Men's Fertility and Vitality-2

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Jon is a devoted husband and father of three. He has been on his wellness
journey for nearly six years. During this time, Jon has learned much about
holistic wellness through research, through others and unlearning of
societal norms or habits. While he has come a long way, Jon is still
continually learning how to best support his body holistically. Holistic
wellness as well as conventional is not one size fits all, but the foundations
can be applied to all. Jon is specifically interested in breaking the stigma
surrounding men’s wellness by encouraging them to better support their
bodies so they can in turn bless their families.

Men’s testosterone and sperm count are declining rapidly due to
various factors such as changes in diet, sedentary lifestyles,
increased stress and environmental toxins. Not by just a little
either. Sperm count specifically is down 50% in the past 45 years,
with the projection of being ZERO by 2045 at this rate.

Why is testosterone important? Testosterone is a marker of

overall health and vitality for men. Testosterone regulates libido,
bone mass, fat distribution, muscle mass, strength, and the
production of red blood cells and sperm. It is normal for men’s
testosterone to decline as they age, but only by about 1% a year
after age 30. Other factors such as becoming a father, especially
an involved father, may temporarily reduce testosterone by 30%
or more.

As men's testosterone levels are facing a rapid decline, it is crucial

for individuals to be mindful of the factors contributing to this
phenomenon. By making small but significant changes in daily
habits and lifestyle choices, it is possible to help support healthy
testosterone levels. By taking proactive steps towards a healthier
lifestyle, men can work towards increasing their testosterone
levels for long-term health and vitality.

10 Tips For
Supporting Testosterone
(many of which are free to implement)

Regular Strength Training: Resistance training, HIIT, and strength

training have been shown to increase T levels. *See product
suggestions page*

Reduce EMF Exposure: Stop radiating your nuts. Try to not have your
phone in your pocket, don't place laptops on your lap, turn off wifi in
home when not needed/sleeping.

Eat real/whole foods: Avoid hyper-palatable, processed foods as

much as possible. Prepare and cook most of your food at home. Eggs,
beef, pork, dairy, fruits and vegetables. Cook with animal fats, avoid
seed oils. *See product suggestions page*

Get Outdoors: We are designed for a life outside. Sunlight elevates

our energy levels, mood, testosterone and regulates circadian

Ditch Polyester Underwear: Synthetic chemicals from the polyester

(which is just plastic) and heat have been shown to lower sperm
count. In some instances up to 100%. Treat your jewels right, switch
to cotton underwear (organic if possible). It’s best to have natural
fibers as next to skin layers. *See product suggestions page*

No Porn/Masturbation: Porn addiction and excessive masturbation
are damaging on many levels. As far as vitality, excessive ejaculation
depletes zinc stores and plummets sperm count and motility as a

Reduce Stress: When stressed we produce a hormone called

cortisol. Cortisol is a necessary hormone, but excess causes a
decline in testosterone. Managing stress will help to reduce excess
cortisol levels.

Ditch Endocrine Disruptors: Artificial fragrances are some of the

worst endocrine disruptors. They are in most all common self-care
and cleaning products. The best thing to do is ditch and switch. *See
product suggestions page*

Practice sleep hygiene: Some basics for sleep hygiene include

getting at least 7-8 hours each night, mouth taping, do not sleep with
phone near you, and no screen an hour before bed.

Supplementation: Mineral deficiencies may be a contributing factor

to low T levels. Some pertinent minerals included zinc, magnesium,
vitamin D, and Cholesterol (which is actually a lipid). *See product
suggestions page*

Note: Most of these recommended lifestyle changes can

benefit women as well. They are targeted for hormonal
wellness in general.

Product Suggestions/Links
Perfect Supplements
Royal Apparel
Great for Organic Cotton T Shirts and
Beef Liver/Organs
Mag+ or Beef Liver/Organs
Great for Organic Cotton Underwear,
herbo-mineral with
and bedding
85+ trace minerals

Organic Signatures
Canadian Pine Pollen
Code: BRUNN10
Code: BRUNN15
Organic Cotton T-shirts and Underwear
A great phyto-nutrient and
specifically photo-androgen that Lets Get Checked
supports testosterone Code: FRONTIERSMAN
save 25% when ordering any test,
MTNTough Fitness
but recommend a simple
testosterone test kit
this will get you 6 free weeks
when you grab a monthly Nourished Family Recipe Book
subscription (you can cancel if Free Recipe book we put
you dont enjoy it) together with some of the simple
Just Ingredients and nourishing go-to’s for out
Nutrition and personal care Equip Foods
products. I enjoy their pre- Code: FRONTIERSMAN
workout, electrolytes, and beard
Cleanest and best tasting
protein powder


Copyright © 2024 by Jon Brunn, Frontiersman Living

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted

in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval
system, without written permission from the author.

To request permissions, contact the publisher at

Note: This publication contains the opinions and ideas of its author. It is
intended to provide helpful and informative material on the subject
matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the author is
not engaged in rendering professional services in the guide. If the reader
requires personal assistance or advice, a competent professional should
be consulted.
This guide does not replace the advice of a medical professional. Consult
your physician before making any changes to your diet or regular health
The author specifically disclaims any responsibility for any liability, loss or
risk, personal or otherwise, which is incurred as a consequence, directly or
indirectly, of the use and application of any of the contents of this book.

Produced by Frontiersman Living LLC

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