metals, polymers 86 technology push 7
papers and boards 50
sandpaper 85 temperature sensor 22
polymers 75
sawing templates 106, 131
textiles 87
timbers, metals, polymers 83 Templier, Raymond 118
timbers 62
scale 106, 125 tension 44
Spandex 88
scale drawing 106 tessellation 133
speaker 23
scales of production 104 testing 121
specialist techniques
scalpel 59 textiles 38, 87
and processes 106
schematic design 123 thermal conductivity 30
for metals 72
scoring 60 thermochromic materials 19
for polymers 79
screen printing 56, 96 thermoforming polymers 36
spiral binding 54
screws 71 thermoplastics 76
spruce 32
seals 55 thermosetting polymers 37, 76
stabilisers 76
seam allowance 130, 133 third angle orthographic
stainless steel 35
seasoning 62 projection 125
standard components
secondary data 110 third order lever 24
papers and boards 54
second order lever 24 tidal power 14
Starck, Philippe 118
section sewn binding 54 Tiffany, Louis Comfort 118
start-up company 4
selection of materials 42 timber
steam 13
sewing 92 planed all round (PAR) 64
steel 69
shale gas 13 rough sawn 64
stitching 92
shape memory alloy (SMA) 18 timbers 62
stock forms, types and sizes
shaping and forming timers 23, 130
electronics 102
electronics 100 tin 34
metals 70
papers and boards 59 toile 121
papers and boards 53
textiles 91 tolerance 129
polymers 77
timbers, metals, polymers 83 tools
textiles 94
shear force 44 timbers, metals, polymers 83
timbers 64
shears 91 tools and equipment 134
strength 30
sheet torque 26
strengthening 45
paper 53 torsion 44
stresses 44
polymer 77 toughness 30
sublimation printing 96
silk 38, 87 tracing paper 31
surface treatments
six Rs 47 treasury tag 55
electronic and mechanical
sizing 50 trends 8
systems 104
sketching 121 turbines 13
metals 74
slide binder 54 turning 86
papers and boards 56
smart materials 18
polymers 82
snail cam 25
textiles 97
social Under Armour 119
timbers 67
factors 42, 46 urea formaldehyde (UF) 37
surveys 110
footprint 46, 48 user centred design (UCD) 120
switch 22
issues 48
synthetic fibres 38, 88
society 8
systems approach 22, 120
softwood 32, 62
systems diagrams 22, 123
solar panels 15

150 ClearRevise
V Waste Electrical and Electronic workforce 7
vacuum forming 79 Equipment (WEEE) 10 working conditions 47
Velcro 94 wax seal 55 working drawings 125
velocity ratio 26 weaving 97 working properties 30
veneer 62 webbing 45 woven textiles 39
vinyl-cut decals 82 weft knitting 39
virtual marketing 4 weft threads 39, 97 X
virtual retail 4 welding x-ray 120
Vivienne Westwood 118 metals 72
polymers 81
voltage 102
Westwood, Vivienne 118
white board 52 yarn 94
W William Morris 117
warp knitting 39 wind turbines 14 Z
warp threads 39, 97 wooden toys 63 Zara 119
washers 70 wood joint 133 zinc 34
waste 135 woodscrews 64
waste disposal 5 wool 38, 87, 89

AQA GCSE Design and Technology 8552 151

With your examination practice, use a boundary approximation using the following table. Be aware that boundaries
are usually a few percentage points either side of this and change each year.

Grade 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Boundary 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10%

1. Be aware of command words at the back of the specification. If ‘describe’ or ‘explain’ questions are given you
need to expand your answers. To help you justify your responses, aim to include words such as BECAUSE… or
SO… in every answer because this forces you to justify your point, so you get additional marks. See how well
it works!
2. Explain questions such as “explain why this is the most appropriate…” do not require just a list of benefits.
Instead you should identify the benefits and then expand each one, applying them to the scenario or context.
3. Full answers should be given to questions – not just key words. Make your answers match the context of
the question. Where you are asked to give examples, always do so. Access to the higher marks will be difficult
without examples.
4. Avoid simple one-word answers. Adjectives such as cheap, strong or quick are unlikely to gain marks unless
these are justified. For example, “robots save money on wages” is not a strong answer. It would better to
explain that “once the initial investment has been made, robots do not need to be paid wages but will require
maintenance by more highly skilled workers”.
5. Always include notes and sketches where you are asked to do so in a question. Support your drawings by using
annotations and labels. Include detail such as processes and the use of any relevant tools or equipment.
6. Questions involving mathematics should be read carefully before attempting your answer. Misreading the
question is a common way to lose marks on these question types. Show your working at every stage as marks
can still be awarded even if the final answer is not correct.
7. Always give answers using the correct units, e.g. mm or kg, and to the correct number of decimal places.
8. In drawing questions, look out for key features such as holes or hidden detail and incorporate them into your
reponses using the appropriate line styles and techniques.
9. You are required to study at least one material area. However, not all material areas provide enough scope to
answer all questions that may appear in an exam, particularly with electronic and mechanical systems. For this
reason, it is recommended that you study more than one material area. This gives you more knowledge and
understanding to draw from and apply to a greater range of questions.
10. 15% of the marks in the paper will test mathematics skills. You can check the full maths requirements in the
most up to date version of the specifiction. This can be downloaded from
11. Attempt every question, even if you are unsure of the question or the answer. Have a go. You might just get a
mark or two, but you’ll be guaranteed zero marks if you don’t attempt a question at all.
12. Time your practice attempts in this book and in the examination based on roughly one mark per minute.
A 4-mark question should therefore be given 4 minutes to complete. The real paper is 100 marks in 120
minutes. This will allow you 1 mark per minute with 20 minutes to check through things at the end.

Good luck!

152 ClearRevise

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