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Hook Statement: Imagine a time long ago when people from far away came to live in a new land.

But instead of
being kind and respectful, they did something very wrong. They took away the homes, languages, and traditions of
the people who were already living there. This is called Indigenous colonialism, and it caused a lot of sadness and
hurt. Let's learn about three important things that happened during this time: residential schools, the loss of culture,
and assimilation.

Thesis Statement: Indigenous colonialism was a sad and unfair time when new settlers came to a land and treated
the people who were already living there very badly. This caused many problems, including the establishment of
residential schools, the loss of Indigenous culture, and the force of assimilation Indigenous peoples.

Paragraph 1: Residential Schools During the time of Indigenous colonialism, new settlers built special schools
called residential schools for Indigenous children. These schools separated children from their families and forced
them to learn the ways of the settlers. The children were not allowed to speak their own languages or practice their
traditions. Many kids felt very lonely and sad because they missed their families. They were not treated kindly,
and sometimes they even got hurt. Residential schools were a very unfair and hurtful part of Indigenous

Paragraph 2: Loss of Culture Indigenous culture is rich with beautiful traditions, stories, and languages that have
been passed down through many generations. Sadly, during the time of Indigenous colonialism, many of these
traditions were lost. The settlers did not respect or value the Indigenous culture. They tried to make Indigenous
people forget their own ways and forced them to adopt the settlers' culture. This made it difficult for Indigenous
people to keep their traditions alive and share them with future generations. It was a great loss for the Indigenous

Paragraph 3: Assimilation Assimilation means forcing one group of people to become like another group.
During Indigenous colonialism, the settlers tried to assimilate Indigenous peoples by making them forget who they
were and become like the settlers. This was very unfair and hurtful. Indigenous people were forced to dress like
settlers, speak their language, and abandon their own traditions. It made them feel like they didn't belong anymore.
Assimilation caused a lot of sadness and made it hard for Indigenous peoples to be proud of their own identities.

Conclusion In conclusion, Indigenous colonialism was a very sad and unfair time in history. Residential schools,
the loss of culture, and assimilation caused a lot of hurt and sadness for Indigenous peoples. It's important for us to
learn about this history, so we can understand and appreciate the Indigenous cultures that are still with us today.
We can also work towards healing and making things right by respecting and supporting Indigenous communities.
Let's remember to be kind and fair to all people, no matter where they come from.

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