Present Simple Practice

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BERS othe relative structures HR cn cugh and too 202 254 TREY cuestion words with “ever” 204 RS Prepositions 256 "Ther 206 Prepositions of place 258 Introductory it 209 IRIJ Frepositions oftime 260 HEE shitting focus an RD other prepositions 263 HD version 2 PEQEY Dependent prepositions 265 HED slips 218 ERI) Coordinating conjunctions 268 Shortening infinitives 27 IY Subordinating conjunctions 270 HEBD setstituiion 220 PBS Wore tinking words m BBD Adjectives 2 Linking words review 24 PRES cracabie and non-gradable adjectives 225 ERY Prefixes 26 BBY comparative adjectives 228 RDS Suvties 278 PERE te comparatives together 232 Easily confused phrases 260 HEED 4s..a comparisons 234 Sequencing and organizing 282 BBD Superiative adjectives 236 Correcting and changing the subject. 284 [EJ Adverbs of manner 240 BRE Deciding and hedging 286 [EBB Comparative and superlative adverbs 2a ‘Making conversation 288 Adverbs of degree 244 Adverbs oftime 2a7 Answers 230 Adverbs of frequency 250 "So" and "such 252 BO The present simple The present simple is used to make simple statements of fact, to talk about things that happen repeatedly, and to describe things that are always true FB 1.1 FILL IN THE GAPS BY PUTTING THE VERBS IN THE PRESENT SIMPLE 1You We They-giunguyen | She He It (Ten) danh tu so it - thems Jessica walks (walk) around the park every day at lunchtime. @ Tony (make) a huge breakfast for his family on Sundays @lusually eat) my tunch at Tpm at an italian restaurant. @Fiona (meet herr friends at a café on Thursday evenings. We sometimes (play) tennis with our friends on Saturday mornings. © My cousin (start) work at 6am every morning. © The shop assistant (leave) work at 6pm in the evening @ You (drink) a lot of coffee every morning. © Paolo usually (read) a book in the evenings. FJ 1.2 MARK THE SENTENCES THAT ARE CORRECT. ‘Ong Sau CHay Xe SH SSieu Zom oe Steve usually finishes work at Spm. (7) @ Jane brushs her hair in the morning. i Steve usually finishs work at Spm. [“] Jane brushes her hair in the morning. o E” Greg workes in a factory. Greg works in a factory. Oo Oo e My dad watches TV every evening [] @ Imran washes his clothes on Sunday. ‘a! o o oO e i Selma gos shopping after work. Selma goes shopping after work. My dad watchs TV every evening. Imran washs his clothes on Sunday. © og # Michel plays the piano beautifully. Michel playes the piano beautifully. OO 00 00 00 oe Sy Mary teaches French at a college Mary teachs French at a college | 1.3 FILLIN THE GAPS USING “AM,” “IS,” OR “ARE” -am | She/He/lt-is_| You We They - are They __are here for the party. ol a doctor at the local hospital. @ Vicky my eldest child. Owe from a town in Scotland, @ Both my parents lawyers. @ You a very good friend. oe! an American. @ That policeman so tall. O She twenty-three years old On cold outside. oO: fifteen today. © Our cat black and white. @we very excited © They students from France. @lim an architect. © My sister-in-law from Japan 1 so hungry! @ you very lazy. © My children so tired. oO! forty-three years old. @ They late for work. @ Claudia and Paolo Italian. @ My grandfather retired @We from Pakistan. @ Paul disappointed. | 1.4 FILLIN THE GAPS USING 1YouWosfre Have. | She He has He __has alot of homework to do. O back anew car. @dJennifer Abbie's bag. Owe a beautiful farm. oe! three sisters, © Bob. toothache. © My house. a large garage. O They anew laptop. Owe so many books. O My dad red hair. you an old phone. © My neighbors a daughter. ® Juan's house three floors. © That bird big eyes. oO anew baby. ® We both headaches. © They the same dress. ® My grandparents chickens. you a friendly cat. © My town two museums. @ Yuko a painful back. @ Our dogs. lots of toys. @we an English class tonight. ® Vineetha anew haircut. 1 dinner at 6pm every day. Fy 1.5 MATCH THE PICTURES TO THE CORRECT SENTENCES Hannah takes beautiful photos of the places she visits Reggie bakes the most incredible cakes. @ x the office at Emil leaves | 6pm each day. ° he Brad goes camping in the forest every summer. Ry 1.6 FILL IN THE GAPS USING THE WORDS IN THE PANEL. Katya teaches young children how to read. fo work at 9am during the week. @vu an cngincer, @Maia coffee with Jules in the morning. @ they to work by train. © My dad 67 years old. © Robert work at 7pm, @we an English lesson later. © Paul often a film in the evening. @ Emma to bed early on Sundays. watches is are goes have go start has finishes —teaches- 10

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