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Hoses csr sna steak of et at sk tea str aaa le have always been fascinatec What looks like a falling sar. however, is more likely a meteoroid centering the Earth’s atmosphere. Meteoroids are bits of rock ‘or metallic matter that have come through space and are falling towards the planet Earth. The pieces usually vaporise when they enter the atmosphere, the layers of air around the Earth. This creates a bright light as the matter breaks intg tiny pieces ~atoms and molecules - very quickly. That is why, from below, t may appear that a star has fallen or that there is fire in the sky. The streaks of light that metervois create are called meteors. Whenever there are many meteors in the same place at the same tine, tis called a ‘meteor shower, Long ago, people thought that meteor showers were fie falling from the heaven, and some people even feared the world was ending! There are writings about ‘meteor showers from as early as 903 AD. Some meteor showers only happen onee, never to return again. Others oceur regulaly, folowing a pattern such as once a year, or once every few years. One famous meteor shower, the Leonid Meteor Storm, is very large and occurs every 39.25 years. The most recent occurrence of this shower was in 1998. Scientists have studied the patterns of the Leonid Meteor Storm to learn more about the orbits of meteorotds and other objects ‘in space. Scientists can now prediet when many meteor showers will appeat in the sky. Meteoroids almost always vaporise completely in the Earth's atmosphere, but from time to time a piece of matter is large enough to make it all the way to the surface of the planet, ‘These metcoroids can be quite large, and they sometimes make big eraters on the surlace of the Earth. From the remains of these meteoroids that crash into the Earth, scientists ean find materials for study and be able to learn more about the orbits of meteoroids and other objects in space. It is possible that the substances on these meteoroids may one day provide us with elues on the nature of the universe K eo Ww POOODIPPPPP AAA ASH DANARARAAAAAAAeeeee ~~ ~~~ — - streak fascinated atmosphere vaporise 5. occur 6. predict 2. craters 8. clues Fill th the Fill in the blanks with the correct word(s) from the passage, 1, People have always been interested in the streaks of light known as ——______ stars, or __ stars. 2. The streaks of light, however, are probably just objects hitting the Earth's, 3. —___ are usually made of rocks and metallic matter, are the streaks of light caused by meteorofds vaporizing, At one time, people tha were fire fa 01 ‘Mepe.time, peopl meteor showers were fire falling fr 6. ‘That shower occurs every years, 8. Sometimes meteoroids crash Into the Karth’s surface, creating a ceoeeeae wy 3. ? ose of this passage pont aling stars are very lucky. A) To explain Vi reader about meteors and meteor showers, B) To inform ides of a current debate. ‘ 3 ieee to fund a large science project. D) To What does the first sentence in the passage indicate? A) astatement of fact B) an exclamation of fear C) the definition of a meteor D) a question to the reader What do some people believe about ‘falling stars’ or ‘shooting stars’? |A) People believe it is good luck. B) People believe it is bad luck. ©) People believe it is a message from scientists. 1D) People believe it is a fire from the heaven, How often do meteoroids vaporise completely in the Earth's atmosphere? A) never B) seldom ©) sometimes D) almost always According to the passage, which of the following statements is true? A) Meteoroids can help scientists gain clues to the nature of the universe. B) Giant meteoroids crash into the Earth everyday. ©) Meteors are fire sent down from the heavens. D) A large meteoroid killed all the dinosaurs. When was the most recent Leonid Meteor Shower? A) 903 B) 1903 2) 1908, D) 1998 What tiny pieces does the mat through the Earth's atmosphere? A) nuts and bolts. B) light and sound C) atoms and molecules D) clouds and raindrops ter in a meteoroid break down into as it passes g g e g & gS g g e & & 8 8 8 8 S & 8 ARAARAAAAAAAANAAAASDS mask. " “The meteor is wearing 2 BI ‘The meteor gives off light as ne up. €) People on Earth can’t see Very q 1D) The meteor is on Aire. Write your answers in the space provided using complete sentences, 1, What do some people do when they see a shooting star? 2, How would you deseribe a ‘falling star’? 3. What Is a'meteor shower"? What did people long ago think about meteor showers? a I st According to this article, what causes meteors? Succes in Comprehension > > > 9 > > 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 we = 2 2 2 » 2 = = » ~ » ~~ ~ cd ~ ~ a 2 2 2 “S 1. What happens when a meteor does ‘atmosphere? ee a ee 7. Why do scientists study the patterns of the Leonid Met eor Storm? Success in Comprehension PS Tire sory ot te tntenatina Red Cress begs Wh belie that mani ned nt safle, ven nr fought between the French twas the year 1859, the battle ofSolerino was and the Austrian armies in Italy. An eyewitness of the war, a young Swiss businessman Henri Dunant was deeply affected by the suifering elim. Over 40.000 victims lay dead or were left to de de to the lack of proper medical attention Dunant gathered a small group of villagers andl doctors from the local vil helped to bandage the vielins' wounds, feed and comfort them. Dunan battle. He wondered whether citizens could organise societies during pe ‘wounded during wartimes. He ater proposed the formation ofa vol Prevention of suffering in war and peacetime. From this idea, ‘Dunant andl four other men from Geneva, Switzerland, set u sionrigl Nas established to give rele to those wounded in wats, ‘This bie the Convention aac enev® Convention, the document that established the comnitce ts autention was Gist accepted by Switzerland and twelve oir mations he 1864; clear ateed that armies would not be allowed tore upon people whe were cg sick and wounded. i8e. Together they t never forgot this acetime to help the intary Society for the the Red Cross was born, 1p an international committe in mene Countries. There arenow neatly two hundred Red Groce 'n the workl. ‘The symbol of and Red Crescent Societies the Red Cross is used to identify ‘heir time and compassion t aand protect people who give , iS no longer the only time to help victims of war. War, howeve ‘when the Red Vocabulary up the meaning for the words listed b Look humanity suffer eyewitness bandage proposed established. relief compassion, Fit in the blanks Fill in the blanks with the correct word(s) from the passage. ‘The Red Cross was founded by Dunant saw the battle of ‘The battle Dunant saw was fought in 4. Over____ soldiers lay dead and dying on the field, Dunant and four other men set up an international The name of the document created by Dunant and his friends is the ‘The Red Cross / Red Crescent symbols are used to — —— People who are helping others, ‘The two societies discussed in this article are the = and Use: ‘Sucessin Comprehension PS a ed Mattiple choice ues Choose the best answer for the @ ie 3. What isthe purpose ofthis pase TT ae Bee ta athe Red Cross is the best organization on earth, Boe art out a battle that (ook place in the 1800's, 1) Todescribe the history and purpose of the Red Cross, ‘What year did Henri Dunant see the battle of Sotferino? A) 1855 B) 1859 ©) 1863 D) 1864 ‘According to the passage, what does the word ‘army’ seem to mean? A) groups of villagers who help B) groups of doctors C)_ groups of soldiers who fight the wounded in battles. D) groups of soldiers who killed in battles Which of the following have Dunant and his people not done to the victims after the battle of Solferino? A) To feed them. B) To kill them, ©) To bandage them. D) To comfort them. According to the passage, what A) ahealthy person does the word ‘victim’ seem to mean? B) a person working for the Red Cross ©) an injured person D) Henri Dunant Which of the follos A) war B) floods ©} fires D) earthquakes Whom does the Red Cross A) soldiers on the battlefield B) the men who signed the ©) the countries who use a Re 1D) people who are helping the rving is not a natural disaster? symbol protect? Geneva Convention 'd Cross or Red Crescent wounded in a war 0 0 3 ( 3 o ‘Write your answe! 1 How many ©0' ‘A) almost 60 1p) more than juntries have Red Cross or Red Cresc thousand twvo hundred ) almost two hundred D) none vended questions .rs in the space provided using complet: e sentenc, es, ‘What do you thinl you think was the worst part of the battle seene as p) 8 Dunant save i> success in Comprehension PS ~_- 2 nan mame AAAAAAAaRhAaAnean B2ALAAAARAND eepPrnennnn peel | ding tothe last paragraph what is a volunteer? \What is the principle ofthe Red Cro 95 / Red Crescent when it he Ips people? tic festival that originated both the Winter and Summer! camer Lhe eee Ser sina le the: sports No one is sure exactly how long ago the first organized sports contests took place. It is certain, though, that these athletie contests were held in Greece some 3 500 years ago. There were different contests held at more than 150 locations, such as the Nemean Games held at Nemea, and the Isthmian Games at Corinth. But the most famous games ofall were held at the ancient city of| Olympia the Olympics. The Olympies continued through eleven centuries until the Roman Emperor ended itin AD {303 I disappeared unt the year 1887, when Pierre de Coubertin, a man ftom Face Sudgested the idea of bringing the Olympics back to life again, He worked hard to aig {upport for his klea in France, England, the United States andl Greece. It was then tharthe {iternatlonal Olymple Committee was founded. Not until the year 1896 cid the contet Pecome truly international. The frst modern Olympic Games were held in Athens Geen Nearly 300 representative athletes from 13 nations took part in the contest Since then, the Olympics has becom ¥e@ lasting international tradition, with more than 200 ‘countries participating. The Olympi Hes attract the attention ofthe world twice every four Nae the aa the Summer Games, once for the Winter Games. Each time, a difforest ty tia he Honour of hosting the gumes. Athletes and sport overs from moval tee el prone that cyto watch and participate in, the contest. For each'spox sol aes ol bronze medals are awarded tothe frst, second and thind place winners resectnehs ons involving music, daricing and colourful fanfare. One fuportant symbol inthe the torch ~ a flame carved into the arena during the opent nut again after the closing ceremony. When the fe enemy Uae theca EE este fot te ear oooh wll f\ the gues four years later, continuing the trade a oO A Suse cmmetemion U Fillin the blanks with the correct word(s) from the passage. 1 “The Olympics include both the —_____— and the —_____ Games. “The games began in the ancient country of ‘There were games held at more than ____ locations. ‘The modern games get their name from the city of —___— ‘The games were ended in the year ‘The person who brought the games back was named ‘The games are held every years. More than ___countries participate in the Olympic Games. 7 Multiple choiee {for the questions below, choose the best sage? i ne a Greer 1 yewiee 3 ie in an ry should host A) To dese which country should hi B) To oF the history of the Oume nae a J ‘Toexplain the inner workings ; Ple Commitee | snce in the passage indicate? 2, What does the fi ney events in the Olympie games, a) teas a Nunat the Olympics are and when the B) i fais the history of the ancient Greek games, He Fill in the blanks 2 Fill in the blanks with the correct word(s) from the passage. > 1. Oral literature includes stories, ___________ and songs. ‘2 2. People passed information ___ before written language. eS icons: parts of the world, stories are the __ way of communi- > cating, 4. beliefs are one example of what was taught by stories. 5. Moral lessons were especially intended for ecm 6. ‘Cendriton’ is more commonly known as 7. There are more than —_ versions of the story in Europe alone, 8. The prince uses a certain symbol to Cinderella. succes im Comprehension? ‘choose the be u. ai Matriple epoice ot answer for the que at is the purpose of Wo describe the his 3B) To discuss the importa ©) To explain the differen ) To tell the story of Cind ‘What does the first sentence in the passage indicate? '8)Itdefines the term ‘folklore’. B) It begins a story. C) Itnames a moral lesson. ‘D) It outlines a religious belief. According to the passage, which of the following statements. is trye> 'A) Allstories and songs have the same purpose, : B) Cinderella was a magical fairy. ©) All folklore began in China, D) Many cultures use the same themes in their stories, According to the passage, what does the word ‘oral’ seem to mean? A) relating to the eyes. B) relating to the ears ©) relating to the mouth D) relating to the hands Which of the following events happens last in the Cinderella story? A) Cinderella is helped by a supernatural being. B) Cinderella marries the prince. ©) Cinderella works hard for her wicked stepmother. D) Cinderella's mother dies. Where does most folklore still survive today? A) in tural areas B) inthe city © in the forest D) in America According to the pas: 0 " 1 ed seem to mean? A) pretty ‘sage, what does the word ‘mean-spirited’ seem tom B) dead © ely D) unkind Succes in Comprehension ps Oo 4 Ub vvUvVUVVUVUUUUUUUUUUUEY Open-ended 94 provided using complete sentences, wiite your answers im the sPa6e ral literature include? 1. What does 01 3. According to the third paragraph, what are the ‘supernatural elements"? 4. According to the third paragraph, what are the purposes of folktales? success in Comprehension 75

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