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Financial Inclusion/Accelerator

User Guide

Information in this document is subject to change

without notice.
No part of this document may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means, for any
purpose, without the express written permission
© 2022 Temenos Headquarters SA -
all rights reserved.

Document History ......................................................................................................................................................... 4

Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Parameter tables ........................................................................................................................................................... 6
Non-stop operation................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Teller Parameters .................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Teller Parameter.................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
TFS Parameter .................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Teller Transaction ............................................................................................................................................................................ 19
Other Information ................................................................................................................................................................................ 23
Accounts............................................................................................................................................................................................. 23
Transaction Codes ........................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Passbooks ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Internal Account ................................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Multi tills ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 33
Teller Denominations .......................................................................................................................................................................... 35
Currency ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 39
Currency Parameter............................................................................................................................................................................. 42
Commission ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 44
Charges ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 49
Cheques .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 63
The Teller Menu ...........................................................................................................................................................71
Transactions........................................................................................................................................................................................... 72
Deposits.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 72
Cash Deposit ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 72
Cheque Deposit................................................................................................................................................................................ 75
Withdrawals ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 77
Cash Withdrawal .............................................................................................................................................................................. 77
Issue LCY Bank Draft ....................................................................................................................................................................... 79
Issue FCY Bank Draft ....................................................................................................................................................................... 81
Customer Account Transfer .......................................................................................................................................................... 83
Other ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 84
Lodgement Payment....................................................................................................................................................................... 84
Multiline Operations ....................................................................................................................................................................... 86
Foreign Currency Exchange .......................................................................................................................................................... 88
Charge Collection ............................................................................................................................................................................ 89
Charge Collection in Cash ............................................................................................................................................................. 90
Multi Line Operations Reversal .................................................................................................................................................... 91
Payments ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 93
Deposit Operations .............................................................................................................................................................................. 94

2 Financial Inclusion Teller


Loan Operations ................................................................................................................................................................................. 101

Group Collections Sheet .............................................................................................................................................................. 125
Enquiries ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 126
Teller enquiries ............................................................................................................................................................................... 127
Currency Rates ............................................................................................................................................................................... 127
Cheque Collection ......................................................................................................................................................................... 127
View Customer Account Balance............................................................................................................................................... 129
Today’s Transactions..................................................................................................................................................................... 130
All transactions ............................................................................................................................................................................... 130
Deposited Cheques ....................................................................................................................................................................... 131
Issued Cheques .............................................................................................................................................................................. 132
Issued Bank Drafts ......................................................................................................................................................................... 132
Summary of Transactions ............................................................................................................................................................ 133
Funds Transfers Transactions ..................................................................................................................................................... 134
Past Transactions ........................................................................................................................................................................... 135
All Transactions .............................................................................................................................................................................. 135
Deposited Cheques ....................................................................................................................................................................... 135
Issued Cheques .............................................................................................................................................................................. 136
Banks Drafts Issued prior to today ............................................................................................................................................ 137
Summary of Transactions ............................................................................................................................................................ 138
Pending Standing Orders ................................................................................................................................................................. 139
The Head Teller Menu .............................................................................................................................................. 140
Till Admin ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 140
Set up the Vault .............................................................................................................................................................................. 141
Create Till ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 142
Reassign Till ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 143
Open Till: .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 144
Close Till: .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 146
Transfer Local/Foreign Currency ............................................................................................................................................... 147
View Till Summary ......................................................................................................................................................................... 148
View Teller Till Position by Currency......................................................................................................................................... 149
Till enquiries ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 150
Currency Rates ............................................................................................................................................................................... 150
Cash Position Teller ....................................................................................................................................................................... 151
Cash Position CCY.......................................................................................................................................................................... 152
Today Account Balances .............................................................................................................................................................. 153
Today Account Entries .................................................................................................................................................................. 153
Till Exceptions ................................................................................................................................................................................. 155
All transactions ............................................................................................................................................................................... 156

3 Financial Inclusion Teller


Transaction counters .................................................................................................................................................................... 157

Cheques ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 158
Stock Entry ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 158
List of Overages and Shortages.................................................................................................................................................. 159
Notes .......................................................................................................................................................................... 160

Document History

Author Version Date

Esther Muniu 1.0 30th Nov 2018

Lynn Petersen 1.1 20th June 2019

Isa Omba 1.2 18th August 2022


20th June 2019 Updated, added parameter and other configuration tables.

18th August 2022 Document updated with new corporate branding

4 Financial Inclusion Teller


To get the most out of this manual, it is essential that you are familiar with the standard procedures regarding navigating
your way around Financial Inclusion / Accelerator, herein referred to as FI/ACL. This includes the ability to access menus,
data entry and editing, mandatory and multi‐level fields, committing details, and so on. All of these are described in
detail in the Navigation manual.

The TELLER module processes a wide variety of retail transactions. Teller is an account-based application for moving
funds. It incorporates the administration of Tills, processing of local and foreign currency transactions, cheques,
currency transfers, denomination control, passbook updates, advice production, automatic charges defaulting, rate
defaulting etc.
This manual, which assumes that most details have been setup and defined correctly, will describe more of the day-to-
day functions of the Teller as represented by the sub menus accessed via the Teller and Head Teller menu. We also
describe the set-up procedures and parameters in this document.

5 Financial Inclusion Teller


Parameter tables
Non-stop operation
With the NS (Non-Stop) Product installed, it is possible to process teller transactions even when the Close of Business
batch jobs are in progress. In Non-Stop mode the system operates in the following manner:

Transaction dates
When the Close of Business is initiated, the system immediately cycles the system processing date. Any transactions
entered after Close of Business is initiated will therefore carry the date defaulted based on the cycled system date.
Transactions input before the start of Close of Business, but authorised after the launch of Close of Business, will be
processed with the same transaction dates (e.g., value and exposure dates) allocated at the time of input. However, in
this scenario, transactions will not impact your institution’s books for the Close of Business running but will be included
in the following day.

Customer account balances

Customer account balances are updated and checked in the same way, whether or not the system is running the Close
of Business. In a nonstop environment, it is recommended that the Available Funds Balances be used.

Authorisation of transaction
When a transaction is authorised, a new field AUTH.DATE, records the actual system date when the authorisation took

Unauthorised transactions in close of business

In a non-stop environment, the system no longer deletes, but places on hold (IHLD) unauthorised transactions.

Live records move to history

Since records may be input and/or authorised whilst the Close of Business is running, it is important that only those
transactions completed for the current Close of Business are moved into History. The system therefore only moves
transactions from the Live to History where the AUTH.DATE is less than or equal to the current system date of the Close
of Business process.
This means that under normal circumstances, the transaction file is empty at the start of each day.

6 Financial Inclusion Teller


Teller Parameters
Teller Parameter

The TELLER.PARAMETER file is a general parameter file for the TELLER application.
Here the category and transaction codes to be used for balancing tills, the category(s) to be used for cash, rounding
details for local currency and the vault ID are defined.

AIO RBHP>>System Parameters>>General>>Teller Parameters>>Teller Parameters

Field Name Description

Over Category Specifies the category code which any cash surpluses/overages will be posted to.
When a till is in excess of the system balance the cash account of the till is
adjusted by transferring the amount from the surplus account.
The surplus account is defined using the currency, category, and teller ID, for
example USD-10200-0004.
The category must be in the range 10,000 to 19,999.

Short Category Specifies the category code which any cash shortages will be posted to.

7 Financial Inclusion Teller


When a till is short of the system balance the cash account of the till is adjusted
by transferring the amount to the shortage account.
The shortage account is defined using the currency, category, and teller ID, for
example USD-10200-0004.
The category must be in the range 10,000 to 19,999.

Tran Code Short Specifies the transaction code used for posting to the shortage account and for
debiting the cash accounts when there is an overage. This must be a valid entry
on the TRANSACTION file with the DR/CR marker set to DR

Tran Code Over Specifies the transaction code used for posting to the overage account and for
crediting the cash accounts when there is a shortage. This must be a valid entry
on the TRANSACTION file with the DR/CR mark set to CR

Tran Category Specifies the teller cash accounts category codes.

The teller cash accounts ae defined using the currency, category code and the
teller ID. Only these accounts will require reconciliation with the till balances
when the tills are closed.
The category code cannot be the same as the shortage and surplus (over)

Vault ID Specified the ID of the vault as defined on the TELLER.ID file.

The vault differs from normal teller operations in that it cannot be opened or
closed, and the only transactions allowed are transfers to and from the teller cash
accounts. Multiple vaults are allowed.

Vault Desc A description of the vault defined in Vault ID.

Autocash Category Used to identify transactions which require an interface to the autocash
Any transactions posted to this category will invoke the autocash interface if a
dispenser has been installed (see TELLER.ID AUTOCASH.DEVICE).

Mkt Exch Method Defined the method for calculating local equivalents and thereby deriving the
market exchange profit.
‘None’ or leaving this field blank implies that no market exchange profit will be
calculated during TELLER transactions.
The option ‘Middle’ implies that local equivalents will be calculated using middle
rates for corresponding currency markets.

Rounding Category Specifies the P&L category code where rounding differences will be posted to.
Differences caused by rounding the TELLER NET.AMOUNT to the
MIN.ROUND.AMOUNT held on the CURRENCY file will be debited or credited to
this P&L category code which must be in the range 50,000 to 69,999 and a valid
entry on the CATEGORY file.

Round Txn Code Cr Specifies the transaction code to be used when crediting the rounding difference
to the P&L.

Round Txn Code Dr Specifies the transaction code to be used when debiting the rounding difference
to the P&L.

8 Financial Inclusion Teller


Mkt Exch Txn Cr Transaction code to be used for booking Credit marketing exchange profit.

Mkt Exch Txn Dr Transaction code to be used for booking Debit marketing exchange profit.

Modify Charge Code This field contains the ID of a FT.CHARGE.TYPE or FT.COMMISSION.TYPE which
should be used when the Teller needs to modify the standard charges that are
applicable when entering multi-line deals.

Version Defines a valid VERSION record. This field together with the FINISH ROUTINE
facilitates local customisation and validation.
When the VERSION entered in this field is used in a multi-line deal and the ‘finish’
option is completed, the subroutine specified in FINISH.ROUTINE is run.

Finish Routine This field together with the VERSION field facilitates local customisation and
validation. It must be a valid record in the PGM.FILE and a subroutine type.

Auto Next For multiline teller deals it is possible to set a default so that when the Teller
finishes one leg of a multiline deal, the system automatically starts a new leg or
prompts each time to create a new or finish. Options are ‘Yes’, ‘No’ or blank. ‘No’
and blank will prompt the teller each time.

Rate Specifies whether there should be an option to specify the rate for same currency
deals, options are:
• Not allowed
• Allowed with override
• Allowed but with a variance override
Split Charge Entries This field is used to split the charges and tax amounts as separate entries. From
the credit or debit transaction amount of the account to which the charges and
tax are attached.
If ‘YES’ is selected in this field the system will generate separate accounting
entries for the charges and taxes attached to the credit or debit transaction,
instead of netting them.
If ‘YES’ is not selected and the field is left blank, the charge/tax amount will be
adjusted with the respective debit or credit transaction and accounting entry will
be raised for the net amount only.
NOTE: This feature is not available for transactions done through the Multi-line

Multi Tills Options in this field are ‘Yes’ or blank.

If ‘Yes’ the Max Tills field is mandatory and multi-tills are permitted for all the

Max Tills When multi-tills has been set to ‘Yes’ then the number of tills has to be entered,
for example 2 means that the user can have a maximum of 2 till open at any
point in time.

D Slip Finish This field determines when the deal slip is to be printed in a multiline teller
transaction, options are ‘Yes’ or null. ‘Yes’ will result in dealslips being produced
at the end of the multiline transactions, while ‘null’ will generate a dealslip after
each line.

9 Financial Inclusion Teller


Till Bal Auth Err When the till account goes into credit balance at the time of authorisation of a
TELLER transaction, an error message will be raised based on the setting in this
field. If set to ‘Yes’, an error message ‘CREDIT TILL CLOSING BALANCE’ is raised.

Check Stock Amt When side 1 of a Teller transaction is multi-valued, and ‘Yes’ has been selected,
then this field indicates which denomination has to be checked against the total
denomination units in the account for which the STOCK.CONTROL.TYPE has
been set.
When this field is ‘null’, the total denomination units in the Teller transaction will
be checked against the total transaction amount.

Stock Upd ‘Yes’ selected in this field indicates if denomination units entered in the TELLER.ID
during till closure are to be treated as final stock and overwrite the
If the value is ‘null’ an override will be raised to the extent of shortages or
surpluses and the balancing entry will be generated, but the TT.STOCK.CONTROL
is not updated.

Reprint Mode Not currently supported.

TFS Parameter
The Teller Financial Services (TFS) application allows the user to enter multiple financial transactions on the same
screen and commit them all as one transaction.

The TFS application is the main transaction front end and captures user input data and creates a TELLER or FT or a DC
Batch in the back end.
TFS.PARAMETER is the main parameter file, where configuration of a number of features is done, namely:
• Interface parameters:
How to interface to TELLER or FT or DC allowing definitions of OFS Version to be used, the API that builds
the OFS body etc.
(Note: This is a technical parameter and unless there is any financial institution specific development on this
suite, the setup of these fields will need to adopt to standard configuration)
• Consolidation parameters:
If the user input transactions need to be consolidated to create one or fewer postings on the Customer
Account, and if so, necessary parameters for Consolidation
• Usability parameters:
To improve user friendliness depending on the preferences of the financial institution
• Currency conversion parameters:
Where the financial institution defines their preferences on how the rates should be arrived depending on
the type of transaction involved and, when market exchange profit should be calculated
• Security parameters:
To prevent fraud
• Transaction limit parameters:
To apply appropriate controls on users and their transaction limits.
Note: any change to the parameters requires a re-start of the Temenos Open Connectivity Framework

AIO RBHO>>System Parameters>>Teller Parameters>>TFS Parameter
NOTE: the default values have been defined, only change these where necessary.

10 Financial Inclusion Teller


Field Name Description

Exposure Method TFS supports cheques deposits in one of two methods:

1. Using the cheque collection process
2. Using the exposure ladder functionality – when the cheque collection is not
handled within IBS and the requirement is only to be able to apply a forward
date on the availability of the deposited amount
In the case of option 2 above, the exposure ladder can either be translated
into exposure ladder in TELLER or creating AC.LOCKED.EVENTS for each
exposure split dates in the ladder. This field allows the definition of how the
system should process the exposure ladder.

AML Details The transaction front end supports the capture of customer details:
1. For an existing customer (the customer number suffices)
2. For walk-in customers who do not have accounts on IBS, additional
details as defined by the local/regional regulatory requirements, for
example Legal ID, Legal Document Name, Issuing Authority, document
issue and expiry date can be recorded.
This field indicates whether the system should treat the data as information
purposes only or whether real validation is to be done.
If this field is set to VALIDATION, then the expiry date is validated and if the
document has expired, an override is generated.
It should be noted that this feature does not extend to automatically do black-list
checking or other real-time interface capability to an AML solution.

11 Financial Inclusion Teller


AML Lookup The same set of AML fields in CUSTOMER are used in TFS. There are a few lookup
tables used for attributes such as Legal Document, Issuing Authority and
Communication Type.
These EB.LOOKUP tables are already setup for use when capturing a CUSTOMER
This field indicates whether TFS should use the same lookup tables defined for
customer creation or if there are local lookup tables set up.

These fields form part of the Consolidation Parameters. If this field is set to ENABLE, then TFS will
combine all the user input transactions on a single TFS screen and create that as a single transaction
to the account specified in the PRIMARY.ACCOUNT field.

Consolidation TFS achieves this by using a temporary Washthrough Account (a placeholder) on

the input legs and eventually when the user indicates that the transactions have
all been entered, it creates one or more consolidated legs between the
Washthrough Account and the account specified in the PRIMARY.ACCOUNT field.
The consolidated Leg is really just another TFS leg corresponding to a TELLER

Consol Method This field is where we define if the combined transactions should be ‘NET’ –
consolidate all debits and credits or ‘GROSS’ – consolidate all debits and
consolidate all credits

Consol Level Addon The default consolidation level is the VALUE.DATE of the individual user input TFS
transactions. Should there be a need to combine transactions using additional
attributes, these can be set in this field.

Consol Washthru This field holds the CATEGORY code of the Washthrough Account used by TFS on
user input legs

Consol Sort Code When a cheque deposit with a float and a cash deposit are consolidated, a default
float (with same day availability) needs to be applied for the cash portion of the
consolidated amount.
This field holds the key to the BC.SORT.CODE and EXP.DATE.PRD should be left

Consol TFS Txn When multiple TFS transactions are combined to create a consolidated
transaction, the system needs a TFS.TRANSACTION type to effect that
consolidated transaction.
This field holds the key to the TFS.TRANSACTION that will be used in consolidated

Consol Amt Zero When the Consolidation Method is set to ‘Net’, it is possible that the resultant
amount is 0. This field is used to specify the Financial Institution’s preference on
what the system should do on such cases.
Default value: FORCE GROSS, the system will force the consolidation method to
be Gross, all debits and all credits together.
Other options are:
IGNORE.CONSOL.LEG, the system will ignore the consolidated leg that has the
amount as 0 - In other words, there will not be any entry on the customer account
at all.

12 Financial Inclusion Teller


UNDO.CONSOLIDATION, then the consolidation will be undone and each user

input leg will be recorded on the customer account. For example,
if there are 4 credit transactions and 2 debit transactions, and the net amount
is 0, then
if set to FORCE.GROSS there will be 2 entries on the customer’s account
if set to IGNORE.CONSOL.LEG, there will be no entries on the customer’s account
if set to UNDO.CONSOLIDATION, there will be 6 entries on the customer’s

Consol Chg TFS Txn If multiple transactions are combined to create one or more consolidated
transactions for the Primary Account, it may be necessary to calculate a charge
based on the combination of those transactions.
Using the information provided, the system builds a separate TFS transaction leg.
This field is used to define the TFS.TRANSACTION code that needs to be used for
this Charge Transaction.

Consol Chg API If multiple transactions are combined to create one or more consolidated
transactions for the Primary Account, it may be necessary to calculate a charge
based on the combination of those transactions.
In such cases, a local API can be written to meet the requirements and attach to
this field.
Whenever Consolidation of transactions takes place, TFS will invoke this API and
expect it to return the:
1. PL Category (optional if Charge Code is returned)
2. Charge code (Key to FT.CHARGE.TYPE, optional if PL Category is
3. Charge Account
4. Charge Currency
5. Charge Amount
This information is used to build a separate TFS transaction leg.

Consol Narr API TFS automatically populates the statement narrative for the consolidated
transaction based on the user input legs that were combined to create that
consolidated transaction.
If there is a need to build the narrative with a specific logic, a local API can be
written and attached to this field.
Whenever Consolidation is done, TFS will invoke this API and expect the narrative
to be populated for the consolidated transaction.

End of Consolidation parameter fields.

These fields form part of the Usability Parameters

Hotfields Depending on the preferred workflow and user preferences, the Financial
Institution may select to adopt one of two workflows:
1. Capture all information and finally submit the request. The system
will validate all information in one go, return any errors, overrides
and expand denomination fields as applicable and present the
screen to the user

13 Financial Inclusion Teller


2. Make certain fields as requiring validation on input – so any input

to these fields will immediately send a request for validation, for
example expansion of denomination fields.
Txn Lookup Typically, the lookups can be a Combobox or a drop-down enquiry. The
Combobox allows for easier input and facilitates better keyboard navigation
without the use of a mouse.
This field defines the preferences for the lookup for the TRANSACTION field in TFS.

Auto Expand Legs When launching TFS, the user will be required to expand the multi-value set to
record multiple transactions. To enable faster input, it is possible to auto-expand
the multi-value sets to a predefined number so that the user does not have to
waste time on the task.

Version This field and the and the associated INCLUDE.TXN allow filtering of the transaction
types that can be used in this version, which must be a valid VERSION and must
be for the TFS application.

Include Txn Transactions allowed in the TFS must be a valid record on TFS.TRANSACTION and
is mandatory when if the associated VERSION is defined.
In this example, the teller is able to process Deposits in local and foreign
currency, Cash withdrawals in local and foreign currency, Loan Repayments,
Account Transfers and Cheque Withdrawals all on the same (one) screen.

End of Usability Tables

14 Financial Inclusion Teller


Field Name Description

These fields form part of the Currency Conversion Parameters.

Txn Ccy to Dr Ccy The CURRENCY field in TFS is the Currency of the transaction itself and need not be
either the Debit or Credit Currency.
A hypothetical example would be a customer wanting to transfer USD100 from
their GBP account to their EUR account. This means that there is a 3 rd currency
The rate preferences and how the Debit Currency equivalent should be arrived
at from the Transaction Currency is defined in this field.

Txn Ccy to Cr Ccy The CURRENCY field in TFS is the Currency of the transaction itself and need not be
either the Debit or Credit Currency.
A hypothetical example would be a customer wanting to transfer USD100 from
their GBP account to their EUR account. This means that there is a 3 rd currency
The rate preferences and how the Credit Currency equivalent should be arrived
at from the Transaction Currency is defined in this field.

15 Financial Inclusion Teller


Buy Fcy Sell Lcy In a TFS transaction, if in a leg, the debit side is Foreign Currency and the credit
side is Local Currency, the system needs to arrive at a deal rate.
The rate preferences for such a transaction is defined here.
The value in this field will be overridden by the setup in the corresponding field
in TFS.TRANSACTION. If not defined in TFS.TRANSACTION, then the value is taken
from this parameter.

Buy Lcy Sell Fcy In a TFS transaction, if in a leg, the debit side is Local Currency and the Credit
Side is Foreign Currency, the system needs to arrive at a deal rate.
The rate preferences for such a transaction is defined here.
The value in this field will be overridden by the setup in the corresponding field
in TFS.TRANSACTION. If not defined in TFS.TRANSACTION, then the value is taken
from this parameter.

Buy Fcy Sell Fcy In a TFS transaction, if in a leg, the debit and credit sides are both Foreign
Currency, the system needs to arrive at a deal rate.
The rate preferences for such a transaction is defined here.
The value in this field will be overridden by the setup in the corresponding field
in TFS.TRANSACTION. If not defined in TFS.TRANSACTION, then the value is taken
from this parameter.

Mkt Exch Profit When processing cross currency transaction, the TELLER application calculates
the market exchange profit. This field sets the marker on whether the market
exchange profit should be calculated.
The value in this field will be overridden by the setup in the corresponding field
in TFS.TRANSACTION. If not defined in TFS.TRANSACTION, then the value is taken
from this parameter.
End of Currency Conversion Parameters.

These fields form part of the Interface Parameters.

OFS Source This field holds the OFS.SOURCE that should be used to talk to the underlying
applications; FT, TT or DC

Interface To Define the underlying modules that TFS can interface to (FT, TT and DC).

Interface API TFS builds the OFS Body for the underlying module during run-time. Should there
be a need to customise the OFS Body, for example add some LRFs that are
attached to TFS that need to be passed along to TELLER, it is possible to develop
a local API and attach it here in TFS.PARAMETER.
TFS will invoke this API and respect the body returned by this local routine and
pass it along to OFS. The local routine must be a valid entry on EB.API

OFS Version This field holds the VERSION that needs to be used when interfacing with the
underlying application defined in the associated INTERFACE.TO field.
The value in this field will be overridden by the setup in the corresponding field
in TFS.TRANSACTION. If not setup at TFS.TRANSACTION level, then the value from
this parameter will be used.

16 Financial Inclusion Teller


Txn Rev Dc Cr When trying to reverse a TFS leg which has the underlying TELLER or
FUNDS.TRANSFER record in History, TFS would undo the entries by creating
offsetting DATA.CAPTURE transactions.
It will attempt to use the same TRANSACTION codes as in the accounting entries
used by the original underlying TELLER or FUNDS.TRANSFER albeit with the
REVERSAL.MARK in DC set to Y. However, if these transaction codes are not enabled
for use in DATA.CAPTURE (the DATA.CAPTURE field in the TRANSACTION table must
be set to Y), then it needs a default alternate code that it can use for the Credit
Reversal Entry.

Txn Rev Dc Dr When trying to reverse a TFS leg which has the underlying TELLER or
FUNDS.TRANSFER record in History, TFS would undo the entries by creating
offsetting DATA.CAPTURE transactions.
It will attempt to use the same TRANSACTION codes as in the accounting entries
used by the original underlying TELLER or FUNDS.TRANSFER albeit with the
REVERSAL.MARK in DC set to Y. However, if these transaction codes are not enabled
for use in DATA.CAPTURE (the DATA.CAPTURE field in the TRANSACTION table must
be set to Y), then it needs a default alternate code that it can use for the Debit
Reversal Entry.

Dc Rev On Rev Define whether the REVERSAL.MARKER field in DATA.CAPTURE should be retained or
not when trying to Reverse a DC Transaction which by itself was input to Reverse
another Underlying Transaction.
Assume that a TFS transaction corresponds to a TELLER or FT transaction as the
underlying. And that underlying transaction is now in History. If there is a need to
reverse that transaction, TFS automatically creates Offsetting DC transactions
because TELLER does not allow reversal of a transaction in History and only
partially allows reversal of a transaction in History.
In these offsetting DC transactions, the REVERSAL.MARK would be set to R.
Now, if this DC transaction needs to be reversed (may be because the reversal
was done by mistake and needs to be undone), the system will create a ‘Reverse
on Reverse DC’ transaction to offset the original DC transaction.

End of DATA.CAPTURE related parameters.

The fields form part of the Transaction Limit parameters.

Transaction Limit Using this feature, a Financial Institution can put in proper controls on large value
transactions and mandate a supervisor approval for transactions that breach the
pre-specified limit.
In TFS, where there may be multiple legs, it is possible to validate the transaction
amount for each of the User input legs or for the 'Consolidated' legs.

Lcy Limit A limit specified here will be treated as in Local Currency. Typically, the fields
LIMIT.CCY and CCY.LIMIT will be used to specify the transaction limits by Currency.

For any currency not defined in these fields, TFS will automatically convert into
Local currency equivalent and validate against the limit specified in this field.

Limit Ccy For cases where the transaction limit needs to be specified for each Currency,
this field can be used to specify the Currency for which the Limit amount is
specified in the associated CCY.LIMIT field.

17 Financial Inclusion Teller


Ccy Limit For cases where a Transaction Limit needs to be specified for a given Currency,
this field can be used to specify the limit amount for the Currency defined in the
associated LIMIT.CCY
During Transaction processing, if TFS is not able to find the currency of the
transaction here, it will convert the transaction amount into Local currency and
validate against the global Local Currency limit specified in LCY.LIMIT

End of Transaction Limit parameters.

Field Name Description

These fields form part of the Miscellaneous Parameters.

Reset Fields If, in a TFS Transaction, while inputting one of the Legs, the user changes the
TRANSACTION type after inputting other details of that Leg, this field allows us to
define which of the associated field in that Leg should be cleared.
Examples of this would be instead of selecting Cash Deposit, the user might have
selected the Cash withdrawal code and entered currency and amount. If this field
does not include AMOUNT and CURRENCY but other fields of the Leg, changing
this to Cash Withdrawal will clear out all fields of that Leg except for AMOUNT

End of Miscellaneous parameters.

18 Financial Inclusion Teller


Teller Transaction

The system will already be set up with a number of TELLER.TRANSACTION records (cash/cheque deposit, foreign
currency buy/sell) but different types can be added using the TELLER.TRANSACTION file.
To add a new transaction type the system will require a definition of the defaults to apply when generating the entries
for the transaction. The defaults are TRANSACTION codes, CATEGORY & department codes, valid currencies, charges,
and so on.
Although the system processes many different types of transactions, the basic mechanism for balancing entries,
defaulting rates and charges is the same. Hence, all transactions are processed by the one application (TELLER) but the
screen prompts can be varied by tailored VERSION with specific defaults being controlled by a TELLER.TRANSACTION.
Each transaction prepares two balancing accounting entries (more when charges are present).
Invariably one side will be the 'customer' (side 1) and the balancing entry will be the teller cash account (side 2), that
is, a simple cash deposit will entail a credit to the CUSTOMER ACCOUNT and a debit to the teller cash ACCOUNT.
In the TELLER system the cash that is held at a teller's position is recorded in an internal ACCOUNT defined as:
For example USD-10000-0012
The cash CATEGORY is specified in the TELLER.PARAMETER file. It is the balance of these ACCOUNT records which will
be reconciled with the actual cash when the till is closed.
Cheques should be posted directly to collection accounts and not held by teller (defined in TELLER.TRANSACTION). This
allows for easy reconciliation of funds as each cheque is recorded as a separate entry to this ACCOUNT.
It is possible to specify an exposure date on the cheque deposit, which is used to decide when the funds credited will
be updated to the cleared balance on the ACCOUNT record. It is also possible to clear funds on a single teller transaction
on multiple dates. This information is entered in the exposure date ladder fields (EXP.SPLIT.DATE & EXP.SPLIT.AMT).
Although the splitting information can be entered manually, they may also be made to default using either the
TRANSACTION record or the BC.SORT.CODE record. Refer to Local Clearing & System Table for further information on
setting up exposure date splitting defaults.
It is also possible to default the value date on the credit side by specifying a sort code that points to a BC.SORT.CODE
record set up with a default value date period.

19 Financial Inclusion Teller


AIO RBHP>>System Parameters>>General>>Teller Parameters>>Teller Transaction

20 Financial Inclusion Teller


Field Name Description

Description Describe the transaction type

Short Description This description is used as enrichment of the Transaction type, minimum 3 and
maximum 15 characters

Transaction Code 1 Specifies the Transaction code used for posting entries to the side 1 account,
must be valid on the TRANSACTION file. It determines if the account is being
debited or credited, default value dates, etc., hence the DR/CR marker must be

Cat Dept Code 1 The default category to post the side 1 entry to

Valid Currencies 1 Determines which currencies are allowed to be specified for side 1
Options are L – local or F – foreign or A – local or foreign

Valid Accounts 1 Determines the type of accounts that can be entered in side 1
Options are I – Internal only or C – Customer only or P – P&L only or A - Any

Curr Mkt 1 Defines the currency market which holds the default rates, must be valid on the

Pos Type 1 Defines the type of foreign exchange position for this transaction, must be valid
on the FX.POS.TYPE file

Transaction Code 2 Specifies the Transaction code used for posting entries to the side 2 account,
must be valid on the TRANSACTION file. It determines if the account is being
debited or credited, default value dates, etc.

Valid Currencies 2 Determines which currencies are allowed to be specified for side 2.
Options are L – local or F – foreign or A – local or foreign

Valid Accounts 2 Determines the type of accounts that can be entered in side 2
Options are I – Internal only or C – Customer only or P – P&L only or A - Any

Curr Mkt 2 Defines the currency market which holds the default rates, must be valid on the

Pos Type 2 Defines the type of foreign exchange position for this transaction, must be valid
on the FX.POS.TYPE file

Deal Market Defines the currency market to be used when defaulting the currency rate for the
deal, defaults to the market defined for side 1 and must be valid on the

Charge Market Defines the currency market to be used when calculating the conversion rate for
charges, must be the same market as defined for side 2 and a valid entry on the

21 Financial Inclusion Teller


Split Chrg Entries This field is used to split the charges and tax amounts as separate entries. From
the credit or debit transaction amount of the account to which the charges and
tax are attached.
If ‘YES’ is selected in this field the system will generate separate accounting
entries for the charges and taxes attached to the credit or debit transaction,
instead of netting them.
If ‘YES’ is not selected and the field is left blank, the charge/tax amount will be
adjusted with the respective debit or credit transaction and accounting entry will
be raised for the net amount only.
This feature is not available for transactions done through the Multi-line Teller.

Print Advice Defines if the transaction should produce an advice by default. The advice itself
is defined in ADVICE.VERSION and is produced when the TELLER

Teller Transfer This specifies whether this transaction is a Teller Transfer, in which case both
accounts must be internal.

Cust Ac Transfer This specifies whether this transaction is a Customer Transfer, in which case both
accounts must be a customer account and the TELLER transaction will ask for an
override if the transaction is between different customers.

Verify Signature Specifies whether this transaction will display the customer’s signature on input
of the account number. If ‘YES’ is selected, the signature of the debit account is
displayed when the SIG.HOT.KEY is depressed. If the signature is not displayed
and VERIFY.SIGNATURE is ‘YES’ then an override is required. This is only applicable
when the SIGNATURE system is installed.
NOTE: this is only applicable to Desktop (old releases) and not Browser UI.

Charge Code This field defines the charge, commission or tax codes to apply to this transaction.
NOTE: charges should not be collected for child transactions of a TFS entry.
If charges, commissions and/or tax is to be applied to this teller transaction, then
the relevant codes should be entered here. The charge amounts, percentages,
etc. are defined in FT.CHARGE.TYPE, FT.COMMISSION.TYPE and TAX.
The code entered will be checked against each file consecutively.

NOTE: With the introduction of Multi Line Teller Transactions, it is

required that ACCOUNT.1 is always the CUSTOMER account.
Bear this in mind when creating VERSIONS.

22 Financial Inclusion Teller


Other Information
Other information pertaining to Teller configuration:

The cash account is treated as an internal account and the CATEGORY codes are specified in TELLER.PARAMETER (cash
account and over/short categories) and in TELLER.TRANSACTION for the cheque collection accounts.

Once the CATEGORY codes have been entered, the internal accounts need to be opened (in each currency of the
organisation). The system will open the accounts if they are not created by the time a financial entry is posted, always
ensuring that both debit and credit entries are passed, balancing the books.

Refer to the Accounts User Guide for information on the opening of accounts.

23 Financial Inclusion Teller


Transaction Codes
The Transaction Table contains information about all the Transaction Codes which may be used within Transact. For
each Application a range of Transaction codes has been assigned to facilitate their recognition and identification
within Transact. The Transaction codes contain and identify important processing conditions which will be defaulted
by the Applications if no other input has been entered at the transaction level. The main identifying details of the
Transaction Code can be summarised as follows:
Reference number identification
In many cases, the System will be required to capture a reference number either to print or for verification against the
database. This will be the case, when cheques are issued by customers on their account with the Bank.
It will be important to verify these cheques, when presented for payment, against the "stop payment" list and to
receive a stop payment warning as soon as the transaction is processed. By defining the appropriate details in this
table, this control will be completely automated.
Transaction Charges
For each Transaction Code it is also possible to define, if required, different types of charges applicable to the specific
Transaction. Many banks, for example, charge their customers for services such as standing orders, use of cash
dispensers, issuance of cheques, etc. This table will allow identification of these charges at the Transaction Type level.
Any of these charges can then be processed by the Interest and Charge System, possibly depending on the minimum
balance in the account.
Default Value and Exposure date
As a further facility, this table will allow the definition of the default Value Date and Exposure Date conditions for
each Transaction Code. This will prevent the operator from having to key the Value Date and Exposure Date
repeatedly on transactions where a default can be applied.
MIS Information
A unit cost can also be associated with each Transaction Code. This will allow Customer and Account profitability to
be produced considering not only the earnings detained from the customer but also the cost included in providing
the services to customers.
The other facilities available in this table are detailed within the Field descriptions.
The TRANSACTION.CHARGE table (ref: ACCOUNT) must be set up before any charge can be defined in a Transaction
For each Transaction Code, the corresponding Narrative to be printed on the statement of the Account must be
defined in the DELIVERY TRANSLATION table (DE.TRANSLATION). A clear and precise Narrative will eliminate the
need to send additional advices to support statement entries.
Combining Entries.
The way that Transact combines accounting entries is defined in this table. It is possible to define rules for various
categories, products, and transaction code.
For example, it is possible to specify a transaction code that will be used as the combined transaction code for all
Loans contracts using a specific transaction code.
All-in-One RBHP>>Finance>>General Parameters>>Transaction

24 Financial Inclusion Teller


25 Financial Inclusion Teller


Field Name Description

Narrative Describe the transaction code and is used for enrichment and on reports

Data Capture Defines is this Transaction code may be used in the DATA.CAPTURE application,
or may only be used in entries generated automatically by other transaction
processing applications. If left blank, it cannot be used by the DATA.CAPTURE

Cheque Ind Specifies whether the cheque number is mandatory for entries entered via the
DATA.CAPTURE application, using this transaction code.
The purpose of this field is two-fold:
• For forcing the user to enter a cheque number, the system can then
verify the PAYMENT.STOP file (ref: Data Capture) and ascertain that
no stop has been placed on the cheque
• Entering ‘Y’ will ensure that the cheque number is available for
printing on the customer account statement which will allow easy
Mandatory Ref No Specifies whether the inclusion of a Reference Number is to be mandatory for
Transactions input via DATA.CAPTURE when using this Transaction code.

Debit Credit Ind Indicates if the Transaction code is to be used for Debit or Credit entries. The use
of this indicator will mainly be used by core applications such as DATA.CAPTURE.
This information is used by the system to verify the sign of the Transaction. Once
the Transaction code has been authorised, the value of this field cannot be
changed. For other applications it will be disregarded because all the
bookkeeping entries are generated automatically by each Transaction
Processing Application.

Default Value Date Identifies for the DATA.CAPTURE Application, the Default Value Date which will
be assigned to all transactions where this Transaction code has been defined.
This Default Value Date can always be overridden by entering the Value Date
directly at transaction level.

Turnover Charge Indicates whether the Transactions using this Transaction code are to be included
in the calculation of the Debit/Credit Turnover or Number of Debits/Credits
This field, at the Transaction code level, will allow the user to eliminate any
Transaction Code from the Turnover Charge calculation

Swift Narrative Specifies the SWIFT description of the Transaction.

This is the SWIFT narrative that corresponds with the Transaction code and must
conform to the rules specified in the SWIFT User Handbook. Since these rules
may be changed from time to time, it is the user’s responsibility to ensure valid
codes are entered
Please see the Help Text for Rules to be followed

Initiation Specifies who is responsible for initiating the Transaction.

This field specifies whether this Transaction is initiated automatically by the
System, by the Bank of by the Customer. This information is then used to
determine which Transaction details fields should be updated on the ACCOUNT
file, ensuring that exact details are maintained for all Transactions on the

26 Financial Inclusion Teller


NOTE: The Indicative status on Customer Accounts will only be activated by the
Transaction codes which have been identified with the value of C (customer)

Short Desc Describes the Transaction code and may be used in reports.

Stmt Narr Description of the Transaction for printing on the Account Statement

Stmt Narr Ref Specifies whether or not a reference is to appear on the Account Statement as
part of the narrative, and if so, which of the three possible references in a
Statement Entry should be used: Our Reference, Their Reference or the System
generated Transaction Reference.

Updating Passbooks (Definition)
It is possible to issue passbooks instead of statements to accounts enabled for passbook printing (duly defined
ACCOUNT.CLASS as SAVINGS). For such accounts, passbook field should be set as YES in the respective account record.
The TELLER.PASSBOOK application is set up for designing the passbook and ATTRIBUTE field to link printer attribute. The
PASSBOOK.DEVICE field of the TELLER.ID application indicates which printer device is connected to this teller.

When an entry is passed across a passbook account from any application, the details are recorded and the system
updates the passbook when it is presented. The layout of the passbook must be defined in the TELLER.PASSBOOK file.
This describes the physical dimensions of the book in addition to 'header' type information, for example, customer
name and address, and positions of the debit/credit columns. In fact, the entire content of the passbook is user
definable through the TELLER.PASSBOOK application.

To set up the system for passbook printing, do the following:

1. Define the TELLER.PASSBOOK format.
2. Define the 'device' on the appropriate TELLER.ID record.
3. Ensure that the Terminal can support a local print function.
4. Sets up any printer attributes.

The SYSTEM record definition has the client details printed when a new book is issued (NEW), the balance carried
forward as the first line of each page (FIRST) and the entries themselves on each detail line (LINE). It also defines the
dimensions of the passbook and any printer attributes that should be downloaded when the device is initiated.

Assigning a Passbook device to a specific Teller using TELLER.ID

To inform the system that the Teller has access to a passbook device, the device name is entered on the TELLER.ID
record. The device name is used to form the key to the PRINTER.ATTRIBUTES file, which is made up from
PASSBOOK.DEVICE and the attributes, defined on the TELLER.PASSBOOK record in the ATTRIBUTE field.

Updating Passbooks (Processing)

Once the Teller transaction is committed, the application TT.PASSBOOK.PRINT is launched. The ID of the record is the
Account Number that needs to be printed for. This application displays the page and line of the passbook to be printed
and the outstanding entries to print. The Teller can modify the page, line no, and instruct that a new passbook be
printed by using the fields on this application. If the teller does not wish to print the passbook at this time then they can
simply set the PRINT.PASSBOOK field to NO and commit. Print logic is not invoked this time.

Once the Teller agrees with the PAGE.NO, LINE.NO and NEW.PASSBOOK fields, they should commit the record. Also, note if
deal slip printing is configured, then this can also be launched in a separate window.

Once this is committed, two things happen:

1. A new window containing the Passbook Print data appears.
2. The TT.PASSBOOK.PRINT application displays a confirmation message.

27 Financial Inclusion Teller


Passbook Print Window

In order print this, it is required to right click this window and select print; then the passbook printer needs to be
selected. The system requests confirmation that the passbook printed correctly. The Teller must now reply YES or NO.
If NO, then the user is taken back to the initial TT.PASSBOOK.PRINT screen.

Updating Passbooks (Reprinting)

When the passbook is not available at the time when the transaction is processed, this option is used to print passbook
entries at any time for an account using the application TELLER.PASSBOOK.REPRINT. Besides, the account number the
period for which the passbook to be printed should be specified in the fields START DATE and END DATE as shown below.

Note: Only when PASSBOOKs have been defined in the environment will the menu be available.
Teller Menu>>Passbook > Update Passbook else in the command line enter TELLER.PASSBOOK.REPRINT

Option Description

Account Enter the account number whose transactions are to be reprinted.

Start Date Enter the passbook reprint date range start

End Date Enter the passbook reprint date range end

Msg Display Enter any free format message (optional)

When the record is committed, the entry will be displayed on the dashboard as follows

28 Financial Inclusion Teller


Option Description

Click on this icon to view the Passbook Reprint details

Click on this icon to modify the Passbook Reprint details

Click on this icon to execute the Passbook Reprint as detailed below.

Passbook reprint procedure

1. Verify the record by clicking on the icon

2. Commit the record to confirm the print request

29 Financial Inclusion Teller


The transactions to be printed are displayed for verification.

3. Select Yes or No to confirm if the printing was successful. If user replies NO and commits, the initial
screen appears again. If the reply is YES, then transaction is now complete.

30 Financial Inclusion Teller


Internal Account
On the internal Account you will see fields which control the use of denominations and serial numbers. You can decide
to have no control, use denominations, or use serial numbers (including denominations). The serial check digit/mask
can be set independently for each currency where the serial number range of the issuer is not standard across
currencies. Remember that you can also have multiple issuers for one currency. This is controlled by the CATEGORY
AIO RBHP>>Finance>>Internal Account

Field Name Description

ID The ID of an internal account is compiled as follows:

Where CCY is the Currency Code, for example EUR
10000 is the Category code defined for CASH in the TELLER.PARAMETER
and XXXX is the Till number, in this example 0002.

Account Name The Account Title.

Short Name Specifies the abbreviated title of the Account. This field can be used for reporting
and enrichments in different languages.

Account Mnemonic Specifies an alternative method of referencing the Account. The Mnemonic code
rather than the Account ID may be used at any time to reference the Account
details. This could be the Ledger Page number, or the Legacy Account Number,
as long as the rules for defining the Mnemonic are followed.

31 Financial Inclusion Teller


Category Indicates the Category code for the Account. The Category code is used to classify
financial transactions according to the type of business operation or product

Currency Identifies the Currency of the Account.

All entries passed to the Account must be in this Currency. Once the Account
record has been authorised, the Currency cannot be amended.

Account Officer Identifies the main Account Officer responsible for the Account.

Opening Date The date when the account was opened.

32 Financial Inclusion Teller


Multi tills
The feature of Multi Tills (or Cash Box) enables a single user to have more than one TELLER.ID depending on the set up
enunciated in the application TELLER.PARAMETER. Further, Multi Tills contain a limited amount of cash transferred from
the vault. Whenever there is a shortage of cash, instead of drawing from the safe, cash is transferred from the MULTI
TILLS. In short, we can call the Multi Tills an intermediary between the vault and the till. The set up features of Multi
Tills in TELLER.PARAMETER are detailed below:

Option Description

Multi.Tills Permitted values are (1) Yes and (2) Null.

If Yes, the “Max. Tills” field is a mandatory input.

33 Financial Inclusion Teller


Multi Tills functionality – i.e. two or more tills for a user is made available only if
the flag is set to ‘YES’ in this field.
If NULL’, the usual teller validations will be carried out, i.e. one user can have only
one ‘TILL’ open at a time.

Max Tills Any numeric between 1 and 99 may be input.

When input, it represents the number of tills a user can keep open at any given
time when dealing with the Multi Tills facility.
The input in this field may be changed at any time.
Once changed, the new input will be effective and earlier validations will become
null and void. For example, if the value in this field is’3’ and then changed to’2’,
any intention to open more than 2 tills subsequently will be met with the error
message “Other tills must be closed.”

The TELLER.ID application is used to attach more than one till for the purposes of Multi Tills. Adequate logic has been
built to permit more than one teller ID per user only if the MULTI.TILLS is set to ’YES’ or raise an error in case this field is
set to ‘NULL’.

Concept of linked tills

Two fields are available in TELLER.ID application. These are:

Option Description

LINKED.TILLS This field accepts any valid TELLER.ID.

The ID that is entered here should belong to the same user or the system
will raise an error.
The concept of Linked Tills is introduced in Multi Tills to facilitate:
1. Linking two or more tills belonging to a particular user.
2. Automatic opening of the linked tills when the Master Till is

The closure of tills is done individually.

TILL.TRANSFER.ONLY This field accepts either ‘YES’ or ‘NULL’

If ‘YES’, the TELLER.ID can do only “till to till transfers”.
If a transaction other than “till to till transfers” is entered, the system will
raise an error.

34 Financial Inclusion Teller


Teller Denominations
These records identify the units, coins and notes that are available. When a transaction requiring the use of
denomination is entered these can be used to identify the stock levels of each currency at note/coin level.
The denominations are not defined and linked to the Teller application in the FI/ACL and therefore needs to be
configured on site. The processes are defined here:

Two parameter tables need to be defined, first the Denomination type:

Command Line>>DENOM.TYPE

The table requires a single input, in this case ‘cash’.

The second step is to define the denominations.

35 Financial Inclusion Teller



Field Name Description

ID Specifies the currency and the denomination identifier.

The first three characters denote the currency (a valid entry on the CURRENCY
table) and the remaining nine characters identify the denomination.

Description The multi-value/multi-language description of the denomination

Value Value of the denomination.

Denom Type The field specifies the denomination type under which this DENOMINATION falls.
Options are CASH, NONE or TC

NOTE: The ID is for clarity - it is the actual value of the unit that is important (it caters for 0 to 3 decimal unit
currencies), the above example does not mean there are 3 decimals in USD.

36 Financial Inclusion Teller


Define Currency Denominations on Teller Record

Should the institution wish for the teller cash transactions to be recorded by denomination, this can be supported by
setting the STOCK.CONTROL.TYPE on the cash account record to DENOM.
Once DENOM has been specified, it is mandatory on all transactions processed by the teller. It is not possible for a teller
that has DENOM defined to transfer cash to and from another teller/vault that does not have DENOM defined.
AIO RBHO>>Finance>>Internal Account

37 Financial Inclusion Teller


Field Name Description

Denomination Specifies the denomination to be used for paying out cash. The values are
defaulted on entry of the transaction amount. It contains all the denominations
defined for the credit side currency in the TELLER.DENOMINATION file.

Dr Denom As the DENOMINATION field but for the debit side.

Unit Specifies the number of units of the corresponding denomination to pay to the
customer. On input of a transaction amount, the units are defaulted to 0 for each
denomination defined for the credit currency.

Dr Unit As for UNIT but for the debit side.

On closing the till, the teller only needs to enter the numbers of notes and coin held in the different denominations.

38 Financial Inclusion Teller


This table contains all details of each individual CURRENCY, for example, name of the CURRENCY, number of decimal
places together with other information such as the Buy and Sell Rates
IBS caters for both Middle rate and Buy/Sell Rate environments therefore when installing the System the User must
specify, in the COMPANY record, which method is to be adopted. Regardless of which rates are entered, however, both
Middle and Buy/Sell Rates are used in calculations e.g.
Middle Rate is used for monitoring of rate variances.
Buy/Sell Rates are used (in conjunction with spreads) to calculate Treasury/Customer rates.
Automatically, when the Middle Rate and the Default Spread are entered, the Buy/Sell Rates are calculated and
when Buy/Sell Rates are input the Middle Rate and the Default spread will be calculated by the System.
A further rate - REVAL RATE - may be used to indicate the rate to be used for Asset and Liabilities revaluation. This field
is optional, and if present overrides the Middle Rate when calculating Asset and Liabilities.
The use of the ISO Currency Codes is recommended as a standard for the ID of this table although an additional numeric
code must be defined and may be used as an alternative ID for accessing the CURRENCY details. Up to 999 additional
elements may be defined according to local requirements.
AIO RBHP>>System Parameters>>General Parameters>>Currencies

Field Name Description

Ccy Name Identifies the name of the Currency and will be used for on-line enrichments in
any field where the Currency alpha or numeric code has been input.
The value is initially taken from the CURRENCY.PARAM file.

39 Financial Inclusion Teller


Days Delivery Indicates the number of working days, in advance of the Value Date, required for
pay/receive instructions.
This field defines the number of working days’ notice, in advance of the Value
Date, that a payment or a receive message must be sent by the DELIVERY
‘0’ represents same day, while 1 to 10 represent the actual number of working
days’ notice.
It is used by applications to determine the latest date on which a remittance
instruction must be dispatched (i.e. passed to DELIVERY).

Days Forward Defines the number of working days forward, from the Run date, to commence
detailed Nostro reporting.
The Nostro cash position summaries (by Currency) project the balances for 5
consecutive working days.

Interest Day Basis Defines for each Currency the default calculation basis for interest calculation
purposes. It is possible to set the interest basis at contract or record level, the
absence of a valid user input will mean that the value from the appropriate
CURRENCY record will be used.

Currency Market Identifies to which market the following rates apply in those countries where
more than one market exists to determine the exchange rates of foreign
All Transaction Processing Applications contain a data element Currency Market
and any input made in this field will be checked against this table to derive or
verify the appropriate exchange rate of the transaction. The exchange rates
applicable to the Market 1 will always be defaulted if no other input has been
For the local currency, input in this FIELD will also be allowed to permit the user
to use, if required, the fields Quotation Suspense and Negotiable Amount. These
are the only 2 fields of the association which will be allowed for the local
currency. A typical example is Belgium where foreign currencies are quoted on
the Convertible/Regular market and also on the Financial/Free market. Different
sets of exchange rates will exist according to these two markets and this explains
the reason and the purpose of this field.
It is possible to define up to nine different markets in the CURRENCY table and
consequently for each foreign currency up to nine different sets of exchange
rates. The system will always require at least one set of rates, i.e. to define the
exchange rates applicable to Market 1 which will be the default currency Market
used by all Transaction processing applications.
NOTE: the CURRENCY.MARKET field can also be used within the concept of notional
market, i.e. to define different sets of exchange rates according to the type of
product handled. For example one set of rates for Notes transactions, another for
Travellers Cheques, another for transfer transactions, etc.

Mid Reval Rate Specifies the Market Middle Rate for this Currency market. In a Middle Rate
installation this rate must be input whereas in a Buy/Sell environment this rate is
calculated automatically and therefore cannot be input.
When installing IBS, the user must decide which Currency environment is to be
adopted locally. The COMPANY record contains a field which specifies whether a
MIDDLE RATE or a BUY/SELL RATE system is to be used.

40 Financial Inclusion Teller


This market middle rate will be the default rate used by the revaluation routine
to revalue the bank books and the SPOT foreign exchange contracts. All other
revaluation types may use the REVAL.RATE for revaluation calculations except for
rebate revaluations which continue to use this field.

Default Spread Indicates the amount to be added to/ subtracted from MID.REVAL.RATE to obtain
the Market Buy/Sell Rates.

Buy Rate Indicates the Market Buy Rate. Used as the base for calculating (default) rates for
Customer Transactions (amounts less than the negotiable amount). In a Buy/Sell
installation, this Rate must be entered, whereas in a Middle Rate environment,
this Rate is calculated automatically and therefore cannot be entered.
When installing IBS, the user must decide which Currency environment is to be
adopted locally. The COMPANY record contains a field which specifies whether a
MIDDLE RATE or a BUY/SELL RATE system is to be used.

Sell Rate Indicates the Market Sell Rate. Used as a base for calculating (default) rates for
Customer Transactions (amounts less than the negotiable amount). In a Buy/Sell
installation this Rate must be entered whereas in a Middle Rate environment this
Rate is calculated automatically and therefore cannot be entered.
When installing IBS, the user must decide which Currency environment is to be
adopted locally. The COMPANY record contains a field which specifies whether a
MIDDLE RATE or a BUY/SELL RATE system is to be used.

Negotiable Amt The purpose of this field is to define a maximum amount for which the Rates
specified in this record can be used without reference to the dealers/treasury.
The exchange rate on transactions, below the specified value, need not be
entered. Based on the applicable Rates, Spreads and Condition tables, the System
will apply the appropriate rate, and calculate the local currency equivalent.
Transactions which exceed the amount specified, should be booked with the
dealers/treasury, and the rate obtained should be entered. Any rate input will be
treated as the Treasury rate, and for this reason only the Customer Medium
Spread will be added/subtracted to/from it to determine the Customer Buy/Sell
When transactions exceed the negotiable amount, the system still allows the
defaulting of the rates applicable to smaller transactions but in this case an
override will be required to force the transaction with the existing rates.

Min Round Type The type of rounding to be applied to non-cash transactions in this currency.

Cash Round Type The type of rounding to be applied to cash transactions in this currency.

Precious Metal Identifies whether this currency is a precious metal.

Cls Ccy This is a YES/NO field. It is used for cross check which currency is defined as the
CLS currency. - CONTINUOUS LINKED SETTLEMENT (CLS) which allows banks to
eliminate Foreign Exchange Settlement Risk.

There are more input fields in this application, only the most relevant are discussed here. Refer to the Transact User
Guide or Online Helptext for further information.

41 Financial Inclusion Teller


Currency Parameter

This table contains the common details for each individual CURRENCY. These details are the Numeric Currency Code,
Currency Name, Number of Decimal Places and the Interest Basis.
This table is used to ensure that the same numeric code and number of decimals are used each CURRENCY file. In a
multi company environment there can be more than one CURRENCY file.
The CURRENCY name and Interest basis maybe changed at an individual CURRENCY file level. The numeric CURRENCY
code can only be changed on the CURRENCY.PARAM file.

NOTE: Once a record has been authorised the number of decimal places cannot be changed

Field Name Description

Numeric Ccy Code Specifies the numeric code which corresponds to the alpha ID. This code must
be unique and provides an alternative means of referencing the Currency details
in Transact Applications.

Ccy Name Identifies the name of the Currency and will be used for on-line enrichments in
any field where the Currency alpha or numeric code has been input.

No of Decimals Defines the Number of Decimal places of the Currency.

Interest Day Basis Defines for each Currency the default calculation basis for interest calculation
purposes. It is possible to set the interest basis at contract or record level, the
absence of a valid user input will mean that the value from the appropriate
CURRENCY record will be used.

42 Financial Inclusion Teller


Precious Metal Identifies whether this currency is a precious metal.

Equivalent Ccys Specifies a currency that is equivalent to the currency defined in the

A relationship must be established to enable currencies to be used as interest or

charge currencies on any accounts set-up for the main currency.
This field will be used as a default on the CURRENCY table.

Country Code Identifies the country to which the currency defined in field CURRENCY.CODE
belongs to.

Base Ccy Rank Indicates whether a currency should always be the base currency for currency
conversions in the event that a base currency has not been supplied.
Each currency can optionally be assigned a unique base currency rank in the
same manner as currency rank. The values are stored in the
When two currencies are involved in a conversion and both have a base currency
rank defined, then the currency with the lowers rank will take preference.

Decimal Name To define the Description of the decimal places of a Currency.

43 Financial Inclusion Teller


This table defines the conditions relating to all types of commission used by financial transactions within the FI/ACL.
Commission can be defined as a flat amount or as one that varies according to the amount transferred. In this latter
case different percentages can be defined for different LEVELS or BANDS of transfer amounts. Minimum and
maximum commissions can be specified for each BAND or LEVEL together with overall minimum and/or maximum
commission charges. Commissions in local currency must be entered and special foreign currency commissions can
also be defined if required.
The currency codes specified in this table in association with the percentage or the amount of charges will always refer
to the currency of the transfer, i.e. the debit currency for the inward payments and the credit currency for all other types
of payment. As a minimum, the local currency must be specified and any currency which has not been defined will then
default to these conditions and create the equivalent amount based on the appropriate rate as held on the CURRENCY
It is also possible to enter future dated FT.COMMISSION.TYPE allowing changes to parameters to be input in advance
of the effective date being reached. To do this a new record must be input with an ID of an existing commission type
with a suffix of the date when the new record will become effective, separated by a '-'. On the effective date a start-of-
day routine will replace the existing record with the dated record. For example, a future PCOMM commission would
have a record ID of PCOMM-20190805. On 5th August 2019 the PCOMM-20190805 record would overwrite the old
PCOMM record, so that the new parameters are present on the new PCOMM record. The NEXT.DATE field holds all future
dated record keys for the commission type.
Your institution may pay various commissions on business acquired. Each type must be fully described with its
calculation basis and calculation type.

Calculation Basis
This specifies whether the commission amount is to be calculated on a percentage basis, or as a unit.
Unit (U) - You can only specify this when using LEVEL or BAND calculation types. The amount entered in the
UNIT.CHARGE field, will be applied for the corresponding amount in accordance with the BAND/LEVEL calculation type.
Percentage (P) - This is the percentage on the loan amount. You can only specify this when using LEVEL or BAND
calculation types. The amount entered in the UNIT.CHARGE field, will be applied for the corresponding amount in
accordance with the BAND/LEVEL calculation type.
Blank - If blank, then you must specify the amount and specify Flat calculation type

Calculation Type
This specifies whether separate calculations are to be made for each band of the base amount, whether only one is
calculated which is dependent on the level of the base amount, or whether a FLAT amount is to be applied.
Assume a deal of Principal 100,000 USD where commission is calculated based on the Principal. The commission type
record specifies an applicable rate of 2 per cent up to 10,000 and 1.5 percent over 10,000.
If Band (B) is specified for all sub value groups, 2 calculations will be performed, that is 2% on 10,000 and 1.5% on
If Level (L) is specified for all sub value groups, 1 calculation will be performed, that is 1.5% on 100,000.
If Flat (F) is specified, the basic Flat Amount will be applied.

44 Financial Inclusion Teller


AIO RBHP>>Product Parameters>>Fees>>Commission

Field Name Description

Description This field provides a Description of the Commission Type and is used for the
enrichment, in applications that uses this commission type.

Short Descr Describes the Commission Type in an abbreviated format which can be used for
reporting where space is limited.

Ccy Conv Dependent Determines whether the Commission Type is to be applied only when Foreign
Exchange conversion is required. (Currency Conversion Dependent indicator).

Category Account Defines the Profit & Loss Category or internal Accounts to which the Commission
should be credited

Txn Code Cr Defines the Transaction code to be used on the credit entry generated by
application for this Commission Type.

Txn Code Dr Defines the (optional) transaction code to be used on the debit entry generated
by the application for this Commission Type.

Tax Code Identifies the Tax record, or the TAX.TYPE.CONDITION record which specifies the
tax calculation and processing applicable to the Commission Type.

Calculation Basis Specifies whether the commission amount is to be calculated on a percentage

basis, as a unit, or as a rate per lot basis.

45 Financial Inclusion Teller


Field Name Description

Currency Commissions must be specified in default or local currency and if special

Commissions are to be applicable to different Currencies (e.g. different
percentages/minimums/maximums) then Commissions must also be specified
for each applicable Currency.

Flat Amt The User will enter an amount in this field when the Commission being defined
is expressed as a Flat Amount, the Calculation Type is 'FLAT' and the charge
amount does not vary according to the Transfer amount. If, however, it does vary
according to the transfer amount, this field will be left blank and the User would
then define various Percentages with their corresponding ranges if necessary

Calc Type This field specifies whether separate calculations are to be done for each band
of the base amount, whether only one is to be calculated which is dependent on
the level of the base amount, or whether a flat amount is to be applied.
Options are BAND, LEVEL or FLAT.

Percentage Specifies the rate used to calculate the Commission for an entry as a Percentage
of its value.

Unit Charge Defines the amount to be charged as a unit on the corresponding UPTO.AMT field
using the associated CALC.TYPE method.

Upto Amt Defines the Maximum Amount to be charged on transfers to which this
Commission range applies
The Maximum Amount should never be greater than the maximum calculated
amount within the range. When there are various ranges within the same
Currency, the amount must be equal or greater than the preceding Maximum
Amount. It must also be greater than the associated Minimum Amount

Min Amt When there are various Commission ranges within the same Currency, the
Minimum Amount must be equal or greater than the preceding Minimum
Amount. It must also be less than the associated Maximum Amount

Max Amt The Maximum Amount should never be greater than the maximum calculated
amount within the Commission range. When there are various ranges within the
same Currency, the amount must be equal or greater than the preceding
Maximum Amount. It must also be greater than the associated Minimum Amount

Round Type Rounding of rules can be defined in this field.

Options are: Higher/Lower/Natural

Round Unit Rounding unit can be defined. If no rounding type is selected then natural
rounding type will be applied in combination with the rounding unit.

46 Financial Inclusion Teller


Min Pct Defines the Overall Minimum Percentage rate to be charged on transfers
involving the Currency defined. This represents the minimum to be charged
irrespective of any special conditions which could exist for a Customer or group
of Customers except if these have been specified as a Flat amount.

Max Pct Defines the Overall Maximum Percentage rate to be charged on transfers
involving the Currency defined. This represents the maximum to be charged
irrespective of any special conditions which could exist for a Customer or group
of Customers, except if these have been specified as a Flat amount. Specifies the
rate used to calculate the Commission for an entry as a Percentage of its value.

Min Amt Defines the Overall Minimum Amount to be charged on transfers involving the
Currency defined. This represents the minimum to be charged irrespective of any
special conditions which could exist for a Customer or group of Customers except
if these have been specified as a Flat amount
This amount could represent the actual cost to the bank of providing the service,
which should never be waived.

Max Amt Defines the Overall Maximum Amount to be charged on transfers involving the
Currency defined. This amount represents the maximum to be charged
irrespective of any special conditions which could exist for a Customer or group
of Customers except if these have been specified as a Flat amount
This amount represents the maximum amount the Bank would ever conceivably
charge a customer for a transfer regardless of the size of the Transfer Amount.

Accr Min Amt Indicates when, if a charge is subject to accrual or amortisation, a minimum
amount below which the calculated charge is simply booked.

Field Name Description

Monthly Amortisation Specifies whether, depending on the type of contract involved, the charge should
be amortised.

47 Financial Inclusion Teller


YES indicates that the commission will be amortised (taken into P&L over the life
of the contract), NO indicates that the charge will be treated on a cash basis.
NOTE: This option is only relevant for certain contract types, e.g. Letters of Credit.

Amortisation Period This field specifies the period over which the charge should be amortised.

Charge Period Defines the number of months that comprise a charging period
A charge may be levied periodically, e.g. monthly, quarterly, etc. This field
determines the length of time for which the commission type record applies.

Minimum Period Defines the minimum number of months which comprise the smallest allowable
charging period, used in conjunction with the CHARGE.PERIOD defined.

Residency Defines the COUNTRY and/or the COUNTRY.GROUP(s) where, if the ordering
customer is resident, then the commission WILL be applied.
This field allows you to relate the commission to customers resident in specific
countries, or groups of countries. If the ordering customer is not resident in a
country defined here then this commission will not be applied.

Non Residency Defines the COUNTRY and/or the COUNTRY.GROUP(s) where, if the ordering
customer is NOT resident, then the commission WILL be applied.
This field allows you to relate the commission to customers not resident in
specific countries, or groups of countries. If the ordering customer is resident in
one of the countries defined here, then this commission WILL NOT be applied

Link A list of all commission codes 'linked' to the master commission.

Next Date This system updated field will hold all future dated entered records for this
COMMISSION type that are presently on file.

Accrual Frequency Indicates the frequency of an accrued or amortised charge.

Optional input D indicates daily accrual, M indicates monthly accrual.
If this field is input then the ACCRUE.AMORT field must also be input and vice versa.

Accrue Amort Define whether the calculated charge is to be accrued or amortised.

Optional input, A indicates accrual, M indicates amortisation.
If this field is input then the ACCRUAL.FQU field must also be input and vice versa.
When the field is defined, the AMORTISN.PERIOD is mandatory.

SWIFT Narr Swift Narrative only used for Letters of Credit (Trade Finance).

Default Ccy The definition of the currency which is to be used as the default for calculation
of the commissions.

Charge Routine A valid routine can be specified in this field to define the charging mechanism.
When a charge routine is present, any other charging mechanism defined in the
record is ignored.

Exclude from Eir Specifies whether this commission amount must be included in the EIR (Effective
Interest Rate) calculation.

48 Financial Inclusion Teller


This table defines the conditions relating to various types of standard flat charges used by financial transactions within
the FI/ACL. Each type of charge with related amount(s) must be set up.
Charges may be taken on the basis of “credit less charges” or “debit plus charges” or they may be waived. Charges in
local currency must be entered and foreign currency charges can optionally be specified. The currency of the account
bearing the charge determines the charge currency applied. Where no charges exist in the account currency the default
local currency charges will apply and the system will take the currency equivalent using the appropriate rates held on
the CURRENCY file.
In all cases the charge amount will be a FLAT amount, regardless of the monetary value of the transaction but they may
be varied according to the country and zone of the relevant customer and by currency.
It is also possible to enter future dated FT.CHARGE.TYPE allowing changes to parameters to be input in advance of the
effective date being reached. To do this a new record must be input with an ID of an existing charge type with a suffix
of the date when the new record will become effective, separated by a '-'. On the effective date a start-of-day routine
will replace the existing record with the dated record.
For example, a future TLX charge would have a record ID of TLX-20190805. On 5th August 2019 the TLX-20190805
record would overwrite the old TLX record, so that the new parameters are present on the new TLX record. The NEXT.DATE
field holds all future dated record keys for the charge type.

AIO RBHP>>Product Parameters>>Fees>>Charges

49 Financial Inclusion Teller


Field Name Description

Description This field provides a Description of the Charge Type and is used for the
enrichment, in applications that uses this charge.

Short Descr Describes the Charge Type in an abbreviated format which can be used for
reporting where space is limited.

Category Account Defines the Profit & Loss Category or internal Accounts to which the Charge
income should be credited.

Txn Code Cr Defines the Transaction code to be used on the credit entry generated by
application for this Charge Type.

Txn Code Dr Defines the (optional) transaction code to be used on the debit entry generated
by the application for this Charge Type.

Tax Code Identifies the Tax record, or the TAX.TYPE.CONDITION record which specifies the
tax calculation and processing applicable to the Charge Type.

Currency Defines the Currency of the Amount input in the associated FLAT.AMT field.
Charges must be specified in default or local currency and if special Charges are
to be applicable to different Currencies then Charges must also be specified for
each applicable Currency
The Currency refers to the Currency of the Account bearing the charge.
Both the Currency and the Flat Amount fields will be used when the Charge
defined does not vary according to the Region. If, however, a telex charge, which
varies from one country to another, is being defined, the Destination Group of
multivalue fields would be used.
If a charge is to be taken in a currency not defined, the default currency charge
definition is used, otherwise the local currency definition.
If a default currency is defined and the Zone is not entered, then the default
currency charge definition is mandatory, otherwise the local currency definition
is mandatory.

Flat Amt Defines the Amount to be charged for this Charge Type in the Currency defined
in the preceding field.
For Currencies where no Charge has been specified, the system will take the
equivalent (at the currency table middle rate) of the local currency amount
(which must be input) if any Flat Amount is to be levied.

Default Zone Defines the Zone to be used when the destination country of the
remittance/advice has not been defined in COUNTRY.
Any destination country which has not been specifically defined within this
record will automatically fall within this default Zone and its corresponding

Zone Assigns a unique number for the Zone being defined in order that the default
conditions can be identified.

Country Defines the destination Country(ies), of the associated payment, to which the
Zone charge will apply.

50 Financial Inclusion Teller


To minimize the input, the User should not include any Country code for the
default Zone and only define the exception countries in the other Zone(s).
The destination of the payment will always be determined from the residence of
Credit Account Customer.

Charge Ccy Defines the Currency of the Charge entered in the associated field.
Charges must be specified in default or local currency and if special Charges are
to be applied to different Currencies, then Charges must also be specified for
each applicable currency.
The Currency refers to the Currency of the Account bearing the Charge.

Charge Amt Defines the amount to be charged for this Charge Type in the Currency defined
in the associated Charge currency.

Mnthly Amortisation Specifies whether, depending on the type of contract involved, the charge should
be amortised.
YES indicates that the charge will be amortised (taken into P&L over the life of
the contract), NO indicates that the charge will be treated on a cash basis.
NOTE: This option is only relevant for certain contract types, e.g. Letters of Credit.
This field specifies the period over which the charge should be amortised.

Charge Period Defines the number of months that comprise a charging period
A charge may be levied periodically, e.g. monthly, quarterly, etc. This field
determines the length of time for which the charge type record applies.

Residency Defines the COUNTRY and/or the COUNTRY.GROUP(s) where, if the ordering
customer is resident, then the charge WILL be applied.
This field allows you to relate the charge to customers resident in specific
countries, or groups of countries. If the ordering customer is not resident in a
country defined here then this charge will not be applied.

Non Residency Defines the COUNTRY and/or the COUNTRY.GROUP(s) where, if the ordering
customer is NOT resident, then the charge WILL be applied.
This field allows you to relate the charge to customers not resident in specific
countries, or groups of countries. If the ordering customer is resident in one of
the countries defined here, then this charge WILL NOT be applied

Link A list of all charge codes 'linked' to the master charge.

Next Date This system updated field will hold all future dated entered records for this
Charge Type that are presently on file.

Exclude from Eir Specifies whether this commission amount must be included in the EIR (Effective
Interest Rate) calculation.

Swift Narr Swift Narrative only used for Letters of Credit (Trade Finance).

Default Ccy The definition of the currency which is to be used as the default for calculation
of the charges.

51 Financial Inclusion Teller


Charge Conditions
The LMM.CHARGE.CONDITIONS table contains the attributes for each type of fee or charge that can be applied.
These attributes are:-
(i) The name that is used to define a particular charge type,
(ii) The Profit and Loss Category code that will be credited with the amount of the charge.
(iii) The amortisation period over which the charge will be taken to Profit & Loss.
If the fee or charge is to be calculated automatically, the record should be linked to the FT.COMMISSION.TYPE or
FT.CHARGE.TYPE applications by specifying the key in the field CHARGE.CODE.KEY.

AIO RBHP>>Product Parameters>>Fees>>Charge Conditions
Charge Conditions apply to Contracts, LD, MM and is therefore not discussed further in this Teller user guide. Refer to
the relevant Transact User Guides.

52 Financial Inclusion Teller


General Charges
The Transaction Charge Table allows a charge, determined by the Transaction Code, to be specified for each entry that
passes over an Account during the capitalisation period.
The GENERAL.CHARGE record referred to in the relevant GROUP.DEBIT.INT record or ACCOUNT.DEBIT.INT record
specifies whether or not this charge is applicable to an Account.
The Charge Amount can be expressed either on a Unit basis, which represents the cost per entry, or as a Percentage of
the total value of the entries.
The amount per entry, Free Amount, Minimum Amount and Maximum Amount may be defined for specified Currencies.
Default Amounts, in local currency equivalent, are used for Accounts in Currencies for which no amounts are specified.
The associated GENERAL.CHARGE record specifies whether charges for entries with different Transaction Codes should
be combined or applied to the Account as separate entries. It may also specify that Transaction Charges should be
combined into one entry with other Account Maintenance Charges, which can include:
Account Maintenance Charges are applied on the same day, monthly, quarterly or six monthly, at the end for the
appropriate month, as specified in the COMPANY record.
The Transaction Charge record which is in effect on the date of the charges capitalisation is applicable for the whole of
the capitalisation period.
For ease of understanding, we describe the GENERAL.CHARGE first.

AIO RBHP>>Product Parameters>>Accounts>>Account Products>>General Charges

53 Financial Inclusion Teller


Field Name Description

Description This field provides a Description of the General Charge (possibly per Account
type) and is used for the enrichment, in applications that uses this charge.

Debit Int Addon Debit Interest Addon is a supplementary flat percentage charge which is applied
to the overdraft interest amount calculated by the system on Capitalisation date.
This charge is similar to HIGHEST.DEBIT. They cannot both be specified for the
same Account.

Government Margin Government Margin is a supplementary flat percentage charge on debit balances
calculated by the system on Debit Interest Capitalisation date and collected on
behalf of the Government.

Highest Debit Highest Debit is a flat percentage charge calculated on the Highest Debit balance
during each Capitalisation period.
This charge is similar to DEBIT.INTEREST.ADDON. They cannot both be specified

Interest Statement Some customers require a detailed Interest Statement each time interest is
applied. The Interest Statement charge is a fixed amount which may be applied
each time debit interest is applied.

Int Chrg Bal Type Used in conjunction with fields INT.CHARGE.DEF.BAL, INT.CHARGE.CCY and
INT.CHARGE.BALto specify a balance for waiving Debit Interest Addon, Highest
Debit and Interest Statement Charges. This field specifies whether a Minimum or
Average balance is required.
Depending on this field, the Minimum or Average balance for the Interest
Capitalisation period is calculated. If this is not less than the appropriate balance
specified in fields INT.CHARGE.DEF.BAL, INT.CHARGE.CCY and INT.CHARGE.BAL then any

Int Charge Def Bal Specifies the local currency equivalent of the balance for waiving Debit Interest
Addon, Highest Debit and Interest Statement charges for Accounts in Currencies
with no Balance specified in fields INT.CHARGE.CCY and INT.CHARGE.BAL.
Depending on the value in field INT.CHRG.BAL.TYPE, the Minimum or Average
balance for the Interest Capitalisation period is calculated. If there is an entry in
field INT.CHARGE.CCY for the Currency of the Account, the result is compared with
the balance in the corresponding INT.CHARGE.BAL. Otherwise, the result is
converted to local currency and compared with the Default Balance in this field.
If it is not less, any Debit Interest Addon, Highest Debit or Interest statement
charge is waived.

Int Charge Ccy Specifies the Currency of the Balance in the associated INT.CHARGE.BAL. For
Accounts in Currencies with no input in this field, the Default Balance in local
currency, INT.CHARGE.DEF.BAL is used.
INT.CHARGE.CCY and INT.CHARGE.BAL are used to define the required Balance for
waiving Debit Interest Addon, Highest Debit and Interest Statement charges on
Accounts in specific Currencies. For any Accounts in Currencies not specified in
this field, the Default (Local Currency Equivalent) Balance specified in

Int Charge Bal Specifies the required Balance for waiving Debit Interest Addon, Highest Debit
and Interest Statement charges for Accounts in the Currency specified in the
associated INT.CHARGE.CCY

54 Financial Inclusion Teller


INT.CHARGE.BAL and INT.CHARGE.CCY are used to define the required Balance for
waiving Debit Interest Addon, Highest Debit and Interest Statement charges in
specific Currencies. The Default Balance (in local currency) in INT.CHARGE.DEF.BAL
is used if there are no details in INT.CHARGE.BAL and INT.CHARGE.CCY for the Currency
of the Account
Depending on INT.CHRG.BAL.TYPE, the Minimum or Average balance for the Interest
Capitalisation period is calculated. If this is not less than the required Balance,
Debit Interest Addon, Highest Debit and Interest Statement charges are waived.

Charge Code Level Specifies whether charges (BAL.REQUIREMENT, NUMBER.OF.CREDIT, NUMBER.OF.DEBIT,

into one total before checking against balances, smallest charge etc. or whether
each charge should be checked and applied individually.
If 'IND' is specified, the details specified in each of the tables relating to the
charges listed above are used to calculate the charges, make adjustments for
Free, Minimum and Maximum amounts, calculate tax where applicable and
generate separate transactions for each charge.
If 'COM' is specified, the details defined in each of the tables are used to calculate
the amount of each charge, but the results are added together to generate one
transaction for the total charge, using details in CATEGORY, TR.CODE.CR, TR.CODE.DR
and COMBINED.TAX.CODE to determine Transaction Codes and Profit & Loss
Category and to Calculate Tax on the total charge if appropriate.
Offset amounts, minimum charge, etc. are applied to each transaction generated.

Charge of Fcy Acct Specifies whether the charges defined in BAL.REQUIREMENT, NUMBER.OF.CREDIT,
Accounts, or only to Accounts in local currency.

Calcul Step Period Specifies whether charges in BAL.REQUIREMENT, NUMBER.OF.CREDIT, NUMBER.OF.DEBIT,

calculated once to cover the full charge period, as specified in the COMPANY
record, or in monthly steps.
If 'MONTHLY' is specified, Free, Minimum and Maximum amounts apply to
charges calculated for each month, otherwise the Free, Minimum and Maximum
amounts are only applied to the total charges for the period.

Bal Requirement Identifies the record containing details for calculating a maintenance charge
depending on the balance in the Account.

Number of Credit Identifies the record containing details for calculating a charge per chargeable
credit entry.
If 'Y' is specified in COMB.DEBIT.CREDIT, the number of debit and credit entries are
combined and one charge is calculated using the details in the Number of Credit
record specified.
An entry is chargeable if the record on the TRANSACTION table corresponding to
the Transaction Code contains 'Y' in TURNOVER.CHARGE. Reversal entries are

Number of Debit Identifies the record containing details for calculating a charge per chargeable
debit entry.
If 'Y' is specified in COMB.DEBIT.CREDIT, the numbers of debit and credit entries are
combined and one charge is calculated using the details in the NUMBER.OF.CREDIT

55 Financial Inclusion Teller


An entry is chargeable if the record on the TRANSACTION table corresponding to

the Transaction Code contains 'Y' in the TURNOVER.CHARGE field. Reversal entries
are subtracted.

Turnover Credit Identifies the record containing details for calculating a charge depending on the
total value of chargeable credit entries.
The charge is calculated as a percentage of the total value of chargeable entries.
If 'Y' is specified in COMB.DEBIT.CREDIT the total value of chargeable debit and credit
entries is charged using the details in the TURNOVER.CREDIT record.
An entry is chargeable if the record on the TRANSACTION table corresponding to
the Transaction Code contains 'Y' in the TURNOVER CHARGE field. Reversal entries
are subtracted.

Turnover Debit Identifies the record containing details for calculating a charge depending on the
total value of chargeable debit entries
The charge is calculated as a percentage of the total value of chargeable entries.
If 'Y' is specified in COMB.DEBIT.CREDIT the total value of chargeable debit and credit
entries is charged using the details in the TURNOVER.CREDIT record.
An entry is chargeable if the record on the TRANSACTION table corresponding to
the Transaction Code contains 'Y' in TURNOVER CHARGE. Reversal entries are

Field Name Description

Comb Debit Credit Specifies whether charges for debit and credit entries specified in
calculated separately or combined.

56 Financial Inclusion Teller


If 'NO' is specified, debit and credit charges are calculated separately, otherwise
a combined charge is calculated using the credit charge details specified in

An entry is chargeable if the record on the TRANSACTION table corresponding to

the Transaction Code contains 'Y' in the TURNOVER.CHARGE field. Reversal entries
are subtracted.
If there is any input in NUMBER.OF.DEBIT or TURNOVER.DEBIT, 'NO' must be specified.

Statement Charge Specifies which ACCT.STATEMENT.CHARGE record is to be used to determine the

charges for the issuing of account statements.

Trans Code Charge The TRANSACTION table specifies the TRANSACTION.CHARGE record applicable
to each Transaction code. No charge is calculated unless the IMMEDIATE.CHARGE
field on the Transaction record is 'NO'.
If there is an entry in COMB.TRNS.CHRG.CDE, the charges are accumulated into one
charge amount and the Free, Minimum and Maximum amounts in the record
specified in COMB.TRNS.CHRG.CDE are used. Otherwise the charges for each
Transaction Code are processed separately using the Free, Minimum and
Maximum amounts in the individual Transaction Charge records.

Comb Trns Chrg Cde Identifies the record containing details for processing Transaction Code Charges
accumulated under one charge.
The TRANSACTION specifies the TRANSACTION.CHARGE record applicable to
each Transaction code.
If there is an entry in COMB.TRNS.CHRG.CDE, the charges are accumulated into one
charge amount and the Free, Minimum and Maximum amounts in the record
specified in COMB.TRNS.CHRG.CDE are used. Otherwise the charges for each
Transaction code are processed separately using Free, Minimum and Maximum
amounts in the individual Transaction Charge records.

Waive Chrg Neg Bal Specifies that all charges specified in BAL.REQUIREMENT, NUMBER.OF.CREDIT,
waived if the Account has a negative Balance at any time during the calculation
If this field contains Y, all charges specified in the fields listed above are waived
if the Balance is negative at any time during the calculation period (even if it is
only negative for one day).
If CALCUL.STEP.PERIOD specifies that charges are calculated in monthly steps (M),
the Balances are checked for each month separately and charges waived for any
month in which the Balance is ever negative.
If CALCUL.STEP.PERIOD specifies that charges are calculated in one step for the whole
period (P) as specified in the Company record, all charges are waived if the
Balance is negative at any time during the whole period.

Perct For Offset Specifies a rate for calculating notional credit interest for offsetting against

Offset Bal Type Specifies whether Average or Minimum balance should be used for calculating
notional credit interest for offsetting against charges or for determining the
required balance for waiving charge.
The Average or Minimum balance during the application period is used to
determine whether charges should be waived and whether notional credit

57 Financial Inclusion Teller


interest should be calculated to offset charges. If notional credit interest is

calculated, the Average or Minimum balance is used in the calculation

Default Min Av Bal Specifies the required Balance (in local currency equivalent) for waiving charges
for Accounts in Currencies with no input in OFFSET.CURRENCY, MIN.AV.BAL,
DAY.BASIS, BAL.NO.CREDIT and LOW.AMT.CHARGE. The required Balance may
be the Minimum or Average Balance during the application period, depending

Default Day Basis Supported are:

Key Days/Denominator
A 360/360
B 366/360
C 366/366
D 360/366
E 366/365
F 360/365
Specifies the Day Basis for calculating notional credit interest for offsetting
charges of Accounts in Currencies with no input in OFFSET.CURRENCY, MIN.AV.BAL,

Details for waiving charges and calculating offsets for Accounts in specific
Currencies may be specified in the multivalue group of associated

Default values (in local currency equivalent) defined in DEFAULT.MIN.AV.BAL,

in Currencies with no input in OFFSET.CURRENCY, MIN.AV.BAL, DAY.BASIS, BAL.NO.CREDIT
If PERCT.FOR.OFFSET is defined, the Average or Minimum Balance for the application
period is determined (depending on the OFFSET.BAL.TYPE) and the notional credit
interest is calculated using the PERCT.FOR.OFFSET as the rate and the Day Basis
defined in this field.

Def Bal No Offset Specifies the balance (in local currency equivalent) required before offset
interest is calculated for Accounts in Currencies with no details in OFFSET.CURRENCY,

Def Low Amt Charge Specifies the smallest amount (in local currency equivalent) which will be booked
less than this amount they will be waived.

Offset Currency Defines the Currency of Accounts for which the details in MIN.AV.BAL, DAY.BASIS,
BAL.NO.CREDIT and LOW.AMT.CHARGE are used for waiving charges and calculating

Min Av Bal Defines the required Balance for waiving charges for Accounts in the Currency
specified in the corresponding OFFSET.CURRENCY. The required Balance may be the
Minimum or Average Balance during the application period, depending on the

58 Financial Inclusion Teller


Field Name Description

Day Basis Supported are:

Key Days/Denominator
A 360/360
B 366/360
C 366/366
D 360/366
E 366/365
F 360/365
Specifies the Day Basis for calculating notional credit interest for offsetting
charges of Accounts in Currencies with no input in OFFSET.CURRENCY, MIN.AV.BAL,

Bal No Offset Specifies the balance required for calculating notional credit interest for
offsetting against charges, for Accounts in the Currency specified in the
corresponding OFFSET.CURRENCY.

Low Amt Charge Specifies the smallest amount of charges specified in BAL.REQUIREMENT,
STATEMENT.CHARGE, which will be booked, for Accounts in the Currency specified in
the corresponding OFFSET.CURRENCY. If calculated charges are less than this
amount they will be waived.

Field Name Description

Category Identifies the Category code to be assigned to Profit & Loss entries generated for
combined Charges.

Tr Code Cr Identifies the Transaction Code to be assigned to Profit & Loss entries generated
for combined Charges.

Tr Code Dr Identifies the Transaction Code to be assigned to Account entries generated for
combined Charges.

Combined Tax Code Indicates the Tax record containing details of Tax applicable to the combined

Highest Debit Chg Highest Debit is a flat percentage charge that is calculated based on the Highest
Debit balance on the account. The balance used depends on the way the
COMPANY record has specified the CALCULATION.METHOD. If this field has been set
up with monthly calculation, then the balance of each month is used for
calculating the charge and so on.

59 Financial Inclusion Teller


Transaction Charge
Refer to General Charges in the previous chapter.

The Transaction Charge Table allows a charge, determined by the Transaction Code, to be specified for each entry that
passes over an Account during the capitalisation period.


Field Name Description

Description Describes the Transaction Charge, and can be used for reporting.

Charge Period Identifies the period for calculation of Transaction charges.

T – Individual Transaction based calculations of charges, calculated when a
transaction is booked and used to update ACCR.ACCT.TRAN.CH. Free, minimum and
maximum amounts are not relevant to individual charge calculations. To activate
free, minimum and maximum amounts, the GENERAL.CHARGE record must have

Blank – Charges are calculated in charge capitalisation date using information

from the transaction data in ACCT.ACTVITY. Any free, minimum and maximum
values for the charge will be applied to the total transaction charge.

Category Identifies the Category code to be assigned to Profit & Loss entries generated for
Transaction Charges.

60 Financial Inclusion Teller


Tr Code Cr Identifies the Transaction Code to be assigned to Profit & Loss entries generated
for Transaction Charges.

Tr Code Dr Identifies the Transaction Code to be assigned to Account entries generated for
Transaction Charges.

Tax Code Specifies the Tax applicable to the Transaction Charge.

Percentage Specifies the percentage rate used to calculate the charge amount.

Default Charge Amt Specifies the amount, in local currency equivalent, to be charged per entry if no
Percentage is specified and there are no details regarding the Currency of the
Amounts for calculating Transaction Charges in specific Currencies can be
specified in the multivalue associated group of fields. The Default Amounts
specified are used if there are no details for the Currency of the Account.

Default Free Amt Specifies the Free Amount, in local currency equivalent, to be deducted from the
total charge calculated, subject to the Minimum and Maximum Charge values, if
there are no details for the Currency of the Account.

Default Min Amt Specifies the Minimum Amount, in local currency equivalent, to be charged to
the Account, if there are no details for the Currency of the Account.

Default Max Amt Specifies the Maximum Amount, in local currency equivalent, to be charged to
the Account, if there are no details for the Currency of the Account.

Commission Key If a valid FT.COMMISSION.TYPE record is attached then the transaction charge is
taken based on the conditions specified in the FT.COMMISSION.TYPE. Category,
debit-credit transaction codes defined in the TRANSACTION.CHARGE is taken for
processing. Default free amount in TRANSACTION.CHARGE is also used as a
parameter for calculating charges.

Currency Defines the Currency for which the Transaction Charge details in the associated
fields apply. For Accounts in Currencies with no input in this field, the Default
Amounts specified are used.

Charge Amount Specifies the amount to be charged per entry (if no Percentage is specified) for
Accounts in the Currency specified.

Free Amount Specifies the amount to be deducted from the total charge calculated, subject to
the minimum and maximum charge values, for Accounts in the specified
The Free Amount is subtracted from the calculated charge and further
The COMPANY record specifies when the charges are to be applied, however if
the GENERAL.CHARGE record specifies that charges should be calculated on a
monthly basis (Calcul Step Period = M), the Free Amount is subtracted from the
chare calculated for each month.
1. The result may be zero, but not negative, i.e. the Customer will not
receive a credit.
2. Even if the Free Amount is greater than the calculated charge, the
minimum amount is still applicable.

61 Financial Inclusion Teller


Minimum Amount Specifies the Minimum Amount to be charged to the Account, in the Currency
If after the Free Amount has been subtracted from the calculated charge the
result is less than the Minimum Amount, the Minimum Amount is used, otherwise
the Maximum Amount is checked.
The COMPANY record specifies when the charges are to be applied, however if
the GENERAL.CHARGE record specifies that charges should be calculated on a
monthly basis (Calcul Step Period = M), the charge for each month is compared
with the Minimum Amount and adjusted if necessary.

Maximum Amount Specifies the Maximum Amount to be charged to the Account, in the Currency
If after the Free Amount has been subtracted from the calculated charge the
result is greater than the Maximum Amount, the Maximum Amount is used.
The COMPANY record specifies when the charges are to be applied, however if
the GENERAL.CHARGE record specifies that charges should be calculated on a
monthly basis (Calcul Step Period = M), the charge for each month is compared
with the Maximum Amount and adjusted if necessary.

62 Financial Inclusion Teller


From this page the Head Teller is able to create stock entries, view the stock register, and drafts issued as well as
maintain the default printer.

Stock entry
AIO RBHP>>Head Teller>>Cheques>>Stock Entry

Field Name Description

In Out Date Enter the date on which the stock entry is transferred.
If values not inputted, defaults the Transact system date.

From Register Give Stock register id from which stock to be transferred.

To Register Give the STOCK.REGISTER ID to which the stocks are to be transferred.

STOCK.PARAMETER.ID and should be a valid record in


Series In this field the stock series can be specified.

In STOCK.REGISTER, stock series, stock account no and cheque type as entered
here will be used to form the stock series Id.

Account Give a valid record from ACCOUNT application.

63 Financial Inclusion Teller


When the stock is transferred to a customer account, then the account no is

specified here.

Cheque Type Give the cheque type of Stock which is transferred.

Start No Holds the starting number of the stock series.

The start no as entered here will be stored in STOCK.REGISTER with the stock
series id.

Quantity Specifies the total number of Stocks being transferred.

Notes Description about the Stock entry can be given here.

Stock Register
This enquiry displays the stock register of cheques/drafts held.
Head Teller Menu>>Cheque>>Stock Register
When the enquiry displays, it will appear like the screen shown below.

Drill down on the stock register enquiry

Drilldown on the record

64 Financial Inclusion Teller


This enquiry provides details of Bank Drafts that were issued to Customers.
Head Teller Menu>>Cheque>>Drafts
When the enquiry displays, it will appear like the screen shown below.

From this page the Head Teller is also able to:

Icon Description

View the transaction

Stop Payment

Delete the transaction

View transaction

You are able to view the transaction by clicking on the option to the right side of the data in the enquiry.

65 Financial Inclusion Teller


Stop Payment
This option allows all stop payment instructions to be recorded. These are input against the account to which they
relate. All stop instructions for one account are maintained on the same record. The DATA.CAPTURE, TELLER and
FUNDS.TRANSFER applications then use this record to validate against when processing a cheque.
Charges and taxes can be collected for the stop payments recorded. Charges can be a valid charge or commission code
from FT.CHARGE.TYPE or FT.COMMISSION.TYPE and can be defaulted from the PAYMENT.STOP.TYPE or can be defined
by the user for the particular stop payment. If a tax is associated with these charges then the tax is also booked. When
the WAIVE.CHARGE field is set to ‘NO’ or holds no value then the charges can be defaulted from the above

66 Financial Inclusion Teller


Field Name Description

Reason for stop payment Specifies the reason why a Payment Stop is requested.

Draft Number Identifies the first in a range or, if LAST CHEQUE NO (Field 4) is not entered, the
only Cheque Number which is being stopped.
This field is used to specify the number of the cheque to be stopped. It can also
be used in conjunction with LAST CHEQUE NUMBER (Field 4) to define a range
of cheques to be stopped. When a cheque number input in DATA.CAPTURE,
FUNDS.TRANSFER or TELLER matches a cheque number defined in this table, an
override will be given stating that there is a stop on either the cheque number or
amount. You have the option to confirm these overrides to continue processing..

Cheque Type Identifies the type of cheques which are to be stopped.

Examples are EC for Eurocheques, SC for Standard Cheques, CC for Customised
Cheques etc.

Stop date Specifies the date on which the Payment Stop is placed.
It is important to note that, whichever date is input in this field the stop payment
will always be 'effective' as soon as it has been input and authorised.
This field must be after DATE.OF.ISSUE and before ACTION.DATE.
This field does not accept forward dates.

Draft Amount Specifies the Amount From which the Payment Stop is effective.
This field is used, to specify the amount of the cheque(s) which are to be stopped.
If AMOUNT TO (Field 9) is also input, then all cheques with amounts between or
equal to the two values will be warned on-line as suspect stopped cheques and
will request an override message.

Beneficiary Imputable field . Normally refers to the payee.

Remark Allows remarks concerning the Payment Stop record to be recorded.

Charge Code Any valid FT.CHARGE.TYPE or FT.COMMISSION.TYPE codes with flat amounts can
be input . If populated then charges as per this charge code/codes will be
calculated and the charge code/codes attached to the PAYMENT.STOP.TYPE will
be ignored, provided WAIVE.CHARGE field is set to 'NO'.

Charge Account The charges are booked into the account no. specified here . If no account no. is
given then the customer account gets defaulted . The charge account need not
be in the same currency as the customer account .

Charge Currency This is a no input field . It gets defaulted to the currency of the CHARGE

Charge Amount The charge amount, as per either the charge code attached to the
PAYM.STOP.TYPE (field no 2.1) or as given in CHARGE .CODE (field no 17.1)
multiplied by NO.OF.LEAVES (field no 5.1) is defaulted here. Facility to define any
amount other than the defaulted charge amount is also available.

67 Financial Inclusion Teller


Tax Type This is a no input field. Tax type, if any, attached to CHARGE. CODE will be

Tax Amount This is a no input field . The tax amount associated with the tax code will get
defaulted .

Tax Currency This is a no input field . This is the currency in which the tax is booked .

Tax Date This is a no input field . This is the date on which the tax on the charges gets
booked to an internal account.

Cancel a Bank Draft

Option to cancel a bank draft

Field Name Description

Debit Account Identifies the Account being debited in respect of the transfer transaction.
For Inward Payment Orders, this account will usually contain Our Correspondent
Account detail (Nostro account for Foreign Currency and Vostro Account for
Local Currency). For Outward Payment Orders, this account field will usually
contain the Account in our books which is specified by the Customer requesting
the payment.
To differentiate between an Account Number and a Category code, the Funds
Transfer Application will require the letters PL to be appended to the front of any
Category code. Any other input without these letters will be considered to be an
Account Number.

Draft Currency Defines the Currency of the Account being credited.

For Outward Payment Orders, this field will usually represent the Currency of the
Nostro account to be credited. For Inward Payment Orders, this field will usually
represent the Currency of the Customer account to be credited.

68 Financial Inclusion Teller


Draft Number This field holds the draft number.

Drawn on Account Identifies the Account being credited in respect of the transfer transaction.
For inward transfers, this Account will usually correspond to the Account of the
Customer beneficiary of the payment. For foreign Currency outward transfers this
Account will usually correspond to the Nostro account of the Currency defined in
the field Credit Currency.
The Nostro account will be automatically defaulted from the Nostro table if no
other input has been entered in this field. For local Currency outward transfers,
the Account will default to the Vostro account of the Receiver bank if this has
been defined in the Agency record.

Payee Name This field holds the PAYEE.NAME of draft.

Stock Register This is the stock register from where the series id will be assigned to the
cheque/draft transaction. It must be a valid record id in the STOCK.REGISTER

Series ID This is the series id the cheque/draft transaction. It must be an available id in the
stock register specified in STOCK.REGISTER


Commission Code Identifies how the Commission is to be applied, i.e. which party is to pay for the

Commission Type Identifies the Commission Types which are applicable to the transaction being
processed. If no input is made in these fields, the Application will default the
Commission Types.

Amount Debited Identifies the Currency and final amount debited to the Debit Account number
on this transaction.
The Amount Debited will be determined as:
1. When the Credit Amount field has been input, the Amount Debited will be the
Credit Amount converted, if necessary, into the debit Currency. If a charges
account number was specified on the Funds Transfer transaction the Amount
Debited will exclude any commission, charges and tax. If the charges account
number is Null and the Commission or Charge codes specify Debit plus charges,
the total of all commission, charges and tax will be added to the converted Credit
Amount to determine the Amount Debited. In all other cases, the credit amount,
converted if necessary into the debit Currency, will be the Amount Debited.
2. When the field Debit Amount has been input, the Amount Debited will be the
same amount in the debit Currency unless the charges account number was null
and the commission or charge codes specify Debit plus charges. In this case, the
total of all commission, charges and tax will be added to the Debit Amount to
determine the Amount debited.

Amount Credit Identifies the Currency and final Amount Credited to the Credit Account number
on this transaction.
The Amount Credited will be determined as:
1. When the Credit Amount field has been input, the Amount Credited will be the
same amount in the credit Currency unless the charges account number was Null
and the Commission or Charge codes specify Credit Less Charges. In this case

69 Financial Inclusion Teller


the total of all commission, charges and taxes will be deducted from the Credit
Amount to determine the Amount credited.
2. When the Debit Amount field has been input, the Amount Credited will be the
Debit Amount converted, if necessary, into the credit Currency. If the Charges
Account number was Null and the Commission or Charges codes specify Credit
Less Charges, the total of all the commission, charges and taxes will be deducted
from the converted Debit Amount to determine the Amount Credited.

Change Default Printer

This application is used to change the default printer for the teller. It is typical that Tellers change workstations from
time to time and to ensure that the deal slips, reports and cheques are printed to the printer/s assigned to the
workstation, it is necessary to change the settings on the system accordingly.
Note: The user is to log out and log in to the system in order for the change to take effect.
Head Teller>> Cheques>> Change Default Printer

Option Description

User Name The current operator’s user ID is defaulted here.

Cheque Printer Enter the Cheque Printer ID or select from the lookup list.

Report Printer Enter the Report Printer ID or select from the lookup list.

Deal Slip Printer Enter the Deal Slip Printer ID or select from the lookup list.

Note: Each of the print jobs may be sent to a different or the same printer.

70 Financial Inclusion Teller


The Teller Menu

The Teller menu provides access to the most common functions required by teller on a day-to-day basis. The main
menu is divided into two: Head Teller and Teller. The menu is further divided into the various operational submenus
such as Cash/Cheque Transactions, Deposits transactions, Loans transaction, that may be carried out by tellers on a
day-to-day basis. Cheque management functions and passbook updating functions are also available.
Most teller operations can also be performed from the SCV.

We will now describe each function as preconfigured in the FI/ACL Teller Menu, starting with the Transactions landing
page. The Deposits Operations and Loan Operations are described in detail in the Deposits and Lending user guides
respectively, and are therefore out of the scope of this manual.

71 Financial Inclusion Teller



Cash Deposit
This function enables a teller to accept and record a deposit made in any currency against an account held in the
Teller Menu>>Transactions>>Cash Deposit
▪ Select the menu option.
▪ Enter all the required details as described below.
▪ When everything has been completed click on the Commit button.
▪ The system will produce a Cash Deposit Advice.
Note: The transaction does NOT require authorisation.

72 Financial Inclusion Teller


On entering a deposit account number, the system automatically displays a summarized overview of the account by
displaying details such as account product, account opening date, current and available balances. Any restrictions on
the account, for example, post no credits, post no debits and post no entries, are also displayed here for your
information. Kindly refer to the ACCOUNTS manual for more information on this. The values of the customer’s total
assets, total liabilities and arrears are also displayed.

Option Description

Value Date The current system date is displayed by the system. This is the date when the
entry is to be given value for interest purposes.

Currency Select the Currency in which the customer wishes to make a deposit. Both local
currency and foreign currency are acceptable.

Account Enter the Customer Account number. This can be an account in any currency.

Amount 1 Enter the Amount of the Deposit.

Amount 2 The actual amount posted to the customer’s account is displayed here. Where
foreign exchange is involved, for example, a local currency deposit is made into
a foreign currency account; the system automatically converts the amount using
the rate displayed in the Exchange Rate field described below, and displays the
FCY equivalent on this field. Alternatively, where an FCY deposit is made into a
Local Currency Account, the LCY equivalent is displayed.

Exchange Rate The system displays the exchange rate as defined in System
Parameters>>General Parameters>>Currencies. You may overwrite the exchange
rate by entering the applicable value in this field.

Narrative Enter a narrative regarding the deposit if required.

Waive Charges Y/N This determines whether the charges normally associated with this transaction
type should be waived. Select either YES or NO from the drop down list.

Charge Code This field contains a multi-value list of the charge and/or commission codes to
be applied to this transaction. The Charge Code is defaulted from the
Charges If you entered NO to the prompt above, indicating that charges should NOT be
waived, the system will populate this field with the amount to be charged on this
transaction here. You may override the value in this field.

Net Amount The system displays the net value of the transaction in this field (Amount
deposited expressed in Local Currency less any charges).

73 Financial Inclusion Teller


This tab provides further information; the transaction code, debit/credit marker, teller IDs involved in the transaction
and the contra account, in this example, the Cash Account of this till (USD10000-0004).
The tab is available on all Teller Transaction input screens, containing similar information and not repeated through
the rest of this user guide.

The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the inputter, who the authorizer, and so on, which are not
available for entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.

74 Financial Inclusion Teller


Cheque Deposit
This function enables a teller to record a cheque that is to be deposited to a selected account and made available
immediately or after a clearance period, in this example 6 days.
Teller Menu>>Transactions>>Cheque Deposit

On entering the Deposit Account number, the system automatically displays a summarized overview of the account by
displaying details such as account product, account opening date, current and available balances. Any restrictions on
the account, for example post no credits, post no debits and post no entries, are also displayed here for your
information. Kindly refer to the ACCOUNTS manual for more information. The values of the customer’s total assets,
total liabilities and arrears are also displayed.

Option Description

Cheque Transaction Select the type of cheque deposit. Options are: Cheque deposit 0 days
(immediately available) and Cheque deposit with clearance, as per the local
clearing arrangements.

Value Date The current system date is displayed by the system. This is the date when the
entry is to be given value for interest calculation purposes.

Exposure Date The system sets the exposure date equal to the value date plus the number of
working or calendar days from the processing date. You may override this date
with the date on which the cheque is expected to be cleared. (Alternatively

75 Financial Inclusion Teller


known as the ‘clearance period’.) The exposure date is the date on which the
customer should be able to draw against the value of the cheque.

Currency The Currency of the Customer Account is displayed.

Account Enter the Customer Account number. This can be an account in any currency.

Amount Enter the Amount of the Deposit.

Narrative Enter a narrative regarding the cheque deposit if required.

Waive Charges Y/N This determines whether the charges normally associated with this transaction
type should be waived. Select either YES or NO from the drop down list.

Charge Code This field contains a multi-value list of the charge and/or commission codes to
be applied to this transaction. The Charge Code is defaulted from the
Charges If you entered NO to the prompt above, indicating that charges should NOT be
waived, the system will populate this field with the amount to be charged on
this transaction here. You may override the value in this field.

Drawer Cheque No. Enter the Cheque number.

Drawer Account No Enter the Drawer’s Account as printed on the cheque.

Drawer Branch Code Enter the Branch Code as printed on the Cheque.

Drawer Name Enter the Account Holder’s name as printed on the cheque.

The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the inputter, who the authoriser, and so on, which are not
available for entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.

76 Financial Inclusion Teller



Cash Withdrawal
This function enables a teller to record a withdrawal made against an account held in the institution.
Teller Menu>>Transactions>>Cash Withdrawal

On entering a withdrawal account number, the system automatically displays a summarized overview of the account
by displaying details such as account product, account opening date, current and available balances. Any restrictions
on the account, for example post no credits, post no debits and post no entries, are also displayed here for your
information. Kindly refer to the ACCOUNTS manual for more information. The values of the customer’s total assets,
total liabilities and arrears are also displayed.
The system automatically displays signing instructions that exist on this account. Additionally, the Customer Number
and identification details of the signatory are displayed for your verification.

Option Description

Value Date The current system date is displayed by the system. This is the date when the entry
is to be given value for interest calculation purposes.

Cash Currency Select the Currency in which the Customer wishes to make a withdrawal. Both local
currency and foreign currency are acceptable.

Account Enter the Account to be debited with the amount withdrawn. You may select this
from the drop down list.

Amount in LCY Enter the Amount of the Withdrawal.

77 Financial Inclusion Teller


Narrative Enter a narrative regarding the withdrawal if required. The information captured
here will be recorded on the account statement prepared for the customer,

Waive Charges Y/N This determines whether the charges normally associated with this transaction type
should be waived. Select either YES or NO from the drop down list.

Charge Code This field contains a multi-value list of the charge and/or commission codes to be
applied to this transaction. The Charge Code is defaulted from the
Charges If you entered NO to the prompt above, indicating that charges should NOT be
waived, the system will populate this field with the amount to be charged on this
transaction here. You may override the value in this field.

The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the inputter, who the authorizer, and so on, which are not
available for entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.

78 Financial Inclusion Teller


Issue LCY Bank Draft

This function enables a teller to issue a Bank Cheque. The cheque will be drawn on the institution’s account at their
Bankers. The Nostro or Control Account will hold the credit entry for bank reconciliation purposes. Depending on the
set up in your institution, cheques may be printed. The option to predefine a range of cheque numbers for a working
day is available.
Teller Menu>> Transactions>> Issue LCY Bank Draft

Option Description

Value Date The current system date is displayed by the system.

Debit Account Enter the number of the account to be debited with the amount withdrawn. You may
select this from the drop down list.

Credit Account The Nostro or Control Account that will hold the credit entry for bank reconciliation
purposes is defaulted here.

Amount Debited Enter the Amount of the Withdrawal.

Amount Credited The Credit Amount is defaulted here of the Draft is in a different Currency.

Payable To Enter the Payee name (The person who will be able to negotiate the Cheque).

Cheque Type When defining the CHEQUE.TYPE the various parameters are made available, the
input version was created to default the Cheque Type, associated Stock Register
and Series in the appropriate fields.

79 Financial Inclusion Teller


Stock Register When defining the CHEQUE.TYPE the various parameters are made available, the
input version was created to default the Cheque Type, associated Stock Register
and Series in the appropriate fields.

Series When defining the CHEQUE.TYPE the various parameters are made available, the
input version was created to default the Cheque Type, associated Stock Register and
Series in the appropriate fields.

Draft Number The system will populate this field with the next available cheque/draft number from
the Cheque Register.

Commission Type In the event of a commission to be raised for this transaction, enter the commission
code here, defined in FT.COMMISSION.TYPE. Refer to the chapters on Charges for
more information.
Amount The system calculates and displays the commission amount which will be collected
on this transaction.

The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the inputter, who the authorizer, and so on, which are not
available for entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.

80 Financial Inclusion Teller


Issue FCY Bank Draft

This function enables a teller to issue Bank Draft in foreign currency, typically a cheque drawn on a correspondent bank
in a currency that differs from the local currency of the institution.
Teller RBHP>> Transactions>> Issue FCY Bank Draft

Option Description

Value Date The current System date is displayed by the system.

Currency Select the Foreign Currency in which the Bank Draft is to be issued in.

Debit Account Enter the Account to be debited with the amount withdrawn. You may select this
from the drop down list.

Credit Account The Nostro or Control Account that will hold the credit entry for bank reconciliation
purposes is defaulted here based on the currency selected.

Amount Debited Enter the value of the Bank Draft (in FCY).

Amount Credited The Credit Amount is defaulted here (in LCY).

Payable To Enter the Payee’s Name (The person who will be able to negotiate the cheque).

81 Financial Inclusion Teller


Cheque Type When defining the CHEQUE.TYPE the various parameters are made available, the
input version was created to default the Cheque Type, associated Stock Register
and Series in the appropriate fields.

Stock Register When defining the CHEQUE.TYPE the various parameters are made available, the
input version was created to default the Cheque Type, associated Stock Register
and Series in the appropriate fields.

Series When defining the CHEQUE.TYPE the various parameters are made available, the
input version was created to default the Cheque Type, associated Stock Register
and Series in the appropriate fields.

Draft Number The system will populate this field with the next available cheque/draft number
from the Cheque Register.

Commission Type In the event of a commission to be raised for this transaction, enter the commission
code here, maintained in FT.COMMISSION.TYPE.
Amount The system calculates and displays the commission amount or you may override
the value.

The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the inputter, who the authoriser, and so on, which are not
available for entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.

82 Financial Inclusion Teller


Customer Account Transfer

This function enables a teller to transfer a specified amount of money from one account held at the institution to
another. The debit and credit accounts may be of different currencies.
Teller RBHP>> Transactions>> Customer Account Transfer

Option Description

Value Date The current system date is displayed by the system. This is the date when the
entry is to be given value for interest calculation purposes. The date can be
changed although Cash transactions typically take place in real-time.

Debit Account Enter the Account to be debited with the amount to be transferred or select
it from the drop-down list.

Credit Account Enter the Account to be credited with the amount transferred. You may select
this from the drop down list.

Amount Debited Enter the value of the transaction (amount to be debited to the account).

Amount Credited The credit amount is defaulted here.

Commission Type In the event of a commission to be raised for this transaction, enter the
commission code here, maintained in FT.COMMISSION.TYPE.
Amount The system calculates and displays the commission amount or you may
override the value.

The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the inputter, who the authoriser, and so on, which are not
available for entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.

83 Financial Inclusion Teller



Lodgement Payment
This application was developed specifically to the requirements of our Credit Union clients, where one member may
come into the branch to lodge (deposit) cash, cheques and/or a payment from a card to various members’ accounts,
and even receive cash back, all on one input screen.
The balancing entry is not processed to a member’s account, but rather to a ‘wash account’ to reflect only the
lodgements (credits) that are intended on the members’ accounts. (As opposed to Multiline Operations in the section
following in this chapter.)
Teller RBHP>> Transactions>> Lodgement Payment

Field Name Description

Lodgement/Payment The system generates the transaction ID, the application indicator is TFS

Main Member The application requires the system ID of at least one of the members to
launch the functionality. This could be the member who is in the branch,
presenting the transactions to be processed.

Cheque Secure If a cheque is being deposited, an account is required to be held as ‘security’

Account should the cheque not be honoured. In this application it is possible to
transfer the value of a cheque to multiple accounts.

Transaction Type The only available transaction type currently is Lodgement. Select this for
each entry line.
When the record is validated/committed, the system generates and displays
the balancing transaction types, depending on the Payment Type provided.

Member Select the member ID of the members whose accounts will be credited, the
drop-down list is provided, and you may use the search option to filter the

By clicking on the icon, all the accounts of the member will be presented
at the foot of the input screen. Else, the lookup/search options against this
field may be used to find the number of the account to be credited

84 Financial Inclusion Teller


Amount Enter the amount that the account needs to be credited with.

Narrative When applicable, you may enter a narrative to be printed on the account

Total Lodgements The system calculates and displays the total amount to be credited to the
various accounts.

Payment Type Enter the various forms of payments that the member presents for lodgement
to the accounts, select from the drop-down list:
Cheque (with and without clearance)

Amount Enter the value of each of the payment types. In the example above, the teller
received USD500 in cash, to take USD1,200 from a card and a cheque in the
amount of USD75.

Cheque No/Card Enter the information as required. This is typically used for reconciliation
Auth Code purposes and also to track a transaction should there be an error/missing

Drawer Acct Enter the Drawer Account Number followed by the Branch Code (both are
No/Branch Code printed on the cheque form).

Source of Funds If it is the policy of your institution to request the depositor for the source of
the funds, capture the details in this field.

Change The system will calculate the difference between the total amount to be
lodged and the value of the payment received and present the difference as
an amount to be returned, this is also referred to as ‘cash back’ as this amount
is typically taken as cash.

The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the inputter, who the authoriser, and so on, which are not
available for entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.

85 Financial Inclusion Teller


Multiline Operations
Multiline Operations supports the teller in the processing of a set of transactions for a customer on his/her accounts
from a single page.
The parameters to be defined are described in the TFS Parameter section of this user guide.
Entries essentially take place on the TT, FT and/or DC applications.
The primary account (ACCOUNT.1) must be a valid Customer Account.
Teller RBHP>> Transactions>> Multiline Operations

Option Description

Primary Enter the main account of the customer, all transactions will pass through this account.

Customer The system displays the Customer number and name as enrichments

Transaction Select the transaction from the lookup list

Account Select the account to process the transaction to

Currency Select the currency of the transaction

Amount Enter the amount of the transaction

Deal Rate The rates will be populated for FCY transactions once the record is verified. This rate may
be edited if permitted

Narrative Capture the narrative of the transaction, bearing in mind that this information will be
recorded on the customer account statement.

Complete the other tabs as required and commit the record.

86 Financial Inclusion Teller


The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the inputter, who the authoriser, and so on, which are not
available for entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.

87 Financial Inclusion Teller


Foreign Currency Exchange

Bank and non-Bank Customers may request foreign currency exchange over the counter. This function enables a teller
to buy or sell foreign currencies as per the Bank’s policy. The till balances/ cash accounts are updated accordingly.

Teller RBHP>> Transactions>> Other>>Foreign Currency Exchange

Option Description

Value Date The current system date is displayed by the system.

Cust Buy Currency Enter the Currency requested by the customer. You may select this from the
drop down list.

Cust Sell Currency Enter the Currency presented by the customer. You may select this from the
drop down list.

Amount Debited Enter the Amount requested by the customer.

Amount Credited The system automatically converts the amount using the rate displayed in the
Exchange Rate field described below, and displays the sell currency
equivalent on this field.

Exchange Rate The system displays the exchange rate as defined in System
Parameters>>General Parameters>>Currencies. You may overwrite the
exchange rate by entering the applicable value in this field.

Narrative Enter a narrative regarding the transaction if required.

Waive Charges This determines whether the charges normally associated with this
transaction type should be waived. Click on either the YES or NO radio button.

The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the inputter, who the authoriser, and so on, which are not
available for entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.

88 Financial Inclusion Teller


Charge Collection
This function enables a teller to collect various fees and charges from customers. The Customer’s Account is debited
and Charge Profit and Loss category code is credited.
Teller RBHP>> Transactions>> Charge Collection

Option Description

Value Date The current system date is displayed by the system.

Account Enter the Customer Account from which the charges are to be deducted.

Narrative Enter a narrative regarding the transaction if required.

Charge Code The Charge Code selected is displayed here.

Amount The system calculates and displays the charge amount or you may override the

The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the inputter, who the authoriser, and so on, which are not
available for entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.

89 Financial Inclusion Teller


Charge Collection in Cash

This function enables a teller to collect various fees and charges from customers. The Customer’s Account is debited
and Charge Profit and Loss category code is credited.
Teller RBHP>> Transactions>> Charge Collection in cash

Option Description

Value Date The current system date is displayed by the system.

Cash Currency The Local Currency is defaulted here

Narrative Enter a narrative regarding the transaction if required.

Charge Code Select the code of the charge which you need to collect in cash from the drop-
down list
Amount The system calculates and displays the charge amount or you may override the

The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the inputter, who the authoriser, and so on, which are not
available for entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.

90 Financial Inclusion Teller


Multi Line Operations Reversal

As errors do happen, it is required to support the reversal of incorrectly posted entries. In the case of a MLT, the standard
is for all of the transactions (master and child records) to be reversed. We provide the option to reverse transactions
that were posted today and a separate process to reverse transactions processed prior to today.
NOTE: utmost care needs to be exercised as these transactions include instruments that may no longer be in the bank,
for example, the teller’s cash balance, cheques already sent for clearing, etc.

Teller RBHP>> Transactions>> Multi Line Operations Reversal

The menu option presents an enquiry with the option to view the transaction and to the reverse the multiline
transaction separated – MLT processed today and MLT History (processed prior to today).
When you select Multi Line Reversal (today) all the TFS transactions for the day are presented. Select the transactions
that you wish to revers, in this example TFS2222KNXR2

Click on the icon to see the transactions and confirm that you are reversing the correct set of entries.

Once confirmed, the entries are reversed by clicking on the icon. Now the entries are updated with a ‘R’ marker

91 Financial Inclusion Teller


Commit the record and accept the override message.

To reverse MLT processed prior to today, the procedures are the same, with the exception that a COB needs to be
processed in order for the batch job to process the reversal of the entries.

The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the inputter, who the authoriser, and so on, which are not
available for entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.

92 Financial Inclusion Teller


Payment Initiation (Orders) (PI) and Payments (PP) are modern, open, and flexible products that are used for processing
payments internally as well as externally.
In the FI/ACL configuration we provide the options below. This does not mean that additional functionality cannot be
exposed. This is typically done on a project as required by our client.

Outgoing Payments:
Pending Payment Orders
Pending Fund Authorisation
Incomplete Payments
Completed Payments
Sent File Details
Incoming Payments:
Incomplete Payments
Completed Payments
Received Files
List Payees
Other Actions
Menu linking to a range of processes, such as initiating Customer Transfers/Bank Transfers/Direct Debits/ISO
transfers, etc.

For more information, kindly refer to Payments (

93 Financial Inclusion Teller


Deposit Operations
Deposits may be funded automatically upon authorisation, if the Schedule and Settlement conditions are set as so, or
manually through Cash, Cheque or Account transfer.

Deposit Funding
This function enables a teller to record funding of a deposit arrangement in any currency against an account held in
the institution.
Teller > Deposit Operations > Deposit Funding or Single Customer View > Deposits > AA Deposit>> Operations.
Deposits may be funded in Cash, Cheque, or Internal Transfer

Funding by Cash

94 Financial Inclusion Teller


Option Description

Value Date The current system date is displayed by the system. This is the date when the
entry is to be given value for interest purposes.

Funding Currency Select the Currency in which the customer wishes to make a deposit. Both local
currency and foreign currency are acceptable.

Deposit Account number of the deposit arrangement is defaulted together with

enrichment information.

Amount Debited The Amount of the Deposit is automatically displayed but can be modified.

Amount Credited The actual amount posted to the customer’s account is displayed here. Where
foreign exchange is involved, for example, a local currency deposit is made into
a foreign currency account; the system automatically converts the amount using
the rate displayed in the Exchange Rate field described below, and displays the
FCY equivalent on this field. Alternatively, where an FCY deposit is made into a
Local Currency Account, the LCY equivalent is displayed.

Exchange Rate The system displays the exchange rate as defined in System
Parameters>>General Parameters>>Currencies. You may overwrite the exchange
rate by entering the applicable value in this field.

Narrative Enter a narrative regarding the deposit if required.

The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the inputter, who the authoriser, and so on, which are not
available for entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.

Funding by Cheque

Option Description

Value Date The current system date is displayed by the system. This is the date when
the entry is to be given value for interest calculation purposes.

Funding Currency The Currency of the Customer Account is displayed.

95 Financial Inclusion Teller


Deposit The Customer Account number is displayed. This can be an account in any

Amount Debited The Amount of the Deposit is automatically displayed but can be modified.

Amount Credited The actual amount posted to the customer’s account is displayed here.
Where foreign exchange is involved, for example, a local currency deposit is
made into a foreign currency account; the system automatically converts
the amount using the rate displayed in the Exchange Rate field described
below, and displays the FCY equivalent on this field. Alternatively, where an
FCY deposit is made into a Local Currency Account, the LCY equivalent is

Narrative Enter a narrative regarding the cheque deposit if required.

Drawer Cheque No. Enter the Cheque number.

Drawer Account No Enter the Drawer’s Account as printed on the cheque.

Drawer Branch Code Enter the Branch Code as printed on the Cheque.

Drawer Name Enter the Account Holder’s name as printed on the cheque.

The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the inputter, who the authoriser, and so on, which are not
available for entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.

Funding by Account Transfer

Option Description

Value Date The current system date is displayed by the system. This is the date when
the entry is to be given value for interest calculation purposes.

Debit Account Enter the Customer Account number from which the deposit will be funded.
This can be an account in any currency.

Deposit Account number of the deposit arrangement is defaulted.

Amount Debited The actual amount posted to the customer’s account is displayed here.
Where foreign exchange is involved, for example, a local currency deposit is
made into a foreign currency account; the system automatically converts
the amount using the rate displayed in the Exchange Rate field described
below and displays the FCY equivalent on this field. Alternatively, where an

96 Financial Inclusion Teller


FCY deposit is made into a Local Currency Account, the LCY equivalent is

Amount Credited The Amount of the Deposit is defaulted and can be modified.

The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the inputter, who the authoriser, and so on, which are not
available for entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.

97 Financial Inclusion Teller


During the term of a deposit, it may be necessary to process withdrawals against the account.

Options available on Notice Accounts only are:

By giving Notice for Withdrawal

Option Description

Deposit Ref. Arrangement for which notice for withdrawal is being processed.

Operation Date The current system date is displayed by the system.

Operation Type Operation type is displayed by the system, this is the option that the user
selected in the Teller Operations screen.

Currency The Currency of the Deposit Arrangement is displayed.

Notice Amount Enter the amount that the customer would like to withdraw.

Withdrawal Date Enter the date on which the funds are to become available for withdrawal.
This value could also be defined in the product parameters so that the rules
of the bank are followed.

Operation Status States the operation status of transaction, in this case the notice period is

98 Financial Inclusion Teller


By Immediate Withdrawal

In some cases, the bank may permit immediate withdrawals against a notice deposit. Example are to pay a tax liability,
a financial emergency, upon the death of the customer, etc.

Field Name Description

Deposit Ref. Arrangement against which the withdrawal transaction is being processed.

Operation Date The current system date is displayed by the system.

Operation Type Operation type is displayed by the system, this is the option that the user
selected in the Teller Operations screen.

Currency The Currency of the Customer Account is displayed.

Withdrawal Amount Enter the amount of the withdrawal transaction.

Operation Status The operation status of transaction is provided by the system.

99 Financial Inclusion Teller


Early Redemption
This option is available only on Term Deposits, where part of or the full deposit needs to be redeemed prior to the
maturity date.

The early redemption can be processed by means of a cash or cheque payout, or a transfer to an internal or externally
held account. The operations options will only be available on the Deposit Arrangement Operations screen if allowed
in the product conditions.

Processing full redemption by transfer to an internally held account:

Field Name Description

Value Date The current system date is displayed by the system.

Deposit The system displays the account number of the Deposit Arrangement, as
well as the product name and currency code as enrichment information.

Credit Account Enter the account number to receive the amount being redeemed.

Amount Debited Enter the amount of the withdrawal transaction, in this example the full
deposit plus interest accrued (now capitalised) is being withdrawn.

Amount Credited The system displays the amount credited to the receiving account.

The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the inputter, who the authoriser, and so on, which are not
available for entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.

100 Financial Inclusion Teller


Loan Operations
Loans are at the core of every financial institution, therefore the processing needs to be accurate, clear and as easy as
possible. This is what we endeavoured to achieve in the options provided for all types of operations on the loan


Loans may be disbursed in Cash, Cheque, Internal or External Transfers. The transactions can be processed from the
arrangement in the SCV or from the Teller menu. Once selected the procedures are identical.

Click on the icon to access the loan operations page.

101 Financial Inclusion Teller


The operations available are indicated by the icon, these in turn are driven by the parameters defined on the
product of the arrangement.
By Cash

Option Description

Customer The Customer Number to whom the account belongs is defaulted as well as
the Customer name as enrichment information

Loan Account The Account Number linked to the Arrangement for which disbursement is
processed is defaulted as well as the Product name as enrichment

Disbursement Currency The Account currency is displayed here as well as the description of the
currency code

LCY Disbursement Amount The Loan Amount (available for disbursement)is defaulted here and can be

Value Date The loan value date is defaulted to current system date and can be changed
if required

Narrative Enter the transaction narrative used on the account statement and reports

The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the inputter, who the authoriser, and so on, which are not
available for entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.

102 Financial Inclusion Teller


By Cheque

Option Description

Loan Account The Account Number linked to the Arrangement for which disbursement is
processed is defaulted as well as the Product name as enrichment

Loan Currency The Currency of the Loan Account is displayed

Cheque Amount The Loan Amount (available for disbursement) is defaulted here and can be

Cheque Currency Select the Currency of the cheque from the drop-down list

Value Date The transaction value date is defaulted to current system date and can be
changed if required

Payable to Enter the Payee name (The person who will be able to negotiate the

Cheque Number Enter the number as recorded on the cheque form, or depending on the set
up at your institution, the system will populate this field with the next
available cheque number from the Cheque Register

The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the inputter, who the authoriser, and so on, which are not
available for entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.

103 Financial Inclusion Teller


By Account Transfer

Option Description

Loan Account The Account Number linked to the Arrangement for which disbursement is
processed is defaulted as well as the Product name as enrichment

Credit Account Identifies the Account being credited in respect of the transfer transaction.

Debit Amount The amount available to be transferred (disbursed) is populated, this may
be amended if required.

Credit Amount The amount that is processed to the Credit Account will be displayed here
by the system. This may be the net amount after charges or currency
conversion, should the Credit Account be of a different currency.

Debit Value Date Identifies the Date when the Debit entry is to be given value for interest

Treasury Rate The system will display the currency conversion rate applied in the event of
the credit account being of a different currency to the loan account.

Customer Rate It is possible to override the currency rate held on the system by entering
the conversion rate in this field. The system will accept this rate with an
override message.

Customer Spread Identifies the Customer's Exchange Spread to be applied for this transaction.
The Customer Spread defined in this field will be applied to the Treasury
(buy/sell) Rate to generate the final Rate of the transaction, i.e. the exchange
rate which is applicable to the Transaction.

The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the inputter, who the authoriser, and so on, which are not
available for entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.

104 Financial Inclusion Teller


By External Transfer

Disbursement transfers to accounts held at external institutions depend on the payment processors and payment
interfaces defined at your institution. For information on external payment processing, kindly refer to the Payments
user guide available at
The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the inputter, who the authoriser, and so on, which are not
available for entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.

105 Financial Inclusion Teller


During the life of a lending arrangement, several repayment operations may take place. These include:
1. Regular repayment on the instalment due date,
2. Advance payment where the funds are to be applied on upcoming instalments,
3. Payoff i.e., pre-closure of arrangements before final maturity date.
Repayment operations can be performed separately for individual Customer or in Bulk for members of the same Group.
In the Financial Inclusion solution, we provide functionality for processing group repayments from a single screen. This
functionality may be used where group repayments are to be entered directly into the system manually. The group
collections screen is controlled by the configuration defined in the next section.
Loans may be repaid in Cash, Cheque, Transfers from Internal or External accounts.
The transactions can be processed from the arrangement in the SCV or from the Teller menu. Once selected the
procedures are identical.

Click on the icon to access the loan operations page.

The operations available are indicated by the icon, these in turn are driven by the parameters defined on the
product of the arrangement. In the example above, the loan can no longer be disbursed.
What about the other operations?

106 Financial Inclusion Teller


By Cash

Option Description

Customer The Customer Number to whom the account belongs is defaulted and their
last name as enrichment information

Loan Account The Account of the Arrangement for which repayment is processed is

Deposit Currency The Account currency is displayed here

LCY Deposit Amount Enter the amount presented for repayment

Value Date The loan value date is defaulted to current system date and can be changed
if required

Narrative Enter the transaction narrative used for enrichment on statements and on

The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the inputter, who the authoriser, and so on, which are not
available for entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.

107 Financial Inclusion Teller


By Cheque

Option Description

Customer The Customer Number to whom the account belongs is defaulted and their
last name as enrichment information

Loan Account The Account of the Arrangement for which repayment is processed is

Currency The Currency of the Loan Account is displayed

Cheque Amount Enter the value of the cheque being presented as repayment

Value Date The loan value date is defaulted to current system date and can be changed
if required

Narrative Enter the transaction narrative used for enrichment on account statements
and on reports

Drawer Cheque No. Enter the Cheque number as printed on the cheque

Drawer Account No Enter the Drawer’s Account as printed on the cheque

Drawer Branch Code Enter the Branch Code as printed on the cheque

Drawer Name Enter the Cheque Account Holder’s name as printed on the cheque

The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the inputter, who the authoriser, and so on, which are not
available for entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.

108 Financial Inclusion Teller


By Account Transfer (internal)

Field Name Description

Debit Account Enter the Account number to be debited in respect of the transfer

Loan Account The Account Number of Arrangement for which repayment is processed is

Debit Amount The Amount which the paying account will be debited with is displayed here,
it could include charges and also currency conversion if the debit and credit
accounts are not of the same currency

Credit Amount Enter the amount to be transferred to the receiving (loan) account

Debit Value Date The current system date is populated by the system and may be changed.
This is the date when the entry is to be given value for interest calculation

Treasury Rate The system displays the currency conversion rate should the paying and
receiving accounts not be of the same currency

Customer Rate The exchange rate may be changed, the system will accept user input with
the required override message

Customer Spread The Customer Spread defined in this field will be applied to the Treasury
(buy/sell) Rate to generate the final Rate of the transaction, i.e., the
exchange rate which is applicable to the Transaction.
The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the inputter, who the authoriser, and so on, which are not
available for entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.

109 Financial Inclusion Teller


Group Disbursement
In Financial Inclusion we provide the functionality whereby loans belonging to members of the same group can be
disbursed from a single screen.
All-in-One RBHP>>Teller>>Loan Operations>>Group Disbursement

Click on the to access the group disbursement page.

Field Name Description

Group ID The group ID where the borrowers belong is displayed.

Group Name The name of the group is displayed.

Processing Date Enter the date on which the group disbursement is to take place. The system
will populate this field with the current system date.
Select Yes or No. Only rows marked as yes for disbursement
will be processed.
The information below is populated for each of the members in the group where there
are loans available for disbursement processing.
The unique customer ID of the individual member in the group.
Customer No
The full names of the individual member in the group.
Customer full name

110 Financial Inclusion Teller


The Loan Arrangement ID.

The Account number of the Loan Arrangement.
Loan Account
The product name of the Loan Arrangement.

Disb Account The system first checks if a settlement account category was defined in the
loan product and defaults that account of the group member (customer) in
this field. If not defined, the account is defaulted based on category codes
found in the Allowed Credit Categories field in the Group Bulk Payments
parameter table. The defaulted account can be changed by selecting from
the drop-down list to display other account/s of the customer. A Nostro or
internal account may also be entered on this field if the category code is
defined in the Group Bulk Payments parameter table (EM.FT.BULK.PARAM)
If the credit account entered here belongs to another customer (such as the
group account), an override message is displayed for acceptance.
Please refer to the Group Management user guide for more information.

Amount Enter the amount to be disbursed. The screen defaults ‘undisbursed’

commitment balances for every loan per member. Enter Zero “0” to skip any
loans of the customer not to be disbursed yet or a different amount for
partial disbursement.

Narratives Enter information to be printed on account statements and reports

regarding the transaction if required.

Total Amount On verifying the record, the Total amount of loan disbursement to be
processed is defaulted.

Payment Ref No Enter the Payment Reference Number if applicable.

Group Collection
We do not want to have to record each of the members’ loan repayments individually, this is time-consuming and error
prone. For this reason, we provide the group repayments screen where the information is displayed, and you only need
to enter the values received per member.
The Group Collection Sheet can be obtained from
All-in-One RBHP>>Teller>>Loan Operations>>Enquiries>>Group Collection Sheet
To process the collection, go to
All-in-One RBHP>>Teller>>Loan Operations>>Group Collection

111 Financial Inclusion Teller


Field Name Description

Group ID Enter the Group ID for whom repayments to the loans are to be processed.
All the members of the group with loans will be displayed on the screen.

Group Name The system displays the name of the Group.

Enter the processing date of the payment.
Processing Date

Process Select No to skip a particular Customer. Line items marked as Yes will be
validated for processing.

Customer No. The Customer ID of the group member.

Customer full name The full name of the group member.

Attendance Select the member’s attendance status from the drop-down list. This is
required if your institution wants to track whether members attend group
meetings (non-attendance is often a sign of something being wrong).

Payment Type The payment type as defined in the Group Bulk Payments parameters table.
Expand the sub-value field to add more payment items if applicable.

Payment Account The Loan account or Savings account to be Credited with the repayment
funds is populated by the system.

Amount The amount to be paid by the customer. For Loan repayments, the total
amount due is defaulted here so no input is required if the customer pays
the full instalment (due) amount.

Group Dr Acc The Group Account is defaulted here. In the Financial Inclusion, each group
should have a linked Group Account where the Bulk Group Repayment is
deposited. An Internal (Wash) Account may also be used as a Group
Account. Group collections are then processed against the deposit in the
group account. Please refer to the Group Management user guide for more
information on Groups Accounts.

Control Total Enter the total Deposit Amount made by the group, as held in the group
account, to validate against the line items.

Payment Ref No. Enter the Payment Reference Number if applicable.

After the Group collection is authorised,

112 Financial Inclusion Teller


1. Review the processed records as shown in the Completed Group Collections screen.
Hint: The TSM service should be running in AUTO mode for the records to be processed.

2. In case of the transaction failing, click on the icon to access the Group Collection details screen and review
failed transactions.

3. Click on the icon to correct the errors and resubmit the record.

113 Financial Inclusion Teller


Deposits into Written Off Loans

It may happen that defaulting borrowers wish to settle their debt that was written off to clear their name with the
financial institution (and credit bureau). As we support the creation of contingent accounts when loans are written off,
we also provide the capability for tellers to record deposits made (recoveries) against written off loans. These recovery
payments can be made in Cash, Cheque or Account transfers. See more about Written Off Loans and the processing in
the Lending user guide.

Cash deposit into Written off loan

Field Name Description

Credit Information

Customer Details The Customer name to whom the written off account belongs is populated
by the system when the recovery account number is entered

114 Financial Inclusion Teller


Account Balance Specifies the loan amount outstanding (written off less subsequent
recoveries received)

Signing Instructions If any signing instructions have been recorded for the account, the
information will be displayed here

Recovery Account Enter the account for which the recovery (full or in part) of the loan is going
to be made, if the customer presents the written off loan account number,
the system uses the ALT.ACCT.ID to find the contingent account. You are
also able to search for the account on this field.

CR Value Date Identifies the date when the Credit entry is to be processed, the system
displays the current date.

Credit Their Ref Specifies information/data to be printed on the credit advice.

Total Credit Amount Identifies the Currency and final Amount Credited to the Credit Account
number on this transaction.

Credit Account Identifies the Contingent Account being credited in respect of the
transfer/recovery transaction.

Debit Information

Customer Details The system populates the Debit account's customer number here. In this
example the borrower is making the payment to the written off loan in cash.

Debit Account The system displays the number of the Account being debited in respect of
the transfer transaction.

Account Type Displays the DR Account Type, in this case it is the cash account of the teller
processing the transaction

Debit Currency Defines the Currency of the Account being debited.

Debit Amount Defines the Transfer amount.

Dr Value Date The system displays the current system date, this may be changed if

Debit Their Ref Specifies information/data to be printed on the debit advice.

Ordered by Identifies the Customer who is ordering the transaction. This Customer
should not be a bank. (If the ordering party is a bank, the Ordering Bank
should be used.)

Profit Center Specifies the Account Officer or Department Code identification for all Profit
and Loss entries which are generated by Funds Transfer in relation to the
transaction being processed (Commission entries, Charge entries, etc).

Total Debit Amount Identifies the Currency and final amount debited to the Debit Account
number on this transaction.


115 Financial Inclusion Teller


Commission Code Identifies how the Commission is to be applied, i.e., whether the
Commission amount is deducted from the credit, or added to the debit
transaction amount, or waived.

Commission Type Identifies the Commission Types which are applicable to the transaction
being processed. If no input is made in these fields, the Application will
default the Commission Types.

Commission Amount The system populates the commission amount as defined in the
FT.COMMISSION.TYPE table for the Commission Type.

Charge Code Identifies how the Charges are to be applied, i.e., whether the Charge
amount is deducted from the credit, or added to the debit transaction
amount, or waived.

Charge Type Identifies the Charge Types which are applicable to the transaction being
processed. If no input is made in these fields, the Application will default the
Charge Types.

Charge Amount Identifies the Currency and the Amount of Charge to be applied in respect
of the Charge Type specified in the previous field.

116 Financial Inclusion Teller


Cheque Deposit into Written off loan

Field Name Description

Credit Information

Customer Details The Customer name to whom the written off account belongs is populated
by the system when the recovery account number is entered

Recovery Account Balance The system displays the loan amount outstanding (written off less
subsequent recoveries received)

117 Financial Inclusion Teller


Signing Instructions If any signing instructions have been recorded for the account, the
information will be displayed here

Recovery Account Enter the account for which the recovery (full or in part) of the loan is going
to be made, if the customer presents the written off loan account number,
the system uses the ALT.ACCT.ID to find the contingent account. You are
also able to search for the account on this field

CR Value Date Identifies the date when the Credit entry is to be processed, the system
displays the current date.

Credit Their Ref Specifies information/data to be printed on the credit advice.

Total Credit Amount Identifies the Currency and final Amount Credited to the Credit Account
number on this transaction.

Credit Account Identifies the Contingent Account being credited in respect of the
transfer/recovery transaction.

Debit information

Customer Details The system populates the Debit account's customer number here. In this
example the borrower is making the payment to the written off loan by
cheque, so the NOSTRO account is debited.

Debit Account The system displays the number of the Account being debited in respect of
the transfer transaction.

Account Type Displays the DR account type

Debit Currency Defines the Currency of the Account being debited.

Debit Amount Enter the amount of the cheque being deposited to the written off account.

Dr Value Date The system displays the current system date, this may be changed if

Debit Their Ref Specifies information/data to be printed on the debit advice.

Ordered by Identifies the Customer who is ordering the transaction. This Customer
should not be a bank. (If the ordering party is a bank, the Ordering Bank
should be used.)

Profit Center Specifies the Account Officer or Department Code identification for all Profit
and Loss entries which are generated by Funds Transfer in relation to the
transaction being processed (Commission entries, Charge entries, etc).

Total Debit Amount The system displays the Currency and final amount debited to the Debit
Account number on this transaction.

Cheque information

Drawer Cheque No Enter the Cheque number as printed on the cheque.

Drawer Account No Enter the Drawer’s Account as printed on the cheque.

118 Financial Inclusion Teller


Drawer Branch Code Enter the Branch Code as printed on the Cheque.


Commission Code Identifies how the Commission is to be applied, i.e., whether the
Commission amount is deducted from the credit, or added to the debit
transaction amount, or waived.

Commission Type Identifies the Commission Types which are applicable to the transaction
being processed. If no input is made in these fields, the Application will
default the Commission Types.

Commission Amount The system populates the commission amount as defined in the
FT.COMMISSION.TYPE table for the Commission Type.

Charge Code Identifies how the Charges are to be applied, i.e., whether the Charge
amount is deducted from the credit, or added to the debit transaction
amount, or waived.

Charge Type Identifies the Charge Types which are applicable to the transaction being
processed. If no input is made in these fields, the Application will default the
Charge Types.

Charge Amount Identifies the Currency and the Amount of Charge to be applied in respect
of the Charge Type specified in the previous field.

119 Financial Inclusion Teller


Account transfer into Written off loan

Option Description

Credit Information

Customer Details The Customer name to whom the written off account belongs is populated
by the system when the recovery account number is entered

Recovery Account Balance The system displays the loan amount outstanding (written off less
subsequent recoveries received)

120 Financial Inclusion Teller


Signing Instructions If any signing instructions have been recorded for the account, the
information will be displayed here

Recovery Account Enter the account for which the recovery (full or in part) of the loan is going
to be made, if the customer presents the written off loan account number,
the system uses the ALT.ACCT.ID to find the contingent account. You are
also able to search for the account on this field

CR Value Date Identifies the date when the Credit entry is to be processed, the system
displays the current date.

Credit Their Ref Specifies information/data to be printed on the credit advice.

Total Credit Amount Identifies the Currency and final Amount Credited to the Credit Account
number on this transaction

Credit Account Identifies the Account being credited in respect of the transfer transaction.

Debit Information

Customer Details The system populates the Debit account's customer number here.

Debit Account The system displays the number of the Account being debited in respect of
the transfer transaction.

Account Type Displays the DR Account Type

Debit Currency Defines the Currency of the Account being debited.

Debit Amount Defines the Transfer amount.

Exchange Rate The system displays the currency exchange rate should the debit account
be of a different currency of the account receiving the payment.

Dr Value Date The system displays the current system date, this may be changed if

Debit Their Ref Specifies information/data to be printed on the debit advice.

Ordered by Identifies the Customer who is ordering the transaction. This Customer
should not be a bank. (If the ordering party is a bank, the Ordering Bank
should be used.)

Profit Center Specifies the Account Officer or Department Code identification for all Profit
and Loss entries which are generated by Funds Transfer in relation to the
transaction being processed (Commission entries, Charge entries, etc).

Total Debit Amount Identifies the Currency and final amount debited to the Debit Account
number on this transaction.


Commission Code Identifies how the Commission is to be applied, i.e., whether the
Commission amount is deducted from the credit, or added to the debit
transaction amount, or waived.

121 Financial Inclusion Teller


Commission Type Identifies the Commission Types which are applicable to the transaction
being processed. If no input is made in these fields, the Application will
default the Commission Types.

Commission Amount The system populates the commission amount as defined in the
FT.COMMISSION.TYPE table for the Commission Type.

Charge Code Identifies how the Charges are to be applied, i.e., whether the Charge
amount is deducted from the credit, or added to the debit transaction
amount, or waived.

Charge Type Identifies the Charge Types which are applicable to the transaction being
processed. If no input is made in these fields, the Application will default the
Charge Types.

Charge Amount Identifies the Currency and the Amount of Charge to be applied in respect
of the Charge Type specified in the previous field.

The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the inputter, who the authoriser, and so on, which are not
available for entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.

Transaction reversal
▪ Select the Reversal of transaction to written off Loan menu option
▪ Enter the FT ID of the transaction to be reversed as shown below

▪ Click on the reversal icon

▪ If the account is already closed, as message indicating so will be displayed.

▪ To restore the account from history, select Account history restore on the menu, enter the account to be restored
and hit enter. Under More Actions, select History restore and commit the record.
▪ Upon authorization, the Account is restored back to the live file for reversal entries to be posted.

122 Financial Inclusion Teller


Account History Restore

If a loan account is already closed, as message indicating so will be displayed. Utmost care needs to be exercised when
restoring an already closed loan account, this should only be done in exceptional cases with the required approval from
mandated officials within the institution.
To restore the account from history, select Account history restore on the menu, enter the account to be restored and
depress the <enter> key. Under More Actions, select History restore and commit the record.
Upon authorisation, the Account is restored back to the LIVE file for reversal entries to be posted.

The enquiries provided here are specific to loan operations and are in addition to the standard Teller Enquiries (next

Unauthorised Group Disbursements

Any unauthorised group disbursements will be reported in this section, you may action from this screen.

Unauthorised Group Collections

Any unauthorised group collections will be reported in this section, you may action from this screen.

Completed Group Disbursements

The successfully completed group disbursements are reported in this section:

Use the drill-down function to view the details of the disbursements:

123 Financial Inclusion Teller


Completed Group Collections

The successfully completed group collections are reported in this section:

Use the drill-down function to view the details of the collections:

Unauthorised FT Operations
Any unauthorised FT transactions will be reported in this section, you may action from this screen. These are similar to
the unauthorised Teller Transactions seen in the screen below.

Unauthorised TT Operations
Any unauthorised TT transactions will be reported in this section, you may action from this screen.

124 Financial Inclusion Teller


Group Collections Sheet

Before the Loan Officer visits the groups, the below enquiry is extracted and taken as a source of information on the
members in the group, the loans, fees, charges, penalties, and savings amounts to be collected.
The search options are specific to the Loan Officer and the Repayment Date:

The output can be printed or saved for use once on-site.

125 Financial Inclusion Teller


The enquiries in this section relate to the transactions that the teller processed, however we also provide details of
the Currency Exchange Rates and Cheques sent for collection to enable the teller to efficiently respond to queries
from the customer they are serving.

126 Financial Inclusion Teller


Teller enquiries

Currency Rates

This report displays the prevailing currency exchange rates.

Teller Menu>>Teller Enquiries>>Currency Rates
When the enquiry displays, it will appear like the screen shown below.

Cheque Collection

This report displays the list of cheques sent for collection.

Teller Menu>> Enquiries>>Teller Enquiries >> Cheque Collection
When the enquiry displays, it will appear like the screen shown below.

With the options editing and viewing details are available:

127 Financial Inclusion Teller


Editing the cheque

Option Description

Transaction Id Displays the transaction id

Credit Acct No This field will contain the original account number involved in the
transaction. The field will be used later on by the cheque collection
processing to re-credit the customer account after the funds on the cheque
have been collected.
This field displays the amount of the cheque
Cheque Amount

Orig Value Date This field contains the original value date based on the TRANSACTION code or

Susp A/c Posted This field will contain the suspense account to which this cheque amount
has been posted to in place of the original customer account while the
cheque is sent for collection. The category code used in the suspense
account number is defined either on the BC.SORT.CODE file or a default
value on the ACCOUNT.PARAMETER record.

Cheque Status This field can be used to indicate a new status for the cheque. The field will
be used to indicate the current status of the cheque. These statuses could
any of the following:
DEPOSITED - When the cheque is initially deposited on an application it is
updated with this status.
CLEARING - This status indicates that the cheque has now been batched on
the CHEQUE.BATCH application record
CLEARED - This status indicates that the funds on the cheque have been
RETURNED - This status indicates that the funds on the cheque could not be
cleared and the cheque was returned
It is possible to change the status of a cheque manually here if the cheque
has not been batched. Once the cheque has been batched all changes of
the status field must be handled through the CHEQUE.BATCH application.
If the status of the cheque is changed from 'DEPOSITED' to 'CLEARED' the
system will automatically raise accounting entries to credit the original

128 Financial Inclusion Teller


customer account and debit the collection suspense account for the cheque
amount. This action would also prompt the deletion of the forward entries
created when the cheque was initially deposited. Any charges and/or tax
amounts due will be raised.

Status Date This field is related to the STATUS field and holds the date of the last change
in status on the record.

Exposure Date The exposure date is the date on which the customer will have access to the

Value Date The forward or backward date on which the collection credit will be taken
into customer account, for the purpose of interest calculations, when the
cheque/ collection instrument is Cleared. In the case of return of the
cheque/ collection instrument, the debit to the specified internal account
will be taken into account, on this date.
Whenever the user wishes to change the original value date for reasons like
postponement of clearing etc., this field can be used.

View Customer Account Balance

The value of cheques sent for collection will be excluded from the available balance on the account.

129 Financial Inclusion Teller


Today’s Transactions

All transactions

This option produces a report of all entries processed per teller for the current date. It will assist with resolving teller

Teller Menu>>Teller Enquiries>>Entries Posted Today>>All Entries Posted Today

When the enquiry displays, it will appear like the screen shown below.

This screen displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as print and save in
a variety of formats.

130 Financial Inclusion Teller


Deposited Cheques

This report provides details of all cheques received from Customers for deposit today.

Teller Menu>>Teller Enquiries>>Entries Posted Today>>Deposited Cheques

When the enquiry displays, it will appear like the screen shown below.

This screen displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as print and save in a variety of
You can view the transaction by clicking on the icon to the right side of the data in the enquiry.

131 Financial Inclusion Teller


Issued Cheques

This report provides details of cheques issued to Customers during the course of today.

Teller Menu>> Enquiries>> Today’s Transactions>>Issued Cheques

When the enquiry displays, it will appear like the screen shown below.

This screen displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as print and save in a variety of
You are able to view the transaction by clicking on the links to the right side of the data in the enquiry.

Issued Bank Drafts

This report provides details of Bank Drafts issued for Customers today.

Teller Menu>>Teller Enquiries>>Entries Posted Today>> Issued Bank Drafts

When the enquiry displays, it will appear like the screen shown below.

This screen displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as print and save in
a variety of formats.
You are able to view the transaction by clicking on the option to the right side of the data in the enquiry.

132 Financial Inclusion Teller


Summary of Transactions

This report provides a summary of all transactions processed today per teller.

Teller Menu>>Teller Enquiries>>Entries Posted Today>>Summary of Transactions

When the enquiry displays, it will appear like the screen shown below.

133 Financial Inclusion Teller


Funds Transfers Transactions

This report provides details of Funds Transfer transactions processed today, can include Bulk Standing Orders for
information purposes.

Teller RBHP>> Enquiries>>Today’s Transactions>>Funds Transfer Transactions

When the enquiry displays, it will appear like the screen shown below.

This screen displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as print and save in
a variety of formats.

134 Financial Inclusion Teller


Past Transactions

All Transactions
This option produces a report of all entries processed per teller for the current date. It will assist with resolving teller

Teller Menu>>Enquiries>>Past Transactions>>All Transactions

When the enquiry displays, it will appear like the screen shown below.

Deposited Cheques

This report provides details of cheques deposited prior to today .

Teller RBHP>> Enquiries>>Past Transactions>>Deposited Cheques

When the enquiry displays, it will appear like the screen shown below.

This screen displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as print and save in
a variety of formats.
You are able to view the transaction by clicking on the option to the right side of the data in the enquiry.

135 Financial Inclusion Teller


Issued Cheques

This report provides details of cheques issued prior to today.

Teller Menu>>Teller Enquiries>>Past Transactions>>Issued Cheques

When the enquiry displays, it will appear like the screen shown below.

This screen displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as print and save in
a variety of formats.

136 Financial Inclusion Teller


Banks Drafts Issued prior to today

This report provides details of Bank Drafts that were issued to Customers.

Teller Menu>>Past Transactions>>Bank Drafts issued prior to Today

When the enquiry displays, it will appear like the screen shown below.

This screen displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as print and save in
a variety of formats.

View underlying transaction

137 Financial Inclusion Teller


Summary of Transactions

This report provides a summary of transactions processed by a specified teller on a defined date

Teller Menu>>Past Transactions>>Summary of Transactions

When the enquiry displays, it will appear like the screen shown below.

This screen displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as print and save in
a variety of formats.

138 Financial Inclusion Teller


Pending Standing Orders

This is a list of captured standing orders (of all types) on hold and waiting for authorisation with the option to view,
authorise and delete individual records.
Teller RBHP>> Pending Standing orders

This screen displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as print and save in
a variety of formats.

139 Financial Inclusion Teller


The Head Teller Menu

As discussed earlier in this document, the Head Teller is responsible for the Vault, creation of Tills, transfers between
the tellers and the vault and authorisation of till balances at the time of till closure. The Head Teller also has the authority
to close a till on behalf of a user (if they are not available at the end of the business day) and to reassign tills to other
The Head Teller’s landing page provides information about each till:

Till Admin
From this page the Head Teller is also able to: create or reassign a till; process till transfers; view transactions and the
teller position (i.e., how much cash is held in the till).

140 Financial Inclusion Teller


Icon Description

Reassign Till, assign till to another user

Open/Close the till, start of – and end of day activities

Till transfer, transfer cash from the vault to the till, the till to the vault and from
till to till

View Transactions Today

Teller till position by currency

Set up the Vault

The vault is viewed as a special till by the system, in that it is not opened/closed or balanced like the other tills, but
transfers to and from the vault can still take place. The vault id is entered first in the TELLER.PARAMETER file (this gives
it these special characteristics) and then defined on the TELLER.ID file.

AIO RBHP>>Head Teller>>Till Management>>Create Till

Field Name Description

Vault (Till) ID Specified the ID of the vault as defined on the TELLER.ID file.
The vault differs from normal teller operations in that it is not assigned to a user,
cannot be opened, or closed and the only transactions allowed are transfers to
and from the teller cash accounts. Multiple vaults are allowed.

Comments Any relevant information may be captured here.

The cash into the vault should be loaded initially using the FUNDS.TRANSFER application to transfer the cash to the
vault ACCOUNT(s).

141 Financial Inclusion Teller


The vault internal ACCOUNT records are defined as:

For example: USD-10000-9999
In the screen print above, we are transferring cash from the NOSTRO account (10049) to the cash account.
The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the inputter, who the authoriser, and so on, which are not
available for entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.

Create Till
Each Till is associated with a USER record and contains one or more currencies. The till numbers should be entered on
the TELLER.ID file and set to Open. Cash can then be transferred to the tills from the vault using the teller transfer
function (this can alternatively be performed using DATA.CAPTURE by posting directly to the till accounts).

AIO RBHP>>Head Teller>>Till Management>>Create Till

Field Name Description

Create Till Enter the ID number of the till to be created, in this example 0010.
NOTE: Till number 9999 is reserved for the Vault (as defined in the

Teller to use Till Assign the till to a valid user (as defined in the USER application)

Comments Any relevant information may be captured here

The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the inputter, who the authoriser, and so on, which are not
available for entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.

142 Financial Inclusion Teller


Reassign Till

Head Teller RBHP>>Head Teller>>Till Management>>Reassign the till

▪ Select the till to be reassigned.
▪ Click on the Reassign icon.
▪ Enter the ID of the teller to whom the till is to be assigned and any relevant comments.
▪ Click on the Commit button.
▪ The record does not require authorisation.

The till is now reassigned.

143 Financial Inclusion Teller


Open Till:

Head Teller RBHP>>Head Teller>>Till Management>>Open the Till

1. Select the till to be opened.
2. Click on the Open/Close Till icon.
3. Enter any relevant comments.
4. Confirm the cash balances of the currencies held in the till by clicking on the Commit button.
5. The record does not require authorisation.

Before till opening

The till is now open with USD200 in cash.

144 Financial Inclusion Teller


The negative indicator preceding the amount displayed under BALANCE is a display value only. It indicates the amount
of cash held by this specific till.

145 Financial Inclusion Teller


Close Till:
At the close of every business day, each till needs to be balanced and money obtained from or transferred to the vault
(via the Head Teller) to maintain the Teller’s float. The closing of a till allows the Teller to balance the actual contents
of the Till against the balance held by the system. On closure, the Teller is prompted for the Till balance (in each
currency) and this is compared to the current system balance.

If a difference is found, then an override is required. Accepting the override automatically adjusts the system balance
to the Till balance and posts the balancing entries to the over and short internal account defined in the
TELLER.PARAMETER file (CCY10200 and CCY10300).

Head Teller RBHP>>Head Teller>>Till Management>>Close the Till

1. Select the till to be closed.
2. Click on the Open/Close Till icon.
3. Enter the cash balances of the currencies held in the till and any relevant comments.
4. Click on the Commit button.
5. The record does not require authorisation.

The till is now closed.

Balances may be transferred to the Vault before the Till is closed. See transfer options below.

146 Financial Inclusion Teller


Transfer Local/Foreign Currency

Head Teller RBHP>>Head Teller>>Till Management>>Transfer Local/Foreign Currency

▪ Select the till to be transferred from or to.
▪ Click on the Transfer Local/Foreign Currency icon.
▪ Enter the ID of the Till from which the transfer will be processed in the top line and the Till receiving the transfer
in the second line as well as any relevant comments.
▪ Click on the Commit button.
▪ The record does not require authorisation.

The cash has been transferred from Till 7 to Till 14.

Cash is transferred to the Vault ID 9999, as defined in the TELLER.PARAMETER.
Till transfers may be processed throughout the business day, should a till run low on cash, or received a large cash
deposit and wishes to get the notes into the vault for safe-keeping.

147 Financial Inclusion Teller


View Till Summary

Head Teller RBHP>>Head Teller>>Till Management>>View Till Summary

▪ Select the till records to be viewed.
▪ Click on the View icon.
▪ The record displays.

Close the screen when the record has been reviewed.

148 Financial Inclusion Teller


View Teller Till Position by Currency

Head Teller RBHP>>Head Teller>>Till Management>>View the status of the till and balances of each currency
▪ Select the till.
▪ Click on the 2nd View icon.
▪ The record displays

Drill down for a statement on the Cash Account (that belongs to this till):

149 Financial Inclusion Teller


Till enquiries
A number of enquiries are available on the Head Teller menu to help with administration of tills during the business

Currency Rates
This report displays the prevailing currency exchange rates.
Head Teller Menu>>Till Enquiries>>Currency Rates
When the enquiry displays, it will appear like the screen shown below.

This screen displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as print and save in
a variety of formats.

150 Financial Inclusion Teller


Cash Position Teller

This report displays the cash position per Teller.
Head Teller Menu>>Till Enquiries>>Cash Position Teller
When the enquiry displays, it will appear like the screen shown below.

151 Financial Inclusion Teller


Cash Position CCY

This report displays the cash position per Currency.
Head Teller Menu>>Till Enquiries>>Cash Position CCY
When the enquiry displays, it will appear like the screen shown below.

152 Financial Inclusion Teller


Today Account Balances

This report displays the real-time balances on the Till (Internal) Accounts.
Head Teller Menu>>Till Enquiries>>Today Account Balances
When the enquiry displays, it will appear like the screen shown below.

Today Account Entries

This report displays today’s account entries
Head Teller Menu>>Till Enquiries>>Today Account Entries

Drill down against the entry to see the details:

153 Financial Inclusion Teller


Drill down once more to see the actual underlying TELLER.TRANSACTION

154 Financial Inclusion Teller


Till Exceptions
This report displays unauthorized transactions from Teller operations.
Head Teller Menu>>Till Enquiries>>Till Exceptions
When the enquiry displays, it will appear like the screen shown below.

Drill down against the record to view and action.

155 Financial Inclusion Teller


All transactions
This report displays all transactions from Teller operations.
Head Teller Menu>>Till Enquiries>>All Transactions
When the enquiry displays, it will appear like the screen shown below.

Drill down for account transaction

156 Financial Inclusion Teller


Transaction counters
This report displays the volumes of transactions grouped by teller.
Head Teller Menu>>Till Enquiries>> Transactions Counters
When the enquiry displays, it will appear like the screen shown below.

157 Financial Inclusion Teller


The administration functions for cheques and drafts processing are available in the Payments tab of the Teller RBHP
and also the Head Teller RBHP. Here the Stock registers for cheques and drafts are maintained.

Stock Entry
STOCK.ENTRY is used to record inward/outward Printed stock of cheque forms.
On input in the STOCK.ENTRY, the system adds a record in the live file -STOCK.REGISTER if the stock register ID is
valid as per the STOCK.PARAMETER. It also forms the STOCK-SERIES based on
In STOCK.ENTRY, STOCK.REGISTER.ID , STOCK.SERIES.ID , start number and quantity of stock are captured.
Any movement from / to the stock register captured in STOCK.ENTRY, will update the STOCK.REGISTER.
Refer to the Transact Teller user guide for details on the PARAMETER tables that need to be defined.
Teller RBHP>>Payments>>Other Actions>>Menu>>Drafts Inventory>>Receipt of Stock

Click on the icon to create a new record. The page also displays details of the current stock record. Click on the

icon to view the details:

158 Financial Inclusion Teller


From this page the Teller is also able to:

Authorise/Delete receipt of Stock
Stop Payment for Drafts
Authorise/Delete Stop Payment of Drafts
Revoke Stop Payment of Draft
Authorise/delete Stop Payment of Draft
Enquiries on the Drafts are available in the path Teller RBHP>>Payments>>Other Actions>>Menu>>Drafts
Kindly refer to the Transact Teller and Payments user guides at for details.

List of Overages and Shortages

This report displays the Teller Shortages and Surpluses.

AIO RBHP>>Head Teller >>Till Admin

When the enquiry displays, it will appear like the screen shown below.

We see here that Till 0005 assigned to Milosz closed with a shortage of USD1,000.
This screen displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as print and save in
a variety of formats.

159 Financial Inclusion Teller


Use this page to record your own notes.

160 Financial Inclusion Teller

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