Zamanifekri 2009

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Joint 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and WeA06.

28th Chinese Control Conference
Shanghai, P.R. China, December 16-18, 2009

Hierarchical Supervisory Control of Discrete-Event Systems Under Partial

Mohsen Zamani Fekri and Shahin Hashtrudi-Zad†

Abstract— In this paper, the setup of Zhong-Wonham for control under partial observation. Partial observation has
hierarchical control of discrete-event systems is extended to implications for the reporting map and the high-level model
the case of control under partial observation. A suitable (which have not been addressed in [6]). For instance, the un-
reporting map is developed for sending information to the high-
level supervisor. A Partially-Observable-Strict-Output-Control- observability of some of the low-level sequences makes some
Consistency (PO-SOCC) property is introduced to ensure hier- of the high-level events unobservable. To have a well-defined
archical consistency. and consistent partitioning of the high-level event set, we
introduce the property of Output-Observation-Consistency
I. INTRODUCTION (OOC) which is the dual of Output-Control-Consistency
One of the methods used to reduce the complexity of (OCC) in [11]. Furthermore, we present a necessary and
control systems is to use a hierarchical approach in which sufficient condition for the reporting map (which we call
control decisions are made by a (high-level) supervisor based the Factorization Property) to ensure that look-alike low-
on a simplified, abstract (high-level) model of the plant and level sequences generate the same high-level observation. We
the information containing the important outcomes in the also study the issue of hierarchical consistency and develop
plant. a set of sufficient conditions to guarantee it. The main
In the context of supervisory control theory of Ramadge- condition here is the Property Partially-Observable-Strict-
Wonham, [11] proposes a bottom-up hierarchical approach Output-Controllable-Consistency (PO-SOCC) which turns to
in which the low-level behavior is summarized and reported be a generalization of SOCC to the case of control under
to the high-level through a causal reporting map. In [11] partial observation. An interesting aspect of our results is
it is assumed all plant events are observable. A procedure that they reduce to their counterparts in [11] when full
is also proposed to refine, if necessary, the information observation is assumed. If PO-SOCC (or any of the proposed
sent to the high-level so that the plant satisfies a Strict- set of sufficient conditions for hierarchical consistency) is not
Output-Control-Consistency (SOCC) property. It is shown satisfied, through refining the structure of the low-level plant
that SOCC guarantees hierarchical consistency. Loosely and vocalizing some of the states, we ensure PO-SOCC and
speaking, hierarchical consistency means that the behavior thus, achieve hierarchical consistency.
of the plant under supervision, as reported to the high-level, This paper is organized as follows. Section II reviews the
matches the expectation of the high-level supervisor. background material. Section III shows how the high-level
Extensions of the results of [11] to include nonblocking event set is partitioned into observable and unobservable
property is discussed in [8]. The case in which the reporting subsets and describes the construction of the reporting map.
map is a natural projection [4], [5] and an “observer” [9] Section IV describes a procedure for vocalizing the observer
has also been investigated due to its potential to reduce automaton of the low-level plant and section V explores the
computational complexity. Other hierarchical supervisory reporting map further. Section VI contains the main results
frameworks include [2], [3], [7]. on design and implementation of hierarchical control and
Hierarchical supervisory control in the setup of [11] in the discusses hierarchical consistency. Section VII contains our
case of control under partial observation has been studied conclusions.
in [6] and two sets of sufficient conditions for hierarchical II. BACKGROUND
consistency have been obtained. The first set, for instance, is
that (i) the high-level specification, Ehi , should be control- Let Σ be a nonempty, finite alphabet (set of symbols). Σ+
lable and H-observable with respect to the high-level model denotes the set of all finite sequences of symbols (strings)
and (ii) the supremal controllable sublanguage of the inverse over Σ and Σ∗ = Σ+ ∪ {ε}, where ε ∈ / Σ is the empty string.
↑ Any subset L ⊆ Σ∗ is a language over Σ. For s,t ∈ Σ∗ , s is a
image of Ehi , Elo = (θ −1 (Ehi ))↑ , should be observable with
prefix of t (s ≤ t) if there exists u ∈ Σ∗ such that t = su. L̄,
respect to the low-level model. H-observability follows from
the closure of L, is the set of prefixes of strings of L. L is
observability with respect to the high-level model. No course
prefix-closed (or simply closed) if L = L̄. An Automaton is a
of action or algorithm has been provided in [6] to deal with
four tuple G = (Q, Σ, δ , q◦ ) where Q is the set of states, Σ the
cases where condition (i) or (ii) is not met.
set of events, δ : Q × Σ −→ Q the partial transition function
In this paper, we extend the setup of [11] to the case of
and q◦ the initial state. L(G) represents the closed behavior
†: The authors are with the ECE Department of Concordia University, of G [10].
Montreal, Canada. Emails: mohse za, In [11] a two-level hierarchical framework is proposed for

978-1-4244-3872-3/09/$25.00 ©2009 IEEE 181


the control of a (low-level) finite-state automaton Glo = In this case, (1) if Glo is OCC, then L(Slo /Glo ) = Elo and
(Q, Σ, δ , q◦ ). Here it is assumed that the event set Σ can be (2) if Glo is SOCC, then θ (L(Slo /Glo )) = Ehi . 
partitioned into disjoint controllable event set Σc and uncon- The equality θ (L(Slo /Glo )) = Ehi is called hierarchical
trollable event set Σuc . All events are assumed observable. consistency. In this paper, we extend the framework of [11]
It is further assumed that a causal map θ : L(Glo ) −→ T ∗ to the case of control under partial observation. Especially we
reports important information (sequences of L(Glo )) to the study the important hierarchical consistency relation under
high-level. Here T is the set of high-level symbols. θ as a partial observation.
causal map satisfies the following: θ (ε) = ε; for sσ ∈ L(Glo ), Suppose Σ can be partitioned into disjoint observable event
θ (sσ ) = θ (s) or θ (sσ ) = θ (s)τ for some τ ∈ T . A high- set Σ◦ and unobservable event set Σuo . Let Plo : Σ∗ −→ Σ∗◦
level model is any automaton Ghi = (Qh , T, δh , qh,o ) with be the natural projection map at the low-level. For the
L(Ghi ) = θ (L(Glo )) representing an abstract model of Glo . It automaton Glo = (Q, Σ, δ , q◦ ), let G̃lo = (Q̃, Σ◦ , δ̃ , q̃◦ ) denote
is useful to define a map ω̂ : L(Glo ) −→ T ∪ {τ◦ } as follows: the reachable observer automaton. Here, Q̃ ⊆ 2Q − {Ø},
ω̂(ε) = τ◦ ; for sσ ∈ L(Glo ), ω̂(sσ ) = τ◦ if θ (sσ ) = θ (s) q̃◦ = {q | ∃s ∈ L(Glo ) : q = δ (q◦ , s) and Plo (s) = ε}. The
and ω̂(sσ ) = τ if θ (sσ ) = θ (s)τ. Here τ◦ is a “silent” output transition function δ̃ is defined as follows: for q̃1 ∈ Q̃ and
symbol. Without loss of generality [11] it can be assumed Glo σ ∈ Σ◦ , q̃2 = δ̃ (q̃1 , σ ) = {q2 | ∃q1 ∈ q̃1 and s ∈ Plo−1 (σ ) : q2 =
is a Moore automaton Glo = (Q, Σ, T ∪ {τ◦ }, δ , ω, q◦ ) where δ (q1 , s) }. G̃lo generates L(G̃lo ) = Plo (L(Glo ). If a state q̃ is
ω : Q −→ T ∪ {τ◦ } is an output map, defined as follows: reached in G̃lo by a sequence S ∈ Σ∗◦ (q̃ = δ̃ (q̃◦ , S)), then q̃
ω(q) = ω̂(s) where s satisfies q = δ (q◦ , s). A state q ∈ Q of would be the estimate of the states of Glo given observation
Glo is called vocal if ω(q) = τ◦ . A sequence s ∈ L(Glo ) for S. We will refer to this state estimate by est(S) as well.
which q = δ (q◦ , s) is vocal, is called vocal. A sequence s Thus est(S) = δ̃ (q̃◦ , S) = {q | ∃s ∈ Plo−1 (S) ∩ L(Glo ) : q =
that connects the initial state q◦ to a vocal state or a vocal δ (q◦ , s )}.
state to another vocal state through a set of nonvocal states
Notation: The empty string and the set of sequences leading Problem Formulation: In this paper, we extend the
to a vocal state are denoted by Lvoc = {s ∈ L(Glo )|s = hierarchical setup of [11] to the case of control under partial
ε or ω̂(s) = τ◦ }. The nonempty silent extensions of a se- observation. By assumption the event set of Σ can be parti-
quence s ∈ L(Glo ) that lead to a vocal state are denoted by tioned as Σ = Σ◦ ∪Σ ˙ uo where Σ◦ and Σuo are observable and
Lvoc (s) = {s ∈ Σ+ |ss ∈ Lvoc and (∃τ ∈ T : θ (ss ) = θ (s)τ)}. unobservable event sets. The output symbols in T generated
 by Glo announce the completion of sequences which are
Note that the sequence s ∈ L(Glo ) in the definition of Lvoc (s) important for high-level supervision. Because some of the
is not necessarily vocal. For s ∈ Σ∗ , let the map Σc : Σ∗ −→ low-level events are assumed unobservable, some of the
2Σc denote the controllable events in s: output symbols become unobservable. Therefore, we should
partition T into observable subset T◦ and unobservable subset
Σc (s) = {σ | σ ∈ Σc , ∃v, v ∈ Σ∗ vσ v = s}. (1) Tuo . Towards this end, we call a silent path unobservable if
A silent path is controllable if it includes at least one it contains only unobservable events; otherwise it will be
controllable event and is uncontrollable otherwise. It is observable.
assumed that every vocal state in Glo is reached by only Definition 3.1: Suppose τ ∈ T is the output generated
controllable silent paths or by only uncontrollable silent from the sequence ss with s ∈ Lvoc and s ∈ Lvoc (s); i.e.
paths (Output-Control-Consistency or OCC property) [11]. τ = ω̂(ss ). Then τ ∈ Tuo if Plo (s ) = ε; otherwise τ ∈ T◦ . 
If OCC property does not hold, using the OCC algorithm in Suppose q is the state reached by ss in Definition 3.1
[11], Glo can be modified to satisfy OCC. Assuming OCC, (q = δ (q◦ , ss )). Then Definition 3.1 is well-defined if Glo
T can be partitioned into disjoint subsets of controllable is Output-Observation-Consistent as defined below.
events Tc and uncontrollable events Tuc . In the setup of [11], Definition 3.2: A model Glo is Output-Observation-
given a high-level closed controllable specification Ehi ⊆ Consistent (OOC) if every vocal state q ∈ Q is reached either
T ∗ and model Ghi , a supervisor Shi is designed such that by only unobservable silent paths or by only observable silent
L(Shi /Ghi ) = Ehi . Furthermore, a low-level supervisor Slo is paths. 
proposed to implement the commands of Shi . Specifically, OOC can be regarded as the dual of OCC property. If
to disable a high-level controllable event τ, Slo disables a Glo is not OOC, then an algorithm identical to the OCC
suitable controllable event. This may unintentionally lead to algorithm with controllable (resp. uncontrollable) events re-
disablement of other high-level events. To prevent this, [11] placed with observable (resp. unobservable) events can be
proposes an algorithm to modify Glo (through refining the used to modify Glo to satisfy OOC. From now on, we
structure of Glo and vocalizing some non-vocal states) to assume Glo is OOC and OCC. Therefore T can be partitioned
satisfy Strict-Output-Control-Consistency (SOCC) property. according to T = T◦ ∪T ˙ uo . Let Phi : T ∗ −→ T◦∗ denote the

Let Elo = θ −1 (Ehi ) and Elo denote the supremal controllable high-level natural projection. With the above arrangement,
sublanguage of Elo . the generation of symbols in Tuo will be unobservable to the
high-level supervisor. Therefore a reporting map that maps
Lemma 2.1: [11] Suppose Ehi is closed and controllable. the low-level observation to high-level information must be


a map θ̃ : Plo (L(Glo )) −→ T◦∗ such that for every s ∈ L(Glo ), Definition 4.5: A state q̃ ∈ Q̃ with q̃ = q̃◦ is called P-
θ̃ (Plo (s)) = Phi (θ (s)) or in other words, θ̃ ◦Plo = Phi ◦θ . Such vocal if it contains some vocal state (i.e. there exists q ∈ q̃
a map exists (and is unique) if and only if1 with ω(q) = τ◦ ). 
Lemma 4.6: Let q̃ = q̃◦ be a state of G̃lo . Then q̃ is P-
ker(Plo ) ≤ ker(Phi ◦ θ ) (2)
vocal if and only if for every S ∈ Σ+◦ that q̃ = δ̃ (q̃◦ , S), there
In other words, Phi ◦ θ must factor through Plo . We refer to exists q ∈ inS (q̃) with ω(q) = τ◦ . 
(2) as the Factorization Property. Note that in the proposed Proposition 4.7: Let q̃ ∈ Q̃ (with q̃ = q̃◦ ) be a P-vocal
hierarchy under partial observation, θ̃ (not θ ) is the reporting state in G̃lo . Then there exists τ ∈ T◦ such that for every
map which will be implemented. If (2) is not satisfied, then it state q ∈ in(q̃), we have ω(q) = τ. 
is possible to enhance θ (through refining Glo and vocalizing
some of the non-vocal states) to ensure (2). The details are
omitted for brevity. Therefore, in the rest of this paper we The uniqueness of outputs of in(q̃), shown in Proposition
assume reporting map θ is such that (2) is satisfied. 4.7, justifies the definition of an output map ω̃ : L(G̃lo ) −→
Definition 3.1 and Factorization Property have implications T◦ ∪ {τ◦ } for G̃lo .
for silent paths that are described in the following proposi- Definition 5.1: We define ω̃ : L(G̃lo ) −→ T◦ ∪ {τ◦ } as
tion. follows: Let S ∈ L(G̃lo ), q̃ = δ̃ (q̃◦ , S) and I = {s ∈
Proposition 3.3: Consider a nonempty vocal sequence s ∈ L(Glo )| δ (q◦ , s) ∈ in(q̃)}. Then ω̃(S) = τ◦ if S = ε and
Lvoc . If ω̂(s) ∈ T◦ (is observable), then s = s1 σ for some ω̃(S) = ω̂(s) for any s ∈ I. (3)
σ ∈ Σ◦ and s1 ≤ s. 
Proposition 3.3 states if a silent path generates a high-level 
observable event, the last event of that silent path must be Proposition 4.7 implies that the output map ω̃ is well-defined
observable. and every state q̃ is either silent, ω̃(S) = τ◦ , or P-vocal with
a unique output ω̃(S) = τ ∈ T◦ . Furthermore the observer
IV. VOCALIZING O BSERVER AUTOMATON model G̃lo can be equipped with an output map ϖ : Q̃ −→
Observer automaton G̃lo = (Q̃, Σ◦ , δ̃ , q̃◦ ) plays an impor- T◦ ∪ {τ◦ } where for every q̃ ∈ Q̃ that q̃ = δ̃ (q̃◦ , S), we have
tant role in establishing hierarchical consistency. In this ϖ(q̃) = ω̃(S). Once again Proposition 4.7 ensures ϖ is well-
section we show how G̃lo can be vocalized. defined. So finally G̃lo = (Q̃, Σ◦ , T◦ ∪ {τ◦ }, δ̃ , ϖ, q̃◦ ) becomes
Definition 4.1: Consider an automaton G = (Q, Σ, δ , q◦ ). a Moore automaton.
For sequences s1 , s2 ∈ L(G) we say s1 ≡ s2 (mod G) if and Theorem 5.2: The reporting map θ̃ : L(G̃lo ) −→ T◦∗ , de-
only if δ (q◦ , s1 ) = δ (q◦ , s2 ) = q for some q ∈ Q.  fined by θ̃ ◦ Plo = Phi ◦ θ , has the property that for every
S ∈ L(G̃lo ), θ̃ (S) = ε if S = ε, and θ̃ (S) = θ̃ (S )ω̃(S σ ) if
The binary relation ≡ (mod G) is an equivalence relation on
S = S σ for some S ∈ Σ∗◦ and σ ∈ Σ◦ . 
L(G) and partitions L(G) into |Q| equivalence classes.
The following definitions will be useful in the next section
Lemma 4.2: Let G̃lo = (Q̃, Σ◦ , δ̃ , q̃◦ ) be the observer au-
in the study of hierarchical consistency.
tomaton for Glo . For every two sequences S, S ∈ L(G̃lo )
Definition 5.3: Let q̃ be a state in G̃lo and S ∈ Σ+ ◦ such
define S = {s | s ∈ Plo−1 (S) ∩ L(Glo )} and S = {s | s ∈
that δ̃ (q̃, S)!. We say S is Plo -controllable from q̃ if for
Plo−1 (S ) ∩ L(Glo )}. Then we have S ≡ S (mod G̃lo ) if and
every q ∈ out(q̃) and every s ∈ Plo−1 (S) that δ (q, s)! we have
only if (∀s ∈ S, ∃s ∈ S : s ≡ s (mod Glo )) and (∀s ∈
|Σc (s)| ≥ 1 where Σc (.) is given in (1). 
S , ∃s ∈ S : s ≡ s (mod Glo )) 
Definition 5.4: Let q̃ be a state in G̃lo and S ∈ Σ+ ◦ such
Two subsets, not necessarily disjoint, of q̃ ∈ Q̃ are defined
that δ̃ (q̃, S)!. We say S is Plo -uncontrollable from q̃ if there
in the following.
exists q ∈ out(q̃) and s ∈ Plo−1 (S) ∩ Σ+uc with δ (q, s)!. 
Definition 4.3: Let q̃ = δ̃ (q̃◦ , S) be a state of G̃lo with
Definition 5.5: An observable sequence S ∈ Σ+ ◦ in G̃lo
S ∈ Σ+ ∗
◦ . We refer to the set inS (q̃) = {q | ∃s ∈ Σ , σ ∈ Σ◦ : which connects the root state q̃◦ to a P-vocal state or two
S = Plo (s σ ) and q = δ (q◦ , s σ )} as the incoming subset of
immediate P-vocal states to each other is called a Plo -silent
state q̃ w.r.t the sequence S. We also denote the union of
incoming subsets of a state q̃ as in(q̃) = {q| q ∈ q̃ and (∃S ∈
Definition 4.4: Let q̃ = δ̃ (q̃◦ , S) be a state of G̃lo and σ ∈ Let Glo describe the low-level model and G̃lo be the
Σ◦ be an observable event. We refer to the set outσ (q̃) = observer automaton for Glo . Let Ghi be the abstracted model
{q ∈ q̃| δ (q, σ )!} as the outgoing subset of q̃ w.r.t σ . We at the high-level with L(Ghi ) = θ (L(Glo )) and Ehi be a high-
also denote the union of outgoing subsets of a state q̃ as level controllable specification which is also observable w.r.t.
out(q̃) = {q|q ∈ q̃ and (∃σ ∈ Σ◦ : q ∈ outσ (q̃))}.  Ghi . A virtual high-level supervisor Shi can be obtained by
Next, we show how a state q̃ = δ̃ (q̃◦ , S) of G̃lo can inherit solving a supervisory control problem under partial obser-
the output of its incoming subset of states. vation for the pair (Ehi , Ghi ) such that L(Shi /Ghi ) = Ehi . Let
1 Consider two maps f : X −→ Y and g : X −→ Z with the same domain
Elo = θ −1 (Ehi ) be the low-level image of Ehi . Hierarchical
X. If ker(g) ≤ ker( f ) then there exits a unique map h : Z −→ Y such that supervisory control is performed by a low-level supervisor
h ◦ g = f [1]. Here f is said to factor through g. Slo implementing a controllable and observable sublanguage


of Elo at the low-level with L(Slo /Glo ) ⊆ Elo . It is desired to WD WE

achieve hierarchical consistency [11] under partial observa- To ensure property 6.2 WD
tion. Hierarchical consistency requires that θ (L(Slo /Glo )) = D V
b d
Ehi , i.e. high-level specification Ehi is recovered through
the actual low-level supervisory action. In [11], hierarchical
Fig. 2. Motivational example for Property 6.2: Event α cannot be disabled
consistency is achieved by ensuring that in two silent paths independently.
which have a common prefix and generate different outputs,
disablement of one silent path does not (unintentionally) dis-
able the other silent path. In the case of control under partial problem. For a path r ∈ Σ∗ , let η(r) = {u | u ∈ Σ∗uo , (∃w ∈
observation, we have to consider look-alike sequences. Fig. 1 Σ+ ∗
◦ Σ ∪ {ε} : r = uw)} be the largest unobservable prefix of
s D V
W cc Property 6.2: For every sequence s ∈ Lvoc and its silent
New outputs to ensure Property 6.1
path extension r ∈ Lvoc (s), it should be the case that
Plo (s) Plo (s' )
W Plo (r) = ε and ω̂(sr) ∈ Tc =⇒ Σc (η(r)) = Ø. (5)
s' V D E O
b d

Fig. 1. Motivational example for Property 6.1: Event α cannot be disabled Property 6.2 means if an observable-controllable silent path
independently. starts with an unobservable segment, that segment should be
uncontrollable. (5) can also be rewritten as
shows a model in which Σc = {α, β } and dashed lines denote
the low-level unobservable events Σuo . Also T = {τ, τ , τ } Σc (η(r)) = Ø =⇒ Plo (r) = ε. (6)
and Tc = {τ , τ } is the set of high-level controllable events. In Fig. 2, if the state reached by ασ is vocalized, then ασ
The system is prone to unintended disablement which occurs will become an unobservable silent path and Property 6.2
when for example either of τ or τ is to be disabled through will be ensured. In general, by vocalizing some states and
disabling α. To resolve this issue, we include the information refining the structure of G̃lo Property 6.2 (and 6.1) can be
of unobservable-controllable events in Ghi . Specifically we ensured. The details are omitted for brevity.
propose the following property to be imposed. If a Plo -silent path is Plo -controllable, its corresponding
Property 6.1: For each s ∈ Lvoc and s ∈ Lvoc (s) that we output is controllable. However, the reverse is not generally
have ω̂(ss ) ∈ Tuo ∩ Tc , we should have |Σc (s )| = 1 where true. Proposition 6.3 discusses the condition under which the
Σc (.) is defined in (1).  reverse is ensured. Let L̃voc = {S ∈ L(G̃lo ) | S = ε or ω̃(S) =
If Property 6.1 is not satisfied, we can use the following τ0 } which contains the null sequence ε and the sequences
procedure to ensure it (Some details are omitted for brevity). which end in P-vocal states.
Define a new set of labels Proposition 6.3: Assume Property 6.2 is satisfied and let
Tcuo = {τσ | σ ∈ Σuo ∩ Σc } (4) S ∈ L̃voc be a P-vocal sequence in G̃lo and R ∈ Σ+ ◦ be a Plo -
silent path following S. In this case, if ω̂(SR) is controllable
and add them to the set of high-level events. Also by defini- (ω̂(SR) ∈ Tc ), then R is Plo -controllable from q̃ = δ̃ (q̃◦ , S).
tion we let Tcuo ⊆ T uo ∩ Tc . To satisfy Property 6.1, we assign 
output from the set Tcuo to the destination node of every Proposition 6.3 implies that a Plo -silent path is Plo -
unobservable-controllable transition of every unobservable- controllable if and only if the output which is generated
controllable silent path (If the label of transition is σ , the upon the completion of that Plo -silent path is controllable.
assigned label will be τσ ∈ Tcuo ). In this way, by choosing A similar conclusion follows from Proposition 6.3 for Plo -
labels from Tcuo , we include the information about the uncontrollable Plo -silent paths. In the rest of this paper we
unobservable-controllable events in the high-level model assume the map θ is such that Properties 6.1 and 6.2 are
Ghi . Property 6.1 and the modification performed in the satisfied.
above procedure ensure that if an unobservable silent path Fig. 3 shows a model whose reporting map satisfies Factor-
is controllable then its controllability originates from only a
single controllable event, say σ ∈ Σc , and furthermore the V
D b g d

occurrence of σ is shown in Ghi with a unique symbol τσ . D

a b c d f
The result of applying the above procedure is shown in Fig.
1 where the new outputs are indicated with shaded area. Fig. 3. Motivation example for PO-SOCC property: Event α cannot be
Fig. 2 shows another model which satisfies Property 6.1. disabled independently.
Here Σc = {α, β } and as usual unobservable low-level events
have been shown with dashed lines. T = {τα , τβ , τ} is the set ization Property (2) as well as Properties 6.1 and 6.2. There,
of high-level events. It can be checked that the system is still Σ = {a, b, c, d, f, g, α, σ }, Σc = {α, c} and the dashed lines
prone to unintended disablement which occurs if for example denote low-level unobservable events Σuo = {α, σ }. T = T◦ =
either of τα or τ is desired to be disabled at the high-level. {A, B} is the set of high-level events. It can be verified that
We propose Property 6.2 to be imposed as a remedy to this the system is prone to unintended disablement which occurs


if for example event A is desired to be disabled at the high- the structure of Glo we can ensure PO-SOCC. The details
level. In this case, event α is disabled after an observable are omitted for brevity.
event “a” is generated. If the low-level supervisor is feasible, Proposition 6.8: If Glo is PO-SOCC, then it is SOCC. 
this leads to unintended disablement of B.
For a more general discussion consider Fig. 4.(a). Fig. Suppose high-level specification Ehi is controllable and ob-
servable. The supremal controllable sublanguage of Elo =

W1 θ −1 (Ehi ) which we denote by Elo would not necessarily be
r1 s1 s3
observable with respect to the low-level model Glo . Below
r2 s2 W2 ↑
(a) v s4 we show Elo can be guaranteed to be observable in a more
relaxed sense which we call (G, Plo , θ )-observability.
Plo ( s3 )
W1 Let a map actθ : L(Glo ) −→ 2T be defined as
Plo (r1 ) Plo (r2 )
W Plo (s1) Plo (s2 )

(b) q~ ~
p {ω̂(s)}, if s ∈ Lvoc ,
W2 actθ (s) =
Plo ( s4 )
q~2 {τ | ∃u ∈ Lvoc (s), ω̂(su) = τ}, otherwise.
actθ (s) returns the generated high-level event if s is vocal.
Fig. 4. PO-SOCC Property inspiration, (a): two branches in reachability Otherwise, it returns the set of next possible high-level
tree of Glo , (b): corresponding projected branches with common segments events.
in reachability tree of G̃lo .
Definition 6.9: A language E ⊆ L(G) is said to be
4.(a) shows two transitions r1 s1 us3 , r2 s2 vs4 ∈ L(Glo ) which (G, Plo , θ )-observable if for any s, s ∈ E that Plo (s) = Plo (s )
generate high-level events τ1 , τ2 ∈ Tc . We assume Plo (r1 ) = and for any σ ∈ Σ that actθ (sσ ) − actθ (s σ ) = Ø and
Plo (r2 ), Plo (u) = Plo (v) = ε, Plo (s1 ) = Plo (s2 ) = ε and actθ (s σ ) = Ø, we have
Plo (s3 ), Plo (s4 ) = ε. Fig. 4.(b) shows the corresponding sσ ∈ E and s σ ∈ L(G) =⇒ s σ ∈ E.
projections Plo (r1 )Plo (s1 u)Plo (s3 ), Plo (r2 )Plo (s2 v)Plo (s4 ) ∈
L(G̃lo ) share a common segment Plo (r1 )Plo (s1 ) ∈ Σ+ ◦ . Let q̃ 
be P-vocal and Plo (s1 u)Plo (s3 ) and Plo (s2 v)Plo (s4 ) be two Proposition 6.10: Consider a high-level controllable
Plo -silent paths which start from q̃ and lead respectively specification Ehi . Let Elo = θ −1 (Ehi ) be the translation
to q̃1 and q̃2 where we have ϖ(q̃1 ) = τ1 and ϖ(q̃2 ) = τ2 . of Ehi at the low-level. If Glo is PO-SOCC, then Elo ↑
Also let the state p̃ be the last state which is reached by (Glo , Plo , θ )-observable. 
the common segment Plo (r1 )Plo (s1 u). If Plo (s3 ) or Plo (s4 )
is Plo -uncontrollable from p̃, disabling τ1 or τ2 might not Next, it is shown how supervision can be implemented at
be done independently from each other (This is comparable the low-level. Let Shi : T ∗ × Tc −→ {0, 1} be the high-level
with partnership status in the full observation case). The PO- supervisor which implements a controllable and observable
SOCC Property (which will turn out to be a generalization of specification Ehi . A disablement map Δhi : L(Ghi ) −→ 2Tc can
SOCC for the case of control under partial observation) is in- be derived for Shi as
troduced in the following to prevent unintended disablement Δhi (t) = {τ ∈ Tc | Shi (t, τ) = 0}.
in these cases. First we define P-partners.
Definition 6.4: Two P-vocal nodes n1 and n2 with differ- A high-level disablement is implemented at the low-level by
ent controllable outputs in the reachability tree of G̃lo are a low-level disablement law Δ̃lo : Σ∗ × T ∗ −→ 2Σc given by

said to be P-partners if their Plo -silent paths start either at Δ̃lo (s,t) = {Δlo (s ,t )| s ∈ Plo−1 Plo (s) ∩ L(Glo ),
the root node or at the same P-vocal node, share an initial
segment S1 ∈ Σ+ t ∈ Phi−1 Phi (t) ∩ L(Ghi )},
◦ which is followed in turn by segments S2 ∈
Σ+ +
◦ and S3 ∈ Σ◦ , where S1 S2 and S1 S3 are Plo -controllable where Δlo (s,t) is defined similar to [11]:
and at least one of S2 or S3 is Plo -uncontrollable. 
If two nodes in the reachability tree of G̃lo are P-partners Δlo (s,t) = {σ ∈ Σc | ∃u ∈ Σ∗uc , sσ u ∈ L(Glo ) and
then disabling the high-level event associated with one of ω̂(sσ u) ∈ Δhi (t) and ∀s < u, ω̂(sσ s ) = τ◦ }.
them might unintentionally disable the other one.
Definition 6.5: A Moore automaton Glo is Partially- Then low-level supervisor S̃lo : Σ∗ × T −→ {0, 1} is defined
Observable-Strictly-Output-Control-Consistent (PO- based on Δ̃lo as follows:

SOCC) if it is (i) OCC and OOC and (ii) no two P-vocal 0 if σ ∈ Δ̃lo (s, θ (s))
nodes with controllable outputs are P-partners in the S̃lo (s, σ ) = (7)
1 otherwise.
reachability tree of its observer automaton G̃lo . 
Remark 6.6: In Proposition 6.8 we show that PO-SOCC To study the properties of S̃lo , we compare it with the low-
is stronger than SOCC. However, note that in the case of full level supervisor Slo : Σ∗ × T −→ {0, 1} defined based on Δlo
observation, the PO-SOCC property reduces to SOCC (and for the case of full observation [11]:
Properties 6.1 and 6.2 hold trivially).  
Remark 6.7: Similar to SOCC, if PO-SOCC does not 0 if σ ∈ Δlo (s, θ (s))
Slo (s, σ ) =
hold in the system, by vocalizing new states and refining 1 otherwise.


1 a 3 b 5 7 b 9 a 14
11 b 13 15 a
a 2 b 4 6 8 10 d 12

Fig. 7. Ghi : Final high-level model

Fig. 5. Glo : Low-level model which is not PO-SOCC.

1 a 3 b 5
V 1 a 3 b 5 7 b 9 a 14 E
E WJ 0
D 11 b 13
0 V
11 b 13 15 a
D WD B a 2 b 4
a 2 b 4 6
V 10 d 12

Fig. 8. S̃lo /Glo : System under supervision which is hierarchically consistent

Fig. 6. Final model Glo after satisfying Properties 6.1, 6.2 and PO-SOCC. with Ehi = D.E.
Colored states are vocal.

scribed as “Event A cannot occur”. This is formally written

Recall that in supervisory control under partial observation, a as Ehi = {t ∈ L(Ghi ) | ∀r ≤ t, rA  t}. It can be verified that
supervisor is said to be feasible if it acts the same in response Ehi = D.E is an observable and controllable sublanguage
to two look-alike sequences (two sequences with the same of Ehi (in fact, the largest). The system under supervision
natural projection). (S̃lo /Glo ) is given in Fig. 8. It can be verified that hierarchical
Proposition 6.11: Low-level supervisor S̃lo , given in (7), consistency holds and we have θ (L(S̃lo /Glo )) = Ehi . 
is feasible. 
The following theorem shows PO-SOCC guarantees hierar-
chical consistency. In this paper, the hierarchical supervisory control setup of
Theorem 6.12: If Glo is PO-SOCC and the high-level Zhong-Wonham was extended to the case of control under
specification Ehi is controllable and observable with respect partial observation. The construction of a reporting map
to Ghi , then θ (L(S̃lo /Glo )) = Ehi  was discussed. A feasible low-level supervisor was proposed
Example 6.13: Consider the model Glo in Fig. 5. There to implement the commands of the high-level supervisor.
Σ = {a, b, c, d, α, γ, σ }, Σc = {c, α, γ}, the unobservable Partially-Observable SOCC property, as a natural extension
events have been shown by dashed lines and T = Tc = of SOCC property, was introduced and it was shown that
{A, B}. Let G̃lo denote the observer automaton of Glo . First, PO-SOCC (along with Properties 6.1 and 6.2) was sufficient
note that disabling high-level event A also disables B since to ensure hierarchical consistency.
to disable A, event α in state 5 must be disabled as a R EFERENCES
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