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Independence – Freedom - Happiness

(On Internship for Graduation at Company Name)
No.: 42/HTTT-VNN-2019

This Memorandum of Agreement is made and entered into on the 14th day of December 2019
by and between:

1. Hanoi University of Science and Technology - Institute of Foreign Languages, located at

No. 1 Dai Co Viet, Hanoi, Vietnam (hereinafter referred to as "VNN").
2. Company Name

Regarding the collaboration in organizing internship for undergraduate students of the

International Professional English program at Company Name.

BOTH PARTIES agree as follows:

Article 1. Responsibilities and Rights of Company Name

- Accept a group of interns with the attached list, including 07 fourth-year students of the
International Professional English Bachelor's degree program for internship at Company Name's
premises. The internship period is from January 19, 2023, to March 13, 2023.
- Be responsible for managing and assigning the aforementioned students during the internship
period based on the attached internship content description, which is agreed upon by both parties.
- Evaluate the completion level of the internship program of the students based on the criteria
agreed upon by both parties; periodically inform VNN about the implementation of the
internship program.
- Receive a support allowance for the supervising staff according to the regulations of Hanoi
University of Science and Technology.
Article 2. Responsibilities of Institute of Foreign Languages
- Select students to participate in the internship program, make a list, and coordinate the division
of students into groups for the internship content according to the program.
- Assign staff to coordinate the establishment of the internship program, monitor and evaluate
periodically and at the end of the program with the participating students.
- Complete the necessary procedures to send the group of students to the internship program.
- The students participating in the internship group shall be responsible for:
Equipping themselves with personal protective equipment (PPE) according to Company Name's
Bearing the costs of life insurance, travel, accommodation, and other related expenses during the
internship at Company Name.
- Complete all procedures for payment of allowances to Company Name in accordance with the
regulations of Hanoi University of Science and Technology.

Article 3. General Provisions

- Both Parties commit to strictly implement the above provisions, regularly exchange
information to jointly implement this Memorandum of Agreement effectively. In the process of
implementation, if there are any difficulties or problems, the two parties will discuss and resolve
them in a spirit of mutual respect, mutual assistance, and win-win cooperation; depending on the
conditions and actual situation, the two parties will discuss to supplement and change
- This Agreement consists of 3 main pages and 3 appendices, made in two (02) copies, each
party keeps one (01) copy with equal legal value.
- This Agreement shall take effect from the date of signing by both parties.

Company name Institute of Foreign Languages

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