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ring the Year 2006-2007 up to the Month of March 2007

State:ORISSA District:GANJAM (Rs. In Lakhs)

Actual Release
O.B as Last Release Cumulative Expenditure
on Ist Year but During On Semi-
April of Receive Current Misc. Refunded On Unskilled skilled and On
S.No Blocks the Year Current Year Receipt Fund Total Availabilty Wage Skilled Wage On Material Contingency Refunded to DPC Total Balance Left
1 ASKA 0 0 202.286 0 0 202.29 40.85 0.01 43.14 0.59 0.00 84.59 117.70
2 BEGUNIAPADA 0 0 242.665 0 0 242.67 57.41 0.74 103.17 0.00 103.91 161.33 81.34
3 BELLAGUNTHA 0 0 191.3668 0 0 191.37 52.79 0.01 27.51 0.48 28.00 80.79 110.57
4 BHANJANAGAR 0 0 172.665 0.77 0 173.44 42.80 1.12 81.36 0.00 82.48 125.28 48.16
5 BUGUDA 0 0 191.856 0 0 191.86 31.36 1.72 67.99 0.00 69.71 101.07 90.79
6 CHATRAPUR 0 0 203.947 0 0 203.95 41.46 4.78 87.81 0.00 92.59 134.05 69.90
7 CHIKITI 0 0 172.783 0 0 172.78 73.01 0.03 85.91 0.00 85.95 158.96 13.83
8 DHARAKOTE 0 0 210.5265 0 0 210.53 63.23 0.14 66.81 0.55 67.50 130.74 79.79
9 DIGAPAHANDI 0 0 275.053 0 0 275.05 44.38 0.49 120.19 0.00 120.68 165.06 110.00
10 GANJAM 0 0 202.45 0 0 202.45 39.54 1.77 90.42 0.00 92.20 131.73 70.72
11 HINJILICUT 0 0 192.5957 0 0 192.60 64.34 0.28 77.52 1.31 79.11 143.45 49.15
12 JAGANNATHPRASAD 0 0 228.5398 0 0 228.54 86.89 3.65 75.32 0.23 79.19 166.08 62.46
13 KABISURYANAGAR 0 0 210.8888 0 0 210.89 43.86 0.03 77.42 0.00 77.45 121.31 89.58
14 KHALLIKOTE 0 0 266.974 0 0 266.97 55.53 0.01 46.22 0.00 46.23 101.76 165.21
15 KUKUDAKHANDI 0 0 208.7635 0 0 208.76 44.00 1.35 87.28 1.01 89.64 133.64 75.12
16 PATRAPUR 0 0 224.9455 0 0 224.95 45.58 0.67 73.94 0.00 74.61 120.19 104.76
17 POLOSARA 0 0 237.1051 0 0 237.11 82.83 1.80 81.99 0.00 83.79 166.62 70.49
18 PURUSHOTTAMPUR 0 0 217.0825 0 0 217.08 77.83 0.13 97.15 0.00 97.29 175.12 41.97
19 RANGEILUNDA 0 0 198.5764 0 0 198.58 44.89 0.85 83.32 1.17 85.35 130.23 68.34
20 SANAKHEMUNDI 0 0 350.2426 0 0 350.24 68.86 0.85 182.87 1.25 184.97 253.83 96.41
21 SHERAGADA 0 0 179.435 0 0 179.44 31.40 8.50 75.09 0.93 84.52 115.92 63.51
22 SURADA 0 0 263.838 0 0 263.84 88.60 5.96 132.45 0.86 139.27 227.87 35.97
Grand Total 0 0 4844.585 0.77 0 4845.36 1221.44 34.91 1864.88 8.39 1908.17 3129.61 1715.75
ing the Year 2007-2008 up to the Month of August 2007
State:ORISSA District:GANJAM (Rs. In Lakhs)
Actual O.B e Last Release Cumulative Expenditure
as on Ist Year During On Semi-skilled On
April of the but Current Misc. Refunde On Unskilled and Skilled Continge Refunded to
S.No Blocks Year Receiv Year Receipt d Fund Total Availabilty Wage Wage On Material ncy DPC Total Balance Left
1 ASKA 0 0 15 0 0 15.00 8.794 0.0098 0.40904 0 0.419 9.213 5.788
2 BEGUNIAPADA 0 0 15 0 0 15.00 15.200 0.0207 0.35349 0 0.374 15.574 -0.574
3 BELLAGUNTHA 0 0 15 0 0 15.00 17.594 0.0144 0.05 1.0562 1.121 18.715 -3.715
4 BHANJANAGAR 0.77 0 15 16.58 0 32.35 28.521 0.32475 0 0 0.325 28.846 3.504
5 BUGUDA 0 0 15 0 0 15.00 37.584 0.6627 6.10517 0 6.768 44.352 -29.352
6 CHATRAPUR 0 0 15 0 0 15.00 29.068 1.02118 0 0 1.021 30.090 -15.09
7 CHIKITI 0 0 15 0 0 15.00 3.234 0 1.20789 0 1.208 4.442 10.558
8 DHARAKOTE 0 0 15 0 0 15.00 19.453 0.102 2.2598 0 2.362 21.814 -6.814
9 DIGAPAHANDI 0 0 15 0 0 15.00 9.495 0.04495 0 0 0.045 9.540 5.46
10 GANJAM 0 0 15 0 0 15.00 22.240 0.68265 6.48506 0 7.168 29.408 -14.408
11 HINJILICUT 0 0 15 0 0 15.00 44.388 0.10223 2.2205 0 2.323 46.711 -31.711
12 JAGANNATHPRASAD 0 0 15 0.54 0 15.54 21.732 0.8405 0.20517 0 1.046 22.778 -7.238
13 KABISURYANAGAR 0 0 15 0 0 15.00 11.250 0.0096 2.1447 0 2.154 13.404 1.596
14 KHALLIKOTE 0 0 15 0 0 15.00 22.305 0.01045 0.27207 0 0.283 22.587 -7.587
15 KUKUDAKHANDI 0 0 15 0 0 15.00 17.942 0.23295 0 0 0.233 18.175 -3.175
16 PATRAPUR 0 0 15 0 0 15.00 4.685 0.06345 0 0 0.063 4.749 10.251
17 POLOSARA 0 0 15 0 0 15.00 41.385 0.48665 0 0 0.487 41.872 -26.872
18 PURUSHOTTAMPUR 0 0 15 0 0 15.00 30.828 0 0.8748 0 0.875 31.702 -16.702
19 RANGEILUNDA 0 0 15 0 0 15.00 13.321 0.41138 3.31108 0 3.722 17.043 -2.043
20 SANAKHEMUNDI 0 0 15 0 0 15.00 15.583 0.6172 0 0 0.617 16.201 -1.201
21 SHERAGADA 0 0 15 0 0 15.00 19.893 0.1458 0 0 0.146 20.039 -5.039
22 SURADA 0 0 15 0 0 15.00 13.859 0.36425 0.27102 0 0.635 14.494 0.506
Grand Total 0.77 0 330 17.12 0 347.89 448.353 6.1676 26.16979 1.0562 33.394 481.747 -133.858
GA during the Year 2006-2007 up to the Month of March 2007
State:ORISSA District:GANJAM
Release Last
Actual O.B as Year but Release
on Ist April of Receive During Refunded Total
S.No Blocks the Year Current Year Current Year Misc. Receipt Fund Availabilty
1 ASKA 0 0 202.286 0 0 202.286
2 BEGUNIAPADA 0 0 242.665 0 0 242.665
3 BELLAGUNTHA 0 0 191.3668 0 0 191.367
4 BHANJANAGAR 0 0 172.665 0.77 0 173.435
5 BUGUDA 0 0 191.856 0 0 191.856
6 CHATRAPUR 0 0 203.947 0 0 203.947
7 CHIKITI 0 0 172.783 0 0 172.783
8 DHARAKOTE 0 0 210.5265 0 0 210.527
9 DIGAPAHANDI 0 0 275.053 0 0 275.053
10 GANJAM 0 0 202.45 0 0 202.45
11 HINJILICUT 0 0 192.5957 0 0 192.596
12 JAGANNATHPRASAD 0 0 228.5398 0 0 228.54
13 KABISURYANAGAR 0 0 210.8888 0 0 210.889
14 KHALLIKOTE 0 0 266.974 0 0 266.974
15 KUKUDAKHANDI 0 0 208.7635 0 0 208.764
16 PATRAPUR 0 0 224.9455 0 0 224.945
17 POLOSARA 0 0 237.1051 0 0 237.105
18 PURUSHOTTAMPUR 0 0 217.0825 0 0 217.083
19 RANGEILUNDA 0 0 198.5764 0 0 198.576
20 SANAKHEMUNDI 0 0 350.2426 0 0 350.243
21 SHERAGADA 0 0 179.435 0 0 179.435
22 SURADA 0 0 263.838 0 0 263.838
Grand Total 0 0 4844.585 0.77 0 4845.356
(Rs. In Lakhs)
Cumulative Expenditure
On Semi-
On Unskilled skilled and On Refunded to
Wage Skilled Wage On Material Contingency DPC Total Balance Left
40.85329 0.00845 43.13808 0.591 0 84.59082 117.695
57.41259 0.73928 103.17388 0 0 161.32574 81.339
52.79419 0.0105 27.50947 0.4802 0 80.79436 110.573
42.79794 1.11815 81.3623 0 0 125.27838 48.157
31.35635 1.7163 67.99482 0 0 101.06746 90.789
41.45994 4.78114 87.80983 0 0 134.05091 69.896
73.00982 0.0315 85.91471 0 0 158.95603 13.827
63.23287 0.14075 66.80946 0.55224 0 130.73532 79.792
44.3824 0.4878 120.18797 0 0 165.05818 109.995
39.53948 1.77045 90.42466 0 0 131.7346 70.715
64.34352 0.28235 77.5154 1.31 0 143.45126 49.145
86.88548 3.64645 75.31742 0.23009 0 166.07944 62.461
43.85856 0.0312 77.41917 0 0 121.30893 89.58
55.53099 0.01395 46.21505 0 0 101.75999 165.214
44.0034 1.35277 87.27625 1.00978 0 133.6422 75.122
45.57941 0.66645 73.94097 0 0 120.18682 104.758
82.83134 1.80135 81.98641 0 0 166.61911 70.486
77.82967 0.13485 97.1517 0 0 175.11622 41.967
44.88672 0.8517 83.32426 1.1713 0 130.23398 68.342
68.85793 0.8543 182.86916 1.24987 0 253.83126 96.412
31.40005 8.5045 75.08672 0.93 0 115.92127 63.514
88.59513 5.9621 132.44941 0.86273 0 227.86937 35.969
1221.44107 34.90628 1864.87709 8.38721 0 3129.61166 1715.748
State : Orissa District:GANJAM Financial Performance Year 2006-2007 9/8/2007 Financial Performance Year 2006
Cumulative Expenditure Cumulativ
On Semi-
and On On Semi-
Total On Unskilled Skilled Contingen Refunded On Unskilled skilled and
S.No Blocks Availabilty Wage Wage On Material cy to DPC Total Balance Left Total Availabilty Wage Skilled Wage
1 ASKA 202.29 40.85 0.01 46.52 0.59 0.00 87.98 114.309 202.29 40.85 0.01
2 BEGUNIAPADA 242.67 57.41 0.74 103.17 0.00 0.00 161.33 81.339 242.67 57.41 0.74
3 BELLAGUNTHA 191.37 52.79 0.01 30.81 0.48 0.00 84.09 107.274 191.37 52.79 0.01
4 BHANJANAGAR 172.67 42.80 1.12 81.84 0.00 0.00 125.76 46.909 173.44 42.80 1.12
5 BUGUDA 191.86 31.36 1.72 67.99 0.00 0.00 101.07 90.789 191.86 31.36 1.72
6 CHATRAPUR 203.95 41.46 4.78 87.81 0.00 0.00 134.05 69.896 203.95 41.46 4.78
7 CHIKITI 172.78 73.01 0.03 85.65 0.00 0.00 158.69 14.089 172.78 73.01 0.03
8 DHARAKOTE 210.53 63.23 0.14 67.47 0.55 0.00 131.40 79.126 210.53 63.23 0.14
9 DIGAPAHANDI 275.05 44.38 0.49 124.69 0.00 0.00 169.56 105.498 275.05 44.38 0.49
10 GANJAM 202.45 39.54 1.77 88.56 0.00 0.00 129.87 72.583 202.45 39.54 1.77
11 HINJILICUT 192.60 64.34 0.28 86.25 1.31 0.00 152.18 40.411 192.60 64.34 0.28
12 JAGANNATHPRASAD 228.54 86.89 3.65 94.09 0.23 0.00 184.85 43.688 228.54 86.89 3.65
13 KABISURYANAGAR 210.89 43.86 0.03 78.22 0.00 0.00 122.11 88.781 210.89 43.86 0.03
14 KHALLIKOTE 266.97 55.53 0.01 49.72 0.00 0.00 105.27 161.705 266.97 55.53 0.01
15 KUKUDAKHANDI 208.76 44.00 1.35 87.28 1.01 0.00 133.64 75.122 208.76 44.00 1.35
16 PATRAPUR 224.95 45.58 0.67 74.64 0.00 0.00 120.88 104.064 224.95 45.58 0.67
17 POLOSARA 237.11 82.83 1.80 83.29 0.00 0.00 167.92 69.183 237.11 82.83 1.80
18 PURUSHOTTAMPUR 217.08 77.83 0.13 97.15 0.00 0.00 175.12 41.967 217.08 77.83 0.13
19 RANGEILUNDA 198.58 44.89 0.85 83.32 1.17 0.00 130.23 68.342 198.58 44.89 0.85
20 SANAKHEMUNDI 350.24 68.86 0.85 191.55 1.25 0.00 262.51 87.735 350.24 68.86 0.85
21 SHERAGADA 179.44 31.24 8.46 75.09 0.93 0.00 115.72 63.718 179.44 31.40 8.50
22 SURADA 263.84 88.60 5.96 132.45 0.86 0.00 227.87 35.969 263.84 88.89 5.96
Grand Total 4844.59 1221.28 34.86 1917.56 8.39 0.00 3182.09 1662.497 4845.36 1221.73 34.91
Financial Performance Year 2006-2007 10/8/2007
Cumulative Expenditure

Contingenc Refunded to
On Material y DPC Total Balance Left

46.52 0.59 0.00 87.98 117.70

103.17 0.00 0.00 161.33 81.34
30.81 0.48 0.00 84.09 110.57
81.84 0.00 0.00 125.76 48.16
67.99 0.00 0.00 101.07 90.79
87.81 0.00 0.00 134.05 69.90
85.65 0.00 0.00 158.69 13.83
66.90 0.55 0.00 130.82 79.79
124.69 0.00 0.00 169.56 110.00
88.56 0.00 0.00 129.87 70.72
86.77 1.31 0.00 152.71 49.15
103.01 0.23 0.00 193.77 62.46
78.22 0.00 0.00 122.11 89.58
49.72 0.00 0.00 105.27 165.21
87.28 1.01 0.00 133.64 75.12
74.64 0.00 0.00 120.88 104.76
83.29 0.00 0.00 167.92 70.49
96.26 0.00 0.00 174.23 41.97
83.32 1.17 0.00 130.23 68.34
191.55 1.25 0.00 262.51 96.41
75.82 0.93 0.00 116.65 63.51
132.45 0.86 0.00 228.16 35.97
1926.27 8.39 0.00 3191.29 1715.75
Diferenc between 10/08/2007 and 09/08/2007
Cumulative Expenditure

On Semi-
Total On Unskilled skilled and On Refunded to
S.No Blocks Availabilty Wage Skilled Wage On Material Contingency DPC Total Balance Left
1 ASKA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.39
2 BEGUNIAPADA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 BELLAGUNTHA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.30
4 BHANJANAGAR 0.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.25
5 BUGUDA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
6 CHATRAPUR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
7 CHIKITI 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.26
8 DHARAKOTE 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.58 0.00 0.00 -0.58 0.67
9 DIGAPAHANDI 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.50
10 GANJAM 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.87
11 HINJILICUT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.53 0.00 0.00 0.53 8.73
12 JAGANNATHPRASAD 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.92 0.00 0.00 8.92 18.77
13 KABISURYANAGAR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.80
14 KHALLIKOTE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.51
15 KUKUDAKHANDI 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
16 PATRAPUR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.69
17 POLOSARA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.30
18 PURUSHOTTAMPUR 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.89 0.00 0.00 -0.89 0.00
19 RANGEILUNDA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
20 SANAKHEMUNDI 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.68
21 SHERAGADA 0.00 0.16 0.05 0.73 0.00 0.00 0.93 -0.20
22 SURADA 0.00 0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.00
Grand Total 0.77 0.45 0.05 8.71 0.00 0.00 9.20 53.25
GA during the Year 2006-2007 up to the Month of March 2007
State:ORISSA District:GANJAM
Release Last Cumulative Ex
Actual O.B as Year but Release On Semi-
on Ist April of Receive During Refunded Total On Unskilled skilled and
S.No Blocks the Year Current Year Current Year Misc. Receipt Fund Availabilty Wage Skilled Wage
1 ASKA 0 0 202.286 0 0 202.286 40.85329 0.00845

2 BEGUNIAPADA 0 0 242.665 0 0 242.665 57.41259 0.73928

3 BELLAGUNTHA 0 0 191.3668 0 0 191.367 52.79419 0.0105

4 BHANJANAGAR 0 0 172.665 0.77 0 173.435 42.79794 1.11815

5 BUGUDA 0 0 191.856 0 0 191.856 31.35635 1.7163

6 CHATRAPUR 0 0 203.947 0 0 203.947 41.45994 4.78114

7 CHIKITI 0 0 172.783 0 0 172.783 73.00982 0.0315

8 DHARAKOTE 0 0 210.5265 0 0 210.527 63.23287 0.14075

9 DIGAPAHANDI 0 0 275.053 0 0 275.053 44.3824 0.4878

10 GANJAM 0 0 202.45 0 0 202.45 39.53948 1.77045

11 HINJILICUT 0 0 192.5957 0 0 192.596 64.34352 0.28235

0 0 228.5398 0 0 228.54 86.88548 3.64645

13 KABISURYANAGAR0 0 210.8888 0 0 210.889 43.85856 0.0312

14 KHALLIKOTE 0 0 266.974 0 0 266.974 55.53099 0.01395

15 KUKUDAKHANDI 0 0 208.7635 0 0 208.764 44.0034 1.35277

16 PATRAPUR 0 0 224.9455 0 0 224.945 45.57941 0.66645

17 POLOSARA 0 0 237.1051 0 0 237.105 82.83134 1.80135

0 0 217.0825 0 0 217.083 77.82967 0.13485

19 RANGEILUNDA 0 0 198.5764 0 0 198.576 44.88672 0.8517

20 SANAKHEMUNDI 0 0 350.2426 0 0 350.243 68.85793 0.8543

21 SHERAGADA 0 0 179.435 0 0 179.435 31.40005 8.5045

22 SURADA 0 0 263.838 0 0 263.838 88.88553 5.9621
Total 0 0 4844.585 0.77 0 4845.356 1221.73147 34.90628
(Rs. In Lakhs)
Cumulative Expenditure

On Refunded to
On Material Contingency DPC Total Balance Left
46.52461 0.591 47.12406 87.97735 114.309

103.17388 0 103.91316 161.32574 81.339

30.80767 0.4802 31.29837 84.09256 107.274

81.8403 0 82.95845 125.75638 47.679

67.99482 0 69.71112 101.06746 90.789

87.80983 0 92.59097 134.05091 69.896

85.65273 0 85.68423 158.69405 14.089

66.89693 0.55224 67.58992 130.82279 79.704

124.68513 0 125.17293 169.55534 105.498

88.55733 0 90.32778 129.86726 72.583

86.77464 1.31 88.36699 152.71051 39.885

103.00725 0.23009 106.88379 193.76927 34.771

78.21837 0 78.24957 122.10813 88.781

49.72454 0 49.73849 105.26948 161.705

87.27625 1.00978 89.6388 133.6422 75.122

74.63545 0 75.3019 120.88132 104.064

83.28928 0 85.09063 167.92198 69.183

96.2634 0 96.39825 174.22792 42.855

83.32426 1.1713 85.34726 130.23398 68.342

191.54632 1.24987 193.65049 262.50842 87.735

75.81672 0.93 85.25122 116.65127 62.784

132.44941 0.86273 139.27424 228.15977 35.678

1926.26912 8.38721 1969.56261 3191.29408 1654.065

GA during the Year 2007-2008 up to the Month of August 2007
State:ORISSA District:GANJAM
Release Last Cumulative Ex
Actual O.B as Year but Release On Semi-
on Ist April of Receive During Refunded Total On Unskilled skilled and
S.No Blocks the Year Current Year Current Year Misc. Receipt Fund Availabilty Wage Skilled Wage
1 ASKA 0 0 15 0 0 15 8.79366 0.0098

2 BEGUNIAPADA 0 0 15 0 0 15 15.22779 0.0207

3 BELLAGUNTHA 0 0 15 0 0 15 18.34832 0.0144

4 BHANJANAGAR 0.77 0 15 16.58 0 32.35 28.52146 0.32475

5 BUGUDA 0 0 15 0 0 15 37.82515 0.6683

6 CHATRAPUR 0 0 15 0 0 15 29.06832 1.02118

7 CHIKITI 0 0 15 0 0 15 3.51135 0

8 DHARAKOTE 0 0 15 0 0 15 19.54078 0.102

9 DIGAPAHANDI 0 0 15 0 0 15 9.53048 0.04495

10 GANJAM 0 0 15 0 0 15 22.24018 0.68265

11 HINJILICUT 0 0 15 0 0 15 44.38808 0.10223

0 0 15 0.54 0 15.54 21.73218 0.8405

13 KABISURYANAGAR0 0 15 0 0 15 11.2495 0.0096

14 KHALLIKOTE 0 0 15 0 0 15 22.43656 0.01045

15 KUKUDAKHANDI 0 0 15 0 0 15 17.94158 0.23295

16 PATRAPUR 0 0 15 0 0 15 4.68515 0.06345

17 POLOSARA 0 0 15 0 0 15 41.38507 0.48665

0 0 15 0 0 15 30.82763 0

19 RANGEILUNDA 0 0 15 0 0 15 13.66084 0.41138

20 SANAKHEMUNDI 0 0 15 0 0 15 15.58335 0.6172

21 SHERAGADA 0 0 15 0 0 15 20.06084 0.1458

22 SURADA 0 0 15 0 0 15 14.11374 0.36425
Total 0.77 0 330 17.12 0 347.89 450.67202 6.1732
(Rs. In Lakhs)
Cumulative Expenditure

On Refunded to
On Material Contingency DPC Total Balance Left
0.52472 0 0.53452 9.32818 5.672

4.97629 0 4.99699 20.22478 -5.225

4.21924 1.05619 5.28983 23.63815 -8.638

0.52314 0 0.84789 29.36935 2.981

10.36402 0 11.03232 48.85748 -33.857

0.21527 0 1.23645 30.30478 -15.305

1.20789 0 1.20789 4.71924 10.281

5.62864 0 5.73064 25.27142 -10.271

5.62649 0 5.67144 15.20193 -0.202

10.22663 0 10.90928 33.14946 -18.149

6.6815 0 6.78373 51.17181 -36.172

1.37775 0 2.21825 23.95043 -8.41

5.21753 0 5.22713 16.47663 -1.477

8.24157 0 8.25202 30.68858 -15.689

0 0 0.23295 18.17452 -3.175

0 0 0.06345 4.7486 10.251

2.0869 0 2.57355 43.95862 -28.959

3.82715 0 3.82715 34.65478 -19.655

3.31108 0 3.72246 17.3833 -2.383

0.46538 0 1.08258 16.66593 -1.666

0 0 0.1458 20.20664 -5.207

0.27102 0 0.63527 14.74901 0.251

74.99221 1.05619 82.2216 532.89362 -185.004

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