Grade 8 English Overall Worksheet

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I.Answer any one of the following questions 2M
1. Why did the author climb Mount Everest?
2. How does Ahluwalia explain the title of the lesson, ‘The Summit Within’?
3.What are the three qualities that played a major role in the author’s climb?
4.How did Ahluwaliah feel standing on the summit?
5.What makes the school boy unhappy?
6.Why does the boy compare himself to a caged bird?3.What is the poet’s advice to parents of
school-going kids?
7.Why does the school boy compare himself to a plant?
8.What happens to Jody’s father? And what did Jody do?
9.Why did not Penny want to leave fawn alone?
10.What had happened to Jody’s father?
11. How did the doe save Penny’s life?
12.Why does Jody want to bring the fawn home?
II.Answer any one of the following (any one): 4M
1.What were the “symbols of reverence” left by members of the team on Everest?
2.According to the writer, what did his experience as an Everester teach him ?
3.What does one really requires to climb the highest peak of a mountain?
4.The boy loves to learn amidst nature. How does the poet bring it out in the poem?
5.What is the plea of the schoolboy to his father and mother?
6. How does the poem bring out the contrast between the school boy’s experience inside and
outside the school?
III. Answer in a paragraph(anyone): 5M
1. Why is adventure, which is risky, also pleasurable?
2.What was it about Mount Everest that the author found irresistible?
3. “These are not symbols of conquest but of reverence.” Why does Major speak these lines?
What does he mean?
4.What is theme of the poem?
5.How is the child’s growth ‘nipped and stripped’ of its joy in the springing day?
6.How do the different seasons show the effects of the school on the child?
7. Describe the meeting of fawn and Jody in your own words.
8. Jody didn’t want Mill-wheel with him for two reasons. What were they?
9. What did Doc Wilson mean when he said “nothing in the world ever comes quite free”?
I.Answer the following with reference to the context. (Any three) 2x2=4
1. What was the thing that makes author feel stronger?
2. A first glimpse of Hawking is shocking”. Why?
3. Describe the environment of Stephen’s Garden.
4. Did the prospect of meeting Stephen Hawking make the writer nervous?
II.. Answer the following questions: (Short answer-Any one). 1x3=3
1. The author asked Hawking that he had been an inspiration beyond clinched for me, what
Hawking replied to it?
2. What did Mr. Hawking reply when he asked “lot of people seem to think that disabled people
are chronically unhappy”?
3. Why does the writer refer to the guitar incident? Which idea does it support?
4. How did the author describe the hill station and valley?
5. Why is mist called Melancholy?
6. The poetry of earth’ is not made of words. What is it made of, as suggested in the poem?1.
How can you say that “Plants to know that monsoon rain had come”?
7. Write the name of seasonal visitors that rain heralded.
8.Which insect breaks silence of the winter? How?
III. Answer in a paragraph. (Any one) 1x5=5
1. What endeared the scientist to the writer so that he said he was looking at one of the most
beautiful men in the world?
2. What is Stephen’s idea behind saying- ‘They should concentrate on what they are good at’?
3. What is the importance of diary entry? How does it reflect the mood and phases of the writer?
4. Why does the poet believe that the poetry of the Earth is never dead?
The Summit
Within, Jody's Fawn/Poem: The School Boy

1. Summit 2. Exhilarating 3. Exhaustion 4. Miserable 5. Reverence 6.dismay 7.droop 8.auxious
9.dreary 10. Tender.
II. Fill In the blanks.
1.__ is the author of the lesson 'The Summit Within'.
2. A climb to the summit means__
3. Mountains are a means of communion with___
4. Famous climbers have left records of____
5. The surrounding peaks look like___
6. The boy likes about the huntsman.
7.__ to rise on a Sunday morn".
8.__ sings along with the school boy.
9 ___drives all the joy away.
10.____ is the poet of the poem, "The School Boy".
11. Jody’s father was bitten by_____
12. The name of Jody’ mother is ___
13. “Nothing in the world comes quiet free”- These words are said by___ .
14. The meaning of the word ‘dilated’ is __
15. The author of the prose ‘This is Jody’s fawn’ is __
2. anguish
3. buoyant
4. annoy
5. incandescence
6. exhilaration
II.Fill in the blanks:
1. The birds hide in trees because of ___.
2. The ‘Voice’ mentioned here is the voice of _.
3. The poetry of earth is __.
4. The cricket’s song is heard in __.5. The grasshopper is happy in__.
6 .Firdaus kanga is a____.
7 .Hawking was a _.
8 .Hawking felt amused when people __.
9. Where had the writer come from _.
10. The speaker in these lines is talking of__
I.Change the following into indirect speech: 10x1=10
1. He said to me, “I have often told you not to play with me.”
2. They wrote, “It is time we thought about settling this matter.”
3. The teacher promised. “If you come to school tomorrow, I will explain it.”
4. “What do you want ?” he said to her.
5. He said, “How’s your father ?”
6. “Don’t you know the way home ?” asked I.
7. “Do you really come from China ?” said the prince.
8. “Sit down, boys,” said the teacher.
9. “Run away, children,” said the mother.
10.She said to me, “Who taught you English ?
II. Fill in the blanks with appropriate conjunction.
1. Sheels ran so fast ____ she was late to her class.
2. The books were on the table ____ I didn’t notice them.
3. The grapes ____ oranges are in the basket.
4. You could use a pen ____ a pencil.
5. The cars were so close to each other ____ there were lots of space in the parking area.
6. The keys were present ____ I left them.
7. The dance show was wonderful ____ of the young artists.
8. He is a genuine boy ____ everybody likes him.
9. I love cats ____ dogs.
10. I had such a heavy lunch ____ I didn’t feel hungry at night
III.Change the following sentences from active voice to passive voice.
1. The dog chased the cat.
2. The dog bit the boy.
3. The peon rang the bell.
4. Ram played hockey.
5. Miss Mary teaches us English.
6. Raj caught the ball.
7. Children like sweets.
8. Rita will take a photograph.
9. Who taught you this poem?
10. The police arrested the smuggler.
IV.Fill in the blanks with the most suitable non-finite form of the verbs given in brackets.
1. We are planning (watch) a movie together.
2. (have) finished his homework, Sam went out (play).
3. Binsha and Ashish love (spend) their weekends at the beach.
4. (appreciate) and encourage us.
(satisfy) with our work, our teacher gave us chocolates
5. The police asked us (be) alert always.
(get) sick.
7. Rani had (leave) before the programme ended as she had a family emergency.
8. They are here
9.(find out) about the accident, Preethi rushed to the hospital.
10. Manisha is always the one (plan) surprise parties.
11. All the people have been advised
(stay) indoors in order
(avoid) anyone
(teach) us about the precautions
V.Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs given in the brackets.
1. The examination of my daughters over. (is/are)
2. Do children chocolates? (love/ loves)
3. The horse and carriage waiting outside. (is/are)
4. More than fifty students (has/have) got 80 percent marks.
5. Bread and butter liked my many. (is/are)

VI.Read the passage given below and answer the question. 5x1=5
In the heart of the Amazon rainforest lies a hidden paradise known as the Yasuni
National Park. This vast conservation area is home to an incredible array of plant and animal
species, many of which are found nowhere else on Earth. The park’s dense forests are filled with
the sounds of chirping birds, howling monkeys, and buzzing insects, creating a symphony of
nature that is both fascinating and awe-inspiring.
Yasuni National Park is a crucial habitat for the rare and elusive jaguar and the colourful
poison dart frog. It is also a sanctuary for countless bird species, including the vibrant scarlet
macaw and the toucan with its oversized beak. Additionally, the park is known for its incredible
diversity of plant life, with towering trees, delicate orchids, and carnivorous plants all playing a
role in the intricate web of life within the forest.
1. What is the name of the hidden paradise in the Amazon rainforest?
2. What can be heard in the dense forests of Yasuni National Park?
3. Name two animal species that live in the park.
4. What makes Yasuni National Park a crucial habitat?
5. What are three examples of plant life found in the park?
II. Writing part:(5)
1 A. Incorporate the following words and phrases in a folktale i.e., a grandmother’s story.
A monkey on the tree laden with fruits: river: out on the bank: a crocodile: gave fruits:
became friends: Greedy wife: the monkey’s heart: midstream: truth: quickly climbed up
the tree.
Given below is the ending of a story that you are required to construct in around 100
words. Also, provide a suitable title for the story.
... This was the same lion whom Androcles had helped – he had removed the thorn that
had somehow got stuck in its paw – while he had spent his days back in the jungle.

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