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In the heart of a lush Indian jungle, where sunlight dappled the forest floor and

exotic birds sang melodies in the trees, lived a wise old crane named Karuna.
Karuna, with her long, elegant neck and snow-white feathers, was known for her
kindness and intelligence. Every morning, she would gracefully sweep down to the
glistening lake to quench her thirst and catch a few fish for breakfast.

One particularly hot summer day, the sun beat down mercilessly on the dried-up lake
bed. The water, Karuna's usual source of sustenance, had vanished. Weak and
thirsty, Karuna searched desperately for any remaining droplets. Finally, exhausted
and despondent, she stumbled upon a small well nestled amongst the roots of a
banyan tree.

Peering into the well, Karuna saw a glimmer of hope - a cool, clear pool of water.
But alas, the well was deep, and its rim was far out of reach for her long, slender
beak. Tears welled up in Karuna's eyes as she faced the prospect of perishing from

Suddenly, a voice startled her. "Why the long face, friend?"

Karuna looked up to see a sly fox named Rekha. Rekha, with her bushy tail and keen
eyes, was known for her cunning and resourcefulness. Though Karuna was wary of
Rekha's reputation, she explained her predicament.

Rekha, sensing an opportunity, offered a solution. "Leave it to me, Karuna," she

said with a sly grin. "I have a plan."

Rekha instructed Karuna to stand on her long legs and lower her head as far as she
could into the well. Then, Rekha climbed down Karuna's neck and dipped her tail
into the cool water. Rekha, feeling refreshed, climbed back up and squeezed the
water from her tail into Karuna's beak.

Karuna, relieved and grateful, sipped the water with relish. Rekha repeated this
process several times, quenching both their thirst. A bond of friendship,
unexpected yet genuine, began to form between the crane and the fox.

The unlikely pair continued to meet at the well every day. Rekha, using her
agility, would fetch water for Karuna, while Karuna, with her keen eyesight, would
keep watch for any danger. Their partnership thrived on their unique strengths and
mutual respect.

One scorching afternoon, as Rekha was about to descend into the well, a thought
struck her. "Karuna," she said, feigning concern, "This well is getting shallower.
Soon, even my tail won't reach the water."

Karuna, believing Rekha, expressed her worry. "What shall we do then, my friend?"
she asked.

Rekha, her eyes gleaming with mischief, had a devious plan. "I know of a much
deeper well just outside the forest," she lied. "It's overflowing with cool, fresh
water. But it's guarded by a fierce pack of wolves."

Karuna, hesitant at first, was swayed by Rekha's urgency. "If it's the only way to
save ourselves, then we must go," she said bravely.

Together, they embarked on a journey towards the supposed deeper well. As they
reached the edge of the forest, Rekha pointed to a small, shallow pond teeming with

"That's the well, Karuna," she declared, her voice dripping with deceit.
Karuna, shocked and confused, looked at the miniscule pond. "But Rekha, this is not
a deep well. It's just a tiny pond!"

Rekha, her facade crumbling, revealed her true intentions. "This is where our
partnership ends, Karuna," she cackled. "These plump frogs will make a delicious
lunch for me!"

Karuna, heartbroken by Rekha's betrayal, felt a surge of anger. "You tricked me!"
she cried. "I trusted you, and you used me to get to these frogs!"

Rekha, emboldened by her cunning, lunged towards the unsuspecting frogs. But just
as she was about to leap, a loud screech echoed through the air. A majestic eagle,
with razor-sharp talons and piercing eyes, swooped down from the sky.

The eagle, having witnessed Rekha's treachery from afar, targeted the sly fox for a
meal. Rekha, realizing her mistake, let out a terrified yelp and scrambled to
escape. But the eagle was faster. It snatched Rekha in its talons and soared high
into the sky, leaving her cries





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