Pastpaper Booklet 2 Answer Key

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Name: ……………………………………………….

1(a) Define inheritance. [2]

Transfer of genetic information from one generation to the other


(b) A woman with cystic fibrosis is expecting a child with a man who is heterozygous for cystic

Complete the genetic diagram to predict the probability of these parents to have children with and
without cystic fibrosis.

Allele of a person without cystic fibrosis - A

Allele of a person with Cystic fibrosis – a [5]
aa Aa

a a A a

Aa, aa, Aa, aa

with and without cystic fibrosis

1 50% chance
2. (a) Fig. 2.1 is a flow diagram showing the events that occur to form a human zygote.


(46) (46)

(23) (23)



Fig. 2.1

Complete Table 2.1 by using the information in the flow diagram to identify the cell, the organ or the
processes shown in Fig. 2.1. [5]
Table 2.1






(b) (i) State why it is important that sperm and egg cells are haploid. [2]

to maintain the chromosome number in the next generation, by making a diploid

(ii) State the number of chromosomes in the sperm cell before it is fertilised, ...................................[1]
the fertilised egg. ..........................................................................................................................[2]

(c) Fig. 2.2 shows cells dividing to form gametes.

c a

(i) Label on Fig. 2.2

a) a chromosome,
b) cytoplasm,
c) a nucleus. [3]

(ii) Name where such dividing cells can be found,

a) in a male,………………………………………………………………………………………….[1]
b) in a female………………………………………………………………………………………....[1

(iii) Binary fission is the type of cell division in bacteria. How is binary fission in bacteria different

from mitosis?

Mitosis is a type of nuclear division, whereas binary fission is replication of DNA




(iv) Fig. 2.3 shows the mass of DNA in a cell undergoing this type of cell division. Two cell divisions
complete in this time.

Fig. 2.3

Using the information in Fig. 2.3, calculate how long it takes for the DNA to double in mass.

................................................ hours [2]

(d) Angiotensinogen is an inactive protein molecule. When blood pressure decreases, part of
angiotensinogen is removed to form a short polypeptide, angiotensin that stimulates an
increase in blood pressure.
Fig. 2.4 shows the base sequence within the gene for angiotensinogen that codes for this
short polypeptide, the RNA codons and the primary structure of angiotensin.



Fig. 2.4
i) Complete Fig. 2.4 to show the missing DNA triplet and the RNA codons. [1]

(ii) State the full name of the type of RNA shown in Fig. 2.4
messenger RNA
............................................................................................................................................................ [1]

3. Fig. 3.1 shows a goat with white fur.

Fig. 3.1

Fur colour is inherited in goats.

• The allele for white fur is represented by A.

• The allele for black fur is represented by a.

• Each goat is identified by the numbers 1 to 8 in Fig. 3.2.

Fig. 3.2 shows a diagram of the inheritance of fur colour in a herd of goats

Fig. 3.2
(a) Use Fig. 3.2 to answer these questions.

(i) State how many goats have white fur.

....................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) State the phenotype of goat 5.

black goat
....................................................................................................................................... [1]

(iii) Draw circles around two terms that can be used to describe the genotype of goat 6. [2]

(b) A farmer identified two goats to breed together.

• The genotype of the male goat is Aa

• The genotype of the female goat is Aa

Complete the genetic diagram and the phenotypic ratio for this cross. [3]

A a


a Aa aa

3 1

4. Gregor Mendel studied inheritance in the garden pea, Pisum sativum. The flowers of P. sativum

that he studied were either purple or white.

The gene that controls flower colour has two alleles, B and b. When Mendel crossed purple-flowered
plants with white-flowered plants all the plants in the next generation had purple flowers.

(a) Table 4.1 shows five genetic terms that can be applied to Mendel’s study of the inheritance of
flower colour.
(i) Complete Table 4.1 by stating an example of each genetic term. The first one has been
completed for you. [2]

purple / white

BB / bb


Table 4. (ii) (a) Test crosses can be used to determine the genotype of a plant with purple flowers.
The genetic diagrams show test crosses for purple-flowered plants with two different genotypes.
Complete the genetic diagrams for test cross 1 and test cross 2. [5]

Bb and bb

Purple, White

(b) Pickerel weed, Pontederia cordata, is a plant that grows in shallow water on the edges of ponds
and lakes in North America. A few seedlings of these plants are white. The white seedlings cannot
make chlorophyll.

Researchers carried out several crosses using pickerel weed plants.

Their results are shown in Table 4.2.

Table 4.2

(100% dominant)


Select suitable letters for the alleles and state the possible genotypes of the parents for each cross.
GG x gg / Gg x GG / GG x GG
cross 1 ...............................................................................................................................
Gg x Gg
cross 2 ............................................................................................................................... [2]

5. Fig. 2.3 shows three pots of seedlings that have been kept in different conditions.

(i) State the conditions in which pots P and Q were kept.
pot P – (uniform) light
P ..........................................................................................................................................................

pot Q – no light / dark / covered (up) ;

Q....................................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) State the name of the growth response shown by the seedlings in pot R.(ii)
positive ;(photo)tropism / (photo)tropic ;
................................................................................................................................ [2]

(iii)Explain the advantage to the seedlings of this growth response.(iii)

Leaves / seedlings / plants / chloroplasts, get more light ;

more (light) energy, absorbed / trapped / AW ;
more photosynthesis ;
more, growth / biomass / glucose / starch / AW


........................................................................................................................................................... [2]

(iv)Auxins control the growth responses of seedlings.

Explain how auxins control the growth response of the seedlings in pot R.

(auxins) made / produced, in (shoot), tip / apex ;
pass / move / diffuse / spread (down the stem) ;
auxins collect in the side, in the dark / away from light ;
greater (cell) elongation on side in the dark ;
AVP ; e.g. absorption of water (by osmosis) / stretching of cell walls /

phototropin(s) / plants detect or sense light / ref to turgor pressure



........................................................................................................................................................... [4]

6. Rickets is a childhood disorder involving the softening and weakening of bones. It is usually caused

by a lack of vitamin D, calcium ions or phosphate ions. A rare form of rickets that cannot be

successfully treated with vitamin D therapy is caused by a mutant allele on the X chromosome.

Fig. 6.1 shows a pedigree chart for a family that has a history of this condition.

Using the symbols

XR for the mutant allele on the X chromosome

Xr for the non-mutant allele on the X chromosome

state the genotypes of the following individuals.

1 ..................................................................................................................................

3 ..................................................................................................................................

9 ..................................................................................................................................

10 ............................................................................................................................ [4]


1. Fig. 1.1 shows a cross-section of a whole marram grass leaf.

Fig. 1.1

Measure the length of line PQ on Fig. 1.1.

length of line PQ ................................................ mm

Calculate the actual diameter of the marram grass leaf using the formula and your measurement.

of the marram grass

Give your answer to one decimal place.

Space for working.

......................................................... mm [3]
2. The results of an investigation are shown in Table 2.1.

(i) Using the information in Table 2.1, calculate the percentage decrease in the average root length
when the concentration of sodium chloride was changed from 4 g per dm3 to 6 g per dm3.

Give your answer to three significant figures.

Space for working.

............................................................ % [3]

(ii) Plot a line graph on the grid of the data in Table 2.1. [4]

3. Fig. 3.1 is a photograph of one flower of an aquatic plant, Cabomba caroliniana.

Fig 3.1

(ii) Measure the length of line XY on Fig. 2.2. length of line XY mm

Calculate the actual width of the flower shown in Fig. 2.2 using your measurement and the formula.

Magnification =

Length of line XY on Fig. 2.2 actual width of the flower

Include the unit.

Space for working.



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