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Our undergraduate thesis defense enhancing the role of women in business in Azerbaijan by

addressing multiple challenges and implementing comprehensive strategies. Here's a summary

of the key points:
-Tackling the barriers to female entrepreneurship in Azerbaijan requires addressing socio-
economic challenges through targeted strategies.
Strategies include:
First, Implementing paternity leave policies similar to those in Sweden to balance caregiving
responsibilities and promote female participation in the workforce.
Second, Developing educational and training programs, inspired by Rwandan initiatives, to
equip women with necessary skills and support networks.
Third, Offering financial support and incentives, such as microcredit schemes seen in Turkey, to
help women overcome financial barriers to entrepreneurship.
Coming to the recommendation part: in order to realize the potential of female entrepreneurs,
Azerbaijan should invest in targeted training and mentorship programs. These programs should
focus on various aspects of business, such as financial and strategic management.
-Mentoring by experienced business leaders could provide critical support and guidance.
Efforts should also include making these programs accessible across different regions of
Azerbaijan to ensure all women have equal opportunities.
This approach aims to empower women, promote gender equality in business, and contribute
to economic growth in line with global sustainable development goals

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