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Date: 24.04.

Kalla Rama Krishana,
S/o Late K Krishna, F/8, APGENCO Apartments, Jagadamba Center, Mothugudem Post,
Chintoor Mandal, Alluri Sitaramaraju District, AP. Contact Number: +91-9490009057

The Additional Superintendent of Police Chinthur Circle, Chinthur Mandal Head Quarter, Alluri Sitarama
Raju District, Andhra Pradesh.
PIN Code: 533 347.

Dear Sir,

Subject: Request for Re-inquiry Cr. No. 15/2024 and Submission of Events during Custody - reg.

I am writing to bring to your attention an urgent matter regarding my recent involvement in a case handled
by your esteemed department Cr. No.: 15/2024 with Mothugudem police station. I am Kalla Rama Krishna,
S/o Late K Krishna, Age 41 Years, and I was falsely implicated as accused A3 in a case under investigation.
Following my unjust involvement in this case, I have taken the initiative to compile a detailed account of
the events that transpired during my custody. Enclosed with this letter, please find the Annexure containing
the comprehensive submission outlining the sequence of events and occurrences during my time in custody.

I respectfully request that you consider conducting a re-inquiry into the circumstances surrounding my
alleged involvement in the case. The information provided in the Annexure sheds light on various aspects
that were overlooked or misrepresented during the initial investigation.
I firmly believe that a re-inquiry will help clarify the misunderstanding and rectify any inaccuracies that
may have led to my wrongful implication. It is my sincere hope that through this process, justice will
prevail, and my innocence will be established beyond doubt.

I am available to provide any further clarification or assistance required for the re-inquiry process. Your
prompt attention to this matter is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time and consideration. Yours faithfully,

Kalla Rama Krishna

Enclosures: ANNEXURE (Detailing the sequence of events and incidents that occurred during my period
of custo

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Detailing the sequence of events and incidents that occurred during my period of custody:
I am providing you with an account of the events as I experienced them and how I found myself wrongly
implicated in this case vide Cr no 15/2024 with Mothugudem police station. B Rajesh Kumar, the accused
A2, is a childhood friend and former classmate of mine. We were members of the same union for several
years until December 2020, and we often engaged in discussions on various professional and personal
matters. Similarly, Sri S Naidu, the accused A1, is a colleague with whom I share a good relationship. We
frequently discuss union-related and other contemporary issues at his level. It's worth noting that I have
friendships with many others, not just these two accused individuals. A couple of months ago, there was an
internal transfer of Sri MRV Ramana, which he strongly opposed. Our union collectively protested against
the transfer, albeit unsuccessfully. During this time, there were differing opinions regarding Sri P Anand
Babu, who works as an JAO/ADM under The Chief Engineer at LSHES Mothugudem. He is privy to
decisions concerning internal transfers as part of his duties, but he did not inform us until the order for Sri
MRV Ramana's transfer was officially placed.

After a couple of months, in retaliation to the previous internal transfer order of Sri MRV Ramana, Sri P
Anand Babu and other union members managed to convince The Chief Engineer to transfer Sri S Naidu,
accused A1, a decision he strongly opposed. Personally, I did not approve of this retaliatory action and
remained neutral on the matter. I expressed my disapproval to many of my colleagues and fellow union
members. Rather than engaging in retaliatory actions against members of the opposing union, I believed it
would have been more beneficial for us to focus on preventing the transfer of our union member, Sri MRV

After a couple of days following Sri S Naidu's transfer, accused A1, he expressed his discontent about his
new job placement to me and several other colleagues in our colony. Coincidentally, Sri S Naidu, accused
A1, works in a location adjacent to mine, which facilitates regular meetings between us. In these encounters,
I often provided him with consolation and support, maintaining a neutral stance on the ongoing rivalry
between the unions, as I have consistently opposed such actions from the outset. Our discussions primarily
revolve around the union rivalry, and we frequently exchange perspectives on various matters due to our
close proximity in the workplace.
Sri S Naidu, accused A1, consistently shared with me over the past couple of months his concerns regarding
alleged Ganja peddling by members of our union. He claimed that our union office was being utilized as an
exchange center for such activities and even mentioned specific members of our union in connection with
these allegations. In light of his accusations and the ongoing rivalry between the unions, I felt compelled to
caution our union members to be vigilant and address any truth behind his claims. These warnings were part
of our regular discussions, alongside other matters related to the union rivalry.

When it comes to the filed case vide Cr no 15/2024 with Mothugudem police station, my childhood
classmate, Sri B Rajesh Kumar (accused A2), made a request on 11-02-2024 for the key to the INTUC 327
union office to accommodate his friends. He specifically asked me not to disclose his name due to his
affiliation with the opposing union. On 12-02-2024 morning, he promptly returned the key. This wasn't the
first time Sri B Rajesh Kumar (accused A2) had made such requests, and he has no prior record of
misconduct. These factors led me to provide him with the key, and I had no reason to suspect any
conspiracy at the time. After receiving the key from Sri B Rajesh Kumar (accused A2) on 12-02-2024, I
contacted Sri P Srinu, who usually holds the keys, to collect it from me. He informed me that there was no
urgency and said he would collect it later. He eventually retrieved the key on 15.02.2024.

On 17-02-2024, while returning from dropping my daughter off at school, I encountered Sri S Naidu,
accused A1, near the INTUC 327 Union Office. He was the first to inform me that the police had seized
Ganja from our union office and that Sri P Anand Babu and Sri T Durga Prasad had been taken to the police
station. Sri S Naidu accused A1, reiterated his previous warnings about Ganja peddling and shared his
thoughts on their arrest. Upon reaching home, Sri P Srinu urgently called me to come to the police station.
Recognizing the gravity of the situation, I immediately informed Sri B Rajesh Kumar, accused A2. He
advised against implicating his name to avoid unwarranted accusations and suggested mentioning other
friends if questioned. He assured me that Sri S Naidu, accused A1, would speak to the station officer on our
behalf. Upon conveying this to Sri S Naidu, he advised mentioning non-local friends if questioned about the
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keys, emphasizing that implicating Sri B Rajesh Kumar, accused A2, would shift accusations onto me due
to his affiliation with the opposing union. Additionally, Sri S Naidu assured me of his support, citing his
connections with the Sub Inspector and Circle Inspector of Police.

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When I arrived at the police station on February 17, 2024, at 9:00 AM, the Sub Inspector promptly inquired
about the key I had received from Sri P Srinu on February 11, 2024. He asked whom I had given the key to
and when I had returned it. I explained that I had collected the key for my friends who were unable to
retrieve it themselves. I then contacted Sri P Srinu on February 12, 2024, to arrange for him to collect the
key. Subsequently, the Sub Inspector instructed me to wait outside with Sri P Anand Babu, Sri P Srinu, and
Sri T Durga Prasad. After a couple of minutes, the Sub Inspector emerged from the station and inquired, "Is
there a Rama Krishna here?" I promptly responded to his call, and he informed me that I was free to leave.

After this incident, I became convinced that Sri S Naidu, the accused A1, wielded considerable influence
over the police. Immediately after leaving the police station, I phoned Sri S Naidu, the accused A1, and
expressed my gratitude for assisting me in exiting. Furthermore, he assured me of protection but cautioned
against disclosing the fact that I had given the key to Sri B Rajesh Kumar, the accused A2.
Even after this incident, I harbored no suspicion that Sri S Naidu, accused A1, and Sri B Rajesh Kumar,
accused A2, had conspired to obtain the key from me in a premeditated manner. They urged me to conceal
the truth solely because Sri B Rajesh Kumar, accused A2, belonged to the opposing union, and they feared
being unnecessarily implicated in the case.

On Saturday, February 17, 2024 evening, I departed for Visakhapatnam to attend a marriage function,
sticking to my previously arranged plans. However, on Sunday, February 18, 2024, at 11:00 AM, a Head
Constable from the Chinthur Crime Branch called me and requested the contact information of the
individuals for whom I had taken the key. In response, I promptly reached out to Sri B Rajesh Kumar,
accused A2, asking for the contact details of the individuals he had arranged the key for. He informed me
that he had acquired the key for friends of Sri N Kiran (also known as Potti Kiran), who intended to visit
waterfalls. I then requested Sri B Rajesh Kumar to provide their contact numbers to the Head Constable
from the Chinthur PS Crime Branch.
However, instead of sending the contact details, Sri S Naidu, accused A1, called me and explained that
providing names from the opposing union could result in them being unjustly implicated as suspects. He
advised me that this could lead to prolonged questioning for both me and Sri Rajesh Kumar, despite us not
being involved in any illegal activities. He suggested that it would be simpler to provide the contact
information of some of my acquaintances instead. He emphasized that it was merely an inquiry and that
neither Sri B Rajesh Kumar accused A2 nor I had committed any illegal acts.
Additionally, Sri S Naidu, identified as accused A1, stated that, through my connections within the police
force, I later discovered that Sri T Durga Prasad, who had prior allegations related to drug trafficking, had
confessed to the crime and turned himself in.

After listening to Sri S Naidu, accused A1's advice, I convinced myself and provided my brother's contact
number to the Head Constable from the Chinthur Crime Branch. Despite attending the marriage, I remained
anxious and continuously sought updates from Sri S Naidu, accused A1, and Sri B Rajesh Kumar, accused
A2, as I was deeply concerned and eager to uncover the truth regarding the crime. Furthermore, I regularly
sought updates from my brother, whose contact number I had given to the Head Constable of the Chinthur
Crime Branch, to inquire if he had received any calls or messages. Ultimately, he confirmed that there were
no further phone calls from the police for additional inquiries.

On Sunday, I was informed that the police had apprehended some of my other friends, which heightened my
worries, leading to a difficult day spent in Visakhapatnam. Despite intending to return to my duties on
Monday, February 19, 2024, alongside B Rajesh Kumar, accused A2, I couldn't do so due to prior
commitments. Nonetheless, I managed to reach Mothugudem around 7:00 PM on February 19, 2024, with
the assistance of public transportation.
Around 10:30 PM, a police constable arrived at my home and escorted me to the Mothugudem Police

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The police constable dropped me off in front of the Mothugudem Police Station and left to pick up Sri B
Rajesh Kumar, accused A2. While I waited outside, Sri B Rajesh Kumar, accused A2, arrived with the
constable a few minutes later. After waiting for a short while, the Sub Inspector instructed us to get into his
vehicle, which then began moving towards Chinthur.

During the journey, the Sub Inspector expressed his disappointment, mentioning that due to our actions, he
might lose his job. In response, I revealed the truth inside the vehicle while we were en route to Chinthur,
admitting that I had given the key to Sri B Rajesh Kumar, accused A2, Infront of him. Immediately, Sri B
Rajesh Kumar, accused A2, also confessed, stating that he had given the key to Sri S Naidu, accused A1. I
was taken aback by this revelation from Sri B Rajesh Kumar, accused A2, and realized that there was
something suspicious happening.
After a few minutes, the Sub Inspector stopped the vehicle near Thulukonda village, approximately 10
kilometers away from Mothugudem towards Chinthur. He took Sri B Rajesh Kumar, accused A2, behind
the vehicle for a discussion, and then they returned. At this point, the Sub Inspector changed his mind and
decided to return to the Mothugudem Police Station.

Upon returning to the Mothugudem Police Station, the Station Officer began to question us aggressively and
even resorted to hitting us with rubber. I explained that I had collected the key from Sri P Srinu’s residence
at the request of Sri B Rajesh Kumar, accused A2, for N Kiran's friends. I emphasized that this wasn't the
first time Sri Rajesh Kumar had asked me to do so, and in the past, everything had been resolved without
incident. Once again on 11.02.2024, he had asked me the key and not to disclose my name, citing concerns
about his affiliation with the opposing union.
I collected the key from Sri P Srinu’s residence and handed it over to Sri B Rajesh Kumar, accused A2, on
February 11, 2024, at 8:00 PM. I retrieved the key from Sri B Rajesh Kumar on February 12, 2024, at 8:00
AM and promptly contacted Sri P Srinu to inform him that he could collect the key from me. However, he
indicated that there was no urgency and that he would collect it later. Eventually, he collected the key on
February 16, 2024, at 8:30 AM.

While returning the key, Sri B Rajesh Kumar, accused A2, informed me that nobody had come to retrieve
the key the previous day because their planned program had been cancelled for reasons unknown to him.
Around 11:30 PM, after a brief wait, the Station Officer transported us to Chinthur. Upon reaching the
Chintoor Police Station Circle Inspector's Office, we waited for approximately 30 minutes. During this time,
Sri S Naidu, referred to as accused A1, emerged from inside the Circle Inspector’s residence. It became
evident that he had arrived prior to us, having been brought there by the Mothugudem police in a separate
vehicle just couple of minutes before our own arrival.

When I began conversing with Sri S Naidu accused A1 and inquired about the situation, he reassured me
not to worry, stating that he had good contacts within the police force. Sri S Naidu, the accused A1, inquired
if the Sub- Inspector had assaulted us. We confirmed that he had indeed assaulted us. In return, we asked if
they had assaulted him. To this, he responded that they had not assaulted him. Furthermore, Sri S Naidu, the
accused A1, asserted that the Circle Inspector assured him not to worry and even offered him an apple at his
residential quarter.
After a couple of minutes, the Circle Inspector called in Sri S Naidu, accused A1, into his office. Later, he
sent him out and then summoned Sri B Rajesh Kumar, accused A2. Finally, they called me in. I explained to
them that Sri B Rajesh Kumar is my schoolmate and childhood friend. He asked me for the key, which I had
collected and given to him upon his request. Other than that, I didn't know anything else. In response, the
Circle Inspector jovially said, "Will you give 20 lakhs? I will leave you immediately. At least, can you give
2 lakhs so that I will leave you?" He laughed and left the premises.
When I came outside, Sri B Rajesh Kumar, accused A2, told me that I had admitted my involvement,
knowing about the conspiracy. He claimed that I had collected the key from you and given it to Sri S Naidu,
accused A1, to help him. He also mentioned that when returning the key, I knew that Sri S Naidu had kept
Ganja inside the office room. Furthermore, I informed them that you were not involved in this conspiracy.
Sri B Rajesh Kumar, accused A2, assertively told me that I would be freed soon as he had given his
confession statement in front of the Circle Inspector, Sub-Inspector, and Head Constable clearly.

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We were waiting outside when, after a couple of minutes, the Circle Inspector, Sub-Inspector, and Head
Constable emerged near us. The Head Constable was heard telling the other two officers that there was no
need to resort to violence, as we had already provided clear statements. Pointing towards me, he remarked
that I seemed to be clueless about everything, simply an innocent bystander. Regarding Sri B. Rajesh
Kumar, accused A2, he mentioned that he seemed to know about 50% of the situation. However, when
referring to Sri S. Naidu, accused A1, he described him as the mastermind behind the crime, remarking that
he was a cunning and astute criminal. Meanwhile, the Circle Inspector questioned Sri S. Naidu about the
source of the Ganja in front of us. Sri S. Naidu, accused A1, responded that he had collected Rs. 2000 each
from me and Sri B. Rajesh, accused A2, and procured it from Sri P. Ravi, a resident of Pollur village.
Immediately, Sri B. Rajesh Kumar and I objected vehemently, and I shouted in protest.

In response, the Head Constable approached Sri S. Naidu assertively, asking if he would tell the truth or if
he should resort to force to extract it. He remarked on Sri S. Naidu's apparent freshness, questioning if he
could start hitting him. Quickly, the Circle Inspector intervened, instructing the Head Constable to stop.

Subsequently, Sri S. Naidu confessed in front of everyone that he had indeed procured the Ganja from Sri P.
Ravi, and that the other two accused had no involvement in the matter.

I felt somewhat relieved as I observed the ongoing process, believing they understood I was not involved in
the crime. However, I approached the Head Constable standing behind me to inquire about my release. In
response, he dismissively called me an idiot, asserting that I had been ensnared and ended up there. He
reassured me by saying, "Don't worry, you will be A4." Shocked, I asked him again how they could
implicate me in a case when I had no connection to the conspiracy whatsoever. He replied, "Don't worry, I
will come to Mothugudem PS and explain your details."
However, after hearing the Head Constable's response, my worries resurfaced, and I felt a sense of
depression creeping in. They proceeded to open and inspect our mobile phones. After a few minutes, they
returned, informing us that there were WhatsApp messages from Sri B. Rajesh Kumar, accused A2, to Sri S.
Naidu, accused A1, discussing the conspiracy and a list of names that Sri S. Naidu had previously
complained to the police about. B. Rajesh Kumar then clarified to me that Sri S. Naidu couldn't type
messages on WhatsApp, so he had requested me to type and send him the list of names to be included in the
police complaint as part of the conspiracy.

We were taken back to Mothugudem in the early hours of Tuesday, February 20, 2024, and were ushered
into what seemed like a conference room. Cut off from the outside world, we had no means of
communication. On Wednesday, February 20, 2024, Sri Raju, Head constable approached us and handed us
a mobile phone one by one, allowing us to call our families if we wished.

Grateful for the opportunity, I dialled my family and reassured them of my innocence. I promised them that
I would return soon and assured them that everything was fine, urging them not to worry.
On February 20, 2024, Sri P. Ravi, accused A4, was taken into custody and placed alongside us. He
confided in us, asserting that he had no involvement in the matter whatsoever. He claimed that he didn't
even possess Sri S. Naidu, accused A1's contact number, indicating that he had been falsely implicated in
the case.

On Wednesday, February 21, 2024, the Circle Inspector, who then rebuked Sri S Naidu, accused A1, stating
that he appeared to be behaving foolishly. The Circle Inspector questioned how he could trust a police
constable's advice while in police custody, leading to him contacting his family to send his son, Sri Vamsi,
to his native place, and further revealing that his son was the one who had stored Ganja inside the union
office. The head constable named Sri Raju recorded the call and shared it with me and the sub-inspector.
Following this incident, Sri S Naidu, accused A1, broke down in tears and pleaded with the Circle Inspector
to spare his son, Sri Vamsi, in this case. In response, the Circle Inspector assured him, in front of all of us,
that his son Sri Vamsi would indeed be spared in this case.

Sri B. Rajesh Kumar, accused A2, and I were shocked and deeply concerned by the unfolding situation. We
discussed the implications and felt a sense of despair and depression settle over us.

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On February 21, 2024, around 11AM the Sub-Inspector of Police, Mothugudem, paid a visit to our barracks
at the Mothugudem Police Station. He called each of us individually, and when it was my turn, I pleaded
fervently, even resorting to grasping his feet, to convey my innocence regarding any involvement in a
conspiracy. In response, he mentioned having received a letter just a few days prior, alleging the
involvement of specific union members in ganja peddling, and he was convinced I had authored it. I
vehemently denied his accusation. He proceeded to mention conducting local inquiries, which revealed
numerous complaints about my active role in union affairs and my reputation for causing trouble for others.
Despite my persistent denials, he remained resolute, asserting that while I may not have direct involvement
in the present issue, I deserved punishment for my past deeds. His words left me in shock as he departed
from the scene.

Following this incident, I couldn't shake the feeling that political motives and rivalries were influencing the
Sub- Inspector of Police. It appeared clear to me that there was an orchestrated attempt to ensnare me in this
case, despite my lack of involvement.

On February 23, 2024, we were taken to the Yetapaka ASP office and interrogated individually. In front of
ASP Sri Maheswar Reddy, IPS, I explained that I had no involvement in the conspiracy. I clarified that I
had only handed over the Union Office key upon the request of Sri B. Rajesh Kumar, accused A2.

During the interrogation, a constable entered abruptly, employing vulgar language and threatening to
incriminate my entire family unless I confessed. Despite these intimidations, I steadfastly maintained my
innocence and continued to speak the truth. As I protested in front of ASP Sri Maheswar Reddy IPS, Sub-
Inspector Mothugudem PS presented some evidence related to the case to ASP Sri Maheswar Reddy IPS,
evidence of which I was unaware. Nevertheless, Sri P. Ravi, also known as accused A4, persisted in
denying his involvement. Sri B. Rajesh Kumar and Sri S. Naidu didn’t raise any objections before ASP Sri
Maheswar Reddy IPS.
After a period of time, ASP Sri Maheswar Reddy IPS concluded his proceedings and directed his
subordinates to conduct a thorough interrogation to uncover the truth before departing from his office.

On the instructions of ASP Sri Maheswar Reddy IPS, the Circle Inspector of Yetapaka PS and his staff
called me into their chamber and asked me about my involvement and I said the truth as I explained earlier.
Following the individual interrogation of the four accused, Sri B Rajesh Kumar, accused A2, and a
constable from Mothugudem PS, Sri Eswar Rao, informed me that the Circle Inspector, Yetapaka, had
expressed his view on implicating me in the case, as he was unaware of the conspiracy. Additionally, he
mentioned that involving me could bring about distress to him and his family, which would not be
beneficial for us. Therefore, he suggested to Sub-Inspector Mothugudem PS to reconsider his decision.
Upon hearing this, the Sub-Inspector of Mothugudem PS remained silent and did not offer any response, as
reported by Sri B Rajesh Kumar, accused A2, and a constable from Mothugudem PS, Sri Eswar Rao.

Amidst all these occurrences and during my stay at the police station, through conversations with various
constables among themselves, I discovered that Sri S Naidu, accused A1, had himself lodged a complaint
from his own mobile number to the Sub Inspector regarding the lead of Ganja. He sent a list of 12-14
individuals whom he suspected of being involved in Ganja peddling via WhatsApp message to the Sub
Inspector of Police. The Sub- inspector placed complete trust in him and proceeded to interrogate all the
individuals listed in the WhatsApp message. As a result of these events, the interrogation veered in the
wrong direction, causing frustration for the Sub Inspector.

Subsequently, on February 26, 2024, a confession statement letter was prepared at Mothugudem PS, and I
was asked to sign it. Initially, I hesitated to sign, but later, one of the constables named Sri Eswar Rao
approached me and explained that refusing to sign might lead to physical coercion. He assured me that the
confession statement wouldn't hold up in court, and the case against us wasn't strong. He advised me to sign
to avoid unnecessary trouble.
Reluctantly, I signed the falsely fabricated confession statement after his explanation. After couple of hours,
they informed me that I was designated as A3 due to some technical issues. Following this, we were
remanded to Rajahmahendravaram Central Jail on February 26, 2024.

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Considering the information provided above, I urge you to carefully review my plea and conduct a thorough
reinvestigation of the case to ensure justice is served. This unjust accusation has caused immense suffering
to both myself and my family, tarnishing our reputation in society. I earnestly await a swift resolution to this
matter, as the mental anguish caused by this ordeal is unbearable.


Kalla Rama Krishna, S/o Late K Krishna,

F/8, APGENCO Apartments, Jagadamba Center, Near Banian Tree, Mothugudem Post, Chintoor Mandal,
Alluri Sitaramaraju District, AP.

Copy forwarded for communication to The Dy. Inspector General (DIG), Visakha Range, Visakhapatnam.
Copy forwarded for communication to The Superintending Of Police, Paderu, ASR District.
Copy forwarded for communication to The District Collector, Paderu, ASR District.
Copy forwarded for communication to The State Human Rights Commission, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh.
Copy forwarded for communication to The National Human Rights Commission, MANAV ADHIKAR
BHAVAN, BLOCK-C, GPO COMPLEX, INA, New Delhi - 110 023.

Kalla Rama Krishna

"It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer."
Sir William Blackstone

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

Martin Luther King Jr.

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