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Musculoskeletal quiz

1. The contractile unit of a skeletal muscle is

a. Actin filaments
b. Myofibrils
c. Myosin filaments
d. Sarcomere
e. Tropomyosin

2. Each G-actin CAN NOT bind to

a. Myosin
b. Troponin
c. Tropomyosin
d. Other G-actins to form a polymer

3. Tropomyosin is a part of
a. Thick filaments
b. Thin filaments
c. Ca++ - ATPase system
d. Voltage-dependent Ca++ channels
e. Na+-K+ channel

4. Tropomyosin-troponin complex controls muscle contraction by

a. Accelerating actin contraction
b. Contracting the myofilaments
c. Covering myosin binding sites on the actin.
d. Splitting the ATP into ADP and P
e. Stabilizing actin-myosin-ADP-Pi complex

?Which of the following statements is INCORRECT about Rigor Mortis .5

a. Stiffening of the body beginning 3 to 4 hours after death
b. Deteriorating sarcoplasmic reticulum releases calcium
c. Calcium activates myosin-actin cross-bridging and muscle contracts, but can not
d. Muscle relaxation requires ATP and ATP production are abundant after death
e. Fibers remain contracted until myofilaments decay

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