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Addis Ababa Science & Technology University

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Network Analysis and Synthesis (EEEG -1202)
Work sheet-I (Chapter 1, 2 and 3)
(Submission Date: May 13/14, 2024)
Theoretical Questions
(Assignment Questions:2, 3, 4, 6, 7 & 8)
1. Define the following basic Network Terminologies:


2. Explain Network Analysis and Synthesis with examples.

3. Explain Network Development Stages
4. What are the time and frequency domain criterion for Causality and Stability?
5. What conditions have to be satisfied for stability?
6. Explain Hurwitz polynomial, and its properties
7. Explain significance of positive real functions.
8. What are sufficient and necessary conditions for positive realness?

Analytical Questions
(Assignment Questions: EVEN NUMBERS)

1. For the circuit, find i(t) for t > 0.

Figure 1

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2. The switch in the circuit shown below has been closed for a long time. It opens at t = 0. Find i(t) for
t > 0.

Figure 2
3. Refer to the circuit shown below. Find v(t) for t > 0.

Figure 3
4. Solve for i(t) in a network as shown in figure 4 in which 3-F capacitor is initially charged to 20v, the
6-F capacitor to 10V, and the switch is closed at t=0. Also find the response using the transform
methods and draw the transformed circuit.

Figure 4

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5. In the circuit shown in figure 5, Switch S is in position 1 for a longtime and moved to position 2 at
t=0. Find the voltage vc(t) across the capacitor for 𝑡 > 0

Figure 5

6. At t=0, Switch is closed in the circuit of figure 6. Find ic(t) and vc(t) in a network. All initial
conditions are zero.

Figure 6
7. Find the transfer function, OCNF, SCNF for the network shown in Fig.7

` Figure 7

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8. Find voltage transfer function of the two-port network shown in Fig. 8

Figure 8

9. Determine the driving-point impedance, OCNF and SNNF of the network shown in Fig. 9

Figure 9

10. Check whether

(a) P( s )  s 4  16 s 3  86 s 2  176 s  105

(b) P( s )  s 5  12 s 4  45s 3  60 s 2  44 s  48
(c) P( s )  s 5  20 s 4  147 s 3  484 s 2  612 s  336

are Hurwitz using Routh-Hurwitz array?

11. Check whether

s 3  9 s 2  23s  15
(a) F ( s ) 
s 2  6s  8
2 s 4  7 s 3  11s 2  12 s  4
(b) F ( s )  4
s  5s 3  9 s 2  11s  6
s 4  2 s 3  3s 2  s  1
(c) F ( s )  4 3
s  s  3s 2  2 s  1

Are prf ?

12. Determine the minimum value of the real positive constant 𝛼 for which the following network
functions is positive real and hence realizable.
2s 2  s  2
F ( s)  2
2s  1  2 s  

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