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SA x AMA Logo Project (Operation Care & Help)

By: Vincent Sebastian Harianto

This SA group is established by me, Manas Shastri, Kai Sheng Lee, and James Theo Nathaniel Romero.
We are from Sinarmas World Academy and we made a group helping other communities throughout a
long journey. By the name of a group called “Operation Care & Help” and a tagline called “Caring Hearts,
Changing Lives” , we have a mission to help the students in SDN Cilenggang 02, 5 minutes away from the
school by donating school supplies and food to the community. We are also planning to teach them basic
English grammar in online/offline class so that they can know a little bit of English introduction words,
which is important for them as they get older.

The logo I made represents a panda, sitting

and holding a book while showing it to
everyone. In the mission of giving students
better education, the book represents
education in which the students at public
school need. In fact, giant pandas are special
animals that are smart, strong, and caring.

Our company wants to help students do well

in school by giving them what they need to
learn. We're like pandas because we're
prepared and want to make sure all kids have
good school supplies and education. We work
hard to help students learn and grow, just like
pandas do.

In our MYP math class, we learned about basic shapes, area and perimeter of circles, rectangles, triangles,
and many more. The logo uses these shapes to make a panda and a book. For example, the panda's head is
an ellipse, and trapeziums make the book. The logo also looks balanced because it uses geometry, which
means it's the same on both sides. This makes the logo look nice and reminds us of how important
structure and organization are in learning we learned in math class.

Geometry Shapes and How to Make Them

There are a couple of complex shapes that I used to construct a panda logo such as ellipses, semi-circles,
etc. But mostly, I used circles and ellipses because pandas had many circle body parts such as the head,
circular body, eyes, and many more. For the head, I used an
ellipse to make it wider, and circles for some part of the
eyes and paws holding the book. It unites various As you
can see, I measured the area of every part of the head,
body, book, and limbs. It unites various shapes into one
connected design.

Constructing the polygons is one of the exciting parts of the

whole process if it’s based on doing it visually. I used every
measurement like compass, ruler, protractor. How do I
construct it? I did some research on how to make complex
shapes like ellipses in construction as we didn’t learn this in
our MYP math class. But I do know how to construct simple
shapes like rectangles and circles. This is very challenging
and difficult because I needed to construct every single part
of the shape in the logo, 17 parts specifically. Essentially, I
watched many tutorial videos on how you construct
elliptical shapes, polygons, and many more. To sum up how
I actually did it (example for ellipse), firstly, I made two
circles based on the radius and the centers of the two
circles are called 01 and 02. Secondly, I took the distance
from o2 to 01 to draw an ark on both opposite vertical
sides. Between the two arcs, I completed a line. After we got the intercepted arcs, we must connect it to 01
and 02, penetrating through both of them. These penetrate line are called a (on the top left), b (on the top
right), c (on the bottom right), and d (on the bottom left). Finally, to draw an ellipse, we need to connect
the intercepted arcs to line , b, c, and d. I This is the example of the link that I watched for an ellipse:
How to draw Ellipse with Compass | Easy Geometry

(This is the document file result for construction:

Constructions of Each Geometric Shapes - G6 T4 )AMA

For calculating the area and the perimeter, this takes the most
time because I needed to label which part am I doing using
LunaPic and needed to put the formulas in each part of the
panda’s body parts too which takes longer time. But thankfully,
the perimeter part wasn’t that hard except finding the perimeter
of ellipses because I just needed to paste the template from the
areas, change formulas for perimeters and write the methods

(This is the document file result for areas and perimeters calculations
Area and Perimeter of Logo Calculations - G6 T4)AMA

What the Geometry Means and How it Shows the Company

Essentially, our company logo's simple design makes sure its message connects with everyone, including
staff / employees, customers, and the whole community. By using shapes like circles for the panda’s body
parts and trapeziums for the book, the logo becomes understandable for people who are wondering what
our missions and values are, showing that the company is ready to provide better education to local

Additionally, I chose these shapes in the logo to help emphasize the company's goals visually. For
example, the round shape of the panda's body parts shows how everyone is included and united,
emphasizing the company's trust to help students, no matter their problems. Just like the round shape,
the trapezium-shaped book represents order and structure, showing the company's commitment to create
a good learning environment.

Also, the geometry shapes in the logo gives a feeling of balance and peace, showing the company's aim to
help students succeed both in school and personally. This geometry not only makes the logo look good but
also shows the company's secure and organized way of supporting education.

To sum up, the shapes in the "Operation Care & Help" logo are important in showing what the company is
about. Through the use of simple shapes, balanced design, and meaningful symbols, the logo effectively
tells people about the company's dedication to help students learn and grow positively as we want
students to make positive impacts on their lives.

The logo for "Operation Care & Help" creatively uses shapes like circles and trapeziums to represent the
company's values. It indicates empathy and support, with balance adding a sense of unity. Beyond just its
appearance, this panda holding a book design ensures that everyone can understand the company's
mission clearly.

Using math concepts such as geometry in real-world designs is very essential because it simplifies
complex ideas and promotes better understanding. By including geometry in the logo, the company isn't
just aiming for visual appeal but also it's working to communicate its coincidences effectively.

In conclusion, the logo represents a powerful symbol of the company's dedication to help students. It
strengthens our commitment to support and empathy, representing as an inspiring symbol of positive
impact. Through the thoughtful combination of geometry, the logo not only appeals to the company's
mission but also connects with employees, community and deeper understanding.

ATL Skills Reflection

When I was designing the logo for "Operation Care & Help," I had to think really hard about what the
company is all about and how to make a logo that shows that. I used different shapes like circles and
trapeziums to make the logo look friendly, like the company we made itself. It was important to think
creatively and come up with ideas that would represent the company's values of empathy and educational
To make sure I finished the project on time, I made a plan to write down a schedule on the book so I really
can manage my time successfully. The most interesting part of this company logo project is that we really
need to think about how we confidently manage time through hard steps and easy steps. Even when
things got tough or I faced challenges, like deciding which colors to use or how to make the logo look just
right, I stayed organized and stuck into my plan even though the process came to an end very late.

I also did some research to learn more about which animal is the most suitable for geometric shapes and
meaningful for its missions and values. I looked at different examples and talked to people who know
about design like my Mathematics teacher and some of my friends. Finally, I picked the best ideas and
used them to make my logo even better.

This project taught me a lot about thinking carefully, being creative, and staying organized. It showed me
that even when things seem hard, if you keep going and stay focused, you can achieve your goals.

IB Learner Profile Reflection

As a communicator, I worked hard to make sure my ideas were clear in any adjustments and tagline
(words) for the logo project. I used appropriate shapes, colors, and symbols to create a design that showed
what "Operation Care & Help" is all about. In my writing, I explained why I picked each part of the logo,
calculations of each part of the logo, and how it represents the company's values.

To be honest and fair, I made sure my logo was my own creation (panda) and didn't copy from other logos
because my logo was pretty similar to popular panda logos like Panda Express. I also explained my ideas
honestly in my writing. This shows that I believe in doing the right thing and being fair, even when it's
complicated. Being honest and fair is important because it shows respect for myself and even others. It
makes me feel good about my work, knowing that I did it honestly.


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