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Future Perfect Simple

Ze względu na fakt, że w języku polskim nie istnieje struktura gramatyczna odpowiadająca

czasowi Future Perfect Simple, jego użycie może wydawać się nieco skomplikowane, choć w gruncie
rzeczy, jest to całkiem proste i logiczne. Oto sytuacje wymagające zastosowania czasu Future Perfect

Do zastosowania czasu Future Simple potrzebujemy punktu odniesienia w przyszłości - może to być
data, czynność lub wydarzenie. Czynność, wyrażona czasem Future Perfect będzie miała miejsce w
przyszłości, lecz z perspektywy tego określonego punktu odniesienia - będzie już zakończona.

 I will have read this book by five o’clock.

 We will have eaten dinner by the time you arrive.
 They’ll have written the exam by noon.
 All seats will be taken by the time the train reaches our station.
 By six thirty, Tina will have cleaned all the rooms.

Kiedy mówimy, że jakiś stan będzie trwał przez określony czas w konkretnym momencie w

 Next month we will have been married for twenty years!

 They will have lived in our town for a year in February.
 By next month Tom will have known Mary for two years.
 I will have been an English teacher for fifteen years next year.
 You will have stayed for two weeks in this hotel tomorrow.

Wyrażając przypuszczenie, że dana czynność została już wykonana.

 My daughter will have landed in London by now.

 It’s three o’clock so the lessons will have finished.
 I lent her the book a month ago so she will have read it by now.
 Mr Brown will have arrived by now.
 They will have talked to each other by now.

Future Perfect - charakterystyczne wyrażenia czasowe

Jak większość czasów gramatycznych w języku angielskim, także Future Perfect Simple często łączy się z
konkretnymi określeniami czasu. Oto ich lista:

 by - przed, np. We will have arrived by midnight.

 by the time - zanim, np. They will have left by the time I finish work.

 by the end of - przed końcem, np. The company will have employed 200 people by the end of the year.

 by tomorrow/next week/month/year - przed/ do, np. We will have interviewed twenty candidates by
next week.

 before - przed, np. Our team won’t have finished this task before the weekend.

 when - kiedy, Mary will have woken up when I come in.

Future Perfect Continuous

Czas Future Perfect Continuous używany jest do wyrażania czynności, która do konkretnego momentu
w przyszłości trwać będzie przez określony czas. Nie wskazujemy na zakończenie czynności ani jej
ewentualne skutki. Skupiamy się na tym, jak długo będzie ona w danym momencie trwała. Okres
wprowadzamy przyimkiem for.

 I will have been waiting for the doctor for two hours soon.
 By next week Jim will have been working in this shop for five years.
 Soon the President will have been answering the reporters’ questions for three hours.
 In five minutes the children will have been playing in the garden for an hour.
 Ann will be looking for a new job for two months next week.

Future Perfect Continuous vs Future Perfect Simple

Future perfect vs future perfect continuous - czym różnią się od siebie te dwa czasy przyszłe? Oto
najważniejsze różnice w punktach:

 w przypadku czynności, które zostaną powtórzone kilkakrotnie do danego momentu w

przyszłości, stosujemy czas Future Perfect Simple, np. By the end of the day I will have replied to
all the emails.
 jeśli zależy nam na podkreśleniu ciągłości danej czynności, zastosujemy czas Future Perfect
Continuous, np. I will have been replying to all those emails for five hours by the end of the day.
 w przypadku czasowników statycznych nie możemy użyć czasu Future Perfect Continuous.

Ćwiczenie 1. Wybierz poprawną opcję.

1. By next Tuesday the Browns will have stayed / will have been staying in London for two weeks.

2. By next week I will have read / will have been reading the book.

3. Will Amanda have got married / have been getting married before she graduates from university?

4. Will the people have stood / have been standing in a queue for an hour soon?

5. Tom won’t have driven / won’t have been driving for more than five hours by ten o’clock.

6. By December we will have had / will have been having our car for ten years.

7. Before the conference finishes, the journalists will have asked / will have been asking over one
hundred questions.

8. The boy will have played / will have been playing the computer game for three hours soon.

9. By Christmas I will have bought / will have been buying all the presents for my family.

10. We won’t have talked / won’t have been talking for two hours by lunch break.
Ćwiczenie 2. Uzupełnij luki czasownikami w nawiasach w poprawnej formie.

1. The baby WILL NOT HAVE BEEN SLEEPING not sleep) for three hours soon.

2. By next month I WILL HAVE BEEN STUDYING (study) English for two years.

3. By April we WILL HAVE SOLD (sell) our house and by May we WILL HAVE BOUGHT (buy) a flat in the
city centre.

4. WILL IT HAVE BEEN SNOWING (snow) for five days by tomorrow?

5. My aunt WILL HAVE HAD (have) her cat for six months by Friday.

6. We WONT HAVE FINISHED (not finish) the project by the end of the week. The boss will be furious.

7. How long WILL THE LADY HAVE BEEN WAITING (the lady/wait) for the shop assistant to help her by

8. Soon I WILL HAVE BEEN (be) married for twenty years.

9. How long WILL YOU AND TIM HAVE KNOWN (you and Tim/know) each other by March?

10. Mark WONT HAVE BEEN LIVING (not live) with his parents for a year soon.

Ćwiczenie 3. Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań w nawiasach na język angielski.

1. Amanda WONT HAVE BEEN WOTKING (nie będzie pracować) for three months by next week.

2. WILL YOU HAVE RENOVATED (Czy wyremontujesz) the room by the time your baby daughter is

3. How long WILL MS LEE BEEN TEACHING (pani Lee będzie uczyć) Spanish by the end of this year?

4. Arnold WILL HAVE BEEN DIVORCED (będzie rozwiedziony) for five years by the end of this month.

5. By the time we get there our mother WILL HAVE BAKED (upiecze) at least three cakes.

6. Alan WON’T HAVE BEEN WORKING (nie będzie pracował) with us for a month soon.

7. They WILL HAVE LEFT (pewnie wyjechali).

8. The secretary WILL HAVE WRITTEN (napisze) five emails by the time her boss comes to work.

9. YOU WON’T HAVE READ (Nie przeczytasz) all those books by the end of your holidays!

10. How long WILL HAVE BEEN AWAY (John będzie nieobecny) by noon?

Ćwiczenie 4. Popraw błędy w poniższych zdaniach.

1. Alice will have beEN a photographer for six years by August.


2. How long will Mike have BEEN waiting for us by six o’clock?

3. How many books will George R.R. Martin have WRITTEN by the end of the year?


4. How long will the children have BEEN ASKING for a dog by next week?


5. Jessica will HAVE had her favourite shoes for two years soon.


6. Will you have prepareD everything by the time the guests arrive?


7. Will your husband have cooked dinner before you get home?


8. Lisa will have KNOWN Peter for a year by next week.


9. How many countries will Jack HAVE VISITED by the end of the year?


10. The student will have BEEN PRACTISING Future Perfect Continuous for an hour soon.


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