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1 classes from 1 to VIII have a special Hour form 3rd week of June

2 The special hour will be every day

3 3 The Special hour must be every day a last period
4 First 5 minutes the drill sheet will be conducted
5 Next Ten minutes the Hand writing
6 Next ten minutes the syllabification
7 Next 35 minutes according to the day plan will be compeleted
8 The needed Material must be collected before the assembly
9 If the teacher the teachers absent the substittion must be collcted
10 Next hand over the material to cncern teachers
11 correct the materials on the same day
12 Every Saturday the material should be filled
13 Every month the file sholud send home get back on nextday itself


1 the teacher should read the compershension with full stops and commas
2 All the unfamilar words should be underl line or decode and wrirte the meaning and o
3 Ask the students to read the Comperhension
4 Next ask them read the questions and explain the meaning
5 First 10 minutes timing to understand the question comprehension
6 ask the students to answer the questions
7 monitor the students if all students started
8 If any students needs help ask the sit them n a group and help them
9 Do the correction on the spot
10 discuss the answers and rectify the mistakes
11 The unfamilar words must be pronounce 2 or 3 times
12 Before reading ask revelant questionsd regarding the topic
13 Use the digital and show the unfamilar words with pictures
14 These words must be post in class in word wall
15 aask the question to bring the curiosity anbout the compreshion
16 ask the students about the chacters of the story
and Opposites of that word
Reading books

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