Summary of Discussions - Phase II Committee Meeting May 24, 2024

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RTB – Phase II Committee

Meeting Summary: May 24, 2024

The Phase II Committee convened on Friday, May 24, 2024, at 6:30 pm IST, with
the following members present: Gajendra P, Rajaraman K, and Surya C.
The agenda items discussed this week were as follows:
Water Issues:
We are requesting the MC to provide us with a timeline for the Cauvery water
connection and an update on when the Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) will be fully
operational Phase II. We will inform you as soon as we receive a response from
the MC.
Common Area Violations:
We are asking the MC to take necessary action to address common area violations
in Phase II. While we are addressing this issue in Towers 18-21, we also want to
prevent it from happening in Towers 22-24, which are now being gradually
Tower Representatives:
We are seeking Tower Representatives for Towers 22, 23, and 24. Any
homeowners from these towers who are interested in actively serving as Tower
Representatives may contact Surya C, Phase II Committee Coordinator.
Despite our best intentions and efforts, things don’t always move as quickly as we
would like, especially in a residential community like ours that is relatively new
and managed by volunteers. We appreciate your patience. Thank you!!!
We hope you will attend and enjoy the RTB Community Event this weekend! Have
a great weekend!!!

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