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Article · May 2020

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3 authors:

Ashok Kamalanathan Babu Muthu

BHARATH INISTIUTE OF HIGHER EDUCATION AND RESEARCH Bharath institute of higher education and research


Senthil Janarthanan
Paavai Engineering College


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Alochana Chakra Journal ISSN NO:2231-3990



Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Faculty of Arts and Science, Bharath Institute
of Higher Education and Research (BIHER), Chennai-600 073, Tamil Nadu, India.
*Email id:

Yoga is an ancient Indian lifestyle, which involves practicing specific methods such as
spiritual attitudes, diet and yoga asana (meditation), breathing exercises and meditation to attain
the highest level of consciousness. For decades, yoga research has increased, but we receive very
little reviews of yoga practices and meditation on health and disease. With this in mind, we have
undertaken pilot projects to identify the health of yoga in respiratory disorders. There were better
health benefits as better awareness and breathing and yoga also affected the immune system and
improved joint disease.

Keywords:Exercise, respiratory disease, Nadisudhi and asthma

Respiratory diseases are a medical term that affects organs and tissues that allow gas
exchange in the higher organisms, as well as diseases of the upper respiratory tract, trachea,
bronchus, bronchus, pulmonary vasculature, pneumonia and pneumonia. Respiratory diseases are
relief and self-limitation, such as life-threatening diseases such as colds, bacterial inflammation
of the lungs, pulmonary embolism, acute asthma and lung cancer. Learning about respiratory
diseases is called lung science. A doctor specializing in respiratory diseases is known as a
pulmonologist, respiratory specialist, respiratory specialist or thoracic surgeon. Respiratory
diseases can be classified in many different ways, including organs or tissues, in which the type
and pattern of the associated symptoms or due to an illness [1].

Chronic respiratory disease (CRD) is a disease of the airways and other pulmonary
structures. They are characterized by severe inflammatory cell death (neutropenia) and / or a

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Alochana Chakra Journal ISSN NO:2231-3990

devastating cycle of infection (for example, a mediator by Pseudomonas aeruginosa). Some are
the most common asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and acute respiratory distress
syndrome. CRDs are not curative; However, different types of treatments that help to spread
major airways and improve respiratory disorders, help people with disease to manage symptoms
and improve quality of life [2].

Respiratory tract Infections

Infections can affect all parts of the respiratory tract. Traditionally, they are divided into
upper respiratory tract infections and lower respiratory tract infections.

Upper respiratory tract infection

The most common upper respiratory tract infections are normal disorders. If upper
respiratory tract infections, yes, upper respiratory tract infections such as sinusitis, tonsillitis,
middle ear inflammation, infection of the specific organs of pharyngitis and larangitis.

Lower respiratory tract infection

The most common infections of the lower respiratory tract are pneumonia, a lung
infection that is usually caused by bacteria, especially in Streptococcus pneumoniae Western
countries. Tuberculosis is a major cause of pneumonia worldwide. Other pathogens such as
viruses and fungi can cause pneumonia, such as severe acute respiratory syndrome and
pneumonia. Complications such as pneumonia in the lungs due to infections can form a round
cavity in the lungs or spread to the pneumonia. Poor oral surgery can help reduce respiratory
disease. In new studies, gum disease indicates that bacteria travel in the airways and lungs [3].

The word "yoga" and the word "yoke" from the English word "yuj" were taken from the
meaning "union". Yoga is a psycho-spiritual discipline to achieve a union and harmony between
our mind, body and soul and the universal consciousness [4], the final union of our personal
consciousness. Yoga is the brain-body technique, in which breathing involves a series of
relaxation, meditation, and physical exercise that are performed synchronously. Holistically, it is
the best medium for doctors to achieve physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being. This can
be achieved through systematic and disciplined practice of the inconsistent (eight organized)

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Alochana Chakra Journal ISSN NO:2231-3990

yoga described by Rishi Patanjali. The first two parts of Ashtanga Yoga are yama and rules,
ethical codes and personal discipline for the development of our ethical, spiritual and social
aspects. The third and fourth links are the asanas and pranayam, which help improve our
physical development and physical activity. The fifth and sixth extremities are pull back and
push to control our senses and make our mind a point that is calm and alert. In the last two parts
of Meditation and Samadhi, the inner union of our personal consciousness with inner peace,
enthusiasm, high consciousness and universal consciousness leads to the feeling of God. The
result is the unveiling of a unique spiritual personality that is a blessing to all of humanity. Yoga
helps to develop our overall personality holistically and holistically.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), health is the state of complete
physical, mental and social wellbeing, not just the absence of illnesses. The modern medical
system has changed the traditional medical system. It has proven to be more effective in
protecting people with deadly hands from infectious and infectious diseases. However, the
rapidly growing cases of stress-related illnesses are becoming a major challenge for the modern
medical system. Here Yog Kadu and Deshpande (2013) [5]. Taking into account the above facts,
it is planned to investigate the effects of yoga practice on respiratory diseases.


Healthy participants were selected from Chennai in the age group of 28 years
R. Elagovan is a regular yoga practitioner, he has won many medals at the Yoga State level
meeting and he has completed his master degree in Yoga and Naturopathy. He was not suffering
from any major disease related with cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous system and any chronic
illness. Smokers, alcoholics, people suffering from chronic illness like hypertension, diabetes
mellitus, COPD were excluded from the present study. Participant was informed about the study
and written consent from them. The selected participants were called early in the morning after 2
hours of light breakfast, in the laboratory. After recording pulmonary function tests performed
and visual reaction time [6] was recorded before start of pranayama training. On the next day, the
trainer in the open area near Puzhal Lake and were trained to perform pranayam (breathing

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exercise) consists of anulom-vilom and kapalbhati under trained yoga teacher. After training,
subjects were instructed to perform pranayam (anulom-vilom and kapalbhati).

The following yoga exercises were performed according to the guidelines of Dr. Rita
Khannas Yoga Shaastra Studio performed [7].


Kapalabhati is a breathing technique that is used specifically for cleaning. If you have a
lot of mucus in the airways or feel tension and blockages in your chest, it is often helpful to
breathe quickly.

Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

The Mountain Yoga Pose promotes the experience of silence, strength, relaxed strength
and immobile stability associated with mountains. This yoga posture and the return to this
silence after other poses is one of the ways to get to know the silence.

Hands to Feet (Pada Hastasana)

The hands-to-feet pose or Pada Hastasana offer many of the same benefits as the forward
bend: the waist is shortened, the elasticity of the spine is restored and the ligaments of the legs,
especially the thighs, are stretched.

Warrior Pose

The warrior pose stretches and strengthens arms and legs, increases endurance, improve
balance and concentration and can also relieve back pain. If you suffer from diarrhoea, high
blood pressure or neck problems, you should be particularly careful when practicing this pose.

Stand Spread Leg Forward Fold

Practicing forward folding with your legs apart while standing can strengthen and stretch
your inner and rear legs, as well as your spine. People with back problems should avoid doing
the full forward bend. For beginners, you can use props like a folding chair to support your

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Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)

In Hindu art, the triangle is a powerful symbol of the divine principle and is often found
in the yantra and mandalas used for meditation. The Trikonasana or Triangle pose concludes the
yoga positions in our basic session.

Standing Side Stretch Pose

Standing Side Stretch is yoga pose with two lines of energy radiating outward from your
center. This is a simple yoga posture with a wonderful stretch where a line of energy comes
upwards from the belly and outwards through the arm and a line travels downwards through the

Tree Pose (Tadasana)

The tree strengthens your thighs, calves, ankles and back. It can also increase flexibility
for hips and sun. Balance and concentration can be improved through ongoing practice. This
yoga is recommended for people with sciatica and equal legs.

Lotus Yoga Pose (Padmasana)

The lotus yoga pose is usually performed in meditation. It is a classic sitting posture that
strengthens your ankles and knees, improves concentration and improves the flexibility of your

Single Leg Raises

This yoga pose is done to prepare the body for other exercises. It benefits the legs, lower
back muscles and the abdominal area. When practicing the single leg raise, one leg is raised
while the other remains on the floor.

Double Leg Raises

A double leg raise is similar to a single leg raise, except that this time you raise both legs.
With this yoga pose, make sure that your whole back rests on the floor and your shoulders and
neck are relaxed.

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Alochana Chakra Journal ISSN NO:2231-3990

Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

This yoga posture improves the flexibility of the spine and strengthens the muscles in the
arms and back. It also relieves menstrual disorders and constipation.

Child Pose

Child pose is a gentle way to stretch your shoulders, hips, thighs, ankles and back
muscles. It is a posture of relaxation which is made to normalize the circulation after having
carried out the pear tree and to be used as counter-pose after the elbows.

Leg Reclining Lunge (Single and Double)

The Leg Reclining Longe is part of a series of yoga exercises that target the leg muscles.
When used correctly, this yoga pose can strengthen and tighten all the muscles in your legs.
Learn how to do the single and double leg reclining lunge.

Seated Forward Bend (Paschimothanasana)

Relax your body and mind, stretch your hamstrings, shoulders and spine, relieve stress,
and improve your posture and focus by practicing the forward forward sitting. Learn how to do
this correctly and get maximum results.

Sage Twist Yoga Pose (Marichyasana)

The Sage Twist pose, also known as Marichi's yoga pose, has a positive effect on the
abdominal organs and the spine. Avoid this pose if you have chronic spinal or back injuries. Do
this only under the supervision of a yoga teacher.

Wind Relieving Pose (Pavanmuktasana)

The term Pavanmuktasana comes from the Sanskrit word "Pavana", which means air or
wind, and "Mukta", which means freedom or liberation. The wind relief pose mainly affects the
digestive system; in particular, it helps to remove excess / unwanted gases from the stomach.

Yoga Exercise - Final Corpse

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Alochana Chakra Journal ISSN NO:2231-3990

In order for you to appreciate the benefits of relaxation, you must first familiarize
yourself with the tension. This is what happens when you make the final corpse.

Relaxation Pose

The right relaxation consists of three parts: physical, mental and mental relaxation.
Relaxation Yoga Pose relaxes your body and mind and refreshes you after the asanas and
pranayamas. That is why it is an essential part of yoga practice.


AnulomaViloma is also known as an alternative nostril breathing technique. With this

breathing technique, you breathe in through one nostril, hold your breath and exhale through the
other nostril.

Yoga for Asthma and Bronchitis

Yoga for asthma and bronchitis is a system that includes physical and mental training and
benefits people of all ages. These are asanas (postures) and pranayama (art of breathing control),
which are used, among other things, to reduce stress-related illnesses, to treat circulatory and
respiratory diseases such as asthma and bronchitis and to improve general health.

Asthma and bronchitis are two chronic lung diseases that can damage the lungs. These
should be treated immediately to avoid complications

Asthma and Bronchitis

This is a very common respiratory disease in which the bronchi (bronchi) are severely
narrowed. These tubes lead from the trachea - the so-called trachea - into the lungs. They
transport the inhaled oxygen to all parts of the lungs and ensure that the carbon dioxide escapes
from the trachea when exhaling. This narrowing of the bronchi leads to difficulty breathing,
especially when exhaling.

The typical attack is characterized by sudden shortness of breath and wheezing,

sometimes accompanied by a cough. Bringing up mucus is not an integral part of the seizure, but

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Alochana Chakra Journal ISSN NO:2231-3990

if it does occur, the patient may also suffer from bronchitis. Asthma attacks are triggered by
infections such as colds and sinus infections, irritants or allergens such as vapors and dust, food
allergens, psychological changes, physical exertion and even medication. By identifying the
causes and treating the symptoms at an early stage, seizures can be prevented and made worse.


Bronchitis is a more critical lung disease than asthma - a chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD) - and the fourth leading cause of death in the United States. It is a serious lung
and bronchial infection that can become chronic. Inhalation of contaminated air and smoke is
primarily responsible for this disease.

This particular disorder has inflamed the bronchi caused by a bacterial or viral infection.
It can develop suddenly after a cold of the head (acute bronchitis) or persist for many years or
return regularly and cause progressive degeneration of the bronchi and lungs (chronic
bronchitis). The color of the growths (mucus) shows how chronic bronchitis is. On the one hand,
the first symptoms of acute bronchitis are colds of the head, nose, fever, colds, muscles and
possibly back pain. The most obvious trait that follows is persistent cough. On the other hand,
chronic bronchitis is characterized by expectorant cough (mucus), and other symptoms depend
on the amount or low emphysema.

Some people are more sensitive than others; Men are more than women, which reduces
the ratio by ten to one because they are not clear. Smokers have chronic bronchitis 50 times more
often than non-smokers. In general, it occurs most frequently in winter, in humid climates, in
cold and heavily polluted environments. Excessive cooling, overcrowding, fatigue and smoking
all contribute to this. Yoga exercises, including pose, breathing, and relaxation techniques, allow
you to control your mind and emotions, relax, and breathe more easily. This will also help your
lungs function better and increase airflow during asthma attacks.

Here are yoga exercises that will help you feel better and take control of asthma and
bronchitis, as well as suitable medications:

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Easy Pose (Sukhasana)

This is one of the classic meditative poses and is usually performed after the corpse is
laid. Easy Pose helps to renew your spine, slows your metabolism, promotes inner calm and
keeps your mind in place.

Shoulder Lifts
Many people have tension in the neck and shoulders, resulting in stiffness, poor posture
and tension headaches. The practice of yoga can relieve tension, increase flexibility and tone
muscles. This section covers the stages of barbell practice.

Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar)

Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar is a Yoga pose that relaxes the whole body in
preparation for Yoga Asanas. It is a graceful sequence of twelve yoga poses performed as a
continuous exercise.

Half Spinal Twist (ArdhaMatsyendrasana)

If done correctly, the half-twist of the spine lengthens and strengthens the spine. It is also
beneficial for the liver, kidneys and adrenal glands. Practice this yoga pose under the supervision
of a yoga teacher.

Wind Relieving Pose (Pavanmuktasana)

The term Pavanmuktasana comes from the Sanskrit word "pavana" which means air or
wind and "mukta" which means freedom or liberation. The Wind Relieving Pose acts mainly on
the digestive system, in particular to eliminate excess gas in the stomach.

Yoga Exercise - Corpse Pose (Savasana)

The Corpse Yoga pose is considered a classic yoga relaxation pose and is practiced
before or between Asana and a final relaxation. Although it looks deceptively simple, it is
actually difficult to perform.

AnulomaViloma is also called the alternative respiratory technique of the nostril. In this
breathing technique, inhale through one nostril, hold your breath and exhale from the other

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Alochana Chakra Journal ISSN NO:2231-3990

Relaxation Pose
Appropriate relaxation consists of three parts: physical, mental and spiritual relaxation.
Relaxation Yoga Pose relaxes your body and mind and nourishes you with asanas and
pranayama. Therefore, it is a necessary part of yoga practice. The general lifestyle in yoga is a
good treatment for respiratory illnesses. Eating a healthy diet can increase resistance to colds,
allergies and other environmental causes of asthma, bronchitis and other chronic respiratory
diseases. It also promotes a smoke-free lifestyle. According to yoga philosophy, a calm mind
creates regular breathing and a relaxed body. Breathing exercises can therefore certainly help
people with asthma and bronchitis.


Effect of yogic breathing on respiratory system

As shown in Figures 1A to 1Q, yoga breathing has been found to be an effective means
of improving pulmonary function, and there is limited evidence of the effects of yoga breathing
on the respiratory system, suggesting a positive trend to change respiratory physiology was
brought out in our study to create people's awareness of practicing yoga for a healthy life in the
modern world.

Yoga breathing is considered to be an effective medium for increasing lung functions

(see Figures 1 to 50), and there is limited evidence of the effects of yoga breathing on the
respiratory system, suggesting that there is a positive tendency to change the Respiratory body is
made up of light. In our study, creating awareness among people to practice yoga for healthy
living in the modern world.
Yoga has been used to treat respiratory diseases in Hindu cultures for centuries, but a
little attention has been received by doctors. Many studies have claimed to be helpful in treating
asthma [8]. In fact, however, we have not seen any studies in India in which the yoga effect
affects the ability to spread in asthma patients. The mechanism that can affect spreading capacity
can be Pranayama; with well-regulated breathing, the lungs expand more frequently during
normal breathing and are therefore recruited before the alley is closed, which leads to an increase
in the surface area and a fusion of the respiratory membrane and the air membrane. Due to the

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improved breathing pattern, the bronchioles of the airways can be widened and the perfusion of a
large number of alveoli can be carried out effectively [9].
The mechanisms by which changes in respiratory functions occur are: Yoga exercises
improve respiratory capacity by increasing chest wall expansion and expiratory lung volume
[10]. Yoga improves lung capacity, a significant increase in oxygen consumption by 15 to 25%
[11]. It is also known that yoga leads to somatic muscle relaxation, which ultimately leads to a
reduction in airway resistance. it also increases lung compliance.
Yoga asanas, which are controlled stretching positions, support the pranayama by
increasing the strength of the respiratory muscles, the diaphragm and the upper abdomen
muscles. Previously it was reported that yoga training improves lung function, respiratory muscle
strength and for 6 months Endurance in healthy volunteers [12]. However, different yoga
training led to different results with regard to cardiopulmonary function in young healthy Indians
[13, 14].

In the current study, it was concluded that yoga improves the person's health, according
to the study protocol. Emphasis on improving sensory and motor skills. In the future it will be
important to raise awareness of the benefits of breathing exercises in a larger context for the
entire population.

1.Sengupta, Nandini, Sahidullah, Md, Saha. andGoutam. (2016). "Lung sound classification
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Volume IX, Issue V, May/2020 Page No:2425

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Fig. 1: Yoga exercise for respiratory diseases A- Padmasana, B- Kapalapathi-1, C-

Kapalapathi- 2, D-Chandrapedha, E- Asvasanchalasana, F- Thadasana , G- parvatasana
H- Hirudhayasana, I - Arthamachyendrasana, J – Hastauttanasana, k- pavanamuktasana,
L- malasana, M- Pachimodasana, N- Konasana, O- thirikonasana P-Pujangasana, Q- Pada
hastasana, R- Sirasasana, S- Vrikshasana

Volume IX, Issue V, May/2020 Page No:2426

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