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Career Expert Bank Job Crash Course 1

Bank Job Crash Course

Lec-02 , Sub: Math, Topics: Ratio-Proportion
01. A certain sum of money is divided among A, B, and C in the ratio 2:3:4. If A's share is
Tk 200, what is the share of B and C? Ans: 400
02. Find the fourth proportional to 4, 9, 12 ;
Soln: Let the fourth proportional to 4, 9, 12 be x.
Then, 4 : 9 :: 12 : x 4  x = 9  12  x = = 27.
 Fourth, proportional to 4, 9, 12 is 27.
03.The third proportional to 16 and 36 ;
Soln: Let the third proportional to 16 and 36 be x.
Then, 16 : 36 :: 36 : x  16 x = 36  x = = 81.
 Third proportional to 16 and 36 is 81.
04. The mean proportional between 0.08 and 0.18 ;
Soln: Mean proportional between 0.08 and 0.18

= = = = = 0.12

05. The mean proportional between 6 + 3 and 8-4

Sol : Mean proportional between 6 + 3 and 8 – 4 .

= = = =2 .

06. If a : 5 = b : 7 = c : 8, then =?
Solution: Let = = = k.
Then, a = 5k, b – 7k, c= 8k.
 = = = 4.

07. The ratio of the ages of Tina and Rakesh is 9:10 respectively. Ten years ago, the ratio of
their ages was 4:5 respectively. What is the present age of Rakesh?
(wZbv Ges iv‡K‡ki eq‡mi AbycvZ 9:10| 10 eQi c~‡e© Zv‡`i eq‡mi AbycvZ wQj 4:5| iv‡K‡ki eZ©gvb eqm KZ?)
Solution: Let Tina’s age be 9x years. Then, Rakesh’s age = 10x years.

Present age of Rakesh = (10 × 2) years = 20 years

Career Expert Bank Job Crash Course 2
08. When 30% of one number is subtracted from another number, the second number
reduces to its four-fifths. What is the ratio of the first to the second number?
a) 3 : 2 b) 2 : 3 c) 2 : 5 d) 4 : 7 Ans: b

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