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The term per cent means 'for every hundred'. It can be defined as follows

"A per cent is a fraction whose denominator is 100 and the numerator of the fraction is called the
rate per cent." Per cent is denoted by the sign '%'.

Formula to Calculate Per Cent

If we have to find y% of x, then

Ex. 1 20% of 300 = ?

Ex. 2 If 30% of a = 60, then find a.

Conversion of Per Cent into Fraction

Expressing per cent (x%) into fraction.

Ex. 3 Express 25% in fraction.

Ex. 4 Express 84% in fraction.

Conversion of Fraction into Percentage

Expressing One Quantity as a Per Cent with Respect to Other

To express a quantity as a per cent with respect to other quantity following formula is used.

Note To apply this formula, both the quantities must be in same metric unit,

Ex. 7 60 kg is what per cent of 240 kg? Sol. According to the formula, Reauired Dercentaee

Ex. 8 10 g is what per cent of 1 kg?

Sol. Here, units of both the quantities are different. Hence, first, we will make both the units same.

1 quantity = 10 g ; 2 quantity = 1kg = 1000 g

Conversion of Per Cent into Decimal

Fast Track Techniques
to solve the QUESTIONS

if x% of A is equal to y% of B, then

Ex. 11 If 10% of A is equal to 12% of B, then 15% of A is equal to what per cent of B?

when a number x is increased or decreased by y%, then the new

Note 1. '+' sign is used in case of increase 2. '-' sign is used in case of decrease
Ex. 12 The monthly income of a person is ? 8000. If his income is increased by 20%, then
what will be his new monthly income?

Ex. 13 The price of a computer is ? 20000. What will be the price of computer after reduction of

Ex. 14 If income of Ravi is 20% more than that of Ram, then income of Ram is how much per
cent less than that of Ravi?
Ex. 15 If in an examination, the marks obtained by Preeti is 20% less than that of Vandana,
then marks obtained by Vandana is how much per cent more than marks obtained by Preeti? Sol.
Here, a = 20%

If the value of a number is first increased by a% and later decreased by a%, then the net effect is
always a decrease which is equal to a% of

Ex. 16 The salary of a worker is first increased by 5% and then it is decreased by 5%. What is
the change in his salary?
When the value of an object is first changed (increased or decreased) by a% and then changed
(increased or decreased) by b%, then

Net effect is a increase or a decrease according to the +ve or -ve sign, respectively of the final

1. Signs of a and b depends on increment and decrement of the quantity. '+' sign is used for increment and
'-' sign for decrement.

2. The above formula can also be used to find net change in the product of two numbers, if they are increased
or decreased by a% and b%.

Ex. 17 The price of an article is first increased by 20% and later on the price were decreased by
25% due to reduction in sales. Find the net percentage change in final price of Article.
/.Net percentage change is a decrease of 10% because final result is negative.

If the price of a commodity increases or decreases by a%, then the decrease or increase in con-
sumption, so as not to increase or decrease

Ex. 18 If the price of a commodity be raised by 40%, by how much per cent must a householder
reduce his consumption of that commodity, so as not to increase his expenditure?
Ex. 19 If the price of milk falls down by 20%, by how much per cent must a householder in-
crease its consumption, so as not to decrease his expenditure on this item?

The passing marks in an examination is P%. If a candidate scores R marks and fails bv F marks,

Ex. 20 A student has to score 30% marks to get through. If he gets 30 marks and fails by 30
marks, then find the maximum marks set for the examination.
A candidate scores x% marks in an examination and fails by a marks, while an another candidate
who scores y% marks, gets b marks more than the minimum required passing marks. The maxim-
um marks for the examination is given as

Ex. 21 A candidate scores 25% and fails by 60 marks, while an another candidate who scores
50% marks, gets 40 marks more than the minimum required marks to pass the examination. Find
the maximum marks for the examination.

Sol. Let maximum marks be x.

Marks scored bv first candidate + 60 = Marks scored bv second candidate - 40

Suppose in an examination, x% of total number of students failed in subject A and y% of total
number of students failed in subject B and z% failed in both the subjects. Then,

(i) Percentage of students who passed in both the subjects = [100 - (x + y - z)\ % (ii) Percentage
of students who failed in either subject = (x + y -z)%

Ex.22 In an examination, 20% of total number of students failed in History, 15% of total number
of students failed in Hindi and 5% of total number of students failed in both. Find the percentage
of students who passed in both the subjects.

Sol. Let total number of students be 100.

Then, students failed in History only = 20 - 5 = 15 and students failed in Hindi only = 15 - 5 = 10 .'. Total
number of failed students = 15 + 10 + 5 = 30 .•. Number of students passed in both subjects = 100 - 30 =
70 .•. Required percentage = 70% Fast Track Method Here, x = 20, y = 15 and z = 5 According to the
formula, Required percentage = [100- (x + y - z)]%

= [100 - (20 + 15 - 5)]%

= (100 - 30)% = 70%


if due to r% decrease in the price of an item, a person can buy A kg more in ? x. then

Ex. 23 If due to 10% decrease in the price of sugar, Ram can buy 5 kg more sugar in ? 100, then
find the find actual price of sugar.
If two candidates contested in an election and one candidate got x% of total votes casted and
still lose by y votes, then

Ex. 24 In an. election contested by two candidates, one candidate got 30% of total votes and still
lost by 500 votes, then find the total number of votes casted.
If the population of a town is P and it increases (or decreases) at the rate of /?% per annum, then

Note Use '+' sign for increment and '-' sign for decrement

Ex.25 The population of a town is 352800. If it increases at the rate of 5% per annum, then what
will be its population 2 yr hence. Also, find the population 2 yr ago.
Students may also solve problems through simple increasing-decreasing method of percentage
because 5% increase for 2 yr means population after 2 yr, which is equal

If the present population of a city is P and there is a increment or decrement of /?.,%, R2% and
R3% in first, second and third year respectively, then

Ex. 26 Population of a city in 2004 was 1000000. If in 2005 there is an increment of 15%, in
2006 there is a decrement of 35% and in 2007 there is an increment of 45%, then find the popu-
lation of city at the end of year 2007.

Sol. Given that, P = 1000000, Rx = 15%, R^ = 35% (decrease) and R3 = 45% Population of city
at the end of year 2007
Fast Track Practice
Exercise© Base Level Questions

1. What is 5% of 50% of 500? [CDS 2012]

(a) 12.5 (b) 25 (c) 1.25 (d) 6.25

2. If 20% of* = 90, find*.

(a) 350 (b) 450 (c) 250 (tfj 550 (e) None of the above 89% of ? + 365 = 1075.22 [Bank Clerks 2010] (a) 798
(b) 897 (c) 898 (d) 752 (e) None of the above 4. 50 kg is what per cent of 250 kg? (a) 26% (b) 15%

(c) 20% (d) 18%

fej None of the above

11. If the price of petrol is increased by 20%, by what percentage should the consumption be decreased by
the consumer, if the expenditure on petrol remains unchanged? [CG PSC 2013]

(a) ? 120 (b) ? 75 (c) ? 80 (d) ? 90

14. 30% of a 3-digit number is 190.8. What will be 125% of that number?

[Bank Clerks 2011]

(a) 759 (b) 785 (c) 795 (d) 779 (e) None of the above

15. The price of 10% increased of an article of ? 100, then again 10% increased the price. How much is
increased in total price?

(a) 20 (b) 21 (c) 110 (d) 121

16. In a company, there are 724 employees. 25% employees left the job. Find the number of rest of em-

(a) 543 (b) 550 (c) 578 (d) 565 (e) None of the above

17. An agent sells goods of value of ? 15000. The commission which he receives at the

fa; ?1875 (b)?2125

(c) X 2000 (d) ? 2700

(e) None of the above

18. There are 1240 employees in an

organisation. Out of which, 25% are

promoted. How many such employees are

there who got promotion? [Bank Clerks 2009]

(a) 398 (b) 345 (c) 310 (d) 372

(e) None of the above

19. The difference between 78% of a number and 59% of the same number is 323. What is 62% of that

[Bank Clerks 2009]

(a) 1054 (b) 1178 (c) 1037 (d) 1159 (e) None of the above

20. The monthly income of a person is X 5000. If his income is increased by 30%, then what is his monthly
income now?

(a) X 7000 (b) X 5500

(c) X 4500 (d) X 6500

(e) None of the above

21. The price of a certain article is X 15000. But due to slump in the market, its price decreases by 8%.
Find the new price of the article.

(a) X 14000 (b) X 13800

(c) X 16500 (d) X 12600

(e) None of the above

22. A water pipe is cut into two pieces. The longer piece is 70% of the length of the pipe. By how much
percentage is the longer piece longer than the shorter piece? [CDS 2014]

(a) 70 (b) 90 (c) 120 (d) 140 (e) None of the above

24. A man losses 20% of his money. After spending 25% of the remainder, he has X 480 left. What is the
amount of money he originally had? [CDS 2012]

(a) X 600 (b) X 720

(c) X 800 (d) X 840

25. If income of Vandana is 25% more than that of Aarti, then income of Aarti is how much per cent less
than that of Vandana?

(a) 18% (b) 21% (c) 20% (d) 24%

(e) None of the above

26. In an examination, the marks obtained by Shantanu is 40% less than the marks obtained by Kamal, then
marks obtained by Kamal is how much per cent more than the marks obtained by Shantanu?

[Bank Clerks 2009]

27. Because of scarcity of rainfall, the price of a land decreases by 12% and its production also decreases
by 4%. What is the total effect on revenue?

[LIC ADO 2008] (a) Loss of 16% (b) Gain of 15% (c) Loss of 15.48% (d) Gain of 15.48% (e) Loss of 15.52%

28.Mangulal, a shopkeeper, marks the prices of his goods at 20% higher than the original price. After that,
he allows a discount of 5%. What profit or loss did he get? (a) 14% (profit) (b) 16% (loss) (c) 14% (loss)
(d) 16% (profit)

(e) None of the above

29. The marked price of brand A watches is 15% higher than its original price. Due to increase in demand,
the price is further increased by 10%. How much profit will be obtained in selling the watches?

(a) 25% (b) 35% (c) 26.5% (d) 27% (e) None of the above

30. The price of sugar is increased by 25%. If a family wants to keep its expenses on sugar unaltered, then
the family will have to reduce the consumption of sugar by [SSCCGL2010]

(a) 20% (b) 21% (c) 22% (d) 25%

31. If the price of tea falls down by 6%, by how much per cent must a householder increase its consump-
tion, so as not to decrease expenditure?

32. A student has to score 40% marks to get through. If he gets 40 marks and fails by 40 marks, then find
the maximum marks set for the examination.

(a) 200 (b) 250 (c) 300 (d) 150 (e) None of the above

33. A candidate scores 20% and fails by 50 marks, while another candidate who scores 40% marks, gets
30 marks more than the minimum required marks to pass the examination. Find the maximum marks for
the examination.

(a) 500 (b) 450

(c) 300 (d) 400

(e) None of the above

34. The population of a town is 126800. It increase by 15% in the 1st year and decrease by 20% in the 2nd year. What
is the population of the town at the end of 2 yr? [Bank Clerks 2008]

(a) 174984 (b) 135996

(c) 116656 (d) 145820

(e) None of the above

35. The population of a town is 705600. If it increases at the rate of 5% per annum, then what will be its population 2 yr

(a) 777924 (b) 777881

(c) 778781 (d) 797724

(e) None of the above

36. The population of a town is 1058400. If it increases at the rate of 5% per annum, then find the population of the town
2 yr ago.

(a) 949000 (b) 930000

(c) 960000 (d) 950000

(e) None of the above

37. In an examination, 25% students failed in Mathematics, 20% failed in Economics and 5% failed in both. Find the
percentage of students who passed in both the subjects.

(a) 60% (b) 45% (c) 39% (d) 62% (e) None of the above

38. The population of a city is 250000. It is increasing at the rate of 2% every year. The growth in the population after 2
yr is?


(a) 2500 (b) 10000

(c) 252000 (d) 10100

39. In a school, 10% of boys are equal to the one-fourth of the girls. What is the ratio of boys and girls in that school?
[RRB 2012]

(a) 3 :2 (b) 5 :2 (cj 2 :1 (d) 4 : 3

40. Income of Suman is first increased by 7% and then it is decreased by 7%. What is the change in her income?

[Hotel Mgmt. 2008]

(a) 0.49% (increase)

(b) 0.39% (decrease)

(c) 0.39% (increase)

(d) 0.49% (decrease)

(e) None of the above

41. 48% of the 1st number is 60% of the 2nd number. What is the ratio of the 1st number to the 2nd number?

[Bank Clerks 2008] (a) 4 : 7 (b) 3 : 4 (c) 5 : 4

(d) Couldn't be determined

(e) None of the above

42. If the numerator of a fraction is increased by 200% and the denominator of the fraction is increased by 150%, the

43. If length and breadth of a rectangle became half and double respectively, then what will be the resultant area?

(a) 25% (b) 55%

(c) 75% (d) 80%

(e) None of the above

44. Two numbers are respectively 20% and 50% more than a 3rd number. What is the percentage of 2nd with respect to
1st? [SSCCCL2011]

(a) 125% (b) 90%

(c) 80% (d) 75%

45. The sum of 15% of a positive number and 20% of the same number is 126. What is one-third of that number? [IBPS
Clerk 2011]

(a) 360 (b) 1080

(c) 120 (d) 40

(e) None of the above

46. In a test, A scored 10% more than B and B scored 5% more then C. If C scored 300 marks out of 400, then A's marks


(a) 310 (b) 325

(c) 350 (d) 360

47. In order to pass in an exam, a student is required to get 780 marks out of the aggregate marks. Sonu got 728 marks
and was declared failed by 5%. What are the maximum aggregate marks a student can get in the examination?

(a) 1040 (b) 1100 (c) 1000

(d) Cannot be determined

(e) None of the above

48.Mathew scored 42 marks in Biology, 51 marks in Chemistry, 58 marks in Mathematics, 35 marks in Physics and 48
marks in English. The maximum marks, a student can score in each subject, are 60. How much overall percentage did
Mathew get in this exam? [SBI Clerk 2012]

(a) 76% (b) 82%

(c) 68% (d) 78%

(e) None of the above

49.Reena got 76 marks in Hindi, 48 marks in Science, 84 marks in Mathematics, 38 marks in Social Science and 72
marks in English. The maximum marks of each subject was 100. How much over all percentage of marks she got?

[Bank Clerks 2011]

(a) 63.8% (b) 62.6%

(c) 63.6% (d) 64.8%

(e) None of the above 50. Sahil got 45 marks in Hindi, 47 marks in Science, 49 marks in Mathematics, 45 marks in
Social Science and 32 marks in English. The maximum marks of each subject is 50. How much overall percentage of
marks did he get?

(a) 75% (b) 56.4%(c) 78% (d) 87.2%

(e) None of the above

51-A student was asked to measure the length and breadth of a rectangle. By mistake, he measured the length 20% less
and the breadth 10% more. If its original area is 200 sq cm, then find the area after this measurement? (a) 176 sq cm (b)
206 sq cm

(c) 226 sq cm (d) 316 sq cm

(e) None of the above

52. A box has 100 blue balls, 50 red balls and 50 black balls. 25% of blue balls and 50% of red balls are taken away.
Then, percentage of black balls at present is


54. The prices of two articles are as 3:4. If the price of the first article is increased by 10% and that of the second by X
4, one original ratio remains the same. The original price of the second article is


(a) ? 40 (b) ? 10

(c) X 30 (d) X 35
55. A saves 20% of his monthly salary. If his monthly expenditure is X 6000, then his monthly savings is [SSC (10+2)

(a) ? 1200 (b) ? 4800

(c)X 1500 (by ? 1800

56. From 2008 to 2009, the sales of a book decreased by 80%. If the sales in 2010 was the same as in 2008, by what per
cent did it increase from 2009 to 2010?

[SSC (10+2) 2012] {a) 80% (b) 100% (c) 120% (d) 400%

57. In a particular constituency, 75% of voters cast their votes, out of which 2% were rejected. The winning candidate
received 75% of the valid votes and bagged a total of 9261 votes. The total number of voters in the constituency is

[SSC (10+2) 2012]

(a) 14500 (b) 18900

(c) 16800 (d) 24000

58. If increasing 20 by P percentage gives the same result as decreasing 60 by P percentage, what is P percentage of 70?

[IB Assistant Central 2013]

(a) 50 (b) 140

(c) 14 (d) 35

59. Last year, there were 610 boys in a school. The number decreased by 20% this year. How many girls are there in the
school, if the number of girls is 175% of the total number of boys in the school this year? [SBI Clerk 2012]

(a) 854 (b) 848

(c) 798 (d) 782

(e) None of the above

60. Aryan got 350 marks and Vidya scored 76% marks in the same test. If Vidya scored 296 marks more than Aryan,
then what were the maximum marks of the test?
(a) 650 (b) 900

(C) 850 (d) 950

(e) None of the above

61. A student was awarded certain marks in an examination. However, after re-evaluation, his marks were reduced by
40% of the marks that were originally awarded to him, so that the new score now became 96. How many marks did the
student lose after re-evaluation?

(a) 58 (b) 68

(c) 63 (d) 56

(e) 64

62. What should come in place of the question mark (?), so that it satisfies equality of the given equation?

32% of 750 = ? (a) 23% of 600 (b) 46% of 207 (c) 98% of 250 (d) 75% of 320

(e) None of the above

Exercise © Higher SkiU Level Questions

1. An alloy of gold and silver weights 50g. It contains 80% gold. How much gold should he added to the alloy, so that
percentage of gold is increased to 90?

(a) 50g (b) 60g

(c) 30g (d) 40g

(e) None of the above

2. Veena spends 25% of her monthly income on household expenses. Her annual income is X 4.32 lakh. What is the
total amount that Veena spends on household expenses in 8 months together? [Bank Clerks 2011 ]

(a) X 74000 (b) X 71000

(C) X 73000 (d) X 72000

(e) None of the above

3. The salary of an employee of a company increases every month by 4%. If his salary in August was X 6300, then what
would be his approximate salary in month of October of the same year?

[Bank Clerks 2010] (a) X 6552 (b) X 6967

(c) X 6814 (d) X 6627

(e) None of the above

4. 1 L of water is added to 5 L of alcohol and water solution containing 40% alcohol strength. The strength of alcohol in
the new solution will be

[SSC CGL 2007]

5. In an examination, 49% students failed in English, 36% students failed in Hindi, while 15% failed in both. If total
number of passed students is 450, then how many students did appear in the examination?

(a) 1800 (b) 2000 (C) 1100 (d) 1500 (e) None of the above

6. In a test, Rajesh got 112 marks which was 32 more than the passing marks. Sonal got 75% marks which was 70 more
than the passing marks. What is the minimum passing percentage of the test?

(a) 35% (b) 45% (c) 40% (d) 48% (e) None of the above

7. Bina's monthly income is 90% of Anita's monthly income. The total of both their monthly incomes is Mr. Sen's
monthly income. Mr. Sen's annual income is X 775200. What is Bina's monthly income?

(a) X 34000 (b) X 36000

(c) X 30600 (d) X 30000

(e) None of the above

8. In an examination, it is required to get 296 marks out of aggregate marks to pass. A student gets 222 marks and is
declared failed by 10% marks. What are the maximum aggregate marks a student can get? [Bank Clerks 2011 ]
(a) 830 (b) 810 (c) 780 (d) 740 (e) None of the above

9. Sohan spends 23% of an amount of money on an insurance policy, 33% on food, 19% on children's education and
16% on recreation. He deposits the remaining amount of X 504 in bank. How much total amount does he spend on food
and insurance policy together?

[Bank Clerks 2010] (a) X 3200 (b) X 3126

(C) X 3136 (d) X 3048

(e) None of the above

10. Sonali invests 15% of her monthly salary in insurance policies. She spends 55% of her monthly salary in shopping
and on household expenses. She saves the remaining amount at X 12750. What is Sonali is monthly income? [SNAP

(a) X 42500 (b) X 38800

(C) X 40000 (d) X 35500

(e) None of the above

11. In an office, 40% of the staff is female. 40% of the female and 60% of the male voted for me. The percentage of
votes I got was [SSC CPO 2011]

(a) 24% (b) 42% (c) 50% (d) 52%

12. Ram sells his goods 25% cheaper than Shyam and 25% dearer than Hari. How much percentage is Hari's goods
cheaper than Shyam? [SSC CPO 2011 ]

13. The ratio of the number of boys and girls in a school is 3 : 2. If 20% of the boys and 25% of the girls are scholarship
holders, then the percentage of the students who do not get the scholarship, is

[SSC CGL 2010] (a) 78% (b) 75%

(c) 60% (d) 55%

14. A reduction of 20% in the price of wheat enables a person to buy 3.5 kg more wheat for X 770. The
original price of rice is

(a) X 55 per kg (b) X 45 per kg (c) X 65 per kg (d) X 37 per kg (e) None of the above

15. Fresh grapes contain 80% water, while dry grapes contain 10% water. If the weight of dry grapes is
500 kg, then what is its total weight when it is fresh?

(a) 2350 kg (b) 2085 kg

(c) 2255 kg (d) 2250 kg

(e) None of the above

16. Due to a 25% increase in the price of rice per kilogram, a person is able to purchase 20 kg less for X
400. What is the increased price of rice per kilogram?

[IB AC1O2012]

(a) X5 (b) X 6

(c) X 10 (d) X 4

17. The price of rice is reduced by 5%. How many kilogrames of rice can now be bought for the money,
which was sufficient to buy 50 kg of rice earlier?

(a) 52.63 kg (b) 50.40 kg

(c) 42.30 kg (d) 60.50 kg

18. The price of rice decreases by 6.25% and because of this reduction, Vandana is able to buy 1 kg more
for X 120. Find the reduced rate of rice.

(a) X 7.50 per kg (b) X 9 per kg (c) X 5.50 per kg (d) ? 19 per kg

19. Due to an increase of 30% in the price of eggs, 6 eggs less are available for X 7.80. The present rate of
eggs per dozen is

(a) X 5.50(b) X 4.68 (c) X 6.49 (d) X 3.58 (e) None of the above
20. Wheat is now being sold at X 27 per kg. During last month, its cost was X 24 per kg. Find by how much
per cent a family reduces its consumption, so as to keep the expenditure fixed.

(a) 10.2% (b) 12.1%

fc; 12.3% (dj 11.1%

21. In a class of 40 students and 5 teachers, each student got sweets that are 15% of the total number of
students and each teacher got sweets that are 20% of the total number of students. How many sweets were
there? [Bank Clerks 2008]

(a) 280 (b) 240

(c) 320 (d) 360

(e) None of the above

22. The price of ghee is increased by 32%. Therefore, a family reduces its consumption, so that the incre-
ment in price of ghee is only 10%. If consumption of ghee is 10 kg before the increment, then what is the
consumption now?

23. The expenses on wheat, meat and vegetables of a family are in the ratio 12 : 17 : 3. The prices of these
articles are increased by 20%, 30% and 50%, respectively. The total expenses of the familv nn these articles
are increased bv

24. In 1998, ratio of the numbers of students taking examinations in x and z states are respectively 3:5:6.
Next year, the numbers of students are increased by 20%, 10% and 20% respectively. If ratio of the num-
bers of students in states x and z is 1 : 2, then find the number of students who sit to take examination in

{a) 5000 (b) 6000 (c) 75000

(d) Data is insufficient

(e) None of the above

25. The tank-full of petrol in Aran's motor-cycle lasts for 10 days. If he starts using 25% more everyday,
how many days will the tank-full of petrol last? [CSAT 2013]

(a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 7 (d) 8

26. In an examination out of 480 students, 85% of the girls and 70% of the boys passed. How many boys
appeared in the examination, if total pass percentage was 75%? [SNAP 2012]

(a) 370 (b) 340 (c) 320 (d) 360 (e) None of the above

27. In a class-X of 30 students, 24 passed in first class; in another class Y of 35 students, 28 passed in first
class. In which class was the percentage of students first class more?

(a) Class X has more percentage of students getting first class.

(b) Class Y has more percentage of students getting first class

(c) Both classes have equal percentage of students getting first class

(d) None of the above

Answer with Solutions

Exercise Q Base Level Questions
So, a student was awarded by 160 marks in examination.

.•. Reduced marks after re-evaluation = 160 -96 = 64

Hence, from option (d), satisfies equality of the equation.

Exercise © Higher SkiU Level Questions

25. (d) Let us assume that Arun uses x units of petrol everyday, so, the amount of petrol in the tank when it is full will
be lOx. If he starts using 25% more petrol everyday, then the units of petrol he now use everyday will be

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