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Annual Examination, February 2022

Answer key Revision Worksheet-4 (Subjective paper)
Class:5 Sub: Science
Question 4.
a. Study the diagrams given below and answer the questions.
i. Identify the simple machine that helps in its
Wheel and axle

ii. Give two similar examples.

Door knob and merry-go-round are two
more examples of wheel and axle.
i. Identify the leaf shown in the picture.
ii. Name the method of reproduction.
The method of reprod uction is asexual
reprod uction.
iii. Write the procedure that you would follow to
grow a new plant.
Separate the leaf bud s from the leaf and sow it in the soil to grow a new
b. Classify the following into A-transparent, B- translucent and C-opaque
(Water, wall, a thin hand kerchief, cellophane tape, silk cloth, frosted glass, air,
book, butter paper)
A- Transparent object B-Translucent object C-Opaque object
Water, cellophane tape, A thin hand kerchief, Wall, silk cloth, book.
air. frosted glass, butter
c. What is zygote? In which process is this term used?
The gamete from the male parent fuses with the gamete from the female
parent to form a single cell called zygote. Zygote formation takes place in
sexual reprod uction.

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