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Implementation Consultant (IC)

!:>PAM Regional Wosusokas
Contract 06/P K K/P SPAM - KON S-1 C. 01 /2021

With saying thank you to Allah SWT the completion for the Quarterly Report I – Implementation
Consultant Report (IC) Regional SPAM Wosusokas Central Java is finished in March 2022. This
quarterly report describes the progress of the IC Team's performance and the development of the
Regional SPAM Wosusokas Project Central Java in the first quarterly period, January 2022 until
March 2022.

The information in the Quarterly Report I are mainly focuses on the activities of:

• Development of information on preparation for regional SPAM development that has been
carried out by IC consultants in the form of land identification and planning/DED WTP and
MDP as well as the process of preparing WTP tender documents
• Discussion on the absorption of Regional SPAM capacity in each Regency/City in the form
of programs and budgets.

We thank the parties who have helped in the smooth completion of the preparation of the Quarterly
Report 2 – IC Regional SPAM Wosusokas Central Java.

Semarang – April 10th, 2022

Klaus Kirchenbaur
Team Leader
IC Regional SPAM Wosusokas
Quarterly Report 1

1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................................................................................................... 6
2 PROJECT BACKGROUND AD OBJECTIVES.................................................................................... 6
3 SECTOR ENVIRONMENT............................................................................................................. 8
4 CONSULTANT’S ACTIVITIES DURING THE REPORTING PERIOD ................................................... 9
4.1 Overview and General Setup ........................................................................................................................ 9
4.2 General activities ......................................................................................................................................... 9
4.3 Review of Existing DED ................................................................................................................................. 10
4.3.1 Review of DED for WTP ......................................................................................................................................... 10
4.3.2 Review of DED for water distribution network ...................................................................................................... 11
4.4 Preparation of prequalification documents................................................................................................... 12
4.5 Preparation of tender documents for WTP ................................................................................................... 13
4.6 Review of current ESIA aspects ..................................................................................................................... 14
4.7 Meetings ...................................................................................................................................................... 14
4.8 Workplan and staffing schedule ................................................................................................................... 15

5 PROGRESS OF CONSTRUCTION WORK ....................................................................................... 18

6 FINANCIAL INFORMATION......................................................................................................... 18
7 QUALITY MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................................... 18
8 ESHS COMPLIANCE .................................................................................................................... 19
9 DEVIATIONS FROM PROJECT CONCEPT AND CONTRACTS .......................................................... 19
9.1 Deviations from Project Concept .................................................................................................................. 19
9.2 Addendum to IC contract.............................................................................................................................. 19
10 RISK ASSESSMENT ..................................................................................................................... 21
11 OUTLOOK/RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................................... 23
12 MONITORING OF ACHIEVEMENTS AND IMPACTS ...................................................................... 24

Annex 1 - List of project documents
Annex 2 – Summary of project meetings
Annex 3 – Work Progress


Quarterly Report 1


Project N° Regional SPAM Wosusokas (BMZ No. 301000736)

Client Ministry of Public Works and Housing
Consultant Implementation Consultant (IC)
JV Hydea S.p.A - SWS Engineering Consulting S.r.l - PT
Contract Value 3.000.988 (Euro)
Contract Period 38 months
Reporting number and period Quarterly Report 2 (January – March 2022)
Commencement date 1 October 2021
Elapsed Time 3 months


Quarterly Report 1

Acr. Description
AMDAL Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan / Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
BAPPEDA Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah / Provincial Development Planning Agency
Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional / Ministry of
National Development Planning / National Development Planning Agency
BBWS Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai / River Basin Authority

BIM Building Information Modeling

BMCK Bina Marga dan Cipta Karya / Highways Department

BOQ Bill of Quantities

BoS Bill of Specifications

BPKAD Badan Pengelolaan Keuangan & Aset Daerah / Regional Asset Management Agency

BPN Badan Pertanahan Nasional / National Land Affairs Agency of Indonesia

BPPW Balai Prasarana Permukiman Wilayah / Regional Center for Settlement Infrastructures

CAPEX Capital expenditures

CD Commencement date

CMEA Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs

CPMU Central Project Management Unit

DAF Dissolved air flotation

DED Detailed Engineering Design

DG Directorate General

DPIU District Project Implementing Unit

DRPPLN Daftar Rendani Prioritas Pinjaman Luar Negeri / List of Planned Priority External Loans
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment

ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

ESMP Environmental and Social Management Plan

FIDIC Federation Internationale des Ingenieurs-Conseils / International Federation of Consulting Engineers

GFS Glass Fused Steel

GIS Geographic Information System

GoI Government of Indonesia

GSP Galvanized Steel Pipe

HDD Horizontal Directional Drilling

HDPE High-density polyethylene


Quarterly Report 1

IC Implementation Consultant
ICB International Competitive Bidding
IFI International Financing Institute

IM Inception Meeting

IR Inception Report

JDU Jaringan Distribusi Utama (main distribution system)

KfW Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau / German Development Bank

KMZ Keyhole Markup language Zipped

LARAP Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan

MDP Main distribution Pipe

MDB Multilateral Development Banks

MoF Ministry of Finance

MoM Minutes of Meetings

MoPWH Ministry of Public Works and Housing

OHS Occupational health and safety

OPEX operating expense
PDAB Perusahaan Daerah Air Bersih / regional water supply / bulk water company

PDAM Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum / local water supply company

PEA Project Executing Agency

PIU Project Implementing Unit

PMU Project Management Unit

PPP Public, Private Partnership

PQ Prequalification

QCBS Quality- and Cost- Based Selection

REKOMTEK Rekomendasi Teknis

RPJMN Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional / National Medium-Term Development Plan

SANIMAS Sanitasi Berbasis Masyarakat / Community Based Sanitation

SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition

SDG's Sustainable Development Goals

SIPPA Surat Ijin Pengambilan dan Pemanfaatan Air / water extraction permit

SPAM Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum / regional water supply system

SPSD Sistem Pengadaan Secara Elektronik (Electronic Procurement System)

TD Tender Documents

ToR Terms of Reference


Quarterly Report 1

WTP Water Treatment Plant



This first Quarterly Report (QR1) is covering the period 1st January 31st March 2022. The report was prepared
following the instructions and the standard form of the ToR. Chapters not relevant with the activities carried
out, such as for instance chapter 5 “Progress of Construction Works” were left blank not to modify the
standard structure of the document.
In this second quarter from the start of the project activities on 1st October 2021, the following was achieved
and /or undertaken:
• Redesign of the process of the WTU and the adaptation of the layout. IC was requested to include
review/completion of the DED among its tasks. The process has been completed so far but finalizing
the documentation to a level which allows a hassle free tendering is not yet achieved.
• Call for Expression of Interest on with the corresponding evaluation of the potential bidders. As no
satisfying result could be achieved the repetition of the process was initiated and launched on 4th of
March 2022. The process is actually ongoing.
• Distribution system DED review – Following initial review of the documentation, several
shortcomings were observed, including the need to incorporate a new topographic survey among
the IC tasks. This part has been finished and agreements finally have been signed with the offtakers
concerning the distribution of abstracted quantities from the system. Final legal ratification is about
to be concluded. By executing a corresponding mathematical simulation of the entire system and the
results are incorporated in the new design. However the level of documents needs still final finishing.
The actual level is not up to the necessary threshold which allows a tender process and construction
within an acceptable level of problems.
• Meetings – following request from PMU, regular weekly meetings were instated. These and other
special meetings brought the total number of meetings held to 16 for the 3- months reporting period;
according to this change.
• The IC was requested to assist in the budget revision requested by the ministry. This activity was not
set in the ToR to the required extent hence the process absorbed quite a lot of time and manpower.
• A site visit was carried out together with the Client on 25th of January to the WTP site and the sites
of the offtakers reservoirs. The IC received in this opportunity leading instructions for the ongoing
designs from the client. During the event were found some social and physical restrictions which
influenced and will impact considerably on the layout and construction of the JDU. Another site visit
in the frame of the review of current ESIA aspects with a a joint survey of land ownership with BPPW,
BBWS and PDAB was carried out to re-identify land owned by residents that could potentially be
affected by the SPAM Development (JDU). The survey was conducted in 3 villages (Giritirto,
Giripurwo and Giriwono). It was found out that in all villages there is land owned by residents (SHM
& Letter C) that is affected.


The Government of Indonesia has undertaken the construction of a raw water intake at the Gajah Mungkur
reservoir to supply 1,450 l/sec for the Wosusokas region, to be implemented in two phases, 750 l/sec for the
first phase and 700 l/sec for the second phase.
The first phase of the project “Regional Water Supply System Wosusokas” aims at increasing the coverage of
safe access of drinking water supply to the following four districts (Wosusokas):
 Wonogiri : 200 l/sec
 Sukoharjo : 300 l/sec



 Surakarta : 200 l/sec

 Karanganyar : 50 l/sec
The project is funded by KfW under a Loan Agreement signed with the Ministry of Finance on 17th February,
2021, for a total amount of 85.7 million €. The project shall be implemented by the Directorate General of
Human Settlement of the Ministry of Public Works and Housing.
The specific objectives of the project activities funded under the loan are:
• Construction of a water treatment plant (WTP) with an initial capacity of 750 l/sec ;
• Construction of 8 off-taker reservoirs;
• Construction of booster pump stations and about 80 km of main distribution pipelines from the WTP
to the various off-taker reservoirs.
These works are expected to be tendered based on the following packaging:
Package Description

1 Construction of Regional Water Supply Wosusokas Phase I Water Treatment Plant,

capacity 750 l/sec including all supporting
2 Construction of Regional Water Supply Wosusokas Phase I – Supply and installation of main
transmission pipe (MDP) GSP Dia. 1000 mm with a length of +/- 17,000 m including all
supporting buildings
3 Construction of Regional Water Supply Wosusokas Phase I – Supply and installation of main
transmission pipe (MDP) GSP Dia. 1000 mm with a length of +/- 17,000 m including all
supporting buildings
4 Construction of Regional Water Supply Wosusokas Phase I – Supply and installation of main
transmission pipe (MDP) GSP dia. 700 mm to dia.800 mm with a length of +/- 6,600 m and
HDPE pipes dia. 200mm to dia. 600 mm with a length of +/- 30,250 m, 2(two) reservoirs
including all supporting buildings
5 Construction of Regional Water Supply Wosusokas Phase I – Supply and installation of main
transmission pipe (MDP) HDPE pipes dia. 350 mm to dia. 600 mm with a length of +/-
16,070 m, 6 (six) reservoirs, 1 (one) booster pump station including all supporting buildings

To support the implementation of the above works, services of an Implementation Consultant (IC) have been
contracted to the JV HYDEA-SWS Consulting- KOGAS for a total value of 3,000,988 €. The tasks of the IC
 Task 1: Review/update existing DED
 Task 2 : Assistance during Tendering
 Task 3: Supervising works of construction
 Task 4: Assistance during Defect Liability Period
The IC contract has a duration of 38 calendar months and the commencement date was established on 1st
October 2021.



The development of the Government of Indonesia's policy on environmental management has undergone
changes through Government Regulation No. 22 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Environmental
Protection and Management. The changes in government regulations, among others, regulate risk-based
environmental management from human activities or business entities including development in the drinking
water sector which is regulated through Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation Number 4 of 2021
concerning the list of businesses and/or activities that are required to have an analysis. regarding
environmental impacts, environmental management efforts and environmental monitoring efforts or a
statement of ability to manage and monitor the environment.

Drinking Water Supply System (SPAM) is a strategic sector as regulated in Government Regulation of the
Republic of Indonesia No. 122 of 2015 concerning the Drinking Water Supply System. The Government of the
Republic of Indonesia continues to strive for the development of a Drinking Water Supply System (SPAM) to
improve service outcomes to the community in an effort to improve public health, including efforts to
prevent water-borne diseases, including the current COVID-19 pandemic. Drinking water is an important
sector for preventing the spread of the Covid-19 disease, this is in accordance with the Decree of the Minister
of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. HK.01.07/MENKES/382/2020 to ensure the availability of safe
quality water to support personal hygiene,
The government's plan related to SPAM is stated in Presidential Regulation no. 18 of 2020 concerning the
National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) for 2020-2024 which contains regulations regarding the
provision of access to safe and decent drinking water by 2024. This effort is carried out through the
development of piped drinking water supply and not piped networks, the target is water access drinking
water is 87.75 percent, the target of 2024 access to safe drinking water is 100 percent. Then, access to safe
drinking water in 2019 is only 6.8 percent targeted to reach 15 percent in 2024. Furthermore, pipe network
SPAM 20.14 percent in 2019 is targeted to reach 30 percent in 2024. In addition, the rate of water loss from
2019 is 33 percent to 25 percent by 2024. This commitment is an effort and supports the global action plan
for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) 6.1 which calls for access to 100% safe and affordable universal
drinking water by 2030. 59 of 2017 concerning the Implementation of the Achievement of the Sustainable
Development Goals.
One of these targets is carried out through a regional drinking water supply system and implemented in
several provinces, one of which is the Wosusokas Regional Drinking Water Supply System (SPAM)which is
planned to meet drinking water needs in Wonogiri Regency, Sukoharjo Regency, Surakarta City, and
Karanganyar Regency in Central Java Province, Indonesia, with a source raw water from Gajah Mungkur
Reservoir located in Wonogiri Regency.
With the development of the Wosusokas Regional Drinking Water Supply System (SPAM), it will create and
increase job opportunities by providing convenience, protection, and empowerment for national industry
and trade as an effort to be able to absorb the widest possible Indonesian workforce while taking into account
the balance and progress between regions in the national economic unity. . The construction of the
Wosusokas Regional Drinking Water Supply System (SPAM) with a system capacity of 750 liters/second is
distributed to 4 districts/cities along approximately 80 km through the use of water resources and activities
for the construction of Water Treatment Plants (IPA), Main Distribution Networks (JDU) and land acquisition
which will have an impact on environment. Therefore, environmental protection and management efforts
(PPLH) in this project are carried out in accordance with Government Regulation no.
Another policy used in the implementation of regional SPAM development construction is the Minister of
Public Works and Public Housing Regulation no. 9 of 2021 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of
Sustainable Construction. In the regulation Article 3 (1) the implementation of Construction Services for
constructing buildings and/or civil buildings must implement Sustainable Construction. (2) Sustainable



Construction as referred to in paragraph (1) has 3 (three) basic pillars including: a. economically feasible and
can improve the welfare of the community; b. maintains environmental preservation; and c. reduce social
disparities in society. As an effort to implement the above policy, the development of the Wosusokas
Regional Drinking Water Supply System (SPAM) applies Safeguards in the construction implementation as an
effort to protect the environment and social environment as necessary risk identification and mitigation


4.1 Overview and General Setup
During the kick-off meeting, held online on 30th September 2021, the Client made clear that the Consultant
was expected to start critical project activities along with the normal inception activities in order to recover
the initial project delays. It was later found out that also WTP DED review was required due to several
shortcomings in the original documents. During the month of December it was determined in the weekly
meeting 13th dated 29th of December 2021 that the process of the WTP has to undergo a change from a classic
flocculation scenario to a pre-oxidation (with ClO2) micro flocculation and sedimentation. That means that
all the corresponding elements of treatment as well as the related buildings, hydraulics, electromechanical
equipment had to be adapted.
The distribution of quantities of produced treated water were in dispute between the offtakers, especially as
the proposed tariffs are considered too high. Finally, these incongruences could be settled so that the final
distribution of quantities was fixed with an agreement that 50 l/s will be reduced at the share of Wonogiri
and added to the share of Surakarta. The following distribution is now in use:
 Wonogiri : 150 l/sec
 Sukoharjo : 300 l/sec
 Surakarta : 250 l/sec
 Karanganyar : 50 l/sec
The possession of required land for the off takers reservoirs was settled during the period of this report and
the agreed changes were considered finally in the DED elaborated based on a corresponding survey and the
mathematical simulation of the system. During these negotiations with the offtakers, the IC proposed to fix
the interface between the SPAM Wosusokas and the offtakers at the downstream flange of the water meter
before entering in the offtaker tank.
In this context the Consultant revised also a previous recommendation for the use of pipe material where
steel was recommended due to the restrictive situation of available space and other constrains. The use of
pipe materials for the JDU must be handled now more flexible in the corresponding parts of the tender
The Inception Report was submitted in first draft on 8th November, and in second draft on 3rd December.
The last minor observations from the part of KfW were received by 19th of March 2022 and were discussed
and resolved in a virtual conference between the client, KfW and IC at 31st of March 2022.

4.2 General activities

Since the commencement date on 1st October 2021, the Consultant has experienced several changes of
personnel. End of January the team was complete and performed the corresponding works in preparation
for the tender of the WTP and the JDU. However by end of the reporting period the contracts of the technical
personnel expired and up to now it is not clear in what extend the needs for finishing the detail drawings
mainly for the JDU and for the WTP are not concluded. The consultants proposed to enter in the tender
period with the already concluded part of the tender documents with the BoQ and BOS as well as the general



oversight plans and finishing the detailed design plans during the consulting period of the running tender.
The consultant will propose the necessary personnel and logistic needs to the client in order to fix the
necessary setup for completion of the works by means of an addendum to the existing consulting contract.
This addendum will also ratify the necessary changes in the personnel structure of the IC in the past periods
Staff mobilization
The Consultant staff has been almost fully mobilized during the inception period, most of the staff from the
date of the start of the services, i.e. 1st October, 2021. As agreed during the contract negotiations, during
the inception phase of the project the participation of the international key experts, including the Team
Leader and the Sub-Team Leader, has been ensured as part-time home support, due to current travel
restrictions to Indonesia. The team leader finally mobilized on 10th of January and started the activities on
site after his arrival on site in Semarang on 15th of January.

Logistic organization
As per ToR, the following project have been established:
• One office of about 100 m2 in Jakarta with one office room and one meeting room, and fully
operational since 7th October;
• One office of about 400 m2 in Semarang, fully operational since 15th October 2021
Suitable arrangements were made for hiring vehicles to ensure adequate transport facilities from Semarang
to the project sites. The logistic setup was completed in the last period and has proven its efficiency.
Documentary review
The document collection and review of the received documents have finished however the IC must state that
up to date no memories of calculations were put at disposition of the IC in order to compare the drawings
with their corresponding base. Necessary calculations carried out were showing partly considerable
discrepancies with the setups in the drawings.

4.3 Review of Existing DED

4.3.1 Review of DED for WTP
This activity is not part of the IC scope of works as per present Contract Agreement. During the inception
period meeting, including online meetings with KfW, it was made clear that IC had to undertake
necessary review activities allow the tendering of the WTP soonest to meet the GoI expectations and
plans. It was further agreed that the contract amendment will be discussed later to cope with any
increase inputs and resources required to achieve this additional task.
During the Second Quarter period the following activities were undertaken.
1. Preparation of sludge handling BoQ
2. Preparation of Dissolved Air Flotation BoQ
3. Preparation of Water Treatment Plant-Dissolved Air Flotation BoQ
4. Revision of sludge handling drawings
5. Revision of sludge drying bed drawings
Deliverables and outputs during the first Quarter period on the scope of review of DED for water distribution
network is described as follows:
a) 4 Weekly meeting PPT materials



b) 1 Monthly progress reports

c) BoQ on Water Treatment Plant- Dissolved Air Flotation (WTP-DAF) and other supporting
d) Drawings of WTP DAF and Sludge Handling.

4.3.2 Review of DED for water distribution network

During the Second Quarter period some activities have been caried out on the scope of review of DED for
main distribution network is described as follow.
a. Synchronization of the main distribution pipe Regional SPAM Wosusokas installation plan that is
associated with the existing distribution pipelines in their respective regional water supply company
b. Elaboration of technical justification of pipe installation methods
c. Elaboration of technical justification of pipe material
d. Topography survey
• Completing of Situational Mapping of 80 Km JDU network
• Completing of Long profile drawings of 80 km JDU network
• Completing of Cross section drawings of 80 km JDU network
e. Field survey:
• Joint survey between IC, PDAB and BPPW for visiting some critical points on the Wosusokas main
distribution system.
f. Meeting and Coordination
• Coordination meeting regarding downstream system house connection absorption plan with
PDAB, BPPW and Wonogiri, Sukoharjo, Karanganyar and Surakarta Local Government and PDAM.
• Stage 1 and Stage 2 synchronization coordination meeting with BPPW, PDAB, PPP consultant and
• Coordination and consultation with BBWS (River Basin Authority), Train Agency and Road Agency
on REKOMTEK (Technical Recommendation) preparation
• Coordination and consultation with BPPW on JDU design concept and drawing.
g. Preparation of Design Memo
h. Preparation of Hydraulic Report
i. Preparation of Technical Specification
j. Preparation of Review DED Report
k. Preparation of Longitudinal profile, Cross section, standard drawing and other associated drawing
for 4 packages of JDU network system
l. Preparation of Topography report
m. Preparation of Geotechnical report
n. Preparation of Bill of Quantity for JDU network
o. Updating the pipe route of JDU network



p. Preparation of REKOMTEK (Technical Recommendation) for segment 14 km of JDU network pipe and
Railway crossing.
Deliverables and outputs during the second Quarter period on the scope of review of DED for water
distribution network is described as follow
1. 13 Weekly meeting PPT materials
2. 3 Monthly progress reports
3. Design Memo (Draft version)
4. Hydraulic Report (Draft version)
5. Technical Specification (Draft version)
6. Review DED Report (Draft version)
7. Long section, Cross section, standard drawing and other associated drawing (draft version) for package
1 and 2.
8. Topography report (draft version)
9. Geotechnical report
10. Bill of Quantity for JDU network (draft version)
11. REKOMTEK (Technical Recommendation) for segment 14 km of JDU network pipe and Railway crossing.
12. KMZ file of final update on the pipe route for MDP/JDU network
13. Several issues during the Second Quarter period on the scope of review of DED for water distribution
network are identified as follow:
14. Topographic Survey handover was delayed. The drawing process for the main distribution pipe network
cannot meet the deadline established.
15. The reallocation of the water quantities between Wonogiri and Surakarta is still not in a legally defined
stage. Hence the final calculation for offtaker reservoirs and pipeline diameters are provisionally

4.4 Preparation of prequalification documents

The ICB 2 Stage – 2 Envelope method is used to implement the Prequalification of the WTP package, and it
adheres to the KfW-approved standards. KfW issued a NoL Prequalification document WTP package on
December 9, 2021. This was followed with the process mentioned below:

Date of Notification at GTA’ website : December 9, 2021

Announcement at SPSE ICB system : December 10, 2021
Date of submission of EOI / Application : December 10, 2021
Date of opening of Application : December 10, 2021
PQ Evaluation Process : January 10 to February 2, 2022



The evaluation of the application refers to KfW’s Procurement Guideline, January 2021 version. The format
of the PQ also adopted from KfW’s standard.
There is no documentation provided for the minutes of public opening of the Prequalification documents and
the PQ evaluation report. However, the PQ evaluation resulted to none of the Applicants have met the
qualification requirements
Accordingly, a new PQ process was launched on February 23, 2022, after obtaining the no objection from
KfW to the new PQ documents. This was followed with the process mentioned below:
Date of Notification at GTA’ website : February 28, 2022
Announcement at SPSE ICB system : March 4, 2022
Date of submission of EOI / Application : April 5, 2022
Date of opening of Application : April 5, 2022
PQ Evaluation Process (planned) : 5 April to 25 April, 2022

It is expected that with the current progress, the WTP contractor will be on board in early August 2022.
The JDU package's Prequalification document follows the same standard as the WTP package's
Prequalification document, which has received a NoL from KfW. At the end of this Quarterly Report 2, IC is
now preparing the Prequalification document and waiting for the final results of the Cost Estimate Review
(RPB) discussion at the Directorate General of the Ministry of Public Works and Housing

4.5 Preparation of tender documents for WTP

The tender document is divided into three parts: part 1, part 2, and part 3. IC started preparation of the
tender documents and the first draft of Part 1 (administrative clauses) was submitted to PMU on 24th
December 2021, which included an adaptation of the KfW SBD to cope with the need to incorporate a QCBS
evaluation system as required by the SPSE system. At the end of this Quarterly Report 2, the part of the
evaluation criteria is completed.
The draft Part 2 of the tender document has been completed after incorporating KfW comments as
transmitted in its email of January 31, 2022. The draft Part 3 of the tender document has been completed
after incorporating KfW comments as per email of January 20, 2022.
The table below shows the progress of the WTP tender document. It is expected that the tender documents
will be ready so that prequalified bidders can retrieve it after establishing the shortlist by end of April 2022.

Content Progress Remark

Part Section I Instruction to Bidder (ITB) 100% Done
1 Section II Bid Data Sheet (BDS) 100% Done
Section III Evaluation and Qualification Draft 90% Still adjustments to the evaluation
Criteria criteria (there are new criteria
1. ESHS Methodology added)
2. Site Organization and Method
3. Construction Schedule
4. Personnel Proposed
5. Key Equipment Proposed



Section IV Bidding Form Draft 90% Still adjustments to the bidding

Section V Eligibility Criteria 100% Done
Section VI KfW Policy – Sanctionable 100% Done
Practice – Social and Environmental 17 March, 2022 (5th edition) to be
Responsibility approved
Part Section VII Works Requirements Draft 100% Done
2 2 February, 2022 (3rd edition) Final
Part Section VIII General Condition (GC) Draft 100% Done
3 Section IX Particular Condition (PC) 20 January, 2022 (3rd edition) Final
Section X Contract Forms Version

4.6 Review of current ESIA aspects

IC team conducted a joint survey of land ownership with BPPW, BBWS and PDAB. This survey was carried out
to re-identify land owned by residents (SHM status and letter C) that could potentially be affected by the
SPAM Development (JDU). The survey was conducted in 3 villages (Giritirto, Giripurwo and Giriwono). Based
on the results of the joint survey that has been carried out it was found out that in all villages there is land
owned by residents (SHM & Letter C) that is affected.
The preparation of the Land Acquisition Planning Document (DPPT) for the construction of the Main
Distribution Line (JDU) for the river border segment along the 14 km WOSUSOKAS Regional SPAM has
referred to the applicable laws and regulations, namely Law Number 2 of 2012 concerning Land Acquisition
for the Implementation of Development for the Interest General, Government Regulation no. 19 of 2021
concerning the Implementation of Land Procurement for Development in the Public Interest and Regulation
of the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) Number
19 of 2021 concerning Provisions for the Implementation of Government Regulation Number 19 of 2021
concerning the Implementation of Land Acquisition for Development in the Public Interest, as well as Central
Java Governor Regulation Number 7 of 2017 concerning the Third Amendment to the Regulation of the
Governor of Central Java Number 18 of 2013 concerning Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of Land
Acquisition Preparation For Development For Public Interest.
Forecast of land acquisition budgeting to be provided by PT. Tirta Utama (Perseroda) as the agency that
requires land for land rights owners affected by the construction of the Main Distribution Line (JDU) for the
14 km long river border segment SPAM WOSUSOKAS amounting between 3 billion and 4 billion rupiah.
Procurement of land for development in the public interest must be carried out based on the principles;
humanity, justice, benefit, certainty, openness, participation, welfare, sustainability and harmony in
accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations.

4.7 Meetings
Since the kick-off meeting, PMU requested to hold weekly meetings as a means to closely monitor the
progress of the IC activities. In addition, several meetings with local institutions and authorities were held
during the second quarter.
A total of 13 meetings were held from 5th January until 30th March 2022 both at the Semarang office and
Jakarta Office online.
A full list of the meetings with synthetic reports is appended in Annex 2.



4.8 Workplan and staffing schedule

4.7.1 Workplan
The work plan submitted with the IR in its last version of December 2021, and appended in Annex 3 of this
report was not formally approved at the time of writing this report. However the last observations discussed
in the meeting with KfW on 31st of March 2022 and the fact that no further observations to the IR were
reported, the Consultant considers now the IR tacitly approved by administrative silence.
The proposed reporting framework, including expected submission dates, is presented in the table below.

Date of Months from commencement

Design review and construction supervision of WTP
submission ToR Planned Achieved
Commencement date (CD) 01/10/2021 -- --
Draft Inception report 08/11/2021 1 1.3 1.3
Inception meeting (IM) 1 19/11/2021 -- 1.7 1.7
MoM 26/11/2021 -- 2 2
Final Inception report 03/12/2021 2 2 2
Launch of prequalification tender 17/12/2021 -- 2.5
Revised DED 26/01/2022 4
Draft Tender Documents 26/01/2022 6 4
Final Tender documents 25/02/2022 7 5
Launch of Tender 25/02/2022 -- 5
Submission of Bids 11/04/2022 -- 6.5
Submission of Bid Evaluation Reports 12/05/2022 -- 7.5
Signing of Construction Contracts/commencement date
12/06/2022 -- 8.5
Provisional acceptance (22 months) 13/04/2024 -- 30.5
Final project report 12/06/2024 -- 32.5
Final acceptance 12/04/2025 -- 40.5

Design review and construction supervision of other WS Date of Months from commencement
works submission ToR Planned Achieved
Commencement date (CD) 01/10/2021 -- -- --
Draft Inception report 08/11/2021 1 1.3 1.3
Inception meeting (IM) 19/11/2021 -- -- --
MoM 26/11/2021 -- 2.1 2.1
Final Inception report 03/12/2021 2 2.1 2.1
Revised DED 30/03/2022 2 2 6.0 6.0
Final DED 30/04/2022 3 7.0

1 Date proposed by the Client

2 As highlighted by the Consultant in his proposal, that indication was inconsistent with Section 5 of the ToR



Design review and construction supervision of other WS Date of Months from commencement
works submission ToR Planned Achieved
Draft Tender Documents 13/04/2022 6 6.5
Final Tender documents 14/05/2022 7 7.5
Launch of Tender 14/05/2022 -- 7.5
Submission of Bids 30/06/2022 -- 9.0
Submission of Bid Evaluation Reports 29/07/2022 -- 10.0
Signing of Construction Contracts/commencement date
30/08/2022 -- 11.0
Provisional acceptance 30/08/2024 -- 35.0
Final project report 30/10/2024 -- 37.0
Final acceptance 30/08/2025 -- 47.0
Service completion report 30/10/2025 -- 49.0

These are considered once approved, the basis for the project performance monitoring in terms of expected
achievements, as also explained in Section 12 below.

4.7.2 Staffing Schedule

The Table below summarizes the staff input during the first quarter with mobilization dates.
As discussed during the contract negotiations, part-time inputs were provided for the Team Leader and for
the sub-team Leader, who have not been mobilized yet in Indonesia but provided home support activities.

No. Position Name Mobilisation Date
QR2 Cumul.
1 Team Leader/Civil Engineer Klaus Kirchenbaur October 2021 (*) 2,64 3,64
2 Sub Team Leader Marco Boccasini October, 2021 0 0
(resigned )
3 Coordinator Specialist Tri Joko October 1st, 2021 3 6
4 Structure Engineer Fathurrahman October 1st, 2021 3 6
5 Water Treatment Engineer Kukuh Pranandana Not mobilized 0 0
Bramanto Geritno February 1st,2022 2 2
6 Water Supply Network Leo Sando Silvaldo October 1st, 2021 3 6
7 Electro-Mechanical Sardjiono December 1st, 2021 3 4
Engineer/SCADA Expert
8 Procurement Ilham Abla October 1st, 2021 2 5
Expert/Document Specialist (resigned Feb, 2022 )
Rizal Helbari Untung April 1st, 2022 0 0
9 Senior Cost Estimator Dwianto Rasisto October 1st, 2021 2 5
(resigned 1st Feb 2022)
10 Local Expert for Harsono October 1st, 2021 2 5
Environment & Social (resigned 1st Jan 2022)
Safeguard Yanuar Arifin March 1st, 2022 1 1
1 Geotechnical Engineer Juniarso October 1st, 2021 3 6
2 Architecture/Landscape Febri Yenny October 1st, 2021 3 6



No. Position Name Mobilisation Date
QR2 Cumul.
1 Junior Structure Engineer Agus Salim October 1st, 2021 3 6
(Civil Engineer)
2 Junior Water Treatment Bramanto Geritno October 1st, 2021 1 4
Engineer (Substitute to WTP
Expert on Feb, 2022)
Budi Wijaya February 1st, 2022 2 2
3 Junior Water Treatment Edy Wuryanto October 1st, 2021 2 5
Engineer (Resigned on Feb, 2022)
Purwanto March 1st, 2022 1 1
4 Junior Electro-Mechanical Paul Charis October 1st, 2021 3 6
Engineer/SCADA Expert
5 Junior Electro-Mechanical Dhasuki October 1st, 2021 1 1
Engineer/SCADA Expert (Resigned on Nov, 2022)
6 Junior Electro-Mechanical Irfan Arsyad October 1st, 2021 3 6
Engineer/SCADA Expert
7 Junior Geothecnical Rizal Yoga Prasetya October 1st, 2021 3 6
8 Junior Procurement Khairul Huda Not mobilized 0 0
Expert/Document Specialist Rossalia Stevania March 1st, 2022 1 1
9 Junior Pandu Wicaksono October 1st, 2021 0 3
10 Junior Local Expert for Env. Ernamayanti October 1st, 2021 3 6
& Social Safeguards
11 Junior Cost Estimator -1 Indrawan October 1st, 2021 1 4
12 Junior Cost Estimator -2 Arief Widoseno October 1st, 2021 1 4
13 Junior Cost Estimator -3 Purwanto October 1st, 2021 1 4

1 Site Engineer (WTP) Rusman Sihotang Not mobilized 0 0
2 Site Engineer (Main Johan Arif Not mobilized 0 0
Distribution Pipe-1) Kharismanto
3 Site Engineer (Main Nurul Zakiyah Not mobilized 0 0
Distribution Pipe-2)
4 Construction Hendri Not mobilized 0 0
(Water Treatment Plant)
5 Construction Harjan Ginting Not mobilized 0 0
Supervisor/Inspector (Main
Distribution Pipe -1)
6 Construction Indrawan Not mobilized 0 0
Supervisor/Inspector (Main Muhammad
Distribution Pipe -2)
7 Construction Reynaldi Imam Setya Not mobilized 0 0
Supervisor/Inspector (Main
Distribution Pipe -3)



No. Position Name Mobilisation Date
QR2 Cumul.
8 Construction Wisnu Hariadi Not mobilized 0 0
Supervisor/Inspector (Main
Distribution Pipe -4)
1 Office Manager Lili Jajuli October 1st, 2021 3 6
(administrative Manager)
2 Bilingual Secretary (Based Tri Fauziah October 1st, 2021 3 6
3 Bilingual Secretary (Based M. Taufiq Ichsani October 1st, 2021 3 6
Central Java)
4 Computer operator (Based Supono October 1st, 2021 3 6
5 Computer operator (Based Dhaka M. Ahmad October 1st, 2021 3 6
6 Operator CAD/Drafter-1 Bambang Novi October 1st, 2021 3 6
7 Operator CAD/Drafter-2 Ibnu Ahmad Husein October 1st, 2021 3 6
8 Operator CAD/Drafter-3 Ridho Supradiansyah October 1st, 2021 3 6
9 Quantity Surveyor-1 M. Iqbal Darfi October 1st, 2021 3 6
10 Quantity Surveyor-2 Mierza Malik October 1st, 2021 3 6
11 Quantity Surveyor-3 Puguh C. Nugroho October 1st, 2021 3 6
12 Office Boy (Based Jakarta) Siswadi October 1st, 2021 3 6
13 Office Boy (Based Tri Haryanto October 1st, 2021 3 6


There are no construction works in this first quarter. The main expected milestones for the construction
contracts are reported in Section 4.

IC has disbursed Advance Payment 11,5% from the total contract amount of 3.000.988 Euro. The amount
has been disbursed is 345.113,62 Euro.
• The first quarterly invoice was submitted for a total value of 245,211 €.
• The second quarterly invoice will be submitted in April, the actual value is still under discussion.

The Quality Management of the project implementation by the IC is carried in accordance with standard
quality management procedures familiar to the three companies (ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certifications).
The IC has focused the activities concerned with quality management to the details in the elaboration of the
tender documents especially regarding safety and warranty processes. Corresponding recommendations will
be applied in cooperation with the client in the specific parts of the BoS.
The JV has activated experts’ mobilization and replacement where needed and offices and logistical set up
to ensure smooth project implementation.



During the reporting period, the Consultant has set up the internal Health and safety procedures to provide
and maintain a healthy and safe work environment and safe systems of work to be applied to all aspects of
safety in project offices and during site visits including safety of personnel, security, hygiene in workplace
and the application of Covid19 prevention procedures and protection.
Also, the Consultant provide private Incident and medical insurance for the International Experts.
Local experts are provided with contracts respecting Indonesian labour regulations and laws in terms of
employment and working conditions of all personnel engaged in the project.
A part from the internal ESHS organisation of the IC, during the quarter report, the Consultant has reviewed
the ESIA aspects of the project components as explained in chapter 4.6 and will be working to make sure that
the Tender documents will include all the ESHS requirements in compliance to Indonesian and KFW
The IC team has reviewed current ESHS compliance requirements in the technical specifications of the first
draft of Tender Documents submitted to the Client.


9.1 Deviations from Project Concept
As better explained in Section 10 below, there are currently some concerns related to :
• The steadily increasing water level depletion in the lake observed in the last 5 years;
• The water distribution pattern to the off-takers concerned about the cost for financing the relevant
distribution works.
Both issues deserve some attention although at the present stage do not represent yet any necessity of
undertaking a thorough project revision. Concerned with the off-takers contribution to the project
preparation, the PMU is endeavoring to include in the IC contract a Technical Assistance support to the
district authorities, to boost the design ability and to confirm the level of the affordable water consumptions.
This is better explained in Section 9.2 below.

9.2 Addendum to IC contract

A first addendum was signed at the onset of the IC activities to modify the amount of the Advance payment.
Since the contract negotiations, the necessity of increasing the contract duration to cope with the IC scope
of works was identified as the current duration is 38 months, which do not include services during the DNP.
It was also discussed that this extension may require additional staff inputs as well as other inputs (vehicles,
office, etc.).
During the first quarter, it became also clear that the scope of works of the IC consultant required some
additions and that the budget needed some adjustments to cope with the changes in scope of works as well
as with minor shortcomings in the original setup and budget.
Several discussions were held with CPMU and PMU on this regard, but no proposal has been formally
presented by the IC.
The proposed changes are summarized in the table below:



Nature Topic Justification

Replacement Staff Replacement of the Coordinator Considering the termination of contract of Mr.
Specialist Tri Joko, we propose the replacement of the
Coordinator Specialist Expert to be substituted
with Mr. Sardjiono
Replacement of the Mechanical- Considering the termination of Coordinator
Electrical/SCADA Expert Specialist, we propose the replacement of the
Mechanical-Electrical Expert/SCADA Expert.
The current Expert is Mr. Sardjiono will be
substituted by Mr. Paul Charis
Replacement of the Mechanical- Replacement of The Mechanical-
Electrical/SCADA Junior Expert Electrical/SCADA Junior Expert, the current
Junior Expert is Mr. Paul Charis substitute is to
be defined.
Replacement of the Mechanical- Considering the resignation of Mechanical-
Electrical/SCADA Junior Expert Electrical Expert/SCADA Junior Expert, we
propose that the replacement, of Mr. Dhasuki
will be define.
Replacement of the Procurement Considering the resignation of Procurement
Expert Expert, we propose as replacement, for the
current Expert Mr. Ilham Abla, Mr. Rizal
Herbari Untung Rival. The approval of CMO for
the proposed replacement of the Procurement
Expert is found in communication number PW
0103/Satker2/Cb14/91.1 dated on 10 March
Replacement of the WTP Expert Considering the resignation of Water
Treatment Plant Expert, we propose as the
replacement, for the current Expert is Mr.
Kukuh Pranandana, Mr. Bramanto Geritno.
The approval of CMO for proposed
replacement of Water Treatment Engineer
under communication number PR
0101/Sarker2/CB14/31 is dated on 28 January
Replacement of the Local and Considering the resignation of the Local and
Safeguard Expert safeguard Expert, the current Expert is Mr.
Harsono is substituted to Mr. Yanuar Arifin.
The approval of CMO for proposed
replacement of the Local Expert for
Environment and Social Safeguard number PW
0103/Satker2/Cb14/69 dated on 2 March
Replacement of the Cost Estimator Considering the resignation, the Cost
Expert Estimator Expert Mr. Dwianto Rasisto, the
person for his replacement of the expert be



Replacement of the international sub The contract sub-team leader resigned due to
team leader by a national sub-team family problems. His peculiar condition of
leader being an expatriate with strong experience on
Indonesian design and construction
regulations makes it impossible to be
replaced. It is proposed to modify the job
description to cope with the actual
requirements, which is for a local engineer to
assist the international team leader on
coordinating the national experts and on
national design and construction regulations.

To be proposed:
The original Contract

Qualifications and skill:

Qualifications and skill:
• Master Graduate in Civil engineering, or
• Master Graduate in Civil
relevant subject
engineering, or relevant subject
• good command of English
• good command of English
• Excellent interpersonal and
• Excellent interpersonal and
communication skills
communication skills
• Basic knowledge of MDB Harmonized
• Basic knowledge of MDB
Conditions of Contract based
Harmonized Conditions of
contracts and FIDIC conditions of
Contract based contracts and
contracts is recommendable
FIDIC conditions of contracts
• minimum 10 years international • Minimum (8) years’ experience in
experience in preparation of preparation of detailed design and
detailed design and preparation preparation of tender documents for
of tender documents for water water supply infrastructure projects
supply infrastructure projects regional experience is an advantage
regional experience is an
As to the last two points of qualifications and
skills of the ToR, these are much more
important than the international experience
and Fidic knowledge. Fidic knowledge should
be relativized.

CAD operators CAD drafters total man month optimization

which previously was 3 (three) persons to 6
(six) persons

A fully justified and thorough proposal will be presented and discussed during the upcoming period.

• New DED detail drawings cannot be finished due to time constraints and labor. As already drawn up in
the Inception report the client chose the option 1 , tendering with the original DED. However there were
no memos of calculation available for the original DED a thorough checking of the design was not



possible. Up to now, the Consultant has not received the memories of calculation. Finally and also as a
result of investigations of raw water quality the Consultant found out that the original treatment process
was not meeting the requirements the consultant changed the process of the WTP in accordance with
the client. Nevertheless the tender process was started without finishing all the detail drawings. This will
certainly lead to frictions in the construction process as the documents are not harmonized and
consequently to delays and increase of construction costs.
• Solution: Finish the detail drawings until the signature of the construction contract. Therefore, the client
should include the required manpower, (experts and auxiliary personnel, logistics etc.) in the consultant’s
• A similar situation exists in the part of the distribution network. In order to finalize the redesign of the
and the survey carried out along the planned track of the JDU, new calculations and hydraulic models
were executed. Derived from this base were developed the plans for the setup of the JDU. However the
designs were orientated versus the old available plans from DED and FS but unfortunately the workload
was more than planned in the Consultant’s offer due to changes of landownership at the offtaker stations
and the river crossings. Thus, the manpower and time was not sufficient to conclude all the documents
for the tenders. The Consultant has developed the overall plans BoQ and BoS but there is still missing the
translation of all documents in English language and the detail drawings. For JDU, WTP and offtaker
stations including the architectural and landscaping parts.
• Solution: The Consultant proposes to extend the consulting contract the way that the additional works
will be covered during the time of consultations for the bid in case of the WTP. In case of the JDU these
tasks can be performed until the beginning of the bidding . The detailed drawings must be ready after
signature of theb construction contract.
• Due to over exploitation of the water resources of the Gaja Mungkur lake, the sea level has dropped
dramatically during the last years sea. The resulting low coverage of the intake orifice of the raw water
pumps presents a jeopardy of air intrusion from suction vortices, The coverage of water over the pump
inlet is likely too low. Vortex shedding is taking place as each pump is abstracting 0.5 m3/s which will
form a Karmán vortex streets from the supporting cylindrical piles of the intake structure. These initial
vortices may very likely induce dangerous intake vortices. According to the experience of the Consultant
the coverage should be at least 4 m from the intake orifice meaning the sea-level should not be drawn
down lower than 127,60 MASL.
• Solution: The Consultant proposes to intervene with the operator of the abstraction system (mainly
irrigation) that the abstracted quantities on a long run will be less than the provided inflow from the
inflow and rain. As temporary solution it is also possible to reduce the individual quantity of abstraction
per pump to 250 l/s. This will also reduce the risk of eventually degradation of stagnant water (due to
anaerobic processes) in the transmission lines to the silos. The actual pumps must actually operate
intermittent (3 pumps @ 500l/s and 750l/s required).
• The Gajah Mungkur reservoir must be considered as a high-risk area. Gunong Lawu, Gunong Merawi as
well as nearby a recent lava dome (about 5,2 km WNW from the intake structure) are active volcanic
structures. Unweathered lava flows are witnesses near the intake. Besides these obvious risks, there is
doubtlessly the risk of heavy earthquakes. From the Gunong Lawu grooves may carry lahar flows from
the mountain top to the reservoir. Heavy ashfalls in case of eruption can be expected with the
consequent deterioration of the raw water for the WTP. Therefore, the Consultant considers the
Wosusokas installations must be categorized with a potentially high risk of failure.
• Solution: Considering also that the system is a single source system it will be wise to propose to the
offtakers not to abandon the actual sources but put them in standby for emergencies.
• The Consultant was asked to recommend pipe material regarding a preference for the local Indonesian
production. In this context the Consultant has worked out an expertise showing that it’s possible to use



as pipe materials HDPE and steel pipes (spiral welded steel). However the consideration was carried out
by checking the optimized joining method for the supplied pipe shots (butt welding for HDPE pipes and
U-weld with root layer for steel pipes) and the best method for adequate coating material for potable
water. Meanwhile the Consultant has received details of the method for pipe welding and coating
proposed by the possible suppliers. Unfortunately the proposed method is not up to state of the art (see
also DIN EN 12502-4). It does not comply with the requirements of structural resistance whilst pipe lying
nor with the standard requirements for rustproofing at the interior of the pipes. Additionally it came up
recently that the construction sites are often very narrow roads with high groundwater table and passing
through social hotspots. Hence there is not sufficient space for proper pipe preparation and lying as well
as constraints for the time of open trench. The contractor might be seriously hampered to perform
and/or complete the works in those sites.
• Solution: Large and long steel pipelines for water transport are preferably lined with an internal coating
of cement mortar to protect against corrosion. Corrosion resistance can be further improved by adding
suitable plastics. The main advantages of this type of coating are: low cost extensive resistance to
corrosive water up to a pH value greater than 4.0; This resistance does not apply to deionized water; Self-
healing of small cracks that go to the iron surface. Propose in the construction contracts that the
contractor can propose alternative materials and connections (e.g. connections with socket and spigot,
flanged installations above earth and bridges, electro fusion etc.)
• Concerned with the use of the proposed spiral welded steel pipes the Consultant points out that the use
of said material implies the obligatory installation of cathodic corrosion protection. Calculation of the
minimum energy consumption for the satisfactorily coated and installed material is about 2 W/m. With
a percentage of about 60% of steel pipes in the system it can be calculated that the yearly energy
consumption will be about 800 MWh. This estimated consumption will result in costs higher than 80.000
€ (actual cost=1kWh @ 1500IDR) of steel pipes installed according to standards. This cost will
exponentially grow with the unavoidable deterioration of the inner and outer coating and must be added
to the OPEX costs of the system. Thus will influence on the tariffs, which are considered already too high.
It must be added that cathodic protection will not work on pipes which are exposed to the air. These
pipes are prone to corrosion as during night times dew conditions are created on the outer surface of
the pipe due to the in the pipe and hotter temperature outside with high relative humidity. Also it must
be taken into account that protecting measures after repair works are very difficult or impossible.
Considerable additional costs may occur.
• Solution: Carry out a thorough economic and financial analysis comparing of Capex and Opex impacts
from different technical solutions on water tariffs which results in a selection of a pipe systems with an
optimal technical solution at minimum costs which also includes the consideration of possible constraints
in investment, building process, O&M as well as environmental and vulnerability issues.

Based on the findings during the inception period and the following activities up to date, the Consultant
states that there are serious constraints and jeopardies affecting the implementation of the project.
The most important impacts and constraints can be itemized as:
 Feasibility study as bases for the DED is not well developed with basic values for the DED missing
or incomplete. No actualization of data has been performed so far with the exception of changes in
locations and alignments of piping to the off taker tanks and JDU. In this case the tracks and designs
have new survey and are up to date.
 Due to the mentioned shortfalls the DED is in considerable parts inconsistent and incomplete (see
also the Inception Report)



 Changes in the setup (property of land for construction works, missing and incomplete survey etc.)
are imposing considerable changes and foisting additional input and work on the Consultant in
elaborating new designs.
 External pressure on the PMU requiring the early start of the bidding process for the WTP before
the complete technical documentation is ready and approved, carries intrinsic the danger that later
changes in the bidding process and more omissions and errors in the construction will increase
considerably the overall costs of the project (rule of ten).
 The budget of the project is already subdivided in portions in order to set up packages for tendering.
Thus, the subdivided tendering and execution imposes a serious threat to a homogeneous and
harmonized equipment of the finalized project regarding optimization of O&M
Considering all constraints and mainly the pressure in starting the tender process, the Consultant proposes
the following actions:
 Stepwise fast-track re-development of the design of the WTP parallel to the ongoing preparations
of the tender by:
• Creating the necessary database for sounder decisions in order to safeguard the sustainability
of the project
• Using the database performing a fast review of the treatment process with eventually redesigns.
Introducing the special constraints indicated by the Client in said design
• Stepwise approval of the changes.
• Finish the DED in stages with the required precision parallel to the tender process. The partial
results will be ready not later when the tender process requires the presence of adequate and
concise drawings, BoQ and BoS
• Reinforce the Consultants manpower to achieve the mentioned challenges in the production
phase of the DED, mainly in working out the detailed drawings in acceptable level.
 Reaching binding agreements with the off takers regarding the interface between the SPAM
Wosusokas and their distribution system as well as the required quantities of water. The
agreements must include the staging of the consumption.
 Finishing the DED of the distribution system by matching above mentioned points
 Check the possibility to tender the whole project by creating only two packages. One for the WTP
and one for the distribution network
 Subdivide the package distribution into lots so that one contractor can bid for one and/or several
lots. This will allow smaller (local contractors as subcontractors) to enter in the competition. The
Consultant considers this procedure as the way which allows also to harmonize the equipment in
the interest of better (and cheaper) O&M when the project is commissioned.


The comparison of the last approved workplan and related expected milestones, presented and described in
Section 4.8 of the present reporting, this quarterly report n.2 includes only the assessment related to target
achievement and justification for delays.
A continuous monitoring is carried out by means of weekly meetings with the Client
With reference to the next reporting period target and achievements, the milestones reported in Section 4.8
With reference to the WTP implementation:



• Revised DED (26th January 2022)

• Draft Tender Documents (26th January 2022)
• Final Tender documents (25th February 2022)
• Launch of Tender (25th February 2022)
• Repetition of launch of EOI (4th March 2022)
However it was informed, discussed and agreed in the Weekly Meeting 21 that the WTP process has been
changed and the respective impacts on the other sections of the WTP should be handled adequately. This
process in general is accomplished but there are is still missing the detail planning and the BoS. It is intended
to finish this part during the consulting period so that the whole set of information will be available after
signature of the construction contracts.
With reference to the Implementation of the Distribution system:
• Hydraulic model, integrative survey reports (13th February 2022)
• Revised DED (30th March 2022)


Quarterly Report 2 INDONESIA

ANNEX - 1 List of project documents

HYDEA SPA/ SWS Consulting Engineering/ KOGAS

List of Downloaded Documents from Client Data Room

1. List of DED Documents related to the WTP

No Document Version Date Author Institution Language Approval File/Doc. Name
Oct. 210810 DED IPA
1 DED 2017 PDF Saranabudi Jawa Bahasa Oct. 2017
2017 Wosusokas
Prakarsaripta Tengah
2 PPT 2019 Saranabudi Jawa Bahasa Oct. 2017
Prakarsaripta Tengah
• WTP Regional
3 PDF/DWG Saranabudi Jawa English 2021
• Contour Prakarsaripta Tengah Wosusokas WTP
Map Gajahmungkur


4 PDF 2021 Saranabudi Jawa and 2021 TEKNIS IPA
Prakarsaripta Tengah English REVIEW 2021
Universitas AKHIR HASIL
Geotechnical Sebelas PENYELIDIKAN
5 PDF 2020 Jawa Bahasa --
Report Maret TANAH
IPA Wosusokas
6 BoQ PDF Aug Jawa Bahasa
2021 Tengah
7 Cost PDF 5 BPPW Jawa BPPW Bahasa HPS IPA
Estimation Aug Tengah Jawa WOSUSOKAS
2021 Tengah Kapasitas 750
8 Green PDF 21 -- BPPW Bahasa Rapat
building Aug Jawa Pembahasan
design 2021 Tengah Penambahan
Green Building
dan BIM
9 Feasibility Various 2017 PT. Cipta Dinas Bahasa 2017 LAP AKHIR FS
Study files Arta Kreasi Pekerjaan WOSUSOKAS
(Words, Umum,
PPT, Pemerintah
Excel) Provinsi
2. List of DED documents related to the WS system
N Document Version Date Author Institution Language Approva File/Doc.
o l date Name
1 DED Final MS Oct. PT. BPPW Bahasa Oct. LAP AKHIR
report Words 2017 Saranabudi Jawa 2017 DED
Prakarsaripta Tengah
DED 2019 Saranabudi Jawa TERAKHIR
Prakarsaripta Tengah
3 Drawing CAD Oct. PT. BPPW Bahasa Oct. DED SPAM
• Long Saranabudi Jawa 2017 Resional
profile and Prakarsaripta Tengah Wosusokas
cross (GAMBAR
section KERJA
• Pipe bridge BUKU 1)
• Booster
• Offtake
4 Technical MS 2017 PT. BPPW Bahasa 2017 SPESIFIKAS
Specification Word Saranabudi Jawa I TEKNIS
Prakarsaripta Tengah PERPIPAAN
5 Topography MS. 2017 PT. Bahasa 2017 DATA
data Excel Saranabudi UKUR
• Topogr Prakarsaripta
• Data
ing file

6 Geotechnical MS.Exce 2017 PT. Lab. Bahasa 2017 LAP

Report l & MS Saranabudi Mekanika PENYELIDI
Word Prakarsaripta Tanah KAN
Fakultas TANAH
17 Agustus
7 Cost Estimation MS 2017 PT. BPPW Bahasa EE RAB
Excel & Saranabudi Jawa Wosusokas
PDF Prakarsaripta Tengah 2017-Rev 3
Quarterly Report 2 INDONESIA

ANNEX - 2 Summary of projects meetings

HYDEA SPA/ SWS Consulting Engineering/ KOGAS

Implementation Consultant (IC) SPAM Regional Wosusokas
KfW Procurement ID : 502595
Semarang Office : Jl. Galunggung No.16, Gajahmungkur – Semarang
Jawa Tengah 50232 (024) 6426023
Jakarta Office : Jl. Jati Padang Raya 41, RT.6/RW.4 – Jati Padang
Jakarta Selatan 12540 (021) 7817707
HYDEA S.p.A - SWS Consulting Engineering - KOGAS

Minutes of Meeting
Reference No.: IC-038/MoM/I/2022
Judul Rapat : Rapat Koordinasi Progres Persiapan Topic : Coordination Meeting Regional SPAM
Pelaksanaan SPAM Regional Wosusokas Preparation Progress
Wosusokas (Pertemuan Mingguan 16) (Weekly Meeting 16)
Hari/Tanggal : Rabu, 19 Januari 2022 Day/Date : Wednesday, 19 January 2022
Waktu : 11.00 s.d Selesai Time : 11.00 a.m till Finished
Tempat : Zoom Meeting Online Place : Zoom Meeting Online
Peserta Rapat : Daftar Hadir terlampir Participants : Attendance List Attach

Bahasan Rapat Meeting Evaluation

Sambutan PPK CMO Remarks

- Mengingformasikan peserta rapat bahwa, setiap Rabu - CMO Informed the meeting participants that, every
merupakan agenda rutin pelaporan progress kerja IC Wednesday is IC’s weekly routine work progress reporting
mingguan, Balai menilai mengundang stakeholders pada agenda, Balai took this opportunity to invite stakeholders in
agenda mingguan IC akan memberikan informasi dan order to provide information and understanding to the
pemahaman kepada Stakeholders akan perkembangan Stakeholders of the Regional SPAM Wosusokas preparation
persiapan SPAM Regional Wosusokas progress

1. Penjelasan Rencana Kerja IC SPAM Regional Wosusokas 1. IC Regional SPAM Wosusokas Workplan
- Konstruksi WTP jika memungkinkan akan dilaksanakan - WTP Construction to be carried out in 20 Months if
dalam 20 Bulan, selesai pada Januari 2024 possible and is completed in January 2024
- Konstruksi JDU akan dilaksanakan dalam 16 Bulan - MDP construction will be implemented in 16 Months
- Sehingga uji komisioning dapat dilakukan Bersama- - The commissioning test is planned to be carried out in
sama pada Februari 2024 February 2024
- Pemindahan alokasi air curah 50 l/s dari Wonogiri ke - The Transfer of 50 l/s bulk water allocation from
Surakarta Wonogiri to Surakarta follow up
- Amandemen PKS tahun 2022, agar dilakukan - Amendment of PKS in 2022, so that an amendment is
amandemen juga pada kontrak IC also made to the IC contract

2. Mekanikan Elektrikal & SCADA 2. Mechanical Electrical & SCADA

- Jumlah instrumen sekitar 50, valves 148, dan - About 50 instruments, 148 valves and others are
instrumen lainnya lokasinya tersebar. located dispersedly.
- Sistem tersentralisasi ini kurang baik, karena banyak - Centralized system is not because it requires many
kabel sensor yang terlalu panjang dan rentan terhadap long sensor cables which are prone to noise.
noise. - IC proposes the system to have some clusters at
- Diusulkan dibuat cluster di daerah reservoir, SDB, 3 reservoir, SDB, 3 WTP, and chemical house areas. The
WTP, chemical house. Flow meter dan sensor lain clusters are connected to a main control panel which is
tersambung ke cluster terdekat. Semua cluster then connected to SCADA room.
tersambung ke panel kontrol induk yang terambung ke - The proposed system is developed in WTP SCADA
ruang SCADA. version 2.
- Kontrol terdistribusi ini sedang dikembangkan dalam - SCADA system is connected to intake pump unit,
versi 2. offtake reservoirs, and offtaker offices via Cloud IoT
- Sistem SCADA terkoneksi dengan unit pompa intake, Platform.
offtake reservoirs, dan kantor-kantor offtakers via - SCADA system reads pressure values from transmitters
Cloud IoT Platform. installed along main distribution pipe (JDU) for pipe
- Sistem membaca tekanan dari pressure transmitters leakage detection purposes.
sepanjang JDU untuk monitoring tekanan dalam - SCADA system will control motorized valves at main
rangka deteksi kebocoran pipa. pipe branches to isolate the leaked pipe from the
- Sistem SCADA mengontrol motorized valve di setiap network.
percabangan pipa untuk isolasi jaringan seandainya
terjadi kebocoran.

3. Jaringan Distribusi Utama (JDU) 3. Main Distribution Pipes (MDP)

- Desain gambar yang dipersiapkan sudah menerapkan - The design drawing that has been prepared are
perubahan pengurangan alokasi air curah dari implementing the changes of the bulk water allocation
Wonogiri 200 l/d menjadi 150 l/d yang akan diusulkan from Wonogiri 200 l/d becomes 150 l/d which will be
untuk dialokasikan ke PDAM Surakarta. proposed to be allocated to PDAM Surakarta.
- Diameter pipa menyesuaikan perubahan juga - Pipe diameter adjusts to the changes as well
- Akan diagendakan pembahasan detil teknis JDU
dengan mengundang tiap PDAM
- PDAB akan mengusahakan pembebasan lahan untuk - IC through Balai’s approval will organize meeting to
lokasi offtake reservoir terkait dengan perubahan discuss the MDP technical details by inviting all
layout PDAM/PDABs
- PDAM solo masih mempertimbangkan penyerapan - PDAB will optimize the land acquisition for offtake
alokasi 50 l/s dari wonogiri karena berdampak reservoir locations related to layout changes
terhadap desain sistem hilir (FS dan DED harus - PDAM Solo is still considering the absorption of the 50
diupdate). Perlu pembahasan lebih detail terkait opsi l/s allocation from Wonogiri because it has an impact
ini. on the downstream system design (FS and DED must
be updated). Need more detailed discussion regarding
this option.

4. Rekomtek 4. Technical Recommendation (Rekomtek)

- IC menargetkan minggu depan kelengkapan dokumen - IC targets the completion of the pre-Rekomtek
persiapan Pra-rekomtek selesai preparation documents are finished next week
- Follow up permintaan data data tinggi muka air (TMA) - Follow-up on the requests for water level data (TMA)
& curah hujan 10 tahun terahir kepada BBWS Solo & for the last 10 years rainfall to BBWS Solo for
untuk analisa hidrologi/hidrolika hydrological/hydraulic analysis
- Ijin penggunaan Sumber Daya Air (SDA) diajukan ke - Permit to use Water Resources (SDA) is submitted to
BBWS Solo dan memerlukan surat resmi dari BPPW BBWS Solo and requried an official letter from Balai
dam IC akan asistensi proses tersebut which later on, IC assists with monitoring the process
- Rekomtek Segmen 40km diajukan kepada Balai - 40 Km segment Rekomtek permit proposal is to be
Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional dan PT. KAI melalui Dinas submitted to the National Road Implementation
PU BMCK Jawa Tengah. Namun IC masih terus mencari Center (BPJN) and PT. Indonesian Railways (KAI)
informasi untuk pengajuan ke PT. KAI ini prosedurnya through/represented by the Dinas PUBMCK. However,
seperti apa. Semua proses tersebut memerlukan surat IC is still looking for information on the administrative
resmi dari BPPW Jawa Tengah yang selanjutnya di submission procedures to PT. KAI. All these processes
follow up oleh IC require official letter from Balai as the basis for IC
- Total ada 3 pengajuan Rekomtek yang sedan works
dipersiapkan IC. Pengajuan kepada BBWS Solo, BPJN, - There are 3 Rekomtek submissions in total that are
dan PT. KAI. being prepared by IC. Submission to BBWS Solo, BPJN,
- Diagendakan pembahasan tindak lanjut Rekomtek ke and PT. KAI
BBWS Solo dengan dua opsi, (i) zoom meeting / (ii) - Schedule arrangement of the follow-up for Rekomtek
offline. Surat BPPW Jateng menjadi dasar pertemuan to BBWS Solo has two options, (i) online or, (ii) offline
tersebut meeting. IC requires official letter from Balai to follow
this up

5. Struktur 5. Structural
- Luas area lahan Reservoir Grobog, Tenongan, dan - The Grobog, Tenongan, and Duwet reservoir land areas
Duwet berdampak pada perubahan kontruksi dari are affected by the change in the construction which
concrete ke Glass Fused Steel were previously using concrete to Glass Fused Steel
- Konstruksi Bangunan atas, jembatan, lintasan sesuai - Construction of Upper buildings, bridges, remain in
konstruksi DED yang telah direncanakan accordance with the planned DED construction
- Tumpuan jembatan/perlintasan menungu hasil uji - Bridge/crossing pedestals construction planning are
geoteknik/soil sondir waiting for the geotechnical test result (Dutch Cone
- Diperlukan kepastian ukuran pembebasan lahan Penetrometer Test)
reservoir offtake untuk merancang layout. Tim PDAB - It is necessary to determine the size of the offtake
akan melakukan pengukuran ulang dan mengusahakan reservoir land acquisition to design the layout. The
kebutuhan layouting reservoir offtake dari tim IC PDAB team will conduct re-measurements and work
- IC melalui arahan PPK akan mengagendakan Joint for IC’s layout requirements
survey dengang PDAM PT. Tirta Utama dalam - IC based on CMO's instruction will schedule a joint
perhitungan konstruksi lahan reservoir survey with PDAM PT. Tirta Utama for the calculation
of reservoir land construction

6. Geoteknik 6. Geotechnical
- 45 titik sudah selesai, minggu depan selesai utk boring - 45 points next week are fixed for the boring / cone
/ cone penetration testnya penetration test

7. Safeguards 7. Safeguards
Tim Safeguards mengidentifikasi lokasi yang merupakan The Safeguards team identifies public facilities locations
fasilitas public (hot spot) yang akan berpotensi terdampak (hot spots) that will potentially be affected by the pipeline
proses konstruksi pipa construction process
- Pada area Reservoir Mojolaban teridentifikasi 2 lokasi - In the Mojolaban Reservoir area there are 2 hotspots
hotspot location
- Di Karanganyar- Reservoir Plesungan teridentifikasi 7 - In Karanganyar - Plesungan Reservoir has 7 hotspots
titik hotspot - In Karangwuni there is 1 hotspot point
- Di Karangwuni terdapat 1 titik hotspot - In the Duwet Reservoir area, 4 hotspots have been
- Di area Reservoir Duwet teridentifikasi 4 titik hotspot identified

8. Arsitektur & Lansekap 8. Architecture & Landscape

- Sudah sesuai arahan Balai, harap diteruskan dan - The work has been in accordance with Balai’s
difinalisasikan detil desainnya instruction, IC to continue and finalize the design
9. Perkiraan Biaya 9. Cost Estimation
- Pemilihan jenis pipa, dia dibawah 500 mm HDPE, - The pipe type selection is diameter based, if the
diatas 500 steel pipe diameter is below 500 mm to use HDPE pipe, if above
- Kegiatan seminggu terahir, presentasi vendor produk 500 mm to use steel pipe
untuk sebagai analisa (i) harga satuan dan untuk (ii) - Last week activities mainly gathering data from
inventarisir spek teknis vendors’ product presentation for analysis of (i) unit
prices and for (ii) inventory of technical specification

10. Dokumen Tender 10. Tender Documents

- Pengerjaan dokumen Prequalification (PQ) dan Tender - Documents Prequalification (PQ) and Tender
Documents dilakukan bersamaan Documents are done simultaneously
- Bagian I, II, III sudah submit ke KfW dan per tanggal 19 - Parts I, II, III have been submitted to KfW and as of 19
Januari, Balai menerima input/komen KfW untuk January 2022, Balai received KfW input/comments for
direvisi yang selanjutnya diteruskan Balai kepada IC revision which were then forwarded to IC

11. Partisipasi/Input Peserta Rapat (Stakeholders) 11. Attendants’ Participation/Inputs (Stakeholders)

- Dinas PUBMCK: Perubahan alokasi debit air 50 l/d dari - Dinas PUBMCK: Changes in the allocation of 50 l/s
Wonogiri untuk dialihkan ke Surakarta pada Tahap 1 water discharge from Wonogiri to be transferred to
perlu benar-benar dipastikan legalisasinya oleh Surakarta in Stage 1 need to be thoroughly confirmed
Pimpinan Daerah. Karena perubahan ini perlu by the Regional Head. Because this change needs to be
dimasukan ke dalam PKS & KSO awal. Persetujuan included in the initial Agreement (PKS) & Contract
kepala daerah menjadi dasar amandemen dokumen (KSO). Approval of regional heads becomes the basis
PKS dan KSO for amendments to PKS and KSO documents
- Perlu justifikasi teknis mengapa Wonogiri melepas - Technical justificationis required as to why Wonogiri
50l/s. Hal ini dapat mempengaruhi opsi pembiayaan released 50l/s. This can affect financing options that
yang memerlukan diskusi teknis, dampak kepada require technical discussion, impact on the master
master desain. Hal ini harus menjadi perhatian design. This must be a common concern because the
bersama karena dampak perubahan substansi impact of the change in substance affects the entire
mempengaruhi seluruh konsep SPAM regional tahap I regional SPAM concept Stage I
- Agendakan pembahasan masterplan secara - Schedule a discussion of the overall master plan from
keseluruhan dari setiap stakeholder SPAM Wosusokas each Wosusokas SPAM stakeholder regarding changes
terkait perubahan alokasi air Tahap 1 dan 2 in water allocation Stage 1 and 2
- Tengah diupayakan pendanaan pipa diameter 500- - Funding for pipes with a diameter of 500-200 will be
200 oleh anggaran APBD Provinsi, untuk diameter funded by the Provincial APBD budget, for pipe
pipa 200 kebawah dianggarkan dari APBD Kota diameters of 200 and below it is funded from the City
- PDAM Surakarta: Tahapan konfirmasi sedang Budget
dibicarakan oleh Bappeda dengan Walikota. - PDAM Surakarta: The decision is being discussed by
Menunggu arahan hasil rapat tersebut. Sementara ini Regional Development Agency (Bappeda) with the
info Bappeda menunggu persetujuan regulasi. Mayor. Waiting for the results of the meeting.
Harapanya (1) dokumen teknis yang telah disusun Meanwhile, Bappeda's information is that to wait for
Pemerintah Kota Surakarta seperti Feasible Study 250 the regulatory approval. It is expected that (1) the
l/d tidak sia-sia, (2) bila memang ada perubahan perlu technical documents that have been prepared by the
dikonfirmasi lebih lanjut pendanaan bersumber dari Surakarta City Government such as the Feasible Study
APBN / APBD dan diharapkan IC bantu kawal proses 250 l/d are not in vain, (2) if there are changes, further
tersebut confirmation needs to be made for funding sources,
- Feedback IC: Merujuk pada perubahan kapasitas dari whether it is funded by the APBN / APBD and IC is
Wonogiri yang dianalisa debit dari booster Dagen yang expected to assist in overseeing the process.
berdampak adalah perubahan (i) desain dimensi pipa - IC Feedback: Regarding to the change in the water
itu dan kapasitas pompa distribusi, (ii) kapasitas allocation from Wonogiri which was analyzed by the
reservoir yang tadinya 400 m3 menjadi 5000m3, dan discharge from the Dagen booster, the impact was a
(iii) penambahan sistem hilir yang dapat diantisipasi change in (i) the design of the pipe dimensions and the
dengan opsi menambah pipa/area pelayanan baru. capacity of the distribution pump, (ii) the reservoir
- FS DED lama agar tetap dilaksanakan, sambil berproses capacity from 400 m3 to 5000m3, and (iii) the addition
ditambah yang baru. of a system downstream which can be anticipated with
- BBWS Solo: secara prinsip BBWS Solo mendukung the option of adding a new pipeline/service area.
kelancaran dan percepatan pembangunan SPAM - The FS existing DED to keep being implemented, while
Regional Wosusokas. Terkait proses perizinan, kami in the process of construction to be added with the
meminta agar IC didampingin juga oleh BPPW Jawa proposed changes
Tengah selaku Instansi pemohon. Sehingga bila ada - BBWS Solo: in principle, BBWS Solo supports the
data-data confidential bisa langsung disampaikan smooth and development acceleration of the Regional
kepada Balai SPAM Wosusokas. For the permit process, we request
- BBWS memiliki data keperluan analisa that IC is accompanied by the BPPW Central Java as
hidrologi/hidrolis, namun memang tidak bisa diberikan the applicant Institution. So that if there is confidential
semuanya. data, it can be directly submitted to Balai
- Proses persiapan Rekomktek IPA dan JDU tengah - BBWS has data for hydrological/hydraulic analysis, but
dibahas ditingkat Direktorat Teknis, mohon Balai it cannot be given all of them.
bersama-sama menindaklanjuti hal ini - The preparation process for WTP and MDP Rekomtek
- Untuk kordinasi terkait Rekomtek, BBWS Solo siap are being discussed at the Technical Directorate level,
memfasilitasi Balai melalui pertemuan online dan Balai to follow up on this
offline - Coordination related to Rekomtek, BBWS Solo is ready
- PDAM Sukoharjo: Demi kelancaran dan kepastian to facilitate Balai through online and offline meetings
bersama, Balai dan IC mengagendakan pertemuan
semua offtaker untuk membicarakan detil teknis - PDAM Sukoharjo: For the sake of smoothness and
perubahan debit mutual certainty, Balai and IC to schedule a meeting of
- PPK SPAM Wosusokas: Balai dan IC akan memfasilitasi all off-takers to discuss technical details of debit
rapat offline yang akan melaporkan perkembangan changes
pembangunan Wosusokas yang direncanakan setiap - SPAM Wosusokas CMO: Balai and IC will facilitate
bulan/2 bulan sekali offline meetings that will report on the progress of the
- Kami akan memberikan asistensi kepada PDAM untuk planned Wosusokas construction every month/2
mereviu DED masing-masing dengan memberikan 1 months
tenaga ahli sipil dan keuangan segera setelah ada - We will provide assistance to PDAMs to review their
persetujuan CPMU. Mohon tiap PDAM membuat respective DEDs by providing 1 civil and financial
kerjangka kerja, sehingga pendampingan berjalan expert immediately after CPMU's approval. Please
efisien each PDAM create a working framework, so that the
- Fokus Tahap I pembangunan SPAM Wosusokas, assistance runs efficiently
setelah itu baru Tahap II. - Focus on Stage I of SPAM Wosusokas development,
- Balai akan berkordinasi dengan pusat agar Direktur afterward to Stage II.
Jenderal Cipta Karya bersurat kepada Direktur Jenderal - Balai will coordinate with the Directorate Generale of
SDA, sehingga proses pengajuan Rekomtek lebih cepat Human Settlement so that the Director will write to
- Kegiatan Kementerian PUPR untuk Wosusokas masih the Director General of Water Resources, so that the
on schedule, dimohon pelaksanaan kegiatan di tiap Rekomtek application process is faster
PDAM sejalan dengan Balai - The Ministry of Public Works and Housing’s Wosusokas
- Surat Kepala Balai untuk kepada Kepala PLN activities is still on schedule, it is expected that the
Kabupaten Sukorharjo dan , sudah masuk ke Kabalai, implementation of activities in each PDAM is in line
sdg proses ACC. with Balai
- Letter from the Head of Balai to the Head of State
Electrical Company (PLN) for Sukorharjo Regency and
has been ACCed, IC to follow up

Kesimpulan Conclusion
- Perubahan alokasi air curah 50 l/s dari Wonogiri ke - 50 l/s bulk water allocation changes from Wonogiri to
Kota Surakarta sebaiknya untuk pekerjaan tahap 2. Surakarta City should be the focus of Stage II work. The
Perubahan ini menunggu regulasi terbaru dari change is waiting for the latest regulation from the
pemerintah Kota Surakarta Surakarta City government
- Perlu diskusi lebih lanjut terhadap perubahan - Further discussion is needed on changes to the
kapasitas debit sebagai bentuk tindak lanjut surat dari discharge capacity as a follow-up letter from the
Direktur Air Minum. IC melalui arahan Balai akan Director of Drinking Water. IC based on Balai’s
memfasilitasi pertemuan ini dalam bentuk Workshop instruction will facilitate this meeting into Workshop
- Kelengkapan skenarion JDU, klarifikasi atas tmbhn 50 - IC is ready to discuss together regarding the
l/s. IC siap diskusi bersama completeness MDP scenario, clarification of the
- Untuk melengkapi kebutuhan Rekomtek mengenai izin additional 50 l/s
sampling kualitas air minum akan dilaksanakan dengan - To complete the need for Rekomtek regarding drinking
mengundang semua stakeholders melalui pertemuan water quality sampling permits, it will be carried out
tingkat Kabupaten/Kota by inviting all stakeholders through district/city level
- Ada 3 persiapan Rekomtek yang proses pengajuanya meetings
didampingi Balai (persuratan, otorisasi permintaan - There are 3 preparations for Rekomtek for the
data, dan lainnya) submission process that requires support from Balai
- Balai akan mengupdate perkembangan persiapan (letters, authorization of data requests, and others)
pembangunan SPAM Regional Wosusokas kepada - Balai will update Regional SPAM Wosusokas
PDAM/PDAB, sehingga diharapkan ada input/feedback preparations construction progress to PDAMs/PDABs,
sebagai perbaikan bersama so it is expected that there will be input/feedback as a
- Balai merencanakan pertemuan pembahasan progress joint improvement
2 bulan sekali. - Balai plans to schedule a meeting to discuss progress
in every 2 months.


Jakarta, 19 January 2022 Semarang, 19 January 2022 Semarang, 19 Januari 2022

_____________ _____________ _____________

Tri Fauziah Astarini Klaus Kirchenbaur Arif Nurjiyanto, ST
Annex 1. Attendance List (Online and Offline)
Annex 2. Documentation
Implementation Consultant (IC) SPAM Regional Wosusokas
KfW Procurement ID : 502595
Semarang Office : Jl. Galunggung No.16, Gajahmungkur – Semarang
Jawa Tengah 50232 (024) 6426023
Jakarta Office : Jl. Jati Padang Raya 41, RT.6/RW.4 – Jati Padang
Jakarta Selatan 12540 (021) 7817707
HYDEA S.p.A - SWS Consulting Engineering - KOGAS

Minutes of Meeting
Reference No.: IC-040/MoM/I/2022
Judul Rapat : Weekly Meeting 18 Topic : Weekly Meeting 18
Hari/Tanggal : Rabu, 2 Februari 2022 Day/Date : Wednesday, 2 February 2022
Waktu : 10.00 s.d Selesai Time : 10.00 till Finish
Tempat : Kantor IC Semarang Place : IC Semarang Office
Zoom Online Zoom Meeting Online
Peserta Rapat : Daftar Hadir Terlampir Participants : Attendance List Attached

Bahasan Rapat Meeting Evaluation

Arsitektur & Lansekap (Revisi Layout WTP) Architecture & Landscape (WTP Layout Revision)
- Tim Arsitektur & Lansekap mendata markings pepohonan - Architecture & Landscaping Team lists tree markings with
dengan kategorisasi pohon yang bisa dipindah dan yang perlu categorization of trees that can be moved and that need to
ditebang be cut down
- Dari data tersebut selanjutnya diidentifikasi berapa banyak - From the data further identified how many trees to be asked
jumlah pohon untuk dimintakan izin kepada Dinas for permission to the Forest Service / Environment for
Kehutanan/Lingkungan Hidup untuk diproses lebih jauh further processing.
- Penempatan logo PUPR (di kiri) dan logo provinsi Jawa Tengah - Placement of PUPR logo (on left) and Central Java provincial
(di kanan) logo (on right)
- Persentase lahan bangunan 60% dan 40% untuk aspek green - Percentage of building land 60% and 40% for green building
building aspects

Jaringan Distribusi Utama Main Distribution Pipe

- Peletakan pipa menggunakan jembatan pipa pada Hulu Colo - Laying pipes using a pipe bridge on Hulu Colo while other
sedangkan titik lainnya dengan metode HDD points with HDD method
- Jalur area Res. Duwet diperkirakan akan kesulitan karena - Res area path. Duwet is expected to struggle due to the large
pohon-pohon besar. Perlu dipastikan apakah perlu dimintakan trees. It is necessary to ascertain whether it is necessary to
perizinan juga untuk ditebang atau peletakan pipa di bawah ask for permits also to be cut down or laying pipes under the
jalan road.

Survei Topografi Topographic Survey

- Untuk data hasil survey masih dalam proses - The survey results are still in progress.
- Sambungan pipa dari pipa jalur utama - Pipe connection from the main line pipe
- Beberapa pekerjaan sudah selesai 100 % - Some jobs are 100% done.

Rekomendasi Teknis Technical Recommendations

- Tarkait dengan BPJN dan PT. KAI surat dibuatkan per masing- - Regarding the BPJN and PT. KAI letter is made per each
masing Dinas / Institusi yang terkait service / institution related
- Akan diusulka rapat kembali - It will be held back to the meeting.
- Tembusan surat percepatan dokumen rekomtek yang akan - Gushing letter acceleration of recomputing documents that
dilalui jalur JDU SPAM Wosusokas will be passed by MDP SPAM Wosusokas line
- Permintaan untuk dokumen mengenai pipa yang dibutuhkan - Request for documents regarding required pipes
- Diharapkan tidak perlu ada penebangan pohon - It is expected that there will be no need for tree felling.
- Tim rekomtek sebelum melakukan survey membuat checklist - Recompact team before conducting a survey makes a
- Harus ada izin dari Telkom ke Dinas Terkait checklist
- Dibuatkan izin untuk pengalihan jalur - There must be permission from Telkom to the Relevant
- Create permission for lane switching

Mechanical-Electrical & SCADA Mechanical-Electrical & SCADA

- Reservoir Tenongan belum tersedia di jaringan listrik - Tenongan Reservoir is not yet available on the power grid
- Untuk jaringan listrik di intake kapasitasnya belum mencukupi - For the electricity network in the intake capacity is not
untuk daya yang dibutuhkan (ditambahkan keterangannya pada enough for the power needed (added information in the
laporan survey) survey report)
- Perlu data mengenai berapa kali pemadaman per tahun/ - It needs data on how many outages per year / month and
perbulan dan berapa jamnya. Jadi nantinya dapat dilakukan how many hours. So later it can be anticipated.
antisipasi - 100% WTP image
- Gambar WTP 100 % - Make details about the progress of his work so that later it
- Dibuatkan detail mengenai progress of worknya sehingga nanti can be known whether on schedule or not
bisa diketahui apakah on schedule atau tidak - SCADA team to install sensors for leak detection in off taker
- Tim SCADA akan memasang sensor untuk pendeteksi kebocoran reservoirs
di reservoir off taker

Cost Estimator Cost Estimator

- Kalkulasi pemaketan Kab. Wonogiri sudah 80 % - The calculation of the packaging of Kab. Wonogiri is already
- Untuk pemaketan perlu ada spesifikiasi khusus yang 80%
dibutuhkan - For packaging there needs to be a specific specific that is
- Perpipaan untuk sanitas perlu di crosscheck needed.
- Terkait double profit PPn dan PPh perlu diperhatikan - Piping for sanitas needs to be crosschecked
- Untuk vendor yang kebutuhannya banyak minimal 5 referensi - Related to double profit PPn and PPh need to be considered
- Jadikan Permen PUPR No. 01 tahun 2022 tentang penyusunan - For vendors whose needs are many at least 5 references
analisa satuan pekerjaan, sebagai acuan penggunaan analisa - Use MPWH’s Instruction Order No. 01 of 2022 on the
preparation of work unit analysis, as a reference for the use
of analysis

Tender documents Tender documents

- Bersiap dalam menyusun Dokumen Tender JDU setelah selesai - Prepare in drafting the MDP Tender Document after the
penyusunan Dokumen Tender IPA completion of the preparation of the WTP Tender Document

Geoteknik Geotechnical
- Semua titik titik yang sudah dilakukan survey sondir sudah bisa - All point points that have been done sondir survey can be
dilakukan estimasi dari data yang telah ada estimated from existing data
- Untuk outputnya bisa dimasukkan ke google maps Bersama - For the output can be entered into google maps along with
dengan data topografi agar semua data dapat terintegrasi toography data so that all data can be integrated
- Sloop stability masih menggunakan data yang lama sebelumnya, - Sloop stability still uses the old data before, after this will be
setelah ini akan dibuatkan data barunya dan bisa tersetimasi created new data and can be estimated the results of new
hasilnya dari data baru yang telah ada data that has been there.
- Tipikal kedalaman pondasi di Duwet 2,2 (paling rendah) karena - Typical foundation depth in Duwet 2.2 (lowest) due to rocky
berbatu - For tipika land is taken several reference points at the time
- Untuk tipika tanah diambil beberapa titik referensi pada saat of the survey, so not only one point that the survey
survey, jadi tidak hanya satu titik yang dilakukan survey conducted
- Untuk survey sondir ditemukan beberapa titik yang tidak - For the Cone penetration test found some points that were
ditemukan ground level waternya not found ground level water
- Dibuat preliminary design dulu saja dari data yang telah didapat - Made preliminary design first from the data that has been

Struktur - Calculation of bridge and reservoir structure has been
- Perhitungan struktur jembatan dan reservoir sudah completed
diselesaikan - Modeled on the spread of the load
- Dimodelkan penyebaran bebannya - The pump building is made in its own
- Bangunan pompa dibuat tersendiri - There is no drainage across the traces
- Tidak ada drainase disebrang trase - In the reservoir there is a river across it so that for water
- Pada reservoir plesungan terdapat sungai diseberangnya disposal it needs to be considered
sehingga untuk pembuangan air perlu diperhatikan - Jatibedug Reservoir needs further discussion of the structure
- Reservoir Jatibedug perlu diskusi lebih lanjut tim struktur team with other teams
dengan tim lainnya
Water Treatment Plant (WTP)
Instalasi Pengolahan Air (IPA) - Target sync with Team (ME -Structure) next week 100%
- Target sinkronasi dengan Tim (ME -Struktur) minggu depan 100 - Fact Findings in the survey, namely on the Water Tunnel, will
% be added water tunnel
- Fact Findings pada survey yaitu pada Water Tunnel, akan - WTP uses SDB again
ditambahkan water tunnel
- WTP menggunakan SDB kembali
Kesimpulan - The creation of a schedule of output activities of each field
- Pembuatan jadwal kegiatan output masing-masing bidang yang that is definitive or can be measured achievement
definitive atau dapat diukur pencapaiannya - IC Compiles and updates DED image lists with weekly
- IC Menyusun dan mengupdate daftar gambar DED dengan progress
progres mingguan - The results of topographic and geotechnical survey
- Hasil pengukuran survei topografi dan geoteknik segera measurements immediately completed the report to support
selesaikan laporannya untuk mendukung DED DED
- Verifikasi section posisi penempatan jaringan pipa memerlukan - Verification of the section of the placement position of the
justifikasi resiko jika harus pindah tempat pipeline requires justification of the risk if you have to move
- Tim Geoteknik bekerja sama dengan tim struktur places
- Tim ME & SCADA menginformasikan laporan terkait special - Geotechnical team in collaboration with structural team
valve chamber dan SCADA, resiko penempatan pipa, dan - The ME & SCADA team informs reports related to special
prosedur pemeliharaan valve chambers and SCADA, pipe placement risks, and
- Tim IC menindaklanjuti proses pengerjaan Rekomtek dengan maintenance procedures
mengagendakan kunjungan ke Kantor BBWS minggu ini/senin 7 - The IC team followed up the Rekomtek process by scheduled
Februari 2022, PT. KAI & Balai Jalan Nasional a visit to the BBWS Office this week/Monday, February 7,
- Arsitektur memerlukan penggabungan antara Silo di dalam 1 2022, PT. KAI & National Road Hall
mapping. Susun laporan Identifikasi pohon - Architecture requires merging silos in 1 mapping. Compiling
- Pendetailan pola iterasi pada WTP pada saat commissioning test tree identification reports
- Literation patterns details on WTP for the commissioning


Rabu, 2 February 2022
Rabu, 2 February 2022 Rabu, 2 February 2022

_____________ _____________
[tanda tangan]
Tri Fauziah Astarini Klaus Kirchenbaur
Nurul Afifah Trijoko
Annex 1. Attendance list online & offline
Annex 2. Meeting Documentation
Implementation Consultant (IC) SPAM Regional Wosusokas
KfW Procurement ID : 502595
Semarang Office : Jl. Galunggung No.16, Gajahmungkur – Semarang
Jawa Tengah 50232 (024) 6426023
Jakarta Office : Jl. Jati Padang Raya 41, RT.6/RW.4 – Jati Padang
Jakarta Selatan 12540 (021) 7817707
HYDEA S.p.A - SWS Consulting Engineering - KOGAS
Minutes of Meeting
Reference No.: IC-045/MoM/II/2022

Judul Rapat : Rapat Mingguan ke 19 Topic : Weekly Meeting 19

Hari/Tanggal : Rabu, 9 Februari 2022 Day/Date : Wednesday, 9 February 2022
Waktu : 10.30 WIB s.d Selesai Time : 10.30 till Finished
Tempat : Zoom Meeting Online Place : Zoom Meeting Online
Peserta Rapat : Daftar Hadir Terlampir Participants : Attendance List Attached

Bahasan Rapat Meeting Discussion

Pejabat Pembuat Komitmen Commitment Making Officer

- IC dapat menampilkan progress minggu ini dengan menggambarkan - IC must update progress weekly progress describing the work
jadual kerja dan keterangan terhadap kegiatan yang sudah terlaksana schedule and information on activities that have been carried
dan belum out and have not been
- Semua proses survei, struktur, sondir, harus ada progress. - All survey processes both geotechnical and cone penetration
Perkembangan ini ditampilkan pada rapat minggu depan test must have progress. Thus, this to be presented in the next
- Isu dengan oftaker, masukan untuk desain oftake yang dibangun Jangan Weekly Meeting
terpaku pada perubahan oftake, pada prinsipnya fokus ke desain/ - Issues with the offtaker input for the design to be built, IC to
rencana awal not fixate on the changes but keep focusing on the design /
Agenda IC di Februari (i) Reviu DED, (ii) Rekomtek, (iii) Safeguard, (iv) RPB, (v), initial plan
(vi) Tender Dokumen JDU, dan (vi) Penyiapan Renc. Kerja Dukungan IC ke IC’s Agenda in February (i) Reviu DED, (ii) Rekomtek, (iii) Safeguard,
CPMU (iv) RPB, (v), (vi) JDU Document Tender, and (vi) Renc Preparation. IC
Support Work to CPMU

Status Perkembangan IC IC Progress Status

1. Cost estimate saat ini sedang menyusun daftar harga satuan, 1. Cost estimate is currently compiling a list of unit prices,
menyelesaikan pembahasan daftar harga produk dari 2 vendor completing the discussion of product price list from 2 vendors
2. Struktur sampai dengan saat ini hitungan bagian atas yang baru selesai, 2. Structure work status until now, the calculation finished only
namun bawah belum. PPK menekankan, pekerjaan Struktur harus for the top building, but the bottom has not completed. CMO
selesai pada tanggal 27 Februari 2022 untuk perhitungan bagian atas stressed that, the structural work must be completed by
dan bawah. February 27, 2022 for the calculation of the top and bottom
3. Jalur Distribusi Utama (JDU) 3. Main Distribution Pipe (MDP)
- Tim JDU perkuat kordinasi dengan bidang lain dalam metode - The MDP to improve the coordination with other fields Experts
pemasangan pipa. Koordinasi dengan Tim (i) safeguard, (ii) for the pipe installation method. The Coordination are with
Struktur, (iii) IPA, dan (iv) ME & SCADA Team (i) Safeguard, (ii) Structure, (iii) WTP, and (iv) ME &
- Survei Topografi minggu ini didapatkan data survei sepanjang 40 SCADA
km - Topography Survey data obtained this week is 40 km long
- DED JDU harus memberikan kepastian perencanaan yang coverage
diselesaikan pada akhir Februari 2022 dan menjadi dasar penting - MDP DED must provide fixed planning that is completed by the
penyusunan Reviu Perkiraan Biaya (RPB) end of February 2022, this later on will be the important basis
- Target lelang JDU tetap akan dilaksanakan pada April - Mei 2022 for the preparation of Cost Estimation Review (CER)
- Rekomtek JDU harus diselesaikan sebagai kelengkapan syarat - MDP tender is tendered as scheduled, April - May 2022
perizinan BBWS Solo - MDP technical recommendation (rekomtek) must be
completed for the requirements completion of permit proposal
to BBWS Solo

4. Survei Geoteknik sudah selesai 100%, pada Rapat Mingguan 20 akan 4. Geotechnical Survey has 100% completed, at the 20th Weekly
dipaparkan hasil pelaporannya. Meeting the report will be presented.
Feedback PPK: Pekerjaan Struktur harus selesai, karena Geoteknik CMO’s Feedback: Structural work must be completed, because
sudah selesai. Pada Rapat Mingguan 20 sudah ada kolaborasi desain geotechnical is complete. At the 20th Weekly Meeting there is
fondasi dan struktur bangunan dapat ditampilkan perkembanganya already a collaboration of foundation design and building
structure can be displayed its development
5. ME & SCADA tabel rincian items SCADA dikirimkan kepada PPK untuk 5. ME & SCADA Team to submit table details of SCADA items to
dicermati dan dipertimbangkan. CMO for reviewing and consideration
6. Arsitektur & Lansekap 6. Architecture & Landscape
- Input data posisi pohon dan digambar titik-titik pohon yang ada di - Input tree position data and draw the tree points in the
area eksisting ke layout WTP existing area to the WTP layout
- Pada reservoir Jatibedug jalan rata rata lebar 5 meter - For Jatibedug reservoir the road average width is 5 meters
- Input data pohon yang dapat di transplanting di IPA - Present transplantable tree data in for the WTP
- Pemilihan tanaman yang sesuai dengan tempat tumbuhnya - Selection of plants that correspond to where they grow
- Layout Jatibedug harus dibuat sebaik mungkin karena nantinya - Jatibedug layout should be made as best as possible
akan menjadi percontohan because later it will be a pilot
- Alternatif layout untuk kavling baru Plesungan - Alternative layouts for the new plesungan
- Perpipaan harap dapat ter ekspos - Piping hopes to be exposed
- Sekitar jalur pipa harus mudah diakses untuk pengawasan dan - The surrounding pipelines should be easily accessible for
perawatan. supervision and maintenance.
- ME diluar bangunan inti - ME outside the core building
- Offtaker outlet bisa diberi akses agar mempermudah perawatan - Offtaker outlets can be given access to facilitate
- Untuk WM 20 diharapkan sudah ada perubahan pada gambar maintenance
rervoir tenongan - For WM 20, it is expected that there will be changes to the
- Ruangan kimia harap dibuatkan di reservoir image rervoir tenongan
- Penambahan lahan di Res Tenongan bisa diusulkan sesuai layout - Chemical room please make in reservoir
terbaik. Agar dapat diupayakan diusahakan pembebasan lahannya - Land additions in Res. Tenongan can be proposed
- Desain Reservoir Tenongan, tampilkan desain lengkap sesuai according to the best layout. In order to be sought to
dengan rencana awal pada IPA dan ruang kimia secure land acquisition
- Tenongan Reservoir design, display complete design in
accordance with the original plan of the WTP and chemical
7. Instalasi Pengolahan Air (IPA) 7. Water Treatment Plant (WTP)
- Desain IPA pada prinsipnya dapat mengakomodasi kaidah green - The WTP design in principle to accommodate green
Building/Green WTP building / green WTP aspects.
- Tim IPA perlu mulai mempersiapkan pedoman supervisi konstruksi - The WTP team need to start preparing construction
supervision guidelines
8. Dokumen Tender 8. Tender Documents
- Draft dokumen PQ untuk 4 paket JDU, agar dapat diserahkan dan - Draft PQ documents for 4 MDP packages, so that they can
direview bersama dengan Adviser pak Joko Roosmany dan pak be submitted and reviewed together with Mr. Joko
Iman minggu depan. Roosmany and Mr. Iman next week.
- Penyiapan komponen 4 paket JDU pada dokumen PQ agar - Setup of 4 MDP package components in PQ documents to
mempertimbangkan aspek teknis dan non-teknis. take into account technical and non-technical aspects.
- Opsi perencanaan komponen 4 paket JDU dapat memuat sistem - The 4 MDP package component planning option can
JDU beserta ME, reservoir dan bangunan pelengkap yang dibagi ke contain MDP system along with ME, reservoir and
4 segmen pekerjaan sehingga konsep desain dapat tipikal dan complementary buildings divided into 4 work segments so
penyusunan dalam satu PQ dokumen that design concepts can be typical and drafted in one PQ
- Opsi perencanaan lain komponen 4 paket JDU dapat memuat 4 document
lingkup aspek pekerjaan masing-masing sistem JDU, ME, reservoir - Other planning options component 4 JDU packages can
dan bangunan pelengkap, masing-masing paket mempunyai contain 4 scopes of work aspects of each JDU system, ME,
konsep desain yang berbeda-beda, sehingga penyusunan PQ reservoir and complementary buildings, each package has
dokumen dibuat masing-masing a different design concept, so that the preparation of PQ
- Saat ini sudah dipersiapkan PQ dokumen untuk 4 paket JDU documents is made each
memuat sistem JDU secara keseluruhan memuat 4 segmen - Currently, PQ documents are prepared for 4 MDP
pekerjaan dalam satu dokumen PQ packages containing the MDP system as a whole
containing 4 work segments in one PQ document.
9. Rekomendasi Teknik (Rekomtek) bersiap mengajukan konsultansi offline 9. Technical Recommendations (Rekomtek) Prepare to propose
dengan BPPW berdasarkan data survei geoteknik dan topografi untuk offline consulting with BPPW based on geotechnical and
BBWS didampingin Bu Yanti. Berparalel pengerjaan Rekomtek kepada PT. topographic survey data designated for BBWS, to be
KAI dan Balai Jalan accompanied by Mrs. Yanti. In parallel with that, IC prepares
the Rekomtek to be proposed to PT. KAI and Balai Jalan
10. Safeguards 8 poin fokus penyusunan slides yaitu Pendahuluan (latar 10. Safeguards 8 focus points for the reporting and be presented
belakang, maksud dan tujuan , ruang lingkup), 2. Metodologi safeguard int the next weekly meeting, (1) Introduction (background,
(lihat di pedoman PUPR), 3. Pemetaan/Kondisi Lingkungan (permukiman, intent and purpose, scope), (2) Safeguard methodology (see in
komersial, sosial dll), 4. Analisis Risiko (pekerjaan WTP dan JDU) : dampak PUPR guidelines), (3) Mapping /Environmental Conditions
sosial, lingkungan, Lokasi dan magnitut risiko (bobot , skoring dan Nikai (settlements, commercial, social etc.), (4) Risk Analysis (WTP
risiko), 5. Kajian mitigasi risiko (lingkungan, masyarakat dan pekerja), and JDU work): social, environmental, location and magnitude
kebutuhan peralatan dan metode yang digunakan, 6. Kelembagaan of risk (weights, scoring and Nikai risk), (5) Risk mitigation
(rincikan kelembagaan apa saja yang terlibat ; institusi, masyarakat), 7, review (environment, society and workers), equipment needs
jadwal pelaksanaan , 8, pembiayaan and methods used, (6) Institutional (detail what institutions are
involved; institutions, communities), (7), implementation
schedule, and (8) financing

Kesimpulan Conclusion
A. 27 Februari 2022 Pekerjaan struktur harus selesai, konsekuensinya PPK A. February 27, 2022 Structural work must be completed,
tidak akan menandatangani invoice bila pekerjaa tidak selesai sesuai consequently PPK will not sign invoices if workers are not
target. Selain itu, akhir Februari Tim Struktur bersurat kepada completed on target. In addition, at the end of February the
Kementerian PUPR mengenai RPB Structure Team wrote to the Ministry of PUPR regarding RPB.
B. Kordinasi Tenaga Ahli dengan Team Leader perlu ditingkatkan, B. Coordination of Experts with Team Leaders needs to be
implikasinya kordinasi Team Leader dengan PPK/Balai juga ditingkatkan. improved, the implications of coordination of Team Leader
Sehingga PPK dapat menilai output Team Leader with PPK / Balai are also improved. So that PPK can assess the
C. PPK meminta IC Menyusun tabel overall progress yang dapat output of the Team Leader
dibandingkan dengan rencana dan realisasi. PPK dapat menilai posisi C. CMO asked IC to draw up a table of overall progress that can be
perkembangan IC sesuai tahapan target kerja. Rapat mingguan compared to the plan and realization. PPK can assess the
berikutnta IC menampilkan bar chart progres dua informasi position of IC development in accordance with the stage of
- rencana (warna biru) work targets. The following weekly meeting with IC displays a
- realisasi (warna merah) two-information progress chart bar
D. Masa kritis Wosusokas di bulan Februari s.d April. IC harus support PPK - plan (blue)
untuk mempersiapkan RPB yang akan dibahas ditingkatan Direktorat - realization (red)
pusat. Bersamaan dengan itu, IC juga mempersiapkan RAB, Harga D. Wosusokas' critical period in February to April. IC must support
Perkiraan Sendiri, Kajian Struktur, Pemilihan Material, K3 dan lain PPK to prepare RPB which will be discussed at the level of the
sebagainya. central directorate. Simultaneously, IC also prepares RAB, Own
E. IC perkuat koordiansi internal, sehingga Ketika Rapat Mingguan, apa Forecast Price, Structure Study, Material Selection, K3 and so
yang disampaikan kepada Klien tepat sasaran dan kompak on.
F. PPK dapat menilai perkembangan IC dengan justifikasi berdasarkan E. IC strengthens internal coordians, so that when weekly
jadwal kerja tersebut. Sehingga, TA yang tidak memiliki performa meetings, what is delivered to the client is on target and
signifikan, akan diberikan surat peringatan dan bila perlu digantikan compact
G. PPK tidak akan menadatangani invoice IC bila pekerjaan tidak selesai F. CMO can assess the development of IC with justification based
sesuai target deadline on the work schedule. Thus, Experts that does not have
H. IC tetap menjaga dan menjalankan protokol kesehatan, tes antigen bila significant performance, will be given a warning letter and if
perlu necessary, is replaced
G. PPK will not sign IC invoices if the work is not completed
according to the target deadline
H. IC maintains and runs healthy protocols, antigen tests when


Semarang, 9 February 2022 Semarang, 9 February 2022
Jakarta, 9 February 2022

_____________ _____________
Klaus Kirchenbaur Mr. Arif Nurjiyanto
Tri Fauziah Astarini
Tri Joko
Annex 1. Attendance List (Online & Offline)
Annex 2. Documentation
\i\lr I l1!1r(lirr' r \ir \lirru,,,
lmplementation Consultant 0C) SPAM Regional Wosusokas
KfW Procurement ID : 502595
Semarang Office : Jl. cslunggung No.l6, Gajahmungkur - Semaiang
\\'osusokas Jekarta Office
Jawa Tengah 50232 l024l 6426023
: Jl. Jati Padang Raya 4r, RT-6/RW.4 -Jati Padang
...,,",v l(Fw Jakatta Sclatan 12540 lO2l) 7A177O7
ITYDEA S. .A - SWS consulti EI ering - NOGAS

Minutes of Meeting
ReferenceN o.t O47 I MoM /lll / 2022

Judul Rapat : Rapat Mingguan ke-23 Topic : Weekly Meeting 23rd

Ha.i/fanggal : Rabu,9 Maret 2022 Day/Date : Wednesday, 9 Mar.h 2022
Waktu : 10.00 Wl8 s.d Selesai Time : 10.00 a-m till Finished
Tempat : Zoom Meeting Online Place : Zoom MeetinB Online
Kantor lC SemaranE lC Semarang Office
Peserta Rapat : Daftar Hadir Terlampir Participants : Attendance List Attached

Bahasan Rapat MeetinS Evaluation

Pak Arif (PPK SPAM Wosusokas) Mr. Arif (CMO SPAM Wosusokas)
- Tim lC fokus pada penyelesaian penyusunan Reviu - lC focuses on completing the preparation of Cost
Perkiraan Eiaya (RPB) dan Rekomtek Estimation Review (RPB) and Technical
- Fokus keria lC minggu ini adalah revisi RPg Recommendation
- lc's focus this week is working on the RPB revision

Presentasi lC: lC's Presentation:

Tenaga Ahli memaparkan perkembangan kerja mingguan Experts present weekly work developments according to
sesuai pada materi tayangan the impression material
1. Jaringan Distribusi Utama (Persiapan RPB) 1. Main Distribution Pipe (RPB preparation)
- Tahap Persiapan Reviu Perkiraan Biaya (RPB) - The Preparation Phase of Cost Estimation Review
berlandaskan dasar hukum yang berlaku dan (RPB) is based on the applicable legal basis and so
sehingga RPB dapat disetujui that RPB can be approved
- Sesuai arahin PPK, RPB disusun ke dalam 4 Paket, - ln accordance with CMo's instruction that the
dengan terdapat perbedaan pada Harga Perkiraan RPB is arranged into 4 packages, with differences
Sendiri (HPS) dan uraian kerjanVa in the price of self-estimates (HPS) and job
- Kelengkapah dokumen dapat diverifikasi pada descriptions.
cloud 6oogle-drive lc - Completeness of documents can b€ verified on
lC's google-drive cloud
2 Struktur 2. Structure
- Fokus kerja saat ini lebih kepada (i) perbaikan - The current focus of work is more on (i) structural
struktur, karena secara perhitungan sudah selesai improvement, because the calculation has been
99%, {ii) kekurangan penggambaran abutmen di completed 99%, (ii) lack of depictlon of abutment
tiap jembatan, (iii) perubahan mutu beton dari on each bridge, (iii) the change in the quality of
K250 menjadi K30O berdasarkan reviu DED concrete from K250 to K300 based on the existing
eksisting DED review
3 Geoteknik 3- Geotechnical
- Perhitungan dan laporan survei sudah selesai, - Calculations and survey reports have been
selanjutnya dilakukan sinkronisasi dukungan completed, then synchronized recomptek
persiapan Rekomtek 14 Km preparation support 14 l(m
- Proses gambar semua offtake 100% dari Grobog - The drawing is 100% complete fo. all offtakes
sampai PlesunSan, begitu juga dengan BoQ, from Grobog to Plesungan, as wellas the 8oQ,
Spesifikasi Teknik, dan Memo Desain Technical Specifications, and Design Memos
Tim selanjutnya menga.iukan jadual asistensi PPK The will afterward submits the work to cMo and
dalam membahas hasil kerja tim schedule assistance discussion for the work result
Pengamanan control valve tapping, menggunakan Security control valve tappinB, using BRC wire
pagar gRC kawat duri di atasnya, panel controlju8a barbs on it, control panels are also fenced, and
dipagari, dan otomatisasi pengamanan saat pintu security automation when the door is open

5 Safeguards 5. Safeguards
- Pada identifikasi hotspot di sepanjang jalur - ln the identification of hotspots along the
distribusi telah dibuatkan pemetaan sumber distribution line has been made mapping the
bahaya dan skala penilaian dampak source of hazards and the scale of impact
- Penentuan tindakan mitigasi resiko di lapan8an aSsessment
bersumber dari tinjauan aktifitas yang ada - Determination of risk mitigation actions in the
field is derived from a review of existing activities
6 Dokumen Tender 6. Tende. Documents
- Tim memantau dan menindaklaniuti proses Terder - The team monitored and followed up the IPA
IPA yang telah ditayangkan ulang pada website Tender process that had been re-aired on the
- Bersamaan den8an hal itu, tim Menyusun - Along with that, the team compiled a tende.
dokumen tender 4 paket.lDU yang berkordinasi document of 4 JDu packages that are closely
erat dengan tim IDU & Cost Estimote coordinated with the IDU & Cost Estimate team.
1 Arsitektur & Lansekap 7. Architecture & Landscape
- Penielasan bahan paparan - Slides presentation
Cost Estimate 8. Cost Estimate
- Pipa GSP yan8 digunakan mengacu pada Permen - GSP pipe used refers to PERMEN PUPR about steel
PUPR tentang standar pemasangan pipa baja pipe installation standards
- Dalam penyusunan RPB, tim juga akan memasukan - ln the preparation of RPB, the team will also enter
data alat-alat apa saja yg digunakan, sehingga data on what tools are used, so that it is
tepat dan sesuai apa yang dikerjakan nanti appropriate and in accordance with what is done
9. Rekomtek 9. TechnicalRecommendation
- Tim telah melakukan pendekatan awal dengan - The team has made an initial approach with
BSPJN dan PT. KAl, feedbacknya positif sehing8a SBPIN and PT. KAl, the feedback is positive so
.Jumat akan dilaksanakan kunjunAan lanjutan untuk that Friday will be a follow-up visit for the hearinB
audiensi dokumen/berkas yang dibutuhkan untuk of documents / files needed for recomputing
pengajuan Relomtek submissions.
- Pada pertemuan dengan PT.KAI di hari Jumat, - At a meeting with PT. XAI on Friday, PDAM
PDAM (aranganyar akan ikut hadir (aranganyar will be present
10. lnstalasi Pengolahan Air 10. Water Treatment Plant
- Pedoman supervisi green WTP ini nantinya akan - WTP Sreen supervision guidelines will later
meniadi acuan untuk dimasukkan kedalam laporan become a reference to be included in the monthly
bulanan report.
- Penjelasan detail desain format laporan supervise - Detailed explanation of the design format of
hariar, mingguan daily, weekly, supervise reports

Kes!Ioes!a.d.ei!3!a-Dllari?P[ Conclusion/CMO's teedback

A. Tim ME dan Cost Estimate dating ke kantor BPPW A. The ME and Cost Estimate team came to the BPPW
tanggal 10 Maret 2022, untuk reviu dan konsultasi office on March 10, 2022, for review and consultation
hasil kerja den8an PPK ofthe results of work with CMO
B. Tim landscape kirimkan layout offtaker yang memang 8. Landscape team sends offtaker layout that requires
memerlukan lahan tambahan kepada PPK, sehingga additional land area to CMO, so that CMO / Ealai can
PPK/Balai dapat membantu mengkomunikasikan help communicate land addition with PDAB
penambahan lahan dengan PDAB C. Make sure the data on RPB in accordance with the
results of recomputing submjssions
C. Pastikan data-data pada RPB sesuai dengan hasil D. The structure team ensures the change in concrete
pentajuan Rekomtek quality from K250 to K300, if necessary, to justify the
D. Tim struktur pastikan kembali perubahan mutu beton technique.
dari X250 menjadi (300, bila perlu dibuatkan justifikasi E. At the time of closing the excavation, some
tekniknya. construction work can use sand and gravelwith soil
E. Pada saat penutupan galian, dibeberapa pekerjaan combinations. This will be considered based on the
konstruksi bisa menggunakan sirtu dan kombinasi field conditions-
tanah. Hal initentunya disesualkan dengan kondisi F. The procurement team focus preparation of PQ and 4
lapangan JDU tender documents. On 11, the team to
F. Tim pengadaan fokkus penyusunan PQ dan 4 dokumen have assistance discussion of the working documents
tender JDl.J. Tanggal 11 Maret jadualkan pembahasan with CMO-
asistensi dokumen kerja dengan PPK. G. lC ensures the total number of calculations of MDP
G. lC memastikan kembalijumlah perhitungan total angka consruction numbers that will enter into RPB; The
konstruksi JDU Vang akan masuk ke dalam RPB; total total contract value of lC and Construction WTP are
nilai kontrak lC dan Konstruksi IPA sudah pasti. JanSan fix. Don't over bud8et
sampai over budget H. lC maintains focus and health conditionsto complete
H. lC tetap jaSa fokus dan kondisi kesehatan guna RPB documents and revisions if any. The faster it is
menyelesaikan dokumen RPB dan revisi bila ada. repaired, the faster it is completed.
Semakin cepat diperbaiki, semakin cepat selesai


Jakarta,9 March 2022 Semarang,9 Maret 2O22 Semarang,9 Maret 2022

Tri Fau2iah Astarini a!s Kirrhenbau
€ Arif Nurjiyanto, S-T
Annex 1. Attendance list [Online & Offline)

Attendance l-ist - Weekly Meeting 23

Name Organization Job Title Phone Number Email Timestamp

1 lmanullah lmsawan BPPW ProvinsiJawa Tim Teknis 081325065462 imanullah.imsa 3/912022

El-Ahmady Tengah 10.08,36
2 EudiWijaya PT. Kogas Oriyap luinior Water 085292338338 budi-w.tl09@g 3lel2022
Konsultan Treatment 10.08.49
3 Rosalia Stevania PT. Kogas Driyap Asisten 081293565630 stevany.dong@ 3/912022
Konsultan Procurement 10.09.15
4 Tri Fauziah Astarini PT- Kogas Driyap Bilingual 082114603575 ossie.fauziah@g 3/sl2022
Konsultan Secretary 10.09.30
5 Juniarso PT. Kogas Driyap Geoteknik 081388034355 iuniarso29@gm 3/el2022
Konsultan 10.09,35
6 Hanra Satria Sumirat PT. Kogas Driyap Jr Landscape 081646019418 hanrasumirat@i 1/912022
Konsultan Architect cspamwosusoka 10.10.28
1 Rizal Yoga Prasetya PT. Kogas Driyap .,r. Geoteknik 082265006753 rizalyogaprasety 3/9/2022
Konsultan a2@gmail-com 10.11.55
8 Arif Nurjiyanto BPPW ProvinsiJawa PPK Air Minum 087334/94704 3/sl2o22
Tengah arif.nuriiyanto@ 10.15.29
9 Ernamaiyanti PT. Kogas Driyap Junior Safeguard 085271336675 chania.arsy@g 3/912022
Konsultan 10.25.03
10 Gilang Dwi Prabowo PT. Kogas Driyap DRAFTER 085640350569 gilangprabowo8 3/sl2022
Konsultan 10.27.24
11 Sofyan Effendi PT. Kogas Driyap departemen 081218268080 pagujaten@gm 3/s/2022
Konsultan operasi to.49.42
Agus Salim PT. Kogas Driyap Jr. Structure 081345414313 022salim@gmai 1/912022
Konsultan Engineer Lcom 10.51.11
13 Purwanto PT. Kogas Driyap Jr. Water supply 087312262064 3lel2022
Konsultan 10.57.59
74 Santi Silvianti PT. Kogas Driyap Proiect Manager 041377527949 silvianti_s@yah 1/912022
Konsultan 11.31.58
15 Ridho supradiansyah PT. Kogas Driyap Drafter 085757772686 indoijo99@gmai 3/912022
Konsultan Lcom 71.49.42
lndrawan PT. Kogas Driyap Jr. Cost Estimator 085959608059 indrawanmuha 3/912022
Muhammad Konsultan mmad@icspam 11.49.43


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Quarterly Report 2 INDONESIA

ANNEX - 3 Work Progress

HYDEA SPA/ SWS Consulting Engineering/ KOGAS

Annex 3. IC Work Progress End of March
Design Memo Concept Drawing BoQ Technical
No Review/Aspects Plan Realization Plan Realization Plan Realization Plan Realization
1 Mechanical Electrical 100% 100% 100 % 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
2 Structure 100% 100% 100 % 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
3 Landscape 100% 100% 100 % 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
4 MDP 100% 100% 100% 60% 100% 60% 100% 90%
5 WTP 100% 100% 100 % 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
6 Geotechnical 100% 100% 100% 100%
7 Topography 100%/95%
8 Technical Recommendation 60%
9 Safeguard 100%
10 Cost Estimate Focused on BoQ For ME work 80% For Structure work 80% For Landscape work For MDP work For WTP work For WTP work 100%
90% 85% 100%
11 Tender Process 100%/90%

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