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Adverbios de Frecuencia

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Always Usually/normally Often Sometimes Occasionally Hardly ever Never

Siempre Normalmente A menudo A veces Ocasionalmente Casi nunca Nunca

Suelen ir delante del verbo principal, pero detrás del verbo to be

→ You always play videogames on Sunday

→ I am often happy

También pueden ir al principio de la oración

→ Sometimes, they go to the cinema.

→ Occasionally, we have dinner outside.

Other expressions

Once a week / one time a week: _____________________

Twice a week / two times a week: ___________________

Three, four, five, six… times a week: ________________

Once a day, a month, a year…:______________________



Every morning _________________________________

Every afternoon_________________________________

Every night_____________________________________
Your day: Every morning I…

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