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Endocrine MCQs

1. Which of the following is not a steroid hormone?

a. Thyroxine
b. Oestrogen
c. Cortisol
d. Anderogen
e. Aldosterone
Harper's biochemistry, chapter 42, page 438

2. Peptide hormones include

a. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
b. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
c. Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
d. Thyroxine
e. Norepinephrine
Harper's biochemistry, chapter 42, page 438

3. Among hormones that bind to intracellular receptors is

a. Nitric oxide
b. Glucagon
c. Insulin
d. Thyroid hormones
e. Calcitonin
Harper's biochemistry, chapter 42, page 437

4. Which of the following hormones is hydrophilic ?

a. oestrogen
b. cortisol
c. anderogen
d. Thyroxine
e. Calcitonin
Harper's biochemistry, chapter 42, page 437

5. Among hormones utilizing calcium as 2nd messenger is

a. Growth hormone
b. Insulin
c. Oxytocin
d. Nitric oxide
e. Glucagon
Harper's biochemistry, chapter 42, page 437
Thyroid hormones MCqs

1. The main thyroid hormone is

a. Monoiodotyrosine
b. Diiodotyrosine
c. Triiodothyronine
d. Tetraiodiothyronine
e. Thyroglobulin
Harper's biochemistry, chapter 42, page 447-449

2. Iodination of tyrosine occurs in

a. Thyroid follicular cells
b. C-cells
c. Thyroglobulin in colloids
d. Endothelial cells of capillaries
e. Parathyroid cells
Harper's biochemistry, chapter 42, page 447-449

3. Thyroglobulin contains …. Tyrosine residue(s)

a. one
b. 10
c. 20
d. 50
e. 115
Harper's biochemistry, chapter 42, page 447-449

4. When iodine supplies are sufficient, the T4:T3 ratio is about

a. 1:1
b. 1:2
c. 1:7
d. 1:30
e. 1:100
Harper's biochemistry, chapter 42, page 447-449

5. Oxidation of Iodide requires all the following EXCEPT

a. Thyroid Peroxidase
b. Oxygen
d. Hydrogen peroxide
e. FADH2
Harper's biochemistry, chapter 42, page 447-449
Thyroid hormonal assay

1. Which of the following diseases is suspected when FT4 is normal & TSH is high?
a. Primary Hypothyroidism
b. Subclinical Hypothyroidism
c. Pituitary Hyperthyroidism
d. Thyrotoxicosis
e. Subclinical Hyperthyroidism

2. Which of the following diseases is suspected when FT4 is normal & TSH is low?
a. Primary Hypothyroidism
b. Subclinical Hypothyroidism
c. Pituitary Hyperthyroidism
d. Thyrotoxicosis
e. Subclinical Hyperthyroidism

Autoimmune thyroid disease is detected by measuring circulating .3

antibodies against
a. Thyroid peroxidase and thyroglobulin
b. Free T3 and T4
c. TRH and TSH
d. Free T3 and TSH
e. Free T4 and TRH

?Which of the following markers is used to follow up cancer thyroid patients .4

a. Thyroglobulin
b. Free T3 and T4
c. TRH and TSH
d. Free T3 and TSH
e. Free T4 and TRH

Bishop biochemistry

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