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Getting to Know Flores de Mayo: How and Why It Is Celebrated The highlight of the procession is the Reynas or queens

r queens with
in the Philippines corresponding titles.

The month of May. It is an exceptional month when the Reyna Fe

fragrance of assorted flowers floats in the air. It is when A fine young woman who will take the role of Reyna Fe shall
everyone remembers its name because of its connection to the carry a cross to signify the first theological virtue of faith.
Blessed Virgin Mary and the blooming flowers.
The Reyna Esperanza
This month also marks when Filipinos refresh the history of Carrying an anchor is crucial in this role because Reyna
Christianity, the sacredness of Jesus Christ, and the legendary Esperanza symbolizes hope – a second theological virtue.
quest of SANTA ELENA to find the Holy Cross.
Reyna Caridad
Santacruzan is a highly anticipated event in the Filipino A red heart is much needed to portray Reyna Caridad’s role
calendar, which is celebrated in towns and cities all across the effectively. She is a symbol of charity (the third theological
country. It’s an event steeped in history and religion, which virtue), so it shall not lose its red heart.
involves a beautiful and elaborate parade.
Reyna Sentenciada
Santacruzan began in the 1800s and has been a highlight of the A young woman shall have her hands tied with a rope as she
Flores de Mayo celebrations ever since. Santacruzan is held in will depict the convicted Queen. She represents all early
honor of Queen Helena of Constantinople, mother of Christians who Romans unmercifully persecuted because of
Constantine the Great. Helena led a pilgrimage to find the cross their faith. During the procession, she will be guarded by two
that Jesus was crucified on, and brought the cross back to Roman soldiers on both sides.
Rome. There are three virtues associated with Queen Helena
and Santacruzan: hope, charity, and faith. Divina Pastora
The item that needs to be brought by someone who will take
The Biblical / Allegorical Figures: the role of Divina Pastora is a shepherd’s staff or crook.
Aside from the much-awaited list of reynas, biblical figures are
also positioned in the parade’s first section. They play a vital Reyna Mistica
role in this process as they are: A bouquet is brought by someone who will play the role of
Reyna Mistica
A person portraying this figure shall act like an old bearded The Reyna de las Flores
man who cooks a grain of sand in a hot pan. It plays a She is the Queen of the Flores de Mayo. She will carry a grand
significant role in the procession as it reminds us that we all bouquet.
came from dust and we will go back to it.
Reyna Emperatriz
Reyna Banderada This role merely represents Queen Helena’s title, which she
A long red dress is the main point of this figure. A young lady received from Constantinople. The title signifies her role as an
who will partake in this role shall bear a yellow pennant that Empress or Queen Mother.
will constitute the arrival of the Christian faith.
Reyna Elena
Samaritana The community’s most beautiful and well-respected lady will
A young girl or a woman can take this critical role, symbolizing take the prestigious role of portraying St. Helena. She is the
salvation. In the bible, an outcasted woman received highlight and the last parade member who remains a secret
redemption from the Lord when she encountered Jesus in until the day of the Santacruzan.
Jacob’s well. Therefore, she will carry a jug of water on her
shoulder. It has a vital role in the parade as it reminds people Filipinos love surprises, so they find it amusing to keep the
that we are all worthy of the love of the Lord. person’s identity until it’s time for the people to watch the
parade. Of course, she will be accompanied by a small boy
Veronica dressed as a little Constantine – the first Christian emperor in
Another essential role in this parade will be taken up by a Rome.
young woman bearing a veil. It will represent the woman who
wiped the face of Jesus and left a three-blood imprint. Other Marian Titles
Beyond the captivating figures above, the Queens of
Aeta Santacruzan also feature Reyna ng Saba, Reyna de los
A tribal tattoo, a hair braid, or patterned clothes can be used to Confesores, Reyna de los Martires, Reyna de los Apostoles,
represent this ethnic group. Those who will portray the Aetas Reyna de los Patriarcas, Reyna Mora, Reyna Judith, and Reyna
should know they are people who undoubtedly believed in God Ester.
and embraced the Christian faith. They can use some dark
paint on the skin to better illustrate it. Characters in the Santacruzan Parade
The reynas are a key part of the Santacruzan procession. But
The Marian Titles / Reynas or Queens: there’s a whole host of other characters from the story
involved in this parade. Here are a few other important
characters to know:

Methuselah - A bearded old man riding a cart while toasting

grains of sand, who serves to remind us that everything
eventually returns to dust.

Divina pastora - A divine shepherdess who carries a staff.

Samaritana - A woman from the story who was a social outcast

but spoke with Jesus at a well, and was reformed after their

Ave Maria - Eight girls make up this character, all dressed as

angels and each holding a letter which together make up the
words ‘Ave Maria’.

Tres Marias (Three Marys) - Three women play these

characters, who include Mary Magdala, Mary, Mother of
Christ, and Mary, mother of James.

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