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SIMPLE Relative







1. One in every six people who die of AIDS is under 15.
2. Education levels are strongly related to income.
3. 50 million Americans are addicted to nicotine.
4. Radio was the pilot's only means of communication .
5. Our sons are very different from each other.
6. Language is one of the defining characters of our species, but we know virtually nothing about where it came from.
7. Latin american cities are among the most exciting and affordable, especially Buenos Aires.
8. Stress in the workplace is a major factor in the development of heart disease and diabetes.
9. Joe is very active in left-wing politics.
10.Foreign investors are vital to German companies' financial revolution.
11.Rolls-royce cars are famous for their quality and reliability.
12.Foods high in sugar and fat content are more efficient in alleviating negative feelings.
13.These toys are not suitable for children under five.
14.The children are aware of the danger of taking drugs.
15.Only 17% of students starting computer science degrees are women and the majority are from overseas.
16.Nationwide, fewer than four in 10 children are proficient in reading or math on the federal test.
17.The official average unemployment rate in china's cities is 4.2 percent.
1. Unemployment rate in..................................................................................

2. ............................................................................are not suitable for children

3. ......................................................are addicted to...........................................

4. Stress in the workplace....................................................................................

5. One of the world’s largest companies.............................................................


18.As countries modernize, they need more scientists and engineers. Technological competence expands. The United States now
produces only about 11 percent of the world's S&E undergraduate degrees, reports the NSF's mark regets.

19.Barely 4 percent of all farmers insure their crops. Nearly 60 percent of Indian agriculture still depends entirely on the rains, as
in Mr. Shende’s case.

20.Over two-thirds of Japanese women do not return to work after childbirth and fewer than 10% ever hold management

21.Conflict between humans and elephants becomes inevitable, as the human population rises.

22.One million people eat at one of the 1,009 McDonald's restaurants in France every day, and the French now also drink an
average of 42 litres, or 74, pints of cola per person each year.

23.Malnutrition kills more than 5 million children every year and costs developing countries billions of dollars in lost
productivity, according to the report, the state of food insecurity in the world 2004.

24.Non-smokers also have the right to enjoy a non-smoky environment when they go out in the evening.

25.Few developing countries offer aıds testing.

26.Everyone knows that technology is very important.

27.Africa desperately needs more health-care workers.

28.Today's hospitals have bedside ınternet connections and expensive air-conditioning and filtration systems to keep infection
from spreading.

29.Between 2,500 and 3,000 Tibetans still escape to India each year, mostly through Nepal. More than one-third are under 14
years old. Among adults, the largest groups are monks and nuns. India has branches of the most famous Tibetan monasteries.

30.In his county, 25% of 911 jobs turn over each year as employees burn out from the stress and hectic schedule and take better-
paying jobs with private companies.

31.Only about 4 percent of the U.S. workforce consists of scientists and engineers.

32.On average, American lawyers make 42 percent more than chemical engineers. At elite levels, huge pay gaps also exist.

33.Eating oily fish and seeds in pregnancy boosts children's future brain power and social skills.

34.Another problem is that the united states has no infrastructure for shipping large volumes of hydrogen.

35.Driven by an insatiable curiosity, she wants to be a brain surgeon. Her parents expect her to have a bachelor's degree by the
time she is 14 and a medical degree soon after.
36.Mobile phone use does not lead to a greater risk of brain tumour.

37.About 37% of britons aged 61 to 70 and 60% of those aged 71 to 80 - 6.5m people - have age-related hearing loss.

38.More than 1,000 new infections and more than 800 deaths occur every day.

39.Age-related hearing loss is a complex condition, which scientists believe has both environmental and genetic causes

40.As many as 80% of british people live in urban areas - and globally nearly half of humanity are city dwellers.

41.As free trade improves the lives of people in poor countries, it is viewed with suspicion by more people in rich countries.


When countries modernize,



42.The report says fewer American children are living in poor conditions than any time in the past twenty years.
43.People also are getting less exercise because they are driving more.
44.It says eighteen percent of american children are living in poverty.
45.Another new american government report says most older americans are living longer and better than ever before.
46.People are moving to Utah because of its natural beauty, good jobs, and less tense way of life.


The report says fewer American children are living in poor conditions than any time in the past twenty years.




47.There are more than two million private firms in china, many foreign-owned or joint ventures with overseas investors.

48.There are three reasons for this lack of consensus. First, because oil is buried underground, it is hard to measure.

49.Critics say there is no evidence of a security threat by foreign students in the united states.

50.In many areas, there is no way to connect to the ınternet because there are no telephone lines.

51.There are now more than seven-million single mothers.

52.There are thousands of baseball teams across the country.

53.There are no age, education or race limits.

54.There are about one-hundred-fifty-thousand penguins around the world.

55.There are many media reports of young competitors in sports such as gymnastics, figure skating and tennis.

56.There are 13 million jews in the world, one-fifth of 1 percent of the world's population.

57.There are alot of serious social problems in developing countries.


58.Last year, the number of foreign students at American colleges and universities fell for the first time since 1971. Recent reports
show that total foreign student enrollment in our 2,700 colleges and universities dropped 2.4 percent, with a much sharper loss
at large research institutions. Two-thirds of the 25 universities with the most foreign students reported major enrollment

59.As a professor of international agriculture with Michigan State University, Dan Clay was working in Rwanda when he and his
family fled the country in 1994.

60.Ethnic chinese also arrived from all over South East Asia.

61.When I was in the middle of college at Marshall University, my dad lost his job and was out of work for four months. I never
knew about it. He found odd jobs to get by. Once I finished college I found out that. I'm not sure how they raised the money for
school. He didn't want anything to interfere with my education.

62.In the past, most of the people who played golf were older, white businessmen.

63.In the past, each tribal village had its own medical experts who knew the local plants that had been used as medicines for years.

64.In the past, some parents and teachers forced left-handed children to use their right hands instead.
65.Ten years ago, the United States congress agreed to provide financial support for the human genome project.

66.Albert Einstein was born on 14 March 1879 to Jewish parents at Ulm, Wurttenburg in Germany. Soon afterwards the family
moved to Munich where the young Einstein began his education at the Luitpold Gymnasium.
67.In 2005, soft drink volumes in India dropped for the first time in a decade, according to Canadean, a UK-based beverage
research company. Soda sales in India plunged 16 percent last year, while china volumes jumped 14 percent, according to
Beverage Digest, a trade magazine. Per capita consumption in China was three times that of the Indian consumer in 2005.

68.Only a few years ago, Mr Khodorkovsky was on top of his game, sitting on assets estimated to be worth upwards of $15bn.

69.Children did not find their lessons motivating enough, while some teachers failed to implement school rules on behaviour.

70.The median income for Non-hispanic whites last year was nearly $51,000, compared with about $36,000 for Latinos and
nearly $31,000 for African Americans. Incomes were higher in the Northeast and the West than in the South and the Midwest.

71.A number of other Indian states banned the drinks in schools and colleges, but with its outright ban on sale and production,
Kerala went the furthest.

72.Yukos was Russia's second biggest oil company, pumping one in every five barrels the country produced.
73.According to the last census, in 2001, there were 250,000 Chinese in Britain - almost 100,000 more than 10 years previously.


In the past, women in traditional cultures....................but ,today,.......................................



74.Experts say the average age of death will be thirty years old in some countries in Africa.

75.Health experts say more than ten-million people will die because of tobacco-linked diseases in twenty years.

76.By 2050 the proportion of children under 15 will fall to less than 11% of the population (see chart), from 16% in 1995. The
average Japanese will then be over 53 years old, 12 years older than now.


77.One of the most important issues this year is education.

78.Wireless networks at such places as airports, hotels or cafés are not as secure as most people think

79.In size, appearance and behavior, the dog is the most diverse species on earth.

80.The most popular athlete in the United States is a young man named tiger woods.

81.Divorce is more common than it was a generation ago.

82.Owning a home today is more expensive than renting in much of the Northeast, Florida .

83.And over 90% said their relationship with their family was the most important in their life.

84.Bill Gates is the richest man in the world, the planet’s most significant philanthropist and the most influential software
designer ever.

85.Happiness is more important than money.

86.Smaller families are a feature of modern society.

87.Computers are an essential part of modern life.

88.Selling goods abroad is no more difficult (=not more difficult) than selling to the home market.
89.World Health Organization experts say the most widespread nutritional disorder in the world is a lack of iron.
90.Figures gathered by PEW suggest that 68% of men are net users, compared to 66% of women. However, the total number of
net-using women is higher because there are more women than men in the general US population.
91.Fast food plays a bigger role in weight gain for some children than others.

92.The hispanic population in 2003 is radically different than in 1992

93.Media studies is now more popular than physics.

94.Cider, lager, beer and alcopops are the most popular drinks.


1. People in developed countries......................................................................................

2. Gasoline prices..............................................................................................................

3. Austrian women.............................................................................................................

4. Taking public transportation...........................................................................................

5. The number of unemployed people in Britain.................................................................

95.If you are doing something -you do not enjoy, such as a certain type of work because you need the money for school, your
family, or whatever, and find yourself complaining and feeling hard done by, then you are enduring a life of conflict. You either
have to change your thinking or your job. When you choose to do something for a certain benefit such as money, complaining
while you are doing it is, of course, a waste of energy and time and is self-destructive.

96.But if interest rates rise as economists expect, many of those buyers will find it difficult to keep up their payments

97.In addition, if the weather is bad and you are unable or reluctant to work out outdoors, being able to exercise indoors may
mean that you use more calories a week than you would otherwise.

98.If you have a video mp3 player, you can download some of these clips onto it and watch during the train ride to work, or on your
lunch hour at the office if your employer restricts personal use of its computers.

99.Her parents want to import clothing from china to sell in bogota. If she learns the language, she will help manage the business.

If people do the job they enjoy,


100. He says schools also should provide counseling and education about underage drinking and encourage parent-child
communication on the issue(noun clause)
101. Such a database might also help treat language disorders or help people learn foreign tongues.

102. The internet is a cheap way to advertise ideas and projects. Anyone can post a video on youtube, free; you can start a
blog free.

103. Hearing loss makes it difficult for elderly people to communicate with friends and family, and can lead to them
feeling increasingly isolated.

104. The results show that US bird flu outbreaks could have severe economic effects.
105. As with many diseases, early discovery and treatment can make a major difference in a person's life.
106. They can shop in fine stores and go to different kinds of eating and drinking places.
107. Companies should try to create workspaces that protect workers from noise.

108. American health experts say adults should eat twenty to thirty-five grams of fiber every day.

109. Most women do not have to marry for financial security.

110. People using Napster do not have to buy recordings to listen to music.
111. People should consume 1% or less of their calorie intake.
112. Consumers should make ethical choices about the food that they buy, and supermarkets should be open with customers
about where their food is coming from.

113. They pointed out that organic methods can also make an important contribution.

114. Mcdonald's said that wheat and dairy ingredients are used to flavor its fries. Those substances can cause allergic or other
medical reactions in food-sensitive consumers.

115. Genetics or environment alone cannot explain variations in the behavior of different groups of the apes, a study found.

116. Consumers can save a further £100m in environmental costs, the authors claim, if they cycle, walk or catch the bus to
the shops rather than drive.

117. Drinking fruit and vegetable juice on a regular basis can dramatically reduce the chances of developing Alzheimer's.




118. Using a private plane has psychological benefits for top officers.
119. Eating organic food is more healthful than eating food produced with chemicals.
120. Eating fruits and vegetables, including broccoli, is important for health.
121. Drinking alcohol reduces the body's ability to use oxygen effectively.
122. Driving cars is almost impossible on rainy days.
123. Treating sleeping sickness is costly.
124. Walking and running can increase bone strength.
125. Spending all that money in such a short period of time may be more difficult than you might think.


126. When children know that you are human, they learn to be compassionate, responsible, independent.

127. When the young insects are born, they feed on the living tissue of the animals and cause serious wounds.

128. When the disease changes to secondary progressive, the disease begins to grow worse and worse.
129. La Nina develops when winds near the western coast of South America strengthen.

130. It develops when a person is a child or young adult.

131. When a person becomes old, the immune system may become too weak to protect against the bacteria.

132. They want to learn where the virus lives when it is not in the human body, and how it first infects people.

133. Here in the far eastern edge of the los angeles metropolitan area, the population has tripled in 25 years, and the region is
growing by 12,000 people a month.

134. Millions of people around the world have started using the internet to (in order to) talk to each other very cheaply or for

135. The divorce rate has risen by nine per cent in four years, official statistics show.

136. The United States has been toyota's largest and most profitable market since 2001.

137. The number of students who are learning English has more than doubled in recent years

138. Sales of suvs have fallen sharply in the us over the past year as petrol prices have risen strongly in the opposite direction.

139. Video games have become a common tool for simulation training exercises in fields such as emergency response and
military combat.


In recent years, red meat consumption has dropped incredibly because.........................



140. This kind of technology is being developed by mobile companies, and the research team regularly talks to them about
innovations like this.

141. Though more than 150 tongues are now spoken in new york, nearly all the problems highlighted in the complaint concern
spanish and korean.


142. Starting tuesday, the tens of thousands of immigrants who apply for british citizenship each year must pass a new
"Britishness" exam
143. Experts say individuals who hunt meat for their families do not affect the number of animals in the african forests.
144. People who do not get enough vitamin a cannot see well in the dark.
145. The report says the percentage of americans who are too fat also rose rapidly during the past ten years.
146. People who want to be jewish religious leaders prepare for many years.
147. Children from poor families who live in a big city might not get the chance to go to a summer camp.
148. Young people who like the arts can spend the summer learning about art, music, dance, acting or writing.
149. Oslo teens who drank the most sugary soft drinks also had more mental health problems such as hyperactivity and distress.

150. The number of students who are learning English has more than doubled in recent years

151. One in every six people who die of AIDS is under 15.

152. The drugs that are used in the treatment of AIDS are extremely expensive.

153. Drivers who wear their seat belts are more likely to survive any given accident.

154. Hours of work are considered one of the factors which influence the quality of working life.

155. Staff who regularly work overtime may expect an additional income.

156. People who exercise regularly give many reasons for why they do what they do regardless of life’s demands. They say
exercise can improve their health, mood, strength and stamina.

157. Young children who take music lessons show more advanced brain development and improved memory than those who
do not, according to a study published today.

158. Research showed that children whose parents were involved in their education did better at school and later in life.

159. People who follow a raw food vegetarian diet are light in weight but healthy, according to us researchers


Children from poorf amilies who live in a big city might face adaptation problems....................



160. The success of many e-commerce firms, such as Amazon and Ebay, shows that millions of people are becoming
comfortable while buying goods and services online. Many more are using the internet to research products, services and prices
for various products. Some 70% of new-car buyers in america, for instance, use websites to determine which vehicle to buy.

161. College students take ritalin to improve their academic performance. Musicians take beta blockers to improve their onstage
performance. Shy people take paxil to improve their social performance.

162. The national geographic website offers a number of ways to receive information.

163. Three years ago Google set up an operation to employ an army of several hundred thousand American teenagers. It
uses them to discuss ideas about new products. In return, the teenagers hear about and use new things before many of their
164. Advertising companies get trendsetters to buy new products in order to influence a broader market is not a new idea.

165. Israel says the restrictions are necessary to prevent terrorist attacks.


166. The new figures showed that a record number of americans lack access to health insurance.

167. Scientific evidence is now clear that alcohol and tobacco have chemical effects on the human brain similar to illegal drugs

168. Each year, millions of women around the world earn money by selling traditional art or hand-made crafts.
169. Some experts say more African Americans and white people live near each other in major cities than in the past.
170. Acupuncture is the ancient Chinese method of easing pain, treating disease and improving general health.
171. Some people believed that producing and selling alcohol would improve the economy.
172. Experts believe the world population will increase by one-thousand-five-hundred-million people in the next twenty years.
173. Most scientists believe that birds developed from dinosaurs.
174. National zoo officials say they believe the pandas will increase visitors to the zoo by twenty percent.
175. They also believe visitors will provide more than one-million dollars more each year.


Experts believe the world population will increase by one-thousand-five-hundred-million people in the next twenty years.This will have
two major effects.

....... büyük ölçüde ( inanılmaz bir biçimde) artmıştır ( azalmıştır) - PRESENT PERFECT (have / has risen sharply )

artmıştır büyük ölçüde yer Zaman - dönem

Inflation rate
Population growth
The number of people who increased sharply
live in poverty risen dramatically in Turkey in recent years
Divorce rate gone up rapidly in modern societies recently
Use of technology soared significantly in the world lately
Domestic violence have all around the world since 1970s
Influence of TV has azalmıştır inanılmaz bir in developing over the last decade
Negative effects of biçimde countries over the last few years
technology decreased incredibly in developed countries for the last 25 years
The number of students who declined unbelievably in African countries since last October
hate school gone down in overcrowded cities since the beginning of
The importance of education shrunk in rural areas the 20th century
The importance of learning dropped in urban areas
The percentage of
genetically engineered food
Crime rate among teenagers
Popularity of football

1. In recent years, the number of female golfers has increased as has the number of African American golfers.
2. Nevada's population has increased by sixty-six percent during the last ten years.
3. The population has been rising since the Industrial Revolution. In 1911 there were 42 million people.
4. However, fuel prices have greatly increased in the past year.
5. Since Nineteen-Eighty-Eight, the number of new polio infections around the world has dropped by ninety-nine percent.
6. The rate for cancer has increased slightly.
7. The cost of college has doubled since 1978 due to...
8. The gap between the number of British male and female undergraduates studying at universities has increased from 170,510 in
2000 to 295,575 in 2005.
9. Coca production has risen by one-hundred percent during the past five years.
10.Asian and Hispanic minorities in the US have grown rapidly.

2. ...... ..... (önemli bir sorun) haline gelmiştir.

haline önemli bir sorun yer zaman - dönem


a major problem
Inflation a significant problem
Population growth
Divorce Tartışmalı bir konu in Turkey in recent years
Domestic violence in modern societies recently
Lack of education a controversial issue in the world lately
English has become a debatable issue all around the since 1970s
Globalization have become yaygın world over the last decade
Technology widespread in developing over the last few years
Car accidents common countries for the last 25 years
in developed since last October
countries since the beginning of
İnsan hayatının önemli / in African the 20th century
vazgeçilmez bir parçası countries
in overcrowded
an important part of human cities
life in rural areas
an indispensible part of in urban areas
human life

1.Using the wind to produce electric power has become increasingly profitable in the United States.
1. Computers have become household toys
2. Virtual libraries have become an indispensable resource for researchers.
3. Women have become more assertive in the past decade
4. Interactive ads have started to appear at bus shelters, where people have time to wait around and play with them.
5. The World Health Organization says the spread of old and new diseases has become a major international problem.
6. Computers and connecting to the Internet computer system have become important in recent years
7. Crime has always been a major issue in Turkey.

3. ..... biçiminde ........ gelişmiştir / büyümüştür / değişmiştir .

gelişmiştir büyük ölçüde / yer Zaman - dönem

Technology hızlı
The internet technology
Modern medicine
Information technology developed dramatically
The world improved rapidly in Turkey in recent years
Advertising methods advanced incredibly in modern societies recently
Advertising techniques have significantly in the world lately
Transportation means has all around the world since 1970s
Population Büyümüştür inanılmaz bir in developing over the last decade
Health system genişlemiştir biçimde countries over the last few years
Education system grown incredibly in developed countries for the last 25 years
expanded unbelievably in African countries since last October
in overcrowded cities since the beginning of
değişmiştir Köklü bir in rural areas the 20th century
biçimde in urban areas
changed radically in our country

1. The responsibilities of the University students have expanded greatly since 1990s
2. Many scientists and activists say greenhouse gases have changed the world's weather radically.
3. The number of children attending school in Cameroon has grown by fifty percent - to fifty-thousand students.
5. However, the percentage of Americans who smoke has changed little since Nineteen-Ninety-One.
6. The Internet has changed the way people work.
8. Providing wireless telephones to poor village women has changed their lives.

a. Son zamanlarda teknolojide inanılmaz gelişmeler olmuştur.

incredible advancements in technology lately

There have been significant changes in the world of advertising
major developments in computer techology
breathtaking discoveries in medical sciences

There has been an incredible advancement in technology lately

a significant change in the world of advertising
a major development in computer techology
a breathtaking discovery in medical sciences


4. isim cümlesi : Birçok bilim adamı ............... olduğunu düşünmektedir.


özne yüklem anlatılmak istenen asıl düşünce

doctors say smoking causes cancer.
Some teachers state AIDS is one of the deadliest diseases of the 20th century.
Many people believe the internet has some negative effects on children.
Most experts think there will be a lot of competition between computer companies
A number of specialists prove students should attend regularly in order to improve their
A group of scientists argue language skills.
Majority of parents agree that divorce is a serious social problem.
Nearly all students disagree success requires determination and consistency.
Almost all politicians suggest advertising has a significant impact on consumers’ choice in
Few psychologists claim most products
A few economists emphasize sharks have a highly developed sense of smell
Very few writers know monkeys are highly social animals
Numerous critics censorship is necessary in modern society
mature adults are able to make choices about what they watch.


B. isim cümlesi :............... olduğu düşünülmektedir

Giriş ifadesi anlatılmak istenen asıl düşünce

It is believed smoking causes cancer.

It is a well-known fact AIDS is one of the deadliest diseases of the 20th century.
It is claimed the internet has some negative effects on children.
It is generally argued there will be a lot of competition between computer companies
It is an undeniable fact students should attend regularly in order to improve their
It is a common belief language skills.
It is clear that divorce is a serious social problem.
It is obvious success requires determination and consistency.
There is no doubt advertising has a significant impact on consumers’ choice in
It is often argued most products
It is generally accepted sharks have a highly developed sense of smell
monkeys are highly social animals
censorship is necessary in modern society
mature adults are able to make choices about what they watch.


Giriş ifadesi anlatılmak istenen asıl düşünce

smoking causes cancer.

Unfortunately, AIDS is one of the deadliest diseases of the 20th century.
Fortunately, the internet has some negative effects on children.
Obviously, there will be a lot of competition between computer companies
Apperantly, students should attend regularly in order to improve their
Generally, language skills.
Especially, divorce is a serious social problem.
Particularly, success requires determination and consistency.
advertising has a significant impact on consumers’ choice in
most products
sharks have a highly developed sense of smell
monkeys are highly social animals
censorship is necessary in modern society
mature adults are able to make choices about what they watch.

b. Hükümet işsizlikle mücadele etmeli (etmek zorunda)

The government cope with unemployment
Parents should deal with poverty
Authorities have to handle high crime rates
Officials need to solve global warming
Politicians struggle with harms of TV
fight with social problems
economic problems


c. İnsanlar para kazanmak ve ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak için çok çalışmak zorundadır.

anlatılmak istenen asıl düşünce -mek , -mak için

People should work hard earn money and meet their needs.
Most people try to learn English in order to find a good job easily.
Hundreds of scientists have been working find a cure for cancer.


*** In order to yapısı cümle başında kullanılırken virgül kullanımına dikkat edilmelidir

-mek , -mak için anlatılmak istenen asıl düşünce

earn money and meet their needs, people should work hard
In order to find a good job easily, most people try to learn English
find a cure for cancer, hundreds of scientists have been working hard

1. Samuel trained every day in order to improve his performance.

2. In order to understand how the human body works, you need to have some knowledge of chemistry.

anlatılmak istenen asıl düşünce için

It is an important center international trade.
The Library also has a new web site children and families
Iodine is also very important for human health
New studies say that eating chocolate may be your heart
good headaches, colds and flu.
It is a common treatment everyone
Doctors do not believe aspirin is safe.

d. by + verb+ ing ( yaparak, ederek)

anlatılmak istenen asıl düşünce yaparak - ederek

People can find a job easily learning English and improving their computer
The government will solve unemployment by creating skills.
Teachers can increase student learning communicating more jobs.
with parents.


Have ..... effect on............somebody / something

Scientists say the rising temperatures will have a major effect on the environment and agriculture.

My parents' divorce - had a big effect on me

A serious accident can have a dramatic effect on your family's finances.

The rules could have a major effect on the American health care industry.

Noise also - affects the performance of skills like reading

and solving problems.

These diseases mostly can affect people in industrial countries.

The Peruvian team wanted to find out how would affect children in developing nations.
the drug
- have a minor influence in the development of many kinds of

A new study shows that genes only cancer

e. aksi taktirde

 People should work hard, otherwise they cannot survive.

 I have to find a job in two weeks. Otherwise, I will have to sell my car.
 The government should create new jobs. Otherwise, social and economic problems will never be solved.

f. x’in y’ye neden olması

 Smoking causes cancer.

 Smoking leads to cancer.
 Factories cause air pollution.
 Economic problems may lead to divorce.

g. x’in y’nin birşey yapmasına neden olması ( yol açması)

 Unemployment causes more and more people to commit crime.

 Smoking leads many people to suffer from cancer.
 Living in a crowded city causes people to have a lot of stress.
 Lack of motivation leads students to hate school.

h. X Y den kaynaklanır.

 Car accidents results from lack of education, speed and drink-drive.

 The problem simply resulted from a difference of opinion.
 Many hair problems result from what you eat.
 Stress can result from sleeplessness.
i. x y ile sonuçlanır.
 Lack of education, speed and drink-drive result in car accidents
 A difference of opinion resulted in a serious problem.
 Sleeplessness results in stress.
 Lack of confidence often results in failure.

It is
It was difficult
It has for many people to live in İstanbul
been (adjective)
It will be (verb)
It can be
It may be
expensive solve
possible for me communicate
impossible for parents understand
dangerous for doctors see
unbelievable for students to find
useful for you learn
beneficial for poor people buy
easy for travelers sell
exciting improve
necessary change
important overcome

 It will be very difficult for me to overcome my economic problems under these conditions.
 It was dangerous to walk in this street after midnight three years ago, yet it is one of the safest streets in istanbul now.
 It can be beneficial to walk 10 minutes a day .
 Sometimes it is impossible for many parents to communicate with their children.

k. özne örnekleri

özne Tense + fiil tamamlayıcı

Almost all people in England want to buy a house in France.

Millions of people aroud the world use the internet

Majority of people in Turkey consume too much
Most Apple I-PODS cost around
Very few in England enjoy
People who consume too much chocolate can experience
Using computers can contribute to
Learning English in 6 months can be
The number of people who drink coke has increased
One of the most significant problems in is
Turkey support
Nearly 20 % of Turkish population employ
Several companies around the world requires
Living in a globalized world is
Trying to solve all technical problems is
To find a cure for AIDS is
Being a successful engineer in Germany


Besides, in addition, also, moreover, furthermore

1. In addition, an increasing number of Americans are concerned about what they eat.
2. In addition to drinking lots of cool water, doctors say there are other things to do to protect against the health dangers of heat.
3. Part-time English classes are offered. In addition, students can take classes in word-processing and computing...
4. There was only one person besides Ford who knew Julia Jameson.
5. I think she has many good qualities besides being very beautiful...
6. Besides film and record projects, I have continued to work in the theater.
7. There are other people living in the flat besides you.
8. I didn't exactly know what to tell them and, besides, the telephone did not seem the right way to go about it.
9. Did you ever consider marrying someone besides Dad?
10.What do these women have in common (besides fame, fortune and fat bank accounts)?
11.Besides, life is an ever-changing process.
12.Besides, doctors say that fish, fish oils etc.are good for the heart.
13.It just increased my stress, and besides, I felt guilty because I couldn't meditate like everyone else!"
14.Furthermore, he knew that the success of any team is based on mutual respect.
15.Furthermore, it seemed the problem was more widespread.
16.Furthermore, there are many different categories of need.
17.Furthermore, it does not occur in all cultures.
18.Furthermore, not every friendship has run smoothly.
19.Furthermore, this proposal is based on faulty numbers.
20.Moreover, she was politically literate -- that was the second thing.

therefore,so,thus,for this reason,that is why

1. Forests have been destroyed to produce more attractive furniture in Singapore and Hong Kong. Therefore, a rich person living
thousands of miles away may cause more tropical forest destruction than a poor person living in the forest itself.

2. He knows that the other guy has been offered the same deal and therefore he’s got to be very careful to decide what to do.

3. It was all absolutely the same, that you go to a place, you say nothing happened before, no-one existed before, it’s empty land,
Terra Nullius, we are the discoverers, therefore we are the owners.

4. In 1500, this island was discovered by the Portuguese.Thus, it attracted Europeans.

for instance,for example,to illustrate

For example, in some countries eating with the left hand is considered an insult to others.
For example, they can immediately react to events by electronic mail.
For example, widespread cutting of forests for wood and farmland in China has destroyed large areas of the pandas' environment.
For example, American men are more likely than women to smoke cigarettes and drink too much alcohol.
For example, the number of endangered monkeys and apes has risen fifty percent.


However, this treatment is very costly.

However, the researchers identified sixty-one genes that speeded up or slowed down with age.
However, the percentage of Americans who smoke has changed little since Nineteen-Ninety-One.
However, some mushrooms are poisonous.
But they say they want to help end drug production in Colombia.
But, music industry lawyers say music sales near universities have fallen.

although,even though,though

Although he had no education, he taught his children to work hard in school.

Although the disease has hit hardest in Africa, its effect is worldwide.
Although some progress has been made in AIDS treatment and prevention, the problem is getting worse.
Mizz Reiss says that even though these animals have developed differently over time, their brains have developed a similar intelligence.


1. Patents are important because they help companies recover the money they spent in developing new products.
2. Support groups are necessary because quitting smoking is very difficult. The main reason people smoke is because they are
addicted to the nicotine in cigarettes.
3. In many areas, there is no way to connect to the Internet since there are no telephone lines.
4. People cared for the cats because the animals gave them pleasure.
5. Food prices will increase since more food will have to be imported.
6. Because we travelled so much, Sam and I asked a broker to act on our behalf.
7. Since she was under age, her parents were still responsible for her.
8. I get so annoyed when I lose work because I've forgotten to back it up.
9. She is in a bit of a bad mood because she's just given up smoking.
10.I was angry because I played so badly...
11.Since it is an area of outstanding natural beauty, you can't build on it...
12.The stockmarket scandal is refusing to go away, mainly because there's still no consensus over how it should be dealt with.
13.Jane did not eat cheese because it gives her nightmares.
14.He has his place in the Asian team not because he is white but because he is good...
15.Because he had always had money, it meant nothing to him...
16.Critics believe his days are numbered since audiences are tired of watching him.
17.Many are sleeping in the open because they have no shelter.

in brief, as a result, in short

1. In brief, the number of the insects dropped sharply.

2. In short, people who cannot connect to the Internet can become poorer.
3. As a result, most drug companies do not usually invest in this kind of research because it is not profitable.
4. As a result of the growing fears about home security, more people are arranging for someone to stay in their home when they're
5. As a result, services have been drastically reduced.
6. Her hair started falling out as a result of radiation treatment.
7. His car alarm had been going off for two days and, as a result, the battery was flat.
8. Millions of people are threatened with starvation as a result of drought and poor harvests.
9. As a result of this conflict, he lost both his home and his means of livelihood.
10.2,000 prisoners died as a result of torture and maltreatment.
11.It is unbelievable that as a result of this narrow-mindedness, a group of people should suffer.
12.There was no positive evidence that any birth defects had arisen as a result of Vitamin A intake.
13.As a result of the rape of the forests, parts of the country are now short of water.
14.Marriages usually break down as a result of the shortcomings of both partners.
15.In brief, you should take no risks.

to sum up;consequently;in conclusion

1. Grandfather Dingsdale had sustained a broken back while working in the mines. Consequently, he spent the rest of his life in a
2. They had children .Consequently they were tied to the school holidays.
3. In conclusion, walking is a cheap, safe, enjoyable and readily available form of exercise.
4. In conclusion, I would like to thank you for your attention.
5. In conclusion, it can be said that these developments have become central to the future of the mobile phone technology.
6. They had no treatment to deal with the bleeding and consequently many people died.
7. Consequently many Greek writers of the fifth century and later realized that their own society was the end-product of a long perio
d of advance.
8. The matter gets overlooked in the settlement; and consequently many women lose both widow's pension and life assurance.
Consequently, many countries prefer alternative policies.

due to;owing to;because of

1. The court of inquiry ruled that the crash was due to pilot error.
2. She has been absent from work due to illness.
3. Scientists need to learn more about plants because of their importance in the environment.
4. Many groups oppose abortion because of moral and religious reasons.
5. These women suffered because of their low position in society.
6. Due to a security alert, this train will not be stopping at Oxford Circus.
7. Death was due to asphyxia through smoke inhalation.
8. 27 million working days are lost each year due to work accidents and sickness.
9. Due to the large volume of letters he receives, Dave regrets he is unable to answer queries personally.
10.No one knows whether a child's tendency towards fatness is inherited or due to the food he eats.
11.The train had stopped due to a mechanical problem.
12.Many accidents were due to pilot misjudgement.
13.It was a real prize due to its rarity and good condition.
14.Owing to staff shortages, there was no restaurant car on the train.

despite;in spite of

1. People are still dying on Mount Everest, despite improved technology and a better understanding of the harsh environment
2. Still, despite the findings, the researchers maintain that it "is still controversial" whether hypnosis is an effective treatment for
alopecia areata
3. Despite the efforts of the United Nations, the problem of drug traffic continues to grow...
4. Americans are still giving to charity despite hard economic times.
5. Despite his lack of experience, he got the job...
6. We've reached our goal of $50,000, thanks to the generosity of the public.
7. Some ski resorts opened early, thanks to a late-October snowstorm.
8. Despite the adverse conditions, the road was finished in just eight months.
9. Despite his illegal act, few people think badly of him.
10.Interest rates generally have been declining since last spring, despite a few upward blips in recent weeks.
11.Despite continual pain, he refused all drugs.
12.Despite official denials, the rumours still persist.
13.The National Health Service has visibly deteriorated, despite increased spending.
14.Despite winning the title, their last campaign ended in great disappointment.
15.He intends to try to leave the country, in spite of a government order cancelling his passport.
16.In spite of the recession, profits have galloped ahead.
17.He survived in spite of suffering grievous injuries.
18.In spite of the travelling and the late night, she did not feel tired.


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