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Writing – Task 1_Processes

Writing Task 1
Processes - Manufacturing
Exercise 1:
a) Look at the adverbs and time expressions in the box:

, ,

, ,

, , ,

, , ,

Write the expressions in the box in the correct place in the table:

At the start After a short time After a long time

At the beginning of the cycle Directly after this , Soon Over time, eventually

At the same time Usually happens At the end

At this stage Frequently, Typically Eventually , In time ,Finally,
Once the cycle is complete
In time

b) The diagram below shows the lifecycle of a frog, from egg to adult.

Writing – Task 1_Processes

c) Look at the pictures. Write a sentence about each one. Remember to use
the present tense.
Initially, a frogspawn is laid in the pool.

After that, embryo gradually take the form of a tadpole inside

frog eggs.

Writing – Task 1_Processes

Eventually, when the egg is ready to hatch, a tadpole break

free to go outside to learn how to swim.

The next stage is the transformation of tadpoles into young

frogs where they become bigger, develop a long tail, and their
hind legs grow considerably.

Writing – Task 1_Processes

And when its front legs emerge, it starts ground life

As the tail is useless for living on land, it gradually shortens,

and the young frog becomes froglet.

Finally, the tail completely disappears and the frog’s size

increase significantly, the young frog turn into an adult.

Exercise 2:
Now, write 150 words describing the diagram. ● use
the present tense

Writing – Task 1_Processes

● use the passive voice where appropriate

● use the adverbs and time expressions
The diagram depicts the development of frogs.

Overall, this process consists of 8 stages, starting with eggs laid in a pool and ending with adult

The development begins with a frogspawn, which contains numerous frog eggs, is laid in a pool.
Gradually, embryos inside eggs develop into little tadpoles. When the eggs are ready to hatch,
tadpoles break free to learn how to swim. Afterward, these tadpoles grow bigger and two
hindlegs emerge. In the next stage, they transform into young frogs, where there frontlegs
emerge, their body and limbs grow considerably. After that, their journey on water ends and
they start ground life. After that, due to not being used in land life, their tail moderately
shorten and young frogs become froglets. Finally, when froglets develop into adult frogs, their
tail completely disappear and a significant growth in size can be seen.




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Writing – Task 1_Processes


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In many countries, more and more young people are leaving school
and unable to find jobs after graduation. Give reasons and make some
It is undeniable that education is fundamental to students’ education.
However, in the contemporary epoch, the number of youngsters who
drop out of school and become unemployed is progressively increasing.
I will delve into several factors contributing to this state of affairs and
suggest some viable solutions to remedy the situation
There are two main contributors to why students give up their studies.
First and foremost, the youth now run after the success of millionaire
and billionaire college dropouts. This is because they obsess over fame
and money, which makes them blind and unable to visualize after-
school life. To make matter worse, many tricksters persuade students
to leave school to take advantage of them. For example, deceivers may
take gullible pupils into paying money for enticing and irresistible things
such as a position in a corporation. Consequently, many naive
youngsters stop studying at school, despite the dissuasion of both their
teachers and parents.
The problem of teenagers dropping out of school and becoming jobless
people can be addressed in some ways. Firstly, parents should
encourage their off-springs to finish their education to be fully trained for
their professions. This could help them to have depth-knowledge about
their fields and easily find a proper job. Moreover, the media can report
scams and their victims. By being exposed to this kind of news, minors
would stay alert and dissuade individuals who are deceived from
leaving pedagogical institutions, which will minimize the number of
school dropouts.

Writing – Task 1_Processes

In recapitulation, unemployment among students is due to blindly

chasing after renowned people’s careers and being deceived by bad
guys. However, these above-mentioned solutions can be used to
eliminate this issue.

The diagram depicts how plastic bottles are recycled.

Overall, this process consists of 9 stages, starting with plastic bottles being thrown in recycling bins
and ending with creating end products that will be recycled again once used.
Initially, plastic bottles are placed in specified recycle bins. Afterward, they are collected by trucks and
transported to recycling centers where they are segregated from other rubbish. In the next step, workers compress
selected bottles into blocks and pass them through crushers. Then, after being soaked and washed in water, small
pieces of plastic are sent through a machine to convert them into plastic pellets. Next, they heat the pellets which
eventually make raw material for manufacturing different kinds of products such as clothes, bags, pens, and bottles,
… Finally, those products will be used until their owners don’t need them anymore and they will be thrown into
designated bins, which forms the cycle of recycling plastic bottles


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